Mtal 4 If THK liKK: OMAHA. TIKSIUY. JUNK 1. VJ:. THE OMAHA DAILY DEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSKWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. T Be ruMlPhlny Company. Proprietor. PEE) BUILDING. FARM AM AND g EVENT NTH. KntT at Omaha poetofrtce m second-class msttee. TERMS Or BTBSCRIPTION. By re rrler Pjr mall per month. pr year. an MTidT aso N O rUr without 8unday....' Kc 4 Evening en.l ?uniar i w Fvenini without Sunday... Zoo , 4.00 Sunday P only few it fenl nolle if of address or complaints of Irregularity la delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation Department. REMITTANCE. Bemlt by draft, rtprrii or postal order. Only two rent ittiN received In payment of ' am all asv eount. Personal checka. escrpt on Omaha and eastern exchange, not accepted. OFFICES, msha Th Fm Building. South Omaha SiS N street. Council Muffs 11 North Mala afreet Lincoln i Llttl Building. ChlcegoeOl Hesrst MulMlng. New fork Room 1104. Fifth svenu. Pt. Louls-M New Fan, of Commerce. Washington 72 Fourteenth fit.. N. W. CORRESPONDENCE). 'AiJdress eomrmiiilcatlons relatlnr to nrw and edi torial matter to Cm hi Bee, Editorial Departroeut. APRIL. CIRCULATION. 53,406 Btate of Kehrs.ka. County of Dnuglss. aa.: Dwirht Williams, circulation manager of The Bea Publishing cnrr iianjr, being duly aworn. ears that the average circulation for the month of April, 114, HU DWIOHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and aworn to before, taa, tfaU let day of May. 1915. HOilEKT HUNTER. NoUry Public Cnbacrlbera leaving lf city temporarily aonld have The lie mailed to them. Ad stress will Itm -banged aa often aa requotd. (T. f aaa 1 Thought for the Day 5cf by J. M. Town WJ to prxf uc form from out if unthapti itvff Jit art and further, to took a toA from farm bt nothing? browning: 'Plppa Passe, " Vot early! And vot "Tm!1 Austrian airmen appear determined to rock the gondola. Next on the Hit: A strictly aafe and sane Fourth of July. Memorial day observer have no kick to reg Inter on the weather man. 1 -Ambassador Satanoff says enough In aeven short words: "It will be a long, hard war." In the language of the auction player, the kaiser after carefully studying the cards haa con cluded to "duck" Uncle Sam'a load. To the residents of South Omaha and Dun dee let ub suggest that consolidation Is bound to come. It eventually. -why not now? Mats off and ball the coming June brides, While man In necenaary Incident to the center isle parade, this la not hla day. Some ether day. Washington Is noarlng the conclusion thtt Mexican leaders possess no capacity (or govern; tuent. The administration la coming out of iti trance. . . Contrary to all home precedents, the Ne traskan waa torpedoed without the provocation of a cargo. At home a cargo precedes the blowup. The Missouri river boats are officially In terned until "after too war." Failure to pro vide a financial scouting fleet renders naviga tion perilous to Imaginary skippers. Bargain' counter undertakers in California he persist In offering cut ratea to live people Ignore opportunity's merry calHto transfer their "ads" to the war editions of European news papers. Where life Is cheap is the pla-e fu' theap funerala. The roll of Omaha and Nebraska pioneers of the '60s Is diminishing steadily. A span of fifty years or more stretches from the birth of Omaha to the city of today, and the weight of years naturally swells the throng to the land feeyond. To each passing spirit of the empire Guilders the living owe a tribute of appreciation for the rich Inheritance of deeds well don. One of the appeals for commutation of sen tence for Leo M. Frank la subscribed by the edi tors of nearly sixty of the principal magazines and newspapers of the United States. But while the name of the editor of The Bee is there, no where in the list do we observe the signature of either of Nebraska'a two distinguished derno trata. the United States senator, who publisher the World-Herald, or the secretary of state, who issues the Commoner. L:t?Vc 2wvt 9mdiZ Tba MUaourl river la having Its June rlae, stand ins' at nine feet ten Inchea. having gone up a foot within tb Uat thlrty-elx hour. Tha signal mod give assurance, however, that no dat.ger la Involved until h gets near the seventen-foot mark. Mrs. Kate M. Keen haa been granted permlaalon to occupy a room In the Leavenworth school