TITE OMAHA SUNDAY HBK: MAY 1915. IN THE GLORYOF OUTDOORS 3. CtTT TTTTT nv A tDTT.r rv TTUCT I COUNCIL BLUFFS GIRL WHO WILL Waw " aVIaii aWM at allUVii V- aV JTJ3TE DAY. Patterson-Pickens Wedding Party WED TUESDAY. , OME TO COMBS Omaha's Great Open-Air Clnbs Give Their 8uon Inaugural Fart in with Large Attendance. OTHER AFFAIRS FOR MONDAY t The Excellence of Combs9 2-n I I I ftorlal alcaelar. UNTAX Mm. Lmwtlp Child. rlr"ie upper at "MaxwrHon' for Mis lith Hnn of New York city. KWt of Mle Ilacrtrt hmlth; Mr. Robert 'nrinell, sni PT at tnimtry rlub for Min Maria Htewart and Mr. Konairi McK'-rron. MONDAY-Mr. A. II. Warren, dinner at t'ountry club for Ml Msnc btfwart; .Mttw HlKKlni" anil Mica JMorre. ahower lor Mian Maurine 1,,-linhciff; Mia Frances llni-hatctler, dinner at Country rlub for Miss Kilna FKan of New York City; Mr., and Mr. M. C. Petrra and Mr. and Mri". Jutne fytidlow. dinners at Country club; t'Hrler lke -lb open inn dinner: Minn Mabel Morrow, lunch eon at Happy Hollow club. Tl'KSPAY tvhutnnte ItrnlRe club. Mis l-.leanor Marker, hnMcss: Piettlcst Mile Women a Uo!f club, buffet lunch eon, Mra. J. II. Cutoff, lioateaa; Carter Ike 8wlmmlnR and Howling club meet at Carter Iike club. WKPNECfUY-Mr-Creary-IrfinKdon wed ding; Mm. Montaonierv In Council Hluffa. luncheon for Mica Maria Htew art; Mr. K W. Hart, dinner at Country club for Mini Ktrwarl: Mr. and Mra. Ralph Ieter. dinner at Country club for Mlaa Kllzabcth llkena; Mr. and Mra. A. "'. Kmlth. dinner at Country club for Mlaa Ivililh Hlnnn: Mra. J. J. KulHvan. luncheon for Mis Hose Hmvth: KII(jore-lrhnhoff wedding. Tlll'IfUAY RutlecjKe-IIanchett wed ding; Mra. Clifford Wolfe, luncheon for Mies Marie Stewart; Mra. J. J. lleaa, 'linner at Grand hotel, followed by lawn danca at "Tha Uablea" by Mra John T. Stewart and Mra. Wlldman for Mlaa Htewart; Mra. J. J. Bulllvan. luncheon at Hotel lnya1 for Mra. Pat rick Hart of Columbus; Mlaa Marlon Turner of Council Hluffa, luncheon for Urownell Hall aenlora. KKIDAY Mlaa Mildred Butler. Country lub luncheon for Mlaa tile wart; Mlaa Htewart and Mr. MoPerron entertain wedding party at Country rlub; lr. Ware Hall, dinner for Mlaa kills firth 1'irkena and Mr. Kenneth Patterson; Junior day, Browned Hall; Mra. W. L. e'elby, luncheon at Happy Hollow club; Mr. and Mm. Ward Rinses, dancing party for Mlaa F.dna Kloan; Mra. F. 8 Melllnger, luncheon at Happy Hollow club. FRIDAY McFerron-Htewart wedding at M. Paula church. Council Bluffa, fol lowed I'v reception at home of Mr. and Mra. Charlea T. Stewart; Mra. John ptout, luncheon at Country club for daughter. Mlaa Gertrude Stout; Mra Henry fk-antltTtt of Chicago and Mr. W. g. tfaaslngrr. Date Treat Parties. Among the Dutch treat partlea wai on composed of Meaara. and Meadamea T.. 8. S'itlrook. H. 8. Carlisle and R. I Huntley; Another tarty Included Meaara. and Meadamea Harry Poorly, Sam Cald well. Dr. and Mra. Fred Iake. Mra. Eva Wl.lia Croaby, luncheon for Mlaa Jeaale Wallace, Mlaa Frencee Waella, Meaara. i V'. 'm- w-' : ; ' I - ;, Ji 3) J pine Peters L: V VJx I y . TTTC.C TT T7. VrVFITT TJTftncTTft ! uwtf umi rii'ir'ii r " fliiii 7 ':I;V Ly;:Iy:.::t-,ij -' 't ' 'ry : MRS. RAUPIl PETERS. V . l'leraon. June bride; Mra. Uoyd llola- apple, luncheon at Happy Hollow club Laat night wllneaaed the formal open ing of the country cluba for the eeaaon. 