Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1915, Image 1

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Omaha Daily
VOL. XLIV NO. -jji-j
On Trains and at
Hotel Rtwi Stand. 5
Various Clues Are Run Down, but as
Yet No Definite Results Have
Been Obtained by the
Several of the Young Men Acauaint
ances Have Been Able to
Prove Alibis.
"I am believe Mr. Gaynor. Painter
do that rrlm on Ada Swanson, ' was
the consents of an anonymous letter j
addressed to "Police Court. Eleventh j
and Dodge Streets," which was re
ceived by the local department Mon
day morning. The letter bore a post
Etamp showing that It had been
mailed at 7:30 a. m.
The police ore at a loss whether
to regard the missive seriously, as
many times similar missives 'have
been sent the department by Individ
uals with a peculiar sense of Joking.
Nevertheless U 1b certain that the
theory that a lover of the girl committed
the crime la rapidly dwindling:, aa a
thorough grilling of the men who are
known to have been attentive to Mlsa
Rwaneon has resulted In their establish
ing complete alibis.
(toeattonn Her Friends,
i "I have questioned all of the men whom
pVe have learned knew the girl Intimately
and we have found nothing that would
warrant our placing anyone under arrest,
po far," remarked Chief Maloney at noon.
"All have apparently proven that they
were at work during the period In which
the crime occurred and my men up till
this time have been unable to uncover
any evidence contradictory to their state
ment." Earl Eflermann, a painter, whom, It
witi learned, had sought Miss Swanson'i
hand in marriage, wai absolved by In
formation given the chief by Mrs. Frank
Fhotwell, who declared the man had been
working at her home Friday throughout
the day.
Asked to Call.
Albert Rehen, who had called on the
girl Thursday evening and who knew her
exceedingly well, told Chief Maloney that
he had been asked to call Friday night
and was the man who telephoned the
Sykes home that evening.
The call had been made by arrange
ment between Rehen nnd the Swanson
girl Thuraday and his evident Innocence
of any connection with the affair and his
- -:- whereabouts) Frtdar
afternoon resulted in hit quick dlsmlaal.
IHls statements, however, were verified
before he left the station. ' '
It wu asserted by him that the Swan-
son girl had told htm that Eflermann had
wanted to marry her, and had promised
that they would go to Sweden for their
honeymoon. This gave the police a hope
that they were on the right track, until
Mrs. Shotwell'a statement waa received.
Una an Alibi.
Axel Lofgreen, whose appearance and
dress tally somewhat with the man who
Jlrs. A. M. Dennis, 17 Spencer street,
tow-' enter the Sykej residence, haa
seemingly convinced the authorities that
lie waa working on a cement Job at the
time Miss Swanson t supposed to have
been struck down.
Chief of Detectives Maloney received
word through the telephone comcany on
iContinued on Pase Two, Column To.)
All'rtM T 7lTyr
imieS LlanQ. IVlOre
TjriQQ rip Ag
iWJ. U.liXi.xJtJ
CONSTANTINOPLE, May 23. By wire-j
le&s to Berlin and lndon, May 24. S:4j
a. m-The number of British and French
troops landed along the Dardanelles haa
been Increased to 90,010 by addltlonul
debarkations. Of the troops on shore
about 4,'V'O arc said to be incaplcatedl by
illness. The original landing for: was
estimated at 60.AOO.
The Weather
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Cloudy tonight and Tuesday; no Im-
portant change in temperature.
Temperature ill Omaha Yesterday.
1 emp;
:Ev.v, -
77 i
7 p. ni 75
Sp.ra 73
Local Iterord.
wis. 1914. mx mt
lliahest yesterday W' KM
2 :
70 ;
.01 l
Iowest yestenlHy t:i t'4
Vgn temiierature i 7
Precipitation 0' .2)
Temperature and precipitation
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature
Kimi for t tie Iay
Total excess sime March 1
Normal precipitation
J eti ienry for tne dHy
Total rainfall ulnce March 1.
lieflciency hlnoe ..inrili 1
Deficiency for cor period. 1:114. 2. M iiv-hes
Kxoess for cor. per!o-l. 1W13 3."- Inches
Re .,r from fc.ui . - at 7 I'. M.
