12 TTTK HEE: OMAHA. SATrRDAY, MAY 20. 1015. CHILDREN HONOR IN CHARGE OF THE CRECHE in styU U U'$ la ttyU Rsr&S hate i BRIDGE PARTY. By MELLiriCIA. Friday, May 23, 1915. THE similarity in likeness of Miss Mildred Chapman, the house guest of Mlas Lucy Updike, to MIh Joan Sawyer, the beautiful danr?r who was the headllner at the Orpheum closing week, ha been thn (MM of many Interesting and amusing experiences for Mies Chapmen. At a reception riven the first of the week for Miss Chapman, Miss Eugenia Whltmore, Mr. George Harcourt and two other of Minn Sawyer's gentlemen friend fame In hurriedly from the Country club to be amor the guest. All remarked the striking resemblance, and Mr. Harcourt claims to bar received an upsetting shock on being greeted, as he says, by his erstwhile dancing companion. At another affair of three weeks agvi Miss Josn Sawyer was announced as' being among the t-neeta, and ber personality was the subject of discus sion for some of the guests during the afternoon. Later they met Mls Sawyer as Miss Chapman. On numerous shopping expeditions Miss Updike's guest has been re ferred to and approached for Miss 8awyer. THE SOLDIER DEAD Three Thousand Pupils of the Cath olio Parochial Schools Gather at the Auditorium. N. H. L00MIS IS THE SPEAKER Betrothal Announcement Mrs. H. RoMiutock announces the en gagement of her daughter. Fanny, aM Mr. Petva T. Backer of Mitchell, B. D. No date has been eet op for the wo. dine, but It will probably be 'celebrated tn the early fall. The announcement was made Thursday afternoon at a bridse party gven by Mies Ploecnetorlc for twenty of her friends. Mlaa Rneonatook ti secretary for the Assoatstfld Jewish Chart tJee. Entertain! at Luncheon. Mr Overse Perls ntertain4 at lunch eon at her heme Thursday. . Klllaroey roeea were used tn the decora t ton for the luncheon table and the afternoon spent at cards. These preeent were: M4ames n. Clow, ' OrOrae ""rends, - Jatroa Bii-h. Brt Rla'M'bard, Frank Ircha. Mdamee O. OM, . Ror iJennle. ' r T. Podtn T. Arm, W. Nlturhe. K. Novak, Mlas Mary Mulvihllt Theater Party. The O-Atka club (eve a. theater party on tteturday evenlna at the closing per formance of the Boyd Block company. Those preeent were: Miaeee Mlssee Mrie Ktelser. . Mabol Chitxon, Mary Hayea. Uo Hurtli, Hulda Hllinn, I .Ida Bhets. Kathrtn lAwleaa, 'arrte Hansen, Kom Bhmtn, Fthel tthte. MM red tlenaen, Luna Caaecl, Muriel Butlln. To Honor Visitors Mrs. Etigane Puvat and Mrs. 3. 11. Ttahm entrtaln1 at luncheon at the Fontenelle Wednesday for Mrs. Fremp ton of Chlcaso. . Mies Iluth 81abeua-h entertained at bridge Wedneeday afternoon for Mlas Mildred Mar of Kansas City. Two tables of players were preeent American Beauty rosea were ueed for decorating. For Bride-Elect Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Powell entertained at dinner- Tuesday for Miss Maurlns lhnhoff. a June bride.- The centerpiece was a basket of spring flowers. Covers were placed fori . Veears. and MeedAmee . Frt Lehntw.ff, . H. O. Powell. Mrs. Oatna, Newton, la. Mra. Miller. Newton. la. UtM Maurlne Iehnhnff. Mr. T. I.ynne Kllgore. ' TTewt of Excelsior Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Will Burns have re turned troin a two weeks' stay at .Kx celetor Bprtnga. ' Mr. Joseph Harden and Mr. and Mrs. John Ma'Wen sre at the FJms in Ex eelaior Springs. With the Visitors. Mrs. Frarepton of Chloaso is the gueet of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rahm. Mra. V A. Rna nt Kearney Is the gut of Mrs. Norrla Brown thla week. Mrs. Iloxle Clerk of New Tork City arrived the first of the week to via't her mother, Mra. I'll a, Squire. Mrs. W. C. Cloodonow of Minneapolis, who was the guest of Mr, B. R. Hush, lett for home Tuesday evening. Mr. end Mrs f'harlen Brownlee of New York City, who are on their way to the Pacific coaat. srrtved Tuesday to spend a few day with tnclr nephew, John T. Brownlee, and Mrs. Prownlee. Pleasures Past. Mrs. J. Vein