the m:v.-. omaha. wkpnknpay. may im;. 3 6 V iV Nebraska VALUATION OF CAR LINE IS DESIRED State Railway Board Receives Re quest for One of Omaha Street Railway Company. APPLICATION IS NOT SPECIFIC (From a Staff Correspoondent.) MNCOIJf. May S.-lPr-eclal TeleRram.) The State Railway commission has re ceived a request from Omaha for a physi cal valuation of the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street railway system that the snme may be uaed In federal court In the even fares for a quarter suit. The com mission will be unable to furnish any thing of the kind until a more specific application la made. Mid Kxtnfl to Rahlea. State Bacteriologist Wild made an ex amination of the head of the bulldog, which bit the 5-year-old daughter of Simbon Ranum of Havelock yesterday .and discovered that the animal had a well developed case of rabies. The little girl was badly bitten In the face and nose and will be given 1'aateur treat ment. The dog belonged to W. W. Iewls. Roivdf n I'nllepta Snlnr. Colonel Dai-e Rowden, following his usual custom of not drawing his salary as commandant of the Soldiers' home at Mllford until he felt like It, brought In his vouchers yesterday and received $-,006. !. The accumulated Interest a mounted to 112.99. Rowden has always followed the practice of waiting until the 'amount was large enough to pay to bother with. Four years ago when he held the same Job he waited the entire term before drawing the salary. Editor's Fifteenth Wedding Anniversary ST. HDWAJID. Neb., May 25. (Special.) One hundred persons gathered at Has aelbalch's hall for a reception on Mon Iday evening, May 24, In honor of Mr. and Mrs. H. Gordon Cross' fifteenth wedding anniversary. A musical program was given by local talent and the orchestra Ifrom the Alabama minstrels, which was In the town. Mr. Cross is editor of the Bt. Edward Sua. FREMONT ASSISTANT POSTMASTER RESIGNS FREMONT. Neb., May 25 (Special.) Carl O. Swanson, who for the ut six years has been assistant postmaster, re sUncd to take effect June 1. Frank Fuhl roc"t, chief clerk, has been named to fill the vacancy. A suit for divorce was filed In district court by Margartt M. , Swanson against Carl O. Swanson Cru elty is alleged in the petition. The Swan rons were married at Lincoln November 4. 1?12; STORM DOES EXTENSIVE DAMAGE AT LEXINGTON TJEXINQTON, Neb.. May 24. (Special Telegram.) A hurricane atruck this city this morning about 7 o'clock, breaking treea and upsetting outbuildings. It tore the roof off of the east ward school house and wrecked the alfalfa mill. No one was hurt. Golden Weddlnaj at Fall City. FAI.18 CITY. Neb., May 25. (Special.) Fifty rjlatlvea and friends of Mr., and Mis. Wjlllam Rleschick went to their (home Sturday and gave them a surprise. The occasion was their golden wedding anniversary. Mr. Rieschlck will be 84 years of egc In June and Mrs. Rieschlck. whose birthday occurs In the same month, will be 70. Mr. Rieschlck was born in Germany and came with his parents to Buffalo, N. Y., In 1856 and two yeara later came to tills county, where he lived upon a farm until about ten years ago. when he ga'e over the home farm into the care of his youngest son. Albeit. Mrs. Rleschick was born in Switzerland and In 1S came to Hum boldt, where she wif married to Mr. Rieschlck fifty years ago. Of this union six children were born, two sons dying In infancy. One daughter, Amelia, Is at homo with her parents and three sons, William, jr.. John and Albert, live near this city and are prosperous and prominent farm ers. There are twelve grandchildren. nnTYBn and Rnlo Commencement. KTE2LLA, Neb.. May 24. Special.) Melvin Helm was awarded the scholar ship in the graduating class of the Daw son school. The graduates gave their orations on class day and on commence ment evening this week presented a pan tonine entitled, "Reunion of Class of 1!U5 in 1940." President V. Hayes of the Peru Normal delivered the class ad dress. The graduates