Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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tl v.
THE BKKt OMAHA, Kit I PAY. MAY 2, 1913.
DcmMtie Developments Governing
Factor of Sail Set-lion.
NEW YORK. May i". !om'tlc de
velopments tstnei t,ian affairs
were governing l-etois o toner's ou..
nl professional marart. Aftrr lour hour.,
annlees drift. In x.hli i rices ro-e un.
fell, mostly wltiln nrrow range, tn
market cosed atltri Home lniirovcme:i.
ov.r eariy liregt.ln.rlty.
RirerMli or the .,i..inl-.! wre mainly
d' e to recurrci-.t wrsnre i i iX k Inlinu
the Missouri Kvlflc issues, t lie i orin r
breaking o ti.e ' I cj.u nt l. . I'm
enlnee In three strckr. which also f
feeted thi ' lun or bond, were dim (
more or las soccirto rmsei. Hock I-lnnd .
Ilnenelal tst'ii Is oon aroln to coin
under f-derai rc I ana Mlairl Is
c.f c s note extendi ti :'iin l pronrcsa.n iom hc t'ltlon. es. tnin nrj
tnlrds oi the 2".kt' tOo of notes m.iturl u
June 1. na!n 4 him far been deposited.
On the whole copper ahares showed th
mo't condiment strength, their advance
twin aocr-lr-ed to renewal of domestic te
n.and. coiipled with the belief that soim
of thj srtvulatlve Issues are anon to g i
on hlsher dividend bases. Local traction
pi clet vcsterd.if's gain and i:nrc
Rintea Bteel win 1 1 demand on leports the."
Usding interests had Tpreaed g.cet ion
.Meat In the fvtu-e of the Industr-.
Seasoned inveatmenl aharet, espwilil
those tomrrlslng the rat. may utvlsimi
mere firm exeept Canadian Pacific whim
became iien. on Uondm a offering.
I nlon Pacific and Southern Pacific alio
fell back toward the close on unfsvorable J
earnings. I nlftn racmc mow
for April of V...0o0 and Houthern Pacific.
I'M So Northern Pacific alao reported a
heavy loas SM.ft'W but this wos offaet by
a handsome gnln lo surplus from other
source of Income.
Total sales of stocks amounted to IM.Wl
The strength of Urea or remlttsiws on I
Roma, waa the feature of the foreign ei- ,
fhsnge market. French Bold amount na
'tmini was
nMiKv in.t. MmMit or ine
-fl HA re
. i .. ..t.An Irnm t he nnk
ef Trance,
timetlo loana ror aiaiy ,1,:"
were lower on the lncrealr, auoply of
carltal at rroet r-aerve. centera.
"tilde fcom tho aeakneaa In Rock IMam!
and MleaouH Phclflc dabanturei i and col
lalera'a. ch-ne4 'n hond irlcea were
trivial Trt- aalea, rr value, amounted
'YK'r'tatca bend, wera imchanned on
,: . ... . miotatlona
Number or aaira lira i;"t -
n tlocK
Bole. Hi. U. Claw.
All'ka OoM
AaHiiM""! iar .
lKettr Beet Hu(r.
Aniartraa i an
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Aftmna Mia
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:hapM ,Ol0
( hlr.o U. ' .
i hlcaan. M. a at. r
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ITIne liiopar
lfir fuel trea....
ivhmll A tteulhu.
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tourer R. O. pit
tiMlllara' lcrlila ....
Ornoral ISIefHTU
NqrthM (......
Ote.t h'o. Or eif
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tillnota writ r. I
Iltirhnrrmgh Met. pJ...
Ir.ttratma C"ovr
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lhiati Valkey
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lo-iK-aa rrwlei Cpvr
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N aharac.
. Kiew York Maaey Market.
KAri lV-HW'U't per cent
8Tr.Kl.INO EXCH ANOfl rimti day
bill, 7T4; for rablaa. KTS; for demand,
$4 H' H ' ' '
SUA' En Bar. 49t,c; Mexican dollars,
So. '
liOKPS Oovrrnment, ateady; railroad,
(jreirular. '
Tl M K IjOANS Eaayj SO and 90 day a,
Pr cent; all months, SyQS . par
i'At.1 MONEY-Steady; hlah, I peroant;
low, 14. par cant; rutins rata, 1 per
certt;' laat loan, I par cant; oloalna bid,
i per cant; offeratt at t per cenL"
.S Laadoa Stack Market.
IjONPON, May 17. American aecurttlas
on the stock market aftar a open-
-hanleneit allahtly near tha cloee
W aba ah preferred atock almost reached
in vantrnina point.
