T1IK BEE: UMAl'lA. SATURDAY, . "MAT . 29, .Xn'o. ITALIAN AIRCRAFT . ATTACKjRAILROAD Official Report from War Office Tells of Snccenfttl Eaidf Into Austria at SeTeral Point. ARTILLERY BATTLE STILL OS TEUTONS TRYING. : TO DRIVE WEDGE PASTPRZEMYSL (Continued from F;e ne ) FLOOD SCARE IN KANSAS CITY OYER r zzxjxjz I mi ami ! Jlln t- f lhrnrt' I ko4 lime itndsv a iho result of unusually levy : the district ,rtheat of renijrt .sms vestrny stxi ta.t . nieh -1-1- no : ,.r tow v mi -.moris o: i .mo n . 1 .,,,,. fr.in i i"'r' )t iwty nWWJIy jr.. about il woRresslrit." iavorsMy en Fbrt l'txU.-" said ih.- ! Moif.rr was otf!r.wit!K t t.enks. vl .. r IT -LLfCTtK. GENEVA, Mae VI Pari.) The Italians art continulnr. their adnnce Into Carinthta. They have lakeo three, of the lower mountain passes and fourteen Tillage. ROME, May 27. (Via Parla. May SI.) A tucreMful raid on tbo Trleate-Nabrealna railroad by a squadron of Italian aeroplane, to gether with tha occupation of addi tional Auatrlan territory along the I Tirol frontier and on tba Frieull front ara reported In an official statement Issued tonight by tbe Ital ian War office. It la atated that an artillery battle la raging between the Italian fortified positions on the Trentino frontier and thou of the Auatrlana. - Tha oommunlcatton follows; "On the Tonl-Trentlno front an artil lery rnmhst continues between our forti fied positions and those of the enemy el TontaJa am en to Aaiaao .leteau. To the, north we have extended the territory occup1et op t the mouth of the Chirm river In LAke Id row en1 have occupied tha russed mounUinoiia son extending between Laiina tdro and Garde. "Notahles of Tessa In Vat Su-atui and (Iter occupied part presented them selves to our authorities, expressing sentiment of . patriotism and tho devo tion of the population. "Our Alpine Iroopa continue successful tombata on tho Carnlola front, where we are capturing prisoners. "Oo the Frieull front ' we etftipiftfl Orado, where the population welcomed ue enthuslsstically. "During the , night jf the 2th-!7th a quadron of hjrdro-seroplanca raided the enemy's territory, Ihroxlr.; bombs on tha Trlest- Nabreslna rail mail, catmint dam age, and it la believed . Interrupting the line. In spite of the violent mtiskei and ertlllery fire of the .meniy the squadron returned safely." A 4 r in tie Porte Sow Dark. ROME. May 2.-(Vla The Hague and held all the around In their possession and Inflated heavy losses on the eoemy. At the break of day they move.) nut In I an eastrly direction and look possession In the direction of Pouches of an impor tant Oerman woTk called the Fort Qua' re Boquetoan. Here the fUhtln was very spirited, and the enemy suf fered a arioua chck. The hvimher of prisoners reported yesterday evening: le considerably over- f and InrluUca evn officers. We captured In addition about twelve machine (una. "Thla morn in a- at the taking of the fort we made eorue mare .prlsones. The exact number had not yet been reported. We alao captured aome wa: material. , "The bombardment reported yesterday hy the Hermans from K"ur1"' and KocIIik court continued all nlaht long, but It was not followed by an Infantry attack. In the envlrona of the foreet of be Protr we delivered an attak veaterday evening which rcaulted In our gaining ground. At the same time we took about sixty prisoners. Including several officers; "There has len nothing new on the remainder of the front" Weather Forecaster Predict! River Will Creit Tonight at Twenty- ; TFIITHNQ r.HFr.gTn i(lltoial pileoncm hae bwn and twentv-flre rnnnon and about v (ma hlne . tun have beii cap Four Feet. LARGE AREA IS UNDER WATER ALONG RIVER SAN tViitlnuil frm t'm 'nv LOFGREEN READY TO PROYE AN ALIBI Continued from Tag One.) grave reports were welrrf 0 1 tiird 2 1 JO n.MftiMfiit fin tho rnrnnimlfr nf 1 ' .