peter entertained the mem tera of the V. W. club on Wednesday afternoon st her home. Following the rerd game luncheon-was nerved. The dec or at ion I were in rJ and white roaes snd unique place cttrda ' marked the p'.aoes of the gueeU. ' Mrt. C Myers and Mra, Y'llsonrraJt were the guests of the Huh. The next regular meeting will be held st the home of Mra, W. a Hampton In two wwa. - . ' " ' The !iawes KUIe Oell and ' Rllxabeth Vdhuan entertained at' mlscellaneoue ehowers lest week in honor of Mli Katbertne lllrechmann, who will be mar ried Bunday afternoon, June S, to Mr. Cart J. Phelpa at t. Paurs Lutheran church. Mr. Walter Wiley and Mr. Oscar Illllls entertained the Dundee dh'Mon of the Flret Congregational churrh at the home of Mrs. V lley this afternoon. Aoout twenty-five members were present. i On the Calendar. Mies Kteener Mack ay will be hostess at the meeting of the Pebutante Bridge club Tueeday afternoon of nest week at her home. Creche Bridge Party, The annual btbtse party for the bene fit of the Creche was given this after roo In the bell room of ttoe Fuiitencile. About seventy-five tablaa of pkayere were entertained. The Increment weather broke VP a few of the foursome, but the devotees were all on hand, ne mat ter wtuU the elements preerrtbed. Duran-DaVia Weddinf. The marriage of Mtae MargeruK Davis and Mr. I'bdePurenof Pee Motne was celebrated Thurenay evening at the heme of Mr. Imuran's uncla, Mr. WUllara A. Tolita. aad Mra Tollea. Rev. W. A. Ml ford of the Olivet Baptlet church pee to i i the oeremofiy. Mr. 'and Mra - Ciiartee Gate were the only attendant.' There was one out-oi-town guast, .Kl.-a Mary Tollea, of Olea wood. Mr. and Mrs. Doraa will reeto tn Oimbs and will neke rhelr home with Mr. end Mrs. V: r Gates. ffewi of the WsjfsU-frt. Mr. ai-4 Mra. H. I. Newly. Mr. Kmry I'. Palmquiet and the Mlaaea Ida Waiter knd M. A 1'iidlr-r eee the Omaha gurata at t celr-lTjii.)ii of X in if fit day, hit-h ii glvtn in Ue building at the J Pan-American exposition Tueedav of this week. . . In and Oat of the Bee Hire. Mr. Myrop learned he returned from Loa AngHea and Han Franclaro. Mr. !lvan T. Becker of Mitchell, 8. f., arrive Patunlay to spend a few daya in the city. Mr. snd Mr A. C. Croaaman left Tues day to spend a week in Atkinson with Mr. snd Mra. C. J. Wlleon. Mr. and Mrs. Rsymond Croeiman left Wednepday for Atkinson to spend the week end. Mr. an1 s.'r M. t. llork and daughter of Minneapolis rtopped In Omaha on their way to thr. coaat exporttlone. They ex pect to enend three montha on the coait and In weetem cttlea, returning via Brit lah Columbia. ' Personal Mention. A son was born May is to !r. snd Mrs. R. R. Holllfler. Mrs. F. A. Cuscaden underwent a alight operation at St. Joaeph's hospital Tues day. Mlas llns Bennett will leave, June S, for Lexington. Ky., to vlst Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Freeman. Mr. and Mr J. M. Cllchrlut and their daughter, Myrne, expept to spend the Three thousand children of i Greater Omaha's twenty parochial schools will observe Memorial day with special exercises at the Audi torium Monday morning, under thi auspices of the Knights of Columbus, as has been done each year for the last five years. With patriotic songs, led by a largo choir, a prayer for the soldier dead, Lincoln's famous Gettysburg address ; and an approprlato address by Nel- j son H. Loomls, solicitor general or the Tnlon Pacific railroad, the big meeting will be a notable one among the various gatherings planned to observe the holiday in fitting style. t'nder the guidance of pastors of the Catholic parlHhc snd elstera of the school faculties, the happy youngftera will go to the Auditorium In prclal street cars, after attending Memorial day maeaea In the vartou churche. There will he keen rivalry among the children of the dif ferent erhoola. and each groupvwlll carry pennant and banner of It ethoot and will Ind'ilge In echoul yella before