Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1915, Page 16, Image 20

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    lilh HhK: OMAHA. HATUKPAV, MAY 29, 1915.
' II tl V tit l M ti itUil-li
11 t ;
0 mS m re f f M lrT k t aMt f-hlBriaxs.
esr-arlaBX r SJi
mgm aajir A
All Record for Dullness Lowered
it Day' Srision of Ex
"NEW YORK, Mnj All rnt (
ids (or dulliKss i.i sloes dismiss were
Inwrrta hniMV, m? t'.u mrn.r. Mi' iy
mr'oimHns lit',' shares. In thn
tirst hour arout i-naioa nuiKi
hands, but nnor (nut tl n.oitly . er
as wu 'irl ov.-r .). Inlilwl 14,10
ttmns stiowe 1 a niajoniv of iralna ovr
lossra. but till Improvement i rv
str.cied to sharee of secondary Innmr
lanrp, Inrluding motors find other sfe
riwittne subject to proieeMonai manipu
lation. The chlit element of restraint ws Dm
delay attending the lii-inun anT to
the American not regard. ng thp'.
tnnla Inrlueni. The iinnm-tnl rilnirtrt
waa aalve with rumor dealing with thn
purport of that monv-nioum timimunka
tln, but th ee savored of sunn tm or
conjecture. Further Hrtlh reverses In
thn 1 iux1h le a and elsewhere also
served, to hunt trailing.
Among lne taw noteworthy movements
of the aeton waa he wmknr of
t snmllm 1'neifle, which declined three
tiuinia. Thnt stock I rciinrdcd na the
(urometer of the Amor ran liat shroud,
hut so far as wna aacertr.tiinle, no sales
for foreign account were 1. here tu
dsy. I iiiiwl rWa.c 8tei mane only
feeble rel-one to tha 4iirna-lng public
erivicee riellveted by chairman (t.ty and
tt"ar stemcd to have riUcounttd the
higher dtvhtend disbursements an
nounoad by a number of the leading
metal inoduoina; and aelllns; companies.
Increased steadiness waa shewn by for
eign eachsna-e. receipt of nn additional
x,.tiiO,C gold from tHtawa serving to
ward that end. Kates fur Mrtually all
continental exchange are assuming mors
normal conditions. Domnnik' bank es
change offer evidence of further lm
provmnent rn general lines of business
and tha local movement of caeh Indicates
another vain In bank reserves. Tlma
loan ware mad today at a slight reeee-
lo from yesterday's iotatluna with lit
tla Inquiry for call money.
The Chesapeake A Ohio railroad sub
mitted Us statement of earnings for
April, showing, a not Incresse of VMA.nmi,
Apart from Ita ateadlneaa, tha bond
majiiat waa without featura. Total aalea
par ralim amounted to tlJfO.WU.
Unltod Ptatea bonda were unchanied
ally Raan4lwaj Indaatrlal Cw
Mtleaa Rttaaalata.
N2W TXJKJC, Mar a.-Uun'a Rvlew
tomorrow will aay 1
Klacdlly axpandlnr lnduatrlal opura
tlonav dua mainly, but not wholly, to tha
blar war demand, hara a atlmulatltiK
Uaot eeneraliy, aithouh tha many un
mrtajtitiea of tha foreln Itua.tlon malia
(or mutton everywhere, llacltanny In
. toow entnrprlaa, howerer, duea not Imply
amy lak of oonfldanoa tn the future,
but rather a dlepoattton to await further
. riwalopmonLa In reward to thla country'
Hploma.Ua relaUona with Germany.
IMndamentally, domeatlu condltlona
rain In en-re, nath ; told ta aaaln flowing
thla way and tha banking poaltton la tin
jtaJly aound, with anple funda avail
aible for all requtrmnaiita. colltx'lluna are
utrtewhat leaa dlftliHt on th whole and
VhU credit are attll ckiauly a canned,
ooimnordal failure durlna May made
niuh the tieat exhibit of the rear. Mora
over, tha purohaalrur power of the people
1 enhanond aa the number of unem
ployed dlmJnlahea, Proapeeta for lame
traffhi movemnnta In raln and other
alaploa prompt the traneportinff enm-)anli-a
to enter the market more freely
for needed equipment, and huylna on the
part or theae Intereata together with the
urKent war demands reaulta In continued
tniprovetneat in Iron and ateel.
Mew York Mosey Market.
PAI'KR Wi per cent.
KTKKMNtl LxCHANrjBPtcady: 0
daya, 4.7(iKo: demand, 4.7ViO; cables. W.T.
HIL.VEHr-.Bar, Hc; Mexican dollars,
. liONPS Oovemment, ateady; railroad,
TIMS lXANWEler, AO and no days.
