THE BEE: OMAHA, TIIl'llSDAY, MAY 27. 1913. LITTLE EHTHUSIAS1I OYER MEWMIHISTRY Coalition Cabinet Which Succeeds ' Uinal Party Government Arouses Sat Small Rejoicing. TEUTONS HA3IMER RUSS LINES LONDON, May 2. The approval tor King Oorne haa mada tbe coali tion gOTertiraent, aa announced thta morning, an accomplished fact, and It Is generally accepted aa the best solution of a bad muddle. Never theless, tbe country abowa no treat enthusiasm over tbla compromise for the usual party cabinet. Tbe creat onslaught of General Von Mackensen against the Russian line north of Prremyal and around Jaroslau indicates that the powers of the Austro-Oerman offensive arc "-not exhausted and verifies the belief generally in London that the Rus slana are not welt equipped for the defense of this position. Mn Itir tanitnHlm tha allies sre of fi'islly 'forted to he slowly advancing against the stubborn opposition of the Turks, who here imnW in arm- 'tetlce to bury MOO of their deed in front f their trenches. ti western line the German hold a trench esst of.Ypres which; the capture;! from the , PrlUeh and held against Mmrder attacks during the day. Testerdey the HVencb. eff'nstve north of Airsa developed new vigor with the re sult that a number of German lontionn were captured. The efftrlal lu.l'en announcement re newing the flct thirty-six hours of .war ila'nwi the rapture nf several Austrian towns Just a'"cr the border and the occupancy of all frontier parses In Cndore, together with a continuation of the successful odvanrv on the Carnlola and I'rlt'll frontiers ' ' The lllne.s of Kins t'onstanilne ' of Oreece Is fie feature of tho diplomatic situation tr the fsr sst. Th? death ef ithls rukr, "!t Is awed here, would end (Greece's chief reason for maintaining toeutrsllty. Rasalaaa Ready Advawce. PETHOORAl, May .-V!a I-oodonV Although let-man activity continues In Ontral Oallcla or. both aides of the Ran ilver between .laresteu and Prsemysl. the ,Rum!sns assert they now har the situa tion well In harm. They atata ttat the fJerman drive from Cracow .through Oaltrta end also tho parallel mevement oti the left Mil af the Vistula which reached the Klalca and Radorn-dlstrtcts have tost their Imretus and that the Jluaslsns are now ready to take the In itiative. las optimistic observere believe the checking of the Oerman move is due to the necessity ef bringing up fresh sup files of ammunition after which their aggressive will resume Its former - In tensity. . . . .In the district between Praamysl -and the Dneratter marshes, the J nations al ready have, t.egun a successful advance, kairturlng a number of small villages en the west feanl; of the DneUtar. On tbe risht sids of. the river the struggle., of the oppoelnff forces still 'swings forwmri ud backward without definite gain for either side. On Monday the Germans oap tvred Ruslsn trenches nesr Plor.sko, fol flowing up an Intense artillery fire with -a tiayooet charge. . The Russian troops, however, recovered the trenches on the same dsy. On the Itolina-Kolr.mea front there, has been a violent and prolonged artillery dual without change In the positions of either side. The Russians estimate that more than prlsorura have been taken between the Vistula, and the Pnelater In the last three days. Uertaan Official Report. Pf.Ut.lV, Mav 28. (VI Uindonl-The general army headquartera ataff totey gavo nut the following statement; "Western theater: A night advam by the encny again our newly acquired 1-osltljn west of the forest of Dellewaard eaai'y r, tepiilscd. Tho number of ms hine guns taken from the English was Im-reased t- tei). ".Voi-theeat cl Oivenchy colored lirltlsh ii'teded last night In cspturlng a niokh tlnv trt ef eur outmost trenches. . "Further south between Uevln and the Ltrrtte hills sr. extensive French attack, commenced In the afternoon, faged com pletely. "In the ictlon to the noi-th and to the ee,uth of the Mgh road between Suucltes and I.etl.aiie the enemy had first sue coeded in (.euetratlna our trenches, but our ountcr attacks sgsln put us In full possession of pntltluns. One uunore I J'n a-:hmn reinaineil In our hands. "In a. region south of touches several strong sttucks directed by white and t lur. J rr-.ucli troops against cur lines orrpletctv broke down before mr en. tanl!