Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 8

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    8 A
Packard Motor Car Company Firit
to Announce Twelve-Cylinder
Car Interest Keen.
ProfcaMy no ajiTiouncemetit la recent
(mrniths haa been received ty tnotortat
thronghant th tTntted State with mora
Interest than that of th Pankart Motor
Car company of Detroit, In which they
tall of thlr 1M product.
Tha average motorist wilt probably at
flrit doubt th simplicity of tMa new
model, believing that alnn It ueee twlco
aa many cylinder aa a al. or thro tlmee
a many a the four-cylinder cars, that
!t muet bo proportionately complicated.
A minute examination of the lane blue
print In the salesroom of the Orr Motor
Bale company reevala the fact that thl
new model la extremely simple In con
Tha motor, which la of tha V type I
probably mora accessible than tha al-
eylinder Packard mode! of tha laot sea
son. The cylinder are raat In two block
ef atx each and are aet at an angle of
atxty degreea. Thl 1t aa much room
between tha motor proper and tha frame
of tha ear a a there la In tha ordinary
type motor and alnr the carburetter la
tha only mechanical part located In the
V apaca and thla being above the cylin
der block a, It give mora aocoaalbtllty to
tha valve mechanism than In any other
motor of the V type. Tha acuta angle be
tween tha cylinder aleo permit of a nar
row frame at this point, with tha reault
that the turning radlua la even ahorter
than before.
Little Cfcan:e la Oastrnctlon.
Tha cylinder dimension of the new
motor are 1x8. Aatde from the addition of
one cylinder block there la II tie change
In the construction of tha motor. The
earn force feed lubricating system la
tteed and the connecting rod are of the
en me type a heretofore, being mounted
on tha crankshaft In pair . instead of
being yokod on within the other. Tha
Ignition system 1 tha Detoo, tha current
being furnished by a storage battery.
Thla 1 entirely Independent of the start
ing and lighting systems. For the two
latter purpose the Fackard-BIJur elec
trical ytm 1 tisnd. the suoces of the
last two season not requiring a ohang
In the unit. The Deloo distributor I
located abov and forward of tho motor
and I driven by a abaft with a helical
gear. The tarter la located at the ld
of the motor and, aa usual, turn th
motor over by mtihlng with tha fly
wheel. In th cooling system a nw typ
of honeycomb radiator la used whloh
makaa it unnecessary to have mora than
on water pump for circulating. A ther
mostat valv control tfe circulation of
Meter Weigh Loaa.
The radical change In thl new model
ever those of th last season are found
In the chassis back of tha motor. Instead
of mounting tha transmission on tha rear
axle, aa ha always been tha practice on
I'ackard car, tha new car earrtea th
transmission In unit with th motor and
la of tha three epeed type. Bom Idea of
the quality of material used In tha
motor construction might be gained by
th knowledge that th new twelve
cylinder motor with the tranamlsalon
complete, weigh 100 pound lea than
th old tlx cylinder motor Independent of
th transmission. InsUad of using th
three-quarter elliptic rear spring thla
season the new model will be brought
out with the full platform typ and whit
thl I another radical Chang It la much
more preferable to th other typ of sus
pension. In favor of tha platform spring
it la aald that It eliminate the neces
sity of shock absorber and their at
tendant trouble.
Left liana Drive.
Th new car will be of tho left hand
drive, th r shift and emergency
brake being likewise located to tha left
of th driver Instead of the customary
center control and it might be truthfully
said that these levera are properly located
a It Is eeldom ever necessary to shift
gear with th twelve cylinder motor.
Th light and Ignition switch r
built more compactly aid are located on
the steering column as heretofore to
gether with the carburetor adjustment.
The aperk control unlike the previous
Packard models la located and operated
on th aam sector a the throttle con
trol. While no definite announcement of body
style has been made a yet It I only
reasonable lo assume that a wide range
of type will be available for tha new
chassis and In tha matter of equipment
will b thoroughly modern a (l Include
practtoally every acknowledged advance
ment among accessories.
Realising that th Interest in th new
car will be Intense. he factory ha built
fifteen demonstrating oars, each to cover
a certain circuitous rout and within
thirty day will have given every Pack,
arj dealer in th halted State an oppor
tunity to gtv an early demonstration to
prospective huyere. On of these car Is
expected to arrive in Omaha Tueeday and
will be here for about a weak, being fol
lowed about ten day later by th first
tegular delivery.
in n interview yesterday Mr. Orr said:
"W anUctpste that the demand for th
w Packard tain-six will exceed that of
any other hlro-grad motor car ever pro
duced, and 1 hav assurance from th
fs-tory that our demand will be taken
cai of promptly. It la certainty a relief
to know that th announcement ha been
mad for w hav known of th expert,
mental work that haa been going on for
the last two years and certainly no car
or type ut motor haa vr been subjected,
to tlta strenuous test that thla car ha
been put through."
alias Bavin Tata.
That Benjamin Briscoe, president of
the BrUcoe Motor company of Jackson,
1ich., ha had a staff of engineers for
some time engaged In th building of
lhr high-powered racing car, which
will make their first appearance some
t'me la July, a 111 be new even to th
folk mho ar usually very close to what
is going on lu lh Jai keon plant of th
F. W. Bacon of Drummond Motor
Car Company it Pleated with
the New Product.
