Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1915, Image 3

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    Tim imr;: dmaha, Titvi., mai r., im.i.
First on Limbs. Then Spread All
Over. Could not Sleep on Account
of Itching. Small Pimples Later I Governor.
Appeared. Cuticura .Soap and
tuticura Umtment Healed.
Notable of State and
Manchester. Kansas. "I had scrcm
for twenty year, flint- on my W-gs. then It
spread all over mo. It appeared as a rash, t
I could not sleep or rest on account of the I
Itching. HoratchlnK or rubbing made the i
Itching and burning worse. tmall pimples
later appeared, and blackheads formed.
"1 had used Ointment, and a
Members of Daughter! of Revo
lution in Ceremony at Hebron.
HEBRON, Neb.. May 24 (Special Tel
egram. Rain Interfered with the pro
gram of the unveiling of the Oregon trail
j monument hero this afternoon, but aa It
I was, S.OiiO people were In Hebron for
the ceremony. Governor MoreheAd, Mr.
' Warren IVrry and H. M. Bushnell made
solution to batho with, tried all the home
rpmwHr nH muiv nren.irt Inn. but without
relief. Then I commenced using Cuticura ! rtlr,""-
Soap and Ointment according to dlm-ttons. The monument M Jn,ud J
Jn one month I was greatly relieved of the Pal, feretary of the State Historical
. i...4.i r.ti,,. nini. 1 society and was unveiled by Mrs. E. m.
11119 I J . m UIV1 lltl V i rijsm i Kill ' ' w it I
No Meant Yet Provided for Execu
tion of Roy Roberts for Murder
of Vernon Connett
I used three boxes of Cuticura Oint
ment and the Cuticura Soap and I am now
healed." (Signed) Harry Garten, October
30. 1914.
You never tiro of Cuticura Soap and Cu
ticura Ointment. Having tested them In
severe skin troubles and found them effec
tive you continue their use because of their
fragrant, super-croamy emollient proper
ties for dally use as toilet preparations.
Sample Each Free by Mall
With 32-p. Pkin Book on request. Ad
dress post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T, Boa
ton." Sold tliroughout the world.
si mniik m,w .9 -
1 . 1. 1 . iMarU.n RvnlllttOn. IH,"
Fifty or more old settlers were on the
platform, having lived In the county be
iore 1ST0. 8. Forsdlck of Chester drove
the trail In 1KW and F. A. Hutchinson of
Hebron commanded themttltta at West
port, when the trailers started fifty
years ago. Company E, Nebraska Na
tional Oiua-d. of Davenport, was rresent.
commanded by Colonel A. A. Holllngs
worth of Beatrice, and two companies of
boy scouts.
-Mrs. Warren Terry recounted the priva
tions of the rioneer days In a most mas
terly manner.
Tonight addresses were made by John
U Webster, H. M. Bushnell. Governor
Morehead and Mrs. Warren Perry.
The Monument.
The stone which marks the crossing of
the old Oregon trail and the Meridian
road is of "Red Ruby" granite from the
quarries at Wausa. Wis. It Is a beauti
ful shaft, standing eight feet( one and
one-half Inches high. It Is three seet.
six inches In width and eighteen Inches
In thickness. The stone weigns o.o.i
pounds and the base S.K0 pounds, maning
. tntl welsrht of 8.790 pounds.
The monument faces to the soutn ana rejected
west on the nortneasi ronirr m
Upon the south side la carved in bold
countersunk letters, the words:
From Independence and Westport Kn
. . . . rvtlitmhla river.
sas City), mo-, wi '
route of the first Oregon colonists. The
trail of the trappers and traders as early
as 1S.T0. A main roao. io sjm- ""'
and western military 1 J
of the Pony Express and Overland Stage,
gradually superseaea as
throughout Its course.
Erected Msy. llf. bv the state of Ne
braska, county of Thayer, cltiiens of
Hebron, and Oregon Trail chapter Daugli
teru of the American Revolution.
Above the wording on this side stands
out In bold relief a typical prairio
schooner drawn by a, yoke of oxen.