8a-kty Juit buret Into bloom with frantic effulgence.. Some even dared their new lfc gowne, even if the ele menU were a little grouchy. Bmllee ga lora were In evidence and, with aome, a lierfactly new aet of charmlnK, demur mannera auliable to their frocka. It ia going to be a new and terribly dangeroua email partlea Included Meaara. and Mea- ohaa. tbla lMft mannera and 1B16 expert- damea J. W. Orlfflth. W. J. Connell and enc-a But anyway, ail declare they had Walter Griffith; Mr. and Mra. C. E a perfectly apiendld time and each club I Meta. Mlaa Harriet Meta and Mr. Jo wna packed to Ita greatest capacity. Tha daeoratlona at the Country club Elmer Cope, C. I... Ieuel and Randall Brown. Mr aura, and Meadamea Walter Roberta. Barton Millard, lvou'.a Clarke, Hon Towlc, Georgu Rcdlck and John Refllck made up another Dutch treat party; Idmi Smaller Partlea. There were many amaltcr partlea din ing together. Mr. Albert fluech enter tained Mlaa Helen Epeneter, Mlaa Alice Carter and Mr. Ieon Callahan. Other were carried out in the Japaneae lda. lanterna. paraeole and other Japaneae iieveltiea being ueed. The largeat dinner w. aivan by Mra. Ben Gallagher, in honor of Mr. and Mra. Paul Gallagher, who have recently returned from their aeph Fiuroee of Pan Franciaco; Dr. and Mra. J. J. McMullen and Mr. and Mra. F., B. Hochatetler, Mr. and Mra. Thomaa Flynn and Mr. and Mra. H. 8. Clarke, Mr. and Mra. Jack Webatrr and Mr. and Mra. Harold Prltchett; Mlaa Eugenia Whltmore. Mlaa Nail Benton of Council PluM a, Mr. Oliver Gardner and Mr. wedding trip, and for Mlaa Ellaa-betb, Oeorge Harcourt Plrkene and Mr. Kenneth Pateraon, who wtlt be married June l Ma, Oaliagher'a other areata were; Meaara. and Mi-adamee Oeore J. Klncade of Kiriaaa City. ,K. H. r'vta. Victor Caldwell. Ronald Patteraon, 1 Mie- KlUaboth Phic,, .Mary Uurklev, lladya I'et-re, . Alice, Jaoulth, ! Daphne. I'cleri, C. H. Plckana. John II. Butlar. HhI ph Peteraon, Frank Oesh. , Mlaea Ann tUfford, Y iliaboth Da via, Mellora I'avln, Ia.uiho l'lnnlng. KltaalMith Congdotl, Kvani'ee Hoohatetler. Mildred Butler, Harriet hmllh. i Henri Robert l orstan 'of 1it o, , Fred livKierty, Honor Knl'crity of t"ticaio, rien jallber. 1 wrenre Prinkor, 'tN llilam Hutler, Robert BJrna, Mm Hloan, OeraJd Wharton, John Caldwell, Bay IjOW, Allan Toky. J:mi-r HedlcK, WnraHall. Cuthbert Potter, O. J. lord Dined la Cafe. Dlaaer.Danee Monday. A apeclal dinner-dance will be given Monday In honor of Mamorial day. Among thoe who have made reaervationa for that evening are Mr. A. B. Warren, who will entertain twenty-four gueeta, and Mr. Jamea tUdlow, who will ha,ve aU gueata. For the dinner-dance on wedneeaay night. Mr. and Mra. R. U Patera will entertain twenty gueata and Mr. E. W. Hart will have thirty gueata. Both partial wilt be given for June brldea and bridal partlea, the Petera dinner being for Mlaa EV.iabeth Pickena and the Hart pariy for Mtaa Marie Btewart. On Thureday evening, June 19, Mr. and Mra. C. C. Oeorge wUI give a large din ner at the Country club. They will have, aeventy-fiva gueata. At the Field C'lafc. With ever 3D0 raaervattona for the open ing dinner-dance, the Field club preaented a lively appearance laat evening. The 7m. i" , I Mr. and Mra. Howard Baidrtge'e party jatraln of the cafe capacity waa relieved occupied the email cafe and tKelr g-ueata by eervlng dinner at two different houra, Meadamea F. R. Klrkendall. Measra. Jr.aeph Haldrtga, Chae. Included - M !