JT. W. Bason of the Dummond Motor
enrnpanr has been hoot during the last
few day to a large number of out-of-town
dealers as well as many local proa
peetlv buyer of the new 11 Oldsmo
bile. Th arrival of the new car haa been
awaited with much interest and the only
disappointment was experienced by a
number of Mr. Bacon's deilers when
they learned that It would be probably
ten days before th regulsr schedule of
deliveries would begin.
In general design the new car is very
similar to Its predecessor, with the ex
ception that It la much larger, the wheel
base being 130 Inches and the body being
built proportionately larger and luxur
ious. The rear seat on the new car is
forty-alx, Inches wide and the distsnoe
from the back of th front seat to the
back of th rear seat is forty-seven an1
five-eighth Inches. .In front additional
room haa, also bean provided, th dis
tance from the back of th front sett
to th clutch pedal being forty-cm Inohes.
Th back of both th front and rear
eat ar being built much higher, af
fording more comfort to th driver a
well as tha occupants of the tonneau.
Bacon Is Pleased.
The earns type of motor la used, with
slight refinements which give It added
power. The weight of the car ready for
shipping Is but 1.639 pounds, while th
rosd weight, with extra tire, tools and
a complete gasoline, oil and water supply
1 only ,7r pounds. This weight carried
on 33x4 tlrea should give exceptional tire
mileage. Non-skid tlrea are atandard
equipment on th rear wheels. A on
man top brlnga out more forcibly th
graceful line which hav always charac
terised the Oldamoblle product. Mr. Ba
con, upon receipt of thl car. Immediately
wired the factory aa follows i "New car
received. Everybody more than pleased.
Nothing but a shortsge of cars can ever
stop us. Tou can't get shipments through
too quickly."
Agstn the Firestone Tire and Rubber
company of Akron, O., is to the fore with
new service of real value to dealers. Th'a
snlee help takes the form of a window dis
play binder and hss the distinction of
being aonv'thlng entirely new. As the
binder ww first sent to pneumatic tire
dealers throughout the country. It con
tained two aheeta on which were shown
tao most attractive window display sug
gestions. Sufficient space was left In the
binder for additional aheeta containing
other display Ideas, these to be' printed
regulsrly throughout the year and sent
to dealers at tl.elr request.
Coasts and Colds Are Serloas.
Don't disregard your cold. Tou sneese,
cough, are feverish neture's warning.
Dr. King's New Discovery will cure you.
50c. All druggists. Advetlsetnent.
A rebuilt touring car would cost as
much to begin with and the upkeep
would be prohibitive.
Talk with us about trucks.
float r aril ana
Xongla 8800.
Positive Experts On All
Strahle & Anderson
Red 4473. 2059 Farnam.
Hi ll '4-
"as compact as a Swiss watch
The motor, of the Chal
mers New Six is "as com
pacts a Swiss watch."
It is tin entirely new type
of high speed valve-in-head
motor with overhead cam
It's this motor that makes
this car so economical,
especially in repair cost.
It's this motor that makes
the car so efficient
Makes it get away like a
racer, climb hills like a
And It has a brand new
type of spring; suspension
which makes it ride like a
Sold at the lowest price
that a Chalmers car was
ever sold 31400.
It's a thoroughbred.
Come in and see it.
Stewart-Toozer Motor Co.
2048-52 Farnam Street Omaha Nebraska
Telephone Douglas 138
Let your next car be a Chalmers
i k "...
v f.a4 e V1.-
S. . i .. . .
Service for Omaha Motorists
Worthy of Us and Firestone Tires
Day and night not only till midnight but all night long onr service is yours
to command.
Even broador, more efficient, more economical than ever and this is "going
some" when you consider the service we have been giving our patrons.
Tire Ownieips
Get Free-of-Charge Service
anywhere within a radius of twenty miles of Omaha. No charge for the trlpi
no charge for the help of our competent men.
In broadening our service we are only carrying out the Firestone ideas as dem
onstrated in the perfection of tire values. No other tire at any price gives you
tho mileage values you get in a Firestone. v
Free Air at Curb. Gasoline and Oil Always on Hand
Expert Repairs a Specialty
To know how much better this service is than any you've ever known.
Call, Telephone or Write
2066-68 Farnam St.
ile C
Douglas 3646
i X::a3 i
Be Sure It's a 1916 Model
Empir I91S saaaals ar ker aw. W ar making deliveries ! acass. laspeel tkis snaress
ear k biggest car al its price, tk auality car f its class. N.ta tkee poiats of superUrity wkick
we ar prparal ta prva.
Lagr wkeelkasa Easy rMiag .aalities
Pawerful ssetor Noticeable ecoaosiy
Sturdy censtructiea Distiactiv line
Fiv-bw ass man lop Oaa year gaaraate
Camplet ssipBtst Electric startiag
Deal wait. See tkis car today tk most advanced car f tk season a real 1(11 model.
;KO. U. MrMCKKK. Maaaser.
Empire AutomobCe Company, Indianapolis, lad.
sV Stxtk Yr et Contmued Growth."
The car fa