Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Till: 15F.E: IW.UIA, TUCllSDAV, MAY 27, 1915.
Wednesday, May 26, 19 15.
R. GEORGE HARCOCRT, the rnnnolseur of Terpslchorean art, bat
M, become no charmed with the fair sex of Omaha that be hss de
layed bt return eaat for another week.
. , During his engagement at the Orpheum two weeka ago wlfh
Miss Joan Sawyer, the world's most beautiful dancer, Mr. Hareourt met
; through Miss Eugenia Whltmore aeveral members of the younger set, ami
since then has been loathe to leare.
The circuit closing for the summer months, Mr. Hareourt decided to
' sojourn awhile In Omaha instead of leaving for tb eaat, as was his plan.
He has been spending his time on the Country club links and as honor
guest at informal affatrs given by the fairer sex.
A new dancing class has been organised at which Mr. Hareourt will
be the instructor. Th first meeting was held last evening at the Country
' club, and the members lnclnde Messrs. and Mesdames Fred P. Hamilton,
, Ward Burgess, Frank Kennedy, J. T. Stewart, E. 11. Sprague, W. T. Burn,
' W. J. Foye and W. D. Hosford; the Misses Menle Davis, Elizabeth Davis
' and Louise Dinning, and Messrs. Cuthbert Potter, A. D. Warren and C. W.
Entertain! at Luncheon.
. Mre. W. A. Bmllh entertained the mem-
bare of the Rummy club at a buffet
luncheon Tuesdsy at her home. The
i rooms were, decorated throughout with
spring flowers. The card gsms followed
'the luncheon, and the prises for hlh
cores were awarded to Mesdsmee H. l
j Vnderwood, K. H. Osfcs snd D. EI Ixve-
Joy. , Mrs. J. . Zlpfel was the guest of
the club. The club will meet again In
, two Ktfki at the home" of Mrs. Alex
Jetes. On Friday evening of this week
the members of this club will entertain
their husbanls at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. D. B. Loveioy.
Children's Party.
Mr. I"ls Nash gave a children's
party th'a afternoon at her home In
honor of hr little daughter, Ellen Vlr
igtnla. The gueets present were:
Pauline Hamlltnn.
Harbara .Millard.
Margaret 1 Burs
Elisabeth Null.
c l
! Feder-Alpirn Wedding.
The marrlase of Mies Ooldle Alptrn. DAUGHTER, ELLEN VIRGINIA
nRiiRnirr pi Air. ma ri. a. e. iim.
and Mr. David P. Feder of St. Paul,
' Minn., wee celebrated last evening at
o'clock at the Hotel Rome. In the prea
' ewe of relative and Immediate friends.
I Mr. Graham Lulag sang aeveral selee
' tions during the ceremony.
! Mine Kva Atplm. aleter of the bride,
and Mlas Mollle Corby were the brldes
I maids, and Mre. M. D. Marowlts wae
jthe matron of honor. tr. Abe Lvy and
!Mr. Louie U Perlman of St. Paul were
t the sroom'a attendanta.
, The bride wore a beautiful gown of
I Ivory eatln made along the Queen Anne
I lines, with court train. It had an over
l drape of spider web lace, edged with
I tiny white eatln roeebude. Her tulle veil
wet) held In place with llllee of the val
! ley and ahe carried brides' roaee an 1
lilies of the valley.
Mies Eva Alplrn. meld of honor, wore
, a gown of aea green rharmeiiee. made
; with tunic of French hand embroidery
edged with ellver rosebuds.
Mlas Corby's gown was . pale yellow
pussy willow tafreta. The skirt was
' draped over white lace and chiffon
Ribbons were stretched by the Mlsecs
Ksther Epstein, Ruth Oroaa. Fannie
Rceenblum and Dorette Hliwnetadt of
The nshera were Mr. Hay Wolfe. Carl
l Katleman, Arthur Roaenblum. Max
Roaerhlum. Arthur Marowlts and Her
man Marowlts.
The out-of-town giieata were Mr. and
Mrs. A. Barr and dauphter, Beula. of
St. Paul; Mr. snd Mrs. B. Barr of Ksn
; aas City, Mra. Elesenecbet and daughter,
. Dorette, of Mlnneapolla; Miss Anna Barr
'of Minneapolis. Mr. Ab Levy snd Mr.
