Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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    iiiK IMA'.: OMAHA. il hM'Ai. .it -b i. i:M-.
2 '
i !
th Oerman note dealing with the Luel
Innla ranc. generally take the position
I hut it l.i an evasion of . the main point
in qucat.on. Kxtrarta pom the editorial
of Ifn.iii c inifru ir- l,rf. furnlehcd '.)
Ifcu .Wcclated ITm:
Arruiment About Complete fori
Entertainment of Sorereign
Camp Enroute to 'Frisco.
" w t.. -N' rk Time,. The Ofrm.n reply
Arrn5fni. - j not rronB,ve to our d,mand. It dooa
tally - completed ; to entertain , l'ljnot promote that "clear and full un-ler-
Omihi for a dav the entire noverelun latandins
camp of the Woodmen of the World,
which Is to moot in ft. Taiil. accord
ing to the plans described by The Ew
aome time ago. i ,
The date now definitely fixed la
Monday, June 12, and more than i
delegates from the different ataten.
Comment of American Editors on
German Note on Lusitania Case
not dlspoaed to be reasonable where the j rvflB
Amrlan newapapera. comment In in . I.tialtniila an arnvd veaaet la an tin-
Uvea of their fellow rltliena are con-
rrrned. The"Vlcln; of an embargo on j
all munition of war. all food, all paa
renser travel with all belligerent tens-
trie will heat Ineure u that aafetjr and
neare whlrh we deeire. '
Knnea City (Mo.) Ftar: There la noth- j
n,"a " log In the German note to alter the poal-
merrhantman but ((( ftf t)(. t.r,lt, 8ut, Mt forlh )n
Frl1ent Wllaon'a communication of'
May 1J. Thin government would j
(all In Ita ditty to Its citSxrn and to the
aa to a irt Bituatlon h!rh
President Wilson In hla note de la red (
to be desirable. The mann-r In '
hlh Hertln receive our represent"'!""" 1
In regard to the alnklng of the l,uaitnli '
cannot tail to create moat diasfcree.ible ,
lmpvaon In thla country, which the
note outward form of cour;ey wl'.l not ,
remove; ' j
New Tork World: The Oerman note In
jrenpfnao to the American protest asalnat
submarine attach -Upon mei bantmfl'.n f capnw-r.
I An..t nn nt ti iilllfl It ! Worse than I TMf t.htir.h nuM.T maa- n U..
iu iwa nruiiuu v..,, evasive. It Is Ihsln'ere. even pernio- nnd rights of American cltljiens unnot
with their accompanying wives or
daughters, will "stop off In Omaha"
n-lxcl Irsu-t to the l.'nlted Ftatea which
cleared the shin ax -a
the ivqi:est fo an invrxtlgatlon of clr
imnlanres alrencly known to the civilised
worln is as s-tfty as It la insolent.
heredity of keeplrc'a tight hold on per ' ca of humanity if It did not .tend by,
anna' filing and of giving the present j ,he of " r,1,t Protprt j
a free fieW foi eprslon of America' '; , .
position. We know Hill be i.rotnpt, ; J. L. KENNEDY TO ADDqESS
'tr'Tt1:''; . . . T, . I ALMA MATER COMMENCEMENT
Mllairee Fentlnel: The rer-1 I
i i (ircllmlnBry reply .therefore meant I
;o open the way for furthT dlsctisslon j
whll HrrupuIoiily avoiding the appear
ance cf ahuttirg: the door to the hope of
arrar.irrinctit that will make for rlwhta .
