Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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niiTnnnp nnmQ I
Corernor Morehead to Be Duett of
Honor at the Carter Lake
Club Inaugural.
Never before was the superior value-netting, bargain-giving
S power of this great mercantile organization more pleasingly demonstrated
than right now daring the sale of the liar gadinc-Kit terick Stock and other big purchase.
The items listed here are only a small part of the pleasing savings awaiting you.
Omaha's summer and outing clubs
have chosen the Memorial day period
(or the formal opening - ot their
seasons, and have arranged special
events for the purpose. Seymour
Lake club had Us opening din
ner last evening, and the. Country,
Field, Happy Hollow and Carter
Lake clubs will have their formal
openings ttday with other special
opening events also planned for
Monday. s
Governor J. II. Morehead and hts party
and State Fish Commissioner W. J.
O'Brien wilt bo honor guests today
at the Carter Lake opening, and the 4
governor and his staff will add analr of j 9
splendor to the affair, which promises
to be the event In the dub's, his- 1 1
tory. Several state officials of Iowa also j 1
have been Invited.
To Meet the Ciovernor.
As the Carter Lake folks will have a
second program of opening- events on 1 1
Monday, today's program will be 1
more of a social affair, when the many
members will enjoy meeting the visiting
honor guests. There will, however, be
many sporting events on land and water,
Including base ball, tennis, trap shooting,
swimming, boat races and a fine fish
dinner, followed by a dance.
At the Country club today's opening
'dinner will be preceded by an eighteen- '
hole golf competition and putting con
test, and other games. Similar oontests.
Including those of driving and ap
proaching, will be held Monday.
Happy Hollow club's formal opening
will be marked by an elghteen-hole handi
cap medal play, with eight to qualify for
the WV C. Bullard prise, and also the
usual other games. The opening dinner
dance will be this evening. Monday's
events Include a swatfeet. elghteen-hole
handicap medal play, ten to qualify.
Some sprprlse contests and the usual
golf competitions are planned for Satur
day and Sunday afternoons at the Field
club, wltb the opening dinner-dance Sat
urday evening.
At Miller Park.
First of the ninety-hole contests will be
played today at Miller Park Oolf
club, and an elghteen-hole handicap
match play against bogey will be staged
Monday. Special events for both men and
women will be held on both days at Sey- I
mour Lake Country club.
The Omaha Oun club will observe the
memorial occasion with a 100-target raie j
Monday afternoon.
The big Invitation athletic meet planned
for ' this afternoon on Crelghton field
has been postponed one week because the i
rains have made the track and field too
Fashion's Foremost Summer Dress
Styles, Distinctive Yet Be
coming and Reflecting the Very
Newest Ideas in Correct Design
You '11 appreciate not only the un
usuallv broad assortments hero for
selection but also the
pleasingly low price.
Hundreds of Beauti
ful New Summer
Dresses shown for the first
time Saturday, charming de
signs and exceptional values
at $7.50, $10, $12.50,
$15.00 and $25.00
$20.09 Silk Dresses, special
Saturday, $9.90 -A big ship
ment just received from our
New York buyer, come in
Taffetas, Crepe do Chines,
Satins and Novelty Silks,
Street Dresses, Afternoon
and Party Dresses, most sur
prising bargains, at $9.00
5.0O and fO.OO Waists f 2.05
Hundreds of them for your selec
tion In georgette crepes, silk
crepe de chine, laces, fancy
stripe silks, etc.; wonderful as
sortment of charming designs,
at $2.05
New Press Waists Very spe
cial values, $5. 87.05. 810
New Separate Hklrts A variety
of the new Ideas, sure to please;
special values, 83.05. 85.00
Two Big Lots
$1.00 Shirts
$3.50 Shirts QO
Saturday at is 121 Saturday at
Two big cash purchases of Manufacturers Surplus Stocks
and Samples, all this season's goods; go on sale Saturday
in two big lots at About ' to yt Actual Retail Worth.
