Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1915, Image 1

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    The on rivalled special feat
ure pafea of The Sunday
B are in a class by them
selves. Best of them all.
Omaha Daily Bee
Oa Tralas and at
total Mews Stands, Se
Ariiona Board of Pardons Grants
Condemned Mexicans Respite
Not to Exceed Nine
' Weeks.
Commission Recommends Men Be
, Executed at Different Dates
Fixed by GoTernor.
FLORENCE, Arit., May i. The
Board ' Of Pardons and Paroles
granted at the last moment today a
reeplte to all five Mexicans who were
condemned to die on the gallows at
Florence penitentiary today. The:
respite Is not to exceed nine weeks!
nd the recommendation is made!
that the men be hanged separately ;
on dates to be fixed by Governor :
Advocates of the abolishment of capital ,
punishment hailed the decision with" de-.
light. The least concerned were tho j
Mexican prisoners for whose Uvea the i
tt'rugglo had ' been waged. They had
Smiled at the prospect of death and thev
did not change the smile when told they ..
11-ert not mount the gallows. !
FLORENCE. Aria.. May . The five I
w.en condemned to die and the erimea i
for which they were ; convicted are as j
follow: '
Crimea a( Convict1 Men.
The five men condemned to die and
inc cnniB lur n mvii mc iwinivim
are aa follows: v 4 , '
W. B. Chaves, shot and killed Charles
King, deputy sheriff, at Jerome, August i
ti, 1910. j
Eduardo Peres, killed Felicia Chacon i
. 1 1 - a.l.h.k .k ' . m1 t
at Congreas Junction, November 18, 1910.
Miguel Peralta, killed his former wife,
and her admirer at Jerome, June 29, 1912.
Francesco killed hia wife at
Phoenix, April . 1!U.
Ramona Vllalobaa. killed Phlneas
iBrokn. a constable, at Ray, last August.
' All of the condemned men are Mexican
citisens. except Rodlrguea, who was bom
at Tucaon.
Mrs. Abby P. Aldrioh
is Critically 111
NEW. YORK. May . tt. With the an
nouncement that .the will rof Nelaon W.
' AUrich had bee.n probated at Warwick,
' Ki I... it became Vnown today tat: hie
wdow, Mrs. Abby- i Aldrtch, ' M : ao
acrloualy 111 at , her home here that she
lias notlbeen told of her huflhand'a death.
Mrs. AWrleh collapeed when het- TvusV
band w- stricken several Weeks ago and
her condition . haa : PPt perceptibly. Im
proved. ' Under ' the will she and three
children, Eward B. AldrlcKxf New Tork.
l,ucy T. Alrtrlch of -Warwick Nerk and
Richard B. Aldrtch of Providence, R. I.,
are executors and became trus'teea ot the
estate. j
It Is said the entire estate is left to
members of this family and ia worth ap
proximately SC'iOO.OOO. The will was pro
bated yeaterday. I '
Danish Steamship
is Sunk by a Mine
COPENHAGBN (via London), Ma 2S.
The Danish steamer Ely atruck a mine
of Stockholm yesterday and sank. Its
trew waa saved. The Ely was bound
from England for '. Sundsvalt. Sweden,
with a cargo of coal.
LONDON. May S.-A dispatch to the
Exchange) Telegraph company from Cop
enhagen says: - .
The Oerman newspapers announce the
arrest at A) tons of the German millionaire,
Senator Poxeehl,' whd, It Is asserted, is
charged with high treason for selling J
meUl and pyrites to Great Britain from !
hia Swedish
h and Norwegian works- i
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Saturday:
For Omaha. Council 'Bluffs and Vicin
ity Fair, with rising tempers ture.
Tempera to re at Omaha Vealerday,
5 a. m.
a. m ,
1 a. ni
K a. in
y a. ni
1ft a. ni ,
11 a. m ,
12 m
1 p. m ,
1 p. m
3 P. 111
4 p. in
i p. ni...