(.ieats . Our opponents suffered heavy losses everywhere. During the bat tles In the Iorette hills a Sllesisn in fantry, teglmvnt especially distinguished Itself. "An advance of the enemy In the eastern ran of the forest In ! rretre ws cssily re:iulst. A hostile flying nisihiiM ess brougiit down at a lioir.t south .f Uens by our aviator. "F.torn tliratcr: Weak nlghi attacks eis repulsed. fuuthesstern ti'eater; The attack be ing made by the army undor Oeiteral Von .Ms'kensen is snaking good progress. fout!ieat of Hadymne the rll'age of his Is to was taken after fierce ftghting. j:ast tl lladymn a cruaalng vr the San river was cyptured after Austrlsn troupe hsd taka a rktgheed to tbe wist of tha Fan by storm. Further tu Ihs south our troops after a tattle reached the Jiatriit east of LasU an they also continued the line it Korexnira-Kapalow. The booty In pi isonere od war materials Inoreeses." King of Greece is Still Critically 111 WNDOX, Msy 3I.-The condition f King Constantino of Oreeca continues t ritlcsl according to a dispatch received today by the Kxchenge Telegraph com psoy front Its correspondent at Athena, '? Amnotl Wffice Ohs Beealngisu The county asaesaor wtU be at his of fice nights from ? W to 14 p. m. of this waek. May U to 9. for tha purvoss,ef wnsl4ar1ug notices of propoed rglsee of personal asseasmant srlMdulag for the current yr. H. O. COI NSMAN, County Assessor. spsrtments. f.sts. bouses and cottages r.4 r. ranted oulriily and cheaply by a I "for Utrf A PROMINENT BRITISH STATESMEN figuring in the reorganisation of the ministry to meet changing require ments of the war. . T.''T. rff -"vi - Se. l ... ' " rt Vl G0OD I .. ""nI : ' -' ." V .;!- - ' x ' . .J Population of Cass County Increases ATUANTIC. Is.. May 3fi.-(pectal.)-The complete census return of Cass county shows that the county gained In population since Win nearly Two. but that the loss since 1'.0fs at the time the last ststo census wss taken, nearly &K. The return shows that since 1SM0 there has been sn Increase In the cities and towns of the county of Wl but a decrease In the townships of the county of 23. Nearly all of the towns of the county ahow a satisfactory gain,' while the townships of the county nearly sll show some losa. The total population for the county Is lf.TM. in 110 It wss 1(MT nd In 1 It wss 10.130. Cities and toans ...I sj Townships 10.07 increase In titles and towns over l10 HI lecreas In townships, with llu z:i VI3 i Atlantic Railroad May Be Torn Up ATLANTIC, la.. May at. (Special. Oa Roe Weber, general manager of the At lantic tiouthorn railroad, i here from ftt. Ixtuls. with a proepvcilNa buyer of the steel In the loral with a view of selling tlte track and tearing It up. The road teaed operations on. Jauuary 1. IMS after Abelos &; Taussig, bv whom Mr! Weber U employed, had operated It for eighteen manlha and had found it a losing game. The Abcles Taussig co mpany, the owners of the road, purchased It orig inally at receivers' aala to proteot a claim they had against It for ties sold It at the tlma of original construction. LIGHTNING STARTS $50,000 FIRE IN SCUTH DAKOTA . XIOUX CITY, la , May M -I.Uh.nln started a fire whiiii taused f'O.'x'O OBi r :'m ir. the town of Cottonwood, S. D.. this morning Tlte guests in the Hotel Jsck- sun had a narrow escape. