Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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No Inflow of American Art Fancieri
This Year and They Cannot
Sell Their Work..
ROSA ZENOCH, heroine of Austrian battlefields, en
deared to her country through her deeds of heroism, and
known as the Jeanne d'Arc of Austria. She was shot in
the left leg while mercifully ministering to her country
men by carrying water to troops. For her valor she was
decorated by Emperor Joseph.
(Correspondence of the Aao late1 ITfin
THE UAOI K. Nethei Hindu. Mi Id -The
war ha hit the artle'a and art
dealer of Holland ao a,rety truit fln
pelntlnci are mlltnr low IM In
theee !- of nfnn-l retren-hmnt.
there te little (pare money for the pur
chase of pl turca and the tinual inflow
of tnurleta from the I nited stater Kn
land and Germany, whnee arrival every
print wee the alitnal for the Dutch
ait dealer to put up their prlrr, haa
been checked by war. heveral ualera
In The Haiti and Amsterdam have been
forced to aeek a livelihood In other lines.
One, of the leading dealer of The Hstcue
has closed hla shop, while another hne
ens Into the publication of llluatrated
hooka, larxaly on auhjttta g-ermano to
the war, for which thero is still a inurket
To make matter worse, the lulh
Itovemment has withdrawn Its annual
fixed credit at the disposition of the
state mueetima for the purchase nf works
of art The poor artlata. therefor, have
not rren the recourse to atate aid In
thedr awed, which would be open In or
dinary tlmee tr HofMede de Oroot.
late director of, the print, room of the
Koyal Museum at Amnterrtam. ind an
art expert, well known la the lnlted
States, regret thte Hep taken ly the
(Netherlands ;oernmeiit.
"Never in my memoiy.'' he told The
Associated Preea, "have there been sucn
eirtraardmary opportunities to recuie
valuable painting at low prices aa now.
Individual cannot to do so, per
haps; but the government can. An art
book or a painting worth ourehaslng for
one of the Royal Museums win prooauiy
be bought sooner or later, anyhow. The I
thing la that moat of them can be bought j
for leaa money now than later."
Tha aitUU. themeerees, hava under
taken the relist of the mora needy nmong
their fraternity. A numlier of these or
ganisations have eahlbltlon and ealee
rooms attached to their flub houses, and
hava arranged to hare aalea exhibitions
of paintings of the member, offered at
a fixed maximum price, generally far
helaw what tha exhibitors might nor
mally expect to receive for thalr work.
Tha Pulchrt studio, for example, has
had twa suoh sales, the first with tha
maximum price set at M. at which MM
pictures were sold. The second hae Just
been held: tha prices were fixed between
l and HO. at which figures- HO paint
ings war disposed of. The queen of
the Netherlands bought twelve, tha
prince consort eight and the queen
mother also eight. All the purchaacra
were Dutch. As the mtmberehlp of tbe
Pulchrt studio consists of recognlied,
established artists, tha Dutch found the
occasion thus offerred too good to let
slip. Tha artists' associations ars em
ploying also their available relief funds
to purchase tha pictures of artlsis hard
pressed to dispose of their work. These
will be held by the societies and sold
at auction after the war, when It la
hoped that times will be better. Anything
received over tha price paid by tha ao
i. ta n to tho artist, when the
final sale la made. Tha fund employed
en. these Durehaaaa is constantly Deinr
Inrreaaed by the eala of paintings by
aitlata of means, who can affora to ana
do present their works to the societies
to be Bold, the proceeds going ta the rs-i-f
fund. Certain of the societies also
um lotteries with pictures for prises.
10 per cent of the pnx efds going to the
srtiet. 10 par oent to tha roller or wora
i. h. industrial arts, and the re
mainder to ths Royal National Relief
.. the assistance of war sufferers.
While tha artlsu are thua united to
rare for thalr brother-erartemen. me
dealers la picture are without reuec.
One Hague dealer specialising In en-
mnA acchlnaa. told The Associated
Press that bad not sold an etching
for eight months. Prices ara cut in
v.. if M an avail. Thar la leaa aym
..- aaiara. howsrer. a It la felt
that theirs la purely a commercial risk
wi-v. H must stand, together with
the many other businesses Injured by tha
-.-y- - ;;. ,(
pi 7, fytr: K'-'.-r. - - A
M ' rK -4i
i4 , - i i 1
: aawyi-.sS aT.VjVa
5 .. ,r r' TVwi-???v ' 1 7 ;."'
f -. ' i- I7, f Vv r- v.
