'Hli; ltKK: OMAHA, SA'l dltDAY, MAY 20, 1915. 1 1 - Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska liRIHTIM BIDS ARE I OPENED BY BOARD! i. , fcontrtcU This Tear (or Work bl State Department Appear to Be at Lower Mark. 1 1 Nebraska BID IS THROWN OUT r (Frnm Maff Correspondent.) 3UNCOLR. May 2.-48pecial. Efforts Of the Stat Journal fomptny to (t In on fclte printing bids were Ineffectual, It leslng out entirely on every Item let this lhornlng. About a month ago bldf vera iiade ami let on the printing of the sen ate Journal an1 several reports of depart ment. The Journal protested tha bond iff him of the bidders, principally that of tJe Tork Book company, which was I warded tha contract for printing tha nl journal at HM per page. A a frsult the printing board declared all p, U off and called for new bW. jjThe result shows thst Mllburn Scott AT Beatrice are tha lowest bidders on jointing the senate Journal, their bid Elng It 11 per page, or t rants mora than a state would have had to pay under (fte former bid. The company which was awarded the contract before raised Its Wi! to II. H per page and lost out. As tha bids stand todajr tha lowest bld-- are: $ine thoitssnd een-Ue Journals, Mllburn & Scott. 14ratrlow, 11.11 jer psre. urtrullin-al reports. Clsfllnj & Co.. TJ lit ' icrtlty riace. VU ir.Te. J.SOO Ilortl- :jturej reports, tuilre Equipment mm any, Unoln, L0 per Delta SMO In surant rect"rts, Ullllsple, Lincoln, 14.17 per pax. 1.7 Railway (ommlrlon re ports, Hammond . . , Krmont, 1135. LJSJft Palryrr.cn reports, Mllburn A Hoott, Hoatrlce, n.r per rms. I.uao Veterinarian reports. Mlllbum (r-tt, jr nag. Hoard of Irrigation reports, Wood vff, Lincoln. !. per page. Under tha reMddlng, the senate Jour nals will cost rents more per page, tha agricultural reports SO cents mora, tha horticultural reports ?l cents less, tha I li eu ranoo reports CO cents mora and the railway commission reports I cents less, per page. It remains for tha printing board to go over tha bids and bond and ascer tain if they are In proper ahapa to be uroeptad. . Tha Chicago printing firm, which had a man on the grounds for tha purpose of walking off with soma of the printing, did not come within shooting distance of some of the bids, being considerably more than many of tha Nebraska bid ders, of which there wi re about a doses. Nebraska School News BROKEN MOW. Neb., May W.Spe. rial.) Thirty-five high schol graduates w crc given their diplomas Thursday right ot this wee at tha Methodist I lurch! The class address waa delivered, by Chief Justice Morrlaey of tha supreme i.urt. .The names of the graduates fol low: , .'f.nf Cornish, '.inrlha Kenyon, I teen Itowney, , . o.i Welter, i .tronc Anderson, . ynl Apple. Harry McCandlaas, Verne Mclnlnch, Arthur Mclnlnch, Kvangellne Peltun, fan! Prwdmore, Nannie Halns. i.m,i-kI Aydellotte, loy Heam. Olenn bar sent. Charles fargeot, Chester r'hreve, l.oms Mlmnnson, ' Hutu Ktapleton, Mldlred Ktapleton, Mahvl Htteet. Zkiiio Utreet, llihtwl Heal. !1 Chase, !lii r'tr turns n, led Haines, mira' llerrlck, i r li I hi Ingrahain f ii', Jensen. I 'mil Johne'ni. I.tmlse Mathewson, Joe Ktuckay. I ei.Hr Mat'k, James Mephena. CKXTIUU CITT. Slav -The senior . lu.. of the Central City High school .ve iireerntnd with diploma at the I'iism) tcrlan church Wednesday evening. Ilie address to the class was by Rev. I'rvant Howe. The class numbered liitv-alve. Tha claas roll follows! Jtnulta Austin Howard H. Crltes -tlle M. Kreo NHIlw A. it rue avoid jl If. .Morrow Mildred IS. Hose man. May me F. Hray, Ruby XI. Carper. I Intel M. Ilarpeter, Anna li. Kaiser. Catherine A. IJttlcfleld, Kleie M lyx-k-hnrt, Veda M. Lockhert, Nellie A. Mo Nell, Zenith Powell, Fred. M. Reltter. Fern I Rodger and Blule M. Btaack. At tha close of the commencement eiier clsfs the alumni gave the class a recep tion and banquet Irt the vhool parlors. HORCHEKTKR, 3in., May a.