' ' MLVKK Bar. d per ouncs,
'MONKf-R!! per cant.
- DISCWt'NT RATE-Short bllla. IS per
cent; three months, u ll-isnsi4 per cent.
Cousin, of Leo
: ;.; Frank in Omaha
- While, tn a barber chair. Manaaer F. J
Tag-fart of Hotel Loyal waa thinking of
the ctuM of Leo N. Frank, the Atlanta
Ban In whoee behalf tltouaanda of people
all over the country have sent petltlona
for clemency, i
'That man Is In a terrible fls,". Man
ager Taasart remarked, aa ha left tha
chair. A at i anger In the next chair,' not
understanding the Import of the remark.
' "Whom do you meanT".
"Why, Leo Prank," Mr. Taggart ex
plained. -
"Wall, ahake on It," the other ' ex
claimed happily. "Leo Frank'a mother
and mr mother were own atatera: FYank
la a couain of mine."
The stranger showed letters proving his
relationship and enjoyed quite a vlalt
1th Mr. Taggart.
- The postal administration of Italy haa
cabled to the postmaster general it the
1'nltfo States that the parcel post service
to that country haa been auauended tem
poiarily during the war. The local post
office has received word to decline all
parcel post packages preaented for mail
ing to Italy. Huch aa have been inad
vertently mailed will be returned to the
waders and the postage refunded en ap
plication. . .
tjiair Cack,
Lame back la usually due to rheumatism
of the murlea of the back. ..Hard working
people are movt likely to suffer from It
Relief iray be hsd by massaging the back
with Chamberlain's Liniment two or
throe ttmae a day Try It. Obtainable
everywhere. Advert laetnent.
" " - a
Gertrude "Malison
Strange Canary
Back to Its Owner
Does it pay to advertlaeT
It aurely does. If it's In The Bea.
Scarcely had the paper been off tha
pre is and delivered containing the ac
count of the canary bird visitor at tha
lllilsr house than the owner, who hap
pons to be Mrs. Merman Kountse, ola'med
; t'u pft'and took It home. It turned out
that the canary had been an lntlmats
member of the Kountxe family for a
dosen years or more, so tame that it waa
allowed the freedom of the premises,
hopped on Mrs. Kountse's shouldo-' end
ate out of her hand. For some reason
it hsd suddenly disappeared and had evi
dently gotten aeveral blocks away before
It again Bought refuge.
i -
Reservations for the annual convention
of the Nebraska Pharmaceutical associa
tion, to be held In Omaha June T to 10,
kro being received by local hotela.
The national convention of tha Travelers'
Prots.-tlve association. Juna 14 to 1, will
also crowd the Omaha hotela to capacity
On the last three tlays of next month tho
Missouri Valley Veterinary association
will hold ita annual convention here.
Tiz" Fixed My
Sore, Tired Feet
Uae" TIZ ! Don't have puffed
up, burning, aching feet
or corns.
Ah, what relief. Nj more tired feet
no more burning feet; no more swollen,
bad amellng, sweaty feet. No more pain
In corn, callouses or bunions; No matter
what alia your feet or wbat under th
aun you've tried without getting relief,
Just use 'TIZ."
"TIZ" is the only remedy that draw
out all the polaunoua exudations which
puff up the feet; 'TIZ" Is nutgtca
'TIZ la grand; "TIZ will cure your
foot troublsa so you'll never limp or draw
up your fata la pa I a. Your shu-ia won
seont tight and your feet will never.
never hurt or get sore, swollen or tired
Think of it, no more foot mlMry; no
more burning corns, callouses or bun
Oet a a cent box at any drug store or
department store, and get instant relief.
Oet a whole year'a foot relief for only
ppi fjq
TIZvaaaee VjV
Billy Sunday Sayi Storiej About City
Being More Wicked Are All
Fore Bank.
"Sy for me that all these atorles
ihout Orrnha being more wicked, or
vorBO than other cities are pure
bunk and that there la no truth li.
lirr.i. Th'n my that the devil la bun
all the time twenty-four boura
-.. in tic cJt he stickj .up
head tlircrch lnltartanl3m, a''.
:.i the eat. fcc sticks up his hetol
hroush the fa Icon a and the liquor
(raffle remarked Billy Sunday yes
terday morning.