-. and Meadamea W !ii)n lw. V. R. M-.Keen, F W Ju'tw.n. Walter Paie, Jchn Methane, W. A. C. Johnton, barlea H. Keller, Ji H. Sprague. Gould I !. Mi darre Arthur KeminRton, Merry Mormli'k, 1 itctoa Wakeley, -Hen Warren. With Mr. and Mra. John B. Btout were Meaara. and Medamee W. It. Buchola. John W Tmle. R. F. Kloke and H. O. Fdward Mr. and Mra. G cor pre H. Kelly enter tained Meaara. and Meadamea E. Buck' i"gham R. J. Dunning, U. B. Buach and Jay D. Foater. Mr. and Mra. O. C lUidlck and Mr. and Mra Fd Oeorge were guteta of Mr. and Mra George Prlna. Mr. and Mra. A. J. Love entertained Meaara. and Meadajnea Jamea t.udlow, Mlllci Parlow and Caaper E. Yost. At Mr and Mra. Daniel Baum'a table t:N and T o'clock. The largeat dinner party waa that of Mr. and Mra. W. R. Wood, who enter tatned tha membera of one of the danc ing cluba that met laat winter. The party waa composed of: Meaara and Meadamea Robert Manley. Pent Burl:gh. Jack Kharp. Clelr Balrd. Harvey Milllken, W. Rlgbter Wood, George Later, ICd Balrd. ' E. P. Boyer, "aut wernner. Mlaa Nan Murphy, ' Mra. Stanley llartman. Mr. A)a Kutliarford, Mr. Albert Cahn. Dlala Tasether. ' Another large party dining together b.cluded: Meaara. and Meadamea Allert Krug. K. C. Hem v. Jamea Wauah, le H. Huff, u J. Mieaaing, Howard ttouining, E. II. Hruenlng. P. W. Mlkeaell, U M Prgau, William Ulller, Mre. Madeline Krug, Dr. A. Hacha. Mr. Cart bock. With Mr. and Mra. Arthur Eagllah were ere Meaara. and Meadamea Walter Pree- Mr. and Mra. Frank Boyd, Mr. and Mra. IF. E. Pearce and Mr. Conrad. ton. Clarke Colt and Arthur Cooley. Mr. Er.rl Gannett entertained Meaara. and Meadamea E. W. Dixon. B. M. Fair field. A. U IWd. Mra. Wlldman of Coun cil Bluffa. Mtaa I-ynn Curtla. Mlaa Daley lrane, Mra W. Hull and Mr. Charlea t aundera. Judge kin Mra. W. A. Redick'a gueata were Meagre, and Meadamea Oiarlea Kour.tte, Will Burna. W. J. Foye, J. T. htewart JU, and Joeeph Parker. Otaera at teaatrr flab. "Mr, and Mra. H. L. Cummlnga enter. talned Meaara. aad Meademee K. P. Peck. J. H. Brady and Loula Do up. - Mre. E. W. Naah had aa her gueata Mrasra. and Meadamea K F. Crofoot, albert M. Hitchcock. Lou la Naah. Mra. Jrronm Mageu and Mr. Jamea Woodard if ftoundup. Wyo. Mr. and Mra. Glen C. Wharton and Mr. . i i' i . . . i ' 1 I I. V. .. . u"1" Sullivan and Mr. ani Mra. C. fji ir. inq aire. Aioanier i oipeiaer. . Wltti Mr. and Mra. M. c: Petera were Meaor. and Meadamea C. W. Hamilton, F. II. Galnra. M. A. Hall. T. J. Mahoney, 1 i an.k Hamilton and W. A. Fraaer. Dr. and Mra. J. E Bummers entertained Ml-a Carrie Summera of Washington, Mrs. Ella gquirea. Mr. and Mra. Hoxte Clarka of Belvedere. S. T., and Mr. and Mra. If. P. Wliltmor. Mr. and Mgi. Fred llamllton't gueata were Mr. and Mra. Jack Barber and Mr. and Mra. Ward Burgesa. Mr. and Mm. J. A. C. Kennedy enter . talned Mr. and Mra. Herbert Whetler. Mra. Alien Robinson and Mr. Frank HaakelL Mr. and Mra. Jam Paxton had with them Mra. W. F. Allen. Mra. Bishop. Mr. and Mra. Frank Johnson. Mm. Charlea Marsh and Mr. John Cave Mr end Mrs. F. V. Clarke and Judge and Mra. MiHuh were gueata of lr. -anil Mr. F. N. Conner. Mr. and' Mis. H. W. S.endi.