-Hi-clal.) Commencement exercises of the graduating class from the high school, held lent night In the MethodlKt rhurcTi. furnished a week of unusual activity for the class. Aside from this event, there were held during the week two cless parties, an all-day plcnlo on the Blue rive north of town, and the rlaea play, pre sented In the opera house Wednesday night, entitled, "The Varsity Coach." . C. II. Meacham, president of the school board, presented diplomas to the follow ing graduates: Cana Kuhert, Cecil D. Ward, Edna M. Rrltton. Tlllle M. Vath, Rosa PosplKtl, Uoyd N. Kunkel and Almond D. Davlison. ""A Nebraska college scholarship was presented to Cena Kubert, she being the honor stndent during the four years of high school work. HTROMftnrRQ, Neb., May 2, (Bpe c.lal.) On Sunday evening the baccalau reate sermon was given by Rev. E. H. Jackson of the Eden Baptist church. On Tueielay evening the exercises of the eghth grade were given by a class of twenty-one. and Wednesday evening, "class night,", the following graduates took pait In a program at the opera lioue: John And-reon. Florence Rlootn Mulst, Ilernl'-e Cherry, Mildred Carlson, Blanch I'nvenbarger, Alliert Kricson, Violet Faulk, Bertha Green. Frank How ard, Marjorie ilcdhloom, Augusta Hops. Msrle Lindhurg, F.thel Mctleery. Rumcll Mndlierg. Frank McCue, James Marquis. Hurold Mstson, Morris Myrberg, Ruth Nelson, Klla Nettleton, Julian Nordlund, Carl I'alniberg, Constance Pulver. Kdna Renqulst. Winnie Rystrom, Minnie 8sn den. Thursday evening and address was given by Hupermtendent A. O. Thomas, l'rof. A. J. Dunlap, who hsa been prin cipal for the last two years, leaves the school work to take up anotlici field In the future, and Mr. Frasler of Edgar will tske his place. MISSIONARY OfTwAY HOME FROM EGYPT PAWNER CITT, Neb.. May a.-(f!pe-rlal.) Friends here have had word from lr. II. I- Flnley from Naples thst he hoped to sail for the t'nlted State May IX. Ir. Flnley was formerly a practicing pn sician or tnta city, but went as a mlxslonary to Egypt ten or rleven years ago. Mis family has been In tha United Hlates for about a year. Prisoner Is Shot by Cedar Bluffs Marshal FRGMO.tr. Neb.. May ZK.-iSpeclal Telegram.l-John Harrison, the young man who was shot, at Cedar Bluffs by Marshal Dickey, when the former pulled, his gun and ordered the officer Into the cell, had been In Fremont for a short time prior to going to Cedar Bluffs. He was given employment at the Young Men's Christian association cafeteria for shout a week early In March, but since that time had had no regular work. He came to Fremont from Trinidad, Colo., where he was employed as a miner at the time of the strike. He was working his wsy east and stopped off at Fre mont. He waa considered a trustworthy; young man. His chances for recovery are good. , Try This for Xewralarla. Neuralgia Is a pain in tha nerves. Sloan's Liniment penetrates snd soothes the aching ner ves Oct a bottle now. All druggists --Advertisement. TRAIN CREW IS NOT TO BLAME FOR LASH'S DEATH BROKHN BOW, Neb., May .-Hpe- j eiel.) The coroner's Jury in the case of j George Lash, the South Loup farmer w ho was killed by a Burlington passenger '. train Tuesday morning Just outside of Broken Bow, brought in a verdict to the effect that Lash came to his death , through being hit by a moving train, and that no blame could be attached to the ; trainmen. The body of Lash haa been taken to Cumro, this count, for burial. I ranees Mr Mutton ., Hire.) M. ill ay !en Comniot-k Ylri'-cnt rUarreU .1 lyllie ferstnger tiiosna Campbell Ljji'imi teller i,:hel IVrry )v r . Ileuring I'ii: Klocta LlnUley M. Anrta Carrier Annie Welter Mildred L. Morrison Nellie M. Morrlnon Claire M. Hcudder Lydla Viola Krtckeon Kthel V. Mctkmeld (leorge F. Ibson Birdie Charlotte Anderson Kct'MtsttH, Nab., May . (Speclal.)