6 p. m
7 p. ni
8 p. m
Lara I ilrrord
1916. 1914. 191
m li 7
cm 7,1 'A
Highest yesterday..
Low eat yesterday...
Mean temperature.
Temperature and
. 4
r-1 1 .
... W - 14 " w
37 .37 M T
nreclDltaUon depar-
turea from the normal
Normal temperature "
iMficlency for the ilay 18
Total exceaa since Alanli 1 16
Normal precipitation 17 inch
Exoeas for the day Winch '
Total runfall ainc March inchea
teftclency sl id March 1 Ot Inch
Deficteiv-y for cor. period. 1914. I SO Inches
Kxcesa for cu. iertod, 1&I3....S.M ini hea
Reports from Stat-t-aa at T I. M.
fetation aad Ftate Temp. High- Rain
of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fail.
rheyenne. cir 2 M .'0
Davenport, cloudy W HI .On
Denver, clear 6 70 .00
Dee Motnea, cloudy S 6 IS
Dodge City, clear 0 64 .SO
Lander, partly cloudy.. 71 T3
North Platte, cloudy 4 Hi .tl
Omaha, rain .' t .37
Pueblo, clear V 71 .M
Rapid City, cjear M So .10
Kanta Fe, clear .on
nhendan. partlv cloudy. TO 74 .
Rloux City, ram 48 4 .44
Valentine, cloudy 44 A ' .12
T indicates trane of precipitation.
U A- WELSH. Local Forecaster.
TERRITORIALS IN THE EASTERN WAR ZONE New Zealand caalry leaving Cairo
against the forts of the Dardanelles, in which campaign they are now participating.
Suspect Arretted in Swanson Mur
- der Case Has Friends Who Will r
Tell of Whereabouts.
Upon the accuracy, of ' Ernest
Oberg, cement worker living at 3010
North Sixteenth street, and a woman
and her 8ycar-old daghtuer, whose
Identity - the iutberltlesiVlsh "Jo pro
tect avUilkOlWjJjiM
Axel Lofgreen, newest suspect in the
Ada Swanson batchet rturder.
Oberr. friend of lofgre,e,n,s for thefUt
three jrea'ra.'iad whe waa working willt
him on the day of the murder. ' asseru
thnt Lofgreen wait never out of bis eight
from 10 o'clock In the morning until' late
In the afternoon.
, Two Storlea Differ.
; Tbe woman ' whose story caused Lof
green's ; arrest, ' as vehemently ' aaserta
tat he la ;'the .man ln blue'.' and that
he 'rait away from the Sykea home about
the: time; thf crime waa committed. Bhe
has known Lofgreen for four years, she
aays, and so has her little daughter, who
substantiates the Identification. The po
lice believe . that both Oberg and the
woman tell the truth Insofar they can,
but they 'believe' also that one of them is
mistaken. '.'.- - . !
Cberg's story of his own movement, aa
well aa those of Iof green's, has; been
torn to shreds by detectives and ' gone
over piece by 'piece, the result belpg an
almost perfect .alibi. The woman's story
and her daughter's remains unshaken.
1 ' Matter la Doqbt. , ;
' "I !cannot ;ny' that 'we have anything
that would p'olrit to' Lof green's igullt,
except the woman's statement and his
denial ot being : 1n the neighborhood."
said Chief ot Detectives' Maloney.' "It
we could find a bad spot In Lofgreen'
story, .t. would be different. Neverthe
less, this womnn's statement Is so strong
and aDDarently alven In such good faith,
that we shall hold the young man until
furth dex eloDments.''
.', n,.rnnM f tn l.intifv
Lofgreen aa the "man In blue" auspect.
Mrs. Ida M. Dermis,' 3017 Spfcnrer street.
and Mrs. J. O. Nystroin, 2102 Wirt street.
will be asked to examine ' his pUysical
characteristics, clothing and actions.' He
will be required to go through the vari
ous movements of the uspcct who waa
seen near the Bykes house at tne time
of the murder.