Oayle Levi of Bt. Paul. Mr. Louis Perl
' man of Bt. Tsui. Mr. and Mrs. H. Levin
;of Blous aty. Miss Sarah Rhulkln of
! ftloui City and Miss Rose Genleshky of
' Dee Moines. '
TEH STORIES FOR -he wanted to roye the sea
Wolf Completes Financing of the
Deal and Secures Lease To
Build at Once.
William John Frank Tries to Enlist
When Yet Under Tender Age
of 17 Years.
"rrocraetlimtion" la a word that la not
found In the bright lexicon of William
John Frank, sni Bauer atreet.
t ' , ',. ... ai.ii.. u...t ' preeented hlmaelf at the. na recruiting
has lield en optmn on the Bchllts hotel)' "
m in r fiuBi ii-u tun vmwiiifin K'l an
onto a hattlertilp.
"How rM ere you?" asked Chief Teo
man Uleh.
"I'll aoon be 17," aald William John
Frank, who was at 111 so young as to be
ashamed of youth.
"We can't enllat you till you're 17 and
even then you'll have to get your par
ents' conaent," he was told.
William John Frank, however, hea-a-ed
corner from rw-orse A. Joalyn, who bought
tho corner from the atockholdr of thej
Kirnt National lienk, has completed his
option. The ninety-nine-year leaao from
Mr. Joa!yn to Mr. Wolf has been de
livered. Mr. Wolf has succeeded in
financing the propoelllon, has made peace
with the prerent tenanta no that they
will move out and ho will proceed as
soon aa .c"S.ble to erect a ten-atory
flrepi-oof liiillding on the orner
Mr. Wolf haa aucceeded In Interesting io oed to take the phyalrsl exami-
soine atrong financial baklng for hia
underatarullng. Inoludlng Henry Hitler A
Hon. He says thst no leases have been
made with any pToapectlve tenant for
apace In the new rnniiiinK. Mr. woir
aavs that while ne naa enougn sppil-
natlon then and there.
May IS he appeared at the station with
his mother.
"I'm 17 today," he announced with a
Joyoua grin. "C'n I enlist now?"
Then mother spoke. Alaa, she hadn't
cations on file to fill the building, he does I rslaed her boy to be s sailor, and ahe
not t are to contract with any one at the I didn't know where he got this Ides of
present time until he has his plans com- l'nlng the navy, snd he waa ao young.
pleted. The building will be known as
the Joalyn building and plans are being
drawn by John McDonald, the architect.
Mr. .Wolf depoalted .V.000 with Judge
Sullivan, attorney for Mr. Joalyn, under
sgreement made with Mr. Joalyn before
he left for California.
Mayard Gets Third
Call to Front, but is
an American Now
Although he ha received his thirl call
to return to France and fight In hie for
mer regiment for Ma native country. M.
ChaiVa Maysrd, director of restaurants
at Hotel Fontenelle, la not going to ths
"I am an American cltisen and have
been for over three yeara," he explained.
' The Cnlted Ptatea la the only nation I
will ever fight for now."
He was a member of a regiment of
Alpine rhsaaeurs snd served his full time
uhder the French trl-color before enter
ing the hotel hualneas and finally com
ing to America. He haa three brothers
now at the front In northern France,
snd has Just received letters from two
of them.
One writes the Omaha man that many
troop trains, bringing mundreds of the
vounded soldiers back from the front,
are filling the hospitals. He wss him
self taken back 111,' but not wounded.
The other brother writes that he has
tsken German out of the course of study
of his young son, who will hereafter
leant to speak English.
Fdward Weatbrook,
laidw!n Oulou.
Michael Crofoot.
David Crofoot.
lien Mo Dei molt,
' Miaeee
, "Marie Dixon,
.lean Frenaer,
IKmma Naah,
Alice Foye. .
iKIily Foye.
"VN lllard Hoaford.
, John Da via.
'Billy Coad.
John Madden,
'joe Madden.
To Honor Bride
' Mra. O. F. Brooks snd Mls Ooldle
Jnhninn axve a mlacellaneous Shower
'. veaterday In honor of Mlaa M.ud A,
iEr-oWs of the Booth Omaha schools, who
Swill be his, Tied In the early fall to Mr,
Ktanley H. fioyce cf Cedar Ruplda, la,
'The dsrorutionk were all In Chinese nov
elties snd the gueale entertained were
Clark McGrew.