On the west side one will rind the
words, written underneath an up-to-date
prairie schooner. In the shape of an au
tomobile: i
Winnipeg to Galveston,
Oregon Trail
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
IJNCOL.N. May 24. (Special. ) The
State Board of Control Is facing the
necessity of constructing an electric
chair at the atate penitentiary. Unless an
appeal Is taken to the supi-eme court,
Roy Roberts is tobe electrocuted on Fri
day, June 4. An appeal would art as an
automatic stay. So far as la known nA
move has been made to carry the case
up. At the time of the conviction Rob
erts" attorney said he would have noth
ing to do with an appeal.
Since the abolition of the gallows by
the 1918 legislature, the authorities have
(had no occasion to use the death chair.
have provided for none. Roberts
was convicted of the murder of ernoii
Connett. He was out on parole from thj
state prison at the time of the crime
Candidates nosy.
Two candidates are out for the office
Violation of Game
Law Troubles One
Missouri Youth
(From a Stsff Cirresoiilen(.l
I.1MVI.N, Neb.. May H (Spor-lnl.i-Down
in Missouri is a boy whose rou
st tenoe has been troubling hltu miRlitll
ever since he shot a prairie chicken out
of season In Boyd county. Nebraska,
e:ght years sg.. Ststc Cam.- Wanlen
Rutenbeck Is In receipt of a htter In
which the boy confesses bis sin as fol
low: AHout eight vesrs ago 1 and another
boy were out with our guns, and we saw
a flock of chickens They were off a
goo1 piece, but I thoughtlessly shot Into
the bunch snd killed one. M ' oonscleiv c
has trouhUxl me conslilcraMv fur havlnu
,done so. because I know the law forbids
; such St that season, but 1 believe It niv
jduty before Cod to make niv wrong
.right. I know It is better to make such
terrors right now than to appmr before
; God In that last great and final dav of
J judgment with such held ngalnst me,
i and w hen It would then be ton late to
I correct such, for today Is the day of
I srlva'lon.
Hoping this will not be out of place. I
I ask you to kindly answer at your earliest
1 convenience whnt you want me to do lit
(regard to the mutter, for It Is a matter
or conscience wttti me.
Farmer Ontrnl t nlnn Ormrlinl.
STEI,I. Neb, May 24. (Special.) O.
F.. Wood, a farmer near Lincoln and slate
organiser for the Farmers' Union, snoka
of state lnsursnce commissioner. They j to a large audience at the opera nouse
iare J. W. McKlssIrk of Beatrice and V. I In Stella last evening At the close of
IB. Price of Lincoln. Mr. McKlssIrk Is I his address a Central Farmers' fnlon
I well known as a member of 1SU and 1!U . w as organised, taking In five unions on
! sessions of the legislature. Last sum- I gnnlxed nt country s-ho-vl houses within
mer he ran ror tne democratic m-minn- ine isai rew months-Withee. Mmllv ( on
tlon for land commissioner. Mr. Price j ter, Porter Center, Bourke and Clover
was a defeated candidate at the same I dnlo. John Moody was rlerted president
Harper Winfrey
time for the congressional nomination In
the First district. The appointment of
M V 1 f-l
a commissioner to succcea u. ...
the present Incumbent, is expected in ,
the near future. Mr. Brain is a repuhll- I
can and has a democratic board to deal j
with. However, his friends are urging
the record he has made as a reason for I
a non-partisan reappointment. j
Reject Claim. j
A claim for 30 for overtime put In j
during the month of April by C. K. j
Thornton, a stenographic, clerk employed
In the state engineer's office, has been I
by State Auditor Smith. While ,
the claim Is said to be a just one in
the present Instance, tne auaitor xens
that to allow It would be to open up
too wide an avenue Into the state treas
ury for similar claims that might not
be bona fide.
Official to Hebron.
Governor Morehead. Secretary C. S.
Paine of the atate historical society, Rob
ert Harvey and H. M Bushnell went to
Hebron from Lincoln today to attend
the exercises to be held In connection
with the unveiling of the Oregon trail
monument near that place.
Up-to-Date Signalling
For National Guard
I and
i and W
secrets, ry -treasurer
J. Vandcventer business ninnnirer
The board of managers Is A. B. Davison.
John Miles and J. F. Brown. The Cen
tral I nlon officials will meet In Stella
cni'p a month.
MAI'ISi W. Nob., May :4 -(Special
Te'.egrani -District .Indue A A. Welch
handed down tins decision today In the
case of the State ex n-l Watson 1
llurdy SBfllnst John W. Fitch: "The
court holds that there was no e'ectlon
ami that llurdy Is the county commis
sioner elected III the fall election of l!H."