Two Wonrl Sew, Suspect. ,
The arrest " of Ixfreen was accom-
Ipllahed by the detectives after hearing
'i.. . , . . . . , i i
tne. stories or ir. iuniua . anu mia.
Nystrom regarding person's they saw last
Friday. Mrs. Dennis, an Invalid living in
the house next door ast from the Sykes
blue serge suit, black sicuch. hat and tan i
shoes enter the Bykes" rear yard and
ring the back door bell,, shortly before
noon on the day of the uiurder.
About 2 o'clock of the same dsy Mra
ffystrom. who lives across tne nrei
eat and half a blork aoh of the Sykca
' b. ... tnlnv in ih nnnoite dlrei'tion.
, k im th nnllre saw
a man 01 tne
wildly Ihr-.-iigh
' " " ,
! ame dearriptlon running
her yard as If exelttd and earn ing some-;
...1.- A.w hi. r.nmt
Lofgreen was .'arrested at 1 o'c'ock.
Efforts will be made to Identify him Im
mediately. Was Interviewed Before.
Lofgreeo wa held by the police earlier
In the week, without being an ated. and
at that time Mra. Dennia saw him paes
In review from her window, while the
police had Lofgreen and several other
suspects simulate the actions of the
"man in blue,'1 aa obaerved about the
time of the murder by Mrs. Dennis. The
latter failed to Identify Lofgreen poai
tlvely last Monday, but said he might
easily be ti t mm. Mrs. Nystrom has
not yet tiled to Identify him.
The arrestod man etoutly protests his
innocence and asserts that he waa work
ing at at hia trade Bier sixteenth and Lo
(dentin e on Pace Two. Caluisa Two.)
l 7 V
EepoH Issued by German War Of
7' fice Admits Partial Defeat in
Central Galicia.
BERLIN. May 28. (Via London.)
A reverse at the hands of the Rus
sians In the fighting along the river
San, in central Galicia. is announced
In today's , statement, .fromi the' war
office.'., Jt Is said ., the Germans in
ihi tTiinir
bank of the T.lver, were forced back
and, lost' six Cannon. - The Germans'
position according to this announce
ment, was- not defended by strong
forces. " ' , ' 1 " ' ' " ' i
The text of tn tatemept follows:
"In the western theater: "Fourteen of
ficers and 1.450 Frenchmen were taken
prisoners and six 'machine guns were' cap
tured since May . These belonged to the
French army, corps -operating at a vital
point 'where attempts were made by the
enemy to break through our lines north
east of the Lorette ridge.. Southeast of
Loratta ridge the French renewed at
tacks jpn parts of our line last night, but
were repulsed.'
"At Ablaln a battle Is ragjng.
"The enemy also attacked In 'the' forest
of La Petre last night. After prolonged
artillery preparation and bitter hand-to-hand
lighting the engagement ended in
a aevere defeat for the French.
"In the Voages mountains the enemy
succeeded in establishing himself In a
small trench forming partof.our posi
tion to the southeast of Metxral.
"A French attack at Retcha-Ackerkopf,
north of Muelbach, was easily repulsed.
. French Aviator (aptared.
Eighteen French aviators yesterday at
tacked the open' town ot Ludwlgshaven,
Bavaria. Several civilians were killed or
wounded by., bombs.! Tm material dam
age done by the raiders was alight. The
leading armored aeroplane was forced to
land at a point east -of Nexistadt and aft
erward the commander of the squadron
of aircraft fell. Into our hands In. the
neighborhood of Nancy, Our aeroplanes
caused a separate aeroplane to fall at
Kpinal and they set fire to the- bar
racks at Garardner (eighteen miles south
east-of St. Die-).
"Enstern theater: On the Dubyaa our
troops again commenced the offensive.