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR PARENTS AND TEACHERS ULENWOOD, la.. May W. (Special.) lurlng the summer the corps of physi cians at the loaa Institute tor Feeble Minded Children at Cilinwood will con duct a a luol for teachers, parents and others having the care of children wAo sre a llttlo backward in their school work" or In any way not quite normal, to better fit them fur the home care and educa tion of their charges. Tha giving of set entirie sdvice to all who may care to lecelve It. without coat. Is done In the hope thst little folke elightly handicapped naturally may be so "managed tha'. they will be given the best possible to become useful cltlsena. The equipment of the alate it this place la Ideal lor thla work. DEATH RECORD. HARVARD Neb., May X-lSpevlal.)-Ftephnn II. Whiaensnd, son of Mr. and Mra. J. 8. Whisenand. of this rlty, dlad yesterday at Clinton, la. lie was In his las year of the agricultural course at the Unlveislty ot Nebraska. Ha ha. I made wonderful progress and waa among Ith foremoat of his tissa. having been ' "ol ,d oftn lo 'rv " the Judging Urn, of th" university, lis waa taken I1" dulHn' the latter part of the winter and war on his way to Waukesha, Wla, for treatment. HYMENEAL Hsaa-Blaaehard. I.INVOUV. .May M.-Krnest U RyMi of Interest, la., aged 9 years, and Miss Ida J. TUanchard of IVnlaon, la., aged years, were glxen a lirense to irsrry here yreteruay and aere joined in matrl nu,i by County Judge Ki?cr TRAMP FREIGHTER HITS LINER RYHDAH Dutch Stegmihip and the Joaeph 3. Cuneo Damaged in Collision Off Island of Nantucket WARSHIP TAKES PASSENGERS NEW YORK, May 26. The Dutch liner Ryndam, which sailed from this port yesterday for Rotterdam with seventy-seven paasengera and a million-dollar cargo, vii badly damaged in a collision fifteen mllca southwest of the Nantucket Shoals lightship at 4 o'clock this morning. The liner collided with the tramp freighter, Joseph J. Cuneo, which sailed from Boston last night for Bsracoa, Cuba. Both vessels were injured seri ously. Tbe Ryndam, wireless re ports indicate, was struck aft with such force that hold No. 6 filled al most Immediately and water flowed freely into the engine room and be gan to creep up in Hold No. 8. The Cuneo'a bows were smashed in badly. S. O. 8. signala were flashed from the Ryndam and its passengers were trans ferred hastily to the Cuneo. Cne hun dred end sixty of the Ryndam's rrw ot MO likewise were put aboard the freighter, leaving only forty men aboard thv liner to navigate it. United fitates battleships In the vicinity answered the wireless calls. At 7 o'clock three hours after the collision, the battle ship South Carolina waa standing a'ong alde the Cuneo. Battleship Takes rasseagers. The Ryndam's passengers and those of Its crew who hsd been transferred to the Cuneo were taken off by the Soutn Caro lina. The battleship was directed by wireless from the Newport navy yard to convoy the at rick en liner to thla "ort. With the South Carolina alongside, the battleship Texas ten nillea astern, tho battleship Louisiana nearby and the Cuneo slowly following, tho Ryndam was steaming at alow apeed for thla port, 124 miles east ef the Ambrose channel light ship at 10 o'clock. At that hour Its cap tain aent a wireless messsge to the Hol land American line, Ita owners, saying that the Ryndam's engines were much strained, but still holding out. Previous messages from Captain Van dor Heuvet asserted thst the water waa gaining In No. t hold and that the ship would have to be abandoned if th water gained much more. So far as the line knew there were only six Americans among the passengers. The other pas sengers. It was said, were Europeans re turning home. Rmsm Batlt at Belfast. The Ryndam. a vessel of 7.97S tons reg ister net, wss built In Belfast In 1901 Its length Is (50 feet and Its beam feet. The Cuneo Is a steamer of about WO tons registry. It carried a crew of twenty men and no passengers. Its length is 210 feet. Dispatches sent during the forenoon by the South Carolina said the Ryndam was making thirteen knots en Its way to this port.'