Fitch received hi otoa as commissioner
from the First district. Madison oiunly,
out of a total vote east of 3,tv.l. No
imines hail been printed In the ballot for
lection of commissioner ami It had been
held by the attorney general that no va
lancy existed in Madison county. J. W.
Fitch was state, I anil has been holding
office since January. ll'l.V No super
sedeas bond was grunted as this case has
Nen before the supreme court.
good roadTauto'trip
some time during june
While the date has not been set for
the good roods ami good fellowship auto
mobile hoopter (-) f (imaha. It iiss
practically been decided the good roads
committee of the Commercial club, sub
ject to the approval of Pic executive com
mittee, tiiat a trip of this kind I to be
m.ide some tlnire In June, and that the
route will he somewhere In the North
Platte cuiintiy.
Three Wrilillnia nt ( hsdron.
CHADRON, Neb., May 24 -(Special )
Mr. F.lmer Clauson and Miss Hacel H.
I-awtun were married by the Rev. F. M.
Sturdevant. pastor of the First Baptist
church. They will make their future home
at Bllllngsi. Mont.
Mr. Nathan Harvey Coleman and Miss
!.eafy Belle Jones were married by the
Itcx. J ('. Dillon of the First Methodist
Kplscopal i hun h. Their future home will
be In Salem City. Ore, for which point
they departed after a sumptuous ban
quet was served s large inimler of
Mr. Seth Howell, the well known ms.n
BKcr of the Ilex thester, and former wife
were remarried last week, after obtain
ing a divorce about four months ago.
FREMONT. Neb., May 24 -(Special
Telegram.) Otto Hansen, aged 17, was
drowned In the Platte river near North
Bend Sunday afternoon, while working
for J. M. Maher of Fremont Hansen,
Mr. Maher and a force of workmen were
Installing system of rlp-rapplrur when one
of the cables became entangled. Hansen
and Maher went out In a boat to un
fasten the wire when the boat upset.
Maher sue needed In reaching shore, but
Hansen went down. The water wss
about eight feel deep. Hansen could
swim, but Is said to have made no ap
parent effort. The body has not been
recovered He was unmarried.
l.onp rtr Commencement,
LOUP CITY. Neh.. May 24. (Speetal
Telegram.) The rommenvement exerclsea
for the Irfiup City High school will be
held at the Darrow opera house tomor
row evening. Dr. Charles) Fordyee of
Lincoln will deliver the address. The
baccalaureate sermon was preached
yesterday evening by the local Methodist
minister. Rev. L. V. Slocumb, and to
night the commencement exercises of the
eighth grade took place, the address be
ing delivered by Rev. F.. M. Steen of the
loos.1 Preabytei Ian church. There ai-e
twenty-sU eighth grade graduates ami
twenty-sewn high school graduates.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Mav 24 I Special.)
Isies a rhunh have to pay taxes on
forty acres of land tht It farms for thi
benefit of Its pastor? Such Is the ques
tion that County Attorney Fonts of Ad
ams county has submitted to the attor
ney general's office.
Asslsant. Attorney General Roe In hi
opinion calls It a very clnso question,
but leans to the conclusion that Inasmuch
ns the prodiicn of the farm Is sold on
tho oen market the land Is taxable. The
church In question is a German Lutheran
church near Hastings.
The land Is farmed by members of the
congregation. All the profits go to tho
supimrt of the church. Only a small
part of the land Is used for the church
building and the parsonage.
Tnnmands of mn and women suffer from
headache every day, other thousands have
headaches every week or every month, and still
Others have headaches occasionally, hut Dot at
regular Intervals. The best Doctor isoften unable
to find the cause of many ot these heads, hen,
and in most other esses, snowing the cause, ne
does not know what will remove It. so as to give
a permanent cure. All he can do U to prescribe
the usual pslc 7ellever, which give temporary
relief, but the headache returns as nsual. and
treatment Is again necessary. If you suffer from
headaches, no matter what their nature, taka
Anll-kamnla Tablets, and the results will he satis
factory In the highest degree. You can obtain
them at all drusglate In any quantity. 10c worth,
JfKJ worth or more. Ask for A K Tablets.