Station and State
Temp. High- Ruin
of Weather. 7 p. ni. est. fall. I
Cheyenne, cloudy 6 71 .w
. ... 62
Oavenport. clear
JDenver. cloudy
Is Moines, cloudy . ..
J'odtfe City, clear
I.andcr. cloudy
North I'li.ttc, cloudy ..
Oiraha, cloud v
luelilo, cloi.dy
Itapiil f'lty. io':dv...
rlt Ll"' t'ltv, c.o l iy
Sanle Kc. clou ly
.VI '
SSheriJav. clo i.'y .H ."4
Kioux t":iy. cl u ly '" T
Valentine. i l ii1v TS .00
X udicles trac of precipitation.
A. WK1.SII. Ixcal Forecaster.
SfTji' S Sa. in..
)'' ft a '
vHw 10 a. in..
Y ' n - m
CLOUDY y "Pp. 'm
- I
I Daly's Royal
I (' : ' ; J 1 Family : 1
Intimates in Address to Conference
Governments May Have to Open
Nsw Trade Routes.
WASHINGTON-, May 24. Presi
dent Wilson, speaking at the opening
of the Pan-American financial con
ference here today, expressed hope
that the Americans might show the
world the path to peace. The presl-,
dent was loudly applauded by the
delegates as he entered the hall of
the Americas in the Pan-American
Union building where the meeting
are being held. On the platform were
members of the cabinet, while the
audience included many high govern-
ment officials, in addition to the
representatives of South and Centrr.l
American countries.
llrliitna; (me Another.
The president declared the people of
the Americas were not trying to make!
use or one another, but were trying to
be of use to one another. He spoke of
the handsome rivalry which he sa'd was
good for nations. The lack of the physi
cal means of communication between the
Americas, he said, stood somewhat in the
way of the development of commerce and
friendship. In advocating more ships In
pan-American trade and the opening of
new routes the presideit said that If
private capital cannot soon establish such
means of communication the government
must do ae.
At the conclusion of the president's
address he waa applauded again. Hi re
trained In the. hall while representatives
of the different nations responded to his
Russian Soldiers
Drive Besiegers
from Gity of Van
TIFIAS, Transcaucio. May 23. Via
retrofiram. May 21. A' dctachmen of Rus
sian soldiers has occupied the town of
Van, in Asiatic Turkey, thus bringing
relief to the Armenians who are being
besieged there by the Turks. Upon the
advent of the Russians, the Turks re-
Irt" ' lne "'"n oi ..s.
' Van' ,n Turklsn Armenia, and Urumla,
j In Prrala. have been the scenes of per-
secutlon and attack upon Armenians by
ITurke Kurds for several months.
(The situation became no serious that the
! powers of Kurope protested to Turkey,
. ayn(t that TurkiHh officials would be
held personally responsible.
Wilson Will Issue
Proclamation .of
Neutrality Soon
WASHINGTON. May 24 t'ojnt Dl Cel
ine the ItHlinn amhansador. formally
notified the Stale department today on
b.half of his government of a state of
j between ltly and Austria. I'resl-
j d-nt Wilson will lsue another neutrality
proclaiakitlon later.
The ambassador experts to receive soon
I a full statement of the reasons for Italy's
; ntrame Into tlie war ami preliminary
instructions with reference to contraband.
) He expressed confidence that there would
) be no difficulties ln'lwffn the I nlted
j States and Italy over commercial uuis-
I tiona
! Bodies of Lusitania
Victims in New York
NK'.V YOHK. .lay 24. The bodies of
nuie prrsni'S h) perished when th
I.utiltania sann, first of the dead to be
bniuaht to New nrk, were landed here i
todav fiom the American line steamer
New York whirh sailed from Uverpool
a... is a.i.kf ufior
OH HI' lliaill "I .'Hiy li risjii. tja.T9 .
the l.usitanln was torpedotd. The .lead
J i aboard the New York were:
lV inch ' harle Frohman. New York; Mr. and
. l': in.-ri Mrs. Chirlcs A. I'lamondon, Chicago; T.
