i hk mmaiia. t'Knuav. may ir. vm:. 4USTRIANS IN EAST HOW ON DEFENSIVE1;: Pickets, alio are now on the left bank of tee l:Wh. Smii,, of I'iIkji. in th" region of Kl- mrnhiw, the It m atlempted nil offen ce, hut l. (tirrRotlo counter sUiicki" on e night ' 'he M. we repulanl the'", ai'turini; 1. prisoners and four ma- BURIAN LEAYES AUSTRIAN CABINET In Aussian General Staff Reports Sc j' h'; fta lhP rnny B,,(irr(llls . Minister of Foreign Affair. Retires ries of Successes on Left Bank ns-im.i the offensive, his active niH-ta- , Because of Failure of Negotia of the Lower San. !"on mo"" ",ln ,h- of o..nier tion. with Itaiy COUITTZR ATTACKS REPULSED "lUi k. Hit wen the V tt iiin anu ; PrzeniyM e proareeaed slightly on t he i rnlTWT left bHnk nf th- lower San an. I repul.sel ! COUNT : four minder Ht'ark In the legion "f ! Hiidnlk. NortheaM of Srnlawa f di- flOMh, May 23. (Ma Pari. I TISZA SUCCEEDS HIM Bl I I.IITIV. TURIN", Italy. May 4. I 'a ( lodged the enemy fern the village of Report which l.u.A been receive I Pari".) Commander in Chief (a-Iobr,. i here that Haron Iiurlan, the Austrian dorna, rremier Salandra and Foreign I r '-"' .... f , minister counter alte. ks on the night of thej "-"'an iinuieitr, Minister Sonnino nave asreea. nn Uir fl(,nt of ,.,,,, u,.,im. the Stamp, that no war correspond- ,.,rmuHm rrled f.BP Bei.er. ! PRINCE VON BUELOW, former chancellor of the German empire, sent to Rome as German ambassa dor to try to bring Italy into the war with Ger many, but by all means, failing in that, to keep Italy neutral. manner an do those in France and j Great Britain lias resigned are Knerally .crepted a true and have caused wide i nnimnt Mis reported ' enta shall be allowed w ith the Italia.j i "itctweni irr.mv! ami tie rratfau at attribute f the failure f' arm, and that the ,,a,..n pre-. I . lr j.he Austro Italian negotiation an, oureau u,-.n,.B ... . ; l0 br,4k ou, flont Vl,,.,, of the flefiaratl.in of w?r by Italy. I ii(iiiBkn and k rynl"n. in the night of The newspaiei. point our tliH' ':i.t; II' Ed our t toons ox-nel an of fenstve j cm Herrhfold, hla nr!i imr, rcf ired ' ii I'eniii tuni.-i uir i 'iiiinri anil, T Hiirju i.rcrilHTl eilKa--uon rPKifH- i'"'"ini iiin enemy, lonh pnMinrn ni me np' f.ny 01 K, uritln UK- in e- nl four machine guns. lnns tn Italy. Kraiin Mry vein Kapos- ' nn the rrmit on the ri(rlit bank of I Mere, w ho retired an Vmtrhin iimhhi the iJnelnii r in the Shnnsko region there ,Bilor t-. Italy, aooti i.'ter the Ix-khk. h m (lubb.im fight during the 2IL waa aald to have brcn obllej t,, glie The enemy repentrdly reached our I up hln r"'! hei-auae h firmly ni niilained ( trenchea. but onrh time wai driven lia'k that Italy never would tnl;e anna by our fire and otjnter atta' ka. AVe Lgalnat the rentr.il cmpirea. A similar ..luurrn ii-re i. orirr.. i.nr men mi,(inil ., ,,kei, by l.uron Hnrlen. in dlrert (rppoaltlirn to the ndvlve of I'rlnce ou Iluelow. the Oerni.in amliKHnidor rETROtiRAD. May 24. (Via 1ondon ) The Auatro-Gertnaa force, at Galllcia are now on the defence and their active operation. ron.Ui chiefly of counter attack, according to an offolal .utcment issued i-t Bight from the headquarter, of Urn Ruaaian ceneral ataff. Slight Drosxes. ! "" m. Line guna rom I'tnina ut noiomea ttiere we. violent artillery fir." ' W :' je I. claimed on the left bank of the lower San and the claim I. made thU all assaults by the Aiistro-Germao troops In the aouthea.tem theater of the operation, were repulsed. The romri'inlratlon fnllowa: "In the Hhnvll region the enemy ion tinuec to oreupy atmngiy entrrni'hed or ganized