Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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oca e Ma
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aziiie Page,
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17 You're an Idler
Don't Worry the Busy
t ymi are Idle, pray spar the busy.
1 maxaslne recently published
rrpoelum of dHtlngulahed women on
I theme, "Why women break down."
expressed the
vict ion: "It is
ft" '-TGT'
of their
wide that break
men down. She
right In eight
Ina out of ten of
jvous breakdown
pry? women. -
he woman who
the Rood sense
organise well
life, would not
ak down despite
handicap of a
joatcly poised
jvous organism,
fe she allowed
ollow her original program. Cut she
lot ao permitted. There la a ron
acy anion the idler who know her
brevent the amooth flowing of the
rent of her days.
ke begins the day well, for the hss
I her full quota of sleep, She haa
fto tho open window or the flat roof
er dwelling and has awept her lung
of atnle air and filled them with
in. by deep breathing. She haa had
cold ahower .plunge to strengthen her
res. She haa, discarding all the fads
no breakfast or a light breakfast,
tn a substantial first meal, to fortify
elf for the day's draught upon her
ilty. Hhe has planned her day's du
. As becomes one who has planned
I her day and who has found her
ttcular work In the world, she opens
desk with a amtle.
hat happena? The first letter on top
the pile that awaits her Is an lui
tlnence. It asks for Information which
writer could have secured for hcr-
by a little effort. Lazily she has laid
burden of the Investigation upon
ders already carrying their capacity
weight. She has asked this busy
an to do something which she, an
has plenty of time but no Imilna-
to do. 8ometlmes the busy woman
nlsters the snub the Impertinence
ves by ignoring the letter, nude-
begets rudeness.- More often, be-
it, woman Is of a nature easily 1m-
td upon, she accepts this added weight
kio sum of the day's work.
the heap of letters she finds other
' westers. Long letters that could
k told their story In a short one, for
mple. Letters that wandered miles
the subject. And letters that
aid never have been written, selfish
re venting the writer's need of ex-
brlon and making the innocent busy
nan read. Often, she only glance
lugh long personal biles and diatribes
nst the world
wonder that the woman sighs and
la at tne ciock. rmaij wonner in'
places some -of these epistolary im-
tnences In a letter rack and leaves
i there Indefinitely, as they deserve.
1-n-g! The telephone. Chief sinner
ng time wasters and nerve dertroyers
hi persona of wandering wits and cor-
ondlng tongues hold the receiver at
other end of the wire. Fhe listens,
answers politely though In monosyl-
Ics. if the person wno is roocing rer
her moments had not the skin of a
hyderm he would feel the frown that
destroying the smoothness of- her
iv. But he talks oti and others ram-
trly succeed him.
en come callers. Borne of them from
oslty. Others to kill time. Beauty
royers, these callers, for after she
disposed of them her lips tighten in
tralght line. There Is a deep vertical
row between her brow And the
rvolr of her precious vitality has been
emptied. .
me by messenger, by telegram, by
e mall and by Importunate telegrams,
tations to dine or to go to the theater.
y are from Idle people who don't care
reat deal for the busy woman, but
want her to amuse them. The world
demand of the Idle folk from child -
d to senility, upon the busy ones, to
ush them amusement. The busy folk
close to the beating heart of the
Id. Things happen In their nelghbor
d. The Idle folk want to hear the
0 of these happenings from one who
1 near. Hence the Imitations. The
y woman, If she has clear vision,
iws this and she declines to be the
krtalner-tn return for food. She re
ts to give much for little or nothing.
generally declines the Invitations, but
must answer them. Another purloln-
t of her time. Another leak In the
rvolr of her vitality.
.en the friend who calls and stays
long, although the clock feces her,
linding her that she Is stealing a
clous fraction of the time of the busy
rum, who Is now the painfully tired
pan, has consecrated to rest. And
friend who Is so insistent upon "a
after the play" that to refuse to
mpany her or him would be an af-
ht. Social highwayman these, stealing
(i s Instead of dollars.
pray you, waste your own time if you
a wastrel, hut spare the busy ones.
kbey women or men.