W II lard.
iJdle Johnaon.
Charlotte Lovely,
Mary Moor.
session. Mrs. A. O. Peterson of Aurora,
Nebraaka,' state prealdent, will also at
tend the meeting.
Mra. Cole hss charge of her depart
ment's program, which will occupy a
prominent place on the convention pro
Newt of the Wayfarers.
Mrs. Charles T. Kountse returns Frldsy
from New Tork City.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Davis left lsst
evening ,'or Chicago. They will return
i'harlea Rierr.
'Arthu- Howe.
Aanea WeHh.
'Helen Henilcraon.
lllanche ItcMnecn.
jlnea Manan.
Mu.i rlahan.
'A. Henderaon,
'Vary Moore,
i ....
Garden Club Meeting.
The regular meeting of the Garden club
was held this morning st K o'clock at
',the home of Mrs. Harry P. Whltmore.
Jdra. John N. Baldwin read a very Inter
esting paper on "Peonlee." The members
Meedamee Meedamee
C H. Kuatln. W. K Martin.
J IieForeat RlchartlJohn N. Haldwln,
lluther Kountse. C. W. Lyman,
l P. Whltmore. '. K. Mandepaon,
Ueorge Palmer. Oagood . batman.
For the Future.
.Mr. snd Mrs. Ralph Peters will enter
tain at dinner Wednesday evening of
next week complimentary to Mlaa Elisa
beth Ptckena and Mr. Kenneth Paterson.
The affair will be given at the Country
Omahsni in New Yore.
Keaieteiing at the Hotel MvAlpin In
New Turk Cltv during the last week have
i . were:
Meaers. Me-aere.
A. P Carrie. l.ula R. Dale.
: A. Freeman. Kred W. Hoover,
F. Watore. David il-iiush. ,
J. A. Whalen. , .
Attend Portland Club Council. :
Mrs. F. H. Cole, chairman of the atvtl
service reform committee. General Fed
eratiuo of Women's club, left Tuesday
evening for Portland. Or... .to attend the
biennial council mectiug of the federa
tion, b!ch opens May n for a four-day
Personal Mention.
Dr. Ueorge Hansen of Fall bury was a
recent v lull or to Omaha, the gueat of ,
Klciiard Payne, Lorlng Klllott and other
frlende. He attended the dentists' con
vention and remained over a short time
sfter that gathering adjourned.
Mr. Ralph Connell of Tula Liuscsa, X.
M., who hss been the guest of her
father, Mr. W. J. Connell, for several
days, leave this evening for the south.
Mrs. W. J. Connell. accompanied by her
daushter, Mra. ICdward Crelghton, re
turned Vondsy evening from several
weeks In southern California snd 8an
Mm. O. I.. Hart leaves thla evening to
vlait her daughter, Mra. F, L Morgan,
In California for two montha. Later Mr.
Hart will e Joined by Mr. Hart snd Iter
son. Hsrukd.
Jardine Wants Two
Streets Eepaved
' Commissioner Jardine of the public
Improvement department will offer at
the next city council meeting ordinances
to provide for repaying Twenty-fourth
street. Cuming street to Patrick avenue,
and Twentieth atreet. Pierce to Center
streets. This work will be done under
the new law which authorises the coun
cil to order rcpavlng within a territory
of one mile and a half from the city
I'nder the ssme law the following re
paving districts have already been de
cided on: Military avenue. Forty-fifth
Street to city limit a; Pierce, Sixth to
Tenth atreets;, Thirteenth atreet, Leaven
worth to Martha street a.
Other diatricts will be announced diir
ing the spring.
In ceaea where streets to be repaved
are surfaced with granite blocks It will
be poealbte to relay the same blocks.
In other blocks It will be only neceasary
to tear out only the aaphalt surfsce and
apply new material. Some of the old
pavemenU are In such condition that
continual repairing Is a waste of money.
It Is stated. . i
To. ho, ho and a bottle of rum."
William John Frank Is already on his
way to the naval training atatlon at Chicago.
The ctty sewer department has received
complaints of sewera stopped up and
backing Into baeements. Among the worat
cases were reported from Thirteenth snd
Dorcas streets, Sixteenth snd Davenport
streets. Eleventh end Clark streets and
under the Tenth street viaduct.