An attack conducted on both aides of the
highroad between Kossjeny and Erigola
(Continued on Page Two, Column Four.)
Germany's Answer
Will Be Question ;
About Ammunition
LONDON, May 28. The Evening News
! publlahes a dispatch from The Hague
j S'ving reports from Berlin that Oer-
1 - n-yiy 10 ma American note will
be presented tomorrow. .
"It will be of a temporizing character."
Ith. Jl.n.t..i. .1 .
" " rummuti,
' ,he l'nlel State elt!i
and will ask
Ithcr to affirm or
- arrieo ammuni-
, ,ur inu allies.
Flag of Gulf light
Reaches Washington
American flag, . Its colore somewhat
raded from exposure to seu weather
the en-lgu flown by the American
steamer Gulfilght when attacked by
German submarine has arrived at the
State department. It rime bv mail, to
get her wrlth other evidence and teati
mony gathered In the Investigation made
by Ambassador Page and American con
sulatea ia England at the time the tiulf
llant waa towned into port. The flag baa
been reread on the wall In the illvtslon
of western Europeaa affairs of the Bute
a. IB x i
United States Will
To Warring Mexican Leaders
WASHINGTON. May 2S,-Presldent Wil
son will Issue a atatement concerning the
Mexican question within the next few
days, according to an announcement to
day ot the White House. It wa not
sniil what the nature of the atatement
would be.
Despite the refusal of White House offi
cials to discuss the president's content
I lated statement. It waa understood that
It will be In the nature of a notlco that
conditions in Mexico are fast becoming
Intolerable. Vhll. It will not give notice
that the United States intenda to inter
Two British Ships Sent to Bottom
by German Submarines
' x Six Lives Lost.
goes;dtjwn off oexneys
j I" ' ' ' ' ;
, ROME, (via fans 1, way -s. it.
ls'offlclally announced that an Aus
trian submarine boat was sunk by
Italian torpedo boats in aa engage
ment yesterday. .
Speanymoor Issk,
FALMOUTH, May 24. The new Brit
ish steamer Spennymnor has been sunk
by" a German submarine oft Btart Point,
Orkney islands.
The oaptaln and five men of the orew
were drowned by Uie capalxing of a boat
while it was being launched and the en
gineer waa badly Injured by the bursting
of a ahell In the engine room.
Twenty-three survivors of the dlsaater
have landed here.
C adehy a Issk.
.PENZANCB, England. May SS.-Tha
British steumcr Cadeby has been sunk
ofi cilly Islands by gunfire from a Uer
mar. submarine. All on board the veksel,
Including four passengers, were saved.
The Cadeby waa sent to the bottom
yesterday. Ita crew of eighteen men. to
gether with tbe (out- passengers on board,
took to the boats and were later rescued
by a fishing smack and brought Into
Newlyn, a fishing village near here.
The steamer Cadeby waa of 77 net
tons rex Inter and 225 feet long. It waa
cwned in Glasgow.
Russians Deny Loss
of Panteleimor
WASHINGTON. May 2.-The Rurslan
embassy has received a cablegram from
the chief ot the naval staff at.Pelrograd
categorically denying the report of the
sinking by. Turklah mines or submarines
of the Russian battleship Panteleiim n In
the Black Bea. ,
The cablegram declares that the Pan
telelmon ' has not been In action or ex
posed to Turkish fire, and In' fact has
not for some time been out of a Russian
hsrbor where It is now anchored. A de
ntal is also entered of the report that
j other damages hav been Inflicted on the
Russian Black Sea fleet aa reported f'om
Constantinople. .
The country clubs are open
in. and Omaha hat plenty
of them ready to offer hos
pitality to the visitor. That
helps to make a summer
stop here always pleasant
and enjoyable.
YOUNG man of executive ability
and experienced In bookkeeping,
who ran lnveat about 1.J in
established buiiineaa, for book
keeper end office manager. Ref
erences exchanged; investment '
cured. Btate age. upertence,
salary, etc.
