TIIH IlKK: OMAHA. SATri,MAY. f.Y 101.' "5 BREAKS RECORD FOR HAMMER THROW Stile? of Maine Seti New Intercol legiate Mark in Franklin Field. TryouU. HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE FEET THIRTEEN INJHE HANDICAP Andrew Miller'i Crack Four-Year Old Gelding, Roamer, Carries Top Weight WILL BE VERY RICH STAKE riiiu.iEiri-nA. i elimination trial on Fmnklln field this afternoon In the hamnifr throw H. V. Hailey of Maine broke the Intercollegiate record by making a throw of 165 feet. The reoord la 164 feet in Inchea, held bjr J. R. Dewltt of Princeton. The following men qualified for the tinal In the shot put: Whitnev, Dartmouth. IT feet Inchea; MeCutclw-on, Correll; Ppeara. Dartmouth: I. catty, t'olumt'ta; Rlcharda, Cornell; Allen, Maine. Whitney's put wan lent. Hunnlng high Jump: Following lx Sualified at 6 feet 11 Inchea: Connolly, ohna Hopkins! Johnstone. Harvard; Kolletta, jr. Haverford: Oler. Yale; Mo- laren I.OIISVII.LE. K. May M.-Wlt'J An Ottw Mlllrr'a .crark eaatern 4--ear-old holding. Itoamer, i-arrylng top weight, l.T oounrln. thirteen all-affed horaea urob- May a -In the BMy win ,,., , tn thlr)1 ,nnuai tun ti'ng of the Kentucky handicap, distance cite milo and a quarter, at rougla ark here tomorrow. Although comparatively a new cent. lf-vard dish: Following men cillnll- ; Hon. 13R tiniiiuli' V.mll Ur nea tor tne eemi-rmaia tomorrow: Tenrhner H m mm rH lkwnrw1. Pr.n.' rylvanla; Foley. Harvard; O'Hrieri, Ml...- and Emrraon Cochran. 102; J. W. Srhorr's ,Jr?.V,nf..rn11- Ctornoll; Nelaon, Harvard; Pavld Craig. 112. and Ed Crump. 103: W Hmlth, Michigan: Treadway. Yale: Hut- , ... , . . , , . , tereoii, Pennaylvanla; liartach. Cornell; J- Weber a Hodge, 109; A. P. Humphrey's Cornell. Yale; Kauffman, Pennsylvania. I Broniewlng. 105; Jefferaon Livingston's Beat time l'1 seconds, made by Teechner iioy.1 it ifti- t- Marinn'a Prlnca and Foley. Mppln.ott. Penn.ylvnnla. , y", "' 10' JW lar,"n 1 rln uroke down In enrlntlng and t off tha track. He la probably Man With Skeleton Keys Shot by Cedar Bluffs City Marshal CEDAR Bl-VFFfl. Neb.. May . (Spe cial Telegram.) The local pullceman picked up a man at the Northwestern depot hera about :1S last night and after taking Mm to .iall atarted to aearch him but he drew a revolver and oblevted. Tha marshal then drew bla revolver and aho. the bullet entering Juat In front of tho , ear and cam out the back of the netk. ' The prleoner fell to the floor and tho ' marshal the:i nearched htm and found 1 two thirl y-elaht-callhcr revolvcra. a bot tle of exuloetvoa, a akeletoa key, a key the handicap la aaid to be the richest , extractor, and what appears to be a (lake In America thla year for older j stick of dynamite, lie also had a receipt horaea. Ten thousand dollare ha been ! from the Young Min'a Christian aseoc It added to the puree, describing the ap-jtlon In Fremont for ll.f and a letter of proxlmat value of the race 115,000 The recommendation from the, imstor of the fifty-aeven entrlea originally made were I First Baptist church of Vremont to the .arrowed today to theee horses and j pastor of the First Baptiat chun h of i Grand island. He claims to be a surface miner and i his home la Trinidad, Colo.; that Ms' mother Is dead and his father living In , Denver. He haa aome literature on him I and seems well posted along thla line. ; He walked Into town soma time yeater-1 day and beggrd a meal here about 5:30 1 p. m. Ha Is about to years of age and j fairly well dressed. . I weights: , Harry Payne Whitney's Borrow, now tunning under the colors of I.. 8. Thomp- Short .Trass, 124; R. U Baker ft Co. John Ound. Ill, waa carried orr tha track. He Is probably out of the meet. Running broad Jump: Following alx qualified for aeml-flnala: Worthington, Dartmouth: Oraham, Columbia: French. Maine; Frederick, Dartmouth: Olcr. Yale. Worthing ton waa beet with a leap of 3 feet in.