( i m . . . 'taki'i; twent turcd. t rH . r inn n if t mw- t kerLrii. . rF.TRoORAD, May ; a. tVia London.) The A'istro-Oortimn advanre in Galicta I l.avlr.K been 1 he. kid. th'-re apiicar new jetni- .f wl'ifiiirm )ermnu e-cti"ltv on tin- lent: flKhllna lino from the Baltic southward.' 1'hi. ircnt inns east of the rnieslan' bonier?. ' benda eastward td within llitrly m'.fee of ' Vi area w . and paaprs en . Into anuti.cr;! F'olaml. Pre limlimry nT4.tk.ni ere now vnder way along thin iitu . ' KANSAS CtTT, Mo.. May 28. Al though ISRl niRnt ana eany iouy irui.i (,,,,, front n.i :lit-i,t ettack er places In Kansas. Oklahoma and repulsed at several pia. fr. western Mifwourl. fear of erlouS Reverse in tr,h-ni. floods aa the result of continual "Southeastern theater: T--.tni the ad ralna had abated somewhat today. ! "at of the Teutonio allied troop, the - The ma lmpo,ta.,t of. these operation. enemy tried with fresh forces, brought ' he reifuinptirn In aletermlncd man The local Inited States weather oh- forw.rJ frotn oth wap ,nrRtorl, t0 ntU(H, ,nervf ths bombardment of Oaaowets an4 server today lsaued a report assorting t several points on the right bank of j artillery battle and c avalry engage-, that "all riverg' and streams In this J the rler San. Theao attempts failed. On iments near Hdvabno, and generally .iikln fclr hanks tpt,t ,ns reg"n or nirmawa were wen a tiii-: i aions ironi. " m secilon are mlthln their hanka eicept , , k.,, w , rw. the Pan. On thla occasion about six of , man maneuvers ; have not developed aut- our cannon could not be withdrawn In I flctently a. yet lb reveal whether theyt cust atreeta nt the time the murder oc icutred. Partlhl investigation of his claims left the police unsatisfied. The officers say thev have been In formed hy a woman living acroas tho street from lifgren'a flae of residence, that at i 1 l. m. ltuit Fiiday. ahortly after the munlir was roinmltted, and at tha time Lofre n i lalmod to m at work, he was seen b the woman Iniorniant and her lltil dauphter jiear Twenty eiKhth and Webster strcots. Just two blocks from his home. Ixfgreen la held without bond, pundliuf furlhcr Invest. gatlon of tho case. Xotea from Wrth Platte. N0R1 If . PUATTR, Neb.. May (Kprclali Grndtiallon week for North Platte High ' tiool came to an end last night when the exercises were held at the Keith theater followed hy the Junior-senior banquet 'at the Vienna cafe. The IfilS class Ih the largest in the history of the school, numbering thirty-five. . Memorial dny services are to he held Montis v' at the Port. Mc.Pherson national Paria.r-In compliance, wllh orders Issued cemetery, twenty miles east of this city. by ths authorities, ail tbe ports on the j Henntor W. V. IJoagland will steak In Adriatic are now in darkness at night, tho afternoon at the fort. This regulation Includes Venice, Ancona A ,mme h suggested for the and Brlndlal, and It Is being made to hridjre over the Platte river east of here apply akso to certain Inland cities Ilka ; wBn -oirmleled. A. F. Bheld.in of the iMiiaa. Bologna, Verona, Brescia and ' ,N.hraska legislative refer noa bureau l'("D- lias suggested that the bridge he called At these place, the same regulations J th . Mallet" bridge, In honor of the pptr. cares, tneaters ana moving pio- Mallet Lrother who were the