Men's High Class Summer Shirts To $;i.50 g q
values; silks, creos, pongees, peyangs, French jfif
satinettes, etc., at JJ
Thousands of them in all sizes and newest colors,
collars attached or detached, soft French cuffs, all finely
tailored and including an almost endless variety of new
patterns, blazer stripes, Palm Beach, etc. The greatest
lot of values ever shown in Omaha,
Men's Madras, Tcrcale and Mohnlr Shirts, to 1.00 values, mad
with or without collars, and sport styles, In splendid assortment of
good colors and patterns, Saturday, 85c; three, for 81.00
2.00 Union Suits, 08c Regu
lar and athletic styles, in nain
sook, derby rib, mesh and
satin stripe crepes, both mercer
ised and silk finish.
Men's Roam loss Hose, with linen
spliced heel and toe, made to
sell at 25c, Sat., at. pr., 12 H
Hoys' Work and Ih-en SliliV,
to 75c values, 39 and 1Q
i ?i j
Suit Styles That Have Nothing of
m a r .
Commonplace oom
Them Elegantly Tail
ored and at the Most
Surprisingly Little
Pricings for Saturday
135 Handsome Tailored Suits, made to
sell at $23.00 to $35.00, in the season's
most desirable colors and
fabric weaves, excep
tional bargains
Eleg-ant Silk Suits, made to sell at $25
up to $65, in threo special lots
$10.50, $25.00 and $35.00.
Handsome Silk Coats, an exceptional
ly fine lot just received, and go on sale
Saturday at priciugs that, quality con
sidered, will comiel quick selling
$10.00, $15.00 and $10.50.
i r
The Children's Department is splendidly ready to supply
every summer gnrment wish of the babies and little misses.
Ftrautiful Willie Dresses In almost endless variety of dainty de
signs, exceptional values at.. 81.05. 82,05. 83.05 l 810
llolored Dress Npecials 81.0O. 81.05 "d 82.05
. 1915 Membership in
Ak-Sar-Ben Larger
Than of Last Year
There are 1.S40 members ot Ak-8r-Ttteif
at the present moment This Is ten
days before the opening night , at. the
pen. -liaat year ten days before, .the
opening night there were 1.808. all of
which means that the hustling Commit
tee has secured thlrty-ftve more mem
bers so far than they did laat year In
the same length of time.
All ihla came, out in the meeting of
the. hustling committee for luncheon at
the Millard hotel Thuraday noon. Chair
man Randall 'Drown of the committee
announced that there must be 10 more
members snaked in before June 7, which
Is the opening night. .That will make
1.D0O to open with.
It ' was announced also that splendid
progress Is being made thla year In the
getting of new members. Accurate tab
Is kept on this matter, and the records
now show that SIS of the present mem
bers are new timber. The South Omaha
hustling teams are getting results nicely.
The stock yards team has 111 members
chalked up to Its credit already on the
official score board of Samson. This is
the team composed of Schellburg, Frye
and Cheek. The merchants team, which
works over in the city. Is Just now rest
ing on- tts -oars somewhat until after the
consolidation election. They, have a good
list of members In already, and have a
lot ot promises, but they state that on
account of the excitement over the com
ing consolidation election, the working
is sure to be better after that event if
over. This la the committee composed
of Goldstrum, Culklna and Donahoe.
The Potter, Mahaffey and Hogan team
still holds the lead In membership hustling,-
with ISO members to Its credit
The eighth grade of the Walnut Hill
school will hold It class day program
ixt Friday and has selected "The
v'hase." from Scotfs "Lady of the
Iko" as the subject of their entertain
ment. Sixteen of the young folk will
Sake part In the various numbers of thq
piece, while Instrumental selections by
several 'of the pupils, a Victrola concert
and songs by the entire class will com
plete the affair. The assembly room will
be decorated In the class colors, red and
wnltc. Red carnations, the class -flower,
ill form part of the decorations. Th
address to the class will be made by Dr.
D- E. Jenkins.