the memorial crvk-e beKln. In past yeara the parochial school celebration of the holiday has been a moat Inspiring event The general public Is invited to attend. To Mirrh My School. Promptly at 10 o'clock the exercises Will berin, with W. C. Fraeer presiding. The doors will he open at 8 o'clock to allow plenty of time for the arhool child ren to march in by schools and give their yalls, onJ for the publlo to take seats in the boxes snd hnlcony. Tlie committee of Kmeht of Columbu has arranged to share the decorating of the big hall with the f I rand Army of the Republic com mittee, which will have He uaual public observance of the day at the Auditorium I In the afternoon. Rev. Father J. O. Ruckloy of the Benson rhurcTi will open the program with an j Invocntljn, follr-wcd by the lord's prayer i t. t y ii ei yisnii $ 1 II 1 f -M Price Choice Saturday, Any Voman's Suit in Stock Every Silk or Wool Suit Goes in This Sale $15 Suits for $7.50 $20 Suits for SIO.OD This is n rare opportunity for miy woman, who needs n suit for summer or early fall wear. This half-price offer means, that every gar ment sells at less than cost. The stock Includes every wool snd silk material popular this season. In all the wanted colors, and the' styles offered depict the latest dictates of fashion. summer at Ike Dkohnll Mr. Oeorsa Lathrop, nephew of Mr. and "" , ,ln r""urr" wl" w""" Mrs. U M. Dsvla. i. home for the sum-' tnllnS- -America." The Star Spangled mcr from Kearney Military school. j 'nner 1 "Mumhla. the Ucm of the Ml,i4 Kara Uavta, who hae lon the I 'j.w1n ,y th";reat "Mmh'y surst of friends for the week, returned ? chllrtrn' , 1,d 'rof- Theodore Rud. thi. morning to her home In De, Moine. i "r,(1 ' 'r' 'onn"di "hr.lr from Mr. Bugene Duval left for New York th t"th ,llc churches and an orchestra. Bunday to visit hla eon, Elalr, who U in Neb,,n " ""l. " chief apeakcr of Fort Totten. He will return tomorrow. ' !h occ"1'"'. bis sddrea on the Mr. and Mrs. Martin Oberat left laat Thursday for Chicago. On July 1 Mr. Oberat will go to Honner'a' Lake, nesr Burlington, VVI.. and Mrs. Oberat will go to Virginia for the summer months. Mrs. John L. Godfrey and chiliJron of Loulivlllo, Ky., have been vlltz re lative for th laat week. Mrs. Godfrey was celled to Omaha on aocount of the serlou lllnesi of her sister, Mrs. Zsck T. Howell. Mr. Philip Johnaton, son of Mr. and Mrs. I). L Johnston, who is completing his Junior yesr st Oberlln, has clioaen to . respond to the "sped ora tion" In ths Ivy planting ceremony at the senior rlaas dsy exercise. June 16. This I a much coveted honor always be stowed on a member of the junior class. CLOVER CLUB TO GIVE TWO PLAYLETS 0M SATURDAY The Clover rluh, rompoaed cf alxth, seventh nd eighth arrsde girls. who mpt each week at the Toting Women's Chrta tlon association, will give two playlets in the auditorium Katurdny afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Mine Helen I-aurancC, aecretary for gins' worl;. Is ln chsrge snd the pro ceed will he ud. to. send a delegate, Miss Lillian Ncleon. to the Lke Geneva conference thU summer. Mlaa Nelson Is a graduate from Monmouth Park school thla June and enters high acTTTOl In th fall. She ha iecn vice president and an active worker in the Clover club and ha the leading part, in one of the play. Mrs. Oeorge K. Gllmore. chairman of the girls' work committee, will present Youn iVomcn' Christian association plna to club members who have had a record for attendance. Muslin Princess' Slips. $1.50 Slips for. 95c $2.25 Slips for $1.35 $:j.0() Slips for..... ..$1.95 Summer Wash Dresses. White and Colored . Voiles and Linens, $4.93 Women's Separate Skirts. Worth to $11.00, Saturday for $6.95 New Lingerie Waists, Lawn, Voile, Organdie, 98c Four Sensational Items S&turdav in Our Miili merv Dept. NEW TRIMMED IIATS Worth to $12.50 .