- ! largo audience ea present at the nusl commencement exercises of the fcumseh High school, at the Methodist lscopal church last evening, m-twlth-fending the atorm. The address to the fas waa by Rev. Newton P. Patterson, tor of the First Presbyterian church Beatrice, and waa a masterful ef- irt Ilia subject was, 'The Evolution Character." Thirty-five young poo received diplomas, as follows: lis. B. Alverson Ruth M. Laflln Harry K. Uvingston Eileen A. Lynch Frances M. Lynch Calvin McCoy Hilltert McCuy Mae Mo(Vy Margaret McDougal itoy I'hllllns Vinan Bill fwixnt C. Barnea ythur Hurt. il s-rtlia I. llutfum iwurd T. Huh inliel C. Coter S.rin E. CooK cile J. Crofl lissa L. I'avtdiKin i orothy Pierce Ina I ougls rVllth Place I lght Put man Wilier 11. Khernian lwla (1. rihusart JHiise H en-llier Eugen K. Wllasy it use K. Wllsun 4)1 Urv E. Kithiun )y M. OH. I) uihN. Hall lithel M. Harmon n U Heady tort liner H Jcria i urge W . K el Nl VAI.LKV. Neb., May .-Heclal.) couiineui'c litem exercieea f the L uf I'di w,-r neld in the utxra u.e Ti tln- ev.-nlns. Chancellor ciy (He tie a idis and KulM-rlntan. j in uui:ii itdi'iH.'j nm aii'ioniaa t 1 : ! ! lng : I lulsinoii Vtrnon I. kli n.l ! r A in ru (UiorKe Wlckliind I ' ni null , 1'tui llln i-KUU Harold 'ampbell I t iiKxlin Itmh riliiinnuut I ji' s CondroB ill lie Parson i ..a lieiniliarh Frances V hltmore 1 ) I ' B A H, Neb.. May 2.-Kiecla.)- II U. Tlbblea of Craig. Mil., has been 1 1 ' ted principal of the Dunbar Hlah hool. U U. Ulfford, termer principal. been elected .principal of the schools r r-eud. JHTTHEltLAND, Neu.. May 2.-pe-l ) AU but two of IU Uactrs for rt year have been tltcted. They are: I'taok L. Kinlth. auperiolsudenl; Oeo H. Cuapiwil. pilnclpal: Utanche Cox, aa Slstsiil tinotli-al. Maud Erickson, high ochool; Pearl Wtrwr, fifth and sixth srudes; Iucy Pick rail, - third and fourth grades, and Miss Malm, primary. r 6YRACC8E Neb.. May .-Bpecll ) -Tonight the commencement exercises of ;ihe largest class ever graduated by the riu use ItiKb school took place. The id;res was by prof. Cornell of the UnU '.entty of Nebraaka. There were nineteen utilities, four young men and fifteen Aouiig- wumen, several of them being non ).'!.!, who "ompleted twelfth grade v.cik luie. The class members are Earl :, Hon herding. Valur K. Qova, Oeurga T. Hunt. Claretw tiloaaua. Aana A. AiiM-ndr, era 1. Bell, Opal U Berry- JOHN'A.SWANSO.V, President. WM. L. HOLZMAN, Treasurer. Latest Approved 'Styles For Particular Dressers I r " ) A Determined, to be of exceptional service to you, this greater store Jias inaugurated many new merchandising methods. We're here to serve you, not merely to exchange clothes for money. Again we demonstrate our leadership. Within the past three weeli8 we have had made up especially for us from very latest weaves More Than Three Thousand Men's and Young Men's Superbly Tailored Summer Suits A great mid-season style. espofsitiQn at v. Nothing likt them mlttwherm $20 to $35 15-2(M25 ;No tailor can . equal them at $35 to $50 Th new oat and moat original modelg from the work shops or Ameriea'i leading clothes makerg. Wonderful election of distinctly? fabrics and colon. Every eixe and every proportion enables as to fit oar cu tomers perfectly. A personal and organization service that assures yon maximum satisfaction. Highest Quality Suits Kvery section of this. clothing business is developed to utmost efficiency. The finest type of ready-for-service clothes are here, bee our magnificent selections of spring and summer suits.i m beautiful, imported weaves jro uur luuguuii'cni, htJteciious Ot ":$30, $35, $40 Gold Bond True Blue Serge Suits We. meet every man's price preference with guaranteed serge suit satisfaction tnree-buttoo models, in a wide variety of effects for men and young men. Kvery site and proportion from 81 to (2. Hundreds of serge suits where dosens are shon elsewhere, and $6 to $10 better values, at ............. . ..... . Newest two and $10 to $30 Straw Hats For Men Who Know ' It would talco columns of this paper to describe our wonderfully 'diversified display of newest 1915 straws. Men of this city have never before enjoyed such n comprehensive showing to. select from. 