MAT lfli. f H7iD H Find your next boarding L. It- "J ''rl a the Free Furnished Rooir or rooming blace through the Want Ad columns of The Bee or call v . t i . . i . 1.1 1 om Uurcau, l yler luuu, ana you win casn in on your time ana trouoie m uusii in uii yum unit; unu. uuuuit p e t i 1 TTTR BEF,: OMATTA. n WANT ADS Wnt d received at my time, but to on must b pr- Insure trpiw classification must b pr- !Sntd,befor. U o'clock noon for evening eillnn,nrl T M p. ra Tot morning enn anar editions Want ads received after uch hour will be under tb heeding, "to Lat to Classify." . ' i ' CASH RUM even cm "eutlv time. 1 cent a word ch Insertion. Thr times within on week, IH Mnti ft wnrd ch insertion. Ob time. 1 cent a word. ' ' ' CMAHOE RATES 8ve:i consecutive time, I easts a Una , ea-h Insertion. Thre times within on week, 1 enta a lln each Insertion. One t'm 1 oents a Una. C'firtt six tvintt word to a Una. Minimum chart. SB cents. An advartlsetnent tnrtd to h run nntll discontinued must b stopped: written order. Al claims fur rmn must be mail Hrhln fteen 1eys afte- th let Inser tion of the advertisement 'Ton pan place your want ad In Th Be fey telephone'. TELEPHONT? TTLTCR !. Unclaimed Answers ' ' ' to the ; , "Swappers' Column. Aniwun tn Pwuvtwi d will b hld for a period of thre week. Advertiser r rrqiMwlod to kindly claim m b fnr titat tm. Th following llt la wtThln tnraa tlm limit: Alia. No. mt'.'.I .., K... 4... f77. 7.., An. 1 n. ...... rv4 t 1 1 M...., m IWT.. iW:, 1 1 l wn r inr I I ......... i i !.. 1 f... 1 I I I Vn 1011 toil 10! 1017 loan 4. .. f l l 1 mi.f..- ... ... 1 ... 1 l DEATH AWD FUJIRHAIj NOTIt'KS MtCftAfXflEN - Charlri D at Miami, Hi rmlna will b ant to Omha for burial, arrlvlna- Monrty at ;W a. m.. and 111 b taJi'ii to Hoffmnn" Kuiiral hom. M la aiirvlved by hii wlf. Mn. CfMlrud M !i t!pUn na Byrn: hia lit" tl rtaualitrr. Kilrn: hla porenia. Mr. and Wrt. U. Mli-haeliM-n: ono ptr rti"'!!. an1 one brother, William, of Mln nrapoiia, formerly of Omaha. uncial none later.' TUJU.NOK-Mrv A., beloved wife of J. V.. Tramnr. Muv VTi. IKK.. aed 9 year. !inrl eervUea will t.e lield from tha f.lw lt Mm. Mary Noll. 3Xa ilvrtlo avenue, to Pt. Ocolla a churrh. Kortletil .and Rurt alrneta. Pnturdav, May 2. at o'rioea a. m internient. Holy Pepulohor vHtiMery. Krienda Invltert - '' BinTliS AM) Dr.ATIIH. ' filrtri.-ralvtor and Kb(titlnno rirco, M1 pierve, nov: lonrd and Cerll Carey. ITIi South Thirty-thlrrt. (irl: r.enjamln and Klorswe Oraeach !f'A llartman aventi, IxJyi'Kred and Mary ProdeaajirjI. Klfty--ond and hmmet, (oy; Karl and Pearl lien. Reward, alii; K. V. and Ci. N, Morr a, Calhoun, hoy; H. f. and Oer tr"4 MfC'lellan. 3XU ffpaldlnij, alrl; tlfted nd Hlanrhe Neleen. Tlerc. Ix'V: Kd ard Amlla Wlttl. V.1.1 PatrL k e emie. ov Carl K, and florcnc Wet tfrrtrK 1V lnton, hoy. Micathf Vllllam Klaek. 11 month. 17.2 "tirr- Twrlfih; fa ill J. Hwyer, 23 year, ' lj 'rl"' Mra Heaele KImhi, 41 year. trrmi; (Vlvnle Morrta, K veara, hin'tial- . t iwr. ,lr.. 7 yeara. WW Pn e Ir. rle r.hrl Tiuilute, M years, flM Ntirlh Fifteenth. MtrnnK i.ici:s,F.e. :Th following permits to wed h-we been fMued: Nm and Residence. Ag. John Mltc-k, tuih Omaha ft Antig kncplk. South Omaha 20 Jno Cerooskl, Omnha 17 Mary Ccjurnn, Omaha 24 Kdward Miller. Wahoo , !1 evla l-arxon, Wahoo 18 Prank C. Osrrett, Chit-ago, III it. Iorrls Ooeney, Independence, Mo 2 William Hlykel. Omaha ; l'Tmis Men, Omaha 20 lyd Duran, Omaha '. 22 Margaret Davis, Omaha 21 ,7cerh B. Hart man, Omaha IS Muriel F. Viel Bryant, Omaha 18 F.rnest V. Pond berg, Omaha 24 Jilldur E. From, Omaha 20 ' t ILUIIVU PKRMITI, 'Cbrts Kleldlaard, J'15 South Nineteenth, fram dwelling, I2; Etna Rapp, 4(MJi luokory, Cranra dwelling, RUO. T0DAT8 OOMPLETB MOVIE PHCKJHAMIi Excluslvelw la The lie. LANTERN slides for movies. end your , copy to us. W tan reproduce photog r will rpjr your copy. W win color a diracud. B Photo Dept. Ml Bee Bid. Dawtlnr. FMTn NO. I. 1J18 FARNAM. loe Wild Engine, Kal. dra. Her Father's . I tcture. 2-r. Lub. dra , vein i Whiunaik A Ntgfit Given Over to Revelry. Eae. com. tA.wSAM. 14 DoU'ULAd. taroiun Theater Special I Mutual snaa teruiavts a week. Tliur.iUv and Sunday our special day ay "taaTv'lUfcAifrU, iUl AMI ItAAtKjkf Morn t J'arantouat Ptcturea. fl-.rAL. ' Hour, I-reel O. Peal. tiaiur t( Pareutaa. Pwra. r.i i?inipaoas Daugluer. Joker com. Aht 1 MuKTH lTlt ail A. ,u. ,1 ot the Chlidrva, t-rrel Blaun. At ill Own Term. Big U. 2 ri: Her Measure. Neator comedy. rklNCK. lil7-i lKUULAt. Kmi Baagot tn Flfty-slfty, oomedy. A Modern Enoch Arden, Special Universal feature In tnre aoia. A1.AMO THEATER. MTH AND FORT. Hii and llama, t-r. L-ko. cam. Xlail of the Mlat, Hex dra. Putting On iver. liig t . nunung in I raaytand. fow. A U 1 A M iJX ' ISU N. tl IL 'lut ri'lrki of the Ball, two-reel K. B. 1 Ii Open Door, HUnc drama.