$2.50 Stylish Trimmed Hats Worth to $6.C0 $1.00 UNTRH.IMED SHAPES Worth to $4.00 9 8c SALE OF TRIMMINGS, Flowers and Feathers Worth to $2.50 49c 9. $25 Suits for... $.10 Suits for... $.T Suits for... $10 Suits for... $ 0 Suits for. . . . .$12.50 ..$15.00 ..$17.50 ..$20.00 ..$25.00 Spring Coats SILK AND WOOL v .U Tremendous Price deductions 33stig& 15 n A Lot No. 1 Cnnts Worth to $17.50 $745 s Lot No. 2 Coats Worth to $27.50 $14.75 Lot No. 3. Coats Worth to $35.00 $19.75 Rubberized Rain Coats, Special Saturday $4.50, $5.75, $8.50 ft 3 3 DOUGLAS Kv.nl aiga. The county assessor will be at his of flee nights from V SO to 10 p. m. of this week. May M to ti, for the purpose of considering notices . of proposed raise of personal asseasment schedules for the surreal year. 11. Q. COUN8MAN, County Asaessor. Ills arid achievements of General V. B. Orsnt. He, Father P. C. Gannon, paetor of Ht. Patrick's church and editor of the True Voice, will offer the prayer for the soldier dead, while the children stand with bowed heads. John J. Cordrs. a student orator of Crolghton university, will repent Abraham Lincoln's Gettye burg addresa, which was originally de livered at the dedication of a national cemetery for civil war heroes on the great battlefield, a W. Xlmerol, matter of the fourth de- becn rro of ,h0 Kn'Knt" of Columbu for the iiiMiiwni uimrici, neaas me committee in charge of the parochial school celebra tion. Other memlier of the general ce mlttee include John Jk. Bennewits, John Hlnchey, J. If. Schmidt, John llogan. T. H. Coleman and John Leery. Knight of Columbu will also act as uahera at th Mg meeting. REMODELING OF UNIVERSITY , CLUB ABOUT COMPLETE The tru-tursl change tn th new homo of the University club at Twentieth and Harney atreeta are about completed. Be cause the building was formerly the ex- . change building of tho Independent Telo , phone company, a substantia.! building of completely fireproof structure, the re modelling for club purpose lias been a slower prooesa than It would have been In leas substantial building. It Is now ex pected that th club will be opened for service some time in July. Bee Want Ad Produce Results. BELLEVUE UPPER CLASSES TO BANQUET SATURDAY The senior and Junior claase of Belle vue academy will give a banquot Sat urday night at the Rome hotel. The academy faculty members. Prof. Albert Una re. Miss Goodwill, Maa Hunter and Prof. Edwin Leon Pula will be Invited. A program has been nrrnnged to accom pany the banquet and Prof. Put has been asked to act aa muster of ceremo nies. A coinmltte composed of Anna Rasmus sen, . secretary-treasurer of the senior class; Florence Weller, Junior class presi dent, and Karl Brauatnd, Junior class secretary-treasurer, ind Jack I.'helpe, chairman, is In charge of all arrangements. Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414-416-418 South 16th St. i r 1 c I mnpre miles per gallon more per mile Si STANDARD OIL COMPANY Omsilui LUGGAGE SALE Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases At Prices So Extremely Low That No Prospec ;,, tlve Traveler Can Afford Not to Investigate. Right tn the face of high war prices on leather, too. But THERE'S A REASON wo have decided to confine our luggage section to a few representative lines,, such as "Indestrncto" and "Mendel-Drucker. To get our stock into ths desired condition we have marked prices on trunks, wardrobe) trunks, bags and -suitcases that will Accomplish this purpose without de lay." Our new lines arc in, and it you do not find what you want In goods at a reduced price, our display of what la newest In luggage at popular prices will not disappoint you. SALE COMMMEXCES 8ATURIAV. . - r : .. Window Shades Saturday 10c About 130 shades made from hand-made oil opaque shade rloth, mounted on first-class rollers; great variety of colors. Size 17 to 86 Inches wide by 4 feet to 7 feet long; to closo, Saturday at Window Shades, 25c and 30c 86-Inch dyed shiules, ft." r5g And 7 ft. long . 