pualtinna. PonlderaWe enemy foreea which ltr,d croaaetl to the left bank of the Ihihyta. near Itoaaljenv, again have been driven buck ai-roe the river. "On the Narew front. In the valley of the Ffaea, wt renewed our attack on the enaniy. Rinlina Hold Left nf Hialia, "On the left bank of the Vistula, th enen.y. aupp-'rlrd hy Intense artillery fire, has mailt friitlcfia attempts dutlni the last ft HATCHET MURDER STILL BAFFLING THE DETECTIYES (Continued from Tags One ) Minday night at in. m , thai Saturday morning aouie one called a Mr. Olron or 1'eti-rson In hhenandoth from an Omaha pay station and told this man to go east as ihey had found the girl's body. This line Is nlso being Investigated, although It 1 1 believed to hsve heen a n.eassga fro n s lorn I alootikcf per eniiilo.ving Ulto I'elerson, n friend of , the girl's, to dais to drive back ojr.ioinn hat:k to Dinahs us he wanted . I here. That Peterson aa In lklend, Neb., Friday, has iieen proven to a practical certainty. Eevrybody Speaks So Well of the DOMESTIC The Best Gas Range Made '1'nuuaj 1 - C-iCKtlilH :. ; About six . months ago Mra. MlnnkU, I00 Dorras. bought s Gaa Range of on of th large concerns. After com psrlng It with a IOMKT1? used hy a friend she disposed of hers at a sac rifice and bought a rOMKHTI;. Last Saturday alie said to us: 'The iVOMBH TIC la so much auperlor to mv other atova that I don't regret having dis posed of It at a Joes, No one could have mode me believe that there ta a-) mueh difference tn gaa stoves, until I know from experience." opl spsas just aa wU of en BoOBOtnr rorasoa. STOETZELS T14 SJouth 16th Street. MV IMK IKE TIIK SUtKR JM aa .tssrsri at Home of W. Mc Karlirna and Aeka to Kla ( latern. A detailed description of an unidenti fied man who wanted to "fix the cistern" at the iome of W. fl. MoEachron. .H50 Burt at eet, frlday morning, about two hours be fore a man In a blue suit visited the nelshborhood of Pnencer where .Miss' Ada Swauson was killed, for the some ostensible purpose, wns furnished to Tho (lee today by Mr. McEajrhron. who ia a clerk In the office of the clerk of the ctunty court. The description agree, with that given of the man who la believed to have been admitted by Mis. Swanson but la mora detailed owning to the. fart that Mrs. McKatrhoi aaw the man twice and was frightened by him Into giving him ii vents. ; . Following I. tho description of the man who visited the McKachren home: Wore a blue suit, stiff hat. siring tla and soft shirt; had Jark hair and eyes; was of slender bull!; had a thin face had not been shaved for several days and had so sinister in appearance as to cause Mra. MrKachron to revoke air order for work In' her baaement and to telephone her husb.n1 at the eourt house for ad vice. Me curried two heavy sticks or tubs "wher, first seen by Mrs. McKachron which he later had discarded. Union Pacific Loses Its Tax Case Suit in Lincoln County! NOrtTII I'l.ATTK, Neb., May 21. Hpe. c lal Trk'Rrnm.) The case of the t'nlon Pacific against IJncoln county, In which the company asks a raise In the assexsed valuation of tJncoln county real estate outside of towns and villages, wm de cided tudav hy IMstrlrt Judge ). M. Crimes sgiilnst the I'nlnn Pacific. Some j lime ago the I nlon Pacific filed pc-tl lion before the conimlsftloncr of Lincoln county alleging that the Lincoln cumty rcnl estate values were assessed too low alth relation to the assessed valuation of linlon Pacific proiierty in the county and asking that they be raised. The com missioners decided against the company, which at once appealed tho casn to the district court. The court's decision to c'sy was on a domurrer fllod hy the county and submitted on oral argument during the April term of court. The court held that the company did not state facts sufficient to niako their case, The new valuation of Lincoln county rcnl eatate, which will be inadu by assessors during the next two years, may aftect the caae If It Is appealed to the supreme court. i M AX i ' I V- it I V 1 :i uf: rr im L . r . . 