- 1 1 r.rl t' a p of Beauty, comdy. llAh'ltfS. Military Av. and Burdau. t iim of Thrills. RaUanc drama. V urn the r ue Bell Hang, Beauty oom. 1 ite Gruvlife, Broncho drain. f Iauw.n' d. ! ! iio lakk !;:( Box No. 11 t-rel CpevlaL 1 roKen Heart and Iladeav L. Ko. eocn. 1 '' .f rite. k'j I H A S h LI N, KTH AND FRANKLIN. !i-art-t'lig No. !. liir (tiliun of Ariaona. I r. Labtn dra. i lie Mi-j-le's r'r.iii, Kalem comedy. I u i , 1K "eJ iUu ITT '. !, ii Won la U idow. Joker OKiieaiy, p. ,!.aey J jne. JMied It, la I part. aii4 ilkiilruiis, 1'ower drama. 'and, l:nt lju'iil." 14 4k blunry. J nnetoii, l.uiy t, s-reet Ky. ) i a. ra , -rrt. MaJ. Drama. Ui I'pta ttvr, aicske raei. UsM TODAY'S I'OMrLETE MOVIE V nOii HAMS Exclualveljr In Tha Hee. Norlh. MIPPOnKOMEX TH AND CUMINO. Th Ftnai Haokonina. Than. dra,. 2 reela Reformation, American dra. .Movie Fan' mm. - VaAinevtlWt ohanaea waoh night. IVY, KTH AND Bl'KlKTlr It MUrlit Hit Beeo (enou. eat. ornn. And Tbay Called Him Hero. I-r. Blaon. Thlnr in tha Bottom t'rawer. Iiaem. dra. IX7TAU CALDWKLU Ioorway of DeaiirucJIon, i-ree Blaon. Poor folio, l Ko. comedy. I.lfe'e Furrow, liemmle drama. LOTHROP. J4TH AND lvUTHROP. Th fndeHaker'a rnrte, Eaaanar w. comedy. PALACE. 20 DAVENPORT. Fibber and th Girl. Imp. To Reden an Oath, l-r. laemmle dra. Mer Adopted Mother. Hla PI BI.RltAN. 24TH AND AMKB. nearet-Hella No. 17. The Snow-Burner, threa-reel Kany drama. nil), AlRnOMR FAVORITR. 171 VINTON. Kalan McAllUter' Heir, t-rcel Dora, And H Never Knew, Prln. lx)ve In A-mor, Keyaton comedy. AVo'lAjCi. 2m"iJeavxnwokth. Th IeatroyT, -reel Kalem drama. How Slippery Bllm Paw tha Show, Ba anay W. oomedy ARBOR, 82D AND ARBOR. Mr. Jerr Take a Nlht Off. Vita. com. The Wrttln on th Wall, I-r. Kalem dra. HI Deaperata Deed, Blograph drama. COLOMBIA. 1710 flOIITII I0TH. The Tattooed Hand, t-rel Kalem drama. Cniey Plater, Vltafraph rrtmedy. The Honor of the Camp, Pelty drama. COMFORT. 14TH AND VINTON". Ouaal Klval Jonah, I-r. aperlal Key. At th fcdae of Thlnr. American. Mlaalon of Morrlaon. Rellanc. FAVORITE, ITU VINTON. Rated at tlO.ono tnr), I real Tiuhln draii.a. Ham a Harrowing Duel, KaJem comedy. OlM. Animated Weakly. 12M SOUTH 1UTH. The Torrent, t-rel OoM Seal. Partner In Crime, Ie-Ko comedy. MRIC. 117 VINTON, Battla of Running: Pull, 2-reel Sterl'ng. A Flreaid Reallaatlon, Rex. Hiram' Inherltani', Joker comedy. PASTIME, D AND I,WA VENWORTH, Over th Hounding Wavee, comedy. From Italy's Shore. -reel LaemmU. Olive Hero, comedy. VENEKlA. UU Ha 1ITH Vt. Four imU of Mutual ploturoa. MONROE H FARNAM. Hearst-PeilR Current Kvent. The Vole from th Taxi, Kalem dra. The Fan) of the enfettered Bird, Kaney com. Maw. BENSON. M MAIN BT. Mary Fuller and Matt Moore tn Th Honor of th Ormabya, In three part. Ollv'a Pet. Sterling corned jr Caaatll lllnfra EUTE NO. I. 646 BROADWAT. Th Unmarried Huaband. 2-r. Uubln dra. Oettlna a Start in Life. Sel. W. comedy. A ttarner-ou Arrair. Mina comeay N1CH0UA8. . 647 BROADWAY pawns or Mars, i-r, vitagrapn war or a. rne rreaii Agent, uuoin oomeqy. ROPER, 537 BROADWAY Orlm Messenaer, S-r. Big U. Artlat and th Vanaeful On. Victor. Two Heart and a Ship. Neator Comdy. KM VHaa BKPHE. liialtnnla ftpejclal Film. Breath of Araby, I reels. I'ticjo Sam at Play. 24TH AND N, MAGIC, 24TH AND O. Vou Can't Alwsys Tell, two-reel Imp. Nlghtmsre of a Movl Fan, Victor com. Vavltl. VAUDEVILLE. I4TH AND M. Captain Macklln. 4-re el Mutual master-pl'-ce and good comedy.! "Thraler Beautiful," 16th-Binncy. Chaptera Nos. 1 and 2 of the Diamond of the ;ky, Keystone Comedy. AX:rOUXCEMEXT8 Cool Offices For 'V HOT DAYS Be Comfortable Yourself and Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building superintendent's Office, Room 10 3. Sr43oial Summer Membership in the Young Men's Cliristiaa Association Now $5.50. Investigate Y.M.C.A. out g park, summer. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE at a rent bargain, new 1911 Overland, model SOT. Run lea than o0 mile. IXViT II. 1. Also has tSfi wnrth of xtra on 1774 CASH. No tradea. Thla ad will appear only once. Car muat be old today, Friday. Ask tor Hnlden at rownr av. Phon Webater 770. NEW Ford auto deliver bodie of all styles, open or closed, always on hand. Our prices will save you money. See Johnaon-Danforth Co., ifU-SS No. 16th. C. EL&AE8ER, expert radiator and lamp repaira. ly. m. jaoi iHVenwoi th. AUTO Clearing House, 22 Farnam, buy aaa sus usea cara t'lione IKtuglas ulu. Overton's for Waky radiator. Ink-, dealera Want an auto. O. J. Canan. MoCagu bldg. In J u trial Qarags Co.. ith at Harney Bia NKLSRA6KA Buirk bervlo Station. UU tax nam ut rnon Dougiaa Tii. nrsixEM CHANCES tli EATERS Buy. or eM luur ika. aier. snachliMi and aunKiioa iimu., Theater Exchange Co., lu Faravaia 8l iwugie ie'. REdTAUKANT and confectionery, doing wa ouainea in town or aoout l,Ju room In connection, new fountain. C W Briggs. Alton, la. STOCK ana bond. How you may ac quire New York atock exehanxe aeourt. ttea on eay taruia at urevalllna low prices. E.xplaJned ta the current laaue ot rne cxia ut rurviaw.