and safety of neutrals, while preserving
tiermanya right to aval! Itself fully of
the means at ita dlaposoi to combat
r.rltaln'a overwhelming reponderanre of
A Great Final Clearance Sale Tuesday of the
Harsadine - McKittrick Stock
John I... Kennedy of 'maha Is on the
commencement week rorram of Knox
college, Oalesburg. 111. Air. Kennedy has
been selected by the college to deliver
the annual address before the alumni
association on Wednesdny evening. June
9. He will apeak on "Men and Modern
Methods." It is the seventieth annual
commencement of Mr. Kennedy' alma
mater. i
The college always take pains to select
particularly to inspect the headquat-1 t)ng Regret will be flt everywhere In
ters worK o' the order. the United f.otea that th arfalra or o
S0Tere;gn Commander Fr.ser hs" VT'dVnf Ln'Tabte of
i fal'en into the hnnda of men capaDie or
been busy doveloplng the details, and lgilfh .p.t, trifling. '
official lnrtructlons have Just beejl j .New York Tribune: Gtrmany's answer
aent out to the delegates of the our. government-a protest against the
. . . in- i... 1 slaughter of Ita rltliena. peacefully and
ferent atate campa telling them Just , r. "... r .in... on
j Hie high aeaa. will not aatiafy Amerlcm
legitimately br conatrued aa contingent j ,n promlnenc. to make this
how to travel to get to St. Paul by
way of Omahn, the trip from Omalia
to be made in tpeclal train.
opinion. Courteoua on the gurfaeo aa
Herr Von Jagow'a communication I. It
'does not utrlke tha note which the people
that it would
-r tt., i.r-i e'-.h- w.orf. of tl' country hored
man building and offices." explained a,1'!k',- , .
- ,fi i i -in ,.iA Nw Tork Presa: Berlin a answer ti
Kln,.n official W. will . p.ld. frfn(llji $r..
soma special Jor.-.h. wv.,.en ( ,nduri,m?llrtorv. . ... The
The vi:tora will ba taken care ot for. . nnllall,Mr ln Mr. wn.
'- "' ""-- ton' note Is that the Von Tlrplli adrn
aareeaoie to xne ciud. nntl at one o ; ,topv ilau(,hterlng America
tn noteig ror ninnci. jna evening en-, whether In th
gtgement will be Ak-8ar-Ben lnlUtlon , . ,....,. whether by Pair or by
at th flen." ' . . m . fgpnr,, Tha Uerfln foreign office ape ka '
How the prospeetiv visitors ar hav- j . ,1TObabl misapprehension on tha
ing; their curiosity ecltd for the coa-irrt of our government at to tha real iL
Character' of tha. tAHltanla. There li ,
none; thare could be none.
.New York Herald: Uermany lis Ig-!
1 nnred tha real laeue ureaented by the ,
upon a readjustment of war condition
lo meet the neccssltlea of Germany.
Indianapolis Pally Telegraph-Tr'buna
lOerman): We believe that the tinman
government haa answered every question
In the president's note satisfactory ex
cept one. and on that one It desire fur
ther Information.
Ietrolt Journal: Without despairing of
final agreinM)t one la obliged to regard
the German reply unaati'tac
toiy. Scarcely ahall we quibble over the
reasonableness or unitviaonahlenrHs of
the situation The American people are
John Flnley, commissioner of education
of New York atate; Kdgar Bancroft, head
counsel of the International Harveater
ecmpany, and S. ?. McClure, now man
aging editor ot the New York Evening
Mali; have .represented the college at the
alumni exercise for the last thret commencement.
Wash Dress Fabrics,
Linens and Domestics,
Laces and Embroideries,
Leather Goods and Notions,
Underwear and Furnishings,
Dresses and Kimonos,
Dress and Underskirts,
" Hosiery and Draperies,
Men's Furnishings.
Merchandise of most dependable high quality at surprisingly little prices.
item unusual value. Come early Tuesday. j
Final Clean- Up Sale Hargadine-McKittrick
Stock Tuesday in the Big Domestic Room
Annoying aprtaar Cnnarn.
The first rloee of Dr. Bell a Plne-Tar-Money
will help you. It kill the cold
genn. Only Or. All druggist. Advertisement.
:,: if Unfortunate JUNE BRIDES
ion may be gathered from tha following
announcement, which la going to tnfn
in the current 'number, of the Sovereign
Visitor Just in the malls: ...
