Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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Fighting Top of Loit Battleship Con
Ttrted Into Monument it Un
. Teiled at Arlington.
WASHINGTON, May 31. Unveil
ing and dedication of the Maine
Memorial monument, erected by the
government to the dead of the bat
tleship destroyed seventeen year ago
In Havana harbor, was the principal
feature of Memorial day eeremoniei
la Arlington National cemetery.
President Wilaon, Secretary Bryan,
Secretary Danlela and Governor
Frank B. Willis of Ohio were on the
program, more thoroughly national
ia its scope than ever since Oeneral
John A. Logan established services
of the kind forty-seven years ago.
Tb monument dedicated to th Main
riad U the malnmant and fighting top
of the battleship which long lay Imbed
ded with other wrecksro in the bottom
of Havana harbor. Restored and rigged
aa It was on the deck of tho Maine, it
tow arises from a sranlta and marble
be-se. chiselled In the form of a gun tur
ret with names of the M nine's 3M violins
tarved on its curved exterior.
In the presnce of veternns of the vlvll
nd Spanish-American wsrs the preel- j
Uont. cabinet. Justices of fie s'lpreme I
irmrt, diplomats of foreign nations and
heads of patriotic organisations of I he
United Ptates, tha fitting memorlsl was
today unveiled. Fifty white-uniformed
marine manned the lmprovlr.cS rlsreing
designed after the old ratlines of tha de
utroyed ship as the veil fell. This sr-
r ise followed an Invocation by Rev.
'rather Chldwlch, chaplain of the Maine
at tha time of Its destruction. - . .
Secret rr Daniels Speaks.
Aa part f the ceremony Prank Bagley
ranlels and Jonathsn Worth Daniels,
sons of the secretary of the navy and
nephews of Knslm Worth Baglev, Ui
first American orflccr killed In the war
with Spain, raised an simian to ths top
of the meat and hoisted signal flags flar
ing to the breeae the words. "Main-?,
181&." The. youths, clad In suitor suits.,
were attrnued by Mrs. Adelaide Worth
Hartley and Mrs. Jnsephus Daniels.
whew memory wis euloa'sed by uov-
f Ohio The rouah lle f
ins the hu srsve of 2,111
union soldiers whop rank end names
not known, wis covered with flowers, i
Ins these ceremonies ws the i
memniinl tribute to yt tlms of tho 8iot
iRh wsr nnder auspices of the Dlstrlt
of C'diimlila Ppan'sh war veterans Fee
retary Fryen wss on the prosrsm as ora
tor of the rts following sn openlns sd-
dress by Iepartment Commander It. C. I
XMIson. rercmonies hracterlsed the
memorlsl to the civil war tlead under
suspires of officers of the Oiand Arm
of tt.e KepuMIc and Woman's Hellef
corps. They were lield In the historic,
vine-covered nmpldtheMet on tlie nrt
of the Arllnston srounds overlooking hr,
nstlonal capital. John McKlroy. actln
department commander of the flrsnd
Army of the Republic, was master of
ceremonies, to Introduce President Wil
son and other epea'ters. Including Put
Impertinent Commander A. P. Tasker,
Past Detmrtment Commander lieorse H.
Plrtyl'SiiRli, who resd IJncoln's Je1:y
bura address, and Mrs. Isabel Worre'l
Hall, past national senior vice president
Woman's Relief Corps
The program Included a snlulo .if j
twentr-ne Runs at the arrival of tho
president. After the general ceremonlea
and decoration of tha graves of M.'"1 sol
diers In Arllnston "came the dedication
of the Mnlne memorial, which closed the
day's eventa.
Memorlnl Any jrofslon from a 41 In! John A Dempster,
an automobile. He died last December. i OKnTfc'.K I'll'
r. j'Mi e.
loans; W Msrrk tvllb Old. !A II. llathhun
Jrre Voder,
With the Grand Army veterans were;yfrwt Hnh.