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Nebraska. Take Up Enterpriie Being-
Booited by Tonr Hondrrd
I TO iVlLUW int. t&LIItn tua.a
j Four hun'lre newspspe'i In the t'nlted
Ptstea sre co-operating In the develop
ment nf a plsn for a series of national
aeroplane nmrtetltion to be held all over
the I nlted Plates from July 4 to October
1?. The ero flub of America has made
scmo clahorst" plans Tho competitions
to .e rf the same pere plan as
thnso of the Pomerw club 'f FTartre. It
has heen suprscsted that the stunt stare
of eviction has been unduly prolonged
aid Ihe.t th time for competition alone;
the lines f more practical efficiency la
now lit hand.
A lint of Nebraska people and nraenira
tlon now cn-oneratlne; In the movement
fn- this national competition Is riven
Harry l.wrle, prealdenl, Nebraska
State Automobile association, Omaha: A
P. Ovcruaard. aecretary, rremont: H. R.
Mauser, president. Antelop County Auto
mobile association, Nellrh: Iyle E. Jack
son, secretary. Nelleh; Kd lAtta, presi
dent. Burt County Automobile associa
tion. Tekamah; I E. Poty, prealdent.
Rutler County Automobile association,
David City; Ouy T. Walling, secretary,
David City; Fay Pollard, president, Cass
County Automobile association, Nehawka;
tVlllaid 'lspr. secretary, Rlmood; T. A.
'Wooils. cerretary. Dakota Oounty Auto
moblln luh. Iiakota City; Roy J. Cuslck,
presldept. Pode (vinty AutomoWle as
aociiitlon. North' Rend; George F. masts.
secretary, Fremont: Chaxlea Htuart, presi
dent, Lincoln Automobile club. Ijlnooln;
T. W. Dawson, secretary. Madison County
Automobile asi, Madison, J. W.
Vieregt:. president, Merrick County Good
Roails association, Central City; Joe A.
.Hays, secretary. Central City; J. E
Oeorue. president, Omaha Automobile
club, Omaha; A. 8. Dalbey, president,
Dage County Avtomobile association.
Reatrlce; V. P. Andrews, secretary, Rea
trlce: R. J. Harris, vice president, Greeley
County Automobile association, Horace;
8. T. Orohoaky. secretary, Scotia; Ernll
Wolbach. president. Hall County Motor
club. Grand Island; V. T.. Kloseer, aeore
tary, Grand Island; Harry Lawrle. sec
retary,' Omaha Automobile club, Omaha;
C. A. GaJloway, president, Phelpa county
Automobile association, Hrldrege; If. E.
Brlckson. secretary. Holdrege; T. A.
Pennell. president. Red Willow County
Automobile association, MlcCook; W. B.
Mills, secretary, McCook; U B. Suhmldt,
president. Kallne County Automobile as
sociation, Friend ; Dr. N llllam J. Freude,
secretary, Dorchester; W. O. Dickinson,
president, He ward County Automobile as
sociation, ewaid; Dr. H. J. Werbnan, see-retai-y.
Mllford; Theodore Smith, preal
dent, Tecumseh Automobile club, Tecum
soh; Ray C. Moore, secretary, Tecumseh;
Dr. C. C .Sliepsrd. president. Valley
Oounty Automobllo association, Ord; O.
B. Huff, secretary, Ord.
Clarkson Nurses
Graduate Tuesday r
J,,,s. 'rs. fxiune says that If pcrs'ins
who neel i man to beat csrprts. mow
lawns and do other odd Jobs around the
ouiil call her up she could readily
hem with men. '
Graduating exercises for the (larVsnn
bonpital training school frr nurses were !
held Tuesday evening at S o'clock at Trln- '
Itr cathedral. Rev. IJoyd I!. Holsapple 1
of St Ramabas, dellerd the address
and Bishop A. 1 Williams prerented the '
diplomas to the Graduates A reception I
at Jacobs hall followed the exercises The
graduates are:
.M Uses
Klsle Sutler.
Inei L.. f3ck Iih rt,
Greta Paulson,
Klale Newton.
K. icllrlle Digrs.
Fmma Hanson.
Florence Wston.
G Iithene Ware,
Ina Wilson.