.t.TTInchea ; jj. Kin, Now 1 ork ; f. T. Hrodrlch, Bos
J.:'1 inched . ,.- tl......i...ii i).M,..i n,, .
' . . vi i . , w
A. 1.. I'olcy, Trenton. N. J.; M1m H.
I Kills. St Tho:nHa, Out.; Miss M. BrlghU
- address not fclvcn.
i; Battles Under Way
:5 j on Italian Border
.70 '
VIl'NN A. Austria. .Vay 2l -'Vla Ion
' ; don-The Austilnn wsr o'flce announced
t duy tlat flshtlr.g h .: : . jn along tho
Italian border, where u nt:rjer of n.v II
bitlles are under by. Italian cavslry
h i a( pt SiCd on the oust near the
I ' ... .... . : '..-
Qerman white Book Charges Bel
gianCivilians Maimed Wounded
and Assasinated Officers.
BERLIN, May 24. (Wireless to
Snyville. N. Y.) Included In the in-
formation given out today by the
Overseas News agency Is tbe- follow
ing: "The German government has
oubllshed a white book concerning
the warfare Of the civilian popula-
tion of Belgium, which included the
shooting of troops, the throwing of
boiling water, the maiming of the
wounded and the assassination of
officers in their quarters last night.
Nine of these occurrences and the
names of witnesses are given.
"All classes of the population, in
cluding . clergymen, women and
children, participated In this aggres
's16n."If he algnal forTlje beginning
often was given by church bella. All
the German measures at Louvaln
and other Belgian, towns were only
for the purpose of suppressing these
"The white book declares that
the Belgian official report of the
so-called German atrocities Is un
trustworthy because the government
of Belgium was unable to examine
the evidence."
Goethals Comes to
Testify in Burke
Conspiracy Trials
NEW YORK. May 24. General George
W. Goethals, chairman of the Panama
Canal commission, was one of the moat
Important witnesses summoned to testify
today at the beginning of a series of
trials growing out of the transactions of
John Burke of Indianapolis, deposed
manager of the commissary department
of the Panama Canal sons. The trials
were set for hearing In federal eourt be
fore Judge Pollock.
The first case on the calendar was that
of Jacob Sales, a tobacco merchant of
this city, charged with conspiring with
Burke to obtain the contract for fur
nishing tobacco used In the canal sone in
which Balaa Is alleged to have paid
Burke tK,2.
Other merchants indicted with Burke
I" " Brandon of New York, who
' -ll . - I . . - . I T 1 .... I, KiWV
I " i" '' V K 1
Wilcox. . a commission merchant operat-
ing In I'anama. accused of paying 4o0 for
the privilege of supplying kerosene oil.
No Call Issued for
Ti 1 ' TJ nnnm,,..' n4-n whole of his head and part of his chest.
Italian IteSerVlSlS Mr. Scovllle had bee.i threatening to
j commit suirlde for the Inst three years
NKW YOHK, May 24. A large crowd janl or leaving Ha sin yesterday had told
of Italian reservists gathered In the friend that perhaps lie would never
rain todav at the donr of the Italian con- j ,M nlm anln- Tn, "rr.lng at S o'clock,
sulate general here, eager to lean. If I when his son called him to breakfnat. he
they wire needed for the colors at home. 'nUl that he was Ruin Into the field
AUhuUKh (lren'hecl by the downpour their I f or a few minutes. After proceeding for
fervor reioed imdnmrened end the war ! nearly a mile the father anpnrfiit In
spirit rn hUh. ' down end placed a stick of dyna-
K.X'ia policemen were detailed to keep J n,"" beneath his neck, touching off the
the crov-'H In line. ; f use as lie did so. The report shook
(5. Faia Fornl. the ltal an consul gen- j houses over a mile distant.
erl hire, salil no call had been Issued The bodv was found tlx feet from the
i for reer ist.