' the younger hemes of the t'nlted 8psnlsh William Hishop
War veterans. Awsltina the comlns of
the parade, the women of the Relief
Corps and 'he Henry W. Uston auill
laiy were stationed at the Auditorium to
pin flowers on the breast of the sons of
Captain Joseph Mallleon was marshal
of tl.e day and sot the lines away In
good order from the points of formation.
, . ..,, . I Me was assisted by Perry Miller and
Beneath May sunshine members ; cies ju,rothy
the Grand Army of the Republic : in the line of march were a platoon of
marched from the postofflce to the ! pollre under Bergeant Ferris, the Post
Auditorium Monday afternoon, es- '"" band, with W. F." lead
... ... 1 ing and the, Omaha Drum corps, C. B.
corted by various organisations and Mftp, W(1(,r Tn N,va rub of
reviewed by thousands of citizens Omahs. High nhool cadets and bsnd.
Men Who Fought in the Rebellion
and Those Who Fought in Span
ith-American War March.
Wm. M. Wallvc.
lOK HST NO. Dfi.'.
Rlljnh Diinn.
Jo-nh Kerrell,
.1. V. H-olry.
Wallace N. Roblv
. ,i einlier burled riy p"l a miinns
Charles Bauer.
t.f.r porry camp o i r s w
Mnrtln K. Carlson. A. 'lardner.
T. K. Button. James KoM.
Andrew V'ane,
Selby Tells Story ,
Admitting Defeat
who paid annual respect to the sur- i Nebraska National guards and Spanish
vlvlng heroes of the conflict which
terminated fifty years ago last month.
The old guard had to close up pla-oa
made vacant during the lant year, as
some of their comrades were, called by
i the Oreat Commander. These old sol
diers proudly bore emblems of aervlrs for
thulr flo and as they mareheri orne
more toa-cther, they In fancy went back
to days of war's stern reality.
Captain John A. Dempster, who was
elite commander, was missed from the
ranks. A year ago he reviewed the j Alonsn O. Wlnhton. Samuel D. Mercer.
Public Votes that
Dentist May Use
Some Printers' Ink
War veterans were all cheered along the
way as potential protectors of the nation's
security. ,
City and county officials and officers
and speakers of the day had places In
the procession.
rto.ter of Soldier Dead."
Following are the veterans who have
died within tha last twelve months:
c:ol!(K A. CVHTKK POST NO. 7.
William N. Johnson, tleotge Willis.
John A. Cum sden
I.'p Rothschild. Thadens 8. Clarkson:
W. I. Sclby of Dundee, plaintiff Mi tho
suit to knock out the merger l.iw, made
the following ststement resardins the
sta'tus of his home vllaae:
"This, reminds me of the boy who was
living to 'sneak Into a circus. A police
man earner along and save him a kick
which hurled the lad Into the show. In
side the tent a man asked the boy how
he sot In and he replied: 'I was Invited
In.' That will be the position of Dundee
after consolidation."
Indlsrcatloaf Iss't Esll
Dr. King's New Life Pills stir up your
liver, aid digestion: you feel fine the next
dry. Only 2fic. All dmsslsts. Advertiser
I H-lit 1st s should advertise.
This Is the overwhelming opinion of
members of the Omaha Commercial club, j
whoso opinion on the auoject were can
vassed by Dr. R. W. Bailey, dentist and
president of the Bailey Dental company.
"Wa received 4SB answera to our ques
tion, "Should dentists advertise?" said
Dr. Q. D, ghlpherd, manager, "of these
7 per rent were In favor. 14 per cent
noncommltpl and 10 per cent asalnst. Rut
the opinion, while In favor of dentists
advertising. Is against the advertising
of prices. This Is In conformity with my
own opinion on the subject. Oood 'reason
why advertisements bring the bent re
sults aa we have proved here."
The scheme of canvassing a representa
tive body of men was adopted by Dr.