M Vkina Duke,
May Flllott.
Mrs O-orgo w. Doane of the Associ
ated Charities, is badly In need of work
for the many men who apply for odd
Judces and clerks who helped count
the vote for city commissioners at the
last election will have to wait until about
June 10 for their money. The city was
stow In retting Its share to the treieurer
and now the school board sends over
word that It cannot have Its proportion
ready before June 7.
Roys and rlrts of the fifth, sixth, sev.
enth and eighth grades of I-ake and ,
tthmn irlinAl. m-111 Vi n 1 .1 t Vi o , nna,iv,nai1 I
athletic meet In Kountre park at 30
Thursday morning.
Pig Raising on the
Bottoms Under Ban
After keeping hogs for six years at
tholr little shack at 14M North Tenth
street, as practically the only means of
feeding and clithlng a large family of
grandchildren and children, Julius Isclo,
(7 years old, and his widowed daughter.
Mrs. Mary Rama, now fare .the neces
sity of finding some other means of sup
port, because of the enforcement of the
new city ordinance against hog raising
wltl.ln ccrtiln (arts of tho city. -
Pollen Judge Foster gave them until
July I to dispose of their stock. Ha did
so because the pigs are now too young
to be marketable or else are about to
Health Officer Fiettner rounded up half
a iloxen other residents of the river bot
toms, but they were discharged upon
promises to dispose of their hogs or upon
guarantiee that inch had been done al
Oeorge t'rbarh, HM North s Eleventh
street, secured a brief continuance of his
case, when his lawyer, Harry Fisher,
Indicated an intention Of perhaps making
a fight to test the new ordinances He
says ths law takes In territory near ths
dump, where few people live and hog
raising con do no harm.
A small but nolay dog took possession
of a flat roof on one of the buildings of
the Haarmann vinegar and pickle works,
1PM South Twentieth street, Tuesday
morning, and refused to let anybody croaa
the roof to or from the factory. The roof
Is used for drying clothes and as an ap
proach to one of the workrooms. As often
as any person came near the dog at
tempted to bite him, ao a policeman was
called to corral the animal and take It
Miss Mena Stan, stenographer In ths
city legal department, has started In the
city hall ths Idea of cultivating window
flower boxes. There Is also a globs of
gold fish In her offlcs.
"Julia" is Enroute
Here With Cargo
A cargo nf 21.M0 pounds of goods con
signed to four Omaha concerns Is now
aboard the "Julia," the barge of Captain
W. B. Stevens, st Kansas City, ready to
start for Omaha. This is the river barge
that la eventually to ply between Omaba
and Decatur. Tha boat comes from Glas
gow, Mo., and is just picking up this
freight at Kansas City by way of making
soma extra money on its way to Omaha.
Captain Stevens telephoned from Kan
sas City to Commissioner Man ley of the
Omaha Commercial club, announcing that
ha has loaded all tho cargo for the Rich
ardson Drug company, the Standard
Chemical company, Sunderland Bros, and
ths H. J. Hughes company. He an
nounced that he would spend ths night
In Kansas City, Kan., and would get out
of Kansas City with tha barge Wednes
day. It is expected that he will arrive
In Omaha In about ten days, as he will
try to pick up some more freight on tbe
Pharmaceutics to
See First Den Show
ai hundred delegates are ex
t in Omaha June 1 to 10 Inclusive.
for the roestlng- of the Nebraska Stats
pharmaceutical association, ine
Mettv has sent out many invita
tions to delegates, and has prepared a
neat badge which Is to s furnished
those who attend. J. Ieydea White of
wuhlMiMi r. C . representing ths Na
tional Pharmaceutical association, is tu
be one of the principal speakers.
This crowd of delegates Is to enjoy tha
distinction of seeing tho first show of
the 1 season of Ak-Ber-Ben. at Barn
son's den. It happens that June T la the
opening night at the den and the phar
maceutists are to be entertained and
Initiated there the very first evening
they get to town. To say hat riemaon.
has prepared some real terrors for them
Is putting It mildly.
Billy Sunday Will
Be Here Thursday
BUly Sunday ts espeeied to eay "Hellu"
and " Good Bye'' In Omaha Thursday of
this week. He is scheduled to go through
Omaha on ths wsy to Oregon, where be
expects to spend his summer's vacation
on his Hood river fruit ranch. The local
Billy Sunday committee has sent word
to him asking him to stop over here for
a time and catch the neit train, so that
they may be able to confer with him re
garding the campaign ha Is to mske In
Omaha In tbe fall. He la expected to ar
rive at 10:30 o'clock Thursday morning.