There are approximately
; "'' names of reservUts on the consul's,
I books .nid it in entimMfl thnt l!fre are
1 '-.' Italluns of military age in Ne w
York CM;
YANKTON. S. I' . May 24 -i ipe ;ial )
The fine new Pacred Heart hospital
erected at a com of tV,i00 will be dedl- :
rated here by Bishop Thomas O iorman
of Floux Falls tomorrow. The hospital, .
erected by the Benedictine latere, cltl
sens of Yankton and outside he.pers, 1
; stands complete, modern nnd up to date, '
i without a perr li 'he middle wet in all
Its departments f' mi uinf "ifh-ent operat
ing rooni.1. plicate irnuiu fcr patients,'
wards ard splendid rower plant. dedl
ration service, ho!,j l i the iimrrlng, will
be followed by rerrptloiu arid liispertiotf
of the bulldlnc with banouets in t. two I
flays' celebration.
Overseas News Agency at Berlin An
nounces Slav Battle Craft Sunk
in Black Sea.
BERLIN. May 24. (By Wireless
to Sayville.) The Overseas News
Agency today gave out the follow
ing: "According to a Bucharest dls
prtch the Russian armored man-of-war
Wlntelelmon has been gunk
with 1,400 men in the Black Sea."
The foregoing evidently refers to the
Russian battleship Fanteleimon. This
warship Is put down In naval reference
books as having a complement of about
740 men. In times of war, however, this
number might be Increased considerably.
The Pantelelmon was built In 1W7. Its
displacement' was tons. It carried
four 12-Inch guns,, sixteen 6-Inch, four S
inch. six three-pounders and five to
Pe&U.Hb.'- ' ' ' "
Mexican Factions .
Celebrate Victory
on Each Other
WASHINGTON. May 24.-Offiolal dis
patches to the Piste department today
describe the Cttrranta forces at Vera,
Crtu and the Villa forces at Chihuahua
celebrating victory over each other.
American Consul Rulllman reported
bells ringing at Vera Crus over a vic
tory of ;neral Ohregon agntnst General
Angeles, t'onsular Agnnt Cajrothers at
Chihuahua telegraphed that Plai Lom
bard.), the Villa secretary of state, of
ficially announced a victory over Obre
gon. j Prom the dispatches officials her oon
' eluded thnt the fighting could not be
considered derisive and that there had
been heivy losue on both sldea. It
appeared that while Villa troops had
wept southward from Leon, Obregon
and the main bulk of his army waa well
entrenched and fortified at Celaya. where
the real contest should ensue.
BROWNSVILLU. Tex., May 84,-The
Carransa consul here today announced
It waa unofficially reported that General
Luis Caballero had captured General Al
bert Carrei-a Torrea. a Villa comman
der, near Llneraa, Nuevo Leon.
Blows His Head Off
With Dynamite
BASIN, wyo.. May 24. (Special Tele
gram.) William Scovllle, father of Sam
Scovllle, former .-hamplon bronrho
buster of the world, committed sulvlde
cn his ranch on Norwood thla morning.
The deed was nrrffirn.d hw
I dynamite, the explosion tearing off the
: hole caused by the explosion. ine arm
wss blown off t the thoulder and Mta
'of the UnAv were found scattered hen it
I the corpse.
Although by the census
forty-first in population
among American cities,
Omabu i sixteenth in vol-i-
husincs-;. Only if-
- iki a(.cad of us as
business centers.
Rome Gives Its Adhesion to Act Ex
cept in Concert With Allies and
Signing of Formal Docu
ment Imminent.
The Hague Hears Germans and Aus
trians Have 680,000 Men Already
at Frontier.
LONDON. May 24. Italy has
given Its adhesion to the agreement
already signed by the powers not to
concede a separate peace. The sig
nature of a formal document to this
effect is Imminent.
Trolnni llnve Large triny.
THK MAUVE. May 24. -I Via Ixindon -From
Information reaching The Untrue.
It understood the Hermann and A u-trlans j
have concentrated approximately SNO.ftM
men on the Italian irontler. They have ;
occupied strategic positions In order to!
meet and attm-k or to attempt t strike
the first heavy flow In an endcitvor to
dishearten the new (Oirhntanta at the
beginning of the campaign.
I The Germans constitute the larger
part of this force, whl.'h Is made up of
thirty-four divisions of approximately
yi.000 men each. Only ten of thear divi
sions are Austrian.
Attllndr of llnlknna.