Bailey In an effort to flnd out the real
attitude of the public regarding the so
called "ethics of the profession. " the old
doirma that Drnfesslonal men. nartlcularlv
mother and sister of Knslsn Unglcy. Ceo- dootor, n,!,,,, ahould not advertise.
retary Dar.lels was on the prosram tor The h, born out ,,,,, krUt fully
tna oeaicaiory snares., un me program
at thla ceremony also were Major
Charles F. Cramer, commandcr-ln-chlef,
I'nlted ' Spanish war veterans: Oeneral
II. Oden Lke. national comman-ktr
Army anl Navy t'n'on, and Major ItoWrt
Le txmsatreet, I!. 8. A. Monsigner W.
T. Russell, a Spanish war veteran, pro
nounced the benediction and "taps" were
sounded. . ..
A memorial tablet placed upon tha
mast In Havana .harbor by tho Haven
chapter of the Daughters of tha Amer
ican Revolution, which was rcrrcvod
when tha government removed the mast
to Washington, wss re-af fixed to tha
shaft. , ' . . . '
Service" la Fnae Sections.
Memorial ceremonlea of the day. were
In four sections, beginning wits, axercleea
at the gravea of tha unknown dead,
The Bee Want Ads Ar Best Business
Kelnhold B. Held, sued for U.000 by
John Cavanaugh, Albert and Kdward
llooa and Misses Alice, Katie and Pearl
Ilelkea, .as the result of an automobile
co I'S'on oil the eurf..- MI'ls road.' April
34, 1IS, has filed an Answer In district
court In which he alleges that the car In
which tha plaintiffs were riding was run
ning at a apeed of forty miles an hour,
on the wrong side of the road, that they
were negligent and that the driver of
the maohlne waa Intoxicated. The plain
tiffs charsed that Held's car waa run
ning at fifty miles an hour. '
THE work of remodeling our 16th Street Entrance will
bepin Tuesday morning.
This will necessitate the closing of .this entrance tem
porarily and we res wet fully request, you to use the
Harney Street Entrance
for the next few days.
Burgess-Mash Company.
"evER-raooY stork"
"Are you a man ?
Then this must
b arth."
Thus, Celestia addressed Stilleter the first human being she
had ever teen. Heretofore, she had been attended by winged
angels, who fell before her in worship, kissing her hands
and calling her "Your Divinity." Heretofore, she had been
accustomed to an atmosphere of a great open expanse, with
rich, heavy-odored flowers in abundance all about her. a
But here waa a man, and thus earth was first seen bjr
This week the Vitagraph pictures show Oalesda'a descent to
earth hermeetingwith Sttlleter and wi& Tommy Barclay and
bring out those del iciout moments where in her forest Innocence,
she says and does things that in our hypocrisy make us blush.
Jeeti? Vtfayrapfi
JcH'orife zheatre
Apartments, flats, liouses and cottnges can be rented quick
ly and cheaply by a. Bee ' 'For Rent ' '.want ad; a
Nebraska in the Wet Column!
- j
What a complete and radical change we have had! The whole state was dry and in one week every county went
wet! And the beauty of it all is, most everybody is pleased. Notwithstanding a little disappointment, we ourselves
are delighted, for even tho' it means a little loss now, later, we will reap the benefit. Whatever difference of opinion
on this matter, there will be none as to the merits of the !
Great June Clearance Sale at Kilpatrick's
Tuesday, Jane 1st, Promptly At 8:30 Sale Starts
UNDEEMUSLIN DEPARTMENT We prefer this name to Lingerie being more expressive, more extended,
and, perhaps, more correct: A decided reaction has set in demand is much greater for the fine, dainty muslins, and
increasing daily. .
GOWNS TUESDAY An excellent number fancy
Crepe, Nainsook, . lnco and embroidery trimmed, 98
" At $108 -Fine embroidcrv and lace trimmed Gowns,
worth $2.500 $3.00.
At iOS-1- Very handsome, embroidery and lace
trimmed, values $3.50 and $4.50.