(Correepondencs of the Associated Press )
PETROUIIAD. May K The emperur
has seat a meaage of condolence and a
gift of $6,000 to the families of ths vie
time of the e plosion at the Ckjttnsky
melinite works. The off! Isl report of
ths disaster gives the total number of
killed as elgnty-four. Of the sounded
sixty-three are still in the hospital. The
works ara located la a suburb of retro-grad
414-410-413 South 16th St.
With nr without reclin
ing back Wo have JC
them a low as. . . ipO
Others Priced
$7.50, $8,
$10.75, $13
Substantial steel frarr.a
collapsible Go-Cart, 10
lnch rubber tire wheels,
three-bow hood, adjust
able back,
spring stat.
Other Patterns, $6.50, $8.50, $12 to $18.
Reed Baby Carriage $24.50
Handsome Foeed Carriage, finished
white; spring
Special qualities of felted cotton mattresses
$8.00, $10.00, $12.00
Felted Cotton Mattresses, $6.50
Full weight. 4 ft. 6 In. mattreaa. built up in layers
of felted cotton; roll edge, atrlng tied ; rr
a big value pO.OU
Axminster Rugs
9ilS alee
$25.00, $27.50 and $28.50
These particular rugs come
only in this aiie. 9il2. They
should be seen to be fully ap
preciated. We know of no more
satisfactory floor covering for
ao low g price.
"Crex" Grass Rugs
for Porch and Bed Room
The moat extensive allowing of
tbeae popular summer runs In
Omaha. The range of alios is
great from 18x36 to 9x1?.
Vice from 40c to SH.50.
rialn colors as well aa the
Navajo, Grecian Key and Scroll
Extra Width
Sq. Yd., 60c and 70c
A carload just received of
thia extra wide linoleum many
rooms coa be covered with one
width avoiding Joints that
wear out first wide linoleum
glvea more years of service and
In the end ia cheaper.
Marquisette Curtains.
Special, $1.50 Pair
In white and ecru colors. Finished front and bottom with 2-lnch hem
stitched hem length t i ardi.
Price $1.50 Pair
for a quality that sells readily for COO per pair.
U to s off on a choice orUucynt of High tirade Hcrlru and
MnrquihPtte iirtnJn.
We Redeem "Wear-Ever"
Miss LeorU Kinney of Hebron, Neb.,
and Mr. Richard. R. Rogers of Arnold
Park, la., were married Monday evening
by Rev. Charles W. Pavldge at his residence.
Any etnre that sella "Wee;
nver" Aluminum Ware, may ao-'
ceft this coupon snl ldn In pay
ment for one "Wear-Brer" One
Quart gttewvaa. whloh sell rwru-
larly at 4 be, proTliied you preeent ,
the ronpon In person at store on I
or before .Tune I, 1HS, and write
on the coupon your name, addrefln
and date of purobsse. Only one
ran to be sold to a customer.
Name Address
City fate
Alnralatua Oooktajr TTtensll Oo
O-a-o-as. JTew Xanslagton. Pa.
1 tr.1
W WB J Itf S . H I A S 1
A Family Rasorf
Feature f eer
tke thx ape Vt
and Blcaae Ui rfS
ni pld,
BOd concerts rtne
j day fnr mrmrj sua.
The beat raki Is Tae
country far bathing and
koating. Akvadanoe of
am flslw
Clear Lake ts eaally
rLch4 from your
loan. Modoreta piiooa
prertll both a rt-
iards betel enoommo
atloaa oettagce for
rent and all Urine sup
pllea Danoaa, bowling, ten
nis and au fornn of
liarinloaa amuaeraenta
for the young.
Oolf llnki aratlable
Carre Gordo Co an try
tarB more of thia
raaort. Write eaoratary
of Commercial alub
fnr hanrtaome lllua
trated booklat ef Clear
The "Saratoga
ofthe Wt"
and all drug and drink bnbits over
come by the most modern and hu
mane treatment known to mankind
Call or address us for more detailed
Information or references to cured
Omaha Neal Institute
1SOB B. 10th St. rboae Song. 7504)
Get This 45c One-Quart
I J """J
For only 15c
and the coupon if preentMl
on or before June
2, 1915.