3-in-One is
hlcvele oiL Keeps
Kail hearings brteht.
riean. Lubricates perfect-'
y. Doesn't gum or gather
dust. Prevents rust. Pre
serves leather seat. A Dic
tionary of a hundred other
usee wiia every exxus. iw.
25C, 50O all storss.
Tbree-fo-On CHI Co.
42 N. Broadwa,
Mew orlt
society suffragists who witnessed the interesting combat between the Giants and the Cubs at the Polo grounds, New York. From left to right Mrs.
James Lees Laidlaw, Mrs. John Jacob Astor, Mrs. Norman deR. Whitehouse, and Mrs. John T. Brush, widow of the late cwner of New York National
League club. The cause shared in a percentage of the receipts, and despite the threatening weather 9,000 women who are interested in the fight for suf
frage were treated to a most exciting diamond battle, the Cubs winning out by the score of 1 to 0. The suffragists offered $5 to every player scoring a
run, but only Frank Schulte, the veteran of the Chicago team, made a dent in the suffragist bankroll to the extent of $5.
r M
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f sX T. W MSissiaK , . W . .J. am "k . -I . , .ac. - J" w- w v - a. IB I
V5fNJ X te .T I:V 'i- MBicure n
Read It Here-See It at the Movies. t Uv; :!f ';:' f mr. elbert nranARn, prtor to h.. dw for Kurop. n u 1
- ' ':. Lusltanla, prepared a s.tVs of article for The Be u b used in his
tLZT ' 'S3T ' i ""'nr'jf ' V Vl - 1 benr. These, artldrs will appear from day (o day, added Interest
lT7 'JBL V-' ' I no donbt ttchng to them owing to Mr. Hubbard' tragic death.
ae Tommy BarolaT
as Ths Oeddeaa
Written br
Gouverneur Morris
(Owe of the Host Vosable Tig.
area ta JUaartoaa USeratare)
Dramatised Into a Photo-Play by
. Author of
"Tie Psrlla of Vanltae"
Taa apleita of Slalae"
(Copyright, 1915, by Star Company.)
Copyright. 1915. by The Btar Co. All For
eign Rights Reserved. .
After the tragic death of John Ames
bury, his prostrated wife, one of Amer
ica's greatest beauties, dins. At her
death Prof. Stilliter. an agent of the in
terests, kidnaps the beautiful J-year-old
baby girl and brine her up In a para
dise where she sees no man, but thinks
she Is taught by angels, who Instruct her
for her mission to reform the world. At
the age of it she is suddenly thrust into
tho world, where agents of ths interests
are ready to find nr. By an accident
the hero sees her first and hides wltn
her in the Adirondack.
8he was In the schoolroom. Ths map
which ths teacher had drawn In red chalk
had grown so big that you could no
longer see the other mapa at all, and It
was blodd red and smoking. It looked
less and less like a map, and more and
more like a face. It had horns and
pointed ears, but these melted off, and
It began to develop two enormous tyem
with coal-black rims. Before the thing
really looked like anybody that he had But Mary Blsckstone did not live In
ever seen Tommy knew that In the very j heaven, did not wear a halo, did not
next crumb of time it waa going to look string a holden harp or sit around and
exactly like Prof. Htililter. jlook aa If butter wouldn't melt In her
Ho knew that he muat knock Its glassea mouth. Hhe lived In a lew white house
off or perUh. He struck at them with near Southampton, L. I. It had gardens
all hU might, and his hand paased j full of gigantic boxwood, and it had ao
through them, as If they had been made . m.ny flutd columna to hold up Its
of smoke. I .veranda roofa that Tommy, with hia
Then he waked up. and, with aa loud adl.,t), for flgur,s , nevrr bIe to
scream as any healthy-mlnded and badly j count tnm. Pclne ,e iJ(1 tho hoUM
1 irktaitasl awall Haw aiap mitAA In ! .
""""" "" " '
Mr. Barclay couldn't help being fond
of Tommy, but In some ways Tommy
proved an awful disappointment to htm.