There Is much Interest among diplomats I
here In regard to the attitude of Koum
anla and the other Hainan states. The
general opinion of these men Is that
Roumanla wlH not Join the war for some ,
time, but that eventually It will take up
arms with the allies, together with Hul- i
gatia. This view la strengthened by the j
understanding that Austria and Germany
re not Inclined to aattafy the territorial
aspirations of theae nations.
Turkey Announces
Allies Beaten With
Loss of 2,000 Men
Amsterdam and London. 2: p. m.)-1
rttriM.i w.a made here to-
djty that an attack by the French and
Brttlah forces yesterday on the Turkish
positions near - Seddul Bshr, on the
southern end of Galllpoll peninsula, rd
bean repulsed, it la stated the allies left
I.O0O drad cm . the field, The, jitatement
"The enemy on Sunday1 attacked near
Heddul pahr under the protection of hi
batteries and fleet, but notwithstanding
the fact that he had reinforcements, we
repulsed the attack. The enemy left
2,000 dead on the field and we captured a
machine gun.
"During the fight our fire caused a
hostile aeroplane to fall Into the sea. We
lost only 210 wounded and forty-three
"Our batteries along th shores of the
Dardanelles caused much damage to the
enemy's sh'pa and batteries near Keddul
Bahr One of our batteries on the Arlattc
side hit an enemy ship four times, the
ship subsequently leaving th straits. A
warship ol the Venneaiuc type also wna
hit by two of our shells. Our men work
ing the gtinb bad only six wounded."
German Financiers
Withdraw Money
Invested in Italy
GENEVA. Swltierland ( Via Paiia.
May 24. German financial Interests, In
anticipation of the war with Italy, began
aa early as May 1 to withdraw capital
from Italy. This was accomplished evn
In cases which entailed considerable sao
riflcea, so that aequestrlatlon of German
property might be avoided.
It Is estimated that German Interests
In Italian Industries amounted to fully
.W).000,000. Some estimates run as high
as 12.01,000,000.
A large volume of shares In Italian
companies has been exchanged for Amer
ican stocks and securities.
Kaiser Will Answer
Note About Frye
WASHINGTON, May 21 Ambassador
Gerard at Herlln In a cablegram received
at the State department today said the
German Foreign office shortly would
aend a formal reply to the American note
asking reparation without reference to
prize court proceedings for the owners
j of the American ship William P. Krye,
sunk by the commerce raider Prlns Kltel
. Krledrlch. v
The amhassndrr had been Instructed
to Inquire whether the sending of the
Krye to a prise court was to b regsrded
ss an answer to the note from the I'nlted
Plates suggesting that surh a procedure
was unnitccssary. Germany agreed in
the first place to pay for the ship under
thr old I'russlan-American treaty.
Charges Tampering
With Church Faith
nOCHKHTKR, N. Y.. May 24 -At the
twenty-seventh general assembly of the
Preshvterlan rhurch, Kev. Dr. George
B. Stewart, preside of the Auburn
seminary, on liebalf of the Capuga lres
bytery. criticised the overture of the ex
ecutive commlenlon In regard to tho
enunciation .f the eaaontlal principles of
the FrotcHtipt reformation nnd declared
that th, commission had "tsmpeied wlllj
the faith of the church," on action beyond
le powers given by tin- constitution of
the i hur h.
It'-v MnPluni Alexander, former mid
erati r. vUoruiifly deimded the h tlon of
the i oniiiilxKlon and the siwinl'l ly a
vv voca vote supported Its a' tion.
Aeroplanes Drop Bombs Into Venice,
Porto Corsini, Ancona, Barletta
and Other East Coast Cities.
ROMK. May 24. (Via Parts.)--Official
announcement was made
here today that Austrian aeroplanes
have attacked the government
arsenal at Venice. The aeroplanes
were driven off. Porto Corainl, An
rona. Marietta and Oelst were also
tt la apparent from the foreign dis
patch that Austrian aeroplanes have
swept virtually the entire eastern coast
of Italy. From Venice, at the head of
the Adriatic, they have made their way
an far south a Marietta, a distance of
SM tulles, committing acts of hostility
during their progress.
Anatrlan Wsnhlpn Make Held.