- This speed- It maintained would bring It to New Tork late tonight or early tomorrow. SHELL OR MINE HITS AMERICAN SHIP NEBRASKAN (Continued from Page One.) the period between t and o'clock la the twilight hour In tho British, islands at this season. A meesage to IJoyds ssys that an armed trawler went to the aaslstance of the Nebraakan and stood by it all night. The Oerman submarine campaign la continuing actively. Pispatches from Nor way aay the people of that country have been aroused by the sinking last week of the Norwegian steamer Minerva and the atempt to torpedo the Iris, which went to Its assistance. The steamer Cromer, loaded with passengers, had a narrow eacape from being torpedoed near the North Hinder lightship, while bound for Rotterdam yesterday. A torpedo fired without warning from a submarine miaed the Cromer only fifteen yards. Mesugs frat t !. NEW YORK. Msy 11-The American Hawaiian Steamship company, owners of the Nebraskan, received a wireleas message from the Nobraakan's captain, relayed by cable, In which the captain aald the veeael had been atruck by either a mine or a torpedo. The text of the message, which waa dated yesterday and algned by Captain John 8. Green, was aa follows: "Struck either . by mine or torpedo forty-eight miles west of Faatnet, and steaming to Liverpool. Water in' lower hold. No one Injured." The Nebraakan was under charter on this trip to the White Star line of the International Mercantile marine. It was built at Camden. N. J , In l'i and la registered at 4.W8 tons gross, 1,84 tons net. It is 380 feet long. . feet beam, has a depth of . 24.4 feet and waa built with eight watertight bulkheads, Ita fuel being oil. , With Ita sister ship, Minneaotan, from May to August, 1914. It was under char ter to the United Htatee as a transport, and waa fitted up to carry horses from Qalvaaton to General Funaton's troops at Vera Crua. After being released from government service It was aent through the I'anama canal, being one of the first ships to bring a cargo from the Pacific coast through the new waterway. Uettlsstlss af able. PHlUa.UnL.PHIA. May lA-Ths Ne braskan, It waa aald here, la bound for Delaware breakwater in ballast for or ders. Previous to the war tha al.lp has been In aervics between northern ports and Galveaton, but since the outbreak of hos tilities has r.iada one voyage to 1-oudon and one to firemen. SaKsea Seea off Coaat. CROOK HAVEN, Ireland, May M.-II waa learned today that a submarine was aeen laat night off the southern coast of Ireland. It waa aighted shortly after p. m. near Galley Cove, which la Just south of here end about ten mile from rastnet. No connection has been estab lished between thk Incident and the mis hap to the steamer Nebraskan, which is reported to have occurred shortly before 9 o'clock at a point about forty miles from Faatnet. A steamer was seen outside of Crook, haven at about o'clock laat night. As It approached la ths direction of Fsslnet Ugaihouw two loud reporta of a run eru heard, a boat In Ctoukhaven har- tier went In the direction of ;ne steamer, which put about and was lost to sight. Several residents of Crookhavcn wont along tlte shore, keeping a sharp lock out. Thev aighted a submarine off Gal ley Cove. One of the men on shore fired two shots with a rifle at the men In the conning tower of the submarine. The submarine dived immediately. ahfn vf 9" nsenmmlltsl, ! WAKIUXCITON. Msy -Comlng close ! tin th I.tmitAnla ,!laaatr th ham th&t i unothnr American ship had betn en dangered aroused