Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1915, Page 13, Image 17

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Hi e Bees
om e Maaz i im e P a;
r .,,-,. t
. Lethe
Dath wore so fair a prrnce and he trod with scarce a Pound.
How could I know his footsteps on the petal-covered ground.
Where ailken alienee spreads its net and dusky dreams abound
Tirae dragged his veil behind me, a pall of pain-racked hours.
Death strewed the rosy path ahead with apple blossom showers.
And all the air waa rife with rong and aweet with dying flowers.
I would have Mixed the chalice' to my breast and quaffed away
Death's potion of forgetfulness, but Life must say me nay.
,4 Shipping her cold hand Into mine she bade me work and pray. -
Electro-Magnets as Surgeons
How Splinters Are Removed from Wounded Soldiers
Gracejul Graduation Gown of
Mull an Inspiration for College Girk
K -;.- .-4... . i s.A:.v.v; Lt,.., .f.'-;-C I 'P..v.n
1 H -M iv-li I lV , " t XMLS XLv.;:-
Hearts I Win
Another of the
Right-O Stories
t- j :.1 t vX
"Eureka! I have found It."' exclaimed
the Bookkeeper triumphantly, as he laid
down the newspaper he had been reading.
"Tund what a sure tip as to which
way the cat is ' ,
jump la the stoolc
market?" In
quired the "temog
rapher tartly.
-"Better than that
X have tound out
how to make a.
killing with the fe
male sex," replied
the Bookkeeper
complacently. "Tou
know, no matter
that anrt of a
lauff , he throws,
nferf man In his
secret . soul yearns
to know what par
ticular line of soft
talk a woman will
fall for. and I have
juit aecortalued
the never -fall
brand that will make women come and
tat out of your hand when you feed It
to them."
"How did you get wiser' asked the
"By Improving my mind by reading- the
newsnaDera." said the Bookkeeper.
'"Here's an account of a divorce suit In
which the deserted husband testified that
the gay deceiver who broke up his home
and stole hla wife away from htm did. so
by calling her 'a poor, tired little kid,'
al though the lady was as husky as Jess
M illard, and weighed 2 pounds.
."That's the dope; that the magic
formula that you've only got to utter
and the doors of the feminine heart will
fly open. before you. 'Tou poor, tired
little kid!" - Do. you get all the subtle
implications . In taatt , .Why,. Jt a. liba
tion! '. to" youth.-1- and helplessness, and.
tenderness, and protection poured out at,t
a woman's feet. By jinks, It I had a
fat. ralddle-eged wtfa, and some man had
wit enough to say a thing like that to
her, I'd say: 'Here.. take her; you're a,
better .man than I am."'. '
"That tnan certainly was . a head
line in the. Romeo class.", admitted , the
Stenographer. "I guese there isn't a
woman, in the world, from Mra Pank
burst down, who wouldn't be flattered to ,
dea,th to be called a kid, ana l Know
there isn't a mother's daughter of us who
doesn't want to be sympathised with and
SHenosTspher, "that' I've ' nettced about
most men and women, and that is that
they'd rather-he praised for their de
fects than their virtues. If you want to
flatter a pretty woman, don't applaud
her beany, btit hurl a few bouquets at
her Intellect, even II she hasn't set any
more brains than a hen, and If you want
to get a smart woman goina. just hand
her a few about her complexion and
figure, even thouh she's ugly enough
to stop the clock.
"Same way with . a man. 1 . know a
doctor who's dorie wonderful things In
his profession that' have made htm
world famous, but the way to Jolly him
Isn't to talk about his scientific achieve
ments, but to praise his poetry and he
writes the worst verves you ever heaid,
and I know a successful literary man
who purrs under your hand If you pralee
his .clothes and tell Titra . he's a second
Beau Brummel.
"It's a funny thing, but It looks as If
the less truth there is 4n flattery the
sweeter it Is and-the more It goes to
our heads." . ,
"Bight-o," said the Bookkeeper..,
I i
L tt
'n '. '
i . a kWfci?
J '
u. ,
j GREEK rt.ftectitto is owed ' M
drapery of fft thaped ltnunct t(
may h rreftrded a$ frenliarly bfittiyi
tht gnwn of the gradual.
An Electro-Magnet Extracting a Shell-Splinter from a Wounded Soldier An Operation in a
French Hospital at Bordeaux.
These photographs show an apparatus devised by a well known French surgeon. Prof. Dergonie here
seen applying it to a wounded soldier in the Grand-Lebrun hospital at Bordeaux. A radiographic apparatus
traces the movement of the splinter through the flesh. In the photograph underneath the dark portion of th5
" " - . '.TLrr: r, v. , Tr. C v vivv: uD nso oerore tnc magnot was applied and one after.
showing the splinter Blightly higher.'