-tt enlci- and Mra. J. H. Patch Treat Parly. One of the larger Dutch treat partlea Included: Meaara. and Meedamee . - Guy rtmlth. Jack Hughes, Will liawrence. J. F. Anson. L. J. Millard, C. W, Calkins. Mtaa Dorothy Bigelow. Mr. Harley Conaut. Mr. and Mra. J. F. Dale, Mr. and Mra. F. A. Ewlng, Mr. and Mra R. D. Pol lard. Mr. and Mra. P. V gholea, Mr. anJ Mra. A- W. iMrlbner and Miss Pinto dined together. With Mr. and Mre. W. E. Palmatler were Mr. and Mm. Guy C. Pratt and Dr. and Mm. Bradbury. Mr. and Mra H, 11. Fiab had is their gueata. Mr. and Mra. E. W. Julian of Oklahoma City, Judge and Mra. J. J. F. Farne- orth. Mr. and Mra. K. C. Twaroley, Mr. and Mra. Charlea Burntetaler, Mr. and Mra. N. F. Harrlman and Mr and Mra. A. If. Fettera diner together. Mr. and Mra. Harry O. Bteel'a gueeta were: Mr. and Mra. Frank Loveland of Lincoln. Mr. and Mm. J. B. Porter and Mlaa Porter. Dr. and Mr. E. C. Abbott.' Mr. and Mra.- John Mach, Mr. and Mra T. F. Farrlngton, Mr. and Mra. F.anklln Kbotwell and Mr. and Mra M. J. Coach ley were gueata of Mr. and Mra. Oeorge F. Wllaon. Mr. and Mra. C. F. Kch wager and Mr. and Mm. If. A. Wahl mere entertained by Dr. and Mra W. K. FooU. la lalra aad Threes. Othera who made reaervationa for tha opening dinner dance were: Mr. and Mra. W. H. Hordman. who entertained nine iueia; e. II. Howland. four; A. V. Knot- I well, three; P. C. Hyaon. two; G. C. Cun tiiiiitd Mis liiiit of Kanlon. 111.; Mr. nlntfhani, fic. F. J. Uwansoii, four; It. V. Camp, two; Franklin Mann, three; f. T.' Loomta, two; J. B. Planchard. four; J. H.' Oonrad. two; W. B. Wllklnaon. two; H. K. BchaefferY three; O. P. Btarr, five; Frank Engler, four; W. B. Bruce, five; A. P. Whltmore, four; O. F. Good rich, aU; J. C. Nlcholaon, four; Joe Red field, four; a. W. Bhlelda alx; A. W. Scrlhner, two; C. N. Robinson, aU; W. K. Foou, aeven; M. T. Hwarta, four;,W. It. Downey, foers John H. Huaale. five; C. L. Bsbcock, three; X D. Klpllnger. two: T. Kvenlld, two; H. F. Reed, two; C. F. Montgomery, three, and I C. Kohn, alx. At Happy Hollaw Clan. The opening of tha ether two country cluba on the aame day with It did in no way detract from the success of tha Happy Hollow club' a formaJ opening laat evening aa it haa ,h loyal membership, moat of which turned out for the open ing dinner dance. Elaborate decorationa of palms, feme and peon lea were used In the rlub house. The gueata who num bered about KO, were aeated at long tablea, those In partlea together, and each cover waa marked by a Happy Hollow place card. Mr. C IL Sherman, president of tha club, with his wife and children, Mlaa Harriet and Mr. Roland Sherman, Mlaa Ruth McCoy and Mr. Pavta were to gether at tha dinner. Mr. and Mra E. G. McOllton. Mra W. J. Bcrlver of Denlaon, la: Mlaa Mary Rouae and