For farther particulars about
tbia opportunity, sea t-e Want
' A.4 faautloa of The Bee toSay.
for the scene of operations
Send Warning
vene immediately. It Is expected to serve
ar a warning to the Mexican lrarirra that
conditions must Improve.
The statement probably will li Issued
Tuesday afternoon. It Is expected that
the president will discuss It villi tho cab
inet before it In Issued.
It became known late today that the
president has been strongly adlilnoil re
cently to recognise the. t'arranxa rov
ernment In Mexico, particularly In Uew
of the possibility of its early ret iri to
Fewer In Mexico City. Officials declined
to aay whether this point will bo tnken
up In the president's statement.
Thousands of Assyrian Christians
.' Threatened by Kurds and
Turks Are Saved.
... PETROGRAD, . May f 28. (Via
London.) Urumlab. Persia, . has
been occupied by the Russians after
an engagement with the Turks In
the direction of Duman and near
Rachkaln, according to a statement
Issued by the general staff ot the
army ot the Caucasus.
Vrumlah, In Axerbaljan province, with
a population of about 60,000, la a center
of missionary activity. It la the seat ot
Flske Seminary for Girls and of Vru
mlah college. For weeks the mission
aries stationed there, as well aa many
thousands ot Aasyrlan Chrlattana, have
(Continued on Page Two, Column One.)
Ex-Senator Young
Reaches New York
NBW TORK, May a.-Former Senator
Lafayette Young of 4 lies Moines, who
was arrested and kept In his hotel at
Innsbruck, Austria, for twonty-four
hours, early In May, on suspicion ot
espionage, arrived here today aboard the
steamer Rotterdam from Rotterdam. Mr.
Toung said his troubles at Innsbruck
arose because he could not speak Oer
man. He waa courteously treated while
under detention, he said, and aa aoon aa
his identity was clearly established he
waa released.
Kidnaper of Boy
Applies for Pardon
PITTfcBUIUJH, Pa., May 2S. Helen
Boyle, now serving a twenty-five -year
term In the western penitentiary of Penn
sylvania In connection with the kid
naping of P.llly Whltla in Sharon, Pa.,
In I9"i. has forwarded an application for
a pardon to the stats board at Harris
burgh, Bh wilt be given a hearing on
June .
Chief Engineer of
He Saw the Wake of a Torpedo
LIVERPOOL, May 2S.-While none of
the crew of the American ateamer Ne
hraskan, disabled Tuesday night by an
explosion off the coast of Ireland, saw a
submarine, tha chief engineer believe he
raw the wake of a torpedo on the star
board aide, according to V.'aptaln Green
of the ataamer.
The captain stated that there was a
hole about twenty-feet square In the fore
castle below the water line.
"We war in tha boata about an hour,"
he said. "Tha ahlp aeemed to be nettling
by the head and we decided to stay closo
by unless help which we had summoned
by wirelcM arrived. While none of ua
saw a submarine the chief engineer be
lieves he saw the wake of a torpedo on
the starboard side. The effect of the
shock of the torpedo striking tbe ship
wns to stop It suddenly. There was a per
ceptible Interval between the shock and
; t. exploalon.
"Wo started to irtuin to Liverpool
i about 10:10 o'clock the sume night, ti av
I cling eight knot an hour. The vessel
(was twelve feet lower down by the head
Roman Legions Continue Their Ad
vance Into Carinthia, Taking
Fourteen Villages.
O F.NEVA. May 2S. (Via Paris.)
The lallans are continuing their
advance Into Carinthia. They have
taki-n three of the lower mountain
passes and fourteen villages.
tallan forces ftiported by gun
boat, on Lake Hard a have captured
several hills to the north of Mount
Haldo. Their object la to flank the
Austrian fortifications at the mouth I
of Adlge river and aluo to advance j
on Mori. Two Austrian aeroplanes ,
attempted to bombard the Italian j
gunboats on the lake, hut they were!'
driven off. j
-cee-.f-l. j
The new seventy-five millimeter Italian
guns, said to be an Improvement on thp I
French tnoilrl, are reported here tc have '
bten used with conspicuous auccea. At
i ,. , i ...... i ... i . i ,,,.. ... i
have allenced an Austrlun battery s.rved
by Itavarlans.