-hes. Hajnmer throw: Following atx quali fied for semi-finals: Halley, Maine, dis tance. If fet Inch; McCutoheon, tr nell; Murphy, Pennsylvania: Ixvighrlilge, Yala; O. W. Leadbetter, Bowdoln; Nourae. Princeton Pole vault: Following alx qualified for finala: Crutlsa, Hyracuaa; Carter, Yale: fJreely, Jr., Harvard : Fosa, Cbrnell. all 12 feet; Wilson, MlchVgan. and Baker. Prtncnton, at 11 feet 11 Inches. aiD-yard hunilee: Following nine quali fied: Allen, Harvard; Crawford. Prince ton: Brady, Columbia; Shedden, Yale; Smith. Harvard; Starr, Cornell; Ptewart, Princeton; Brown. Pennsylvania State; Maxwell, Lafayette. Best time: 0:'i by Urady. A dead heat between Kauff irmn. Pennsylvania, and Savage. Bow doln, for the tenth man to qualify will ' be run off tomorrow. 220-yard dash: Following twelve men qualified: Patterson. Pennsylvania; Treauway. Yale: Bnrtach, Cornell; Stew art, Yale: Teschner, Harvard: Poat, Pennsylvania 8tate; Foley, Harvard; lioekwood. Pennsylvania: White, Penn sylvania Mate: ttmlth. Mich I ran: Snow den, Princeton; Dolbln, Pennsylvania State. Host lime: 0:21 by Patterson. Hermls, 103; J. T. Looney'a Leoray. W. md F. D. Weir s Rlngllng, 5. Added atartera may be W. R. Mlsell's Robert Bradley. 107; F. It Bradley's Bradley Choice, M; T. C. McDowell's Mar Jasmine, 103; L. S. Thompson's Harmonlcon, 124; M. 11. druber'a Mttlo Hiring, W. Five Hundred-Mile t Automobile Race : Goes Over to Monday ; INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., May 2S.-Oi account of weather conditions th 600 mile automobile race, which was to have been held at tha InlanapoIla Motor speedway tomorrow was postponod today until Monday. This anrouncement was made at the speedway office. Mrs. ffyrte Wins Title. SCARBORnrnil V V Xlnv i.n defeating Mrs. Joseph E. InivIs of Pipping nocK, i., 4 up ana 3 to piav. in tbe final round for the women's metropoli tan golf chamnlonshina at Kleenv Hnlln- Country club today, Mrs. Lillian B. Hyde or weatsnore. I., won the title for th fourth time. Maay Dtariera rim - from I.trer, Constipation, headache, bilious stwlk. Indicate a sluggish liver. The tried rem edy la Dr. King a New Life Pllla. Onlv 25c. All druggists. Advertisement. 1 Berg Suit Me AND NOW WE SWEEP THE BOARDS WITH THE D1G GEST CLOTHING EVENT OF THE SEASON- North Platte Cadets ; Pitch Tents in Rain A SALE OF MO JUL THAT SOLD AT $20 TO $35 SPR1XG AKD SUMMER STYLES AT THREE SPECIAL PRICES SI 51 Si m Apartments, flats, houses and cottages ean be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bea "For Rent" Ad. ' OOTHENBCRO, Neb.. May t.-Hpe- ; tlal.-The North Platte High school cadets are camping on the north shores j of Lake Helen. They pitched their tents , In tho rain thla morning and are getting j a real taste of rsmp life. j : I North Platte Pool llal Robbed. I NORTH PLATTE, Neb., May 2R.