Mlaa Charlotte Willlama made up one party. Mr. and Mm. C. F. Waller will have Mr. and Mra. Harry Waller. Mr. and Mra. Clifford Waller. Mr. and Mra W. H. Rhodee and Mr. L. B. Wela of Chi cago aa their gueata. One of the largeat partlea waa com posed of Meaara. and Meadamea W. I Melby. Norrla Brown, H. N. Wood. J. U Baker, E. A. Benaon and R. C. Petera. Mr. and Mra. J. M. Ollchriat. Mlsa Myme Gilchrist. Mr. and Mra. Guy Lig gett. Mr. Barnette and Mr. A. M. Hueton of Pawnee City dined together. Mr. and Mra Willie Todd. Mr. and Mra. M. V. Cameron, Mr. ana urn. v. Walrath. Mr. and Mm. H. I. Adama. Mr. and Mra. F. R. Straight and Mm. van Duaen made up a "Dut.-h treat " party. Mr. Frank Belby entertained Mlaa qu elle Bacon. Mtaa Eleanor Mackay and Mr. Austin Oalley. At a table together ware Mr. ana ra. Kimberly. Mr. and Mra. G. M. Dur- kee. Mra . R. Rush and Mr. and Mm. R. R. Copp, vti.a Adkh KIopo had aa her gueeta Mlaa Walter of Chicago. Mlaa Lottie Lae nowden, Mr. Earl Bnowden. Mr. Arcnie MurtMft and Mr. Harvey Morrow. mailer Partlea. Mr. and Mra. W. E. Rhoadee enter tained a family party at a dinner of eight covara Othera who entertained were Al bert Edholm. who entertained five gueeta; Dr. and Mra 3. E. Pulver. two; B. H. Koblson. aU: F. R. Hoagiand, four; F. II. Oarvln, flya: Howard Good rich, aevvn; II. O. Loomla two; J. A. Underholm, lour: a O. Hamilton, five; T. A. Fray, aevanl Edward Callahan, alx; A. V. Buchana, aren; R. K. Wlloox. aU; E. W. Ounther, ftvej, A. H. Barnett. three; R. U Carter, foun J. W. Hamil ton, four; L. J. Nelaon. atai E. O. Mc Gllton. etx; R. N. Howaa. twei W. R, McFarland. four; B. F. Marshall, alx; George W. Wtrkemham, two.; I. BJbbern sen, five; Uryca Crawford, three; W. C. Roea three; C. O. Trlmbla three; C. F. Hubblus. thn: F. D. Wead, right; F. B. Aldeua two; Dwlght WlllUms. two; W. C. I'.osa, three; Cliariea H. Marley, two; A. . Howell, two: W. B. Byrne, two; Hiriy Uuie. two; Dr. P. C. Lih-11, two: A. W, Bowman, two; Lyman McConnell, two; R. P, Hamilton, four, and J. Pi Yaf.a fdur. 1 Mra W. L. Selby will entertain at a luncheon of twenty-five Friday at tha Happy Hollow club and Saturday Mra Lloyd Holaapple " will be hoateaa at a luncheon of that number. The Daughtera of 1911 will give a lunoheon at the club Thursday. Seymour Lake Country Club. . The inclement weather did not prevent a large and enthusiastic crowd from en joying opening night The rooma were made cheerful by crackling log flrea and a profusion of flowers. Dinner partlea were ao numerous that It waa necessary to place tablea In the living room. Among those assisting throughout tha rornna were; , Meaara and Meadamea A. J. Randall, J. H. Bednar, W. B. Cheek. .Inbn Heklna T. L. Combs. ' C. I. Vollmer. ' John Urlon. William Berry, George brewer. The women of tha entertainment com mittee will give a luncheon at the club Thursday at 1 o'clock. Plana will be dla cuaaed for tha summer entartalnmenta Tha committee on arrangements la com posed of: dinner-dance laat evening were Mr. and Mra. F. J. Blraa, who had five gueata; W. L. Kllly, two: George Earlln, two; A. F. Richie, ten; C. F. Benjamin, four; Earl Bchlect, two; Charlea