Hilly Silnilriy bun cloaed hta nieetlnK
In the eaof anil Is now en route to his
fruit farm in the Hood river valley,
Ort-ffon, where with Mrs. Bunday he will
reinsln until fct Member, when he will
Hart eust on what he calls hta "cam
paign agHlnut tl.e devil," Omoha being
the first city where meetlnga will be
Coining from the east on Northweatern
L'nlon Pacific No. 1. Mr. Sunday was
met at th fnlon elation by ) I'. Palley,
aa secretary of the Young ' Men's
Christian awoclutlon; Itev. II. H. Spe r,
Fsator of the Central I'nltod Presbiter
lsn church; Itev. F. T. Rouee, paator of
the hnil Oocresatlonnl; O. K. Fisher,
paator of the Dundee Preehyterlan; F. D.
Wead and K. II. C'hl kcrnian, laymen,
who constitute a portion of one of the
eommltteeH to .trrnnge for the cominm
of the evnngellat.
Rapid Fire Talker.
Mr. Sunday occupied a compartment
In one of the sleepers and there the
committee n(el h'm, and during the fif
teen mlnutca that he remained In Omaha
he did a lot of rapid fire-talking ami at
the same time told tha committee what
he wanted done, saying:
"Joe hplea, my architect, will be .here,
In Auguat to commence work nn tho
tabernacle. Whon he cornea I want yo'l
to have everything ready for him to go
to work. Hu will have the plans (or
the construction and he will want to
start work at once. He will employ union
labor and the construction will be ruahed,
ao thnt when I arrive there will he noth
ing remaining but for me to step into
the building and commence the meellnas
"The tabernacle will be similar to thoao
In other cltiea. Plans are the rair.o in
those for all tha other tabernaclca,
though aome are larger, while othere are
smaller. I fancy that here we .will have
a pretty good alsed one. I want you to
have everything ready for me. for I will
not have any time to look after detalle."
Adraaea Work Done.
Asking what waa done to work up In
terest In tha meetings, members of the
committee told Mr. Sunday that prayer
meet Inge were being held, the city di
vided into work districts and that four,
teen committees were at work, all re
porting, to a generel committee.
'That looka good," asserted Mr. Sun
day, "and It looka aa f Omaha, waa get
ting ready ta fight tha devU on hia own
ground and help to carry on a vlgoroua
warfare. Of course, you understand that
'we want to .make thla a vlctorioua fight,
but in doing so, much depends upon you.
You can make it a victory, or you can
make It a defeat It la all up to you,
gentlemen. ....
"I want you to understand that when I
accepted the invitation to coma to Omaha!
I turned down a. dosen othet clttea that1,
wanted tha meeting. I had Invitations j
from oltlea of ICQ.OOO to (40,000 Inhabitants I
hen I decided to eom to Omaha. Theae I
cities war Just aa wicked aa Omaha, aral 1
the people were Juat aa anxloua for sal-
atlon, but I felt It waa my duty to coma
here. '
Where I hold my meetings the sd-
- .-rrD
r ' fjptk ' . - J wa7n.w-r i
5 , fiSPI i ijfi llf
si m m i' n. ' jr lu
sib si f. m ' ww an? a w m i a-m- w
-1 m
u ' u ;
.. 'j ' a
Henry Rohlff Company, Diatributor, 2567-69 Leavenworth St, Omaha. Neb.
Telephones Douj878
They Say the Left
o f School Board
Really, frlenda. If all Omaha
teacher, were nof such perfect ladles
(referring, of coume, only to the femi
nine contingent!. If tb y were not such
perfect ladles, we repeat, the Omejia
Hoard of Education members would hear
ximethlng to their disadvantage
Oh, they'd get an "earfull."
The Hoard of ('.duration haa certainly
bet ome "peraona non grata." as the an-il-nt
Roman put It; It haa made a "faux
fan," as the French would any; It haa
"got In wrong." to borrow the language
of the Rowery bard.
You ree, the board added two weeks
to the .length of the -hool year. Well,
aome of the teachers made n howl beg
rsrdnn. were dlaaat'.afied about that.
Hut the knowing ones the "cognos
centi," to borrow once more from the
Ltln-sald no. thla waa all right. "For,"
raid they, "If the school year Is left In
the ahortened condition In which the
previous: board placed it, thla very cur
tailed state of the said year will, some
time, be made an excuee fur lowering
salaries." Well ressoned, egad!
The First Blow.
But the real step which made the
board that moat unpopular, a "persona
non grata," was when it announced that
the salary warrants for the final month
of school thla year would not be lusud
until Tueaday, June 22.
vertialng that I give the clttea Is greater
and better than money could buy. In
Patcreon, N. J., my meetings were given
four tn six columns daily and I put the
city on the map. I will do the asms
thing here." ,
Mr. Sunday during the summer will
follow the simple life. He will so onto
his fruit ranch and will work with the
men. "1 do this." . he asserted, "to give
me the physical strength to fight the
devil with more vigor thsn ever before.