first white tars Ileuses art) closed; street cars run with only light Inside; carriages) and automobiles are forbidden to use electric or gas lamps and tha use nf brilliant lights Inside houses Is forbidden. Rail read static ss are entirely dark. The people ana taking all this moat gaily. At night groups of young mea go through tha darkened atreeta, shouting, Joking snd singing. A special watch for aeroplanes la k4ag kept at Bologna because of ths location there of a very Important factory of ex plosives. Klfnatllna posts have been esasBllshed on the famous Asinelil and O arisen 4a towers. From these points of beervation there is telephone commune cation with tha aircraft detachments. Similar measures have been adopted at Milan. RUSSIAN TROOPS : ,vj ; .'. ' . OCCUPY DRUHIAH rContinued from 'Page One.) ' ' men to settle at the forks of the Platte. They came here In IST. 1 Bars gtraek. by Mahl. . AVOOA, Neb.. May .- Special) Dur ing the storm Tuesday morning lightning struck, the large barn on the farm .'of Charles ,. Schneider, an Otoe county farmer, and burned to the ground.' Two automobiles, several horses an.l aOargf quantity of., hey, and i grain were,ln tho barn, and were .all destroyed excepting one horse. . I ' Mtcbfleld I.odae Officers. , LITCHFIELD, Neb., May 28. (8pcU Tel(sgram.)-Iitchfle1d lodge. No. 17 Ancient Free and Accepted Masoh,' elected officers tor the ensuing Masonlo yeari Past master, B. P. Achenbach; master. J, B. Burt;. senior Warden,' Orren fctote; Junior .'warden,' John! Il kerao'n; treasurer, lit. U. Myers,' gnd secretary, C. A. Bribers. at K annas City and below." Conditions along the Arkansaj river still are regarded aa gerlot . Tha -Fourche river haa overflown lt! banks. Near Van Buren, Ark... tha levee haa given way. Severe electri cal, rain and. wind storms bave tausod heavy property damage and the loss of at least six Uvea in Okln homa in tbe last two days. Great property damag-e la reported as a; leault of tornadoes at Checotah, Cleora.' and Btigler. Oki. At the last named town the property damage, exclusive of that to crops. In that district is estimated at tioooon. Tha town la without light at night. Fifty residences were damaged by the tornado at Checotah Thursday night The dam-1 age there Is placed at 130,000. '; The vast storm which centered Wednee i day in southern Kansas and the Texas Panhandle and yesterday In northern Oklahoma, has moved north and east, until it now hovers over northwestern Missouri. Flood warnlnga have been sent to all points on the Missouri river. All Trains Are Late. All trains arriving here from lite west today were late, msny of them being annulled. ru-nnrts from northm'ealern Missouri indicate that the situation there Is ac counted grave. The Grand river is out pf Its banks and a section of Pattens huig Is Inundated. The village of Want Itosa, near Patlonaburg, Is entirety under water and haa been abandoned The Phut a river at Platte City is more than a mils wide. Joeeph Perry. Jt year. old, was drowned-near Platte City, when hs at tempted to rroaa the swollen river on a wason. At jAwrenut, Kan . numbers of stu dents were unable to reach their class rooms at the University of Kansas today because of water, which stood knee deep In the streets. Tracy, a town near Platte City, also Is menaced and most of ths inhabitants have removed to higher places. Muskotah. Kan., reported yesterday entirely -surrounded by the flood waters of, -the IVlaware and L4ttl Grasshopper rlvfre. today- was still tn danger, but it was' believed the' inhabitants all have been remove, to places' of safety. - At, Hprihgtield. Mo., the high Water was- reported to be receding. . Arkansas Hlv at FloveS ' LJTTLH B.OCK, .Ark i May ft The worn . flood In recent years .is sweeping thel Aejtan.sk valley; according 'to reports received here today. Lowland farm r Inundated, crops and farm buildings have been" damaged seriously.' ' The' lives 'of mary residents of tbe lowlands are Im periled and the crest is not yet In sight uPart ! Det Me l'i Wa DEW MOINES, la.. May J..