more than ordinary attention, but all officials were disposed to hear detaila before making comment. Pome officials could not understand why ' a ship bound for the United States in bal- i last and therefore carrying no contra- land should have been endangered by , a torpedo and they considered it among the poeslhlllties that the Nebraskan struck a drifting mine. Secretary Rryan said the State depsrt- rnent s Informstlon was much too meager i ; to permit the forming of an opinion. lie i sstd s full report with details of the at tack was expected soon. The rinmaice to tl"e Nebraskan recalled at once In official quarters the Oerman government's aasuran-es presented by Count Bernstorff to Secretary Bryan on May 11 that submarine commanders had been specifically Instructed not to harm J neutrtl rersels not engaged in hostile sets and that Germany would pay for any damage to such ships In the war sone. "The Imperial German government." said tlie communication, "has no Intention of causing to be attacked by submarines or aircraft such neutral ships of com merce In the sone of naval warfare, or definitely described In the notice of the German admiralty staff on February 4, last, as have been guilty of no hostile act. On the contrary, most deftnlte In structions repeatedly have been laaued to German war vessels to avoid attacks on such ships under alt circumstances. Even when such ships have contraband of war on board they are dealt with by submarines solely according to the rule of International law applying to prise warfare." fltataa of Nebraskaa. The status of the Nebraskan under In ternational law, brought out a variety of discussion todsy when news was received thst the vessel wss chartered to the White Star line. Whether aunk by a mine or a torpedo, a claim for damages might raise complicated questions It wss said. If the Nebraakan waa In the serv he of a British concern, according to previous discussion In such caaea It would be a lawful prise liable to setsure end condemnation. Chief Justice Chase has held that "neutral vessels engaged In belligerent trade or service, become Im pressed with a belligerent character." The Nebraskan was on lta way home to fulfill a contract of its owners with the United Ptates navy department to carry coal from Newport News to San Fran cisco. The agents were to have the Ne braskan In Hampton Roada June S. it : was not under charter to the navy but wss to carry the coal as freight. ! The official and news dispatches on 1 the Nebraakan were communicated to rresldont Wilson, but no comment wss forthcoming from the White House. It waa indicated that a full Investigation : would be made as promptly aa possible. The fact that Americans were aboard the Nebraakan would require, under the position taken by the United States, that the vessel be given due warning and its crew removed to a place of aafety before destruction. MRS. STUYVESANT FISH DIES OF HEMORRHAGE GARRISON, N. T.. May 2l.-Mrs. Stuy veaant Fiah, leader of New Tork'a aoclal aet. died last night of eerebtral hem morrhage at Glencllff, her aummer home here. She had been 111 only a few hours. Her husband was with her when she died. Mrs. Fish waa about 90 years old. She wss bom In New Tork. 'Hep maiden name waa Marlon Graves Anthon. On : June 1, 1S7, she wss married to 8tuy veaant Fish, railroad man and financier and son of Hamilton Fish, secretary ot state In the cabinet of President Grant. W!"l!tfS.JJlL..ig, A TRUSTEE uliould have not only legal knowledge, but tno resources, exper iency and facilities to proper ly execute the trust. The Peters Trust Com pany acts in this capac ity and has all of the above requirements. "We also act according to law as Executor, Ad ministrator or Guar dian. Capital $500,000.00 1 Real Jiincy Service WIT a-AY IXOUI RATI St We carry