-- n par year, Rend for sampls copy. 74 Broadway, rew ion ..iy.- SIGNS, thow earda. Claik at ea. D. 1J.. TO GET In er out u bualbeaa call oa QAhGEsTAD. i4 Be B.dg. Doug. 1177. WHY BENT? Will sew MO-acr farm in Bed River valley (Minn.i, erect build ing, aupply cows and lioga on paynwat of ImOO, and 40 year ia which to pay balanu. Thi offer not good after Jun 10. W. G. Tmpletoo. ul Be Bldg . Omaha. hkt, ta t b Haea pla suLiplled or audid, ail Lx a. v. M. K-toat, Omab BCR1?!RS8 chanci:h W 1-tiK W earn, dye, i-leanlnir plint, dandy, tl.C'O handlea It. Pnap Jim Wrav, filou City. FOK SALK 01? KENT to reliable narty. blarkamlth ahop. with tooia and amall atock: aood orcnlna for right man. American Btaie Bank, Spring fled, Neb. UiXlli retaurant for le In good Colo rado town, population, iiivtiton station, county seat. Plckne rauae Of sale Prloa $700. Writ for particular. A. M. Sterling. Colo. W-FOR PALR Reataurant with room, So. Dale, town . bargain, poo. JIM WHAT. SIOUX CITY. WILJ, aell my half lntcrt In a cleaning ana dyeing- nueine. wnicn I maxing food money. Reaion, inovlnc to my farm. A real opportunity to buy ood (olnr bualneaa downtown. Adnreaa A w. He. EDtCATIONAL Boyles College Day School. Night School, vomplete btialneaa courae, complvte shorthand or stenotyp coura. complete telegraphy course, civil service branches and Kng- llah. Student admitted at any time. Writ, phone or call for 1915 caulogu. H. B. BOILES, President. Tel. D. 1615. Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FOR sal th following :holarhlp In a flrt claae Omaha Huainea college: On unlimited combination bualness and shorthand rours. On unlimited stenographic course. One three months' buaine or steno- rnphlc cour4. of Th Omaha Bee. FOR BAXJt Fa rat tare, lloaaehola oa, Et. DI SK'S bought and sold. J. C. Kd. I'isjaOiiu'ir.,..- n suit ALL furniture of 4-room flat piano, li brary table, courh. chairs, nig, dining table, dresaer. bed. sewing machine. eleotrin fan, dishes, ice box. m'att be aoia ss a whole. A bargain. - tval Howard Ht. Phone Hed 7H49. PACRU'ICE Orocery refrigerator, holds w ins.; gas aioves, ireooxus, ail sixes; household good. 1709 N. 24th. FURNITURE BARGAINS 60 at tl eacn: table, kitchen and china cab inets, 54 Ice boxes, U gas stoves, X dresa er, N. 24th Si. Webster 177. Hers aad Vhllea. 6o BUTS l,10l-lb. mart-mult, good worker, 8S22 Harrison St. Telephone ' South UV. ttouth Omaha. FOR SALE Sound young pair of mule; iook tnem as paymnet on a true. h. m, Moser Co., Tel, Ioug. 2x00. VrM Farnam. FARM wagons, fetroud. Jrth A me. Maalral laatraraenta. I0"0 Slxty-flve-note player piano with loo rolls of muslo. 12M. Highly valued used piano from IWu up. 4uU Cabinet piano player Aeolian make, 67 rolls of mualo, Mi. O H. Harr Piano Co., SJ floor Boaton Store Bldg. BOURICIU8 MUSIC IaAH 2471. STUDIO. DOUG- I'naltry, Kgg aa alies, 8TERE01-YIE matrics make the best and cheapest lining or poultry houses. They are 17x33 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically ureproor. .ftc a hundred at The Bee office. INC I BATOR Msr.ily Lee. 100-egg. g xooI condition. Harnev ;.. BARRED Rock eggs, 75o" setting. Flor. 27, Small wheat. 100 lb. I? Eb. Wagner. 801 N. IS. Typewrltera. i TTPEWKI1ER8 old, ranted repair! Central Typewriter Exc. IMt Farnam. Mlaeellaneeaa.. .... FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; essy payment. The Brunswick Halke-Collnncler Co., 407-400 8. 10th St. - TOOLS, shovels, picks, lacksorews, . wln- uvw rrixuirr oencnes, l eacn; 1 match machine. Wc each. 1 hot water boiler complete, 10; combination clecirlo fixture c eann; iron beds complete, 12; line aaaai ana Driaie, .. , J. C. 1SH. Tel. Harney m. 701 fl. list Ave. HAVE a new patent manure spreader for sale; will sell , this patent for cash or will trade It for a farm or town prop- rty. If interested in this invention, call on William Reuter, Berlin. Neb. The ash price for thi invention is 1500. Id-hand machinery. H. Gross, 11 and 1'auL HELP WAITED rEMALK Clerical a ad Of fie. GOOD POSITIONS BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. l.UD-M woodmen of World. SOLICITOR Salary and expenses. w attm Itbr. uo., Mi Brandels Theater. NO F1UNQ FEr:. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. ROGER REF. CO.. UC-8 Stale Bank. A seats s4 Baleavroaaeau wanted At one. capaiiie young woman io boiii-ii aaveriiaing on witn previous experience preferred, but not i somlul. but fair education and capable of presenting a good solicitation. Apply Manager. Boom lot uee Bldg. at 10 a. ni Fartsry (tad Trades. LADIES to wrrk on handbags, parasol. piuow tops, sninwaists; no xpertnc ncary; instructions free. Leon Art studio, nos Dodge. SEWING machine girl wanted. Weat em i mtireiia Co., lHth and Farnam Ste. Maaaag girl wanted, R. 124 Neville Blk. lloaaekrrper a ait Deuieallea. WANTED A good girl to aaalat with general nouae work; no washing. APiy ei rarx at. "WANTE'l Girl for general housework, Apply loot Franklin. WANTED A young girl for general housework: no cooking. 1704 Lak St. Web am WANTED A neat white girl with refer- 2: no washing. Walnut 2452. lA Lafayette Ave." WANTKI A girl to wash. Iron and slat with houaework: house cleaning done. H. Kx. l'2 park Ave." WANTED liouacnmld, S. lid SI. It. 1047." WANTED Experienced lady for general work In hotel; middie-aget woman pre ferred; for particulars, write Commercial hotel, K.saex, la. W ANTED-Exportenced houaework atrU must b good rook: place where 8-ond girl la keiH. 1.17 S. th St. Harney WANTED A competent white girl for general housewor. no waaiilug. 121 .n. 42ti Ml. Harnev GIRL for general houaework. 2817 Far- nam St. Mrs. Max Orkln. WANTLD Girl for general housework; family of three; r.o washing. 434 Dodgu. M alnut 5aa. WANTED A middle-aged houaework. 518 S. 10th M woman for G1KL t do -general houaework ; mum know how to rook family of two. II. 5111 Q S. .fcth Ae WANTF-I-Woman hkw. Itelnition Hoi. tital. Telophou Health Office or Dr Connell. WANTK.1 A cook. Harney 31ii WANTE1 An exiei ieuccd girl for gen eral houaework. H. I.i4.'. HIGH acliuol girl to work lor room and board. Webster M.1V YOUNG coupl living n modern healetl anta. dealt White alrl tor c.iwr.i louaework: ref. rcimrd. Phono Tl. to:7. Mtavelnui-Ma. YCH'Nil women coming to Omaha . airsngeis ar iavited to visit tn Youug W omen a Cnristlan association building at tit. Mary's Av. and 1'th St. where they will be directed to sultsbl board ing place or ot liar wis assisted. Look for our lre.vlr'e guide at Union atatioav HKLP WAXTKD FEMALE Mlecellaaewa. WANTED Pantry woman for commer cial hotel In amall ton: references re quired. Address T M0. Be. HELP WAXTEIj MALE Young man about U or 19 yeara of Bare, for clerical poeitlon. Must live at home and attend high school if polble. 2 per month with change to work up. Apply at once. 13IH-J0 Woodmen of World Bldg. YOUNO man of executive ability and experience In bookkeeping who can In" vest about $1,000 In established business, for bookkeeper and office manager. References exotiangsd. Investment se cured. State age, experience, salary, etc. Address C 49, Be. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN, specialty line. TOUNU MAN. experienced In whole sale work. EXPERIENCED office clerk, good hand and quick In figures. CITY COLLECTOR; must be experi enced and give good reference. MIDDLK-AOKI) MAN with execu tive ability, who can take com plete charge of office and de tail work. Traveling aaleaman, drug, salary. Traveling salesman, paint and varnish. AdiIv. THE MIDWEST BONDING CO., 312 Bee Bldg. DRAUGHTSMAN, MECHANICAL, PER MANENT POSITION. TWO STEAM KNGINEBRS, COLO RADO; WANT MEN WHO CAN IN VEST A LITTLK MONEY. 8AI.ARY, 1120. C'O-OPERATIVB RRFKRENCE CO., . 1015-18 City National. SALKSMAN, city, stenog.. 76. WATTS RE F. CO., 840 Brandels Theater. WAN TWD Flrai class office olerk, by wholesale house, must write neat, faat, legible hand, quick at figure Give ex perience, age, salary and refwrenoea tn first letter. Address, K 40, Bee. W ANT ED A good ledger olerk, whole sale experience preferred : must write neatly and rapidly. State salary, age. experlemoe and references. P 485, Bee. HIOH-ORADbI commercial poaltlon. WEST. REFERENCE It BOND A'SSN. 7I Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. A seat, galesaaeat aa geUeltera. 15 TO 110 PROFIT dally gelling our nw household article; S2.U premium with each 21.98 sale makes qulok profits. Mum- Salt lk City, Utah. WANTfcID Experienced salesmen to- sell nursery stock, both city and country work. Address B. E. Fields Son, Fre mont, Neb. Very Desirable Space for Printing Office Light, water tnd Janitor service free, Cheap power Inquire The Bee i Building Co. Superintendent' Office, Room 103. RID AT, estate Business Places supolled or handled; all states. IT. V. Knleat, Omaha. EXCELLENT proposition tor two good men In Nebraska. Call or write, Mutuei Rrneflt. Health and Accident Aasoolatloa 4 ?5 City Nat ! "anar Bldg. WANTED Corporation atock aalesman ror Nebraska. Andreas h. 478, Bee, . Bora. WANTED Errand boy. Apply Orkin Bros., V- S. Bank Bldg. Factor kb 1 radle. Drug atOr snaps; Joba Xnetat, Bee Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition li, on account of big trade. Wagea for I and 10 cent work. Electrlo massage taught. Hydraullo chair. Catalog free. 1U4 Douglas St, Omaha WANTED immediately, first-oiase bar ber. Grand Hotel, Council Bluffs, la. VOU MUST THINK We give you expert auto training, earn a real salary. Dig money for our trained men. Come right nor. and get our freo course In E3eo. Ltg. ft Start's systems; free catalogue. Amir. AUto college, ;jum ra.rnam ti.. umana. WANTED Men to learn the barber trad and accent noaltlons in country or city; good wanes made after few weks with us: tool given. Catalogue explaining all mailed free. Moier tfarDer couege, uv o. 14th St. ' WE need men: had to turn down -two lobe per week lately. Get In. Learn by our method. Get one of thee Job. Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile School. 1417 Dodge t Mlaeellamrua. WANTED Nurr.Ja of men. 1 ar ever. wiahlna eoverninent lobs. 165 month. Ne pun aeceaaary. Aooreaa I , RAILWAY mall clerks wanted. I7t month: null unnecessary. Write Immedi ately for full partctulara Franklin laatl- tut. Dept. m u..- Hocnir. m. x. LADIES make ahlld at home, 110 for 100. Work nt prepaid. No . canvass ing. Send stamp. . Ivanho Mfg Co , St LOUIS. MO. HELP WANTED MILS AMD FEM1LE, WANTED At th Evan Laundry, Lin coln, Neb., export marker, either male or female; good wagea." SITUATIONS II ANTED WHAT you have been looking for. The oplort unity to engage trustworthy, rnergrtlu young man as salesman. Per manenl connection with reliable firm de aired. Paat four, and one-half yeara local manager for large publlo service corpora tion. Experienced collector and solicitor. Married; good reference. Address B, Box m. Clarlnds, la. POSITION as housekeeper or companion to elderly lady Dy inteutgent woman. Z 483. Be. HOUSEKEEPER wants place ot farm. for widower; references exchanged. Ad dress Box 4H. Allendale. Mo. NKH FARMS .. .. M1DLLE-AGLjD man wanta work about th house for room and board. Adores, J 4S2. Bee. TRUSTWORTHY young man of ability work; Is college gradual and good pen man; will consider out-of-town Job; very anxious to go to work and wanta perma nent work. Phone Douglas Md. er ad dieaa L-&S. Bee. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. Th Be will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the dealred reaulta. Thi applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council frlufla. Hnng sd to Tne Bee office or telephone Tyler loft'. YOUNG man wants work, restsurant, hotel, as boll boy or porter, or will work for private family: wanta to go to work. Addreas, P 4t. Pee. MAN and wife want wcrk on farm or no children. Address J 41, Ilea. RELIABLE colored woman wanta po sition of any kind; scrubbing ai d clean ing u tPccUlty. D. i-'TS. Mrs. Baily, 1MQ JJ""?'.'- MEAT cutler, young man, wants position In sny store or shop; will work for mall wages; five year' German expri ence. L-471. Bee. YOUNG men wanta work, restaurant. hotel, a be4 boy or portar, r will or' for pnVate fainlly; wanta to go to work. Address, P 441. l ee PF.RFEiT wathlng. expert Ironing. Iac curtains our specialty. Webater 4381. SITUATIONS WASTED. I.Di;RI.Y lady wants pi me as houoe- keeper: I good one: aleo good cook. Apply T,1"- tJrant or Weh. Illo. SCMOO). superintendent deelres poeltion for the comma year. Beat references. Ten years' experience. Addrea T MS, Bee. HO'.SEKF.EPER, reliable ar.d refined. can take full charge In strictly re spectable home; reference. 234 S. JM Ft YOI'N'U, experienced gardener wants po sition In privet family taking caro of yard. Phone. Walnut 1!I EXPERIENCED young man wants teady work In private family house cleaning or gardening: honeat. sober anc willing to work. Address A 4)17, Bee. MIDDLE-AO ED man wants steady Job; handy with tools. Matt KJIey. 1317 Douglas St. Douglas House. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA sV COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would o well to call up the of lice of the Omaha tc Council Bluffa Street Railway rompany to ascertain whether they left it tn the street cara. Many articles each day are turned In nd th company 1 anxious to restore tbem to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 4t. LOST One black double bill fold, at Rourk ball nark or on steps of Omaha Nat. bank bldg., Monday afternoon. 