"VT are not supposed to dlvug any
tenet of what 'I going in take place
in Omaha when the eoveralgn delegate
ttop at the home of Woodcraft on their
way to St. Paul, but It l rumor J that
Sovereign Commander Fraaer 1 prepar
ing an Initiation that 'hanging on the
rope' or 'listening to Jock' tale of paat
trouble' ar like a Prnly school. 'IrtlS
U th reason why w say pay your jt
seaamenta In advance, a w ar not ac
countable for what will happen to you
hen Sovereign Kraser once get yju ln
hi control In Omaha. Klaa your wlf
anU bahlea good-bye before leaving for
the sovereign camp. If- you ' can't , take
them with you.' becse there' la 'tome
thing awful waiting, you In Omaha. . There
Isn't a rope made, atout enough to help
you 'whet you face the molt trying Cf
U ordeal on ' your way to St. Paul.
If a lonif way to Tlpperary,' but It will
seem far. longer from Omaha to your
home when you face the wild animal
being imported by Sovereign Commander
Fiaaer for th big initiation that wilt
take place on the night of Monday, July
12. .It may be necessary to brine; the
animal along to St. Paul to have ,
duorura of delegate at the opening et
' It makes us shudder
th . awful ordeal
through which our sovereign delegate
muat pas before they reach the con
y ver.tlon oily."
hen we thlnkof
Relayed Letter ; ,
Almost .Keeps This
Arny Becrultlng Kergeant Hansen en
dorM a story: which appeared recently
In The - Be about local mall , moving
sometime at tha rat of a, block an hour.
!t nearly roohed him of a promising re-
cruit recently. - ' ' ' ' ',
Joe MololepMy. J7T0 . ll-an atrset.
"hlytbwn." cam In to enhat the other
y. A he wae under age ha vai told
he wou'6 hav to get his father'' consent.
It la.cgalnct th regulation for the ap
plicant to take the pa per a te be signed
to hi heme. They muat b sent by mall
o thty were aent. Joe' father signed
theia and aetit -Jon out te noat them In
tt. mail box. which Jo dtt at T n. ni
Next fliy be arrlvevl at the recruiting
station, tut the paper did not.. The mall
men mad til final delivery of the day
ana etui no-paper.' : '." -. . -
l4t In the afternoon th sergeant and
3 o -went out to the central office. There
eiter some . telephoning t waa ..learned
rival the letter wa still out at the branch
nation but -wen Id he delivered next day,
a. special, irrcaenger area sent for th let
Amerloan note of May U. A waa clearly
et forth In that historic document, the
attitude of the . United State ' I not j
bsed upon any on of the aerie of j
event cited, . but upon 'the principal In-
volveia ln th method of warfare In whl-h ,
they were Incident. The' United Htate i
stands today the champion" of " neutral i
right and noncombantant' humanity. In j
the case of Germany reru civilisation
th United euta hold n brief for olvlll-xatlon-and
will to the end. Germany
muat respect the right of nontombatant j
traveling upon th high.'. ' .
' Kw.Torlt' Herald: Th teply of th j
Oerman goverrlment liow: conclusively I
thst Germany Is moat anxlou to live t I
peace with America. That It desire ' to
be ah'o'wn where It l In the wrong I but I
natural and w thlnlc fair-minded men '
.in .onceda tht -with the veisei Being-
carried on the navy list a an auxiliary jf--m
. . -. . - -tin.. lm .IrrtilV f nil I I
cruiser tne pre"iui""'
Oerman ubmarln officer tnougnt n
rmed and ready, to' offer rltance.
riilcaeo THbune: Even inougn.
AVakhlngton I confident, tt cn be shown
tht the Lusitania wa not armed with
gun or conveying soldier. oermny na
ueceded in raising point which In con-
eldcratloM of th very advancea poeiuou
taken by our gevemment with respect to
rlii t ration we ehould Tint, aome ero-
barralainent In. rfu!n to diacua and
. uf.. v4,i in The Itarrue:
peruaps evrn r-,. .. (
Chlcngt'. Ilerain: .Tlie American ivum I
regret that the German government a an-
er fella wholly to meer m nmm i'vi
.t Issue., both the apeclflc point or the
lleuchtrr of American cltlxena on the
Uialtanla end the general point of th
"lmpoalMHty of employing uimanne
In the destruction 'of commerce without
disregard of rule of fairness, reason,' Jua-
Ike nnd humanity the estaDiianea pnn
clplea ot, International law.- '
.. ClnclnnaU reie rresse: in uerman
note Is courteous ln tone. ' The
rote doe not say that the American po-aitlon-la'
untenable; H merely demand
that th fact In the caa be first cstb.
