THE BEE: OMAHA. SATniDAY. MAY 2 1flV 5 1 . WLLI , I jmjhu.imi .. ilixi..if.TIIHii..j,nu.iliiM nu.ipn.,: ... i . I..' iii.i.i, Nebraska 1 ii'r.i ni in,! .ai. is DECORATION DAY I Suit Sale A tremendous Mile of superior Tatue ult for inn and young men, In pure wool fa brief. Every wanted pattern, Including blue serge, ran he found at this price. We urge you to nee these suits In our windows. $15 and 518 Suits Fine Suits in Exclusive Designs The pick of the hprlng'n new colors, made Into garments that fit airurutely, offered Saturday at a nig saing. Hlue serges at each below pri $11.50, $15.00, $1 IK KM'; I UW .1 VA V GO reat Shirt Sale Purchased the floor stock of Vlndex Shirt to., Italilmore, Md., at about 50c on the dollar. Sale starts Saturday. Pure Tub Silk Shirts lioman M Mix's, heavy satin stripe and plain colors. $3.00 and $0.00 qualities Stylish Shirts $2 rsi.35 With or With- outcoiiar niTQ auacnea, 75c grade . Soft Silk Bosom Shirts; Finest i iSilks, $2 value SOFT CUFF SHIRTS; splendid patterns in madras and soisette fabrics; worth $1.25 OD NEWS FOR BOYS BOTB' COKBUTATtOV SUITS Ws purchased aa onormous quantity of suits that regularly 11 at s ana S8, tu now moa.n, Krt 0.0 prs. pants, Bgee 5 to 17 Saturday " W BOTI' TWO FilTI SUITS Pstoh pocket models, la wool CC fabric. S4 Tallica . . . BALL AM) HAT FREE WITH EACH 81 IT. Finest Straw Hats at a Saving Unlimited selections of splits, sennets and leg horns 95. S1.50. 81.90. $2.50. 83 PANAMA SPECIALS SO dozen' genuine Pana mas, all styles; $050 worth, at. . av DRESS TP DECORATION DAY Buy Stylish Quality Clothes at Cut Prices and on very Easy Terms. 1 All LADIES' SPRING SUITS, in serge, poplin, shepherd check, covert cloth, at ONE-HALF PRICE. All our LADIES' SPRING COATS, in all the new novelty fctyles, at ONE-HALF PRICE. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY SP Ladies' well made satin petticoats at Ladies' nicely trimmed QIOO house dresses at - - UI Ladies' fancy white silk waists - - - Men's fine all wool blue serge suits, worth $15.00, gg Men's all wool pin stripe and fancy check suits, mr rn worth $16.50, at - Uu.OU Boys' knee pant suits in neat gray and brown fjn cn plaid, worth $3.75, at o.0U 48c Union BlilnitfittincfC f mT ut trx.-- 'a. : ? OMAHA SE.COR.I6frJAa30N STS. ram PKOl'I.ES S'ltJlJE CADET OFFICERS APPOINTED Full Lilt of Stiff and Company Com- minder of University of i Nebrttka Regiment. ry ; j 2 HiHriB EHIWI LINCOLN MAN IS COLONEL I LINCOLN. May s.-fpepsl. H. Q. Hewitt of Llrecln will b colon! o; the unl-erilty crtt rtslmmt for ths eoming t ysr, tb appointments of officer 'n the cadets being announced yesterday St the cloae of competttlvs drill. Mr. Hewitt a 111 have charge of the university lartete. Honor were pretty well dlaftbuted amort the town of th state in tho ap t ointment of officers, Omaha getting It hare. The list of appointment for the 10 nlng ytsr follow: rield i Staff Officer. Colonel-H. O. Hewitt. Lleutensnt Colonel J. A. Alltion. Major. Executlvs and Delinquency Offi cer C. A. tlauptman. Major-rirt battalion. V. f Wicker ham; Second battalion, A. J. Covert: Third battalion, V. r. Chpln; unii einned, U U Ewlng. W. A. Bila, K. Clark. Cantain and Adlutant 1. K. Frost Captain and Quartermaater r. N. lfm-1 P'e. , I Captain and Commlaoary R. V. Koupul. Flret Lieutenant and Battalion AdJ.i-1 tnnt Plrat battalion. K. I. Ltebendorfer; becond