-tMrlou flood ' conditions' along the Des , Moines re preliminary to offensive operations . hy the f re cl the Ttuesians. i At about the same time sn ewtampt was made te break through tha valler of a . entt!. . bargeter 'it mei'.y consti tuted another of the numerous ejemon startlons which periodically develop and subside without affecting the iltuatlon materially. Beportr reai hing Petrograd frum Cue . GaHrlan frontier indicate that the Aus-tro-Oerman forces have encountered rn unyielding wall In the Russian defense from Jaroslau all the way to the Itou manlan frontier. Nevertheless, the Teu tonic sllie. continue avsaulta over tho whole length of this line wlth'aa great determination snd energy . ever. (eranAae Leave Tw Tboesantt lend. Partlculariy .-trong German forcea wltH heavy artillery are massing on the roads bf the flan near Padymno, south of Jirr.sls'i. but tils effort failed. On Wednesday nut-elan positions along this w hole rc,in e-ere subjected, to the fire of German artillery of all dimension. The regions of Stry and Dol'na also were marked l.v battles of unusual violence. trsaiiihsri MVIfare tssoelatlea. PTROMSBCRO. Neb.. Msy s.-Hrcial. An iMganlxatlon In this city known s the Community Welfare association held !la fi-st public meeting on londay even ing: where a banquet wa given to 125 member, and guests. After the banquet a nrnvrn m ha,! hn srrsnsed In eharse of leading eastward In the direction of Um-j y r wilson. president of the association. .r as tcastmaster. The first speaker whs After v.ol-nt artillery f're the Ge.mans ConMTn,n Vnn Wppfl,, of Fremont. T'!7v "V '',n'",. " Tom"nOV,,:-1 followed by Congressman Charles c ,.,rnrev...u.nu. , Geneva, and Senator E. L. lies southeast o( Priemysl. After a fierce i battle which continued throughout the d.y tho Oermnns retired, and according to staff officers they left ?. dead be hind thm. The German soldiers led in the assault, sheltering themselves under large shields, hut they were forced bnck It. Sloan of Geneva, and Senator E. Kintf of Osceola -and Charles H. Morrill of Lincoln and Htrumsburg. Apartment, flats, houses snd cottages rsn be rentcdquickly snd cheaply , by a Bee "For Rnt" ' I: ) sn ,1n great danger from attack by ' Kurds and Turks. Between K.OOO and lt. natives are I ' reported to have placed themselves un- ! der the protection of Dr. Harry P. Tacki i ' ard of ths American Presbyterian wis- ; I lon; at least 12,00a have taken refuge In . the Caurasu. and it has been estimated that JC.COO are dead or missing. J The entire frumlah district haa been terrorised, by wandering band, of Kurds f snd by Turkish regulars. Appeals have beep made to-the Amertoaa BtaU depart ment to take measures for tha protection ct American mlsalonarlee and tha Rus aian government has been urged to make , every effort poe.lble ta occupy tha dls ; trlct. There have been many report of atrocities and tha wholesale slaughter I of natlvee. The Christiana have resisted j s vigorously ss possible the attacks of j Kurds, but have been handlcepped by a ' lack of guna and ammunition. 