TI1E HEK: OMAITA, TTESPAV, MAY in 1.1. DEATH ENDS WILD . . CAREEROF ZIGICH Principal in South Omaha Murder ii Himself Killed at Kan r las City. WAS MOST GENERALLY FEAEED Mika Zlglch, principal In one murder and several shooting scrapes In the Serbian colony of South Omaha, was shot and killed Sun day in Kansas City. Mo., by Mike McDonald, whom ZigHeh assaulted on the BtroeL The death of Zlgkh snds a feud that begat) In the Serbian-Austrian colony of South Omaha two yean ago when one Pitl Bablch shot and killed Vucovlch Bablch was acquitted of the murder at which Zigloh testified for the state. Lter BaMch was shot and killed by Zigtch who claimed that his victim had made threats sgatnat htm. For this kill ing' Zlfleh was acquitted. Terrar to ''My. After his release on the murder char fee ElRlch became a terror In the local for eign colony. ITe was charged with having made threats against Joe Tasovtch and Nick Bavatovlch, two respectable citizens pf the Austrian colony. Later, for carrying concealed weapons, former .fudge James Callahan Imposed a Jail sentence upon Ztgleh, who neverthe less was able to secure his release. Ex-Convict Caught Prowling in Dundee Vhlte prowling .around residences In Dundee at S o'clock Monday morning, a man who gave his name ss A. R. Atter berg, and admitted . he was an ex-con-vlct. was apprehended by Village Marshal Ivlngston The suspect was slightly In toxicated.' Livingston said, and could not explain his presence In a quiet resi dence neighborhood at that hour, so the officer took him to the Omaha Jail for safe keeping Atterberg said he was a stenographer from Tulsa, Okl., and said he had served a prison sentence In Texas for bank robbery. He Is being held for Investigation. Police Mrs. twice swallowing Rhe is ing at presented HEARS THAT HIS SISTER'S SON IS WOUNDED IN WAR A postal card sent from a hospital In London, England, to ' City Clerk Flynn and mentioned In the newspapers, h resulted In conveying- to Jan Deslee of 3529 U street. South Omaha, information that his sister's boy wss wounded during the German invasion Into Belgium. Ernest Vanneate was shot in an arm and was among the Belgium refugees to London. He remembered that his unci was In Omaha and employed as a butcher. The uncle called at the city hall and received the postal card from Clerk Flynn. MATTERS GIVEN ANOTHER MONTH TO FILE APPEAL i 1 1 Thomas TT. Matters, Omaha attorney, has been given an additional month la Which to file the papers in his appeal to the United States circuit court of ap peals. Judge Frank A. Toumans . has signed the order giving Matters until July 1 Instead of to June 1 to file his sp- peal. This was don because of the volumln ousnesjt of the transcripts and the hun dreds of objections filed by his attor neys. INJUDICIOUS CHOICE OF WORDS RESULTS IN PINCH Telling ths police to seek a warmer climate landed Roy M. Waterman of Council Bluffs In Jail.. He hsd shouted his Invitation In plain and Impolite terms at Officer Buford as the patrol wagon went past, Budford took Water man to the polios station, where he gave a cash bond that was forfeited later. MRS. DUNCAN VERY ILL; HER DAUGHTER IN HOSPITAL Miss Odyssa 8. Duncan of the Alma apartments, who bag been confined to her bed for ths isst week, I) as been re moved to ths Nicholas Benn hospital. . It Is feared that her mother will also hare to be removed to the hospital on account of a nervous breakdown due to the shock of her daughter's Illness. ' . . LAD BREAKS LEG WHILE PLAYING IN BALL GAME While playlns base ball at Twenty ninth and Burt , streets, Sunday after noon, Charles Rteepy sustained a broken lea- and was taken to St. Joseph hospital. II is 17 years of sge and lives at Z7SS Cass street B. PRED PITCHER FANS TWENTYJDF OPPONENTS Ths B. Preda. who took the plaos of the Grand Views In the Southern league, .nr. their first league gams Sunday by rf.f..tlnar the Omaha Printing company 11 to 1 Mllitraler was In fins form and whiffed twenty of