battalion, I. Wright; Tnlrd tattalion. C. K. Glaaaer. Second IJeutenant and Battalion 'utr termasier H. J. ?rhwb. X.nrommlatloird Staff Otticera. Regimental Aergeant-Major E. J. Kra- hvillk. Regimental Commlaean' aergeani c.i V. Traptiagen." K. J. Althouae. Regimental Color Sergeant H. L. I Gayer. A. J. McKee. ; Battalion ' isergeant-MaJor Flrt bttl-i Ion. K. K. Martin; Beeond battalion, . V. Fauquet; Third battalion, H. L. Lang I don. Corporal Adjutant' department !.. W. iTftree. A. U Harvey. M. V. Thompon; ' qnartermaater' department. . H. H. Yoo,1. W. Bcott. K. C. Mieser. Phlhp 1 Wat kin. Com rear Officer. , Rifle Company Captain. Walter Hall; I firet lieutenant. E. A. Dalley; fit at eer- , grant. H. IB. Grlbble; sergeant, U. C. Southwell. ' j Band Captain, D. T. Lane; first lieu tenant. W. M. Locke. A. V. Hlava. I". ' K. Harkson; aecond lieutenant. W. A. ; f-humacher. J. F. Nelon. R. V. B'xby; I first aergeant, R. J. Haundera: aergeants, R. U Thlaen. M. Blxby. F. L. Stricter. i R. T. Babaon. O. A. Hueratetta. J. i. i Ptevena, F. Garrison, I. B. Rlt: cor i norala. H. W. Aldrlch. U F.. Kill. R. Wilson. R. O. Luck. D. P. Thomaa. t . L Melaalenger, E. Toung, H. Young. Company A Captain, V. C. George: first lieutenant. A. W. Aekerrnart;- first reigeant. A. Blunk; sergeant. H. Haa thorne. M. F. Clark, C. F. Fray; corpo rala. D.' T. Ayer. G. Bloodgood. W . U Able. P. T. Parmale. E. F. Keed. W. W. ! I'arveth, J. W. Hepperley. Company B Csptaln. P. A. Warner; I fir.t lieutenant. 1. F. Smith: first aer geant. A. Spauldlng: ergesr t, O. Ai Hulllvn. U L. Burk, R. C. Fuoh; cor poUl. J- Q. Toung, F. Clarke. .1. U. Champs F. C. Bachorltch, H. M. Carton, A. H. Brlnker. E. B. Catterson, D.,B. Bell. Company C Captain. O. K. Petrlng; flrat lieutenant, U- E. Norrla; first ser gesnt, H. P. Morgan; aergeanta. R. E. .m.r 3. W. Gallowav. O. A. Powell; corporals, F. B. Buarstetta, O. M. Isr- imrtnn. j. w. Henscnse. ta. loi, o I Dnnihlt I Coolson. B. T. Hurlo. Company D-CapUln. J. H.. Pierce: flrjt lieutenant, J. E. uini; iirwx nn""". n Mlakev. seraeanta. J. B. Stoddard. I. D. Beynon. I. B.'Hays. T. I. Cotter: cor porala. W. H. Bller, A. Herman, D. T. Ford. R. Gans, E. Olllett. B. J. Garrison, i. w. lrave. ' Compaay E Captain. F. H. Psuwtaln; first lieutenant, I. K. msii; iirt sergeani, B. F. Rohrbaugh; sorgeants. C. R. Bherer, P. H. Smith, R. O. Andrew; corporal. P. O. Jone. M. J. Keogan, H. O. King, V. C. Johnson, R. Jenkln. M. U. Johnson. Company F Captain. H. Hadley; first lieutenant, M. U ,8chlslngr; first ser geant. It. O. Wyman; aergeanta, L. B. Scofleld. C. J. Werts, O. W. Black;, cor- Crals. E. A.. Unn, a H. Lanyon. C. B. vnn. D. W. MoCtuJey, J.. Milby, W. R. Vollman, H. C. Jefferey. , Cnmnanv O Caotaln. R. C. Lv Greer. tirmt lieutenant. K. L. Hlxenbaugh; first sergeant, H. B. Whitfield; aergeanta. H. C. "Wllaon, O. O. Tuoaer, n. . Lwion, i. M. Llllle; corporals, A. Muiugan, a. j. Mom. W. Mill. W. C. Miller. E. Weaver, U U Murphy, C. R. Moors. A. B. Thomp son. . Company H Captn, J.