PARIS. May U An attack by Austrian
warships on the eastern coast if Italy,
along the Adriatic, la announced In an
official communication from the Italian
war office, transmitted to Paris by the
correspondent of the Havas Agency. It
Is said the Austrian warships wero forced
to withdraw after a short rannonade.
The statement follows:
"It was foreseen that on the declara
tion of war, offensive actions would oc
cur against our Adriatic roast with the
purpose of seeking moral effect rather
thsn attaining a military purpose. Hut w
were able to prepare for these ami render
their ilurntlon short.
'Small naval units of the enemy, ea
peclally destroyers and torpedo boats.
i fired their guns upon our Adriatic, coast
on My between 4 and 6 o'clock In
the morning. At the same time aero
planes! attempted to attack the arsenal
at Venire.
"The enemy's ships, after a very ahort
rannnnade, were forced by our torpedo
boats to withdraw. The enemy's aero-
planes were fired upon by our anti-air
craft artillery and attacked by our aero
planes and by a dirigible flying over th
"The aeroplanes attacked Porto Cor
slnt, which replied immedlatoly and ob
liged the enemy to quickly retire. At
Ancona. where the attack waa directed
especially against the railway lineal In
the Intention of Interruption of communi
cation, slight damage was Inflicted, which
can be repaired easily.
"At rtarletta an attack waa made by a
scout steamer and destroyers which were
P"t to flight by one of our ahlpa., which
was escort ed by torpedo boats. Finally
at Gesl, the enemy's aeroplanes attempted
to throw bombs upon the hangar, but
without reaching the mark.
"All others news of operations last
night has no foundation."
. . Italians FJea. lcrU. T T (la oJ
VBXICE (Via Ixindon), May 84. Tha
Italian population of the Trentlno, ac
cording to dispatches from Verona, Is
fleeing to the country from towns and
cities. They are compelled to walk along
the railroad tracks because all highways
have been barricaded with planks, tree
trunks and piles of stones.
Gendarmes are reported to be using
force to compel compliance with th
proclamations calling to th colors all
claasea of reservists between the ages of
17 and 50. Troops visit houses chiefly at
night. It la said, and carry off by force
all the men within the prescribed agea.
The Auatrlan authorities are reported to
Im making an effort to direct public
wrath against Italy by posting manifestos
affirming that the levy haa been made
necessary only by the treachery of Italy.
The order fronj the Italian government
calling for a general mobilisation, was
greeted with Intense enthusiasm In
Venice. It was greeted with a great popu-
lar demonstration, crowds marching
the streets for many hours.
Ten Deputy Sheriffs
on Trial for Murder
at Roosevelt, N. J.
Ten cf the twenty-six deputy sheriffs of
Middlesex county under Indlrtment for
murder In rcnnectlijn with the shooting
at Hooeevelt. N. J , last January, In
which two strikers were killed and
nineteen others wounded, were placed
on trial here today. All were charged
with the murder of one man, Alexandro
Tessltore. An Indictment charging them
with the murder of Kalman Batlyl was
held In hbeyance, pending the outcome of
the present trial. The sixteen other
deputies chirged with murder, now locked
up 111 the county Jail here, will be tried
Only half an hour waa required to se
lect the Jury and Prosecutor Florance
then outlined the case for the state. lie
reviewed the strike at Rnoeevelt and
said there waa no reason for the deputies
shooting. He claimed that the status
of the nvm on trial waa nothing but
that of ordinary cltlzena, even Chough j
they had lern given mini and badaea
and said moreover that the men shot j
.ii.wii .mo iiui m iiur trvfii mora
than mildly disorderly.
The men on trial are Robert J. Wal
lace, Janus l. Williams, Frank Rick.
Frederick Mutlln. Michael Manning,
Harry Tone, John O'Mara, James Be
vier, William McLaughlin and John C
Moran. All were employes of a private
detective agency, whtnh furnished guards
to the American Agricultural Chemical
company for Ita plants at Roosevelt,
lien 400 workers employed there went
on strike.
Joseph Lang, Old
Time Minstrel, Dead
CHICAGO. May 24 Joseph Lang, one of
the last of old-time minstrels, la dead at
hla noma here today after an Illness U st
ir t' more than three years.