Another Incident of the fighting In the
high mountain Is the case of an Italian
lieutenant, who with eighty-five men In a
pnnsage of the Agno valley, hojd at bay
for one hour a company and a half of
Havarlnn. armed with Maxima, ltnllan
artillery finally arrived and scattered the
Itavarlana. The lieutenant, however,
had been killed. Other dispatches reach
ing Geneva set foh that the Italians are
bringing up heavier guns and are at
tacking the Auntiian forts along th
Tyrole frontlet;. j
ontlmie Advance.
The Italians have cnrnurcd I'ol Tmialo
near Monfalcone, which in brln? bom-
hnrded. They coiillniiQ tlu-ir ailvsnce In
the Ixonm v-llev. Mont n' the rt.'litl!!. !
Is now on Austrlnn tenitory. The Am
trlana are ilescrihcil n ninuntlng more
guns In tho Alplno pus'ea facing Vnlte
llne. Another dispatch reaching here aaya
that forcea of Austiiana and Germans
are assembling In the vlrlnity of Hoxmi.
about thirty miles north of Trent, where
they will bo formed Into tho twelfth army
Fisherman See
Suhsea Near Where
Nehraskan Was Hit
CROOK H A V F.N Ireland, May 2. (Via
London) Captain of Crookhaven achoon
era a-ul fishing ioaU who were In the
vicinity of tho American ateamer Ne
MITRDEREI)rh'rJVft when It -was dsmxred" byan .
plifslon Tuesday evening, claim to have
witnessed the torpedoing of three small
fishing bnata while they were shooting
ft. Soon afterward "they say they saw
a ateamer flying the American flag, go
ing weat Then they heard a loud report,
(followed quickly by a second, after
which tho steamer began blowing lta
whistle to summon help.
The fishermen aay two pktrol boats
soon appeared and they then lost sight
Of the ateamer. i
'Captain McCoy of a achooner which ar
rived here last night, reports that he
twice aiirhtod a submarine.
North Carolina is
Aground in Harhor
of Alexandria
WASHINGTON, May JS.-The United
Statea cruiser North Carolina la aground
within the outer harbor of Alexandria,
Egypt, according to a report to the Navy
department today by Ita commander,
Captain Joseph W. Oman, who says the
ship la undamaged and that dredging1
operations wlil be undertaken to re
lease It.
Efforta made yeaterday to release the
North Carolina, Captain Oman reported,
lad failed. The cruiser Dea Molne has
arrived off Alexandria aa relief to the
North Carolina In Mediterranean water.
The latter aa soon aa floated will he re
turned to the I'nlted Statea to act aa
flagship at Prnsacola, Fla. .
Italians Occupy
Island of Rhodes
AMSTERDAM, May 2. (Via London)
The BeiUn .Lokal Anzelger states that
Italian troops in considerable force have
landed on the Turkish Island of Rhodes
In the Aegean sea.
Khodcs is about sno miles south of the
Dardanelles. No official report has been
received of a declaration of wsr between
Turkey and Italy,
Ncbraskan Thinks
than normal, owing to the water In th
Tho damage to the vessel's upper struc
ture la so severe It la evident the shock
tbe ship suffered must have bean terrific.
Great derricka were torn up and flung
acrosa the deck, smashing the rail on one
side. Strong steel girders forming part
of a hatch were blown out and some went
overboard. In the deck flooring near tha
hatch two large holea were made, reveal
ing the naked steel gliders, two of which
were cut through cleanly.