you for one-half ihi tegular taxi fare. Quick Service Is what hulld-i our business. Try us once. Vou'll be a booster too. Uniform Bates i Oearteeaa Berrtee. Oat ASA BfOTOB BUS aUV. ALLEN'S FOOT EASE DOES IT When your ahoea pinch or your corns and buniuns ache so that you ars tired all ever, set Allen'e root-Baae, the atandard remedy for the laat it years, and ahaka It Into your ahoea. it will take the atlna out of corns and bunions and give Instant relief to Tired, Aching, Swollen. Tender feel. old everywhere i.Sc, Poa't eooept aay eueetltat. Thompson-IJelden &Co. The Store for Shirtwaists New styles of dainty wash blouses for sum mer wear $1.00. $1.25. $1.65. $1.95 and $2.95 Women's Summer Underwear Women's game vesta, low neck, sleeveless, extra long; Kayser make - - - . 25t? Women's gauze union suits; low neck, no sleeves; fitted or wide knee, ail sizes - 50 Women's gauze lisle union suits, fitted or wide knee, all sizes, at 75 Third Floor. $1.00 and $1.25 All Silk Marquisette 59c a Yard They're beautiful fabrics purely all silk. Plenty of , dainty black and white checks and pin stripes. Your choice - - - . - - .; - - - 59 a Yard alt TtUphont LUXUS Mercantile Beginning Thursdsy. Msv 7th, 10:30 A. M., we will offer our entire stock of Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry at PUBLIC AUCTION to the highest bidder regard leaa of cost or value. Three sales dally 10: SO A. kC. 8l30 P. la. and Ti30 V. la. until en tire stock Is sold. We are pos itively going out of business. Store for rent; Fixtures for sale. CKESCEKT JEWELRY CO. 1f22 Codja Street When vitality and energy begin to wane, the need of sn absolutely pure tonic and atlmu- lant la felt. Duffy's Pure Halt Whiskey will help yen to regain your power and endurance, in an it, . i . v. ....... . - - - ta j . rntlve to dlaestion and aa Imitation which aids those I ho J V 4-4 n..Ifua. ..J f '1 rei I ml who Statu au Keep Weir Sold by most drugrlsta. erorers and dealers. tl.Su. If thev can't supply you write ua. Useful medical booklet free. The Daffy Halt Walskey Co Seehester. V. T. Hutu j frilMlVf wtfca II hit custonitr t toendn 5 r- j 'j mvnxj i or gwu engravings, It 1 A U 1 eccauc u u money well $oent. The btst printer in the business cannot get re- j salts pat of an inferior cat. We make them to salt the a rrv max. mr Auction r New Palm Beach Suiting1 65c a Yard The most desirable fab ric of the season for the new outing suit or sepa rate skirt. Exclusive Agents for McCall Patterns sk for the beer and save the counon ''-V ' Dagtmt 1809 Co,, -:- Distributor 2 Lk. lea Cams " j . til. : " J 30 c Far At Your Grocers Head Thtas S lbs. Gas Roasted equals 4 ISs. of the same coftse roasted any ether wsy. Because it is roasted so much more quickly ana the strength and flavor art not roasted out. Gas routed means quickly toasted in the flames and not slowh bsked as when roasted any other wsy. Vows' Crocew Mm ft Paxton's Gas Roasted Coffee AMMIIEMEMS. X New Show Today MAJiiwo una The Aerial Torpedo Squirrel Stuff B1L. BAJTT ft JA7 Tow Puncher Muaical Dog VOBWOOD ft VOaWOOD Hla-kfaoe lingers "THB BITIUIOOI CASB" A lliriling lictectlve totory of tnusiil lanterest. t Oft ADMISSION in., I 1 U( W strre. Sells 10c Ertr. WC g BKAHDEIS HOW '4 TKXATBB AI.I. Will 'o (Excepting Friday. May zlth) THE SPOILERS wWa Oraest "'"M Motion rictora. Moeei atats 10c Bers 10 ft SOe est Week i "Tke Carutlaa." HePi'is i sjsjsgansBeasmiuijiiuijiisji.Mwwsa BOYD win afatlase Today, X-aat Oaaee afaUase Today, tiM, with Bath TUompaoa la Bongs and Dances between aoa. Alias Jimmy Valentino Mat! Batarday, l&oi Vujhta, nooJoa, Last pesforaaaaoe Saturday night. LAKE MAN AW A MOW OPEN Arthur Smith's Oroneetra u Bail Boom, ood Boa tins-, BoUer Coaetee. Marry-Oo-Bouad aa Many Outer AttxaoUoaa. tea mm. Iks Id 8i-Jlaag i El