Read It Here See It at the Movies. -
- pmosvozm
eat ' Xeasjsuy Barclay
', . aav-Tas Oeidsss ; i
"" '.'V Written by ' : ,"
Gouverncur Worri
Oae of Was. Host . sTotabU rtg
- -area la Aaurloaa g4arataM)
Dramatised Into a Photo-Play by
CataBT.Bg W. 009DAB9.
', Author- ef
The VsrUa ef ' peoHae"
' Sxptots ef XUtae"
(Copyright, 1915, by Star Company.) .
Copyright. IMS. by The Star Co. AU For
elgn Rights Keee'ed.
After the tragic death of John Ames-
im mttm.-m Tberlntf a load Heavier man
she should, even when she's doing exactly bury. . Jwlfe. ofmer
what she wanU to do. Be I dont Know d,gth stllUter. aa agent of the In-
that I blame the lady whe eloped with a , tereats, kidnaps th beautiful s-year-old
man with gumption enouh to call her a baby girl and brings her up In a para
" 7 ,ltT.. , dlse where, she sees no man.- but thinks
poor, (jnu uiuo
"Sum thing, agreed the
"and the less she looked like a poor, tired
little kid .the more soothing to her feel
ings must have been the appellation. No
Voubt her husband, with the brutal
Candor of our near relations, bad let her
see that ha considered her an able-bodied
person, capable of doing a full day's
"Doubtless .he had also remarked upon
her heft He may even have compared
her Invidiously wMh slim young maidens
about' half' her age and a third her
"Under such conditions hew like bairn
upon a smarting, wouna it roust
been to be called a 'poor, tired little kid."
5ot 'reran a ' monument of virtue could
have, resisted a suitor with such a hon
eyed' tongue as .that."
"There's one thing," observed the
Advice to Lovelorn
he Is taught by angels, who Instruct her
lor her mlMHoir to reform the world. At
the age of 18 she Is -suddenly thruit Into
the world, where agents of the Interests
sre ready to find her. By an accident
the hero aeea her first- and hide with
her in the Adirondack.
"Well, I'm Jiggered," said Tommy. I
haven't found a snake, but I've found
the next best thing. 'Now what the devil
is Prof. StllUter doing in this part of the
Again he lifted the glaaees and again
saw the professor. He appeared to be
polishing something on' the atoeve of his
Norfolk jacket. Now and then tits some
thing flashed brilliantly in the sunlight.
It might have been a pocket mirror, or a
great diamond. Whatever It' was. Prof.
BtllliUr presently dropped In Into his
pocket, forced his way Into a dense
clump of bushes) at the. very base of the
cliff and dlaapiared.
Bat Tommy was not to Investigate
those bushes at the foot of the cliff.
He waa within a quarter of a ' mile of
them, walking swiftly and quietly along
an old lumber trail, when suddenly his
quick ear caugb a sound of footstepi
and at the same moment his quick eyes
caught a glimpse of something white that
moved. He stepped quickly Into a thicket
of alders, .crouched low and to all in
tents and purpeees was blotted out of
Along the trail, his heavy baby face
' Make Hint Prove Hlieself.
Dear,Mis Vslrfax: I am In love with
a ywung man and 1 know my love Is re
turned. . Our parents have agreed.
Iivprythiiiif was satisfactory until
lately, wlien be lost tils ikmIUoii. He
says that, unless 1 get married to him
becrctly, he- won't try to get work and
will leave town, uvrr to come back;
hut If I do as he wnt. he will try hard
to get a job rnd see tliat be comes to
Now, my dear Miss Fairfax, your kind
advii-e would lie ff-oUy tppceclated. a3
I told him 1 would isive bim my a-nswer
as soon as I see your answer printed in
the paicr whether you think I would do
rlBht to gut married secretly, before my
sweetheart showa me that he fan support gv AX EXIfCRIEXCED BACHELOR
1b esk me to Ho such a thing. My IVar Olrls If there Is one subject
.MtAKT-BROKi. , more then another you all believe you
The Incentive of wlnnu- tie girl he thoroufhly underetatid. that Subject s
Ibves oughl to make a fine man labor . wh ,ne UlTM com when
honestly and seriously arid, with all his. Juit one man ,n the wor)d of
might I am a hearty disbeliever In . 'everyone of you is under the im-
cret marriages. They generally result la ,1(m th can him
streaming with sweet, came Prof,
etllllter leading by the hand a slim and
I lovely girl who carried her head like a
; princess. She was dressed In a white
garment that fell In unbroken folds from
! her shoulders to bar feet, like a Roman
.toga v On hr hare foot she wore thin
; sandata. en iter bare head c circlet ot
'gold In which jewels flashed. Her mouth
,'hsd aa i-xpre'slon of celestial gentleness
! and smoothnuss, but her eyes, : half
shielded by .their lids and lashes, 'were
r without expresnton. She seemed to
J Tommy like a girl, not of this earth,
I walking In her sleep. . Ha had never seen
a face so beautiful, so sweet or so touch-
liiKly , . . ,. .