Omaha being my first atop after coming
out of the fields I will be prepared to
lui-nch a more effective campaign than
would be possible if It were later In the
season when I felt tired out."
; Apartments, flats, houses and cottages
can be rented .quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent" Ad.
the morrlfure of Mies Evelyn Warner.
HI years of age, to Clarence Kenney. 20
years old. at Papltllon March t, tlaa been
attacked In district court by Mil Phoebe
K. Warner, the young woman'a mother.
Mrs. Warner- petition asserts that the
ycuni; tK-rscni, eloped and mtarepreeented
their ages. They- rived - together until
April T.'when, according to tha petition,
they realised it waa beat to part, and
now nre wllllhg that the marriage ahould
bo annulcd. '
3-ln-One also oils sew
ing nttchlnaa, type
wntera, electric tana
I and all light tnech
i enlsme. A Dictionary
I of 100 ether mm with
E every pottle. VK, tx.
I 90o all stores.
Thrse-ln-One (Ml Co
r4. Btiwy, M. I .
Oet all twS'Meam. "Leave only the ff
1 blue milk, by oUlmr the aeparatoc
1 with Mn-One. Oivea a peed
B eases turning
and wear. Wh
P.e I
May 10, 1840: HENRY CLAY. We learn from the
Richmond Compiler that Mr. Clay haa been invited by the
citizens of Hanover, Va., hia native county, to partake of
dinner at the court house, and that he has accepted.
Seventy five years ago,
when Henry Clay was a national fig
ure, the Lecmp brewery was started
the oldest in America with a national
The finest bcr qualities developed by . .
each of three generations of master
brewers are embodied in
the supreme beer of Lemp's 75 yean ex
perience with a flavor too good to foretell.
Bear Is a feed. Bread and beer are sad ol tae
sane tnaianaie: eersals. yesai sad water. Bread
t avlld. baer ta liquid boih aes hlfb! j BourWblnf .
Fhyatclaus prescribe bear le produce energy,
build tiaaue and streugUtea asrves. ttood beec IS
las sUxm el lite.
Ears of Members
Are Burning Haru
Hchool closes Friday, June U.
Corapreneg vous. mea smles? la plain
English, do you get us? '
At lesst hslf of the teachers had made
all arrangensenta for a quick get-away,
that la. for a haety departure on that
same day. for tbs final Friday la always
a very short aesslon. '
And now!
Oh. girls, sln't lt-isn't It Just too mean?
liolnar to the Rsjaoa.
Scores of Omaha teachera are going
to the expositions. Several have already
engaged their etateroome on ateamers
railing from Fan Framlsco to Honolulu
and will have to leave Omaha on June 18
to make connections.
'We psrtlcularly wsnted to get awsy
to the went on the lsth so aa to avoid
the rush of eastern teachera who will
be leaving for California alao on the
Wth." said one fair pedagogue. "Now
we'll have to stsy here several days do
ing nothing Just waiting for the board
to give us our pay. A number of teach
ers wilt have to stay in town, waste their
time and pay board Just waiting for
their pay. It positively is not right. And
there acems no use in it either."
Warning to the Board A committee. It
Is said, will wait upon you. Better not
keep 'em waiting too long. They are In
no mood for trifling. Beware!
Superintendent Oraff of the public
schools haa gone east to consider ap
plicants for the supfrtntendency of tha
High School of Commerce. Fifty appli
cations were received at school headquar
ters. Mr. Oraff twill travel aa far aa
Satem, Maso., and will be gone ten nave.
Most Old People
Are Constipated
The wear of years Impairs the ac
tion ' of the bowels. With advancing
age people are disposed to restricted
activity and exerclw, which Is re
ponMble for the constipated condition
of most old folka. The, digestive or
gana are more sensitive to the de
mands made upon them ; and rebel
more quickly.
A mild, effective remedy, for con
atlpatlon, and one that is especially
aulted to the needs of elderly people,
women and children, ta the combina
tion of simple . laxative . herbs -with
pepsin that Is sold In . drug stores
under the name of Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin. A free trial bottle can
be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B.
Caldwell, 462 Washington St., Monti
;ello, Ills. .
General Distributor
Oaaaka, Nek.