4? .. FURIOUS HITTING GIYES CUBS GAME Chicagos Slaughter World's Cham pions From Boston and Drive James From Mound. NINE TO ONE IS THE SCORE i IK iSTON. May 24 Terrific hitting gave j Chicago a to 1, vic tory over Boston to I day. Schulte'a home run drive Into the i right field bleachers scored Phelan ahead of him In the opening Inning. Three sin gles and three doubles accounted for five more runs In the sixth and caused James' retiroment. Hcore; CHIf-AOO HOPTOM. AB H OA K. AB.H.Ci A E I rh-l.m. Jh . I i 1 4 IWorcin. rf.... 4 A a 0 i Klher. ... 4 i 6 CiPmn. b.i..A f 1 1 l P.hulle. If. 4 3 10 CM ..nnolljr. If. 1 SO S ft r.lmrman. lb 4 4 J 4 sr-atlier. If ..1 '' j Klr. I h. . . t 14 0 OM.bmi. H... 1 0 Wlliiamiv ci v v v nrnmiui, id. V u Anil, c... S I 4 1 OSmlth. Jb....S 1110 Knlwl)-. If . 4 I SMaraarH. I 1 4 0 C'h.n.y. p... 1 1 1 DGuwilr, c ... i ft 4 1 I'lcrre. p.... I1S1 IIJinw. t 4 1)0 Crutcber, p. 1 0 1 OS Tolaic 48 17 17 1 1 Total V SUIT 1 rhlc ago 2000B08 09 Boston 0 0 ( 1 0 0 0 0 o I Two-bane hits: Zimmerman (I), Kchulte, Saler t2. Home run: Schulte. Stolen base: Kaler. Doulde play: Fisher to Zimmerman to Salor. Bases or- balls; Off Cheney, 2: off Pierce, 2: off James. off Crutcher, 1. tilts' Off Cheney, I n three and two-tnird-- . innings; orr Pierce, none In five and one-third In nings; oft James, 14 in six Innings: off Crutcher, S In three Innings, struck out: By Cheney. 1; by Pierce, i; by James, 1; by Crutcher, S. Vmplrea Byron and Orth. PUBLISHERS OF MENACE ARE GIVEN MORE TIME jT "a. Lake Louise in tkm Canadian Rochits Melted amethyst in a rinf of mountxins loveliest lake in all th. world. 1 Vou 4 as St from th. veranda of a wonderful mountain, hotel the Chateau Lake Louite -a palace amid wild nature. Ererytaiag CaaaaUa TcVk Staaaere Neae Better You take your home with yen en your trip wett if you visit the Canadian ftcilic hotel, at Bnf Lale LouiseField Glacier Balfour Reached by the Canadian Pacific, Nature'. Expoiitioa Koute to the Canadian Kockiet. For further particular of thru root summer placci, call or write for Booklet No. 9A GEORGE A. WAVTOr. O.A.P D . Canadian Pacific Sty, Tl aouth Clark Btreet Opp.oal Otbce, Clucaae.UL ilj" SARPY COUNTY PIONEER ANSWERS LAST CALL PAPUJ.KW, Neb.. May 24.-f pec.lali Telegram.) IajuIs I-es'anr. aged ?) years, one of the early pioneers and one of Sarpy eovnty'. moat honored and re spected cltisens, died this morning at hie tesldenee here after several month.' Ill ness of heart trouble. Mr. Lesleur was born In Prance and sme to America when' a vrry young man. lie served in an Illinois regiment luring the civil-war and w.. In Andersonvllle prUon for eighteen months. He came to Parpy county shortly after the war and tilled the office of oounty tictk from 1W2 to tw-8. Later he went Into the Insurance and abstract business. He was a member of the Catholic church and of the KnlKhta of Columbus. He had bees secretary of the Sarpy County Old Settlers' association for years and for thirty-four years had been adjutant of the local post of the Grand Army of lha Republic. He was also an officer In the state regiment. He leaves a widow snd one daughter, Mrs.. Phil McKver of South Omaha. LINEMAN AT LINCOLN RECEIVES SERIOUS SHOCK (from a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. May .