Having passed Tommy's hiding place,
Prof. StllUter turned from the trail and
led the heavenly . vision to a sort of
natural seat, that overlooked a quiet pool
from which Tommy had often taken
Phe sat reflected In the pool, and look
ing straight ahead ot her. and not see
ing if you know what I mean. Trof.
StllUter had let go her hand apd was
tiptoeing off;, abandoning her apparently,
but when ho had gone a little way no
turned and made curious passes in ths
a' with his hands, and spoke suddenly
In a voice ot command, the one word,
Expression and light came- Into the
great eyes, and she looked about' her
with a kind of startled delight. Tommy
for some reason or other was trembling
from head to foot.
A Stick cricked. She turned her head
toward the sound, but Prof. Ktllliter had
made good his tiptoed retreat. He waa
no longer in sight.
Then Tammy, still trembling with won
der and excitement, rose from his hiding
place and walked slowly toward her.
Their cyea met, and the vision smiles the
vision smiled the sweetest, most bewitch
ing smile. an In the gentlest and richest
voice that Tommy had ever heard she
asked h'm m astonishing question.
, "Are you a men?"
"Why, yes." said Tommy.
"Then." she said, "this must be the
"Of course," h esaJd. "you know that
as wc) as I do."
"I wasn't sure," ahe said, "until you
(old me. You see I've just come from
"Oh, my Lord." said Tommy, "she's
mad as a hatter. How terrible! And yet
she looks sane." . . J
"I'm Celestla," resumed the vision,
"and I'e come from heaven to make
F 1
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L'i -.? Ov:-7 i -k x
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ft V J - 1
a -u. -f --n
Showing the little mound, or wave
formed by the tissues as the metal
fragment neara the aurface of the
body; the final application of the
electro-maanet to extract a shell
splinter, . . . . ,
peoplo better and happier. I'm to begin
with , Now 'ork. Where Is New York?"
She looked about her as if she ex
pected to find It somewhere among the
"It Is a long way from here," said
"Then I ought to sUrt at once. Will
you show me the way, please?"
"Why, yes, of course."
- Then Prof. StllUter came back on the
"What the devil are you doing here?"
ho examined. "Now don't get angry, old
chap. This Is one of my patients and"
"I'm not angry," said Tommy, "and
don't call me old chap."
Then Prof. StllUter sank his voice to
a whirper. "Her mind," he said, "Is In
an exceedingly critical condition. Now
you just vanish, will you? and leave her
to me. Hhe mustn't be upset."
"One condition of her mind," said
Tommy, "appears to be fear of you."
SUIlitrr turned from htm impatiently.
"Pome tleatia." he said, "we'll go away
Fhe shrank from his proffered hand.
"Ceieetla," said Tommy, "don't you
want to go wlih him?"
"No." she said.- . .
"Don't he afraid, then." said Tommy,
"you shan't."
"Tommy Barclay," said Stililter, "you
koep out of this or you'll get Into trouble.
Come Olestls."
She did not stli.
In a flash StllUter had drawn a polished
crystal from his pocket and was forcing
the girl to look at It. As he did so, he
said In a tone of command: "Sleep. Ce
lestls, sleep."
Tommy simply stepped forward and
knocked the crystal from Rtllllter'a hand,
and StllUter turned upon him with a
howl of rage and attacked him with a
shower of windmill blows. Tommy wss
no longer a small boy, but an thlete In
the early twenties.
He retreated slowly, guarding himself,
snd then, when he thought he hsd drawn
StllUter far enough from Celeatis, ho
quietly reached In under the rsln of
blows and disarmed him. In other worda,
he removed those great black rimmed
spectaclea without which the great psy
chologist wss blind and helpless.
"Peihaps I'm doing wrong," ssld
Tommy, "but that girl's sfrald of you
and I'll take a chance." -
Ha darted to the girl's side. "Are you
afraid of me?"