'Waist and Blouses of the daintiest
white voile and organdy, prieed at
08S $1.49, $2.50, $3.65 and
$-1.95. flreot values.
In the good old summer time, tsome
how our fancy takes us back to tho
past, and we remember the frills and '
furbelows of earlier years. There u
much to suggest even Colonial times
in the dainty white dresses shown for
warmer weather.
White SkirtsIn cords, gabardines,
waffle cloth, etc.
Corset Covers, with the new sleeve,
59 to $1 .50 each.
One table covered with Corset Cov
ers at 19 instead of 2oc.
Fine hc or embroidery trimmed
Corset Covers, 39V instead of 50c
Cluny Trimmed Brassieres, allover
embroider', 39 instead of 50c.
Envelope Chemise, a very popular
garment, at 49 each.
Other styles at 85, $1, $1.50,
$2 and S2.50-A11 Bixx-ial.
INFANTS' DRESSES Machine made, long and short,
95 to $2.95. Hand made, long and short, 98S $1.98
and $2.98 each.
INFANTS' SKIRTS Machine made, G9S 98 and
$1.49. Hand made, 69, $1.49 and $2.80.
INFANTS' GOWNS 59 and 79.
FLANNEL SKIRTS Ing and short, G9, 9S
and $1.C9.
PETTICOATS Embroidery and lace trimmed, at
78, worth from $1.00 to $1.50. '
At $1.18 Fancy embroidered and lace trimmed,
value $2.00 to $2.50;
At $2.08 A handsome ietticout, lace' and embroid
ery trimming, values $3.00 to $1.00 each.
New "Turn Petticoat"--Popular just now, $1.00.
The New Circular Flounce Petticoat, $1 to $5 each,.
Night fiowns for all ages, 59( and
Children's Drawers, 10S 12ya,
19, 25 and 39.
Crepe Bloomers, 29.
Children's Petticoats, 29, G9
and 98.
Infants' Princess Slips, 69S 89f
and 98.
White Rompers, fi months to 0
years, 69 instead of $1.00.
BIBS Three lots, 5S 15 and 25.
PILLOW CASES Embroidered and plain, 39, C6
and 79C.
89 $1.29 and $2.98.
WHITE MIDDIES -Great assortment, various style,
cotton twills and silk, two fcpecials at C9 and 98.
Kilpatricks Will Issue Rain Checks Tuesday
Isn't it funny how different people look at different things. For instance now the
weather everybody knows it has been considerably moist lately. One man attributed
the rain fall to the cannonading in Europe; another thoughtlt was due to the liberation
of certain gases. Still another who remembered the rainy month of May, when we had
tho Ministers'. Convention, thought it might be due to Billy Sunday.
"But what is the use of repining, where there's a will. there's a way; tomorrow the
sun MAY be shining, although it looks gloomy today."
We have lived In this grand old state nigh onto
thirty years and never yet have we known too much
moisture to fall In dear old Nebraska as a whole.
And so we won't repine, but for the first time in
our history will meet conditions with a sort of
Rain Check Sale
On Tuesday morning we will issue checks of
which the following is a fac simile: . This to give
everyone an opportunity to get in on our final $1.00
for the making sale. Countless telephone calls
from customers who did not feel like braving the
8t-lnch Bleached Muslin 7U
cents per yard.
S-lnch bleached Cambric 10
ceots per yard.
3-lnrn Bleached Ladles' Cloth
ll't cents per ysrd.
-4 Pepptrell Sheeting, 11 els.
I'tica 8 cents.
6-4 Bolktrk Casing It He yard.
Ing Cloth. 11 ysrds in bolt,
b Instead of f 1.10.
Long Cloth. II yards In
11.85 instead of 11. 21.
4Si3 Partner 7H cents.
4638 Vi Hotel Special HVic
4Sx3 Century 18 cents.
45x38 American Beauty 22c.
4 8x31 Brighton 12 rents.
Kmhroidrrml IHlow ('
85-cent grade at tie a pair.
11.00 grade at 7c a pair.