A ape lul train of fifty cars, all loaded
with threahtng machines for Kannas, la
enroute weat over the Rock Inland, carded
to reach here at 7 o'clock this even
ing an lesve for dratlnatlon Friday
morning, makinc a daylight run. The
cars are from the factories of the Rumley
company, coming from La Porte, Ind.,
Pattle Creek. Mich., and Stillwater. Minn.
Decoration Day
Is Only Four
Days Away
- You'll want your clothes fixed
up of course, and we suggest you
call Douglas 6 'the first thing
In the morning and one of our
"hurry up" autos will come for
rKxosa tob smr cx-BAimro
t-pteoe suits S1.80'
B-pieoe suits S1.S5
ralm Beach salts SI. 00
Tlsanel trousers .60
povonra abtj nxuama
g-pisoe salts t .78
8-pteoe salts SO
Trousers 85
And remember, please, you get
rmatorlom Quality the best that
Bklll and Experience can produce.
Why not have the BESTT
"Oood Oleaaerg and Dyers"
1S1S-1T Jones St. none . SS3.
B. B. Our Branoh Offlos at
S01S ruum la maintained
for your eoBTenleaoe.
Father of Bride
Who Eloped Wants
Marriage Annulled
Mrs. Elalo Marie Richmond. lS-y ear-old j
ifrii.r,,. im t'lrrcitiina 111 wi.ii.
In dlKtriil court against her hUfcland,
Eiranerecn Djnald lUohmond, with whom
ahe elo)ed January t, to annul the mar
riage. It Is trought In the name of her
fathor, George. Nachneber, who declares
lila daughter la too young to wed.
The youi.g Tulks were principals in the
old stor of llie.eerape from unrelenting
parents, the haty trip across the Mia
aourl river, snd the wedding In Council
Bluffs. The i-tremonr was performed by
Juallce of the i'esce John Cooper of the
Iowa citr.
Hut, according to the petltioii Med in
court, the parent Immediately eeparated
the two alio dcalred to be one and Mra.
Richmond; la now being guarded St her
father's huiiie. (JO William street, where,
says the petition, tha stem parent is
keeping them apart "with his entire abil
Walt two years." save father.
Sfcjss C!:in:J
Kasjtfeetusers assd Cleaneta.
lSlg reruns sH. BeaSTUs gSSS
In all Weathers and in
all Temperatures
Wheat Takes Drop
of Four to Five Cents
r'ollow.ns Chkagu, the Omaha uhcat
market, sold off to i cents. 11.41 per
bushel, being the highest price paid.
There uere nine carloads on the market
and two sold. Tho balance was carried
Corsi waa up H of a cent, selling at TO
cents to cents, with thirty-two car
lunde offered.
' 'Jata weie steady to unchanged from
Tuesday t 4S oonta to 4iH cenU per
buhrt Tn carloads were on ths msrhet.
No matter how quickly the temperature rises,
no matter what the weather, fresh, rich cream
and milk are always waiting for you if you have
tteriUaed . Vsnraitiait
n yoeir gentry hlf
Cottnjrs M ilk means milk economy and milk efficiency .
It means uniformity. la fresh milk the food value Is
nearly sll in tha cream at the top snd nearly all out
of the blue milk below.
Cottage Milk it rich and creamy con denied under the
moat sanitary cooditions nsht where the cows
produce It. It aas
aSM ef nettle
TU Milk Witkomt (Ae CeoW Teste
InTwo Size 5 and 1 0 cU.
At All Geed DeaWs
Urmt for C OBsttnntlein.
Ttie best medicine fir conatlpatloa la
Dr. King's New Ufe Pills, mild and ef
fective and keep you aveli. 26c. All drug
gists. Advertisement.
m r.
i " j i
The Store w31 cloe
at 1 o'clock Morxiey
in obeenrancg of
Dejcortiori Day.
H yfmrxs
iWquartert for
Silk Glove
1,600 Pairs of Women's Pumps & Oxfords
essssnksHsnBBBsssnnnnnnnBBsnsnB ' sjsavsvBSBsnssBBSBsnnBBBBBBBavBnj assaniaeHB) esasisnnnwasiasnnnaennSBBSnBBSBnSBBWsnMSSSBt enSBnBBsssSBsnBBn snajsnssses) anBssssessnsBBnBBsnnnBnSsesBSSsnnnnnBSSBssnBi
Main Floor Shoe Dept.