Adopted Into and brought up to be an
ariatocrat of wealth, he had no Interest
In money except to spend It. I don't mean
that he waa especially wasteful or es
pecially extravagant, but only that he
look no Intereat in how the money had
gathered or how It could be made
to work. Hs was much mors Interested
In horses and boats and dogs and shoot
ing than In any of his patronia financial
affairs. He went to boarding school and
played oa the foot ball team and the
hockey team and the base ball team. He
took prises in everything that he engaged
In, except studies. It was the same with
him at college. He spent half of his
time winning trophies for his college and
the other half making friends for him
self. When he graduated Mr. Barclay
tried to teach him banking, railroading
and a few other trifles all at once. Mr.
Barclay had not patience with the Idea
i that it la best to begin at the bottom
and work up. He believed In beginning
at the top. Tommy did his very best to
! make good. He attended long-drawn out
; directors' meetings and he racked his
j brains to understand what they were all
j about He travelled all over the coun
, try to Inspect this property and that, and
onoe he almost got Into touch with fl
I nance; at least he found amusement in
I one aspect of It. In short, he was sworn
In aa a special deputy In a time of coal
trouble and helped to put down a strike.
Mr. Barclay did not expect too much
of Tommy, and soon saw what little ha
did expect he was not likely to get. But
he was very fond of him and tried to
make the beat of him. Tommy spent all
his leisure time playing polo or tennta
or washing off on hunting trips, and some
fourteen or fifteen years after this story
opens he became very much Interested
In Miss Mary Blackatone.
He badn't forgotten the little Ames-
bury girl. He never would forget her,
but whet is the use of a little girl who
lives In heaven to a young man who
Tommy often dream 1 about her still.
As he grew older she grew older, and
the heaven In which -he lived and was
rducuted by the most scientific and
phtloaophlrat of all the salnta and angels,
became more snd more sophisticated and
less and less like tho pslsre scene In a
comic opera
.bad a hundred rooms in It; other people
said that there were 0. These, however,
did not effect Tommy. He wss on the
most cramlng snd intimste terms with
her father, and there was one southwest
room In which ho spent many and many
a week-end. which was alwaya known to
the Blackatone family a Tommy's room.
Mary Blackstone rido horses, played
tennis and swam In tho surf ss w-ll as a
i tron and coranecio bo. Tommy never
knew whether l.e was Mure st tractive
in athletic clothes or when, aa the ex
pressed it, she was dressed to look like
a real lady. Every phase of her appear
ance charmed him. Unfortunately, these
same phases and every tilng slse about
, ? ii- ine rine vrt or i.nvincf
! i C I I II
her charmed a good many other men.
If she liked Tommy better than any
body elsn she was In no hurry to say so.
Hhe didn't want to cut herself off from
all the other younx mon, whom she liked
almost as well, Carlton rltch, for in
stance. Carlton Kit'h was Mr. Barclay's
nephew, and In some ways was a great
favorite of his uni'le's. He took so much
Interest In his uncle's banks, railroad
mlnca. etc., that you might havu thought
that he exiwcted to own them eoinn day.
Ha was not only a nominal director of a
great many corporation, but a very real
director In the affairs of hslf a', down of
the morn Irnportunt. He never neglected
work for play. Pome people admired him
tremendously: others said thsy wouldn't
trust him around tho corner with a 6-oent
Outwardly, he snd Tommy were al
ways friendly and pulite to each other.
even after they had become open rivals
for Mary Blackatone a approval, but nn
wardly, each had a certain contempt for
the other, snd. In addition to this, CTarl
ton FiUh, waa lealoua of Tommy, for be
had expected to Inherit almost the whole
of Mr. rar lay's money, and since
Tommy's adoption It looked as If he waa
going to Inherit very little of It Indeed.
He would be rh-h, anyway, but he wss I
very greedy for power.
(To Be Conlnued Tomorrow.)
Willi aa to Compromise.
He came home late and she launched a
airing of accuaattona that took ftfteen
minutes to pnss a given point.
"New, isn't tt all true?" ahe con
cluded. "Here's niy proposition," sukl he, care
lessly. "I'll own up to half of it if
you'll remit tho othsr haif'vbaJUiuore
AjucrlMoi. ,
The world haa always been run on a
short allowance of love.
Passion haa been plentiful, but love
ecarce"the love thst suffereth long and
Is kind."
However, our
own America has
more love In It
today than tt ever
had before.
