4 Does it seem a little too good to be true that you may find a buyer for that property through the Classified Columns of THE BEE at a small expense and little delay? Put a small Want Ad in today. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper classification must be- Pre sented before 11 o'clock noon for evening edition and 7 30 p. m. fi morning p. m. fi morning ana ijnday editions Want sds received sfter such hour will bo under the heading. Too Lata to Classify.' C.'SHRATEft Seven consecutive timet, 1 cent a word each Insertion. , . Th times within one week, t oenta word each insertion. Coa tjm, S cent a word. CHARGE RATK8 Sorer consecutive timaa, $ oenta a Una earn Insertion. . Three times within ona week, 10 oenta line each Inaertlon. One time 12 cents a line. C"unt aix average words to a Una. Minimum charge, cents. An srlvertlsement Inner ed to be run nntll d'acontltiued muat be stopped By written order. A'l c'slms for error must b mada within fifteen day sfte- lha laat lnsr- tlon of the advertisement. Tou can place your want ad In The Bee by telephone. TELEPHONIC TTlJCn WTO. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column Answers to Swappers' ads will b held for a period of three weeks. Advertlaera are requested to kindly claim earne be fore that ume. The following Hat la within three weeks' time, limit: No. Ann. No. Ana. 871 4J1 TO 7"7 .... ( H"4 S16 M7 36 27 M3 N7 una (IS mn fU y? Ml X m... !47 M K.2 964 tm 977 irr io tm wn lf02 1i3 I'M If l'7 1"12 l'H3 im 1017 1030 .13 !l .51 DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. RORINSON-Mrs. C. E. aged 27 yeara. Funeral will he held from the realdence of P. W. Zotsman. 27fi)( South Thirteenth Hreet at 2 p. m. Tuesday. Friends wel rame, Interment at West I. awn. A. O. U. W. FUNERAL NOTICE. Member of North Omaha lodce. No. 1 !. are notified of the funeral of Brother John W. Tiirnhull. Tueaday, May &", at 3 o'clock, from residence, 6lh and Maple streets. WILLIAM C. WILLIAMS. Master Workmen. F. M. M'CLTJiriH. Recorder. niRTIIS AND DKATII. Andrew ami Mabel Andrraon, 2fl0 Reea, girl; Onb R and Clara Ur-ndoreon, XX South Twopiy-fourth, boy; Flladelfo and Hiharttana Clrco, 27W Pouth Twelfth, toyi Emery and Ivy Kiillerton. 1R3 Hencer, Klrl; Charlea and Martha Olaaaon, hoa .pltal, glri; W. J. and Huth, Holdaworth. HI South Twenty-ninth, hoy; W. A. and Anna Kahre. 6 North Fourteenth, boy; lloac and Cara Youaen, hoepltal, girl. I'eathw Carolulne Olll. yeara, li Wirt; tieorgej E. Hay ward, B7 yeara, 70J South Twenty-aeventn avenue; Ieo Koa tal. ytara, HIS Mouth Twelfth; Barnle Lehanaakl, S4 yeara, South Omaha; Eugene P. Peleraon t montha, 2R1S Ham ilton; Timothy Sullivan, W yeara, hoa pltal. MAHRIAUR LICENIRI, The following permits to wed have been laaued: Name and Realdence. Age. Alex Carmody, Omaha .M Edna May Nlnea. Menominee, Mich.... 22 Bert Cain. Council Bluffa 1 Ora Anderson, Council Bluffa 'M Richard R. Rogera. Arnolda Park, la.. 32 Leorla Kinney, Hebron SI Roy O. Ward, IJncoln M : Emma B. McLeod, Lincoln 37 Dt 1 1.1)1 (1 PKHMITd. Donald J Melvor. 1V23 South Thlrtr fourth. apartment houae, $M,0un; A. J. Paunder. 4KH 8 her man avenue, frame atore, fuS. TODAY'S CXIMTLKTB MOVIE mOGRAMS Exclusively In The lie. LANTERN alldea for movlea. Send your copy to ua W ran reproduce photoa ar will prepare your ropy. We will color aa directed. He Photo Dept.. 101 Bee Bid. Dowatawa. ELITE NO. 131S FARNAM. Frauds. Ess. drama, 3-r., featuring Edna Mayo and Lrayant W ashburn. Stiltly e'Unil, Vllariaph comedy. rAhNitii, 14ut lMlLHilS. Farnam Theater Special 3 Mutual niss- teriect-s a week. Thursday n od Sunday our special days Ulr-r llir Ati.l., i-li: A.NU ttAJiNKT Home of rarantount Flcturea 1DBAL Their Hour, 2-reel O. Seal. Matter ot r'srvniime, 1'owers. ball per i-iiiitsoD s Daughter. Joker com. PARK. il .oRTH 16TU tiT. lilood ol the Children, t-reel Bison. At His Owu Terms. Big II. Tsking Her Measures, Nestor comedy. PRINCE THEATER, 1317 DOUOLAS. Msry Fuller. The Wltih of Salem, 2-reel. Dan Wilson, A Flrea.de Realisation. Max Asiier, The Lady Doctor. Comedy. Itsnk. ALAMO. 4TH FORT. Pot op lay I'hout a Name. l-r. Imp. Marlla Lowe, Financier, Isfflimlit Dra. Rulnrtropa and C.nls, sterling Com. ALHAMBUA, Wis" N. 2THST. hen Love Took W Ings. Keystone com. The Winning- Lund.' Kel. dranui. The Vaii-y of Hate. K -B. dr. Clifton." Military Ave. and Burdstto. Tlie tlreen Idol, Reliance Dr., 2-r. Competition, Amcrlun Druma. When 1-ove Took Ings, Keystone Com. DIAMOND THEATTr," Dlu Lake tt. Psby, l-rel Victor ""umedy. Ieatiny's Trump Card, Imp Drama. Framed, Poer FRAN kTLl N 24TH AND FRANKLIN! The Turn of the Wheel. 2-r. Ku dra. Ham In the Harem. Kalem comedy. The Conversion of Smiling Tom. Hrl. dr. HvOUC. 24TH 4 SPRAOI'e" The Stool Pigeon, l-r. Victor feature. Eddie s Awfui Predicament, Nestor Com. Tiny Hands. Powers Drama. 