are Qolda Moun tain, Harlen Helm, Margaret Ryan, Isaiah Ptratton, Rowena Pollard, Nora Kean, Preston Fergus, Hewitt Judd, Clare Belbhart, Mary Riley. Bridget Mil ler. Lucy Chlsm. Clarence Peden, Melvin Helm, Viola Du Frcne. At Rulo the commencement exercises will be held on the school grounds Thurs day, the 27th. The senior class will ap pear In the play, "Mr. Bob." Admis sion will be charged and ice cream will be sold on the grounds to clear some In debtedness Incurred for athletics. The seniors taking part in the play are Virgil Coupe. John Coupe, Forest Kirk, Edna Steinhauer. Bertha Frederick, Winifred Arnold and A line Schroeder. E. E. York Is the principal. llltrfcrwk Speaks at Beaalnsjtnn. BENNINGTON, Neb., May 2o.-(Spe-cial.) The graduating exercises of the Bennington High school were held at Oft s hall on Monday evenlru. A large end appreciative audience enjoyed the following program: Invocation. Rev. Mr. Nushaum; oration, "Our Motto," Irene C.rau; oration. "Worlds Fairs." Mary Tilerks; oration. "The New Education," Florence Grau; vocal solo. Mrs. Jay Herrington. The address of the evening was by Senator Hitchcock and the diplomas were presented by F. C. Goettsch, secretary of th school board. Wfeooprnar Couch. "When my daughter had whooping rough she coughed so hard at one time that she had hemorrhage of the lungs. I was terribly alarmed about her condi tion. Peeing Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy so hitihly recommended. I got her a bottle and it relieved the cough at once. Eefore she had finished two bottles of this remedy she was entirely well." v rites Vrs 8 F. Grimes, Crooksvllle. Ohio. GbtaUiaMa ever) where. AditrtUc-mrt Nebraska : wheeler maims satisfied Commissioner Coffey Hears that Worried Applicant Has Finally Secured Housekeeper. RIVER QUESTION IS SOLVED iFr'Mn a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. May 2.V-1 Special. -The Wheeler county man who has turned the state labor burenu into a matrimonial airency in an effort to have them find him a housekeeper lias at Inst succeeded, word being received by Commissioner Coffey that the place had been filled. The, man. ho refused to give hi' name, visited the labor bureau several times last week and received several appli cations, hut none of the applicants ap peared to meet the requirements. Nebraska's Hlsrht on Itlver. R. M. Saunders of Niobrara has ap pealed to the attorney generals office to help him out of trouble. Mr. Saunders operates a ferry near the mouth of the Niobrara river between South Iakota and Nebraska. Some time bko the river took a notion to change Its channel with the result that the former landing was out ol place. lie desires to know if lie can have the rlRht to cross private property temporarily to get to n new landing. As sistant Attorney General Rowe has de cided that he may do so. Miss Mnlrtnnn Hetnrns. Miss Mamie Muldoon of the fire com missioners' office returned from a month's sojourn at Excelsior Springs, yesterday. In company with her mother. Mrs. Mary Muldoon. who has been In ill Health for some time. Blttenbender Home Horns. The home of H. C. Bittenbender near thla city was burned to the ground last evening and Mrs. Bittenbender was nulto severely burned while trying to put out the fire which started by the explosion of an oil stove. As the residence is beyond the fire limits the department was not called. Thn neighbors assisted In getting out some of the furniture on the lower floor. Mr. and Mrs. Bittenbender ore well known over the country as prohi bition workers. Kalian Mostly Nnturnllsed. Edward G. Maggl does not believe that the Italians of Lincoln will return to Italy to take up arms with their fellow countrymen. Mr. Maggl says there are only about a dozen In Lincoln who are not American citizens and he does not believe that they will return, and In any event will not go unless called upon. Condemn I.nnd for Pchool. The first condemnation proceedings started In connection with the acquisition of grounds for the extension of the uni versity campus were filed in district court last night and are against property owned by Jacob Moehler. The regents have been unable to agree with him on a price. As soon as the clerk of the court has filed notice of the proceedings with tho governor the later will appoint five men to appraise the property. First Alfalfa Grower Of the State Is Dead AUBURN, Neb., May 25.