'ome in and see for yourself. Split Straws. .$1.00 to $3.00 Sennit Straws. $1.00 to $3.00 Porto Rican Panama $2 and $2.50 Imported Leghorns at. .$3.50 Pennine Bangkok at. .$4 and $5 Genuine Panamas $5, $6, $7.50, $10 3I1K and Palm Beach Hats and Caps-Greates'. shoeing of outing headwear. . 50 to g2 . .. Sat Xspt Ksia floor Xast AUla. Omaha's Greatest Sale of Men's Shirts Kvery man who Intend buying shirts Saturday will find the sale of sales at this greater store A wonderful special purchase or fine shirtings just made up for us by one of America's best makers during his slack time, enables us to announce four remarkable shirt bargains for Saturday 59 c W $1.0 value la laundered cuff shirts. Wide range of neat stripes. Slses 14 to 17 4. Special for Sat urday ,.v 504 79c Hnappy new soft raff neglige shirts. Un equalled elsewhere at 11.00. Sites 14 to 17 4. Saturdsy, spe cial at 70 -$1.05 For $1.50 hlgh-grad shirts- And not In our memory have such smart patterns and fine materi als sold at the remark ably low price of $1,05 $1.45 Klnewl .00 and shirts. Beautiful madras, in self pat terns, with striking mercerised a t r 1 pea. Special at . . .$1.45 Men's Sport Shirt Neckwear, 50c I Strikingly attractive new spots and (1 ' ure effects la the new wide end I'eau rie crt pe and crepe do china sport ties. Beautiful Washable ' Neckwear at 50c White, with contrast colors. Pongee em broidered De Joinvilie. Wide-end four-in-hands. Smart novelties galor, at 50 Store Hours: Open till 01. M. Saturday; ojeu till 1 o'clock Monday, Memorial Dav. Men's Sport Shirts at $1.C0 and $1.50 MM l if7' ' ' f-'-((fil 1 1 i COUKtCT Afl'KKU rX); .Ub.N A.j WOMEN Boys Sport Shirts at 50c and $l.ba w Saturday Specials for Boys and Girls V SMsMassBMBJaa eVsMBMnsssMsMsssMssssssssaH Maa sjaMBBjsjBHBBSSSHsWssMHsssI 2s Girls' Tub Dresses -J to 14 .Tears In fancy Percales, Mr ChambraTB and Flowered Batiste; faat colors, pretty trimmings SATURDAY S J g Otheri at $1.60 and $1.95 A few slightly soiled Va;h Dresses for Girlg ; previously as high as $2.2o, on sal Satneday at. 69 c Coats for Girls 8 to 14 years. In the most approved season's gtylea. Black and white checks, gabardines, fancy mixtures, coverts, serges and silks. Values as high as $ 6.50, S3.75 Value) u hig-h as $12.00, $6.05 BOYS' NORFOLK SUITS In reliable Blue Serges and Fancy Mixtures. If your boy needs a suit the profitable thing is to see these first CARQ Jrs & and O 69c Saturday's Price BOYS' WOOL KNICKERS That were previously priced from 11.00 to $1.60, Saturday only This enables you to buy two pairs for the price of one. BOYS' WASH SUITS In Olivers, Pixies, French Tars, some with the new detachable ver-ves. Every conceivable color combination in chambray, crepe, repp and oxford cloths k . lal'r.!0: 95c, $1.45, 1.95 JCSJ) ... Saturday Drug and Toilet ff os3sCnt Pfiee C3rniYil All days are busy ones in our stores, but Saturday is "a little more so." ? Crowds can be seen trooping1 to the Downstairs Soda and. Lunch Rooms, or seated about the tables on the salesroom floor of two of our stores. . At the Perfume, Toilet' Goods and Rubber Supplies Counters pleasant and well posted young ladies cheerfully show the very latest things in these lines, while experienced men, some of whom have been with us for nearly two decades, look after the important operations of technical pharmacy. Our stocks, gathered literally from the ends and middle of the earth, are astonishing to those unac-" quaintcd with the detail of modern retail merchandising, and