4irand.'Theater Beautiful," 14 A Binney. The Face on the Bar-room Floor. Chap lin Com. When Empty Hearta ar Flllod, Dra. Ills Fiamd Wife. HIPPODROME, 2th and CMmlng Bta. The Slave Olrl, l-r. Bel. When Love Too Wings. Key. Com. Live Worth While, Than. I'ra. Eight People In vaudeville. ivtT irra & bTtrdetteT Martyr of tha Present. Powera Change In Lovera, L-Ko. Com4y. Playing with Fire. l-r. Victor. IjuYAL THEATER. 24-ai CVldwell 6t. Runaway Auto, Juker Comedy. The tM Tutor, big V. Littlr Olrl it the Attic, 2 reela. 1OTHRoP, J4TH AND lTHROP. The rlonliig, !reel Edison drains. The Fatle of the Unfettered Ends. L'aa. com. Tbe Ty'ant of the Veldt, dr. TODAY'S COMrLETK MOVIK PROGRAMS Exclusively la The lice. orlh. rifE THEA1 ER, ram Davenport St. Paved by n. Shiver, Joker Comedy Funtiv Side of Jealousy. 2-recl Hlg U. All for Prrgy, Rex Drums SURi.RRAN. I4TH AND AMES. A Race tor a Crossing Knl. dra. Flea a Brother. S-reel Vltagraph drama, llama HarrowInK Iniel. Kulem enrnedv. Honth. A1RDOMF PAVORITK. 171 VINTON. Satan Mc Allister s Mclr. 2-rcel Dom. And He Never Knew, Prln. Love In Armor, Key atone comedy. A POM1. 224 I 7e A V EN WORT 1 1? No Other Way, Lubln drama. Ham's Easy Fata, Kalem comedy A Woman a Revenge. 2-r. Edison dra. ARBOR. S2D AND ARBOR. The Oreat Wlence. i-r. Eaiianay drnma. The Master of Ida House. C'OM'MBIA. 1710 SOLTII TENTH. The Third Commandment, -r. KaJom dra. Kwnka Blinked, Mlna comedyJ rOM FnjVT. 24TH-A ND VINTON. The rndcrciirrent. 2-reel Tlianhouaor. .Iireama Rcallxed. Beauty. The IJttle Poldler Man- Maleatlc. FA VORITF1 1 7 1 V I NTf ) .V? The Olrl Kiglneer, Kalem dra. Between the Two of Them, 8-reel Vltagraph I mm, dra. Juat a Iook at Jake, Iiililn oomedy. (HCM. rourt-Martlaled One comedy. 12M SOUTH 13TII. 4-tcel Imp. Best protection In the city. LYRIC. 1tiI7 VINTON. The Junifle Queen. 2-rewl Biaon. A Allot In the Dark. Rex1 PA8TIMK. 2311 AND LE AV E-N WO R T 1 1. Bombay Buddha. S- reel Imp. Her Friend the Milkman. Comedy. Plx reela of plctiirea alz. VENKZLa, UU aK. UTU T. Fou raela of Mutual picture. Wet. 26TII AND FARNAM. AIRDOMB. An Innocent Sinner, .Vreel Kalem drama. The Vanlahlng Vault, Vltagraph loinedy. APOI.LO, The Return of KM LEAVENWORTH. Illchurd Neal. 8-rool r drama. Boobley'a Bnby, Vita comedy. MON'hoH. Aii FA KN AM. Ti e RliiR of Death, Lubln dramn. Wlndfolded, 2-reel Kea. drama. The Hoard In T Hotia Petid, Vita. com. BENSON. ma MAIN ST. Black Bog No. 10, Hpeclal Serial. Tony, Kinif Itusitot. Fathor ua Ni-u(rnl, Blllle Ritchie,. Council Binds. BUTE NO 2. MS BROADWAY. The Littlo Htraw Wife, Vr. Ea. drama. When Diiinhbli'lgh Haw the Joke, Vita, com. The Oamhler'a I. O. U., Illo. dra. NICHOLAS. M7 BROAD WAV. The Return of Richard Nrul, 3-r. Eaa. dra, Whoew Huaband? Vltanraph comedy. ROPEH, M7 BROADWAY." Grim Meaaenger, l-r. Big U. Artlat and the Vengeful One, Victor. Two Hearta and a Hhlp. Neator Comedy. oa ia (luaaa. r.EESE. 34TH AND N. The Haunted Houa of Wild lale, 2-r. Kal. dra. How Slippery hltm Saw the Show. r.aa. w. com. The Yellow Streak. Sel. MAGIC, 24TH AND O STREETS. Animated Weekly. Battle of Running Bull. S-r. Pter. com. Vaudeville. ORPHECM. 24TII AND M. The Kite, t-reel Detective drama. Oh, Daddy, comedy-drnma. Mutual Weekly and u ivrystonn comedy. AKrfOUNCKMENTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS J3o Comfortable Yourself and Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in: The Bee Building Superintendents Office, Room 103. Special Summer Membership in the Young Men's Christian Association . Now $5.50. Investigate Y.M.C.A. ouC park, summer AVTOMOBILKS I FIVE-PASSENUER, l seven passen ger automobile for ssle right, or will trade either or both for city property. CJLH " r P 4413 NEW Ford auto deliver bodies of all styles, open or closed, always on hand. Our prices will save you money. See Johnson-Dsnforth Co., lnjD-M-33 No. ltith. CHB'AtiO Electric 6-psssenKer car. used for demonstrating only. 40 cell battery, blue leather trimming, aeat covers. Phono Hartley 2S.A C. ELSABSER, expert radiator and lamp repairs. Ty. 70S. iid lavenworth. AUTO Clearing House, 22' Farnam, buys and sells used rars. Phone 1 ouglaa S3I0. Overton's for lskv radiator. 50", denlei s. Want an auto. .' J. Canan. McCague bldg. Induntrlal Oarage i., hlh r Harney RtZ NEBRASKA Bul.k Service Station. Fanam St. Phone Duiiglaa 7:1. 11114 AMISKMKXTH BIO celebrstion st Randolph. Neb.. July 3. lIFi. We want riding devices and other amusement concessions. Those in terested please communicate with secre tary of Commercial club at once. nrsixEsa chances THEATERS Uu, Isass or sell your the ater, tnachlna and supplies throuxn Theater Exchange Co.. liM Faroain 81. 1huIss !yt. IX)R SALE-Oniy Jrm store In town of bto). Oood Oeriiian-Ainerlcan trade. Fine farming territory. Step into a going business. If Interested, come at once, Oood reasons for selling. Box t West ern, Neb. STOCKS and bonds. How you may ac quire New York stock exchange securi ties on easy terms at prevailing low prices. Explained In the current tasue of 'The Odd Lot Review." 