2M.i'.'V per cent; si months, ftjtt per
CAU. MONKLr-Ptesdy; hlh, 1 per
cent: low, Hi per cent; rutins rste, 1
i,er cent; last loan, t per cant; cloalns;
lild, 1 per cent; offered at, t per cent.
Methodist Nurses
Eeceived Diplomas
Friday Night
The twenty-first annual commencement
exercises of the training school for nurses
of the Methodist hospital was held last
night at the Xowe Avenue Presbyterian
1 church at Fortieth and Nicholas streets,
, Ctnsha. at o'clock. Tha fifteen itrad
I uates are:
. Olive Stephenson, '
i Itschel Hunter,
Mary tAirrv,
j nrrie Uatlicks,
' f'1na Harrey.
I Krmna Hawkhead.
' Zolia Green,
nvia Carlson.
Connie Wlndmeyer,
Ajtnee Nelson,
Mrsiily Johnson,
Ruth Howorth. '
Msrraret Hopper,
l.ylia Mlnclalr. ,
Hilda Youngqulst.
It, U. U. Brown, BiUai ulstrlct super
intendent of the Omaha district of the
jHetbodlat Episcopal church, delivered
the oominenoement address. Diploma
were presented by M. I Btone. sec
retary of the board of trustees, bene
diction by Rev. U. J. Jalaer. Reading of
I ertptura by Rev. O. JJ. Keve. with
' prayer by Dr. Ernst, pastor of the church.
C W. Delamatre presided. There waa
a reception to the church parlor for
the graduating class at the close of the
Smallest Screws
Shown at Brown's
The smallest sorews In existence will
be on exhibition In the. show window of
tlie store of the C. B. Browa company,
a) South sixteenth street, during the
t remainder of Ihe week. The screws are
ao small that thy must be placed under
; a magnifying glaaa In order to see Uie
Samples of the screws were distributed
yeeterdey by J. M. Uofthouee. represent
in the C'harlee rkrlbner'a hons company.
The screws are used la the lo- else KlKln
' watch, said to be the smallest timepiece
made In America. Tlie total length of
tf 1 9 ut the screws Is twenty-eight one
thousandths of a Inch. The diameter of
the hesd Is twenty-six one-thuusandths
of aa Inch, and of the thread twelve
one-thouaaodtha of aa inch. The thread
aru on a nle of 30 to tlie Inch.
Iofthouse Is SMld to have visited every
riiMt Line shop and factory In the I'nited
fU'.ti. He has given lectures In most
f the colleges where mechanical engl-tie-rlr.g
Is taught. He visited Omaha
fourtnn years ago. He la stopping at
the Harm y hotel.
Baldrige Talks
for Greater Omaha
At the nut-ling of the club for
luncheon at the Commercial club. 11. II.
Htldritfe spoke for the consolidation of
tifstoi' Oiimha at the June I eierttou.
Tl e :-lub adlt;.i a resolution as followe:
' Unsolved Thit tlie Noondny club de.
i turn. Ulf in for of t:reatwr timaha
by CLOHolulbtlou of Omnia. nuth Omaha
and I'unjx. urfri-s all nieiiilwra logo
ii lb" , uli. Tuie'Uy. June L en J wle
tvl Sw k COilSOii ifcUUH."
Mn. Halcyon Chamben reterton.
Noted for Ability at Dancer,
Suet Wealthy Husband.
i h
Mr. Halcyon Chambers Peterson, 5
a social leader of the younger rt In 5
OniBha, who eloped with Msrrtu
Petersoh, on of Theodore N. retc'--aon,
wealthy wholesale furnltuic
fleiiler of Council niuffa, October 2.;.
1911, h filed rult for divorce 11
district court nlleglns; that her hiib
hand ha failed to support her since
January, 1914.
Mr. reteron, who 1 now 23 yeari
of age, 1 a daughter of W. K. rhaui
ler. the daticlnx Instructor. Rlie
ha more than a local reputation aslrf
r.n exponent of the art of dancing j .!
Mid I re aa riled a one of the niont 1 Sffl
beautiful of Omaha young women.
Her husband la three year older
than she.
Her petition tells of her marriage, which
took pla.-e- ut Ulonwnod, la., follnwlns; a
haaty trip from Omaha in an automobile,
of wnlch neither her parents nor those
of Mr. Petrraon had been made aware.
It alleges that since January, 1914, Vt
Peterson has railed to attpport her and
Informs the court that since that time
she has been Itvlnif st the home of her
parents !n Omsha at 2t?4 Farnam street.
r f Baby Soa Sat fa laaae.