build ing for her summer echool. II cant r Holt, one of The Be compositor, la set ting up cigar ovrr tha appearance of a new boy at fcla bouae. The Omaha Uoat club liaa been organised with thee of fit or, t'realdent. George V. Holdrege; via Jitwaldent, 3. H: Claikaun: eecretary. D. H. Wheeler, Jr.; treaaurer, K. H. Kaff; ca.t&lit. Ralph M. Connor; ftret ileulcnaut, C. A. Crawley. The Slxu-enth atreel property belonging to as Foealdent Rutherford B. tlayea. recently the subject of a iwciliy Uluairated artk-1 la a Chicago paper, becaute occupied ty a saloon, has been aold by Byron lued to Oethuff. tJarllrh a Johnaun for Hi. 000. Tha order catno from Mr. Ilae to ocurt a cancellation 'A the leaee or avll the property. Tha little :-yer-ll child of John Klnaey had a evare fail that broke II arm. , Tha 'hovl board a reeiving apiilratloa for a potion on the teaching force Irom Kluabeth Hhlrlay of cirol.i M! la la. The United States And Europe. For the first time In history a greet nation finds itself In the peculiar position occupied I y the United State with relation to the European nations now at war. At peace with all, and on friendly terms with each, no material Interest of the United States can be served by the tri umph of either of the combatants. Aside from traditional inclinations and racial predilections, the motives for the maintenance of peace and friendly Intercourse between this country anl the belligerents are stronger now than ever. The Interests of every nation In Europe at 4 bound up to some degree with those of tho United States, and a distinct advantage exists to each to deserve and retain the friendship of this country. Services aires fly performed oy Americans for each of the belligerents have been great, and the possibilities of the futuro arc Immeasurable In their effect. It would, therefore, seem beyond reason that any of the nations would willingly sacrifice the good feel ing that exists between this country and all. It Is no fault of the United mates that the conditions of war bar developed to their pres ent stage. This country's duty to humanity is great, bnt Its duty to Its own cttltenshlp Is Im perative, and the ability to serve the nations of the world demands that tho dignity and Influ ence of tha United States be maintained. Juit Unfinished Business. While quit disturbing to the resident of the valley below, the eruption of Mount Lassen Is very likely merely the resumption by nature of certain activities that changed the whole des tiny of the western slop of the North American continent In days long gone. The tremendous upheaval that drained the sea from Nebraska, raised the lush meadows of Wyoming and made them arid plateaus, and turned th verdant downs of Nevada into, a sagebrush desert, and finally poured billions of tons of lava over Idaho and Oregon, evidently didn't entirely do th Job on hand. Early man in California saw some wondrous sights, when the contour of the earth was changed and th Coast rang was thrown up. Modern man haa felt some shivers from the same cause, when the tilted strata shift position, and now th mountain belches forth destruction, that we may know the processes of change are still In progress. Mount Lassen' activity may not be especially majestlo nor partcularly portentous, but It 1 very In teresting, as Indicating that the great schem of things I still unfinished. A Blunderbui Tariff. Th recent court decision defeating the pro vision for a 5 per cent discount on duties on merchandise Imported In American vessels, and by extending th discount to all imports thus putting a hoi to th amount of millions of dol lars Into th treasury, accentuate th blunder bus character of the democratic tariff bill. This discriminating discount feature was Inserted ex pressly to give that advantage to American ves sels as an encouragement to our merchant ma rine, and In pursuance of th declaration in the Baltimore platform favoring restoration of American flag to. th seas. But no sooner wat th law enacted, and Its prospective failure to produce the needed revenue foreshadowed, than the democratic attorney general declared thi section inoperative, and the democratic customs officials proceeded to collect the full duties re gardless whether Imported in American or for eign vessels, to the blunder was either in the democratic formulation of the law or the demo cratic administration