11 per year. Send fur esmple copy. 74 Broadway, New York City SIGNS, show cards. Clark & Sen. D. 1XS. TO JET In or out o' buali.ess vail oa GANOKHTAD. 404 Bse Bldg. Doug. J477. 240 ACRES, about 15 miles from Atkin son, Holt Co., Neb.; good hay land. Price tM per aere; all deer snd good title. Also SU acres Irrigated, all level, sbout & miles N. W. of Fort Morgan. Colo.; has a good fence. Price. $7o per acre. Will trade for good grocery or extra fine gen eial merchandise Mock. 2311 Cuming St. Omaha. Neb. WHY R KNT? Will sew 160-nre farms In Red River valley (Minn. I, erect build ings, supply cows and hogs on psyimnl of $.iU). and 40 years In which to im balance. This offer not g"od after June w. vv. u. 1 ample ton, u b Bids' IHrilNKSS rilANCKM Willi, sell my hnlf Interest tn a cleaning and dyeing business. whl''h Is mnking good money. Ilrnndn, mo log to inv farm. A re ojiportunlt y to buy cool K"lng biilnena downtown Ad'lrra A Itei, ItonmliK llnaaea tor Rale. Jl ROOMS, well furnished: alya rented, for qui' k eale. IV0. CaU at Farnam, KDICATIONAL Boyles College Day Scliool, Nlht School, .oinplet huatneaa course, conipb-te ahortnnnd or atenotype course, cninitlete telernphy coiirae, cv eervlre brain hea and Ktiir Mfh Student" admitted nt any tlmo. Write, phone op call for PIT. catalogue. BOYLES cot, I Kills. II B. BOYLE. ITealdent. Tel D. IMS Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, Nob. , FOR sale the following scholarships In a first class Omaha Business college: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic, eoursex On three months', business or Steno graphic course. will be sold at a discount at the orrice if The Omaha Bee. FOR HALF Furniture, Household looita, lta, I IFSk' bought end sold. J. C. lU:ed, Fnniam nt. D. 1K SACRIFICE iJrocery ref ligoralor, holds b lha ; hhk stoves, Iceboxes, . all sizes;, household goods. 17o! N. 24th. F I ' RnTt I TlEI iaTTiaTnsW U-dr at tl each, t-lhles kitchen end chlnu ch- Incla, 4 lee boxes, iS ks stoves. 2f dress ers 1K.T.) ,N. L'4lh Ht. Webster 11i7. MEJII'.VI gas range ready to connect. reasonable. Call afternoons 2220 Orand Ave F'H: SAlJv-ltolltr top desk and swivel ehuir, cheap. IM.one Walnut 143. Horses and Vrlilrles. S BL'YS l,iuri-lb. mare-mule, god worker, MJ2 Hariiwin St. Telephone South 3"a. Sjuth Omuha. WILL aell cheap, a good delivery wa.on with top and side curtains. THE I'EO- I'LE'rt MARKET. Y'M'N'l, black farm team, weight 3,2iifl lbs., 6 snd 6 yeara old, ludy owner. 2227 Dirigo St. corner 24th. FARM wagons, PM. Stroud. 2oth A Ames. Musical lustrum-Mis. Slightly used high grade ptano. D. 2017. I AM leaving city and do not want to ahlp mv player piano. Still owe some on It. hut will sacrifice my equity. Ad dress F 4fi7. Bee. WILL sell at (Treat bargain our Stelnway (Irand llano rather than ship It. Address O M, Bee, BEAl'TI FI'L tm Sfeet & Sons I prlglit pisno for siUe cheap. Address E 4'i6, Bee. Poattrv, Ksrit and aapul'ea, STEREOTYPE matrlrs make the best and cheapext lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7fc a hundred at The lies officio. WHITE African Guinea eggs, 31 per 15. E. Dooley, Selma, la. Small wheat. 100 lb. $2 25. Wagner. 801 N. 16. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired Contral Typewriter Exe. 1905 Farnam. M Isre llaneoaa. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling rlleya and uccef-sorles ; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick- Bui ke-(ol lender I'o.. 407-409 S. Kith St. Ll'MBKR 2x6 and sheeting. tools, zshovels, picks, Jack screws, window glass; 2 carpenter benches, tl each; I kitchen cabinets, fl each: 10 match ma chines, 60c each; 1 rug, 12; l lawn mower, 11. uO; i gas arcs, $2 rach. J. C. 1S1L rhone Itarney 243. 70S P. 31st Ave. FOR SALE t.'HEAP A good law library For particulars write lock boa 607, Calla way, Neb. Id - hand machinery. 11 Orosa. 21 snd Paul. WE bought (6 Dea Molnca bsr fixtures, front bara, back bars, mirrors. Nat rash registers, cigar and wall casns, eto. For sale like we bought them CHEAP. Omaha Future and Supply Co., Hi So, 12th bu IIKLP WANTED FKMALB lerlcal and Office. LEAVE YOUR NAME WITH US. BITSlNEtStt-MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N., 1SIV20 Woodmen of tho World Bldg. SOLICITOR, salary and commission. Watts Ref. 4'o.. S40 Brandels Theater. PHYSICIAN wants office girl; U per week. R"iH'c: NO Fl LINO FEE. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. ROPERS REF. CD.. oifi-H State Bank. Housekeepers anil Domea tics. WANTED A girl for general housework; small family. 11. 1342. WANTED A white girl for general housework: no cooking: good wages; permanent position to right party. 1335 S. 3Mh Ave. WANTHi ' A goodcook 120S 8. 33d St. WANTElK-A girl for hoiework7liar ney 1 r.4... 