To love and be
loved means the
highest form of
happiness that
mortals know.
Not to love or be
loved means mis
ery. Those who are
well loved live long
and well.
These are the
people who ac
complish results in
the world of art.
music, literature.
acting oratory, business.
Love" and "life" are
To love means allying yourself to the
forces of the universe moving with the
eternal tides "hitching your wagon to
a star."
To love one Is to love all. For loving
one we are in harmony with all. Then
do our footfalls tinkle with the mualc of
the spheres, and the days are radiant.
To be loving and lovable one has to
have certain qualities physical, mental
and moral.
And our moral and metal qualities,
psychologists now tell us. turn largely
on our physical condition.
Those rare moments when we are In
tune with the Infinite are only possible
when the body does Its perfect work.
"The sick man Is a rasoal." said old
Tit. Johnson. And the world now knows
It Is true. To be well Is not only a
privilege but a duty. The. days of the
flagellants are gone.
The chief cause of Illness among Amer
lean la overeating. In India It may he
famine, but here, as a people, we eat to
reDletion. and our energies are taxed
, getting rid of the waste
Moat of our maladies are caused
Relief is sought in medication and the
"dope habit" Is upon us. Hluggtshness
follows stimulation, aa does night the
day. There shuffles In a drslrs for a
pick-me-up, and the msn becomes a
All of his energies are bring consumed
In running his boiler: there Is no power
left for the pulleys Bad breath, watery
eyes, psln In the side, dancing spots on
the vision, flatulence, dlsxltiess, head-
acba, all mean food poisoning.
Is usu-
ally a form of Indigestion.
Msny people est four meals a day
breakfast, luncheon, dinner and supper
after the theater. Such folks are bound
to suffer, and much of the time are. con
sequently, unloving and unlovable.
When you are aware you have a stom
ach you are given to introspection, and
introspection means misery. And misery
Is contagious.
Also, I might add, that happiness Is
not only contagious but Infectious.
Joy runs over and Inundates every
thing. It bubbles, effervesoes, overflows
Its banks and makes the waste places
green. We keep Joy by giving It away.
A thou girt Is not our own until we Im
part It to another. And In order to
have sweet and Joyous thoughts you
must have a body that ran mirror your
Joyous mood.
If we were aallors, living twelve hours
or mora a day In the open air, we could
Stuff our holds with a mixed cargo and
yet thrive. But living much Indoors,
with vexed mental problems to solve, we
need the. fertile mind and the insight that
sees things In their true light
To this end we must get rid of the
farmhand habit of overeating.
We want leas food and better food
We would be gallsnt, generous gentle
men, and Intelligent, gracious ladiss, all,
The sick, the grouchy have got to go,
We would possess our souls In patience.
We would know the fine art of listening.
We would sit In the silence with our
friend without embarrassment and paok
each pause with feeling. For only then
are we lovable.
To be lovable we must have certain
mental and moral qualitlea By mental
qualities Is meant the traits of character
that make you able to put yourself In
place of the other person.
This mean:) deference for the rights of
others, consideration, sympathy, slownasa
to blame and quickness to command.
Mental qualitlea are those that we use
in making decisions. Mentality means
memory, knowledge. Insight, ability to
far problems and sorve them rightly,' to
throw the searchlight of Imagination into
the future and thus possess the proDhetlo
People who are harried, worried,. In
doubt, are dangerous In a business way,
unsafs and unreliable.
They blame H their Ills on others and
have a faculty of making a whole house
hold miserable.' ,
And. of 'course, they, are unlovable.
huoh people have a coated tongue.
cracked lips, - blotchy complex toua, dull
eyes, yellow teeth. i
Cut down yeur food quantity. Increase
your breathing and note how your love
rapar-lty keepa pace, aad peUenoe poe.
eessea yeur souU
What la railed "heart dlaease
White Lies
rerhai the proverb that the "end Jus
tifies the means" Is the only thing that
can be said In favor of "white lies."
Tersonally 1 do not consider that any
thing ran really Justify a lie, white or
otherwlae. Certainly there may arise oo
oaslona when It Is extremely difficult to
avoid speaking the truth, and prrhspa '
getting some Innocent person Into trouble.
