Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    TTrK BEK : OMAHA, T1T.SPAY. .H'XK 1. 1!15.
the aiiM'tces of the Nebraska Pure Breil
Horse Breeders' aasnt'latlnn. Annunl snlcs
are conducted by. this, organisation,
purely In the Interest of better horse
t-rreding and Improved ( ultiirc Orand
Island has sgaln ' bwn' se-ted sa th
plsce of the show nnd'snlc, and the dates
will be February 23, 2 anil Jb. A libera!
pilf list ; tins hH arrsnged for the
show, and a handsome sum appropriated
for premium's. There is to be an espe- I
rlally attractive premium list for wean- i
Unas and yearlings There will be at-!
tractive prisee all the way through, but
these prises mentioned are deslsned to
get nut a great colt show and aid tn the '
keeping In proper condition the foals fur j
the first two years. t F. Way of Un-1
coin has been elected secretary. J. C.
Price also of Lincoln was appointed sales
, Missionaries Heine free Afriea.
NORTH BRKD., Neb, May St.-ta-clal.)-Mr.
and Mrs. Pad ffmlth, mission
aries of fudan, Africa srrlved hers last
evening and will remain In this sounrrr
for one . vear. on furlough. They will
spend then- vacation aith her people, M.
C. Mitchell and family here, and his
parents,' who live near Pi. Paul, Neb,
ten miles northwest ; of ; here and stole
five hogs from the Fanners' F.levgtor
company snd then sold . them back ta the
earners - After his avreat. the superintend
ent st Kearney was notified snd his re
turn wsa"at "oner or'deted""Th'i'i' Is prac
tlrally the same, game Oalllngton worked
on a stockman st Berwyn some time ago.
and, for whli h he was. originally sent to
the reformatory. J . .
ORAM' !r-"LANt Nfh.. May 31 . (Spe
clal.) The Nebraska Fure Horse Rrrrd-
HIMKKN HOW. Neb, May l. -imperial.
T": Fori est" OAlllngtoii.' a minor. who
recently paroled from the reform
school at Kearney, has boen taken back
to that Institution by S ierlff' Wilson,
O.illinstnn, It I allcgrd. went , tn Moras,-
eis' "eso lut ion has completed t'ans for
the mid-winter horse show ami sale, the
sme to be held at the same time snd
place ns the annual sales, and also umlt-e
Falls City Man Deliver! Address to
Veterans at the City Audi
torium. 1
R'.ad.the Bee Want Ads each day.
(From a Sfiiff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. May SI. (Spwiat.) Con
gressman C. F. Reavls of Falls City was
the orator at the Memorial day Services
held ai tha city Auditorium this after
noon. The building was crowded and
the audlenoe was charmed by the elo
quence of Nebraska's new representative
In Washington.
tn the morning; the Grand Army of tha
Rpnhllc, Spanish-American War Veter
ans. Sons of Veterans, Women' Relief
I'orps and Ladles of the Orand Army of
the Republic gathered at Orand Army
of the Republic hall and wera taken to
the cemetery In automobiles and special
street cars.
At l he cemetery the usual order of ex
ercises was observed. Fourteen squads of
veterans and their sons, Jointly In charga
of a representative of each organisation,
decorated the (raves and then gathered
at the "circle" and the exercise of tha
decoration was observed. . At . the close
taps were blown by Busier O. C. Bell
anC the participants tn the ceremonies re
turned to the city.
During the exercises survtvons of the I
Spanish-American war decorated the
graves of their falle comraden and then
.lomed in the exercises around the circle.
Congressman's Speech.
In his address at the Auditorium In
the afternoon Congressman Reavis dls-
mussed the civil war. causes and meaning.
Result of t lrtl War.
Concluding, he raid:
'.It was to determine whether man had
progressed far enough on the road to
. his destiny, whether ckvUlxat.on had
reached that advanced ground where s
government dedicated to human liberty
and founded upon the rights of man
could endure. There are. -timid souls to
day who doubt . the " people'a ability to
govern themselves and who, unmindful
of the lessons of this great conflict, ate
demanding a government 'too strong for
tha complete liberty of Ua people.' '
Mentions Present War.