132 S. 31st St. WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework; u-room house, three In family; houseclennlng done. Iu3 S. 42d St. Hainey 4.'1H. WANTED A competent second girl; ref erence required. .Mis. N. H. Sples bTger, rsi'. Fariium. WANTED On tiirni, housekeeper, be tween : and 40 years old, without ln ciuubi ance; hum he neat and intelligent; no liixy, shlftlrsa lou need apply. B 44. Bee. WANTED A competent white girl for general hoiiKwor., no waaliuig. if, 41 St. Harney Uuf.i. trOOD girl lor gennral housework, small fajnllv. II. 2104 hw s. 3ith Ave. WANTED Experienced cook; references required; good wate. A. C. Smith. 13U3 1 urk Ave. V A NTI--1 - Middle ag.Ml white la.lv for general housework; 15 a week and no wiuililtwr. Welwder 4n7. SI lellmiouav YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building st St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable board ing plsoes or otnerwlse assisted. Look for our traveler's guide at Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Ivrlral and ofrirv OOOD salesmen, as well as good clerks are always tn demand; no need of being out of work If you possess ability and ars aggressive Call snd talk It over. MIDWEST BONDING CO.. S12 Bea Bldg. SQIARE PEO.S IN SgUARE HOLES. We find a position that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REFF-RENOK CO., 1015-16 City Nat Bank Bldg. FOREMAN tHRirwiF WORKl si Jo THE CANO AOBNCY. 610 BEH3 BLIXJ. SALESMAN, hardware, salary ilependa. V sits Ref. Co , VW-4o-42 Brandels Thea. SQUARE I'KOS IN Sy UARE HOLEiC We find a position that fits you. CO-OPERATIVH REF. CO.. 1015-16 City Nat Bank. WANTED A clerk for commercial hotel In small town; 011s who can give refer ences and who is acquainted with the trde In western lows Address Y 537. Bee HIOH-ORADR commercial positions. WEST RK.FKRKNCE BOND A SSN. T62 Omaha Nat Hank Bldg. As'sli, Salesmen lit Solicitors. RR-AL rstatu Business plaeea sunplled or Laud.ed. all alaias. S. V. svoiml. Ctnaha. 1IKLP WAXTKI MALK Aaenta, Salrntuen tad aollrltora. WANTED High-Class Piano Men An opportunity at thla time la offered to four high rln mimi. pales. n?n. who lae had successful retn1; expHrtfiire to coniH-ct with a lar western nuf.v turer working In the nilddl"-west territory, the work will be In conjunction with a special selling svstem that has proven very suiceesful. Only men of clean record need apply and who nre actual pro ducers of buniness. pl"ni!ld opportunity la offered for S'lCh for n permanent fnc- I I'M T i Ullliri HUH. II a'PIJ Mlf Cfc III'! II W IIU , has be,n successful and ire anxious for , toiy connection. If von are a mun who ymmotion and finnncinl betterment, Inswer this ad at. once, giving full par ticulars as to age, exp-rience. All r?- phes kep; absolutely confidential. Ad dress Y rS3. B-e. Very Desirable Space for Printing Office Light, water and Janitor service free. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent' Office, Room 103. HOOD restaurant for sale In good Colo rado town, population u.Vi, division station, county scat. Shyness cause of sale. Price IfO. Write for particulars. M. Evans. Sterling. Colo. FOIJ SALE OH I IE NT to rellahlo pRity, blacksmith shop, with tools and small stock; good opening for right man. American State Bank, Spring field. Neb. EXCELLENT proposition for two good men tn Nebraska. Call or write. Mutuai Benefit, Health and Accident Association. 421-28 City Naf! ank Bldg. WANTED Experienced salesmen to sell nursery stock, noth city and country work. Address B. E. Fioids & Sun. Fre mont, Neb. Hoys. BOY wanted for clipping newspapers. about 16 years of age, H a week. Apply Room 104, Beo Bldg., 10 A. M. Tuesday. Factor una. '1 rndes. Drug atore snapa; Jobs. Knetst. Bee Bids. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition tin, on account of big trade. Wages for 0 and 10 cent work. Elaclrio massage taught. Hydrauilo cliults. Catalog free. 1124 Douglaa St. Omaha. FIRST CLASS meat cutter wanted. J. Zoller Mercantile Co.. Council Bluffs, la. Y O V Ml ! S f " T H 1 N K W e give you exprt auto training, tarn a real salary, big money for our trained men. Come right now and get our free course In Elec. Llg. & Start'K systems: freo catalogue. Anier. Auto College, K3 Farnam St.. Omaha. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade and accept positions In country or city, good wages made after few weeks with us: tools given. Catalogue explaining all mailed free. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. WK need men; had to turn down two Jobs per week lately. Oet In. Learn by our method. Oet one of theae Jobs. Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile School. 