-(ripe- clat Telegram.) Burglars early thla morning entered the T. L. Green pool halt and robbed It of 1100. Entrance was gained by forcing a door at tha front of I the building. Will Long waa arrested on suspicion today. Long. It is said, gave several friends sums of money to keep for him. A bunch of keys belonging to I the pool hall was found in his possession. Water Turned Into Pawnee Ditch Big TECUM&BHV Neb.., .May JSSpeclal.) -Two weeks ago the main ditch on the Nemaha river drainage project through thla county was completed to the Pawnee county line to tha aouth. The Pawnee county ditch comes practically to the line .to meet this ditch. . It was desired to hold the water In the ditch to assist the dredge In doing its final month's work on a lateral ditch up Elk creek, and so a strip of land thirty feet wide waa not ex cavated between the two ditches. With , a four-inch fall here tha water began to overflow. Workmen blew out the thirty "feet of soil between the two ditches with dynamite yesterday, and soon the waters were rushing through the ditch on to the (Missouri river through Pawnee and ! Richardson counties. Up to this time j there Is no Indication of an overflow onto the thousands of acres of farm lands I along the ditch, and the several laterals. and thla will mean much to the farmers who have the land In crops. The big drainage work is now practically com pleted In Johnson county, after two year a' work and at an expense of about $2SO,O0O. No Trouble on Sunday if you dine here. Leave care at home and additional to a pood dinner, enjoy surroundings'found here. Sunday night "Dinner de Luxe" from six to nine at one-fifty the per son. An exceptional music program rendered by Christian's Fontenelle Orchestra makes of this a most enjoy able dinner concert. Table arrangements may be made with M. Charles Mayard. The Fontenelle Will Serve You Weir i It Milt Hi! pi Hotel fToKTENELLE TELEGRAPH APPRAISERS ARRIVE IN BEATRICE BEATRICE. Neb., May . 8pecial.) It. L. Oil I ps, representing the Interstate Commerce commission; O. W. McKenn, the Western Union Telegraph company, and P. Doyle, tha Rock island Railway company, are In the city for the purpose of taking the physical valuation of the telegraph property of the Rock Island read. They have covered the company's lines In Texss and Kansas and ha 'c be gun work in this state. . Their work In cludes the valuation of telegraph poles, TvlreF, Insulators, etc., and they are obliged to travel afoot. They cover from ten to twelve miles each day. After com piling their reporta of the valuation of the telegraph property In the Kanaai City district tho rcrK.rt are' filed at Kansas City and are later sent to the Interstate Commerce commission at Washington. MAN INJURED BY CAR GIVEN $2,500 VERDICT KFARNKT. Neli.. May 28.-lXpecial Telegram.) A verdict n given Oeorge amater In district court here today, awarding him 11500 agalnat George BIs cliel. Scomster was inj'ired In an auto motive accident last rail, when the au tomobile being 11 1 en by Bischel ran into himself, and companion, who wera riding bicycles to twa front the atate Industrial school. Seam-1 ster leg waa broken at the thigh and has never healed. Beamttter waa present ai the trial, but it waa neceesary to bring Iilin In on a etretcher. Peamater was an employe at the Industrial school, and BUchet is a prominent grange or yanUer. a'ao running for representative i-n the progreaalve" ticket last election. Get Rial or . ever." A laxy liver and sluggish bowels will overcome any ambitious and energetic man or won an and make them feel all tired out. dull, stupid and lifeless. Foley Cathartic Tablets relieve conatipatlon, r rtore healthy bowel action and liven up your liver. They are w holerome and thor (Ughly cleanalntc; do not grtpor nause ate. They banish that full, close, heavy feeling. J. L, Knight, Fort Worth, Texaa. says: "My disagreeable aymptom wera entirely removed by the thorough cUana !ng they gave my system." Sold every- here. Advertisement VACATION OPPORTUNITIES Via . Rock Island Lines (From Omaha Effective June 1st.) Alexandria Bay, N. Y., and return..' 