Many Clubs Have
Endorsed Merger
Fndorsementa by resolution of the con
solidation cause, has been freely given
by Improvement clubs and other organi
sations of various kinds. A partial list
of those that have given such endorse
ment by resolution Is ss follows: West
Leavenworth Improvement club. South
eastern Improvement club, Bemls Psrk
Improvement club, FontenafTe Park Im
provement club, Kenwood-Fairfax Im
provement club. Real Estate exchange.
Central Labor union and Seventh ward
A b'g organisation meeting of the ward
captains, precinct lieutenants and the
Greater Omaha committee is to be held
at the Commercial club Friday night to
lay the final plans for pulling out the
vote Tuesday.
At Windsor school F. A. Brogan la to
apeak Friday night before tho Hanscom
Park Improvement 'club.
Information has been received at the
office of tho superintendent of schools
that the clas play to be preaented by
the eenlora of Central High school will
cost theae young people S0O0. The per
formance will be given at the Brandvis
The city commissioners have accept" '
an Invitation to Join 1 he local 'odge
Elks at a Flag. Day cfbratlon, to
hold in Hanscom park, Sunday aft :
noon, Jane IS.
J ames Krogh Relieved of Sci
- atic- Rheumatism and -
" Kidney Trouble. ' .
. .' ' . lit
James Krogh, the popular Janitor : of
the Mornlngslde apartment house at 0
St. Peter. ntreet. 5t. Paul, who waa eori-
fltYOti I. 111 kbl wllk . .....u -.
sciatic rheumatism and kidney trouble,
la attending to his duties again and free
ly gives the credit for hia recovery to
Akos, the new California medicinal min
eral. "I. suffered for a period of aeveral
weeks with sciatic rheumatism and . waa
completely knocked out. for three weeks."
I waa confined- to' mjr bed and the pains
were so Intense I could not get any rest
st all.- My kidneys were also bad.
"I. heard of Akos snd . purchased a
treatment. In ten days' I was up and at
tending to my duties and am now prac
tically cured. My kidneys are all tight
and I 'feel, generally Improved In every
way. .1 - can- and will recommend Akos
for all suffering aa I have. I can aleep
better than I have for a long time. My
telephone number la Cedar 6951 and t
would be pleased to talk with any one
regarding what Akos did for me."
Mr. Krogh Is but one of the great num
ber of residents of St. Paul and vicinity
who- have been relieved of rheumatism.
stomach, kidney, bladder and liver trou-
IOt "M..rf;?.MJ-t -. iur-t4f. iL.. wi.e y.SL . .' ".' 4'.vi:-v-
M.. '-mmm m
y& i h - "f -it- ', j
i " Vi W t .fr;;:4)
1. v' ? wr
ilfi if ;1
. A'V " ' Ottummnw Mrrr , An fUmrnrf . ' ' gmrki miUmmu ISA
rasasaer Taj OxU " "Tmmy Mmviy" ffift
AMBLING in Arcady, following the prophetess,
Celcstia. Lstaning to her innocent words and watcK
. ing her unworldly man ner of treating matters shockins
to the prude. I believe that if Gouvemeur Morris laid
made "The Goddess a sermon it would go down in ecrJe
sitmril history as one of the most impelling end soul-etirririg
appeal for the right, ever heard. -
I believe that if Anita Seewmrt were a truly evangelist,
she would number her conewrta by the hundred thousands.
I believe that if the Vitagrsph Organization had painted
picture, it would be an eternal shrine for the pious.
I believe that if this paper had intended "The Goddess"
for propaganda literature it would Lit this city to a higher
plane. But "The Goddcaa" is entertainment raecinsdng,
exciting and. at times bewildering ao that when you
read and see, your delights end advantage ere myriad.
"Join the 4frmy" follow
via urns
if nn m skit afa riii v nrr
Severe Itching and Burning, Red
and Sore. Kept Awake at Night
with Itching. Used Cuticura Soap
and Ointment. Head All Healed.
S508 N. Hamilton Are., Chicago, III.
"My scalp trouble began on the lower part
of my head with severe itchingjrad burning.
forming Into lumps or pimples
which spread ail over my
head. These would Itch .
something terrible, getting
red and sore and after some
time they got hard. My
trouble always seemed to be
ViH taks down my hair and comb
It the scales were so thick that I would have
nothing but scales In my comb. .
" I had had the trouble six months whan
I heard about CuUcura Soap and Ointment
and sent for a free sample. The Itching Pad
kept me awake at night but when I esed
the sample I had better rest. I bought a
box of Cuticura Ointment and bar of Cuti
cura Soap and used them every night end
morning for four weeks. My head waa all
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