1417 Dodge St Miscellaneous, WANT in five and ten-team outfits to do scraiwr work tn South Dakota. Fre transportation. Edw. Peterson Co., 1402 W. O. W. Bldg. IF WE had your address we'd show you how to earn $25 weekly. Christian Co., Poatoffice Box 133, Atlantic, la. WANTED Names of men, II or over, wishing government Jobs. month. No pull necessary. Addreaa Y 460, Bee. WANTED 1,01 men to eat ham and eggs, lie. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted. f7t month; pull unnecessary. Write immedi ately for full partclulars. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 221 D., Rochester. N. Y. WANTFJD Good dentist, registered In Nebraska; must be refined and strictly temperate. Address. E 454, Bee. BITUATIONS t AXTEli WANTED Evening work, or Saturday afternoon, by a young man. Can op erate typewriter. Tel. D. 64S8. WANTED Evening and Saturday r.iter- noon work In an amusement park. young man, of good education. Best of references. Tel. D. 6489. TRUSTWORTHY young man of ability desires position as cashier or clerical work; Is college graduate and good pen man; will consider out-of-town Job: very anxious to go to work and wants perma nent work. Phone Douglas 8461. or ad dress L-XI2. Bee. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Blufts. Bring nd to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 10ml. YOUNG man wants work, restaurant hotel, as boll boy or porter, or will work for private family; wants to go to work. A dill ens. 1 44, Bee. YOUNG man wants work, restaurant. hotel, aa bell hoy or porter, or will wor't for private family; wants to go to work. Address, P 44'). Pee. YOUNG woman wants position as com panion, preferably to an elderlv lady; or poaltion us nursery governness. Has had two years' experience in teaching. Address Y-52X. Bee. CHAMBERMAID work u mi led by ex IMTleni ed colored girl. . Phone South 319f.. 410 N. 2'.th St.. South Omaha. COMPETENT, well educated young man, lb; goon business and executive ability: at present assistant circulation manager or an eastern newspaper; de sires to locate In this city; will entertain any proKsltlon offering a slnglo man a livelihood. Address G 4.V1, care Bee. MAN wants work on f;irin or private olure- wllllnir to work and needs it: ready to go to work anv time In or out 'lf '',jj-Ai?L1i:e." .K..4:?-JC: , EXPERIENCED carpenter wants work; will work reasonable. Phone Red FIRST-CLASS colored cook wants work In or out of city; hax daughter aa helper. A dd r-NaJ 462. 1'ee. YOUNG man. married, experienced col lection and business correspondent, with best city and other reitrencee, desires to make permanent connection of alove nature at once. Is also general office man and will handle outside collections. Address A-4kS, care Bee. W AKTEI Oeneiul housework. Web. 53. SITUATION wanted by all-around printer. J. V. Hart. Harney St. COLORED man wants housecleanlng or work of any kind around private house. Douglas 5472. - Pl.RFEiT vashlnu. expert ironing. Lace curtains our speilalty. Webster 42, SCHOOL superintendent desires position for the coming ear. Best references. Ten years' experience. Address Y 536. Bee. WANTS work In A. L, nouse work, washing dishes In restaurant. J. 46H, Bee. EXPERIENCED meat cutter wihcs work In or out of town. Address Y 7iS. Bs. HOUSEKEEPER, reliable and refined. can take full cherge In strictly re spectable home; references. 2334 B JM St EXPERIENCED young msn wants steady work with private family, gar dening, houre-cleantng or anything, ao be r, willing to work Ad dress K 470, Be. STIU'N'O man wsnls work; arythmg Ad dress M-47.'. Bee. MEAT cutter, young man, wants position in any stoic or shop, will work for small wages; five years' German experience. HITl ATIOXS WANTKI) C'll I'FFET'll wantsi work in gamse or prlsti family Address A 47S. Bee. coIiRKD MAN wants to go to work, porter work, private family, or any kinfl of work. Address S 4". 4. lice. LOST AMI FOl.M OMAHA Sr Ol-v, 1 1. BI.I KKS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lost soine m-tlde would do well to i.-nl! up ttit; of(i-c- i.f the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street P.nllwav 'onipany to ascertain whither they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day ar" turned Ic nd the compnnv is anxious to reelor tlum to the rightful owner Call Dowk. 4'. I.OST-Oold commandant medal corner of K,th and Fnrn.-im, name on back. , , , r- . - LhorJL.L'.""JL fl2- L 'ST Indies' Shrlner pin, between the Juvenile court and L'itli and Harney. Reward. Call Stack & Falconer, 34th and Harney. 1'honc Douglas NV7. FER8ONAI4 YOI'MI women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian assoclstton building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ae., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Looit for our traveler's aid at the Union station. INFORMATION WANTED Aa to ad dress of J. N. Brlggs, formerly of Oak land and Chadron, Neb. Believed to be running store In N. W. Nebr. To his ad vantage to be located at once. Addreaa Y-513, Bee. THE Salvation Armv industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4IT) and our wagon will call, fall and inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. PET STOCK FOR SALE Beautiful two-year-olil St. Bernard dog. Mrs .lon Westover, 1221 Rose St., Lincoln, Neb. SWAPPERS' COLUMN WILL trade Bruno banjo, Washburn mandolin and cash for high grade banjo. Address 8. C lf.tf. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. ROTARY. l3style copying machine typewriter, accounting system comput ing scale. Will trade for groceries, meats, or hat have you? Address 8. C. 10Jo, Bea. DIAMONDS Will trade my diamond for automobile. Address S. C. 10S2. Bee. DOO Have fine white male Spitz dog, months old. What have you for him? Address S. O. 1024. Bee. ELECTRIC VACUUM Edison phono graph or bike to trade for used 28 by 3 Im h tires; give phone No. Address S. C. 1021, Bee. FOR SALE or trade brand new crave nette rain coat. Will fit tall man. Ad dress S. C. ?1S. care Bee. GOOD business property, leased for a year. Price $2,500; will accept good roadster as part, payment G. A. Kull, Oakland, Neb. GARDEN TOOLS 2 rakes (new), spade. shovel, furnace shovel, hoe ana grass knife: will trade the lot for anything. Address S. C. 1035. Bee. HAVE two sewing machines. Trade or sell one or both or tnem. Aaaress a. C. 1020. Bee. HAVE small American typewriter, or writing machine. What have you lor It? Address S. C. 1022. Bee. HAVE guitar to trade foi mandolin; alao other articles. Address S. C. 1023, Bee. I HAVE other business and must make a uulck deal; ' half Interest in a good business paying $1,200 rr year. This la no cheap propoaitlon; an established business and can show the goods: $."iO0 cash or tell me what vou have to trade. Address S. C. 1038. Bee. KIMBALL piano player, with 85 records: fits any piano. What have you? Or make me cash offer. Address S. C. 1037, Bee. LOT Have a Wyoming lot: a number of Omaha buyers surrounding. Will trade for diamond. Vlctrola. typewriter, or what have you? Address S. C. 1021, Bee MOVING PICTURE MACHINE A new Edison moving picture machine, will trade for a good Ford car and pav casn difference. Box 2u6, Oakland, Neb. NEGOTIABLE stock In local corporation doing capacity business, for light used car. Ford preferred. Will exchange up to $750. Address, H. C. VC7, Bee. rnoNOORAPH Edison phonograph. with 50 records, to be exchanged for anything. What have you to offer? Ad dress S. C. 1029. Bee. FOR EXCHANGE Six almost new In side doors, as gooj aa new. Including double folding doora, with track and ball bearing rollers, will trade for chickens or sell cheap for cash. Address S. C. 12. care Bee. . FOR EXCHANGE One almost new elec tric fan, used 3 weeks, will exchange for chickens or sell cheap for cash. This Is a fine fan costing $25 new. Address 8. C. 1001. care Bee. PIANOSSwap for or on an auto or lot or lots; will pay difference. If you have anything, net In touch with me, as I have other stuff to exchange; give complete rieHcritrtion. Address h. C, 1033. Bee. BINDER SEWING MACHINE Paid $? for machine; in good condition. Let ua hear what you have to trade for H. Ad dress S. C. HKiO, Bee. PLAYER PIANO with rolla, for auto mobile. Address S. C. l!3. Rev TWIN Indian motorcycle. 1914 model. fully equipped and in perfect running order. Will trade for J160 cash. Or what will vou give me for It? S. C. 1031. Bee. TOOL GRINDER A heavy, subslant'al machine, for tnch work, hand wr; cost $7 wholesale, snd almost new; will trado for anything can usa. Address S. C. lo::. Bee. TRUCK BODY Have good Ford deliv ery body, emloHed: good condition; sale or trade. What have you? Address 8. 1040. Bee. WANTFD To trade pulntlng snd paner nunKlnv for printing, groceries, coal, I feed vr anything 1 can uae. Will Investi- I rate nnMhina. Address. S. C. 1020. Bee. I vi LL exchange some furniture tor I Cypher' incubator. 220 eg or larger, or i some heated Indoor brooders Harney 3154. WE WILL trade or ewap our high gradu piano, cost ., In trade $!7j. Address S. C. 1034. Pee. FOU KENT Apartments and Flats. ET. OEOUUE 6-room apartment, redeco rated throughout. 113 N. Slat Ave., se Lct West Farnam district. Pbune Web ster 1674. TWO six-room, modern, steamheated fiats. Can be rented separately or to gether $3U summer, .k wiuter. Conrad YounC :22 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1571. VERY choice 4 or 5-rooiu steam-heated arartn.enta on West Farnam street. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1MVJ FARNAM ST SlX-itOoN' fiat. 2 Wdrooms. at 2fl1 I harles St. New brick, oa-k finish first fliHir. vhlte enamel bathroom, wltij ixircelaln fituics: good shades, electric fixtures, ntwiy decorated. Key at office. TfttVKIt BROS.. Douglas U."1. 