11.60 grade at SI. 29 a pair.
livery Item Vnder Price
81x Hotel Bpecial 6c each.
Slxsv Rugby 79c each. , .
klitt Century 89c each.
81x88 Oceanic 88c each.
Slx9 Astoria 11.15 each.
Klx9 Waldorf $1.26 each.
81x88 Tuxedo $1.25 each.
And the next day It rained also.
Washington, D. C, was clear off
snd our own Colonel Welsh
missed his guess very much. Do
you know we would Just as soon
bet on the predictions of a suf
ferer, from "Rheumatlca" as we
would on the most new fang led
devices of the weather bureau.
On Friday we got the weather re
ports and we said to a friend of
ours: "Weather bureau says it
will be fine Saturday." Friend
replied: "My old Joints don't say
so." and Rheumatism won for it
raiced SATURDAY.
And the rain played havoc with
So here, too, we are going to
Tuesday morning all that may
be left of the Beautiful Bummer
Hsts, same as those displayed in
our window, will be sold at
$6.08 each.
Hats worth $10, $12, $15, $18,
$20 and some even more.
Fresh as daisies and sweet as
June roses these are viewed
from the standpoint of freshness
and quality. The most attractive
values ever offered by us.
75c Short Silks 59.
$1.00 Long Silks CO.
These prices good only for
Tuesday. Oloves made by the
rain storms, have impelled us to extend the time all
next week, that is; up to and including next Satur
day, June We will make skirts for $1.00 and
if not convenient for you to be measured ask for a
check such check' wUl be good any time during
the Mouth of June (or Measure.
Upon presentstion, any time during June.
1916, bearer can have skirt made to measure
from goods bought at Wool Drees Oooda Section
for $1.00 for the making. No. .
glove maker in
biggest and best
tho world.
SECTION Main Floor.
$3.25 Nainsook. 12-yard bolts,
at $2.73.
15c Crepes and Pllsses 11c yd.
35c Persian Lawns 12 He yd.
65c Batiste 22 Vic yard.
C5c Organdy 32 He yard.
50c and 60c Piques 39c.
$1.60 and $1.75 Voiles (em
broidered) $1.29 yard.
$2.00 Voiles and Organdy (em
broidered) $1.49 yard.
$2.60 Voiles and Organdy (em
broidered) $1.98 yard.
One lot Novelty White Goods
19c formerly up to 3 5c.
Let these msrked reductions
seep In an early visit Tuesday
will be wise.
19c quality for 12 He
36c large and heavy 29c.
60c extra large 35c.
98c for Best Easy was $1.50.
$3.66 Marseilles was $4.50.
$3.95 Scalloped, cut corners
was $5.00.
35c Table Mats 19c.
$1.00 Lace Dresser Scarfs 69c.
$1.50 Lunch Cloths 9Sc.
$1.50 Bath Mats $1.29.
8x8 Damask Cloth, $1.98 in
stead of $3.00.
$229 for Breakfast Cloth
was $2.76.
Lace Curtains In Dutchess.
Scrim, Cluny, Arabian Just one
pair lots at H Price.
Other lots in two or more pairs
at Hoff.
Sunfast Over Drapery sold up
to $1.26, at 69c.
Couch Covers, large sise, $2.98
Instead of $4.00.
Two pairs Silk Velour Portieres
$20.00 instead of $40.00.
30o Cretonne for 15c, Bunga
low Net 39c Instead of 65c. 50c
Scotch Madras 39c. 50c Scrim at
29c. 40-Inch Marquisette 19c
Instead of 30c. Rods 7 cts. up.
Stamped Pillow Cases 39c In
stead of 50c.
Stamped Bath Towels 39c in
stead of 50c.
Stamped Gowns 39c lnsteau
of 50c.
All colors in Crochet Cotton
10c the ball.
Stamped, lace trimmed Bureau
Scarfs 30c Instead of 75c.
The half baa not been told
Just enough to whet your appe
tite. Come early Tuesday morning.