-(Speclal.)-Bernard Ottens died at his homo in this city yesterday, lacking i few days of being 87 years of age. He waa one of the early settlers of this county, havlnir located on a farm west of town In 18C4. For years his house was the only dwell ing between Tecumseh and the Nemaha liver. His house was known far and wide as the road house where entertain ment was furnished travelers. Mr. Ottens was born in Germany and leaves a large estate. He was the father of the Parochial school here.. He claimed the distinction of being the first person to grow alfalfa In Nebraska. - He got seed from Germany and commenced the propagation of this plant thirty-five years ago. He demonstrated to . his neighbors its value as a forage plant, and wrote many articles In favor of It for the farm papers. , Tho funeral will be Thursday, and In terment will be In the Holy Cross cem etery. He Is survived by a widow and five grown daughters, nd many grand chil dren. He and his wife celebrated their golden wedding here twelve years ago at St. Joseph Catholic church. TWO DOUGLAS COUNTY CASES ARE APPEALED fTVom a Staff Correspondents LINCOLN. May 2f (Special.) Frank M. Robllng, for his 12-year-old son, Frank K. Robllng, has appealed to the supreme court for a reversal of the Judg ment of the Douglas county court In an action brought for damages against the Young Men's Christian association of Omaha- Robllng alleges that his son was injured while a member of thai Junior department of the Omaha asso ciation in the association rooms. Ho sued for S17f damages and 125 doctor's bill. The Jury found for the association and the rase is appealed. Edward Sodomka, 17 years of age, by his father, Frank, sued the Cudahr Hacking company of Bouth Omaha for $35,000 damages, caused by falling down the elevator of the packing plant. Th.i Jury in the raae brought In a verdict for 110,000 and the company appeals for n reversal of the Douglas county court. THOMAS MAKES ADDRESS BEFORE HIGH SCHOOLS fFrom a Ptaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May 25. (Special.) State Superintendent Thomas will put in the rest of this week addressing commence ment exercises In different parts of the state. Wednesday night he will speak at Tlcktell, Thursday nlrht at Ftroma burg, Friday night at Schuyler and Sat urday afternoon be will address the grad uates of the county Eluhth grade sehoolr of Dodge county at Fremont. The clas-i composes of about W. i - Memorlnl XnnHny Prosrsm. MADISON. Neb., May 26. (Special) Memorial Sunday and Decoration day will be appropriately celebrated here, Dr Harper delivering the sermon Sundav morning at the Methodist church, and giving the address Monday afternoon at the opera house. The Presbyterian choir and the Madison band will provide music for Monday's exercises. Following the Fpeaking. a procession. I'd by the band and the Grand Armv of the Republ,.. will proceed to the remcter'es. I.eminrri oM. In the I'aelfl- (Vast lengi,, t'e fort land club has sold li'ehi-r "Tlnv" I .eon .-rd to the inki.ii? ijiusi of lle North- Nebraska GENEVA SCHOOLS PLAN ELABORATE EXERCISES GK.NKVA. Neb., M:v .'.Y Special) Tiie Geneva HirIi school commencement exercises will be held rKlday evening. June 4. at Miiirluk at t lie audltoilum. The following pupils will gradiate: I'uul W. Curtlss. rlnss piesident; Leta V ePterson. vice imihIiI.hi. I'essie K. Oirii. secretary and treasurer: PeaHo I. Armstrong. Karl A Tarker, Hessle F. I'.oap. I. on P. Churchill Grace Fox. Ber nlc" liafei. Mirion IV Johnston. Hay W. Klillon, Anna F. Klrst Velum T. Lauber. l-oiils L. Lnufmann Marguerite LlnhACk. James Ltimirm. Ruth M Massey, Kdna McCartnev. I'red C. Meirltt. I.uclle Mc KiM.on Pltinn C. Mcl.