Rlrk-headache, the most miserable ot all sick
nesses, limes Its terrors when A K Tablets sra
taken. When you feel sn attack coming on,
take two tablets, and In many cases, the attack
will he warded oft. During an attack taka one
VK Tablet every two hours. The rest and com
tort which loUuw. can be obtained In no otbef
Csaarma A-K Tmbtmtt swar las K
ram. At Jrmtti'f.
May Use Crude Oil .
to Fight Chinch Bugs
BEATRICE. Neb.. May M. (Special. )-
I A move is on foot among; tne rarmers in
Gage county to systematically right tna.Tne Fremont aeroplane will tie Drougm
chinch bugs, which are reported In some , to Lincoln and Aviation Chief Shaffer, a
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, May 24. (Special.) Lamp
black signals "puffed" from an aeroplane
in the Morse code will be a part of the
war came as Adjutant General Hall pro
poses to play It for the Instruction of his
infantry officers in the Nebraska Na
tional Guard during the camp here Juno
20 to June 26.
The aviation corps and the aignal corps
111 be practically Joined for the occasion.
wheat fields In large numbers, learm
Demonstrator Uebers Is considering the
braska. will
flyer now residing In Ne
have his Curtlss plane with
Better cookies, cake
and biscuits, too. All
as light, fluffy, tender
and delicious as mother used
to bake. And just as whole
some. For purer Baking Pow
der than Calumet cannot be had
at any price.
Ask your grocer.
WsrW'i fan T4 tiritm, Ckiua. tL
tu F ws. Fraau, Marcs. It 12
purchase of a carload of roa oil to bea hydroplane attachment for use on the
used In making barriers to prevent tne t iale
People Notice It. Drive Them
Off With Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets.
migration of the bugs from the wheat to
the corn and oats. If weather conditions
the next few weeks are favorable to the
hatching and maturing of the bugs. It is
probable that Gage county farmers will
organize to fight them. D. 8. Dalbey
has received some bulletins from the
state entomologist of Illinois In which
methods of fighting the bugs are de
scribed. One of the most effective Is the
use of road olL It is estimated that In
Illinois, particularly in the southwestern
and western counties of the state, the
chinch bugs caused a loss of between
$4,000,000 and SS.OOO.OOO last year, and that
a saving of $800,000 was efrectea oy in
use of methods for fighting the pest
Nebraska Enters
Furniture Line
(From a ' Ptaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., May 84. (Special.)
The State Board of Control formally
took over the furniture p4ant at the
state prison today, the Handcraft com
pany giving a bill of sale. The price
was $21,043.75. The original price asked
by the company was $37,000. The lower
price was arrived at after an Inventory
had been taken.
The price finally paid Is within a few
dollars of an average of separate esti
mates mad before the Inventory was
taken by the three members of the board,
Holcomb, Oerdes and Kennedy.
While Invoicing of the stock and the
plant was going on work was stopped.
It will be resumed at once. The sale
includes the "wire stake" Idea, for whioh
there Is a patent pending. The idea
calls for spinning the fiber around a
wire core, greatly strengthening the furniture.
The slamal corps will have a radio set.
a heliograph and flashlights.
A pimply face will not embarrass you
Jnuch longer if you get a package of
l)r. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin
should bgin to clear aftrr you have
taken tho tablets a few nights.
Cleanse the blood, the bowels and the
liver with Olive Tablets.
Or. Kdwards' olive Tablets are the
suc-eeful substitute for calomel
there's never any sickness or pain after
taking them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that
Which ca'omel does, and Just as effec
tively, but their action is gentle and
cafe Instead of seveie snd irritating.
No ono who takes Olive Tablets is
ever cursed with "a dark brown taste."
a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good"
feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad
flisuoxiilon or limply 'ace.
Or Edwards" Olive Tablets are a purely
vegetable compound mixed with olive oil.
You will know them by their olive color.
Or F-dwsrds I'wnt years among pa
tients afflicted i'h liver and bowel
;...i,.ln(. and dive Tablets are the
immensely effective result.
Take one or two iusiimv
tee how much better
lue srd :'Rc per nox
The Olive Tablet
for a week.
vou reel and looK.
AM driiKrl8ts.
I .oeii-any. oiummis, .