- 1,.' McMaster; first lieutenant. B. 8. Bpieth; aecond lieu tenant. W. K. Snyder: first sergeant, C. E. Campbell; aergeants. B. Nye. W. B. Jefferey, M. Crltohfield; corporals, F. H. Rouschi A. J. Long. Ij. . Psthe, C. H. Peterson, M. O. Richmond. J. Peksr, J. C. Wolford. . Company I Captain, L. M. Palmer, first- lieutenant. W. E. Hager; seoond lieutenant, D. M. Hewitt: first aergeant. H. Ik Folts; sergeants. H. H. Klrsrh, J. A. Jermsn, H. F. Rokahr; corporala, P. H. Qulmby, L. D: Robinson. C. Rlmer. K. R. Stevenson, T. B. Sweeney, W. Shoe maker. A. B. Wallace. Comcanr K Captain, C. W. Holeombe; flrat lieutenant, w. 8. ITrbaeh; first sef- feant, u. O. Woiranger; sergeants, c. my. J. M. El well. M. K. Holland, M. A. Blskle,'B. R Cardites; corporala, B. It. Steck. M. J. Shelley, J. B. Schults. C. T. Svoda. W. Stein, R. T. Thomas. J. B. Souther. A. J. Southerland. . Company M Captain, W. M. Folsom: flrat lieutenant. W. B. Wanner: flrat ser geant, L. A. Gordon; sergesnta, B. J. No- votny, C J. rtueeus, u. a. ieaon, w. a. Garrle; corporals. R. B. Wiltae, U A. Wilson. M. U Weinberg. J. F. Wend strsnd, M. J. Wilson. J. B. Worloy, M. C. Thompson. JVte fraaa Tabla Rak. TABLE ROCK. Neb., May . (flpartal) Henry t Alkena and wlfs of Pawnee City, who lived many years on a farm between that place and Table Rock. pioneer of this county, will celebrate tholr - sixtieth wedding anniversary on Monday, May 31. They will be at horn to their numerous friends from I to I o'clock. Mr. Burton Bloas and Miss Effla Stone berger ware married last evening at the home of the bride a few miles southwest of her. Eighty-three dollars has been paid out by Pswnee county this spring In bounties for wolf scalps. L LsLlLLI LU. I II -I I all H sa1 I III I j 1 SflaTaTl B l""SBT11 T" " ' li For Results Bee Want Ado. Economy snd Good living Can ba combined ky th housa. wiie who know tha lood vaiua and snany diflerswt way of sarrlnf MACARONI Fifty daliciou dlsKas, avary aaa 4 them difhsrent every ona of 'them good. Recipe is) as packaca. HllWtW In iwjuroaa 16 Serv NMAaoin SK1MNVW MT6, i-s. Tkm 1 aram fmmfw, ai Every Omaha man who appreciates hot weather comfort, should own one or two smartly styled tissue thin, tropical weight PALM BEACH, MOHAIR or . SILK SUITS BB M v.- wv m kt m j m sk i r r m aim -r . .-n ai . i m 'w The mere skeletons of clothes fashioned in the customary King-Peck manner from fab- i!J rics of the thinnest texture, stripped of the ,1J last vestige of unnecessary weight. J These suits aro tailored so deftly as to hold SI llAii, nUrtnft fnoniln trio chAnmnco - f tVt erto. intuit oiiapu vivoiitu iitv? outVi iiwou ui uiu iua terial. Our showing is more than double that of previous years. Palm Beach Suits, $5, $6.50, $8.50, $10 Cool Mohair Suits - - - - $10 Rjch Silk Suits - - - - $10 and $15 .Save $3, $5 or $7.50 on your suit. MOST EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN HIGH TYPE QUALITY SUITS AT Kverv suit featured nt this priee is a regular stock garment and its origin was far from that of the clothes made for sale purpose and speeial purchases THESE SUITS WERE INTENDED TO SELL AT $18, $20 nd $22.50-OUR FEATURE PR1C $1 C You surely want a new straw to wear Decoration Day . And this is the store frorn which to choose it. liest, beeause of our greater assortments, more tempting values and unsurpassed service Every new style creation is first Introduced to Omaha man in our Hat seqtlon Coma gnd meet the new ones Saturday. Panamas ft.YOO to S10.OO 14-Rhorn f.2.00 to 5.00 liAnRkoks $5.00 Mllajtn , ..