Miss .Troma L. Gross, eighth grad)
teacher, and Mlas Fannie Forsythe,
principal, have given a great deal of at
tention to the preparation of tho event
Hand Bags
From the Hargadine-McKit-trick
91.00 Moire Bilk Hand Bags, the
snap of the season 25
$1.00 Leather Shopping. Hags,
full 11-ln. size, leather lined, at,
choice 50
92.00 Leather Hand Hags, all
leather, silk lined, with novelty
metal handle . . -50
92.00 Fancy Hags, including all
newest shapes, In fancy fitted
bags 70
From the St. Louis Whole
sale Stock; Just Half Price.
' Vou can't of fard to miss these
splendid bargains. Lay In a sup
ply Saturday. ,. '
23 Big Bargain Squares and
30 Tables Piled High With'
Bargains in Merchandise
You Want Bight Now. Do
mestic Boom Saturday.
Phenomenal Sale of Millinery Begins Saturday
A value-giving event that will discount all previous efforts. Over $15,000 worth of beautiful new millinery,
including three big special purchases, go on sale at from Va to y4 actual worth. Bead each item carefully, then come
early Saturday prepared to take advantage of these wonderful values.
$10.00 Trimmed Hats
Beautiful Belgian splits V
and Milan shapes, also Leg
horns, Tuscans, Panamas
hats made of velvet and
white kid, large transparent brim
hats; every one artistically trim
med in' this season's most desirable
trimmings all beauties and most
wonderful values. You must see to
appreciate them.
Trimmed frl QO
Panamas .... .y i
Also Trimmed Leg-
- boras, values np to $5
trimmed with flowers,
ribbon, ostrich plumes,
ostrich pompoms, pins.,
etc. Marvelous values.
Panama Hats Values nr
to $3.00, at ViJC
Thirty dozen genuine Pan
ama bats in this season'H
most popular styles.
$2.00 Untrimmed Shapes
2l;5i dozen in special pur
chase, including Milan,
hemps, leghorns, Javas, Pan
am as, Tuscans, etc. ; j q
at, choice. .TTaC
$2.00 White Dress Shapes In very fine
sewed French chips, with black silk vel
vet flanges ........... , 89 .
$1.00, 75c and "50c Flowers Clusters of v
roses, lilacs, asters, grapes, cherrieB,
etc., eta, at . . ; , . .10
$1.50 Ostrich Pompons 75
$1.00 Children's Leghorn Hats. . . .29
Four very .choice lots of
New Fancy Neckwear from
the Hargadine - McKittrick
Stock; on sale Saturday. .
Lot 1 Hargadine' s price 25c, our
ale price ' 10
Lot 2 Hargadlne's price, 35c, our
sale price 10
Lot 3 tHargadlne's price 50c, our
sale price . . .' 5
Lot 4 Hargadlne's price tl, our
ale , price 49
For the Ribbons from the
Hargadine-McKittrick Stock
See Square 4. Domestic Room.
Ribbons that sell regularly every
where at 10c up to 35c yard, Sat
urday, yard . .. . . . 5 and 10J
Nearly Every Item Adver.
tised for Friday In Domestic
Boom Will be Continued on
Sale Saturday. You'll Find
Savings Unusual.
Ahrens Bros., two young men from Co
lumbus, secured the top price of the
Spring for a carload of yearlings on the
south Omaha market when a bunch that
averaged 93 pounds was sold for 9 rents.
These boys raised and fed the cattb.
New Straw Hats
You'll want one sure for
Decoration Day. We'll save
you money on Straws and
$7 PANAMA HATS, $4.95
$5 PANAMA HATS, $2.95
All nifty, new shapes, extra fine
weaves, in Pencil Curls, Optimo,
Telescope, Tourist and other popu
lar shapes.
Come Karl), Get First Choice.
92.O0 Straw Hats, B5c 50 doz, of
them, Sennits, Splits, Manilas, etc.,
nearly every popular braid, actual
values to $2, choice ....... -05
Children's Mash Hats, regular 50c
values, poplins, linens, duck, etc.,
ail good colors and shapes, at 25
Dependable qualities ' you'll
want at savings you'll appre
ciate. Women's Silk Hose $1.50 val
ues Saturday 98
Black and colors, broken lots to
close Saturday.