940.30 to 4l.o Aabury Park, N. J., and return f 48.80 to 931.85 Atlantic City, N. J. and return SM.85 Bangor, Me., and return $52.53 to SStf.KU Bar Harbor, Me., and return $54.70 to S61.UO Boston, Mass., and return $47.83 to $51.85 Buffalo, N. Y., and return... $S8.55 to $40.10 Burlington, Vt., aud return. $45.4U . Chautauqua Lake points, N. Y., and return $37.20 Cleveland, O., and return $33.70 to $5.7l Cbarlottetown, P. E. I., and return $56.10 to $72.40 Concord, N. II., and return.,:... $47.00 to $58.15 Detroit, Mich., and return $31.20 Kabyan, N. H., and return $48.73 to $50.50 Halifax; X. S., and return $56.80 to $78.85 Lake Placid, N. Y and return $45.20 to $46.70 Moncton. N. B., and return $51.80 to $06.7O Montreal. Que., and return $41.30 to $51.65 New York, N. Y and return $48.85 to $58.85 Old Orchard, Me., and return $40.0O to $55.40 Portland, Me., and return $49.O0 to $54.70 Portsmouth, X. H., and return .$48.40 to $32.40 Pictou, X. S., and return $57.15 to $72.00 St. John. X. B., and return. $51.80 to $62.20 St. Johns, X. F and return $76.15 to $95.60 Saratoga Springs, X. Y., and return $44.05 to $15.40 Toronto, Ont.. and return $30.20 to $40.55 Yarmouth, Me., and return $40.00 to $55.40 CIRCUIT TOURS Xew York and return $54.60 to $58.80 One direction via Buffalo or Niagara Falls, other direction via Washington, V. C. Boston, Mass. and return.. $53.o to $60.20 One direction via Montreal, other direction via Niagara Falls and Albany. Boston, Mass., .and return $50.50 ao $05.23 One direction via Niagara Falls and Albany, other direc tion via New York and Washington, V. C. The above la only partial list of Eatttarn points to which excursion fares are available, and many other attractive Circuit Tours are offered. Tickets carry final return limit of sixty days from date of sale, and very liberal stop-overs In both directions. Chicago Limited at 6:08 P. M. Daily . For further information inquire of T7 J. S. McNALLY r i'K I Division Paaseoseer Agent, JRmUM 14,h Md Karnm HM- w- - W. Rldg. Right nt tho hoight of the senson, with Juno just around tho corner nnd Momorinl tiny but two days away, we offer yon clothing values without an equal this season. These Suits are fresh from "The House of Kuppenheinier" a house which doesn't know how to produce anything short of the Best. They represent those selections in which we are short of size rnnges and which, in compliance with our policy of cleaning tint everything but full assort ments, MUST BE SACRIFICED NOW at END-SEASON PRICES. All patterns Glen Urquharts, Tartans, Hnnj Stripes, Piping Hlues, Unttleship Grays and nov elty mixtures Models for men of all builds and tastes, eizes 33 to 4fi. As An Additional Feature for this great "Knppenheimer Sale" we have been able through right planning, right conditions and right co-operation from other clothing makers who stand near the top rung of the clothing ladder to offer u special selection of 44C suits of genuine $1 $12 and $15 CQ 7C i.uuli tics for PO" Every Day We Demonstrate to our customers the superior excellence of our "Fadeless Rlue Srge Suits." The variety of weaves and models gathered 0TT Cf I 00C from the lending producers are offered you here from WatW !0YS' UJOOL SUITS "SMS-'- FREE I want a good suit for my boy, but I do not want to i j ver iK I CT mi - .1 i il i. L 1 J inis is mo way a great many inomcrs pui it, onu we are ablo to show the best suit $3.