-od. tona!d G. I Mm re. Irene M nrrhy. Kdna U Owens. Eva M l'lersol. Ida I'lank. men r. t rice. John W. Redelfs. Ruth K Reeve, lslle K. Snuer. Henry G. Sole. lreola Wytliers. Howard Yates, rroetam for commencement: Orchestra Tnvochtlon Rev. IV A. Warren Vocal Solo Mrs A E. Holt Salutatory-Folk Songs of other I.nds Anna Klvst Oration The American of Today John Redfels Valedictory Masters of Musrtc 1-ta Peterson Vot-rii Solo Clarence Poison Address The Value of an Education.. n . ii. Presentation of diplomas. E. J. lemp I ... ,.nat.iAt ll.iai-.l of Education. CENTRAL CITY BURGLARS ENTER PLEAS OF GUILTY CENTRAL CITY. Neb , May 2S (Spe cial. ) Charles Wlsner and Nicholas Mouton plead guilty before Judge Button in the district court Monday afternoon to the charge of entering and robbing . the home of John Stiles on Mom'ay morn ' ing of last week, and were sentenced to serve In the state penitentiary a term of I not 1. ss than twi lienor m re than (Ifteen I months. According to their story they entered the home of Mr. Stiles In quest j of food. They failed, however, to re strict themselves to this allowance, for they acknowledged the theft of a gold I watch, a safety raxor and other minor j articles. Mr. Stiles Is bridge watchman for thn Union Pacific and resides about 'two miles southeast of thla city. This la the first rase entered upon the criminal docket of Merrick county within a period of nix months. BROKEN BOW FARMER IS KILLED BY TRAIN RROKKX ROW, Neb.. May 25 fpe clal.) Oeorge Lash, 72 years old, a well known farmer living on the Pouth Loup in this county, was struck by passenger train No. 42 at 7:20 this morning and in stantly killed. The accident occurred at a curve one-half mile west of Rroken Row. Ijish. who was) taking an early morning walk, -was on the right of way near the rails and either did not hear ! the train's approach or refused to get lout of the way. Iash'e mind has been j affected lately and he was here being treated. Deceased has a wife and ten children. The body will be held await ing the arrival of Coroner Landls, who la out of town. SENATOR NORRIS WILL GIVE COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS COLUMBUS, Neb., May 25. (Special.) Rev. Harry F. Huntington preached th barculniireate sermon for the high school Sunday. . A Junior-senior reception was given at tho high school, at which time entertain ment was furnished by the Wealeyan male quartet. Graduating exercises will take place Wednesday, May 28, 8 p. m., at the North opera house, where Senator George Nor ris will deliver the clasa address. Read the Bee Want Ada each day. Vancouver Interns Alien Enemies Used as Strike Breakers VANCOUVER, B. C, May 25.-Intvr. ment. of alien enemies cm a wholesale scale was begun today In the coal mining district of Vancouver island. ' By noon 115 Austrian! and Germans in the South Field, Cumlwrland and Naralmo mines were placed on a special train bound for the Interment camps. The alien enemies were taken Into the mines a year aro as strike breakers when the coal pits were tied up by tho United Mine Workers' strike. . The for. mer workmen are now to resume tholr Joba. Try "Brownatone" Hair Stain The Fountain of Youth Has at Ijtxt nen Foil ml In "Ilrownaton" The One IVrfect Stain That la Kntirely llarnileaa and Hure to Give Best Itesulta. You need not tolerate gray, streaked or faded hair another day. Ii takes but a few moments to apply "Brownatone" witn your comb or brush, and Just a little "touching up" once a month should keep your hair ihe beautiful shade you moat desire. Heaults alwaya the "lame-always plead ing, win not rub or wash off and guar anteed to contain none of the danger ous ingredients so often found In dyes." Prepared in two shades. One to pro duce s-nlden ne me dium brown, the