Dundy, three; V. H. Black, eight: R. M. Frankum, four; Clyde Rock, four; Dr. L.. A. Dermody, two; R. O. Longnecker, four; Louis HII- I ler, four; Henry Hlller, four; C. C. Pax l ton, alx; H. C. Mason, two; George J. t Henderson, two, and B. H. Ward, two. Summer Flans for School Set. Mlsa Marjorie Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mra. George C. Smith, who haa just completed her freshman year at Bryn Mawr college, leavea there today to visit her grandmother in Toronto, Can., and afterwards to vllt clanamatea In New York, Chicago and Minneapolis. She la expected home the latter part of Juno, I accompanied by Mlaa Ella Llndley of Minneapolis, a classmate, who will be her irueat. Mrs.. Joseph M. Baldrige left Friday for Roaton, whero she will be met by her daughter, Gwendoline, from school In New Tork, and they will go Monday to Rockland, Me., to apond the aummer with Mra Baldrtao's father, Mr. B. F. Smith, who la aite&dy at his summer home thera Grafton and Dudley WoKe will join their mother at Rockland aa aoon aa their schools cloae. Mr. Baldrlge will go on later to be with them. Omaha Guests at Wedding. There, will he a number of Omah.i gueeta at tha wedding of Mlaa Annette Smith and Mr. Royal Comstock, which will be celebrated In Sioux City June 9. "Mra. Harold Everts, Mr. Comaiock's stater, will be matron of honor at tha wedding, and Mr. IE v arte la to be an usher. Mr. Arthur D. Smith and Mr. J, C. McClure of this city will also act as ushers and Mr. Edward Holyoka will be tha beet man. Mrs. Holyoka, Mra Mc Clure and 51m. Smith will- aocompany their husbands, and Mr. Comvtock'a ala ters, Mlaa Blanche, Mlaa Gall and Miss Lea Comstock, are all planning .to a'ttend tha wadding. , Bridal Party Arrivals. Id lae Florence Heyn of New Tork, who la to be one of the McFerron-Stewart wedding biidesmaide, waa the first of the out-of-town membera of tha bridal party to arrive, having coma Tuesday. 6 he la a guest at the Stewart home, Mlaa Louiae Haas of Kansas City comes Mon day and will ba with Dr. and Mra. Macrae in Council Bluffa. Mlas Florence Bteifet of Wheeling. W. Va.. will arrive on Tuesday, and tha other two brldeemalda from away, Mlas Katherlne Barker of Michigan City and Mlas Elisabeth Good rich of Chicago, com Wednesday. Mlas Barkera engagement to Mr. Howard ppauldlng of Chicago waa only recently announced, and Mr. Rpauldlng la to be one of the ushers at the wedding. Mr. McFerren, the groom, arrived Sat urday, but hla uahem, till of whom are Chicago men, except Mr. Clifford Wolfe, will not be here until Thursdey. Mr. and Mra. McFerren, parents of the groom, also arrive Thursday from Hoopeaton. Mra. William Beach of New York, aunt of Miss Ftewart, haa been here alnce Sunday, and Mr. Beach cornea tomorrow from a hunting trip in the west. Will Be Wedded on Wednesday. A wedding will take place at Council Bluffa on Wednesday that ia of some in terest In Omaha, owing to the long real dence here and In the lon-a suburb of the bride's parents. On that day Miss Murrel G. Boyer, only daughter of Alderman and Mrs. W. C. Boyer, will be married to Mr. John Vatemaa, managnr of the Eagle Drug company of Council Bluffs. The (Continued