(K) ever bought. Selected Woolens every point doubly strengthened Seams sewed with silk Buttons on to stay. No detail omitted to better the suit. Two pairs of pants full lined, and in addition to all this, we give FREE with every suit at $5.00 and over, a Complete Base Ball Outfit Mitt Mask, Ball and Bat. HATS STRAW AND FELT Weather permitting, you will no doubt be interested in Straw Hats. And we want to remark that no one has a finer or larger assortment to select from. $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, r $3.50, $5, $6.50, $10, $12, $15 At either price we can easily promise you In all truth a saving of 50o to $1.00. Felt Hats, In the mid season styles 82. $2.50. S3. Stetsons, $3.50 SEASONABLE FORIUSIIMGS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES madras and: percale,-soft cuff $1.00 Shirts, tyle. at ...V.;.. S $1.60 Shirts, madras soft cuff and front.... 05 $2.00 Shirts, madras soft cuff and front.. $1 45 76c Shirt, madras soft cuff' and frent 45 J UNDEItWRAB. ' ' $1.60 Shfrt and Drawers styles.-..,.. 85 $1.00 Shirt and Drawers styles.. '.v. 50 $2.00 Union Suits, j all styles...., $1.45 $1.00 Union Suits, all styles...... 75 ATHLETIC UNION HUIT Nainsook, mull, crepe, etc.50c, 75. $1 nd up. Another invoice of those Fine Hiik Hone at 10 All colors and black and white. RAIN COATS and SLIP-ONS - CSaaav looklna coats juat the rlKlit wrlirht for praaent wear 16.00 nualltlea. UN 17. B0 qualitlea. 90.09 112.60 qualltlvs. S10 Bea Window Slaolar ill : - EXTRA TIOOSESS Kvary pair La well tailored and a splen did variety of pat terns. Knsrltah ami regular ntylea. ami Hlvie Serre. l.60, a, a.60, S3.60. ts. ami nn to $10 It you wish. covriomt tats THI HOU8I OP KUPPKNHZIMin i'r Bysv Sfffftfif IH FREE . - r-rry ; ... Small- f Ni:Srii i II V MEM The store that makes the lowest prices that Jfl gives the greatest values and includes a M BRASS BED with every outfit amounting to $100.00 or over. EASIEST CREDIT TERMS We ask less money down and make smaller monthly payments than any other store in Omaha. 'REFRIGERATORS Front tear, hardwood cabinet. lever-lock door and A Baa 1 C adjustable shelves I Ifl great Ice saver; al- V I bav JJU ways ory ana ouur- 1 " less and sanitary. Ill Upelal at W EASIEST TERMS IN OMAHA GO-CARTS una ami ja line beat st features l Kxceptlonally good valu -iurmf' una and HturKeaa carta, newest price 12.15 to til) Hee our big- apei'lal on ale now at only 1513-1515 HOWARD STREET Between 15th and 16th Sts. Remember the Address ! jlib t 5 Hi t f ' 'if 1' V I il? i ej 1 it its i i I The I M.. 4) I A n a? m OAK HALL CLOCKS They staad ft. Ua A am "I P Hulid oak, famwl.r h bru4 movememte, JIU flue time keepers, ea- a . tra speelal, this sale w 7 THE DREXEL KID Bar": "On rtinjr days other shoes leak through, tbe soles but not my Bteel Shoda." The Best For Wear If a boy's shoe will not stand rough usage It la no use at all to the average boy. Here Is a boy's shoe that will outwear two pairs of ordinary boy'a shoes. HOD HOES Get a pair tomorrow, we hare them in button and bluoher. Boys' 1 to 6V4, $2.60. Little Oenta 9 to 18H, 12.25. PARCEL POST PAID. Drexel 1419Farnam St Best Sporting News Hlght In The Bee day by. day. Fall box scores of all big leagues. ' pert cartoons that bit tha kttlLae