of It The setback' in th 6 per cent discount Is not the only defect of democratic tariff making. The Income tax section has not only fallen short of estimates of probable proceeds, but Is like wise' keeping the courts busy deciphering just what Is meant. A large corps of experts havo bn needed to construe th question of deduc tions, and then without complete success, and the income tax schedule will admittedly hav to be patched up by supplementary legislation. Many other mattera of perhapa minor luipoi tance to the government, but of real moment to the Importer or home manufacturer, arising through obscurities of wording or crude require ments,' are constantly making trouble, and d dlttonal blunders ar being disclosed from time to time. The uneacapable conclusion is that as tariff builders the democrats not only ' follow plans drawn on the wrong principle, but likewise are faulty in construction and workmanship, to the cost of both th people affected and th gov ernment treasury. estoring Order in Mexico. President Wilson is reported to be on tb point of noUfylug th bandit leader In Mexico that order must be restored and some form of responsible government established In that dis tracted country. No Intimation Is given as to what th president proposes In event of hla warning being unheeded, but the Inference Is plain that intervention may follow. Carranxa, through hla agent, sends word that conditlona In Mexico have been misrepresented at Wash ington, and that the reports concerning the food supply have been too highly colored. It may well be expected that other of facUonal leaders across the border will assume a similar attltudj for the purpose of justifying themselve in the course they have followed. This will put th issue squarely up to the United Statea: What ia to be don to restore order in Mexico? The southern sea gate to the allied central empires is closed through Italy'a entrance Into war. In the last nine months American ex ports to Italian ports rose from $58,000,000 to 1138,000,000, some of which undoubtedly reached Germany and Austria. England now proposes to close the northern aea gat via Scandinavian countries, which have taken American goods valued at 1160,000,000 during nlu montha of war, a five-fold increase. If England succeeds in its latest move, more enemies among th neutrals will be made than the play la worth. To hold a high treasury office not protected by civil service for eighteen years under four different president, marks ox-Andftne ihi.. ! as a man of distinction with a unique recorl. j Th nearest comparisons w know of Is to Im found in another eminent Nebraskan who has chased a high federal office for nearly U sane length of time-- - .- Sunday Good Should Bo Better Tao Ooattaen X.ealag Freabytortaa Organ. REV. WIUJAM A. SL-NDAT Is today thoroughly eetaMUhed In th appreciation and cot '.denoo of the evangelical churches of America as a pre-eminently effMent evangelist. ,.v The general verdict of Protestant opinion la. No man can do these signs except Ood be with him. In one especially commanding reep-et his preserv ing constrains sympthx from all who follow Je.u. a a divine Saviour: , . Mr. Sunday with t paealonate and supreme cona tion offers to his hearr continually a Christ who this day here In America, the ssm sa In PeJeetlne J.s year ago. "hath authority en earth to forgive sins -ahd declares that 'In none other l there salvation. Likewise, hla terrific, revulsion t the sinfulness of sin and his tremendous urgency on tha sinner to come and be made clean In Christ, dominate both regenerate and unregnerete consciences. Moreover, the church owes Mr. Bunday gratitude for his militant unconventlonallty-hls smaahlng w.' on the prtsglnhneas of custom Juat sa In Christ's time, the church today Is ooun.l In tradiUon-manarled by shivering fear of doing any thing pe.'Ullar. Mr. Hnnday burst thoao chains of ttm oroue propriety. So he seta thouaands of men free Chrlatlana and elnners-to stand out for what thay have known for years they ought to stand for. But while tha church thus confer on Mr. Sunday Its Indorament. a critical world challenges It to say whether by this It approves certain much debated Idlosyncraelc of hla To this challenge the church can only make candid answer: It does believe Mr. Sunday to be a man with a divine commission. Th's, however, yields nothing to trifling cavil