No." .
Then come."
He led her back to the trail and along It.
(T Be Continued Monday.)
For the college girl who la seeking In
spiration for a graduation gown a sug
gestion msy be obtained from the above
sketch. The material Is of sheer mull,
the scalloped edge f the skirt -being
bound . with white satin by way of a
simple decorative touch.
A Greek reflection is caught in the
drapery of tho shaped ' flounce ' which
lengthens the bodice.- The flounce Is
headed with fine embroidery, which also
appears across the V Imptecement of the
front. The sleeves sre In bishop effect
permitting a half-revelation and half
concealment of the arm- bsnesth.
This model maintains the vagus Hn
through the waist which has been th
mods since Paquln instituted the waistlest
fashions, almost, a decade ago.. These, .ef
courss, came as a loglcsl result of the
adoption of the straight-front corset, for
which Mmo., Bernhardt )s gratefully. held
Woman's Ignorance of Man
serious thing and ought to take place
with dlKnity and the knowledge of one's
nearest ard Onarest relatives. Put. him
on his mettle to be - amMUoua enough
tp get a frevh start nnd to be., able to
marry y u openly because he la able to
take care of yo-i and has won you.
Dua't Worry Aboat It.
Dear Mint Falrfsx: I am a girl of 14
yeards. Mv patent nave no objectkm to
niy entertaining buys, but aa moat boys
do not like nibnk-. ind tliat Is the only
tnin I can thliuX il, 1 ttfll very swk
ward when th-y vtit ma 4. N. L.
wards.' Your mother held this view be
fore you,, as some of you may have no
ticed. -'. The 1 amusing part ls-rthet is to
a' bachelor that generally speaking yeu
the statement of a man, who aa such Is
bound to have wider and deeper knowl
edge of that portion of humanity uf which
he is a part than the most erudite woman
csn possibly have acquired as an out
sider. Take. fpr. example, that . supremely
ridiculous assertion doubtless evolved by
some member of your charming sex wh
couldn't tell neck of mutton from sirloin
of beef that the way -to a man's heart
And you mske such quaint mistakes,
ton. You will often mum a man who la
all, or at sny rate, most of the world
to you I don't mean on purpose, but
unconsciously, or without being abls to
help It; while you will give open en
couragement, without In the least In
tending to, to a man who might go up
la a home-made aeroplane for all you
eared. And you do this all the more if
the all-the-world man Is present. Tills
sort of thing sometimes gives you a
was throuxh his palate (please note that
are absolutely and entirely wrong; you i Pave put tnii more delicately than the fbearta-he for a day or for anything up
do not understand men. not even a msn, j woman in question). 'Teed the brute!" Ito always, according to net her you are
or the man. j h the currency of a proverb; the an- ja thank-goodness-I-rsn-lcve-any-man sort
We men are not like books of stories jSurd sentence wes snapped up by your ot girl, or snythlng up to the is:e snd
In one syllable printed In large type; as a hungry monkey will grab an I precious one-llfo-one-love type,
we are more like so far as you fslr .empty nutshell. j At the same time It is quite right and
ones are concerned books In the lavish Another widespread fallacy la the be' t proper that you ahould study man. Here
Chinese language, where you don't even llef that men are very dense where you you have a vest subject, and one aa In
know -where to begin to read, and In are concerned. Many of you cherish tho terestlng as It is great. Do not lose
which every letter or symbol possesses fiction thst ws are incapable of drswlng sight, however, of Hie lact that you are
and as you lift the glass to your lips reflect that
three million or more glasses of this wonderful
beverage are consumed each day making it indeed
the great National drink.
You are very young to think of enter-1st least a dosea quite distinct meanings, j the simplest deductions, that if we try a mere student and niuit always remain
talitlog. When your boy frlenda come
they ought to I n'lad to hear musk-.
Tber. there are games, such sa letters,
guesses, etc., hn li are entertaining and
Kor soma extrsord nary I waa about to add to to two in any feminine sf- as such, though some of you will doubt-
to say reason, but lack of reason is the fair we shall get a wrong total. Most lleaa become more advanced than others
correct expression, a woman will believe I of your Uttle subterfuges are transfer- assuming, of course, that you prose-
whst another woman saya about man- crit charmingly so, wry often but all cute your studies with sympathy. Intel-
the time you put us Co n ss blind. Ilgence and perseveism-a.
kind far more readily than she will credit
Delicious and Refreshing
' Demand the genuine by full name
all the viae do likewise
7henever you
' gee an Arrow,
think of Coca-Cola
The Coca-Cola Co.