well illustrate the greatness of little things when taken in the aggregate. ' " If you are not a regular patron of the SHERMAN & M'CONNELL DRUG STORES,1, we invite you to become one for such articles' as you may need in our line. .. We. believe. you will find both satisfaction and profit thereby. : " : ,:v."i :; Ask ns for the newest articles in our lino, as well as the things 1 'mother used to use.' ! we undoubtedlv have them. .: . . - - .... v RUBBER GOODS DEPARTMENT PATENT MEDICINES Sharply Cut Kidney Pills. e obtain these sooda. In meat instances, direct from the manufae turer, and thus are In a position to tuarantea esnulnenass and also mass the lowast nrin $100 Bliss Native Herb Tab. Ms for . tic Carter's Little Mv'er"" Pills BOo Payns's Saturdsy . . too Pyrup of Figs . (Oenulnel S0o Paps'e UUpapsiii," " Saturday 11.00 Plnkham'a Com'-'" onnd 1.00 Hyomal, coiii'piets,' ' for Soc Castorta (Fnetc'hVr's) ' for , 1 00 8, a S. for ....... 1.00 Fellows' for 1.25 Ouda'a PePto' Manaa'n for 7 So Jad Salts for Genuine Llsterlne. 11.00 slr.e for 1.00 Wine of Cardul for 3.00 Pabat Okay Specific for hoc Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets , tl.00 rierce's Favorite Prescription for Syrup 69o 12c 29o 34o 29c 64o 89o 21c 64c 84o 98c 49c 59c 4 54c $2.39 . 34c 64o iiu litre a Root Bear mkH i rUon for... I5c CIGARS SATURDAY SPECIALS You ran save money on 300 aland ard brands and sises In prima con dition. 10c Lawrence Barrett, t for Colon Cervantes. Porto Rlean, 3 for ec Flash Light Clgara. for 10c Cubsnolds, I for " 15c Reynaldo CJrandloao. for. Hox of 60 Manila Media el QC Resaliaa 9liw3 25o 10c lOo 15c 10c IS salesladies U this e. Our Rubber Goods Iepartmnt a lane one. and vn handle. b r tual count, over 1,000 Items tn this line. We' buy direct from factories only, and thua are able to furnish fresh stock we can sruarantee and at a low price. , Trained Sartaeat. lOo Rubber G laves, Saturday, pair , 1.60, 8-quart Maroon "money hacx" brand Fountain Syringe. Saturday for . . I-quart Fountain Syringe for Oood Rulb Family Syringe for a to ladles' Douche fvrlnre for Invalid Ring (cushion) for Mall ordera filled at If accompanied by cash. 29c bscx" 98c 49o 29c $1.49 S2 S3 these prices Last day demonstration rarr's Orsr Xalr kertorer. at Dod- St, tore. Medieiaal Koots. Kerbs, riewere, Barks. Ooma, Leaves. Twlrs and Berries front nearly l.OOO botanical aonroea, pat no in Los. and 1-1 b. vaokaa-ea eomoressed and loose pressed and ia bulk, at loweat vrloea. Itemonatratlon of Goodrich Famous "Velvetlna" Toilet Ar tlclea at our Owl Store. 16th and Harney, stocked and aold abund antly at all four atores. TOILET ARTICES AND PERFUMES. ' In these lines our- stocks are un equalled hereabouts. Our prices tell their own atory. loe Mannen's Talcum- (4 I 9n kinds), per can S.U 26c 4711 White Roae Soap, ke Sie Packer's Tar Soap 'or 2oe Cutlcura Soap, for 88c Pond's Vanishing Creein, for 60c Snciete Hygienlque Soap (Purple wrapper, bis- cake).. leading LaiflU'a 60c Per fumes, Saturday, at, per ' oi.. 60c Pebeco Tooth Pasts. for 26a Mistletoe Cream, for . , 60e Java Rice Powder, gen uine, for tOo Pr. Charles Flesh Food, for ; 60c pompelan Massage Cream, for SOc Lazell'a-Jap-Honey Suckle or Vlojet Toilet Water... 1 2c 14c 17c 14c 29c 29c 34c Uo 29c 34c 29c 29c FIN- AMATEUR PHOTO ISHING. KIL.MS DEVKLOPED FREE Q. Developer 2 5 0 ..9c 49c I Tubes M. for 16c Acid Hypo for , . . . . 76c Ruby Lamps for It us make your enlargement1!. We sell the Ansco Line of Cam eras and 111ms. Sherman & cGonncll's 4 Qexall Drug Stores Shermau A McConnell Drug Co.. 10th and Dodge Kts. ltoyal rharmary, Loyal Hotel lllotk, 207-00 N. 10th tit. Owl Drug Co., Iflih and Harney Kts. Harvard Pharmacy, 24 th and Fa mam Hta. f Advertise lost articles in The Bee, Most people are honest and this is thy only way the finder can locate you.