IliUed. H take th feood old American
vlaw that the complainant must bring
fui th th evidence of the guilt ef the
8t. Ijo'H Republic: The most remark
able thing about thla document la the area
and extent of Its silence. It chief lg
nirkapce. la(not In the thing put In, but
Ip. tin , things Uft out It ignores tho
whole fabric of International law and th
right under It of Americans on th high
aeaa. - . . e i ,' .
. St.- Louie filib -J mocrat:, No more un
ytrldlvg a .reply could ' have been written
1th- proper Tgnra,for diplomat U amen
ItUs. That th anwv will not be satis
factory to the; United State goes without
yinc .; .t ...:. ; :
A'hlcago Staate .eltuntThe administra
tion cannot honestly dodge the questlona
are they whose husbands and
thorn selves Ho not come to this
"Nome of 1'eautiful Furniture"
and at least LOOK. Why? Be
cause we will absolutely guaran- W
tee you will here find what you
want at the price you wish to pay.
: We make a special inducement to June Brides to
purchase here. SEE US FIRST.. ' . .
Lace Curtains -
M 3
r i
; From these vast stocks you can select the
curtain that will be the pride of any woman's home1
aa our pattern are the choicest ln quality, workmanship and
finish on Uy; market at lowest. price to you.
Marquisette and rkrlni Curtains
Those who hav used these cur-
tain know ot ita wonderful
aervlc (giving qualities, the
curtain that alwaya pleases.
Colors In white . and ecru,
ier men. and Jn waa enlisted .
I ited on an evening train for' ran raised y Germany. ' The German govern
igsn, Colo. . I merit -Iocs not itacy i-espoeelbtltty for the
latnkrng 'Of the' LualUhla 1 biit
v I ailili a-knlhaa krtt I at'aaas at wa V
Oeorge 'W'Onina has written te tie local !
r.aval recruiting office a long letter un
folding his ambitions to Join th'
He is 17 year old. -I ha
In tent summer and w
"If I get In the navy I Intend, to tend to
own business end obey the otfloer. I will
ly In the navy long" aa I can. if
they wifvyt inc."
Haye tirV-nant Tlptan: "fn view of
hia generoua pr .mlt to 'obey tjie of
fuer' It eeemji ought to let him Join
the navy." "
rarcastic chap, tliui liejtenant, i,
ship, whether or not It w
cruiser. j
Chl sco Journal: The claim that the
priced aa low as
92.00, 2.25, $2.5b,
9'Jt.ta, 3.93, $3.50,
to 13.50 per pair.
Cluny lac Curtains
The curtain that la especially
rutted for the living room or
dining room where th simpler
treatment la wanted with edges
ot real cluny lace, aome with
Insertions, whit and ecru
priced at -
91.73, 2.3IS, 9A2.7S,
$3.10, $3.50, $4.00,
$5.00 to $13.50 Pr.
.... PORTIERES ....
"We have a lot that we are closing at very special prices
at $1.45 each, $1.25 each, 85c each, 75c each, ' r
....! UUU
. Fancy' Net$ -At,
per yard, 75c, n r
65c, 55c, 45c and. . ODC
Summery Cretonnes
A most complete line;
at,-per yard, SOc, 45c, , x!'
S5c and .!-
The overdrnpery material that -pleases the most; UN
F AD ABLE and WASHABLE, exceptional silky qual
ities, rich corings. ' 4 01
Figured, 4(Vin,wide, choice of colorings in if
green,' brown or blue; at, per yard
Artistic pattern ln 60-ln, wide,
choice of colorings ln green,
hrown, blue or mul-c 1 QC
berry; at, yard P X eawO
Plain 10-ln wide, cholc of col
orings In green, brown or blue;
on sal at. per Q
yard tOC
Join th navy. ! s ' I ' t ',.in;rnfn?f; Fnfnrn
li ter.' h writer lLaeJ l UlUlb
Pillrkinc Cretonno Pillows at. . '. .'. ' 18
J ILLULVO Very Fancy Pillows at . . . . .:75a and 85
Crn Ctl ! av them made now that you may
tJlifl V'UCCf & make your selection from our vast Un
of Cretonnes that ar sure to pleas. Estimates cheerfully fur
nished with no obligations. Let us make suggestions.