In speaking of the European conflict.
he said:- "Individual neutrality Is Im
possible. The activities of the human j
mind, the passions of the human heart
cannot be dctroyed at the word of com- I
mand. But such activity, such passions.
when crystallised Into words and con
duct, must be tempered by national ob
ligations so as to be In harmony , with
the highest Ideals of neutrality. I criti
cise no man for loving bis native land;
It would not promise well for his cltlsen-
hlD in the land of his adoption If he Old
not love the land of his birth. But I
feel that patriotic Impulses should con
trol all our- cltlsenship so that It would
abbor any word or act that would in
volve us In the appalling conflict
Barton at Orand Island.
ORAND ISLAND, Neb., May 31.-8pe-
elol.) As usual there waa a dual ob
servance of Memorial, day In this city.
- tha one under the auspices of the Grand
Army past and Womu'i Relief Corps of
tha city and the other under the auspice
of tha same crraiiisatlon of tha Fowlers'
heme members. The veterans of the city
held their memorial sermon at tha Trin
ity Methodist Episcopal church this morn-
ing and Decoration day service at tha
First Methodist Episcopal church this
afternoon. Rev. Tompkins, tha pastor,
and Hon. S. R, Barton, former- congress
man, being the speakers. The decora
tions of sravss will proceed at both thai
' Orand Island , and the Soldiers horns
cemeteries In the morning-at 10 o'clock.
and in th afternoon the city veterans I
will join the veterans of tha horns In
decoration day ' services, when Rot.
Schick of tha Trinity church and Mayor I
Ryan will be the speakers.
Nebraska School News
TABLE ROCK, Neb., May 81 (Special.)
The activities of commencement week
in tha Table Rock public schools began
Tuesday night, when the senior class of
the high school gave Its class night pro
gram. Wednesday night occurred tha an
nual commencement exercises. Tha fol
lowing students received diplomas: Wil
liam Vail Drosek. Mtnta Bchurr, Thomas
Howes, Vara Stover, Edna Herrtck, Alma
Ash and Matilda Raitora. Dr. M. O. Mc
Laughlin, president of York college, gave
the commencement address. Thursday
night the Alumni association gave a re
ception to the class of 1916. Friday after
noon the eighth grade held promotion
exercises, thirty-one receiving their
ARCADIA, Neb.. May 8L (Special.)
Arcadia schools held commencement exer
cises In the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows hall Friday evening. Orations
wore delivered by eleven members of the
class. Adelyn Mason was awarded tha
scholarship. Tha baccalaureate sermon
was delivered by Rev. C. E. Campbell at
the church last Sunday evening. Thurs
day evening the Junior-senior banquet
was hsld at the Elite cafe. After three
years of successful work Superintendent
Zaosk Is leaving, having been elected to
a mors remunerative position as super
intendent of the Rising City schools.
FATRBURT. Neb.. May 31 (Special
Telegram.) Train No. 60S. tha Falrburv-
Horton Rock Island freight, waa wrecked I
at noon today east of Harblne In this
county and a number of cars piled In a
heap and tbs track damaged. Conductor
Jones of this place was In charge of tha
train, which was traveling twenty miles
' an hour when the wreck occurred. It was
attributed to soft trackv
Superintendent Sheehan ordered the
wrecking train at once to the scene of
the accident and accompanied the train.
Both ciews escaped Injury.
' SIDNEY, Neb., May tWSpecial Tele
gram.) Twenty-seven autoa loaded with
.sltlsenn of this city went to Cheyenne
o attend the Boosters meeting to re-
m mat rale i against the artlon of Denver
n endeavoring to divert the travel from
H1 Springs. Neb., to Denver and thus
r it off ail the Lincoln Highway terri
tory between Big Springs and Cheyenne.
( urbt fur I'.ree leiri.
A srateul sufferer writes: "Your med
icine. Dr. King's New Discovery, cured
" rough of three years' standing. eOc.