the printers. i PRESS CLUB TO ELECT - OFFICERS THIS EVENING The Omaha Press club is to hold Its organisation meeting, following a dinner at the Paxton hotel, this snlug at o'clock. Temporary officers were chosen at the preliminary meeting and an or- Get Ri f flsrlasj reve.M A laey liver and sluggish bowels will overcome , sny ambitious and energetlo man or woman and make them feel all tired out, dull, stupid and lifeless. Foley Cathartla Tablets relieve constipation, re store healthy bowel action and liven up your liver. They ars w holer ome snd thor oughly cleansing; do not gripe or nause ate. They banieh that full, close, heavy feeling. J. L. Knight. Fort Worth, Tessa, "says: "My dissgreeable symptoms were entirely removed by ths thorough cleaner lng they gave my system." Sold every wbsre. Advertisement. The Bee Want Ads Arm Best Business Boosters. - PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Police Officer 'Charles Jensen, the wrestler, Is sgsln on duty after a serious Illness. nk Walters, general manager of the Northwestern, is back from the east, where he went to visit his son Wall man, TfHt it a student at larUnoulh college. Surprise Man GREECE AND BALKAN HATI0NS0N ALERT Removing Plumbing While busily engaged at cutting out the plumbing from a vacant house on North Twenty-fourth strict, n-ar Podge, a police character, known as Irving, wss surprised by Officers Harts. Ilooney snd Williams. lie was taken to Jell, charged with burglary. The rtral Ketste ex Grare Illness of Kins Conitantine Affording- Opportunityfor War Party to Gain Strength. change offers a rewari of 8rj) euoh for plumbing thieves. ROUMANIA IS WATCHING RUSSIA id: LONDON. May S 4. DOMESTIC TROUBLES LEAD WOMAN TO TRY SUICIDE nouncement of Italy's war against Austria, awaited with deepest interest the outbreak of actual hostilities be Ruth Fuller Ian. led In the city tween the two former allies. Com munication across ths Austro-Italtan border has been brought to a stand still; Italian mobilisation la being perfected and in Rome today decrees Jail, under arrest for "disorderly con duct," yesterday) afternoon, after she had attempted to tnke her life by poison. 40 years old, snd had been liv 6J0 North Seventeenth street. teenondency over domestic affairs was were issued repecting as a motive for the set. an economic nature, A well-known representative fropi a large New York jobbing made this statement just the other day downtown. He said: KEEP THIS LIST FOR FUTURE REFERENCE BAG M A NTT A CTVR K BEVU-OXlHa BAO CO., Hth v' aoitson t)ts., Douglas 1109. BOILER MAKERS B&AXJS-WIXX.IAM8-X0Virr oo. aad Hlokoxy, Douglas 1043. 93d BOTTLERS' OMAHA OTTXXiro CO, 6X5 So, 11th St., Dong-las 1100. sx.OTrr.BKEBmY Bomnra CO- icoa Webster Bt., Douglas 7388. BOXES PACKING OMAHA BOX CO, star 413. Vast Omaha, Wsb. . SQaZiXSB-O'n.'nrCr CO., (Omaha risrs Oorrngated Bos Co.), lota and Itsavsnworto, Donates 1139. BREWERS STOBB BBBWXHO C0 1819 Shsnnas Avs.t Webster 881. MET BJtKWIWO CO, 8th aad Leaven worth, Douglas 1490. nsn isiia bbzwibto CO- Hrug suns and Boulevard, Tyler 430. . JXTTXa BBBWXHO CO. 80th and T Sts. (South 8). WILLOW SPBrBTOS BBBWXHO) CO Id and Hickory Sts Douglas 1306. BRICK MANUFACTURERS ' XTDxAVUa VBSBS BBXCX CO, 1303 W. O. W. Blug. Douglas 909. . BUTCHERS' and PACKERS TOOLS O. B. X.XVEB Js CO, 1610 Capitol Ave, Douglas SI 9. CEMENT BLOCK MANUFACTURERS OMAHA COVCBKTS BTOWX CO., ST. W. Cor. 88ta Avs. aad BabJer. Wsb ster 880. CONFECTIONERY D. 9. CBBZEV CO., 801-U Douglas Bt, Douglas 833. TOKOBDB A DXHBTBXr CO, 1818.18 Jones St, Douglas 808. COUCHES AND MATTRESSES Xk O. DOUF COM Doug 1m 1600. 