30 10c How's Your Hammock? ' A Kui;getlon For 1 decoration Day. Hammocks made of sein cord, 'durable and at tractive. Specially priced at $1.50, $2.25, $3.50, and $5 FIBER TRUNKS, 912.50 ' Trunks that sold for $ 17.75, 918 and $21. ?6-lnch fibre trunks of excel lent quality, closely riveted, lined and fitted with trays; sample trunks that were rea sonably priced at $18.00 and $21.00. special 50 RATTAN SUIT CASES, $2.25, $2.45, $4.75 For rattan suitcase, with leather corners and handle, that sold for $2.66, $4 and $6.50. ; .$7 TRUNKS, $4.75 S 6-Inch . slat trunks, canvas covered, with tray, CfA 7C very special at... JXefO $30.00 WARDROBE TRUNKS, $23 Full size, 4 5-inch wardrobe, double trolley,, woman's or man's equipment, $23 Leather Suitcases, $3.75, $5 and $7 Sample suitcases, genuine cowhide, well made, some what soiled, that were $7.50, $10. and $18.76. WARDROBE TRUNKS, - $35 Regular 942 and 945 Trunks. 46-inch wardrobes, fiber and canvas covered, closely riveted, a big bargain COC at Paa Wardrobe Trunks that sold for $78, $75, $70, $C5, $45, now priced $55, 545, g 12.50. $40. $32.50. Genuine Cowhide Bags, $5 Several patterns of genuine leather cowhide bags, that sell ordinarily for $6 and $7, and a . few samples that C were $11.26; now on sale at pO . A large assortment of high-grade bags, priced from 910 to 930 cowhide, In black and brows, walrus and seal, at reductions of H A.l U AM MORE. POLARINE KILLS FRICTION pti v r v;.vi 1 1 i i .VU .i i n MATTRESSES B" -V fl Clean, sani tary fillings, made in a a u b a t a ntial manner, i n striped and fancy tickings. Heaur stitched coif b (nation filled tress mat- $4.50 Cotton Felt Mattresses In fancy ticking. df" sys full size O Rex Felt $6.50 A very good, substantial felted cotton mattress for Our Special Felt A mattress of unusual merit and a big value at Sunshine Felt Mat tress, $10 $8 Imperial Felt Mat tress $12 Ostermoor Mattress $15 Go-Carts and Children's Furniture Collapsible Oo-Carts, Oriole Go-Baskets, Collapsible iroJirtwith hood. 95. $5, $7'50, $9,75 Wt art thoxing a largt and ran J It; of Childrtn'i Furniturihigk ehaif nursery c'xitri, baby ntalhtrt, baby yards, baby tveings, baby beds, roclur$, thair 4 ' Indestructo ' Trunks Reduced Samples and discontinued pat terns all bearing the "Inde structo 5-year guarantee." $30 Indestructo OOC Wardrobe v3 $40 Indestructo QC Wardrobe P30 $80 Indestructo CC Wardrobe J00 $24.50 Indestructo fr..T:a!f.. $18.50 $45.00 Indestructo CAt 36-inch trunk... iptU $25 Indestructo $01 86-inch steamer...... sPawil $22.50 Indestructo - i 6-inch steamer 50 $26 Indestructo J01 Cfl 40-iu. steamer.. Om1OU Kitchen Chair Special for Saturday selling, a 4-splndle bark kitchen chair, hardwood golden oak finish, for Saturday only, each 49c Rocker Special LJtm Cut For Saturday only made of solid oak wood seat a good, serviceable rocker and a big bargain Satui day, each $1.75 Order Your Linoleum Early Our layers are a week behind their orders now that shows that people know where It pays to buy linoleum. Your neighbor buys linoleum here because It Is better quality, and being properly laid, will last longer. It will pay yoo to do likewise even if you wait a tew days tor us to lay It in your home. Largo Porch Rugs Experienced Unoleuns Layers Wanted Apply second floor. Orchard Wilhelm Co. ft-auo-e, 7-flxiu-e. suo, 0x0 aud 0x1 a. A Bargain Rugs from broken pattern lines "Crex" grass rugs. Japanese fibre and Kattanla rugs. selling regularly up to $10 fine rugs for porch and Indoor summer uses. at... hkre Tltrm In Our Window. .$5 Extra wide, 12-ft. printed linoleum, per square yard, 00c and 70c Printed linoleum, ft, wide, per square yard, 40c, 50c and 60c K1sm quality Inlaid linoleum, 6 feet wide, square yard, 950 Greenwich inlaid linoleum, square yard, $1.25, $1.40, $1.50. ORCHARD d WILHELM CO.- Reversible Porch Rugs, $6.50 and $7.50 10-and tll.50 Ruga In 7-xl0-4 ajad 0x12 .Ue. Saturday, because we have too many in these, slses. durable, double- rn 1 faced rngs, at )D.5U aild 57.50 r