705 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg COOL FOR SI MMER. Choice S-ruom apartment, with fine, large screened porch, oak finish, targe li ing room, laj ge bedroom, dandy kitchen and bath, In Nathan apa'tmenis on Sher man Ave.; alao lli.e 4-room apartment, screened porch. In ssme building; J-room rents for 32 50; 4-rooin. $37 W. wicter and sunnier. Best vslue 111 dry ITione us for lnsP-ction Phone Douglas lO. Si'tilT H ILL COMP A N Y. 6-BOOM heated apaUment. The Chula Vista, Sh and Poppleton Ave. Vacant June 1. Conrad Young. 322 Brandels thea ter Douglas 17)71. ISMS DOL'OLAii bT.. roum- Ready Reference Directory The following firms oficr quality and expert service that will pleafe the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office, S06 Bo. 17th St. Phone D. 54S7. REED ABFTRACT CO. oldest abstract offloa Id Nebraska. 2f4 brandels Thea. k-ssen &Morrell 201$ State Pk. Bldg. D. 2292. At Ol'MTA .NTS. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A... Addnsas 433 Ramgc, Bldg. Phone Douglas 740S. ADDING M At MIXES. Adder Men Co. fW'ales). W. O. W. D. 6. AMATEl R FINISHING. FILMS develored free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 411 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ARCHITECTS. Everett S. Dodds, 12 Paxton Blk. D. 29S1. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co , 1115-16 W. 6. W. R. S2S5. Nat l Pale Auction Co.. 1327 W. O. W. At'TO INSURANCE. 40 saved on your automobile Insurance try patronizing a home Co. Doug 2S19. BAKERIES. 7. H, RF.EDER, IVfl N. 18th Web. E97. BEUDINU. MA HA PILIyOW CO.. 1907 Cuming. Douglaa MOT. Renovates feather 0 and mattresses of all kinds, make feather mattresses and down covers. BLUE PHI.NTI.NU. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO., 802 Omaha jvatlonal Bank Bldg. BRASS A.N D IRON FOl'MDBIEl. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. nth and Martha Bta. Ntb. Fdry. Mfg. Co., 112S N. 22. Web. TWO CARPET Ill ti CLEA.NEHS. Omaha Carpet Renovating Co. Doug. IflTt. tAHl'tMEHS AND CONTRACTORS. 6TEVKN8ON, S. 22d. Douglas 6620. CHIROPODIST. Carrie .T. Burford, 620 Prix. Blk. Red 45K7. CIVll. ENGINEERS. M. J. LACY". 518 BEE BLDG . DOUG. 4715. CLEANERS AMI) DYERS. Howard's Pantalorlum. 320-2 8. 15th. D. 5407 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO.'i Western representative of VELVETILE COMPOSITION flooring. INVEflTI OATE 811-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1672. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MFD. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. Lieben & Son, 1514 Howard. D. 4115. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic, d! 1S7L Try Mackle s first. lSlff Harney. Doug. 5446. DOWN TOWN RESTAURANTS. Douglaa lunch, day and night. 1718 00114. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak's; college, 20th A Farnam. SUITS, gowns, in homes. Wai. 2287. MIS3 STURDY, 2416 CASS. RED 7320. DETECTIVES. INVESTIDATIONS carrle 1 out In any part of United States, Canada or Mexico. 6U Paxton Blk. Doug. 1373. Walnut 1630. JAMES ALLAN. 112 Neville Block. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyier 1136. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea, 724 City Nat. Bank. Tafe Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas. D. 2186. DRUGS. DRITOS at cut prices: freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 119 N. 15th. Terms. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red 9058. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. D. 136. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaks, suits ana dresses sacrificed. 206 N. lth St. EVERYTHING FOR MEN. TOUPEES FOR MEN Hair goods dept. 1. u. Brandels A Sons, Omaha. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 1804 Farnam St. D. 8000. L HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. D. 1256. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass'n. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. A. DONAGHUE, 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. II AT CLEANING. Panamas cleaned. D. Elsele, 1136 City Nat ALL kinds hats cleaned. 1520 Harney St ANY hat cleaned or blocked. 1518 Harney. ICE. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE 'PHOXE WEBSTER 5919 Deneral Of'lce, 13th and Manderson Bta. JEWELERS. LUCKT wedding rings at Brodegaard's- LIGHTING KIXTIRKS, WIRING. niTT7TTV Thomas. Douglas cnw.N ,41t cumlng St. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. 2519. MARTIN CROS CO., Exchange Bldg. MISICAL INSTRUCTION. RATES, Harp ft Piano. 305 Lyric. D, $704. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargain. WE rent moving picture machines. Star Theatrical Exchange, 540 Paxton block. VOR RENT Aumrtmeut and Flats. CENTRA I-No squat n prlca or quality; 1-room house: 4-room flat. 0 N Ud. FLAT and vtore, ls21 Ieavenworth. Doug. i;'26. Call (-ROOM hr.ated apartment. The Masoa Slat aod Mason Sts. Reduced rent. Con rad Young. 322 Brandels Theater. D. 1571. THREE rooms and bath and toilet; close to car line. $.150. T. SULLIVAN. 