1 CUSS OF 14 TO PRESENT ELECTROLIERS TO SCHOOL v slBstBBMasHsassSBBBslsBBsWB WBsSSSMgSBMsBSBSBsH -.t i J . . ' I , " "' v ' . Just received several pieces of blue and gray Summer Serges, which should sell for $35. Your choice, scoat and pants made to your measure-- ; ( 00 .... r. 'PJCrti;. Nb.- 'sy (Speclal.)-The (lass o 9U will formally present .five ebctrollrrs to the normsl bosrd on V'tUatsday. C. Ivan Wlnslow of hat class will make the presentation kpeech. T. J. Majora will accept. A nun-aer of the classes bave left aplendld meninilala, hut these electroliers bought at a cost of 4 will be the most conspicuous of all. J Rev. K. N. Orrll! of Fairbury hai been rt cured for the baccalaurf ate sermon and evrnor , Xorehead will give th com- mencement address. ' i Thla Is the largeat class In the hUtory of tb hoot There are over V be- alCes the tialners class. ' A number of special trains will be run Into Peru next Wednesday . evening for iu fifth annual music festival. Kvan Willlama. Welsh tenor, will be the gieat i ttrartion and will be assisted by iiadame Dorothea North, Miss Madge Miller and Edward Clarke. . President Hayea, Dean House and Pi of a lnr. Uregg and Wilson have l-een out giving comtnaaoeioent addrtbsea. Better Tailored Clothes ' ' WlKiK RTRKOT. , The Little Mhop With the Ills Values. .. . A tarlaar Cesgk Harts the Laaaw. Dr. Betl Pine-Tax-H oney stops the oougb and prevents your cold getting, worse.' It'a guaxantcd. Only J. ' All drufffUts. Advertisement DlearaeBt Orelera. WAfcHINQTON, May (8pUl Tel, -ioa egram.) I poetiuasters aniMliit boydt-n. fcteus county, Llenry W. PiiaUck. vtM i. C. Prtde: garllri. Orerne county. iutSette Vansturht, vbe Mrs. O. Van in nt lllghiaadville. W'toueshiek county. Msgt,e Ford. lw R. H. bcsicldahl. re e.ened. Io oetmaatere reappeluted: Deloit. CcDsford enutity. airs. Aliua A. Prentice, kslo Webster county, r-ytvester C. Ful ler: LAvtna. Calhoun county. Juhn Beam. MiIIt. Hancock ocuntv. A.telph II. Anoer e"B: klinley, Jo una louiny, Mlaa Helen M. Trtau. Ali.a peusionf ft anted : Kiia V. I" jii. Valparaiao. r.;, Anuie iulmaou. tjoicis. XX QEATOIi'S BARGAIN BULLETIN FOR SATURDAY AHD HOilDAY 50c nuart Red Wing Orape Julca 31t Per dogen 3 6c pint Ked Wing Grapa Julca : - lGt Per doien ' il.wu $2.50 tlea $1.50 ties ...... 25c Graves for quart pint" ' Thermos Hot- 91,05 Thermos Hot .... .. Sl.IO Tooth Powder -12 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste. 3 1? 2 5c Kolnoa Tooth Paate.,14( 26c lluckiin's Arnica SaUa for ..14 76c 4 til Toilet Waters, all odors, for , . ,43 75c I'oinpetan Massage Creaou for ;-45e 60c Pompelaa Maaaaga Cream for .....28 50c Hays Hair Health. . .2S 50c Bronio Beltier tie I'eraplno 25c 61oan' 11.76 Horlick' for S2.CS 25c Meunea'a Shaving Cream for ljt 50c Beaton Cold Cram..33 i Hair Health. . .'ZHt no Beltier... 'S? lao 12c i'e Liniment. .. .17? jrhck'g Malted .Mill, $1.00 Mes Co. great, stomach and blood reuuedy . . . . . .2St -60e - Poijonl'a Face rowder for 2Gc 60c ' Bt.ua.rt'g Dyspepsia Tab lets for 2.C B0c Liuterlne Sc $1,00 Hood's SurwparlUa., $L Duffy Malt Whiskey., 70 75o all-Rubber Bath Caps.39i 60o Uenioln and Almond lo tion for ......25c : A delightful - preparation ' after shaving. PHOTO DEPT. 6c M. Q. Developer, 10" for 25c No. 2 Buster Brown Cameras .82.00 1 lb. Hypo 4c 15c Photo Albums, all e- 10c We develop all . siie films r .....10c 10c Oraajrewood SUcka. ..Rg 75c Manicure Sclaaora. . 