from the unfriendly and auperclllous. It Is puerile to carp at Mr. Sunday's slsng. his platform antics and such like eccentricities. At the worst, these thing r but broaches of taste. The only things In which th church hss need tc allow discount from lie favor for Mr. Sunday ars suen thing aa subtract from his Imltstlon and Interprete tlon of the Master ho preaches. Thus the church Is bound to repudiate Mr. Sun day's Irreverence. It Is not his famniarlty with hi Lord which evokee rrltlclem. A holy Intimacy wllh Chrlat la evory Christian s privilege. Mr. Sunday of fend not by Intimacy but by a happy-go-lucky air of equality with hla Meter eapeclally in what he repre sents to be public prayer. Apparently, Mr. Sunday never yet has heard the mystlo whisper, "Put off thy shoes from off thy feet for th place whereon thou Blandest la holy 'ground." Inatead of stealing hushed and.aweetruck to the gar ment hem of God. the ovaniellat bolts Into the divine pre nee ilk a gossipy neighbor "dropping around" for a chat. This la not reverence, and reverence Is vital ti religion. Mr. Sunday's chummlnes with his Creator is no wholesome example. It Is potntleaa to complain of th frequency and freedom with which Mr. Sunday talks of hell. The goapet not which lie emphasises with this unmis takable word la a not that ought to have larger place In modern preaching. Th present-day preacher fol low Paul In reasoning gently of "righteousness and elf-ontrol," but evade "Judgment to come." Mr. Sundays put It all In. But his fault la that In preaching hell he preaches It with gunto Instead of anguish snd yearning. Surely, It was not thus but In heart break, that Jesus' uttered his deadful "woes." Would Jeius gloat over dlvea In torment T But to Mr. Sunday the tongue that Pleads across th abyss for a drop of cooling water Is a Joke. Generations sgo the church put being It the grotesque idea of Jonathan Edwards that the re deemed In heaven would rejo'ce at the sight Of sinners punlxhed In hell.v It certainly cannot today approve In Mr. : Sunday the recrudescence of that point of view. The great sums 'f money which the people bestow on Mr. Sunday In "free-will offerings ' ar nothing to be counted against htm. It Is only fair to recognise that he adopted this method for his own compensa tion when the returns from It were very problematical No sordid motives can be traced In Mr. Sunday's original consecration to evsngellstlc work. And now the only queatlon worth the Aixlety of the church la the queatlon whether tha ''decettfulness of riches" which Jesus Christ dreaded so much may have corroded In some degree the mirror In which an evangelist's soul ought to reflect 'th Imago-1 of tho Lord. Th seal with which Mr. Sunday still maintains hi financial plans against all modification now that he haa discovered in them an El Dorado, and th aubtlo wsya In wh'ch from the platform he encwuYagea ex travagant gifts, suggnat painfully that he Is not today ss Indifferent to, the glitter of gold ss when he started en his work. But far the moat serious defect about Mr. Sunday la the absence of sign that he has been in that achool to which Jetus invite his disciples when he aald: ' "Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly In heart" He knowa s little of what Mary learned at tha feet Of Jesus that he has even ridiculed In one of his sermons the religion of th woman whom Jeads praiaed for having "chosen the good part" a diaaent from th Inaplred word of Ood which tho most extreme of higher rrltlcs can hardly In any Instance have equaled. And there Is at leaet on text of Paul from which It would be tmpoatlble for th preaei. Mr. Sunday to preach: "I tnyeelf entreat you by tle meekneaa and gentlo nea of Christ." ' In a word, Mr. Sunday Is unprepared to represent to men tho tenderness, the compassion and th humil ity of Jesus peculiarly not the humility. And that la a serioua blank to leave In an evangvllatlo goapel or in an evangellatlo peraonallty. . it results not only In un-Cbrlstlik harshness to ward sinners, but (even sadder) In lofty scorn toward fellow Christians When Mr. Bunday declares the failure of his brother ministers, h speaks aa one superior to t:.e faults ha denouncea oven aa tha Phatl se who prtdod himself aa being "not as tb reel of men." Mr. Sunday pi cache enough gospvl to bring men Into the kingdom. He doe bring men Into the king