Crtlinh rhrlfC Tapeatry in Oriental patterns, rich
VUUl't VUtvero colorings, else 60-ln wld x i yards
long at $2.50 each. 12.75. $3.60, $4.00, $4.60, $5.00 $5.(0,
$5.75 up to $12.60 each.
Rich In color, htgh pile, fabric all wool, face ln beautiful
Oriental patterns.
About 150 Bed Spreads
Heavy crochet, full size hem
med, manufacturer's mis
takes in bleaching; hence
these $1.25 spreads, ea. 79
Cambric The standard un
dorrouslin finish, 4-4 width;
usually 9c yard, now. .5
Ladies' Muslin Gowns, Combination Suits
and Skirts Values to $1.50; to close 39?
Women's Lisle Vests and Union Suits and
Children's Union Suits; to 50c values, 19?
Muslin Corset Covers and Drawers To
50c values ..
Women's Cotton Hose 12Joc quality, in
black or tan, all sizes; pair .6V
Children's Cotton Hose To 15c values
black, white or tans, sizes 5 to 9Vz, pr., 5t?
Men's Knit Union Suitsi Ribbed or mesh,
to $1.50 values; white or ecru, all sizes
at 69e? and 49?
Men's Knit Underwear 50c values, shirts
or drawers, ribbed balbriggan or mesh, all
sizes 29
Men's Summer Shirts To $1.50. values
broad asortmeut of colors, patterns and
materials; all sizes, choice . . .'. . . . .35
Boys' Shirts Fine dress or heavy work
shirts with or without collars; to 75c val
ues; at - 39 and.l9t
Bed Sheets About 200 in
all; 72-76 and 81x90 sizes
heavy bleached cotton ; while
they last, each ....... .41
Tame" Dress Calicoes; all
colors, best patternB,yd.3V$rfc
Amoskeag Nurse Stripe
10c gingham, now....7
Mercerized Poplin Every,
shade and color, best 25c
grade .HVs
Utility and Ndvelty Check
Dress Ginghams usually
10c a yard 5V2t
White Plisse Crepe The
fabric, for gowns, etc. yd. 9i
Lace Curtains A great general clearance
of all the lace curtains, made'to sell to $2.00
a pair; in two big lots at, pair. .39?, 98?
35c Ribbons at, yard 10?
10c Laces at, yard ... SVfct?
15c Embroideries at, yard 3l2?
$1.00 Leather Goods 50
Coats' Thread, spool .4t?
5c Handkerchiefs 2?
50o Embroidery Flouncings, yard. . . .29t?
Women's Dress Skirts AU wool serges, in
blacks and blues, button trimmed; sale
price ....... $1.00
Women's Silk Petticoats Jersey top with
15-in. pleated messaUne flounces, all most
-popular colors; great snap at 98?
One Lot of Rain Coats Misses' and chil
dren's, made to sel to $2.00, all sizes to 16
years ...95?
Tailored Suits Made to sell at $10.00 to
$15.00; good assortment; at, choioe $4.98
Seven Rousing Specials for Tuesday-
In the Busy Cloak and Suit Department
Women's Linen Suits Made to sell at $10,
$12 and $15at .$3.95
Women's Silk Dresses Made to sell at $10
and $12.50 poplinB, foulards, messalines,
etc., at $3.95
Women's Long Silk -Kimonos Made to sell
at $4 and $5; on sale Tuesday. , . .2.69
Women's Wash Dress Skirts Big assort
ment; special bargains ......... . $1.45
Women's Linen and Bain Costta $4 XX) and
$5.00 values, all sizes, good colors; on sale
at.... ... .......... ....$1.90
Women's House Dresses $1.25 values, in
' all sizes, good styles; at. .......... . 55r
Children's Wash Dreses All colors and sizes,up to $1.25 values at.
8-6xlM tZT.SO,
$22.00, $20.00 and.