45c r&c.Klexiblrt Nail Files.. IOC 25c Tooth Brushes iOc OEATOTJ ; DRUG CO., - ' loth and Farnam Streets. svVBSBa TKg TH0MPS0N-BELDEN STOlE HOWARD, AND SIXTEENTH STREETS Two Saturday Specials In the Infants' Wear Section 30 Children's Dresses, soiled and ratiSBed, of lawn, ba tiste atid pngham, mostly white, but some colors sizo9 2 to 8; previously offered at $2.35, t , rQ . to-$5.(10: Satunlny Children's Rompers, a Saturday .Hpevial, sizes 2 to , plain colors, checks and plaids; regularly QQV ; sold for r.V and 75e; Saturday, - - - .OiC The Store for Shirtwaists .'. Saturday Specials in, This ; Popular Store within a Store 40 Tailored Linen Waists In white, .colors and stripes, in the famous Lenox and 'Max Held styles, ' - 'X ' . - . l " V ' f . f ., V frilW "flUV MUM 'TAit't, t. Other Waists from ilsOO to $14.5P Pi A Table of Middy Blouses, New. Arrivals of v Silk ! Worth $1.50, QCp MMdy Blouses, (j0 Qf vSaturday ii. . . . . . , .aOL. special ,p6jO III XI "The Baby Room- , An- interesting display: - of a completely furnished Baby Koora. We invito you to visit it when shop : ping Saturday.- Thlrg Tloor. The Proper Gloves for Every Occasion ... - Kayser 's 0 u a r a nt e e d Gloves, short lenjjths, in white, black and colors, at, - - - 50c to $1.25 Kayeer's Guaranteed Lonff Gloves, white, black . and , colors, 75c to' $2.00 Full Elbow Length Silk Gloves, extra ' quality, white only, $1.25 .value. rtt . .. . - - .$1.00 ! Good Hosiery Silk Boot Hose, in both ' 1 regular' and out 'sizes, ' ' at' - 50c a pair , Silk Hose, in black , or ."white, with lisle tops and ; Vsoles, splendid for' serv ice, '- - - - 75c a pair Infants' Socks-We have . a very largo and well-ee. lected variety. of styles, ' at - - - 25ci 35c, 60c A Dainty Powder Puff Given FREE with , ,evcry . package t of 44pjer.Kiss,,; Face; Pow der bought Saturday. Amoline . Powder, 19c Odo-Ro No, 25c a bottle Bungalow Aprons 39c Baaemeat aajray. sBBRal fit m Memorial Day Apparel Moderately Priced Saturday Two Specials in the Suit Section 15 Silk Poplin and Pongee Suits, values to $65, Sat. $21.75 Outing Skirts $3.50, $4.95, $5.95 Wash Dresses for picnics and motoring, $6.75, $7.50, $9.50, $10.50. 25 Black and White Shepherd Plaid Suits, outing styles, $20 values. Satur day . . . $1 1.75 Stylish Coats A complete offering of Dress and Ou,ting Coats, $10.50 to $19.50. Volland's Cards A choice selection of suitable greetings for tho Jnne Graduates. Ask to see them. Mala' AlsleTirst noor. Ajrt Xept TWrd noor. Beautiful Negligees In Scores of New and Charming Styles acoiro n.oo. $1.00 and $1.25 Embroidered Crepe 34 Inches Wide, 59c a Yard Every yard strictly high class, and especially good because it is a fabrio now in demand; whito crepe, with dainty embroidered colored figures in colors of pink, light blue, helio and other new shades; soft, beautiful texture; can be laundered without injury to either color or fabric. Dress Goods Section-Main Floor. Wurzburg Package Goods Price Children's dresses and aprons, all made ready to embroider Baby Caps, Collar Bags, Shoe Bags, Sew ing Aprons, Knitting Aprons and many other articles: ' $1.00 Value for 50d 65c Value for 33e 50c Value for 25r Free Lessons on Every Purchase. Adults' Class: Every afternoon from 2 to 5 p. m. Children's Class: Every Saturday morning from 9 to 12. A Saturday Sale of All New Mid-Summer Hats at $5, $6.75, $8.75 and $10 The new hats of tulle, in all white or black, for Garden Teas and Country Club wear; als tailored bats and semi-dress hats, new sport and outing hats, in. charming variety. . Our Assortment Is Now at Its Best ( Thoirayom Co, HOWARDAND-'S.IXTEEwRTH SXRCCXS ( T ) l I