$8.00 Sailors SI. OO to $5.00 r Li 1 1 lil gyn6 i Howard m WW. rVaV. We'll Furniih the Furnishing No matter what your apparel requirements may be a rollsr button or a bath robe we're here' to terre you best. fUlk Bosom tthlrt Athletic Nainsook Vnlon 8ulta; $1.M) Fadeless SWrts 25e Silk I.nater llosa . .' . .SI. .10 , .y use 1 1 . Tftc Gontlknlt I'nion Halts $1.00 to $2.30 Wnah Ties, s perls I ,30c and SOc .fi The Popular 'latey Eoffls" $1.50 to $2.50 "Baby Doila" art the mot tenmibU, serviceable and stylish ankle strap pumps or sandals ever devised for children and growing girls. ' W are prepared for a bl demand this rear, and show s complete Una of tbie popular style in Patent Colt, Gun Metal and Watte. With or without beets. Prioaa range from $1.00 to $2.60 for children, according to tlsa. and from $1.60 to $3.50 for grow Ins girts. Expert fitters In our children's department. 'SHO&CQ ?giBBMssiaTiaBgsaBMsgswjssssjBasa Choico Cuts of Round Steak, Lb. 15c PIO PORK LOIN ROAST, LB ;..104 PORK CHOPS, BEST OUTS, PER LB. 14V-t PIO PORK SHOULDER ROAST, 3 to 4 lbs. ave., lb. O 'ic No. 1 California Bugnr Curl llama, t'r lh I ts Na 1 Hngar Curad rlklnnixl llama, per lh IJ No. 1 Hugar OtirsJ lan Hacuti, hy atrip, pound .! Halt Pork. pr lb to Horn maiia llBtb--i-. Ib loo Salt Pork, lean bailies, by strip, Ham made pur Pauaage, pound la'e I pound 1(X GROCERY SPECIALS 10 nonnds (Iran u la ted Ntuiar for .' . . 1 ,0Q IR-lb. Hack Flour, Wathburn-Crosliyj Bunklst, Victor i- S ik'- day only $1.05 owuuiau nBiLii nic.u, luur jvi; yaga. lor Miti extra large t-ana tnmatoi fui . ...j 10c pejka. toilet Mi per 6a Htrlctly rreah egaa. par dozen ,.l?Us rlsnry country liutler, per lb. 87. Kiira fancy frtah tomatoes, 2.1la. for toe Oreen onlona, 12 btinclies for . ,.5 Leaf lettuce, t head fur to Aapa4-aua, 1 bunches for lOe New potatoes, per lb. to ic nkgs. Rub-No-Mor powder. S for lOo 4 large cans 4 X milk for to cans 4 X milk for , lOr pkga. corn flakes for ........ .Be ) So pkgs- matches for 10c Tsll cans salmon loo 16c saoks chick fed ......... .lTa 10c nans blsfkberriea ,Bo Irge cans peaches ilOo Mall Orders Bbipnad at A boys Prtoa. We OsUvsr Tf verywbar. norsaes, Ben ao a sad Soatb Omaha. Talsphoaa Douglas lt30. WATCH THEM SQUIRM! WHO? WOULD-BE COMPETITORS OLD TAYLOR WHISKEY QQr Full quart, 8-year-old quality, $1.25 value Cedar Brook, 8 yetr old, full quart, regular $1.25 value.... 08 Home-Made Grape Wine, full gallon, only 81.25 Ark About Free Coupons for Cbinawaie. Mall Orders Filled. . rMjkllAw FT! 121.121 North lth St. VUCKlOy OrOGas "The Quality House." P8 POBK E16flST, 9e FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS .ltA$ Steer Pot Roast lOVfto Pig Pork Butts llSe Young Vaal Roast llHs Young Vaal Chops 14H Spar Hlbs Sa Palt Pork IS Hwlft Premium and Diamond C Kama ! Skinned Hama '. ...13e Sugar Cured Ham 10S Ktra lan Breakfast Bacon 1S Ruaar rured Bacon Its i-lb. pall pure Lard, regular fac. special goo Special Prom I to p. m.. Lamb Chops ..So From to 10 p. m.. I'ork Chops loo Plini Ift P.lAOrrtSrX 1610 Harnoy Ot. asisr Phass DaUl't79 Apartments, flats, Iioum-s and cottages can be rented quick. Jy and cheaply by a lien "For Rent" want ad. V - FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS H'iP PIO PORK ROAST .9 Pig Pork Butts 1194c Steer Pot Roast 10c Young Veal Roast HHc Young Veal Chopi llc Bait Pork Dtc Spare Ribs .fc Skinned Htm 13ie Sugar Cured Htm 104c Bnlft Premium and Diamond C Ham tec 3-lb. pail Pure Isrd; regular price 45c special ...5c THE EMPRESS MARKET Opy- Woolworth &c and lOc Store. H3 South 16th St. Tel. IK 2307. i : r