1301 Xfiobolaa lu coffi':e, tea and spices . TAKKtEB-OUSOJg CO, 118 Bo. 11th Bt, Dourlas 8330, , 0EBMAB-A VESICAS' ' COmB . CO, 1117-19 sodg at, Douglas ma. , CRACKER MANUFACTURERS rrzsr bibottit oo, oapitoi atv lata to in Sts, Douglas 8183. . CREAMERY COMPANIES . T AXBKOBT CBBABTXBT CO. 18tS an4 Jones Sts, Douglas 1401. WATERLOO -' CBBAXXBT CO, 181? Howard St, Douglas 1409. COMMISSION, PRODUCE, ETC. WKCHBHAUH 8j BOH, ZHC, 1809.11 Howard Bt, DougLsa 434. ' DISTILLERS XUBB A OO. WOLOV E7BCCQS STB TUIIITi 831-8 Howard St, Bong. ELECTRIC COMPANIES , OMAHA ZUiCTBIO UOIT A BOWEB CO, V. r. Bldg, Douglas 1088, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND LIGHTINU FIXTURES BXTBOBBB-OBAHSEH Co, 1811 HOW aid Bt.. Tyler 881. ENGRAVERS- ELECTllOTYPERS BABTEB BBOI. B BTOBATTHCr OO, 1818 Howard bt. Do us las 8688. ENEIX)PE MANl'FACTURERS BtTBKX,XT B BTTEliOBB 00, 417 Is. ism st, Douglas sal. FIXTURES OMAHA riXTTJAB ft BTTFTXT OO, 414-18-18 Bo. 13tb Bt, Doaslaa 8784. FLOUR MILLS Vbdxxb urunii CO, lBU ksrasaa Avs, Webster 88. FURNACES ITAISABD rVBHAOB ft STTFTLT CO, 411.13 So. lOtk St, Douglas 8087. irsesblt sil oast aad Wsii all steal araaoes.) ,... , ... v- OMAHA censorship and providing for public safety. Greece, who snxietr over ths Illness of King Constsnttna rms en Increased by ths bulletin Issued today. Is closely following the situation as regards ths relation between A nutria snd Itsly, snd diapntches from Athens state thst ths war psrty Is now gaining In strength and thst the reeell of ex-Premier Elettthorioe Venlselos Is Imminent. Roumanla, on the other hand, seems anxious to ascertain the outcome of the great Oallclsn battles before making a With th an declaration, while Bulgaria Is waiting for more definite results of ths attack on the Patrianallea. Roumanla mny have some Urns to wait, as Russia has commenced a counter of fensive against the Au.tro-ermans. who drove the third snd Carpathian armies bsck to the San and Dnelnter liver, and an entirely new battle Is now developing. The Russians, with strong reinforce ments, have crossed the San confluence with the Vistula and are advancing southward In an effort to outflank the Germans, who croeawl the San In the vicinity of Jaroalau.. They are also strik ing hard at the Austrian In Rukowtna.1 declaration of London today measures of establishing a lba People Ar tickler "There is something uncanny about the way Omaha retailers pick flaws in goods that would be hailed with delight in larger towns; also in demands for the vogue of the last minute . The reason is apparent Omaha people are great sticklers for quality. They want the best at a reasonable price and they get it' Omaha manufacturers knew this long .be fore Mr. ISfew Yorker did. They have known right from the start that theirs must be a pro duct pf- the highest quality, equal to or better than any other known makes. And they have produced it, age Omahan doesn't realize it. something else he doesn't realize it can be bought in Omaha for less than it can be shipped here for, and he gets a more direct, satisfactory service. The next time you ask for the Omaha made brand and give it a trial. It's to your own personal interest. ' - ' ' 1 . ' e X i s t . r-1 u , i'w .- I" ' " "ii i"i i;ijfnm in) ' s'ih'VS ' g I' ' w ,Ji ' , i , 'i ami ir-A rt-i i 'rr-'. Jrr rr trfhA A I i: a : T iui r a at. i s s Sd. m a -j a, s a s m res a r i;- s re -aaw it s m m m b itci m a s's m a. ;,;. . - .!. - t, . x . : . r ?'."-.i : .. t l'r:x I but apparently have miule no further rtaslllrs of San Glusto, the loftily situated ralhedrnl In Trieste and planted the headway there, nor with their offensive In the Opatow region. The latter of Italian tricolor st the -top. Austrian gendarmes were ens aged for several hours this morning removing the flag. Fugitives from Austria continue to ar rive at I'dlne by hundreds. fensive, however, was s movement to un cover the German flank In Oallcla, which It partly succeeded In doing. In ths Raltlo provinces the Germans claim to have defeated the Russian northern wing In ths region of Shsvll snd also U hSTS repulsed the Russian attacks from ths Dubysa and Nieraen rivers. In the west there hss been a series of stfcacks along the greater part of ths line, but no action of first Importance. Mrs, Edmonds Goes To Home in Alaska Mrs. Anna Kdmnnds will