110 reward. Finder please oall W. F. Me- geath. Douglaj 70 or Harney 7021 rERSOXAL GORDON, the Magazine Mao. Phone Douglas 7158. YOUNG man of refinement desires a congenial room-mate to ahar a large ewm with twA larr In " genial Weat Fern am home with good board; an ideal summer place. Address WANTED Party or parties to Join in shipping of automobile to Los Angeles, Cel., about June 1 to 10. nest, to reduce rraignt onarge. n. e. Moor, lAncoin, iven. Y'OUNG women coming to Omaha as Strangers are Invited to visit the Yonni Women's Christian association building at 17th St and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing place or otherwise assisted. Loo for our traveler's aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army industrial home so llolts vour old clothing, furniture, mags- ilnes. We collect. We distribut. Phone Douglas 4130 and our wagon will call, fall and inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. VVANTED BO.M EONE TO SHARE CAR FOR SHIPPING AUTOMOBILE TO CALIFORNIA ABOUT JUNE 1 FROM OMAHA OR ANY NEAR POINT, v O. P. HERRICK. - 801 OBSERVATORY BLDG., DES MOINES. IOWA. PET STOCK FOR SALE Beautiful two-year-old St: Bernard dog. Mrs. Jo-.n Westover, 1221 Roe St., Lincoln, Nb. SWAPPE1W X)LUMX A DANDY fin souar piano; fin for practice piano. What have yott to trade for this? Address S. C. 104H, Bee. AUTO A 4-passenger International; high wneei and aoiid tire; used little ana would make a good delivery auto. What have you to offer? Add. 8. C. 1082 Bee. I HAVE 10 acrva Oregon land and town lot worth 8425. will trad for roni car of like value or will pay some dif ference for a mora valuable car.. An drea, 8. C. 496, Bee. WILL , eschange Stevens shotgun for , pnonograpn. nave large corn popper, candy making outfit and Instructions. Will exchange for phonograph or what hav you? Addrcs. S. C. 1047. Be. ALARM CLOCK Have superb eight-day alarm clock: rlnaa eieht minutes: . onca silenced, rings automatically next day. Trade for camera or sell cheap. Address S. C. 1062. Bee. .IJTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see th "Automobile" classifi cation. DIAMONDS Will trade my dismond for automomie. Address S. C. 103Z. Bee. FURNITURE of an 8-roora Tat; value 10: want roadster or diamond ring. Address S. C K54. Bee. GARDEN TOOLS z rakea (new).' spade, shovel, furnace shovel, hoe and gross knife: .will traoe the lot ror anything. Address S. C, 103i Bee. HAVE a fine 1-ft. Mullln steel launch. hluh cost 1150: new: will trade for second hand auto. Address S. C. 10&8, Bee I HAVE other bulnes and must make a nulck deal: i half Interest in flood business paying 11.200 per year. This a no cheaD Drouositlon: an established ousiness ana can enow ine souan. aouu cash or tell me what you have to trade. Address S. C. 1038. Bee. KtMBALL piano player, with ti records; fits any piano. . hat have you? Or make tne caab offer. Address B. G. 1027, Bee. LOT Have a Wyoming lot: a number of Omaha buyers surrounding. Will trade for diamond. Vlctrola, typewriter, or what have you? Address 8. C. 102S, Bee. ROADSTER Will trade Overland, value isoo, for clear lot. 8. O. 10. Be. VACUUM WA8HER8 10 vacuum wash er to trade. What have you? Address B C 1066, Bee. WILL exchange first class painting for dental work. . i ium. WILL do your painting, first class work, and will take horse and buggy. 8. C. low TAILORS ATTENTION Am flrat ell calmer: lust finished un my work: will do your painting and take It out in tailor made clothes, uood reference, n. low. M OALLGNet ouUida house paint, beet mo ne v will buy; will excliange for horse, cow, or hogs, or diamond. 8.0. 1040. PHONOGRAPH Edison with .VI records. ' to be phonograph, to be exchanged for anything. What have you to offer! Ad dress 8. C: 10, Be. HIGH a ad hard oak wood refrigerator. - capacity 80 pounds, only uaed ahort tltn. and four-burner Melius aaa range. What have you? Addreaa 8. C. 1012. Bee. PRE.MO camera 6x7. complete with plate holders, stand, carrying rase and supplementary lenses, want typewriter, Address S. c UH. nee PIANOS Swap for or on an auto or lot or lots; will pay difference. If you have anything, get In touch with me, aa I have other stuff to exchange; give compiet deecritlon. Address h. C. 1039. Be. io-LB. REFRIGERATOR, good a new, for electrle fan. Addreaa, S. C. 1H2, Bee, SINGER 8EW1NG MACHINE Paid tS for mat-hln; In good condition. Let us hear whst you nav to trad lor it. Aa. dress S. C. 10.10. Bee. PLAYER PIANO with 80 rolls, for auto mobile. Address H. C. nee BOOMING house. 2V 22 Farnam t't.. to trade for an automobile. Drive up with your car and make a quick deal. TWIN Indian motorcycle. 