Jacob K. AcMrop. a newapeper . wrttr
of New Tork City. I ronteattn; ' a autt
for iiwrr t brought by Mra.- IV B. Acb
iron In Omalia. In an
dUlrlct court he aaaerta that aha wa re
fu4 a dtvor" by a Nw York court.
The expectant j
mother revolve In
her mind alt un-;
darttaad br drsUuy. '
And It I of the ulnoat
Importaoo that her
phraical comfort be
our tnt thoocht. There
U a BMet pladid rn
edf for tlila purpoae.
know a "Mother'
Irlend." .It l appUed
over th muacle of th
tosiacB. teatlr rubbed
anawer filed In ! "."d- at once penetrate to rcllere all
train ea eerree, coraa, ufaiaenui ua m
part .Involved. It sake to aiuacla an
pllact that tbey etpeod aaturallf. And at
i jr
U'i v .
Some real beautlea for early
X12 $27.00, $25.O0,
$23.00 and
A deoree ome rnted by Dlatiirt Judrf 1 taBIC iae thef are laTigorated by the ;
Kndlrk haa t on at eaide and the ron- absence of karaaalng palna'eo apt to diatres
lent of the cno ll! prorei. ' I the Bind. Whatever will add to the comfort
Mr. Alice F. Boyer ha filed ault ! af,nt aiother la a rt aad help,
a.ln.t .K,w.rd C. Eov.r.-ch.r.m. ,,.- j T'wo'aueM
conduct. f , , upon the eomlnr child. Get a turtle of
- - 1 ; Mother' Mend" Of ar tlni(tt and fott
'' Have t Baall. rn wbT mMB9 woau daclara tt
In a rt many case and try. to make
tHoae around then) happy, h.lle th-ty ar
to be the aoaet baleful remedy tbey know of.
vYrtU.tonay t BrariOcld Keculator Cxy, TOI
i. Vd with the ialn of orgaiUc 'i rouble. , t-eaaj- auaora, ut, roe a aweaoia
Few men rah. hoe . ommoo au h here- "k ,nte"t to
I m U. Tlie rwdy for thla condition I
election; 9x1 :. (Hi A f-
$23.00, $.00.. IviUU
Hit and ml pattern.
27x54. .only
A rug that glrea aerrlce fir
the money, because It wear
like iron; 9x12, Qf ff
$32.73, $27.50. . 3OeUU
Other aizea priced ln proportion
Theae are aoroe real extra special value.
7Ce? 50x60. only Q0
pectant atotner,
1 tv. .t l- l IVl. Wink
l. l.a K rir.l.l.aW V-etM Compound ; on- ,.tn Jnr4 j tind
-a hn.. rciurd,.- maile from root andjfruw Wdttly to aaturdnf and bad te
herb, whlca for forty yr haa been i ha InatruaieuU. Tkta tfnte waa alrk oly
oxfrctMi. th. n.oae ob.tinat ilia .j," aw1 ' u i?. L"!
, not praie klutuer, rled hlfh. eaouh
titen. Kvery omn auffertn from f- tur (t u j a t
n.aie Uia oci It to h.rM-'f and family tiote and the baby waa perfect. 1 will ehaagr
U ive It a lair trial, -Advertleeroent. iea awotf word fur 4U"
I a
-0e' '
Combined aweeper and auction cleaner; pick
up paper, matrbee. threada and cleana th ruga
through and through.
Model R only ; .G.50
You can bay
lo you know that the germa of the ntoet deadly
dle.aaea lurk and breed In duat? For the aake of
vuur health, then, you ourht to uee JTOMOMDtjaT
in aw.eplna. BOBCOaXSUaT captures tliwa (rAakiaS
and removea them from your rooms with th sweep
lna. leaving, a clean atmosphere as well; you
auu't ever find duet collected In your hair or oa
your clothes after aTOMOKDUKT. It takse up the
duat wltnoiit etratchlna tlie floors, lesvln the
atnooth and poliahe finish ao much desired.
10c and 25c
raoara souobaa us.
Beaton & Laier yCo.
115-417 South 16th Brrewt, Omaha.
$2.00 Dress
Shapes 89c
t rencn unip wun qq
black silk velvet OuC
flanges; six styles to select
from; 10 dozen of these
splendid white shapes
make selections early.