dom. Therefor the church uphold him. But seeing he 1 at on and the asm time a man of great power, great poealblllly and great peril, thete ought to be "prayer made earnestly of the church unto Ocd for him" that he may be lifted to higher and safer levels. People and Events A Philadelphia woman run down by an automobile recovered from the owner roe personal Injurte. The else of the pocket touch Inaure one careful driver. A bunch of Jolly crooks have bea caged In Paa elc, N. J., for selling aparroma, dyed yellow, for canary bird. The yellow peril la not wholly a dream. Twenty-two medical faku la Now Tork City drew flnee ranging from Sl to ISno aea for trlmmln the atck. They dug up the money an promised ti quit th game. . Aa ancient marioer of Swampacott. Maaa. who has Juet died at tho age of K, la credited with having caught more flh than any other man In the world. Members of the Ananlaa club are commanded to wear mourning for n'nety da) a According to the final report, Rev. Bill;. Sunday's campaign coat Philadelphia fU.l. Of thlt aum Sunday s share waa K2.tM.Su. The tabernacle and maintenance coat $i.T7I and t4.373.84 waa paid out for housing and entertaining the Bunday party Two million poopl tear tbe wrmon, 3.KW "hit tue sawdust trait" and ao.euo men were organised into Bible rlatse. The new "honest advertising law'' In Missouri goe Into effect June IV It applies to all kinds of eJventaliig. from newspaper ads to bill poetera. cir uulara or letter Any mUstaterpent of fact or combi nation of worda calculated to mislead are punish able under the act Whatever the law may do In other dtrectlcn. It 1 certain t bring considerable advertising tnte thf eouits. International Lavr. FAIAMONT. Neb., May Sl.-To the Editor of The Bee: There, are certain, rules of action which, from time to tlmo as civilisation hss developed, have been sdopted, prescribed, acqaleeced n and approved by all the civilized nations of th world, prescribing and limiting their Conduct towards each other In time of peace and of war, and vesting (or rather proclaiming) certain rights In them. Thes rules are called International law, because they are of force between na tions; hence they cannot be abrogated, changed or added to by any nation, no matter what the necessity or exigency may be; for to bo International and binding upon the other nations they inunt have been established by and acquired In by the other nations. One of these rules Is that the coast of any nation for a dlstsnce out In the ocean for three miles partakes of the neutral character of that nation; this Is called the three-mile limit.' Another rule Is that, outside of this limit th ocean Is free to all nations of the world for their vessels and their cttlsen. whether their cttlaons are on their own neutral vessel or that ' of another nation, cither neutral 'or bellig erent. Another rule is that this freedom of the ocean can bo interfered with only In tlm of war and by blockading the porta of a beligerent by the vessels of his enemy. snA this must be by vessels on th surfaco of the ocean. The blockade must be visible and effective. A so-called "war son" outside the .three-mile limit, and a so-called blockade by submarines Is unknown to and contrary to Interna tional law, and whoever undertakes it Is a wrongdoer and a violator of Interna tional law; and who proclaims a blockade, on paper and not actually and visibly around the ports of the enemy, and seizes ncutrsl vessels under It, Is a wrongdoer end a violator of International law. It thus appears that In the above par ticulars both Germany and England ar violators of international law. Hence. Germany, In proclalmnlg a "war sone" and attacking by airships or submarines neutral vessels or belligerent merchant vessels, having neutral cltlsens on board without providing for their safety, and Irrespective of the csrgo, is a wrong doer and no amount of warning to do an unlawful act can make the doing of It right or afford any Justification for doing It. It appears that England, under the paper blockade. In seising, on the open aea, neutral vessels destined for a neutral port Is a wrongdoer and auch selsure Is without Justification. Hence, it becomes the duty of our gov ernment and the other neutral nations of th world to protest against these vio lation and cause them to cease. In Judging the acts of the warring na tions in Europe, it would b well for our people to . make application of thes principle of International law and uphold our president In hla efforts to en fore them. N. M. PUSET. Sympathy. OMAHA. May Sl.