1914 model. fully equipped and in perfect running order, will traaa lor iu casn. nr wnat will you give me for It? 8. C. ion. Bee. TRUCK BODY Have a good covered tnrck body for light delivery. Wt trad for a buggy or what hav yu Addreaa. i . phi. ttee. tool. G1.1NUER A heavy, aubatantlsi machine, for nencn work, hand power cost 17 wholle and almost new: will trad" for anything can uas. Address 8. C. UVUi. Bee. TRUCK BODY Hv good Ford dellv ery body, enclosed; good condition: sal or trade, u hai have you: Address C. 1040. Bee. ONE Defiance pay roll check writer; good condition. What have vou? Uscj two moot ha . Addreaa 8. C. low. Boa. WANT to exchaage show card w riling for anything 1 can use. Address 8. C. lOii. lie. E W1L1, trade or swap our high grade piano, oust In trade III. Addrtae e. a US4. Be. Ready Reference Directory The followiog firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: ABSTRACTS Or TITLE. T" THI Guarantee and Abstract lPri Co., a modern abstract office, A M Bo. 17th St. Phone D. s487. RKED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract otfloa in Nebraska, to Braadela The. Jessen &Morrell 201-1 Stat Bk. Bldg. D. !22. ACCOUNTANT. E. A. DWORAK. C. P." A... Add 431 Ramge Bldg. Phone Douglas 7406. ADDING MACHINES. Adder Mch Co. (Wgles). W. O. W. D. 5338 AMATEUR FINISHING. FILMS developed fre If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 418 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. AHCHITBCTI. Everett S. Dodda. 12 Paxton Blk. d. em. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co., 1118-14 W. O. W. R. I2SS. Nat'l Sale Auction Co.. 1117 W. O. W. A ITO INSIRANCB. 40 saved on your automobile Insuranne by patronising a home Co. Doug 2811, AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator RP. Co., 1028 Far. P.2001. BAKERIES. H. REEDER, 1508 N. 18th- Web. J2R7. BEDDING. MAHA PILLOW CO., 1907 Cuming. Douglas I40T. Renovates feather and mattreaaaa of all Kinds, makaa 0 feather mattreaaes and down covers. BLUE PRINTING. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO., 202 Omaha .-National aank Bldg. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha fits. b. Fdry. A Mfg. Co., 1125 N. 22. Wb. 7209 BUILDING WRECKERS. LUMBER and brick buildings wrecked anywnere. Bovee-Keiley Co. wen. 4JM. CARPET RUG CLEANERS. Omaha Carpet Renovating Co. Doug. 1871. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, 823 S rd. Douglas M20. CHIROPODIST. Carri X Burford, 20 Pax. Blk. Red 467. CIVIL ENGINEERS. M. J. I.ACT. 618 BEE BLDG . DOUG. 471. CLEANERS AND DYERS. Howard Pantalorlum. S20-2 S l&th. D. 5407 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO.'S Western representative of VELVETILH COMPOSITION flooring. INVESTI GATE 111-11 City Nat. Bk. - Bldg. P. 1872. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MFG. of lodge regalia and Costume. Theo. Lieben & Son, 1514 Howard. D. 411A. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, elaasio. D. 1871. Try Mackle'g first. 181S Harney. Doug. 64441. DOWN TOWN RESTAURANTS. Douglas lunch, day and night 1711 Doug. DRESSMAKING. . ' Terry Dreeamak'g college. XHh A Famam. WANTED Plain and fancy dre i ak in c. Will go out of town. All work guaranteed.. Wb. 4640. DETECTIVES. . INVESTIGATIONS carri 1 out In any part of United State, Canada or Mexico. 10 Paxton Blk. Doug. U7I. Walnut J620. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Block. Evi dence aeourea in an case, lyier uas. DENTISTS. . Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 121 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea, TM City Nat Bank. Taf Cental Rooms, 1M7 Douglas. X. HAS. DRUGS. DRUGS at ent price ; freight paid on 210 orders; catalogues free. . gnermaa ho- Connell Drug Co., omana, wen. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. lit W. 1Mb. Termg. ELECTROLYSIS. Ulo Allender, (24 Bee Bldg. Red 80S5. BVERYTUINO rOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knlf, gunburat, be pleating; covered button, all sixes and styles; nemstitcning, I cot eaging. laeai Pleating Co.. gu Douglas uiook. u. vms. NEW TORK sample store. Must vacate. building coming down; cioaxs, suits a dresses sacrtneed. 208 N. lth St. EVERYTHING FOR MEN. TOUPEES FOR MEN Hair goods dept. j. L uranaeia a none, i nana. rLOHISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St D. 8000. L. HENDERSON, 1B1I Farnam. D. 1258. Meinb Florist Teiegrapn Del. Aaa n. HESS St SWOBODA. 1414 Farnam St A. DONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. . Doug. lOOL JOIN T. M. C. A. on gpedal summer membership plan. Then use It. 15. BO. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WIS re plate everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1220 Harney St Est 1S98. HAT CLEANING. Panamas cleaned. D. Elsele, lit City Nat A'L kinds bats cleaned. 1B20 Harney St i i ANT hat cleaned or blocked. 1511 Harney. ICB. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE Ooneral Office, 'PHONE WEBSTER Ulk 13th and Manderson Sta. JEWELEatS. LUCKT wedding rings at Brodegaard'a LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. mTRTTlrM Thomas. Douglss 1511. JJ.rtAVlJI U)0 Cuming St- LIVB STOCK COMMISSION. MARTTN CROft AV CO., Exchange Bldg. , M A 991, KSE3. MISS STAPLES, niaaa.. dec. bath. D. 711. Open v., is. m.; Sunday a. 10 to 1 Tl A rrrilC vnd ma . alcohol rub. Laura IinAll.iy Farnam. room A Douglas 87M. Open venlngs and Sunday. Apartment, flats, houae and cottages can b rentad qukkly and cheaply by a Be "For Rent" Ad. . MAHSEritl, BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Doug. MASSAGE. 