Men' Shirt
A wonderful lot, ln th newest
styles and pattern; clearance ot
our big special purchase; all
worth double; said prloe Tues
dy ;-.08
In Furnishing Goods Dept.
:, Men's Union Suite
To $2.00 values, in fine nain
ooki, mercrlxed, ribbed and
balbrlggans, both regular and
athletic styles, all sUea. . .08
In f'nniiahlng Goods Dept.
3- - : '
Special Jane Grocery Opening Sale Tuesday, Quality Goods , Saving of 25 to 50
MOXAX. OI novn TVSSSAT I V east Foam, pks. I BUTTIB, caxxaa Jjrs Xoo
v zr'Jznr1 fsv?s!ii-ii ttjssn.
.. DO
Diamond "H. Nothing Oner for
bread, piee and cakes, wvery eaca
guaranteed to alve perfect satisfac
tion or your money refunded In fui
per 41 lb. eack. apeclal fl.T
It lb, beat pure - cane Granulated
gurar $1.00
8 lbs. beet Mixed Chick Feeed .. 84
1 Ibe. bulk Laundry Htarch So
S lbs. White or Yellow Cornmeai IT
4 larse cans Condenaed Milk, lOo
Btze ISO
5 email cans Condenaed Milk, to slae,
for aoo
4 can fancy Wax. String. Green or
Lima Bean o
Tlie beat Domeatlo Macaroni, Vermi
celli or Spaghetti, pk. .... TV40
4 lb, fancy Japan Kic. lo qualify
for BBo
Advo Jell for deaert. Nothlna like
It, packan J'Z--;;" 'ii
cans Oil or Mustard 6ardlne Se
3! oa. Jar Tine Ftult Preaervea.. SSo
1 dosen boxes Safety Matches
lt-os. pyk. Condensed milk meat.. Bo
MacXren's Peanut Butter, lb. IBM
Th beat Tea blfiln, lb 18 Ho
Golden Santos Coffee, equal to cof
fee sold at (Oo, our prloe. per lb. 90
tbi nonm
If lbs. best Old Potatoes to th peck.
at Itho
Demand' It pounds. That's the le
aral welaht and the law requires It.
New Potatoes, par lb. Bo
8 bunohe home frown Onion.... So
8 bunches horn rrown Radlahe Be
4 head fresh Leaf Lettuce .... Bo
Kreah Spinach, peck 10c
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb loo
4 bunches fresh Rhubarb ...... Be
Larare Cucumbers, each Bo
Kreah Beets or Carrots, bunch'.. Be
New Cabbare. lb 3'j
Ii'Va lulcy Lemons, doien lBo-aOe
The best fancy Creamery Butter, In
bulk ago
Fancy Country Creamery Butter, lb.
at g,g0
The beat Dairy Table Butter, lb. SSo
Full Cream, New York White. Wis
consin rean , or Young America
Cheeee, lb aoc
Youn Bros.' . Famou Brick Cheese.
lb ....-.. . . . goo
Imported Swiss Cheese and Roque
fort, lb. ... j 40c
ut Totna roumii tn kow
We have another car of extra fn
ey fruit for Thursday's sale. The
market Is up 60c a crate. We ad viae
our cuaiumers to ouy now,
34-elie, per dosen
per dosen
per doxen
Any size, per crate
. SOc
-it Tf.-iyiAVifj.r3i?via ESw
PAYS U V U ULt-i U lLU J u II oi
1C0 efficiency thafi
what you went when yo
place en order for engraved
plates. We put tnep in
our work, we have work
men that we can rely upon.
Five More Pairs
Free This Week
for th five boys that brief us th moat
pictures of th stilts befor 4 P. M., bat
urdajr. Jjine 6.
This plctur of th stilts will b la Th
(e every day this week.
Cut them all out and ask your friends
to sav th pictures in their paper for jrou
too. Be how many plot urea you can ct
and bring them to Th Be Office. Satur
day. June 6. '
Th stilts will be sjlven Free to the boys
or alrls that send us the rcott picture be
for 4 P. M., Saturday, June 5.