Women's 811k Boot Hose, made to
sell at 75c pair, plain colors tnd
two-tone effects, snap 40t
Women's 811k Boot Hose, to 6O0 val
ues, black or white, rejular and
out sizes 25
Women's and ChlMren's Hose, black,
white and tans,' special values Sat
urday .'USHs
Children's Pony and Fay Hose, noth
ing made more satisfactory
at 25 "d 354
Jewelry and Silverware Saturday
At a Very Small Part of Retail Worth
We're going to close out our big wholesale purchase In short order. Act
quickly and get the best Jewelry bargains you've ever Been offered In Omaha.
Solid Gold Top Jewelry, usually sold at .75c and $1, Cuff Links, Bar Pins,
Scarf Pins, Le Vallleres. etc, at, choice 25
Solid Oold Shell mi- 6O0 to f 1.00 val
ues, guaranteed for t years. Including
Cluster Kets, Kljfnet plain rings,
big assortment, for this one day, at.
ch 10O
Hair Ornaments, a wonderful assoi t
ment of values t" ll.&U. on sale at one
Trlce 8o
tl.OO alarm Clocks ,.3o
Odd Silverware. Knives, forks. Tea
spoons, Huksx Shells, Hutter Knives,
1'lckle Korku, etc., regular 60o to $1 00
values, on sale to close, choice, ea. 10O
Childrea's sUilaestone Barretts, goou
HHsortment of regular !6c vwluea . .10-0
Sterling Silver Ka Una loe
SI. 00 Watches at o
S So Presto Stiver Polish loe
Dainty Undergarments of Quality
Sure to Please at Prices Greatly
Below Actual Retail Worth
Italian Silk Union Suits Values up to $7.50;
several different styles $2.50
Pretty Muslin Gowns Made to sell to $1.50
well made, prettily trimmed 79
Shirts and Combination Suits Made to sell to
$3.98, elaborately trimmed, at $1.98
Dainty Corset Covers, Gowns', Marcella Drawers and
Combination Huits, made to sell at $1.00, choice . -40t
7Sc Lisle I'nlou Mulls, at ; 35
91 .30 Knit t'ndcrvefcts, silk and lisle, with hand crochet
yokes, come In pink and white, at, choice 40
Children's Union Suits, drawers and walHt, porous knit,
special 494 and 25
Children's Kktrt and Princess Klips, made to sell at f 1,
special '. 40
Children's SOc Gingham Aprons 25?
Here's Some Real Snaps for
Saturday's Selling
$1.50 Kayser Silk Gloves 16
Button length, in Tricot and
Milanese, with guaranteed fin
ger tips ,..$1.25
9I.0O Quality Nllk Gloves, 16-button
length, in black or white with dou
ble finger tips, big special purchase,
on sale Saturday at, pair . ...4QI
A special purchase of 600 Ladies'
and Men's Umbrellas, guaranteed
American Tafteta Covers, big as
sortment of handles, $1.60 and $3
values, 2G-ln. and 2 8-ln., all at one
Popular Late Songs at
9c Copy
"When I'm With Tou." "Moon
Dreams," "There's a Little Fpark of
hove," "Back to the Carolina, Your
Love," "When You're a Imr Way
From Home." "Oood Bye, Virginia,"
"On the 6 1 V" "Tip Top Tlpnrsry
Mary." "t'lf ty-Fifty." "When Htll
Hunclay Comes to Town," "I Tldn't
Hnlae My Hoy to He a Holdler,"
"Imwii Anions the Pheltorlnar Palms."