Mr. and Mrs. Peterson are the parents
or a son TVi years of ae, who, according
to the petition, is in the tare of Mr. ;
Peterson's parents In Council Hluffs. J?
Mrs. Peterson docs not ask custody of
the child, but reiuerts the court lo dis
pose of tls IntHresta In such a manner as
It shall consider just.
Mr. and Mrs. Peterson In their elope
ment to Ulenwood were accompanied by
Dr. Jean Cleaver and Wlllard Bulls, both
prominent socially In Council Bluffs, who
were witnesses of the ceremony. . On
their return from Ulenwood they stopped
at tne home of Theodore x, Peterson.
neaa or the Peterson- Brhoenlng Whole
sale Furniture company, the young man's
father, to break the news to the groom's
parents, then came, to Omaha to Inform
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chambers of the wedding-.
They then left Immediately for
New York City.
They hid bein acquainted for one yesr '
prior to the nisrrlage. Prior to January,
1M4. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson lived together
lri Council flluffs.
Ieepondency resulting from unemploy
ment Is bolleved to have prompted Peter
Krupa to shoot himself In the right
temple In his room st XHl Harney street.
He was removed by the police to St.
Joseph' hotpltal. There Is little chance
for hi recovery.
Krupa he been out of work all winter.
He roomed with a brother, Davis, and Is
U years of aae. He used a thlrty-two-
catiDcr revolver.
The Omaha Hebrew club has pur
chased St. Ilamaba parish church and
rectory, together with the school at
Nineteenth and California streets. . A
larger offer was said to have been made
h another bidder, but the churchmen
so'd It to the Hebrew club because this
means that the place will be put to in
stitutional use. Tha price paid is W.jft).
Ut. nsrnabas owned thla property for
over forty yesrs.
Player Music Rolls
83-Note, at Half Price
Saturday Only.
1,000 Straight Out Rolls
to Select From.
$c::r.:cuER & mseller
1J11-1I ruaarn It.
QOAflDEIS Today: 5
THSATlaV X.aat Three Tlme,
mx a
The World'e Oreatsat Motioa rtnture
rail Braadel Theater Oreheeua.
'rloesi Hattaoo. 10s Bvea., lOo, aoo.
All NtZt Week notare ro.
All Itstl n CGI 4uoUem Katraordlaary
Vrloeat KaUaeea. 10e Bv-, lOo, toe
ataUaee T
ktaUaee Today. I:
Alias Jinny Ualeniino
Bfatlaees a5s la-ae tSe-aO
t Performance Tonight.
Artaat Smith's Oreaestra la
Hall Boom.
Oood Besting. Boiler Coaster Merry
(sakBous aad Maay tnaa
'- 5
I ,m
Rpecial Punhnaeof 45 Dorcn Men' Athletic I nlon
Stilts Mde of fine quality nnlnnook and fancy
Mrlped anlfeUe. Theae union milt are
worth 11.00 and 11.26. All lzes, 34 to
46. Sale price, unit
131 Dozen Fine quality Silk Four-ln-Hand
Large open ends. Regular 60c value,
The Largest- Shirt Sale the Largest
as Ever Held Opens . Saturday at 8:3'
21,000 Men f ancy Shirts, bought from the hly Walker Dry Goods Co., at less than 50c on the dollar, together with large Eastern purchases. V
could ha vp nmde this offering include 45,000 shirts instead of 21, MO. The Elv Walker Co. offered us this entire stock at a price, but we felt
that good as the entire stock was, a careful selection would make our offering better.
All the fine silk mixed
and mercerized shirts,
SSt-t $149
i qffllf ilk
m I, li iv- I ill ill u- J i : ii Mi u n ii i . maBsaBsBK
C TT ITr II II I i ii il HnfnUii LKrVxj It If JiTrnri L
m I r I ' I.I 1 I 1 I.I r ssii an 111 II m ga. bf Ki U IB I liM
All the fine madras, French
flannel and soisetteo
shirts, worth to ,rTs(r
$2.00, at each . . . y'
A large portion of the main' floor
in tha
n :
i mm
-li If
I 1 !
Lt.'-L .. j LI j L l j ii ii' i Tl n rl tTiiilTnnTun-ri it r uti it- nr-l i n I m I 1 1 mi hi i ii"n iti irnninTrrr i 1. .-i . -. . . . n -r j i ' i-jJ-! l
Advertisers can cover
fD li 0
shirts worth from $2.50 to $3.50.
10,200 shirts worth froiir$l50 to $2.00.
9,100 shirts worth from 75c to
15,200 shirts with soft
collars detached and without collars.
6,400 shirts with stiff cuffs.
All these shirts are spring and summer patterns;
materials are silk and
percales and soft mercerized material.