on Paga Twa Column J.) Jewelry ...and Service adds desirability to Gif . sfcrJune Brides and . Gifts for Jane Graduates Our large and unusual variety of articles for those two most import-ant life-time events all fairly priced is of remarkable interest and worth to you. Something to Suit Every Purse and Ceaseless Attention toYourWants ALWAYS. FOB nKIDKS Merlin wares, - Urge ana small; Sheffield wares in annn-i dance; Wlver riate Seta and a Services, Cnt Glass, Clocks and I Tottery. . 1 FOR GRADUATES Bracelet and V a 1 d e m a r Watches, Diamond Rings and iAValleres, Pens, Penclla, Baga, Wallets, I'mbrellna, Vanities, Gold and Silver Novelties, Claaa Rings and Pins. T. L. Combs & Co, 5Wfrr ef Jtmtbf Tkmg$ 1520 Douglas Street, Omaha. Hall and Catalog Orders Solicited ii Ii ak , I I Meadamea H. C. Forater. H. O. Wtndhetm. J. Dean Kinaer, . Oeorge Francis, A. J. HandalL J. B. White. J. H. Adama C. A. Melrher. R. K. Bchlndel. Meadamea J. M. Tanner, Julia I.yun. John Smith. Hoy Pennla. I'aul Jucknlesa, Kred Krug, K. T. Valis, J. H. Adama. M. Culkln. Omaha Graduate at Vaiiar. Mr. and Mra. Robert Cowell leave tha early part of tha week for Poughkeepsie. N. Y., to attend the commencement ex ere! aee at Vaaaar, where their daughter, Mlaa Monat Cowell, graduate. After ward they will apend ten days at Bar Harbor. Mr. Cowell will remain east all aummer, but Mr. Cowell and Mlaa Cowell will return ' the latter part of June. At Carter Lake Club. Carter Lake club observes two opening nights, one Saturday evening and tha formal opening Monday evening. Gov ernor John H. Morehead and hla staff and W. K. O'Brien, state fish commis sioner, were guests at the Informal open ing Saturday evening. Among those who entertained for the Films Develped FREE When Purchased From Va AU Others, Developed, 10c, Prints Se to 5c Post Cards Oc 24-Hour Service. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Photo Craft Shop "Film Speriallsta." 416 BEE BUILDING Mail Ordera Filled Promptly. HOTEL LOYAL will ttrv a special DINNER ON SUNDAY at I J la 3 r. JA. at Is f. K. AT $1.00 PER PLATE TMts Mey Be Reserved Improvea your praonI apparguic mRMEH HAIRNET 5c keeps every Lair in place. Wear a Carmen tbe Qual ity Hair Net strongest, most durable. A style for every coiffure a shade for any hal; -5? We foe ran gtudaate la few las aais aeta Ask roar dealer fur tha "Cannes Booklet" Lateat Stylos in Halrdreeeinf it'i free. Try Stylo 11 Carman, regular mean, elastic cord. Look for th Carmen hoelop 5c e&ch sxl YOUR dealer. ! II - t iaiaj Jr. H a " '- m i T ' tf.y m W s" : r" '" 'f - Ja, f : ,,, , Ml t ' y .... Ideal results are certain for all forms of crochet, tatting, and up-to-date novelties .. such .as now adorn the finest homes and wardrobes if you use Article 805 Kloster ailk Cordonnet Special, tha perfect, permanently , lustrous thread which aavea your time by wasting none of it. To crochet the faahlonable bedspreads - and insertions, use sizes 3 or 5, with Nos. 4 to 6 hooks; for edginga for handkerchiefs and undergarments, aizea 50 to 150, with Noe. 9 to 13 hooks. Article SOS Kloetarailk Cordonnet Spacial Mfds in White 5Te7ToTor fiie,1" 1 ' ' ' 10 io 5 30 1 Vo " S IS SO LlahtBlae . Red 3 20 0 t). If t brae Yellow 8 tO 70 Pink Black t0-10O ISO LaveaJar Cnaaa tera. sli. 8. 