Aluminum is NOT "all
the same." Be sure you
get "Wear. Ewer." Look
for the"Wear-ETer" trade
mark on the bottom of
every utensil. If it is not
there it is not "WearJEver.'
Refuse substitutes
"Wear-Ever?' ttpj
The pan is made in enormous quantities
and has been advertised in women's maga
zines for several months at the special in
troductory price of 20c. Already more than
a million Wear-Ever " Sample pans are
in use. Now many stores are co-operating
with us in this offer to place sample
pans in still more homes. We know that
when once you have tried "Wear-Ever"
ware you will not be content until you,
ace utensils that wear out
with utensils that " Wear-Ever"
Cut out the coupon today. Take It to your dealer and get the one-quart "Vtmr-Ermr Stewpan
for only 15c by complying with the conditions named in the coupon. II your dealer will not honor
tha coupon, mall It to ua with ten 2c stamps (Jc) and we will eend you the pan, postage paid. It
costs ua 5c or more to mall you the pan.
The stores named below will honor theWear-ETer' coupon i If presented on or before June 2, 1915 1
five enduring satisfaction because they
are so carefully made from hard, thick
sheet met&l.
The quart panwhich regularly would
sell at 45c is offered for a limited time at
the special price of 15o and the coupon,
so you can see for yourself if you do
not already know the difference be-
Wear-Lver and tumsy Alumi-
num ware.
Down Town.
Brandeis China" Department.
Buress-Naah Co.
Orchard & Wilhelm.
Milton Rogers & Sons.
Outlying Stores.
John llussio lMw, "J407 Cuiniug St.
E. Karsch Co., 1820 Vinton St.
a II. Katz, 1418 North 24th St.
(L II. Meyer, 2915 Leavenworth St.
W. B. Nichols, 24th and Fort
Polan & Baner, 1247-49 South 13th.
Simpson Hdw., 2416 Ames Ave.
O. h. Wiemer, 2415 Farnam.
John Wisler, 4G79 Leavenworth St.
Young & Henderson, 2906 Sherman
South Omaha.
Koutsky & Pavlik, 412 North 24th.
Peterson & Michelsen, 2408 N St.
Jos. Pipal, 168 South 21 et St.
C. C. Johnson Hdw.
Council Bluffs.
P. C. DeVol Hdw. Co.
Peterson & Schoouing Co.
J. II. Price.
Hardy'a Hdw. Dept.
Frank' E. Lnnr.
Miller & Paine.
Rudge & Guenzel.
niatr, The Arndt Hdw.
Chadron, Chadron Furn. Co.
Dawson, M. V. Riley.
Falrbury, McDonnell, Young.
Fall City, J. C. Turner.
Ft. Calhoun, Fred Frahm.
Fremont, Bader Broa.
CilenvlUe, August Heye.
Hastings, A. F. Meyer Hdw.
Huniholt, J. C. Herwlg.
Ilumbolt, Skalak & Son.
Kearney, C. F. Rodlnson.
l4"renr. Matt Friend.
Liberty, M. D. Jlmmerson.
Nebraska City, H. F. Meyer.
Norfolk, Denger Hdw.
Oakland.' C. YV. Force.
Halem, Shildnlck Boos.
Howard, j. t. Goehner & Broa.
Springfield, Elwell & Sona.
Tectuiiaeh, Harry Phelps.
Atlantic, N. W. Deering.
Dunlap, M. C. Dally Hdw.
Harlan, A. L. & O. L. Rule.
Hed Oak, Samson Hdw. Co.
hhenanduan, Clovla ft Gage.
Other stores located wherever this paper
circulates may honor "Wear-Ever" Coupons
We want you to get the
pan so you will understand
why so many women pre
fer "Wear -Ever" to all
other cooking wares.
The Aluminum Cooking
Utensil Co.
New Kensington, Pa.
aJV m U fl II
i - : i
TZTft kit I
I I1U Mill
ead 1 &e ta raraM.i tot
2, 116 wttn.j ik.,.aa
ant mi I cm
wear -.ever" tounon
eweaa.elca Mil. tr,
t.M.i im c...M la him u mm. mi .(. Ja
Itat, ulaitM ao4 tilt .1 mici.m. Oult
JUad the See Want Ads each day.