215 Brandels Theater COOL rooms. $2 week. Council Bluffs. Ogdent Hotel, MASSF.USE9. MTSS STAPLES, mass. elec. bath 713. Open eve., 9p.m.; Sundays. 10 to $. J A rrrTTv;'lnri mas . alcohol rub. Laura llson. 18C2 Farnam. room 2. Douglas 8751. Open evenings and Sunday. M ASSAD E, 1721 Dodee. Mrs. Steele. BATHS. 214 Bnlrd Blclg., 17th and Doug. B.Brjigman, mass..?! Karbach Blk. R. 27'J? MASSAOI5-520 Bee rid?. Douglas 6372. Clara Lee, bath ar.d rraseage. Douglas 871. M. HALLERON. Baths. 223 Neville Blk. Miss X, mudlavla maps. R. 224, Neville Bl. MISS JACOBS. Mass., R 224. Neville Blk. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUR. Room 21 Douglas Mock. 16th and Dodge. MISS OILBERT. message. 103 S. 17th St. Miss Dftvlw. massage. 109 3. 17th St- 1st fl. MOTORCYCLES. H A R LEY-DA VI D SO N MOTORCTCT.F.8. Bargains In used machines. Victor Roos. "The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth. MINI NO ENGINEERS. WILL pay to consult W. H. Dodfry oa mining business 207 State Bk. R. 434L MOWERS SHARPENED. LAWN MOWERS CALLED FOR ANT DELIVERED: work guaranteed; eawr filing. Doug. 7428. NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. ARTISTIC tree trimming: scientific sur gery and treatment of diseases of treea Call Douglas 802 and our M.r. John son will make a personal examination free. I. M. Johnson Co., Chatham hotel. FOR SALE Extra fine corn seed at $1 per bus., sacks P0c each. Writs for., samples. J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. OFFICES. OFFICES When makinc vnur new nlana en on I or or I ice space, int DCSC IOCSM lion and easiest faunxL , .,fc.J THE BEE BUILDINO, " "The Building That Is Always Now. orrice, ioom 1U3. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you aji. Dra. Mccarty. 11U W . O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Peterson. G03 Brandels Bldg. D. SIM. JOSEPHINE A RMSTRONO. 615 Bea e Bldg. 1 Q. PAINTING AND PAPERIN IUTOH MTMANUS. 417 N. 4oth. H. 67CS. PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 8. 11th St PATENTS. D. O. Barnen. Paxton Blk. Tel Red 7117. H. A. Pturges, 636 Brandels Theater Bldgv PRINTING. WATFTR8-BARNHART Ptg. Co., qtiallry printing. lei. coug. ziw. 02 o. latn st. CENTRAL PRINTINO OO. POUO. 8754. I DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 644. PLATING. D. 8277. Acme Plating Co., Ill 8. 16th St. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. SAFES Opened, re paired, comb, changed. F. E. Daven port, 1408 Dodgw. D. 182L SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoo rapair. HI 8. 14. Hartey 8ho Rop'r Co., 2004 Farn'm. R.8440 SEWING MACHINES. TTT rent, repair, aell needles and part W for all sewing machines. VC "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney, Doug. 1662. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Bhet Metal Company, 110 S. 10. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co, Doug. STORE AND OF IC E FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Flxiurej and Supply Co.. 4U-16-1S S. 12th. Doug. 2724. 1 TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. Hth. D. 623. TAILORS. CKA8. C. LANDERYOTT, 106 N. 15th St. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINO ft 8TEINLE, 1806 Farnam SL TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver Typewriter 8 mo. for $4. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 19u5 Farnam. TT PEW KIT E RS, all makes, for sale or rent. Butts Typewriter Exchange, ISoj Farnam. RENT a "Remington," not Just a type writer, low rent. Call Douglas 1284. WALL PAPER CLEANING. PAPER cleaning, $1 per room. Work guaranteed. Oeorge Kyle, lted 7M5. WATCH SPECIALISTS. O. Christiansen, 2d floor Paxton Blk., IS years' exuerience. WEDDING STATIONERY. WE show only the correct and prevail ing stylus in invitations, visiting cards, stationery, etc. IRVIN A. MEDLAR CO.. Printers. 41b S. 14th St. Tel. Doug. 1262. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WHITE CHINA. OMAHA China Shop. White china for decorating f r sale at 6H4 Brandeis BldK. WINES AND LIO.IOHS. ALEX JETES. 201-3 S. 13th St. Wines, liquors, cigars Piute dinners, 11 to 3, 10c. Globe ll.pior house, 4?4 N. 16th; California wine, $1 25 per gul. Write for price llu HENRY POLIX-K LIQUOR HOU3R, 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family lluuors at Klein's Lluuor Hot'sc. f.22 N hth. Douglas li'.'i. , 1 , Bee Wants Produce Resinta 1 FOU RKXT Uoard and Rooms. WANTED an elderly lady to room and board, one who nwui u Kod home and tare. Prixste family. Best of refer fciues. Hanscom park district. H. t'42 NICELY luriiishid room, with or with out board, for 2; nice neighborhood. West Farnam district. Harney ?7. Z3u CAPITOL AVE. Nice cool rooms! Walking distance; good board. Doug las 7370. AQ' WALKING DISTANCE. GOOD ilEALa" nu tla t4, i.t :2J6 Howard St. BOA Hl and room in private family for lo 'ou"8 i4'6 or maa aui wits. Har ney 1 1 w f :)