5. IA 1 8. 20. 30. 40. 8". 0. 70 "WUte that sUys white celosa that laat" - Use the Klostorsilk Shopping List la connection with the Illustrated dasiga books et your dealera. Kloetenilk for . sale everywhere. The Thread Mills Company Thraad Sslse Dept. 19 W. Adsms St., Oilcaaa Shopping List FerCiechetiag Hsndkmhlef sdr Ings, iDssrtioas and US tins, aa Art. tat Cor aonDSt EimcUI, balls. Towel edemas, ana all heavy crochet. Art. fei Perls, larra fcelle. or Art. Sua Psrla, larg a skeins. Boudoir csps, bsby booties. Art. aie Ratm Olou, whits, colors, spools. Infants' jacks. Art. rtt Crochet Flechs, white, bslls. For EsakfeMeriag Cross stitch, initials. Art.rrr Moallasolors, vrhile, skeins French knot, heavy Initials, An. tot Perls, colors, whits, skeins. French embroidery, initials. Art 7Ml kthe, white, skeins. Erelets and Mono gramt. Art. 8oj Broder bpecial, whits, skeins. Padding aad solid em In utilei et Art. yae Jcanaeue, white, ball. Shadow work. Art. 751 1 loche, while, balls. Towels, pillow cates. Art. &, Ivory Whits, skeiasor Art.l4S,wtiUs, holders. . v Colored embroidery. Art. au. litdia or Art. &U. Rope, holders. PRIZE CONTEST We 8meta 75c Table d'Hot THnner Every Sunday. Aa this dinner Is. of eourae. for the public, we would like every per eon Interested to submit a aamle menu of a Tie dinner they personally would like, and tho menu chosen from those submit ted will be served the following Sunday. It should be borne in mind that the dinner will be served for TSc per person and cost will be one of the deciding factors. The prise will be a 0.OO I took of .leal Tickets and one will be awarded each week to the peraon whoae menu le choaen. The name of the winner will be published each Sunday with the menu to be aerved that day. Winning Menu for 75c Dinner, which will be served Sunday, May SO, from 12 to 8:80 P. M. Cream of Tomato Soup Toaated Bread Sticks Bliced Tomatoea Olives Broiled Uallbuf Bauce Tartar Choice of Fried Spring Chicken on Toast, ' Roast Loin of Pork, Dressing - with Gravy, Roast Beef. Yorabire Pudding Steamed New Potatoea Green Peas. Cream Sauce Cabbage Halad Strawberry Hhortcake with Whipped Cream Coffee Wlanlng Mann submitted fey math aeutleataa. County J Bilge's oif ice-Music GANSON'S CAFE 1508-10 Howard Street EDHOLM 'S JITNEY PLAN Our Jitney plan to buy a watch, as advertised the paat two weeka, haa been aucb a success that we will continue to sell a genuine Elgin watoh, lady'a or gentleman'a, in a gold filled case, guaranteed by tha manufac turers for 20 years, on the Jitney plan, for 110.(0. You pay &c down and c additional for twenty weeka, theo the watch ia youra. The plan is as follows: Fir$t Week, Sc; Second Week, 10c; Third Week, 15c; Twentieth Week $1, Last Payment Tou mar begin at either end of this line of figures and pay anr amount you can, hut we will require at least one payment each week Until laat payment la mada Have your nlckela. Moat every man. woman and child can afford to buy a watch on this plan. EDHOLM Omaha'a Oldeat Established Jeweler. Sixteenth and Harney Sts. 1 a