1721 Dodg. Mr. Steel. B.Brugman, m ass.,303 Karbach Blk, R. I77T MASF-AG E 620 Bee Bldg. Dougla 8971 Clara Lee, bath and massage. Douglas fZU M. HAIXERON, Baths. 223 Neville Blk. Mlas X, mudlavla mass. R. 224, Neville Blix, . MISS JACOBS. Mass., R 124. NevlUe Blk. SCIENTIFIC MAS?TUTt. Room 21 Dougla Block, 16th and Dodge. MASSAGE Call D. 8227 "for appointment. MISS GILBERT, message. 109 S. 17th SL Mls Davin, massage. 100 8. 17th St. 1st fi. MINING ENGINEERS. WILL pay to consult W. H. Godfrey on mining business. 207 State Bk, R. 4841. MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DA VIDPON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains in used machines. Victor Roos, 'The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motloa pictur machine and film bargain. We rent moving picture maohln. Star Theatrical Exchange. M0 Paxton Mock. MOWERS SHARPENED. CALLED FOR AND DHTLTVERED; worlg guaranteed; saw filing. Doug. 7428. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. RATES, Harp Piano. 206 Lyrto. D. 1704, bourictus Muerc studio, dotjo-' LAS 2471 TS. I NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS iron a at. in eiA a per bus., sacks ?0o each. Writ for samples. J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. FLOWERS, plant and small shrubbery for sal cheap. Wal. 1801. S314 Military Ave. OFFICES. OFFICES When making your new plans. ee u ror ornce apsce. in Det sooaw tion and easiest f ad. THE BEE 111JIL.DTNO. The Building That Is Alwaya New. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. : Dr. Peteraoii SMI Brandels Bldg. D. U4f , JOSF3PHTNB ARMSTRONG. 615 Be Bid-. .PAINTING AND PAPERING. HTTOH WTMANUS, 417 K. 40th. H. 875. PATENT DEVELOPMENT. - i AMERICAN Maohln Co., 11Q a 11th St ' PATENTS. D. O. BameU. Paxton Blk.' Tel Red, TUT. H. A. Btunres, 838 Brandels Theater Bldg. PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING and repairing. Prof. I W. Anderson, piano specialist. All work guaranteed. Pnone Webstar 137H. 2234 Grant Bt PIANO RBFINISRING. PIANO RFJFINISHINO Gefflerai over hauling. 90 yr. ex p. - Referenoes. 701 I7th. Red 830. John Baer PRINTING. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co-, quality printing. Tel. Doug, ago, eg . uui bu CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. I7M, DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tsl. Douglas 44' PLATING. Asm Plating Cax. tn S. Wit St. D. S2TT. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. CI A 0-end, repaired. oo-ib. xnw ouuuinx inni tm Always new. Offloe, Room 108. B OCULISTS. f Eye examined, glaases fitted, pay as you . t can. Dra. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. V repaired, oo ib. J V. E. pvn-ii' t Dodg. p. lgat I f RING. , a -artr Iff M ill . SHOE REPAIRING, FRIEDMAN PROS., shoe repair. IU B. 14.' MM Harley Shoe Rep'r Co., 1004 Farnm. R.M4S ' SEWING MACHINES. rent repair, sU needle and parts , We lor ail wing macnines. NEBRASKA CYCLE 00- IMh end Harney. Doug, lost. STEEL CEILINGS. ' CARTER Sheet Metal Company, HQ B, SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Boreen Co. Doug. 4891 STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scalea, ahowcase. shelv. log, etc, W buy, soil. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-14-18 8 12th. Doug. 2734, TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towl Supply. 207 S, Uth. D. 3L TAILORS. CHAS. C. LANDER YOU, ICS N. 15th St l . Palm Beach suits to order, lsi Farnam. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELING Ik 8TEINLB, 1808 Farnam St TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver Typewriter I mo. for 14. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 190 Faruam. Butt Typewriter Exchange. 1806 Farnam. All make for sale or rent RENT a "Remington ' not Just a type writer, low rent. Call Douglas 12&4. WALL PAPER CLEANING. EXPERT wallpaper cleaning; all work guaranteed; women for houae cleaning. George Kyle. Red 7845. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. Id fl. Paxton Bk., 11 yr. exp. WEDDINU STATIONERY. WE show only the correct and prevail ing stylus in Invitation, visiting card. Stationery, etc. IRVIN A. MEDLAR CO.. Printer. 416 8. 14th fet Tel. Iou. 1CSJ, Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WHITE CHINA. OMAHA China Shop. White china far decorating for sol at (64 brande.s Blu.. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES. 201-1 8. 13th St Wines, liquors, cigars Plate dinner, 11 to J, loc. Globe lluuor houae, 424 N. 16th; California win. 81-a per gat Writ for prlc Hat. HENRY POLliOCK LIQUOR HOUSH, liti and Capitol Av. Tenant Ijaut. BUY your family li.:crs at Klein's Liquor House, is: N Iktb. Duuglaa uw ( 1 t 1 ti