J J. V; ''A
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author of Old Wivtt and New," "Thu'Crain of Durt,"
"7ns rfes Shm PaiJ." Etc., Etc. s ,
"And Jesus said unto her, Woman, hath no man condemned
thee? Neither do I condemn .thec: go, and sin no more."
This text inspired the writing of ; David Graham Phillips' greatest novel,
1 his Itprw
Uqv Fall asid Jilse"
if'. DAVID
Dr. CHARLES H. PARKHMRST, tho famous clergyman, says:
"This great novel, hav'nq ra It In manuscript, Its spirit and purpose have not passed from
my memory. . ... ...
"The heroine is depicted as an llltoltlmate child, and the purpose ol the fiction Is to show the
blight that attaches to Inntr .ent Vltlmacy. "
- .,... , . . . . ... . . . .
"The treatment veccrded her by her kindred, who by ordination of nature ought to have protected
and cherished her, illustrates In a yraphio way the vicious tendency Imminent in human nature to
think the worst of people rathr than the best. .!'.'..
. , ' ' ' . ' . ...
11 It Is one of those fictions that has a meaning, the only kind of fiction that moral and Intelli
gent poople have any r'ght to spend 'Selr time over or give their thought to."
To this most startling Amor lean novel ever
written, David Graham Philips devoted six
years of his life. Today, four years after his
death by assassination, this, his greatest
work is given to the, public in Hearst's
, Magazine. ' ; ' L 1 '
A million fathers and rhothers'will sec this story, and read the
lessons in it. - -.
. v .Deeply they yill sympathize with the child unhappily born, and
rejoice that they can protect as she was not protected, those within
their care. , - ' ;
In Susan Lenox. David Graham Phillips shows with all of his
. courage and power the story of life as it is.
A girl beautiful,' intelligent, unhappily born, chrsed with the
cruel stigma of illegitimacy, fiehts against the world.
Phillips tells of her journeys down the hill, the cruel selfishness
of relations; pushing their own daughter ahead of her.
1 The marriage forced upon an inexperienced child. ' v
The horrible revelations of what false marriage really is.
The curse of a union without love on the woman's part, with
out refinement or kindness on the part of the husband. . .
The flight of the girl hating immoral marriage more than any
risk in life. - v
Then the story that the public will read with breathless interest,
the hard struggle, against hunger, cold, anxiety, and the last, worse
dangerBthat threatens every helpless woman.
- &e
It is indeed as Dr. Parkhurst says, fiction "that has a meaning,
With his extraordinary power fully developed, David Graham
Phillips tells of the fall that could not be avoided, and then of the
spirit conquering, of the rise of the soul, the end of a struggle.
The story of Susan Lenox, is th story of cruelty inflicted by
cold civilization upon helpless girls; ,
It is a story of beauty as "well as bt horror. '
It is a lesson in powerful literary work, a lesson of true moral
teaching. . . .
Many a man who reads it, many, a man who feels within himself
part of the guilt that pushed Susan Lenox down the road, will feel as
those men felt in the ancient days, when "Jesus atooped down, and
with his finger wrote upon the ground, ? though he heard them not."
Many realizing in Phillips' powerful, vivid teaching, how de
fenceless is woman cur6edby msn's brutality will wish that they
might slink away from their"bwn past, as "they which heard it, being
convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning
at the eldest, even unto the last." '
No story but this wonderful narrative of the fall and the rise of
a beautiful, unhappy spirit, will ;c discussed in this country, as long
as the reading of the story lasts. :
A bad start,
illegitimately y'J
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5t75i4V LENOX
tne heroine
of David
Graham Phillips
great American
A fall to
the depths,
our fne
power of
the spirit
raised her.
, fa
from your
I t
egin It Today!
r! h ri
If your dealer
can't supply you
.,, 'phone
L Ma
. Eric Nelson, ,
1610 Capitol Avenue
Douglas 6134
SdXlOL ' Omaha, Kebraska.
AH driiKjtats. Advertisement.