-To the Editor of The Bee: Jack Rambler sat by a pile of tie watching a laborer shocking wheat, and he said to himself "I sympathise with a man who tolls In this burning heat What strenuous II fs this fellow leads, to supply his family's daily .needs; what endless hardship and pain he bears; what a load of grief and domestic care, whtl L no matter what comes or goes, ean alt sll day in the shade and dose. From early morn, when the grass Is wet. until lata at night be keeps the para, day after day he wipes the sweat, with a knotty hand, from hla rough, hard face; h 1 chained to the spot, his bounds ar set his soul confined in a narrow space; while from sea to aea, anV from shore to ehore. I span the globe, and the world explore. I have no wife to disturb tr.y peace, no children to feed and educate; no one on earth but myself to pieae. no frienda to favor, no foes to hate; I've no ambition o eatiafy, no important place tn th public eye; I toll not neither do I spin, yet I somehow manage my bread to win. But' enough, I must quit my shade nest and catch thla train that la going west." . ' The farm hand, pausing; to view tho train, saw tho rambler, stretched on the shaking rods, go thundering by like a hurricane; and he muttered, "By all the Egyptian gods! such riding aa that I a heavier strain than grubbing stumps or mashing clods! Poor fellow, 1 wonder what he would give to enjoy tills con tented life I live. I pity that wretched, homeleas man, who on desperate luck and chance depends; shaping hi course by no definite plan, roaming th world without horn or friends. While I repose on a soft clear bed, ho lays In a barn or an empty shed, and weeps and groans 'till tho break of day, and In misery wears th long night away. He Is clothed In rags, he has little to eat; poor man, his embarrassment ia complete." Th laborer took up hla work again, till bewailing the rambler's fat, and th rambler riding the cattle train, grieved o'er tho farmer's wretched state; and thue their separate way they went, pitying each other to their heart's con tent; and eash was happy to think that ha was blest as the other could never be. E. O. M. Tart lea a a Platforata IMiasree. NORTH LOL'P, Neb.. May M. To the Editor of The Bee; Many people cannot understand how an administration can be under th control of high finance and at the am tbn dictate progressive plat forms by which the public la kept in Ignorance of the fa-t concerning political conditlona. Thla writer geta letters ao caalonaily from aom unknown person calling In question soma of theee Baser tlon. 1 will auggest that I can produce much more evidence "la black and white" titan a newspaper would oar to publlah. A few days ago I received a latter from a prominent attorney In Nebraska, with several Insulting remarks. I happened to have In my poaaeaaloa copy of a con tract written by that attorney. In which he was In collusion with a bualneaa mati to defrau J another man by legal methoda. The same oil trust that la at work In tha Oaage Is also at work In Nebraska, and any other plaoo where proflta are lit sight I have before roe a franchise for llt.ou water horse power, supposed to be written by th Interior and Agricul ture departments July S2. 191S. Any per son who will carefully cover the docu ment nay rvedtly aeo that neither of thoaa tkpartmenta wrote any part of the fiwjwhlae. That Instrument ia "Sixtr third oo)gra. firt evasion, senate docu ment ni'tnber 147." . Evklently the instrument was written by mn who have been ooneerned for yeaia Ir. the development of water power, and they have all the legal flourialiea of tho M-otraion. It was written tor court cxmatrui tlon t protect the oil truat. Where did the oil trust place the campalga funds la 112? Three thousand of the reople telegrams were sent back to Lincoln from Baltimore, but how about the departments? We should mlle. The oil trust eein to have placed much of their money aith the democrats and a Koodly handful of it to split the repub lican parly. How many times have many of ua been whooping It up for the oil trust, thinking that we were In that very !inie httt'ng the nail on the head? Borne of our etatemer sre not all wool arid a yard