"When the 1-usltanla Went Kowii,"
"rlometlmes." "When You Wore
a Tulip," "He's a Ragpicker." "My Bird
of Paradise," rL.lttle Dream Girl,"
"Thelma," (Dick Brum) "Runaway
June." "When the Koaes Bloom In
Avelon," etc., etc
Copy 9c, By Mail 10c
Come ana Hear Them Sua aaa
Played la OomeaUa sleeaa
"Perfect Day,' by Carrie Jacobs
Bond; on sale Saturday, I Oft
copy only IJU
Don't Mlaa This Concert and Sale.
ro Sonrs the Whole World Stars,
collection of over 200 of them, Cl.
for O I 6
A Good Traveling Bag or Suit Case
is Almost a Vacation Necessity
Two big sppcial purchases which we place on sale Satur
day will enable you to save largely on good goods. See these
Suit Canes, made to sell at $5.00 to
$10.00, 9-05 to 96.Q3 Large slse
genuine leather cases, some with'
straps, snaps at sale prices Satur
day 82.05 to $0,05
TravellnK Hags, made to sell at $5
to $10. 92.05 to 90 00 All leather,
leather lined baga, 16-in., 17-in. and
18-in. sise, a great lot of bargains
at Saturday's sale prices, 82.05
t SG.05
" Oar "Jltaey" Orrr--Tila an 4 Re.
' Don't miss this. Cut out this slip,
enclose with 6c to Foley Co., Chicago,
writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive In return a j
trial package containing Foley'a Honey i
and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds j
and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pains j g
in sides and bark, rheumatism, back- R
ache, kidney and bladder aUments; and ; I
Foiey Cathartic Tab'ets. a wholesome
snd thorouchly rleanalns cathartic. Htout ; g
tople enjoy them. Sold everywhere. j
-..ovirtuuiinent. 1
Tennis Goods, Croquet
Sets, etc., 4th floor. Don't
fail to take advantage of
Saturday's specials.
$1.50 Hammocks Good
size, well made, great val
ues at 98
Others up to 87.50
Four Ball Croquet Sets
nojBfular 75c values, 59
Others up to $2.08
Tennis Ilulla, made to sell at
00c, your choice 25c
Tennis Htfi.(sii't, a., gtod
the best, at . . 75 to $5.03
Read Hayden's Big
Special Meat Sale
for Saturday
Best quality freah pork roast Ws
Best quality fresh pork loins, lb..
at , UViO
Best quality steer pot roast, lb.!
at He, llHs
Best quality pork butts, lb. ,.UH
Best quality hindquarters senulne
lamb, lb. 17H0
Pure Jiome made sausage, lb. SVis
Pure home made hamburser, lb.,
at ItHa
10 lbs. best leaf lard Me
First quality lilamond C haroa,
at .....1444
No. I Iran bacon, lb. ,, ISHs
No. 1 buck bacon, lb 1140
5 lie palls pure lard 3So
Ixm't full to are our full line of
smoked meats, sausase, etc., for
cold ln. hen and picnics.
I'liU ki'Ma Saturday at wholesale
Read Hayden's Bis Grocery Special Saturday
Quality Ooods aad a Sav.
la- of BS to 60 lor
tae People.
It lbs. beat granulated
cane sugar for ....S1.00
4s-lb. sank best liigit
grade Diamond H flour;
nothing finer for breud,
plea or cakes $lJtA
I lbs. best white or yel
low corn meal for ..170
1 lbs. best bulk laundry
starch SSe
The beat domestic maca
roni, vermicelli or spa-
fhettl, pkg TVtS
(-oa. bonis fancy Quen
olives 16
, Monarch Hweet Relish,
regular lie seller for 100
12-os. Jars pure fruit
preserves SM
12-os. pkg. Magnetlo cold
watar starch, pkg ae
t-os. pkg. Magnetic cold
water starch, pkg. .SHu
Advo jell for dessert,
nothing like It. pkg. TH
t cans oil or mustard
sardines SSa
4 I lis. fancy Japan rice
for ... 96o
I.arge bottles Worcester
sauce pure toniato cat-
4 lbs. best hand picked
navy beans at 3 So
K. C. com flakss. pkg. Bo
For breakfast try W. O.