leave this evening for her home in Ketchikan, Alaska, after a visit of six weeks with her parent Mr. snd Mis. N. Krederlck sen, WOS Grant street. She Is the wife of A. n. Kdmomls. disbursing officer and chief clerk in the office of the light house Inspector at Ketchikan. Terror in Trieste At Opening of War VPINK. Italy (Via Paris. Msy Terror reigns among the Inhabitants of the Austrlsn seaport of Trieste, accord ing to reports received here. Houses have been abandoned by the people and some buildings have been sacked. Police snd soldiers are sstd to be in . control sverywhers In the city. An unknown person during ths night succeeded In climbing ths dome en ths JUDGE FOSTER BACK ON BENCH AFTER ILLNESS Police Judge Charles E. Poster Is again on ths sbeencs, due for QtEsJity but the aver And here is want to buy something, 1 ..-. . '.'.. ' -r-' .-, i- - - -.:7if:;v'': r Best Laxative For Children When your baby Is cross and fretful Instead of tbs happy, laugh ing little desr you are accustomed to. In all probability the digestion has become deranged and ths bowels need attention Give It a mild lantlT, dispel ths Irritability and brinar back the happy content of babyhood. The very best laxative for children Is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, be cause It contains no opiate or narcotlo drug. Is plessant tasting and acta gently, but surely, without griping or other distress. Druggists sell Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle, For a free trial bottle write to Dr. W. B. Cald well, 4SI Washington St., Montloello, III. bench, after several weeks to Illness. The Pee Want Ads Are Beet Business Roosters. and importing house it' KEEP THIS LIST FOR FUTURE REFERENCE FUR GOODS BfATXOHAZ, FTTH ft TABTsTTH d OO, ,A SSBS WO. 1IU St, VJIM WtUb GAS CWfPANIES OMAHA OAS OO, Douglas) 808. IMS Howard Bt, nomrm tea si oo&o btohaob oo, 1884 Coloags Bt, Douglas fto. O BULK A ICS ft OOU BTOBAOB CO, MoCagus Bla, 16tl aud DodaTS Sts, Douglas 460. ICE MACHINES axxh xcb aucirnrB ro, inn aad ' Btokolas Sts, Douglas 1B81. LAUNDRIES roarPABEOb lVAtnrsHT Oo. iroa tib - tea Ski Douglas 8S00. HTsCBAXJj SjAXTHDBT CO, loOMsVU Jacksoa St., Douglas 919, rOBUTAW 1AUKDST, B806-18 TaRkSSa. Bt, Hsxasy 1771. LEAD WORKS orj soata oiulu,. Doug tea 183S.. LODGE SUTPLIES lodob nrmr CO, 1111 rsuraaaa en, Douglas 4180. MACARONI s BCABTOTAOT D BIS Cft ssut aaa Jaoasoa sic, vrutt isas, MONUMENTS ' t JT. T. BtOOM ft CO, 1708; Oumla Bt, Douglas 878. OILS Z.. T. BTCSOtAB OTA CO, 804 BalrAi Bldg, Douglas 888. PACKING HOUSE PIJODUCTS BWITT ABTO OOMOrAHT. Bontk Osas&a, . souta auuo. ABMOVH ft OO. South Omaka, BoutA 1740. MIRRORS and ART fiLASS WINDOWS BtiDUHB Oiaaa a baixtt CO, llta aad Hvward, Douglas 71. , PLANINQ JIILL BAHBtXBB HXAITT ZHTZBTKEBTC OO, Orouad Iloot Bee BlAg. Dougw Us 8988. PRINTERS BOOK AND JOB 's" OMAHA PBIBTIBd OO, 13th aad rat. nam. Douglas 848. OOBBT ft MeXBHXXH. 1407 Harasy Bt, DOUSTida 8B44, 1 SADDLERY I. K. KAJTXT ft CO, Bit, Douglas 888. 818-17 South 18th 6TARCH MANUFACTURERS DBTXAHOB BTABtCBC OO. BOM OttSBtSAT St.. Dvuglaa 170, SERUM MANUFACTURERS ' . o. ac arBBux co, ssas x st, south Omaha, South 488. AXTKI.X. BXBOM CO South Omaha, South 893. OMAHA SBBVM OO, 401 Ho. Sid Bt, Awuth Omaha, South 8808. OBAXH BBXiT SUmT OO, X.osb7 Bt. chaag Bldg-. South Omaha. So. 38 M. TANKS, CULRTS, GRAIN BINS, AND OIL DRUMS anrBBVASKA ft iowa mm tahx CO. 1801 Spvuo Bt, Wsbstsr 878. TENTS AND AWIONOS aTCOTTMAHA TBHT AH9 AWVTWOI CO. llta aad Harasy Sts, Doug. Bod. CRAVATS, BELTS, PURSES, POCKET BOOKS and Sl'SPENDERS SMITH, I. OCX WOOD UJtO. OOv 88 South 13th Bt, Douglas 8381. TIN CANS AND SHEET METAL OOBDOH XjAWXEBS CO., Bta aad. Dodge Sts, Dougtaa 888. WOOD WORKS omaxa wood woBTrnr oo. isol Baaroy Bt, Douglas 8849. WUOIXSuUJi: GROCERIES BAXTOH ft OaXIoarxB, 701-11 oaia loth St., PoujrUs Boa. WINDOW SHADE L NUFACTURERS MID-WBBT SKADB 7ACTOBT, 4014 II auuiws pi. naisui sst. vT7 -, .- .,... ' t ' ; -.(( ... - .:; -.:..-. -.v. is i if