other, dark brown or black. We will send absolutely free, for a short time only, a trial bottle of BROWN A TON K If you- will send ua your name and address accompanied by lie to help pay postage ami packing This offer a made for you to trv BRoWNAT iNK Hair Stain, and find for yourself Just how aupeiior it la to all so-called "dyes." rrunba, etc., etc. Solrt and cub ran teed jn Omaha by Sherinun & Mo'onnell Drug Stores. FREE TRIAL BOTTLE COUPON The Xsnton Pbarmacal Company, 629 Z. Plka Street, CoTlortoa, Kf ries sen'l me tnnr trial bottle of 7 BLOWN ATONE Hair Stata. I en- rUme 10 i ems iMlver or slHinps) to I elp pay l ofeluge ami fa' Klnx. Name Art-tresB Tnwn State I hi you w IhIi ci.lflen, meillum. ilark li'uvni or lilit'k? hi.ite which Thirteen Alleged Night Riders Arc Under Indictment MH'TH REM'. Wash. M.-iv :T. Thr t rlnht Indictments as-i list thirteen North Ker reli"ents wete returnel l ist nluht by a special grand tury, called to lnv-Uate alleKctl 'nlslit iller" activi ties In the Noilh R er counlrv. a re mote section of Pacific county J N. Howard, the alleged leader, and four others, arc under arrest l err today The others Indicted arc silu vt thr T.oith River country. All are accused of sec ond degree burglary and second degree assault. Sevcial in addition arc charged with arson. Hond has been fixed at tf.OiO lor each defendant. The indictments are the of a midnight eje-tiuent of Mrs Margaret Rofs and her two sons from ttnir North River ilaltn in Januarv, Vi Their i a bin was burned. The men Indicted were rv.-.ted previously on a charge of assmlt and arson, but the eases were thrown out of court for lack of ev donee. Mrs Ross appealed to Govirnor Ernest Lister and Attorney General W. V Tan ner, for protection and they s. nt As I atstont Attorney General John M Wilson tof Olvinplc to this county to handle til- case. Waiter K I'.ovi r. special acnt of the federal land office In Portland, as sisted in pres. ntlnii the evidence Mrs. Ross and one of her sons, Karl Ross, have been subpoenaed to appear before the federal grand jury at Ta comn. Balance of Trade Will Reach Billion by First of July WASHINGTON, May 35. With Secre tary Redfleld's estimate that the trndo balance In favor of the United States will total H.flOiUXXl.000 on July 1 beforn j them. President Wilson and the cabinet today dlncuased the relation of the sta tistics to the intei national situation. The oontentlon made In (Treat Britain that the growing American export trade shows that the United States is not suf fering from order in council aynintd which diplomatic protest Is pending will be fully Investigated by the 1 apartment of Commerce. The administration view of the situa tion Is that greatly Increased exports to neutral countries shown by official fig ures are not due to re-exportations to Oermany and Austria, but to the fact that European neutrals unable to get commodities from European neighbors ara forced to buy from tho United States. ITALIAN CONSUL SLAIN AT CONSTANTINOPLE IXNDON. May 3R.-A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph from Odessa says It la reported that the Italian consul at Constantinople has been killed. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. eO(- tYi0n tfki -eftJ ' ,vrce - ;2A! .(.re"" . rs. c- ; w.vt i 8W tVv tW mote vve v' oa" QoaiivJ See this Walsh and king i in another clash Industrial Arnt Says Your Rocke feller i Now Most Powerful In fluence in Colorado. REFUSES TO TELL OF INQUIRY WASHINGTON. May 2... --W. I,. I MacKonrio King, director of tho In dustrial Relations' department of the Rockefeller Foundation, resumed his testimony today before the Federal Industrial Relations commission, which Is Inquiring into conditions In the Colorado coal fields. The wit ness took the Mand late yesterday and was questioned at as to his nervlces to John IV Kockef oiler, Jr., and to the Foundation. He In terrupted hts testimony to protest ncalnst the method of Chairman Walsh In conducting the rommls s'on's Inquiry into tho Colorado strike. (Tali-man Walsh nt'd King clashed acaln todav when Kind's answers- became 1 jiiWiiiMw mix. v. me-. - 5' V!" ? .Ae1 , e Ot . -,at)U- tiStrrTn v. to a rm an& Wtt VTc nvo.. l3a b nno ..t o-- -.nn 1 . .V. -oU,:;V. 8."T "aV.OOO ,n Vc- ol 0 a bViti . A ba six Studabthar ROADSTER. $ SB a. ...j.i i L f 1 1 u .... iimS. Studakckar SIX (7-paaaaosar). 