wide; neither are they war ranted not to rtp, ravel and run down at tho heel. Their legal tactics do not agree with their platforms. WALTER JOHNSON. SUHTJY OEMS. Yankee It someone wertt so lll-advlmd aa to call you a liar. Colonel, in what U;ht would you rrcnrd the act? Kentucky 'olonel I would regard It simply as a form of suicide, sah. Dallas Newa. M KABIBBLE KABARET fi wtAnvciy snyjur r X-' " 4r UVK HAS IT A CAT tVErTf NIQWr IT REJOICES fcVr VOW WOtHO NW A COMMENCJW( IF em possos nins Voices 1 "There's a buralar In the house." she said In frightened tones. "What of It?" arked her more or lesa bett-r half from beneath the blankets. "1 have never yet uncovered myself for snv man.' he artde-r cth due hauteur. Philadelphia Ledger. "Formerly a girl took prUe In at cumulating linen for her linen cheat. " "Well?" "No- she collect a lot of graphopliont recorda." Louisllle Courier-Journal. "Pome men," said fncle Eben. "make de mlctake of keepln' cool when dr y ounhi to he steamln' up an' gettln' somewhere." Waohirmton Star. "When the doctor h.t'l relieved hei pain, ehe thanked him with her eyes." "Weil, I shouldn't caro for that kind of an eye-deal." Baltimore American. "Can't I sell you ono of our handsome lounslns coats?" asked the clerk. "No use." replied the man. looklnir. round; "my wife won't let me lounge araund the house." Vonkera ftntesman. JUNE. 6onr of bird and scent of roses Gladden the heart when June Is here; Forgotten, sll the woes of winter, Nsught but gladness when June disws near. Roses and lilies both blooming. Blight aunshine their beauties disclose; 'Tl.i not well to scorn the Illy. Because you have knelt to the rose.' Rare the glow of early mornlnn. Soft the tint, of the pale moonbeam: Fairer yet. a loved cn sleeping In the folds of a lia:py dream. Never night, but day will follow. Ne'er darkness hut dawn will ensue: . Never gncf but time will lighten. Never cloud but the sun cornea thro. Then chrerllv sing and retolee, Witii huzzas and with bllthsome tune: Let's welcome the season of Jov, The season that usher': In June. JO.SEPH CARR THOMAf. Do You Read Labels? Dome st io science teachers and food authorities are urging the housewife to carefully read tho labels on all food artloles. The National Pure Food Law compels food manufacturers to print the Ingredients of their products on the label, and in this way enables consumers to distin guish healthful foods from those which may be deleterious High-grade baking powders are made of pure cream of tartar, derived from grapes Royal Bak ing Powder is a type of the highest grade It is healthful beyond a doubt and tho safest and best to use The low-grade baking powders are made from alum, a mineral acid salt Most physicians condemn their use in food. Consumers can learn the char acter of the baking powder by referring to the label, which must state whether the contents Include cream of tartar, alum oi phosphate. . . ' ROYAL BAKING POWDER ' CO. v New York Against Vo0 Substitutes Get the Well-Known Hound Package (Z Caution THE OniCKIAL - EV3 ALTED R iLEi Mdo In tho tersest, best equipped and sanitary Malted Milk plant in tho world We do not m"milkproduct8"- Skim Milk. Condensed Milk, etc. Bat-i, BORUCK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Made Irom clean, full-cream milk and the extract of select malted rain, reduced tt powder form, soluble in rrater. Beet Food-Drink for All Ac$. U4 for ever Quarter Cmtwry Unto you My "ItORUOlPS" you may oat m 16-f CUTafco a Paofrngo Homo vc V Cxt,wi,u..A. III - r - IF SB1ER EXCURSIONS TICKETS OX SALE DAILY VIA CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE ?. ST. PAUL RAILWAY ROUND Tit IPS FROM OMAHA; utUnlc t?iJ f 51.35 liar Harbor, M 58.0 to", 851.85 Huffalo. N. V S40.1O Montreal, Que 84130 New York City, Norfolk, V. . , rrtlaL Me. ; Quebec, uiu. Toronto, Ont. 551.85 4-1 IS4 K.n 853.00 St'4i On Tickets on sal via differential line at somewhat lower ratea Final return limit 0 day.. liberal stopover privilege. Redu"d ratel to many other summer resort in Canada. New England N t, But. Northern Michigan and the Wisconsin Uk cWntrv w.n a. deHjhtful cruises on th. Great Lakes combine. raVl " water divert rout tour to Nsw York ni n, -. ru ana information, folders. te.. call on or an dress . YV. K. IMX'K, City Paaacnger Agent, C M. A 8t. F. Ily HIT Karnam t., Oruaha, Neb. Ag-uts for all steamship lines. oV-s