SUPERIOR. Neb.. May S4.-(Rpecial
Telegram,) The baccalaureate services
for the Superior High school were held
last night In the Methodist church. The
scrmonwa given- by Rev. Mr. Hamilton
of the First Presbyterian church. The
music was furnished by the Presbyterian
Tills yesr's class consists of thirty-four
members, the largest ever sent out of the
Superior schools. The class play will be
given Thursday night, and the commence
ment exercises sill be held Friday night
at the high school auditorium.
Five-Mill Campus
LevyHeld Valid
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, May I4.-(flpeclal.) The Lan
caster county district court todav held
valid the levy of E mills laid by the Un
coln city council to aid In th purchase of
land for the extension of the campus of
the state university. The remonstrators
will probably appeal to th supreme
The lew was desirned to raise a fund
of $100,000. A number of Lincoln business
men are unaer oona to m cuvd mu
the campus extension Is not to cost tho
state mora than $300,000.
LEXINGTON. Neb., May 3l.-(Speclal
Telegram.) A hurricane struck this oity
this morning about 7 o'clock, breaking
trees and upsetting outbuildings. It tor
th roof off of the east ward school
house and wrecked th alfalfa mill. No
on was hurt.
Notes from Alliance.
ALLIANCE. Neb.. May 34.-8pee1al.)
Anna (Morevak) Boyd. JS years of age
committed suiolde here last night by tak
ing four ounces of carbolic acid. Worry
over domestic troubles is thought to be
the cause of her act.
Fears are being entertained by his rela
tlves for the safety of Olles Putnam, who
left here May U to attend a trial In
Omaha. He was to have been In Omaha
May 14, but up til! today nothing has
been heard of him. His brother. Virgil
Putman of Alliance, Is Instituting search
for him.
Memorial Srrmoa at Leap City.
LOUP CITY, Neb.. May 24.-(Special
Telegram.) A memorial address was
given at the opera house Sunday morn
ing by Ilev. Mr. Steen, pastor of the
Presbyterian church of this city. Six
veterans were present, but there was a
long column of the ladies of the circle.
Sons of Veterana and civic society mem
bers. Memorial day exerclsea will b
held on Msy T, for which occasion a
splendid program has been arranged.
Kerp Dowels Regular.
Nothing better than lr. King's New
Life Mils for constipation. Indigestion aad
iur stomai h. et a bottle. Only lie.
All druggists. Advertisement.
There are always the well-known, semi-
humorous methods such as ssylng bru
nettes are quick tempered or blondes are
keener In their mental activity. Rut there
Is common sense In just noting whether
th hair Is well kept and so judging a
woman's neatness, or In looking at her
style of arranging her hair to decide
whether or not she has good taste. Re
member that it is not advisable to wash
th hair with any cleanser made for all
purposes, but always use some good
preparation made expressly for shampoo
ing. Tou can get a package of the beat,
which Is called Canthrox, from your
druggist. Dissolve a teaapoonful In a rup
of hot water and your shampoo Is ready.
After Its us the hair dries rapidly with
uniform color. Dandruff, excess oil and
dirt are dissolved and entirely disappear.
Your hair will be so fluffy that It will
look much heavier than It Is. Its luster
Snd softness will also delight you. while
the stlmulsted scalp gains the health
which Insure hair growth. Advertl-nent.
FUITUIISE CO. 24tSoauntdh
Qualify E3ig!i
Not One Day
But Every Day
Our Rug Values .lean a Real Saving to Every Purchaser
Eastern Manufacturers Have Advanced the Rug Prices
But Our Very Low Prices Have Not Been Changed.
9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs rf o SZ f
at, each $Oi9U
9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs 2 00
9x12 Axminster Rugs
at, each
See our complete line of Wilton and Body Brussels
Great Values and Low Prices in Bed Room and
Dining Room Suites
Compare our prices; then you'll buy here. See our Daylight Display Room
An eminent physician
lays down these simple rules for better
1. Drink lots of water. 2. Eat slowly. 3. Chew your
food well. 4. Have plenty of chewing gum on hand. Use
it shortly after meals and chew until the "full" feeling
Be sure of the Perfect Gum in the Perfect Package
clean, kept clean, sealed against all impurities:
The Wrigley Spearmen want to
help you remember these bene
ficial, long-lasting aids to teeth,
breath, appetite and digestion.
So they have done all the old
Mother Goose " stunts " to the
" tune " of the new Wrigley
jingles. Their book is 28-pages
in four colors. It's free. Send
for your copy today. Address
10 Keener Building
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