1450 F. O. B. Dalrsll "TT 'A. :?,'., .1-.; Six at Involved slid the chairman sousht tol lii'i'l lili'i Mr W -ilh souKlit ti inane a r M .f V .it Mr I v I n -i has ,h,ne for lal" r ;otii I he wltmss and I'lMiimiv I U'-r v'elnHtocK wanted to know th - I c t of fill hue ..f UcstlontnK hot the thatiman ciuphntii ally refused to e p'a in IntexlaBtloKB Confidential. '1 am iv t en the stand." he snjd. ''and 1 tii ' i of d'-cl'ne to he questioned " Walsh questioned King as to bis In v r si Ik t ;ons In Colorado, but the witness insisted that h's Investigations were con fidential and tie coul, not make public any of his information lie Insisted ho had een rcpr senta! Ives of both shies of the Colora'o struggle In bis efiort to be nbsob telv fair. The chairman Insisted that tl,e ''people must have the facts " "What do yon mean by the people?" aske.l the witness "I livan ihe American people." said the chairman, "whose public opinion would I be the greatest factor In Improving eondl tl ns In Ci lorado " "Th ' will and conscience of yours; Mr. John P Rockefeller Is more powerful In Colorado than any other force that ran be brought to bear at this time," said Kinn ' You think that the will and con science of Mr. John P. Rockefeller 'a more powerful than tho wills and con sciences of all the American people o hrinii about u chanpee of conditions In Colorado?" Tn M r-f 4 ) t- "".'.'"-T't'J"' -1 WHtiH fi-iiia rriMM'sU;;,;,,, ' ' ' - " -t It's no task to becoming straw mm So many new creations have been intro duced that the fellow who seeks "some thing different" will find it hero and at whatever price ho cares to pay. Panamas .$5 to $10 Leghorns $2 to S5 Bangkoks $5 Milans S3 Sailor's Split $1.00 to $5 Sennett Sailors $1.00 to $3 em- -ioMun JTl! When 3 thim Studebaker 5t on the roads, you find that im, V" sOC less. You find thfltTitVTCONO J if. even more ECONO to For th. aJmpl. r.on that If, ,b. LOW-upke, snr Built to be th,,'. ii , , , P Snt- they had in miti W" oth., era. Poring, aiid prL at th. touch of two flflmaTa ToarT" r Your .rM wfll ull that Bat mS rSS" ,TW M' to BUY and ..-o, 1385 " : ' OMAHA FACTORY BRANCH, 255S-2-4 Farnam Street. STUDEBAKER WILSON." Local Dealer, vu t &ruui "That Is not lust what I said," rfpllM IvIiik, and another clash followed, after wh 'h he irotcftetl against his tfatlmnnr being ' distorted." "Now, mi have riven your opinion of me," rejilleii the chairman, "and I don't intend to ply my opinion of you here, tin i latter how Insulting your comment may he s' all treat vou exactly as I treated John P. Rockefeller, Jr." Kins Kiplnlna 1 Iterance. When the air rleareei. Kins; explained that he .i "speaklns; as a practical msn of a practical situation." "I mean to say." he continued, "that If 1 wanted to Improve cond!llnn In Colorado tho man I would (to after would he John P. R.Mkefeller. Jr. He could do more In one year alonn that line than efforts to fncus public opinion on the situation could do in several years." Responsibility for Ihe Colorado strike, Kinn aanl. he could definitely fix and he expected to report his findings where they would Tiavj the best effect. H suRKeated that he should like to give his recommendations privately to Chairman W aish. FORMER OMAHA MINISTER HEADS FREMONT DIVINES FRmtoVT. Neb.. May . fffnectal.) -Pr. Nathaniel McOlffln formerly of Omaha, was elected president of the Ministerial union at the annual meeting; of the association yesterday. Wff-fv-jif tHlltJo , 4ki choose a this year on Q tWn . in JO. 4t V 'W . Y - mm rnowARp-m 1 1 t i . ! i i i . f ; r : i :