-(Special.)-F. I Hutchinson, a lineman employed by the city light department, accidentally came In contact with a heavily charged wire this morning snd was burned so badly that hla lift haa been despaired of. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. May St. Upon application of tho defense the trial of the publishers of the Menace, a weekly paper published at Aurora. Mo., was con tinued by Judge Van Valkenburgh here today until the January, 1916, term of the federal court at Joptln, Mo. j no trial previously naa oeen set iot the term of court to begin June 14. 1P15. The defendants filed a motion that they could not be ready for trial at that time. The Individual defendants are Wilbur P. Phelpe, Bruce M. Phelps, Theodore C. Walker and Marvin Brown. They are charged with misuse of the malls. 1 1 iiisv.. . -r re, 1 Pill KC VON fcUOrOV. g JURY NOT YET PICKED IN THE COCHRAN MURDER TRIAL PENDKRy Neb.. May 24 --(8peulal Tel egram.) Tho Cochran murder trial' waa called before Judge) Oravea today, only four members of the Jury being; selected at tho conclusion of the first day' hei Ing. Oochran Is on trial for the murder of John F. Jump. Pomestio relation, will play an important part In the tes timony. Counsel for the defense constitute former Comity Attorney Sexton and Judge Sulllivan of Sioux City.' Attorney H. U Keefe of Walthlll and T. a Allen of Lincoln represent the county. County Attorney I-erkln hn. ten barred from the rase, because he waa counsel for Mrs. Cochran In her suit for divorce. The Bee Want Ads Are Best Bustnesa Boosters. c 3E ianfftWrTcJlC Ml i BEATON (& LAIER CO. 415-17 South Sixteenth Street The Store of Useful. Practical Gifts for the June Bride Thousands of new. attractive, moderately priced gift piece, will be found at thla great .tore, auch aa Serving Table., Tea Carta, Mahogany Tray-, Sheffield flttrer. Lamps, Oriental Ruga, Library Table. Etc. ,' ijaxurtou liversturreci Uavcnport In Taoatrjr , .Only one of dozena of won- fderful values in upholstered pieces -hand tied spring work of hiaheet grade, beautiful tapes trie, or mo hair plushes. The kind of furniture that will last a lifetime. A large overstuffed, full spring edge and artna davenport in tapentry, all covered m Cubs Release Red Corriden CHICAGO. May .24 The release of Red" Corriden. Cub Infjelder, to Louis ville, was announced today. Iowa Defeats I'oe. IOWA CITT. la.. May 24. -(Special Tel egram. I Iowa university defeated t'oe college here today, 6 to 1. Thompson, Belden & Co. Boys' Oliver Twist Suits A Very Serviceable Attractive Suit fmr Sammer Wear White waist with plain blue or blue and white stripe pants, another combination is a blue and white striped seersucker waist with plain blue pants, sizes 3, 4, 5 and 6 years 50c and 65c. Boys' suits in white and col ors; sizes 2 to 6 years $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and up. Children's Section 3rd Floor 69c for $250 Canton Crepe A Figured Silk and Wool Fabric 42 inches Wide Very unusual yes, but the line is broken; just a few pieces left. If you are here early well and good but if late don't be disappointed when in formed that they are gone. Hotel Lenox uuxunr mm k KCONOMV Nebraska fcvbool ewa. lluLUtUCUK, Neb.. May ii. tSiieii.il.) .The . commencement , of the HoldrcKC Hia-h school will bu held Wodneada.v veiling at the . Holdrege opera liouw. Chancellor C. A. Kylmer of Nebraska Weslej.n university will give the ad dress.. Tho baccalaureate sermon waa preached by tlev. A. O. Hlnaon