This state of affairs should never arise,
and It would not If even one had a nice
senMe of honor. The dangerous hsblt of
spying Is found In alt ranks of lif from
the highest to the lowest, and It Is this
habit which has led to the necessity of
uiang a "white He."
Once, years ago, I took a girl of 14 to
task for telling an untruth to an older
woman who had been questioning her
about some relation.
"You know your answer should have
been unite the opposite." "I know," she
owned, but how could I tell her the
truth?" Jhe only ssked out of pure natl-
rss and curiosity. I like the A, they
re friends and I have no Intention of
taking part In a family quarrel. V by
houtd I tell anyone about themT"
It la this point 1 want to Illustrate,
o person whether In authority or not
as a right to ask anyone else question
from which she csnnot expect anything
less thsn "white lies" In reply to her
At first the "white lies" may- be "poke
1th a sense of shame, a fear that the '
subterfuge may be found out. We hardly
like to meet the person again for a few
days. But one untruth, even the mildest .
of "white lies" will need another to Jus- '
tlfy It. and the first "white lie" demands
nothtr to support It, and while the first
waa uttered with fear and mlsslvlng, the
others that follow become easier to ut
ter, until at last there Is no difficulty at
all In using a "white lie."
Among my old friends there are women
who In theory would never descend to a
lie. but who have become unconsciously ,
so addicted to the telling of "white lies" .
that they use them at all times and
paeons. Once I had been Invited to take
tea with a friend. She lived at some dis
tance from my home, a long two miles
ley between our houses. I reached her
house at 4:30 to find it empty and my ,
friend apparently out. Knowing her .
fancy for long country walks I made
my way Into the garden and waited for
half an hour, and then returned home
feeling rather cross at having had my
walk for nothing. The next day she
came and reproached me for having dis
appointed her. Blie had been resting and
had not heard ray knock. Why hadn't t
opened the door and walked In? I might '
have believed her, but unfortunately I
had tried the door and found It locked. '
I had met a mutual friend, who had in
formed me that ahe and my absent friend
had been out on the river all day, and
that the latter had only remembered her '
Invitation only an hour after the time
ha should have been at home to receive ' -me.
Now Z am wondering why she had '
not honesty to tell me the truth. We :
were old friends and there waa no neces
sity for her to have hidden the fact that '
he had forgotten her appointment. I
should not have felt half the annoyance
I did when I heard her utter a deliberate '
It Is a wise poltlclan who can make his
constituents forget the campaign prom
ises. The trouble with most of the advice Is "
I that It hss generally been otferel at the
wrong time.
A man can Insist that wealth Is a bur
den and yet break his hack holding on
to his share.
One charitable act. will occaslonlly.
cause a man to pat himself on the back
for many months.
Msny a smart kid who hat ruled his .
mother hss found It a different proposi
tion to govern a wife.
Finally Restored To Health
By Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Bellsvaa. Ohio. "I was In a terrible
state before I took Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegwtabta Com
pound. My back
ached until 1 thought
it would break, I had
pains all over me.
nervous feelings and
periodic troubles. I
waa very weak and
run down snd waa
losing bo pa of ever
being well snd
strong. After tak
injr Lydia E. Pink-
I aV -' t . Ti 1.4 1 - ,M
ham's Vegetable Compound I Improved
rapidly and today am a wail woman. I
cannot tell you bow bappy I feel and I
cannot say too much for your Compound.
Would not be without it In the house If
It coat three time the amount" Mrs.
Cbas. Chapman, B. T. D. No. 7- Belle
roe, Ohio.
Woman's Precious Gift.
. The one which ahe should moat teal
cualy guard, is ber health, but it la
the one moat often neglected, until
aome ailment peculiar to her aex baa
fastened Itself upon ber. When ao af
fected such women may rely spon Lydia
E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, a
remedy that haa been wonderfully suc
cessful In restoring health to suffering
If you hSTS the allghtst doubt
that LydU K. riakhs.m's Vegeta
ble Compound will help you, write.
toLydlrt K.PlHknam Jifuinnevo.
(confidential) Lynn,Maaforsd
Ttee. Your letter will be opened,
read and anawered by a woman,
and beld In strict eoulldence.