The hunks occupied by the boatswain
and two quartermasters, all of whom
were injured, are a maaa of wreckage
anu trie men are wondering how they
eecaied more serious hurts. All tha fur
niture and woodwork In the room were
broken Into fragments. The boatswain
suffered Injuries on the head, aims and
legs. Roth quartermasters were badly
me Amem-an consul and representa-
livea or the American embassy boarded
the ship from a tender yesterday after
noon, meeting tha steamer off the bar
and coming with It to the docks.
Lone Beleaguered Fortress, Now
Garrisoned by Russians, is
Threatened with An
other Siege. .
City is Described as the Key to the
Whole Russian Position in
. .
The Day's War News
t'aPTI HK OW fourteen Amlrlas !
laves along; the arlathlaa frontier
the lavndlaa; liallnn forces -reported
In sin official .'.lcl
from timet a.
'l'TI-..IKVr KHOM t.ernian war of.
flee concedes the victory t -
Kusslnna In n battle along the Maa
river. In rentral t.allcla.
I' APT I HH Or more prlaoaera
la announced hy the tlrraia rear
office, which rrprraenta the altnn
lon In the enat na favorable to
Uermany, with the exception of
he retreat from the San river near
ITA 1,1 Til OOPS are poshing
atradlly Into toatrla alone the
line mavlnjc north of the tialt of
Trieste. Apparently the .
Irlnna na yet have offerca no arrU
ona realsinnee, -tthongh fnrther
-rt there haa been aerere fight.
In ir,
till MAM Ml RMtniMM .- the
atcnnirr tailehy yeaterday off the
Scllly Ulca . ah-,, ,.. Th,
crew of elahteen men nnit the foor
linaKensrera were sated.
LONDON. Mav 2 5. The fortress
of Prsemysl, garrisoned this time by
Ituaslnns Instead of Austrlans. is
once more threatened with Invest
ment. Just as the Russians, after
surrounding Prsemysl and etarvlng
out Its Austrian garrison, forced tha
surrender of the fortress on March'
12, so Austro-Oerman troops, who
have driven a wedge through central
Galicia, are now attempting double)
flanking movement, and with grow
ing intenalty of attack, are seeking
to encircle Prsemysl from the nortll
and tha southeast. ;
Recording .to Vienna wpeHsf 'tlgit'lT''
Is being made in both directions and If
the advance is not checked PreSemya! will
either be isolated from the rest of the
ftuealan army or Russian troops, which '
fell baok to the San, will be forced Into
further retreat.
This situation In Ualloia la believed to
be unquestionable of great strategic im
portance at the present time and even the
British press concedes that the noeltlon
Of Prsemysl Is serious. It la described
Ss the key to the whole Russian poetlon
in ualloia and Ita fall will mean that the
road running eastward to Lcmberg, the
main artery of the Russian supplies In.
this region will fall Into Austrian hands.
Reports that this railroad Una already
has been severed are still without con
firmation today.
Fighting along the Austro-Itallnn
frontier still ia In the development
stage. There Is virtually no change on
the western battle front and the Brit
ish and French admit that the Turks
are so strongly entrenched on the
Oalllpoll peninsula that only siege war
fare can be waged there.
French Official Report.
PARIS, May IS. The French war of
fice this afternon Issued the following
statement on the progress of hostilities: '
"The counter attacks of the ' enemy
against the positions token by ua near '
A nitres continued last night, but were
repulsed by us . - '.."'
"At Ablaln-Rt. Naxaire our troops ye -terday
followed up their offensive move
ment with distinct surcesa. Masters of
the cemetery, they took possession tarty
in the night of all the group ot hoi sos
nearby, but especially of the parsonage,
which had been atrongly protected by tho
enemy. Subsequently they took by as-.,
aault the German trenches along the
road which runs from Ablaln St. Navaire
to Moulin Malon, to the southeast; '
.Here they were subjected to a violent
counter attack during the night, but they
(Continued on Pago Two, Column Two.)
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