C. and Krumblea, pkg. So
Condensed mince meat,
Pa Se
4 large cans condensed
milk B5o
I small cans condensed
milk as
Hershey'a breakfast
cocoa, lb goo
Ths beat tea alftlng,
lb uyto
(lolden Hantos coffee,
lb BOO
The best strictly fresh
eggs, dozen BOe
l'Vncy full cream, white
or colored rheem, lb. BOo
Tae Vegetable Market tor
The People.
Beat cooking potatoes
Peck ITHo
bunches home grown
radishes So
bunches home grown
onions Se
4 heads freah leaf let
tuce , Bo
heads fresh head
:ue Bo
peas, quart ...lOo
beans, psr lb. lOo
f l.
aos-t-0 irjsurri e tus.uss o
pickles, easorie'i i f resh splnacn, peek .100
1 r.ids r iniivtat'd. Iiottl- fancy ripe tomatoes,
for Ve , lb 100
each ....TV40, loe. lBUe
1 bunches fresh aspara
gus ,10o
New potatoes, lb Bo
I .urge juicy lemons, per
dosen 16o, Boo, Boo
Specials la Drug and
Toilet Ooods la oo
Boom for Saturday.
it lbs. 20 Mule Team
borax, pkg TUe
t bars Ivory soap ..lie
Ite assorted talcums.
at. 1 for S6o
2uc assorted tooth pow-
dera and pastes 10c
10c bar I'umlce soap,
each Bo
la Ootaeetle Boom
200 alze fancy Cuban
Pink Apples, sold regu
larly each Bo
Xargo Juicy oraages, ax.
ti a fancy fruit, usually
retailed at iOo dosen; all
you want at. dosen ..BOo
ISO slse large Juicy leaa.
oaa, regular J6o doxen
quality, at. dosen ....ISO
No deliveries made.
Drugs and Toilet
Goods for Saturday
IJ.fO bog Le Trefle face powder B84
1.40 bottle Oriental fata cream See
Oc bos powder De Kis Imported
6O0 Houge Do Luxe, powder form.
at s&e
7 60 Pompelan massage cream BOo
6O0 Pompelan night cream ....Boo
Djer-Klas powder and puff, for 66o
25c Pund'a vanishing cream ...ISo
fiOc Canthrox shampoo BBS
10c Jap Hose or Palm Olive' soap
for q
25c pkg. borax china ise
4 10c bare peroxide soap ....860
6 10c rolls crepe toilet paper ..Boo
ioc can nani-r luan, for toilet
3 6o bottle Fletcher's Caatorla
60o rilttlman'a freckle cream
uo bottle Phenolaa Wafera
kdc poiue ur, innklea
.a &o
I dna -gr. Ailrln tablets ....B6o
tl.OO bottle Sal Hepatic S9o
tOo ox. White Itose perfume ...B60
umr specisia in orus and tni
needs In Domestic room continues
Daiuroay. io pnone oraera.
6o lar Mentholatum for ......
Tto Lottie Jad Halts for
Brooms 15c
4-tte brooms of good weight and
material. One to a customer. No
telephone or C. O. D. orders take.
till three-blade lawn mowers,
patent tempered blades and cut
ter bar, anerlal ,...Sa.4
.s tnree-Disoe. nign wheel,
ball bearing lawn mowers. 14-ln
cut S4.SS tnree-biaoe. ni'li wheel, bail
beating lawn mowers, lt-ln. cut.
at S4.M
ts.7 rour-Diaae. ntgn wheel, bail
bearing lawn mowers, lt-ln. rut.
at SB.SS
i.raaa catcnera see
SSo grass hooks lso
ouo grass nooka ooe
writs MOTnrranr
til. 00 80-lb. canacttv refrigerator,
beautiful golden oak case, spe
cie! B11.SB
t-' 60 125-lb. capacity. "White
Mountain," Bo-n puttern. l-donr
side Icing, white lined. 4 ""Jj
"Stoae White" White atoaatala
Befrlgerators are tae beet auUe.
Pood ohamber is Uaed wita aaw
urai tuarrled stoae.