On Sale Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, at pair .... P-UU
Everv pair of these show are worth $3.50 to $5.00. Patent leather, hronie kVi, sttin,
dull ki.l ami dull ralf an.-l urhiti. niihurk ell lat im-fftJi'te lilts and patterns. New
heels, new ornaments, strapless, La Valliere, button or ribbon laced oxfords. A won.
m ucriui array or new siyics, extciscni inac9. aii m u
u02 widths. Special, a pair
it seemed only yertenlay since he was a
hahy, and oh. he was such a sweet hahr,
she need to take him out In his perambu
lator and sll the folks on the street juat
had to stop and look st him snd
But William John Frank Interrupted
with manhood's sternneae. Such mem-
I orlea were not for him. No. no. What i
have pretty bahles In perambulators to!
I do with warlike young men who are :
shout to so out on bnttleahips and shoot '
off slxteen-tnrh guns. Avast, such
thoughts and let us to the stern business
In hand. Men must work and women
must weep. Has It not been so written!
by Rudysrd Klplimr, Res Beach, Jack,
Ionrton and other stern wsrrlors? I
'jn-- -- ,irln.
Mr. High snd others then reasoned with I
William John Frank to such good pur- j
poae that he conaented to return to the
maternal roof and fls tree to give still
further thought to the slleged besuttes
of pesceful life ashore.
Hut It waa no tn1. T'leatlnv. af-r
sppsrently six dsys of meditation, Will-
lam John Frank appeared again to give
himself tip to the sea where life Is wild
snd free singing. :
"Fifteen men on a ,dea.l man's cheat, I
2) Jmh
m m m as
Middy Blouses for Picnic and Outing Wear
Values to $1.50
1.500 Middy Blouses for this sale, just in tfme for yoar
Decoration Day Outing. Sisee 6 to 40, for children and
New Lingerie
Dainty new Nouses, lace
and embroidery trimmed.
Crcpg de Chine and
Lingerie Blouses
Wonderful rre-w models, lerw or
high neck, long or short slotrree.
Boys' Wash Suits, 65c
Regular $1 to $1.50 Values
A splendid variety of
new styles Vsitts,
middy, Dutch suits, Eton
and Oliver Twist styles.
Plmfty of plain white
and a splendid variety
of colore to fit every
age, 1 to I yeara. In
the Boys' New Depmrt
nent, Third Floor
21,600 Men's Shirts
From the Ely
Walker D r y
Goods Co., St.
Louis, aiid a
famous Phila
delphia shirt
50c on the Dollar
Drugs and Toilet Articles
DJer-Klse TsJcara Powder
Java Itlee Fnee Power Alloff
shades. Bo
Doslna Brunette
Dortn's Us
William's Shaving
Rtlcks rpectel at.
Some Attractive Items
Fletcher's Caetoria sje slars Q
bottle ifC
Physicians' and Burgeons' C
Soap-Cake -
Pluto Water eso else "i-
bottle C
Dabrook's Locust BloasosM e,
Perfume Ounce
Wlssrd Ploor OI1-S1.00 alsfc
Auto Chamois Weeth
Thermos Bottles Pint
Bathing Caps-All
' etylee. Bach
Photo Suppli
We devalop your dims tree when
prints are ordered.
. All Films st Cut Prtoas.
29c til up
We Have a Complete Line of Flags for
Memorial Day. Here are Some Special Items
lit Alt-Wool Regulation Army Bunting $1.08 ob, and up to txlt for $7.50.
1x6 Fast Colored Flags on Jointed poles, ropee and malle
able Iron socket, for windows and porches. All complete in box
3x5 Imitation Bunting Flags Sewed stripes, fast color 4$C
Mnslln Flagt Doeen. ... " m -lej gad np
Flags on etlcka With Gilt per Eeh 5c 10e and 1A
sssJ l 1 h
The Free Furnished Room Bureau of The Bee aa a
guide to the more desirable rooms In this city can not he
equaled and should be taken advantage of by all of the
young men and young women coming to Omaha seeking em
ployment and a good home.
It means everything to live in a neat, clean, home-like
place, where everything is done for your comfort and pleas,
ure, and it has been the aim of The Bee to offer this service free
and help the stranger find a desirable home with a high class
If you are looking for .a furnished room offering every
modern convenience at a moderate cost, it will save you time
and trouble by calling at The Free Furnished Boom Bureau.
Room 101, Bee Bldg or call Tyler 1000.