This entire purchase of 21, GOO
shirts are di
of the old Etore will be devoted to
; A Ltrfl b 1- H -.UHlea worth .to JS.. li it I I li III I IP 0 n 111 H !ui
1 1 . y ii 1 1 i i i . i r i?ir k i n i, n ilia ws Dui i n1 '
- B' ia'ltles wort to $2. OP. 'ftj
A Sale of Men's and Toung Men's High Grade Spring and
Summer Suits. Bringing Savings of Astonishing Magnitude
Three" widely .known higli-grade clothes makers .We used thin mammoth sale event aa their clearing house
for their turplus stocks. It is the best clothes news our Clothing Department has had in years. A ready
market for the garments on hand near the close ol' the season selling was valued greater than the regular
profit. As a result the country's greatest retail clothing organization of which this store is a chief factor,
secured the stocks at an astonishingly low figure and this wonderful buying opportunity is offered to the men
and young men of Omaha. '-
Hundreds of Men's Spring
arid Summer Suits
Splendid specimens of tailoring in fancy
blue self striped worsteds, all-wool cas
simeres in plaids and checks, 'conserva
tive, and nifty models with patch pocket
coats and cuff bottom trousers. Sizes
for men and young men. Styles that
meet eager approval and values that are"
without peer. Regular 11 '7C
$18.00 and, $20.00 suits J 3 "
Young Men's Suits
Young Men' Model that positively excel ta
style and quality any suit that are sold else
where at prlcea ao low. New patterne in all
wool material. Size from 33 to Q 7C
U. Sll.bO to. $15.00 seller.,. 3e70
Great Sale of
Panama Hats and Bangkok Hats
At About Half Price
Immense purchase of men's
high-grade straw hats en
tire sample line and aurplu
stock of a New 'York manu
facturer, bought by ua at about
halt the regular wholesale price.
Including ail thla aeason'a atylea
leghorn, fine Bennett epltt
braid, Bwlaa atraw and high-grade
Porto Rlcan. These hata, if aold
$5 and $6 Genuine Panama
and Bangkok Hats at $2.95
About-50 dozen men's genu
ine Panama hata and Bang
kok hats Importers' sam
plea and. manufacture floor
tock. In all the neweat models -Teleacope.
Yachta. Drop Crowns
and Optimo styles, f ft fir
.Valuea from 14 to . N JUS
Your choice of the en- Vasal
tire lot Saturday.' "
regular way would retail
Vaa eVaa
at :.00. 13.60 and
IS. 00. . Your choice
of the entire lot Sat
' i.i
Everybody treads The Bee.
In all
cuffs, collars attached
linen, woven madras,
the biggest shirt sale ever held in the
Special in Hirsch
Wickwirbi, So
ciety Br and.
Schlos Bros.
High ; grade suits
for men and young
men best in Amer
ica,: at-
Men's and Young
Men's Trousers, pair,
$1.08, $2.08
. . and $3.98
Men's Straw
Men's $U5 Silk Hats, 50c
Men's Balmacaan Silk and
Palm Beach Ilata About 50
dozen in the lot. All sizes.
11.26 values. Your PA
choice. Saturday fori... JvfC
Boys' Headwear. 25c & 50c
Boy' and Children' Headwear,
including every new style Silk
Rah, Rah and Telescope. Straw
Hat and Wah hat, or r r
Special Saturday at. aCOC'JUC
Qmaha with
Lot of Men" Fine Pllk and Rilk Fibre Hose-
the new shades green, white, nary, gray.
Beach, black, hello and tan. Value
35c. Special, Saturday, pair
Lot of Men' Fine Quality Batin Striped Silk
Shlrla nautifu pattern. Regular
fS values. Special Saturday, each...
Shirt Store.
$1.25. Jfee'j
9 ' rdffiffim
All the fancy madras
and pongee shirts
worth. up to IF TV
All the percale and
cham- l
bray shirts, that hs psf
: are worth .to 75c,
at; each...;
west. Sale starts Saturday at 8:30.
Men's and Young Menu's
$22.50 to $25.00
Spring and Summer Suits
Buying opportunity unequaled. :jIore
than. 1,200 suits in this group running
the full gamut of 6tyle that are correct
for spring and summer wear and includ
ing the newest patterns in the popular
shades. Sizes for men and a AJJ
young men, inc 1 u d i n g O I I 1 3
stouts, slims, extra sizes
"Biltraore Special ' ' Suits for Men
and Young Men; 'Best (in Mf CA
America for the i price '. ... .ylUeDU
Genuine Mohair Suits $7.50
Palm Beach Suits .......... .'. $5.00
one paper