of the Methodist church Sunday evoiilng. S'inlor farewell banquet In honor of V. J. Yourd waa held Monday evening In the high school. Mr. Yourd haa accepted a position at Columbus, Nob., for the com Idk year. The scholarship prise was won b sliaa Ku'anson. whoa average was S4.7 for the lour ears. following is the daaa roll: O. C. Alinciulst. K Iter Jones. A. W. Anderson, Alemu Manlry. $85 A , Beautiful Solid Ma- P hogany Colonial Table $19.75 Haa a 28x42 Inch top, rounded corners, beautifully ahaped co lonial scroll lege, with wide shelf at bottom and a good aired drawer In the top. Hand somely finished, thoroughly well made. (SOYLSTON ms EXETER STREETS BOSTON One block from Copley Sq. and Public Library. Convenient to Shopping and Theatre District. All Outside Rooms. Excellent Cuisine. - Single Rooms $2. with Batb S2.S0 and up Double " $2.50. " " J3.50 " ,r (Good Oarage. 3 minutes' walk) U. C. PRIOR. MANassa Two minutes from Back Bay Statloo Tea minute, from North Station s C. B. Anderson taire Haker. .Maude U tlaiiei'. Karl J. liarglun. V. A. Herggulat. K. 4. MlooiTujulat. A . 41. Iturgeaon. Amy M. Council. Koy N. tVawlaod. Hen A. I Manilla, I mu I ennia. K. 1- Kills. Mubella Harbaugh, Thoa. L. Itaynea, Mime L. Helikrr. Mark l. Hoofer, Merie Ireland. Klien H. Johnaon. Itulli Jones, bentwe Lumlberg. '. W. MeOnnaughv. cHady l Magnusoa, Pearl M. Moure, Helen L. Movvr. Slyrlle V. letnreon. Ines. Pomcroy, Ksther L Itcxiine. Kraia'es U Taylor, Cora hepardk.in, Krma Khli ley. Karl O rkngii, Helen Umiui, Anna K. Hudlury, K H. Kunduuiat. IraneC tiwanaon. 1411 Inn K. Medle. K. W. Waterman. H. A. Wtnqueet, Vivian Write it. 7 1 1 wmM Without a Rival for Drunk enness and Drug Using The dlKcafcC rurod by a thorough and scieuiiflc course of treatment, which removes the craving or ceoessity for llcjuor or drugs, Impart, new strength to every organ and builds up the general health. The only Keeley Institute in the state of Nebraska. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE Correspondence Confidential. Cor. liSth and Can St., Omaha, Neb. AMMI atCHKNTS. .Ireailkeat (ere Baett. Helps Ktdaeya. TaVe six dcopa of Bloen'a Liniment four times a day at d apply to small of back T Lllla Ih. .1.1 i. All .....1.1. ' AderttiM-ment RRAHDEIS HOW TKBATKaV- AXX.WXE1C si 1:39 PiOO and sO0 (Excepting i'Tiday. May r&th) THE SPOILERS rrteesi Mats., loo; Kvra., 10a fe toe Heat Weekt "Tks Chriatlaa." AMl'SEMKT. LAKE MAN AW A NOW OPEN Arthur Shulth'a Orchestra ta Bail Room. Good Boating, gteller Coaster, BCerry-Oo-BVuuud and alaay Other Attraetloaa. BO V n 'avmawBU win W I U Toaiglit Ooacert algtai aClse Clara Betfkea, Soprano, aad Colon ial Ladles Qaartette, keiweea acts, and Alias Jinny Valentine Mats.. Wed., Taare., Bat., S6o. BTlrhta, aae aa. too. Tango ataUaee Tkiuaday witk Bath Tkouuaoa la Soags and BASEBALL Omaha vs. Lincoln - HorKKK PARK .May -J.VJO tianics Called at S I. M. 18157 if -r" is M Official Typewriter Panama-Pacific International Exposition MMGTO Pre-eminent since ; the original wrig " macfiijie, a Remington Typewriter, was shown at the Philadelphia t Centennial Exposition. In the ! Field K JS In the FIRST Jrf ridd 1876 1915 A RECORD BASED ON QUALITY The Remington is the Recognized Leader Among Typewriters. PROGRESSIVIiNESS Every Recent Typewriter Im provement is a Remington Improvement. COMPLETENESS Machines for All Uses. Machines for All Users. There Is a Remington That Exactly Fits YOUR Needs Remington Typewriter Company (Incorporated j 201-3 So. 19th St., Omaha, Neb. Douglas 1284 rap M' ; A 1 -rt. fllllii JK I n .. VVlie&i V -.1 i1! f I X s