"Joe" I-antj, aa he was known to
theater-goers throughout the ccuntrV.
ha l been Identified with the management
f theaters In Chlcaso Wnce 1KM. I-ans;
created ti e part of "SI Prime" In the first
prnluction of the "Old Homestead."
He la sjrvl.rd by a widow.
Unofficial Report from Berlin Says
that Germany Has Made a For
mal Declaration of
Demonstrations Indicate War is
Popular in All Parts of Both
The Day 's War News
IIIK1 I 11.1 I ll. 11I-4 llul hull
t iiol rlii opened early thla morning
with an luatrlaa land and aea raid
nn the Adriatic roast of Italy. An
official statement from Rome says
Anatrlan destroyers nnd torpedo
boats fired on several points alonar
the enast elmnltaneonsly nlth an
attack by neroplanea. It la as
serted the attackers were driven
off after a brief cannonade.
Iln aara the Hnaalan battleship
I'sslrlrlsion haa been annk In the
Black Sea, with a Inaa of 1,400
IT4LV" IF.( l.K tTto-V OF WAK
took effeet today, but an nnuanally
rigid renenrahlp, eatahllshed by
royal decree, restricts the trans
mission of Information concerning
nillltary morementa.
ronnd-aboat way atatea that the
aeml-of flelat Wolff ency haa an
nonneed that Germany haa de.
rlared war oa Italy.
Al'RTRIA AND ITALY have large
armlea along; the frontier and It la
presumed the campaign, will open
In thla monatalnona reglaa. Italy
la alao aald to have aaaembled aa
array oa the aoath eoast, aeroM
the Adrlatlo from Albania.
made In Petrograd (hat the Aas-tro-Oerman
forces, after aweeplng
acroaa th western half of Uallola,
have been cheoked. They are
now aald to "bare aaanmcd the de
fensive, their effort to compel m
general retreat of the Haaalans
from (he Baa bavin failed.
LONDON, May 24. After being
virtually In a state of war for several
days with its former partners la the
triple alliance, y aty, Jbeglnnlnatoday,
rB.tilei"luTaconditlon by a' declara
tion of hostilities directed at Austria
Hungary, with all the usual formali
ties. Furthermore Germany is re
ported to have Indicated its support
of Austria-Hungary by a formal
declaration of war against Italy.
The general mobilization of thi
Italian army and navy Is said to have
been completed and a state of war
has been declared throughout tut
northern provinces of Italy.
On the Austrian side of th Una martial
law has been declared In th Trentlno;
the age limit for military service haa been
raised to 60 year and stringent measures
have been taken to control th Italian
population of th dual monarchy.
Demonstrations enthusiastically an-
'proving war dm ri'nnt"d n-om ., u..i-.
of Italy, while on the other hand Vienna
i has offered th warmest support of th
I people to the government In the opra-
t'tlnns againat the new enemy.
The latent official announcement at
retrograd la the most optimistic issued
for a fortnight past. It, not only Indi
cates a pause In the Auatro-German ad
vance along the Baa liver, but claims
that the Russia na have adopted oounter
offensive operations with aome measure
of success.
Although not confirmed from any of
ficial eouroe, reports are published here
that Germany faced with Italy aa a new
foe In the south, will have to shorten Its
western Una, and that consequently It Is
preparing to withdraw Its men from the
advanced line In Flanders. The reported
evacuation of Bruges la said to be a
part of thla movement
Aeroplane Drops
Bombs Into Paris
TARTS, May M. Another Qerman aero
plans of the Taube type flew over the
northern suburb of Paris thla morning
and In Its flight dropped several bombs.
No persons were Injured by these pro
jectiles. THE WANT-AD. WAY
Sear Doctor STaylor,
aty husband was a sailor,
X used to sail across the briay saa.
e left a house and lot:
I advertiaed It on the spot.
And aow the money In the bank be.
long to mi.
The best way to convert real estat i
Into cash Is to advertise your proi ei t.
In the "Itenl Kstate For Hale" cil,iinn
of Tlio Omaha Hee. Hrlng you s lvei
tlseinent dlrset to The ll.u off.u o
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