Til & HK: OMAHA. MONDAY, MAY 24. 1915. r BWArrKiw coiamx V K WILL trade or swap our high grndo piano, -t $,". in trade, I7.". Address IS. U WH. Hee. FOIt HE XT 1 1 oases aiid ( olll. Xnnth. PARK A VK.ctrS-s-mom, strictly mod ern home; large, beautiful. s'ady lawn: Inealy decorated; oak flouri, Ul . Loyal l.otel. room 4.M BT OKO ROB-room apartment, redeco- 0wn'r' ,,V"n" 8t ra.td throughout. 113 N. 3'.st Ave., e- rV- , FOR KENT ,ki:.w:stati: i.oaxs """ FAlTf TTVANlirs i'EH CENT. TOLAND TRl MBt'LU 4- He PM. tF'TO t''.'0 mad promptly. F. t. Weed, Weed Rid . Wh and Karnam ata CITTand farm loana. S. fW. per cent. J. H. Dumnnl Co.. 4i Stat Hank. lect Went Kar nam district, i'hon Web ster 1874. TWO lx-room, mofrern, steamheated fiate. Cnn be rented separately or to gether tM summer, .5 winter. Conrad Young. ZJS Prandela Theater. Doug. 1571. VKKT choice 4 or 6-room sivam-hcated apartment on Went Farnam street. JOHN W. ROKH1N.S. lOi FA KN AM ST. S I X - At H I V flat. S bedroom, at SilS Charles Kt. .New brick, oak finish rirwv floor, wl ito enamel bathroom, with porcelain futures; (rood shadce, electric fixtures, ntwlv decorated. Key at office. T't WK-n iimis.. Ivmgl, 1KS. SU t)nmha Nat. Hank Bid. M Ucellaaean. . i FOR I:KNT. J3ii Cas Ft, modern 6- rooin; sieeptng pnrrn; z hocks m'm ctir line; fW er month. Onll UMinej' Kt. fVB te Central Furniture Ptorea FRE8 RENTAL 1J8T. i T f T" J p. mo win t. I I lPPf1 ffcklnr storage. COOl- FOR MTMM ER. Choice S-roora apartment, with fine, large atreened porch, oak finish, larg livinfr room, large bedroom, dandy kitchen and bath, in Nathan apartment on Hher man Ave.; also lit. 4-room apartment, screened porch, in same bulldins: 3-room rents for .""; 4-room. Sl M. winter and summer, neat value In city, Phone ua for Inspection. Phono Dongas M1 SCU1T& H1LLCOMPANY. S-ROOM heated apartment. The Chiila Vista, SOth arid Poppleton Ave. Vacant June 1. Conrad Toung, U2 Brandela thea ter. Douglas liiTl. 1 rOUOLA3 ST.. rooma 12 60 uo A 1 .1. e.M-s, I r moMli up. TV K J vn nd ftora Inc. packlnn, ahlpplng. loualaa HW, tiiov 1711 Webattr St Gordon Van Co. 33 tl N 11th St TeL I. t4 or Web. GlobeVan&Storage Store, moves, pacha, ahlpa; S-hors van and I men, 11.55 per hr.; r"ra- tt per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. i-TM A Tr. tw. TTnnsna Crelah Bona & Co.. le Bldl. uuusis ,n a nf th ctjr UMAIU hemes. t at Nebraska far ma. O-KKKV fC nitAb KSTATK CO . Ill Omaha National. I'hane Iniuntaa mk WANT! lk-Cltyloan and warrant!. W. Farnam Wirllh t.. UM V am am it. FEE ua first" for farm loana In taatera Neb. Unltwd Ptnte.a fruat Co.. Omaha. C1TT IXlAKt. C. O. Carlberg, nio-til KraTidels Tnrater Bld. 6 I : 1 Mr. Majora. Other boBrt membera here Hist rluc aete: A. Cavlnasa. Fair- Ihurv: lr. J. 11. Uettys, Lincoln, and lan Morrla. Kearnev. I iti. nt ar.n mra. I'l. k entrtaltie, the i-arty at hincheon et the domtltvi'ir. (Irssil IsIhimI t nllrae. It Is earnestly hopcl that all , Alumni and former attalenta and any friends o the eollrrc will attend rll or part .i. these cxxrclara. C1TV properly. Lara loan a siwalty. V. II. Thomas. r St.ite Bank Bid-. The score was fliand Iilnnd. Central City. M. In tndlrldunl points Robert TMt and PHsa prlnar were tied for first, loth alnnlnc thirteen points. FVr Central I'tty. Wright on flrat. alth twelve t.ni..k TV. ...... -I : i. , Renlamln, 1. Hurress, II 1 e ami c'. ' 'erythlna now Is temliiif towail rom- oil expet to o to Bluff Center. Wst " n-emenl week, which, will I June S to J3 to assist In Uio aervtcea. ' I Saturday, .lime n, In the aiternoon. Tt In expected that the -lslnder." the 1 " " 0. 'r,"'' I", f ""Z.W "V ' " J "c, u, K college annual will be off the press by 1 ,."!'. -f " J"',n ,nf h May 27. The Islander boaiM assures the J J 1 V "V,1"- tn Vy. tudenta that 4hia Is the best one vet. mornlnx, will be V'T',I,, , ' sermon before the t hilstlan associations liana ar being made for the annual picnic of the uterary societies at K. him wnnEV Kand for cltv and farm loana H. V. Hinder. Ity Naiinnal liana Bidg. p,,,,- ,Ke. It will probably !e held Mav -Tr : ' : I j4 f the weather Is favorable. Weveral RKAIi IST.ITK WASIhl) Iclnea plcnlca have already b,n held. 1 . .. 1 The nwetinr of the Toung Men's Chris- Lr7J;M J'rVrsVorN,' Bank. " association have been very Interest- KKAIj KST hy Mev. H II Jackson of Stromshurr. of the class of 1MJ. In the evening, the bac calaureate sermon will he preached hv !:ev. H. R. Waldo of the rVst Llinln Ki.ptlat church. Musical programa have It-en pre red for both srrv h-cs. At S p. m. the same day will he held the Joint VflVPMl'VT of Action." I oicfje nairi. A J'iOi JlXiA X. Th dramatic elnb of the college has ' , Interesting number have recently I ii.v int in Casoer. W0.. will trad I recently nresented two lever ft'vs. one or sell; none but Omaha people bought tn I ahout two weeks ago. entitled "The Amer- thi addition. Address iw nee. lean iturem, tne oiner last vionosr FOR SALH OH TUAPK-Hy owner. 1H0 "r. P"? " '" acres. Improved, some broke and In the ote U MODERN -room cottage, $J6 par mo.; zr t rari. omaiia Keaity Co., tied sa - FLAT und store, 1S21 Ieavcnworth. Call IDELITY FltEE 6-ROt)M heated apartment. The Mason, Slat and Maaon Pts. Reduced rent. Con rad YounK. It; Urandnla Theater. D. 1571. rtKNTAL SKRVICK rhone Douftlas ZSS for complete nt of all vacant house and apartments, also for storage, movlne. racking, shlplng. THREE room and bath and toilet; cloaa to oar line. $18.50. T. SUr,llVAN. 21S Brandela Theater. COOL, rooms. $2 week. Council Bluff. Ogdnnt Hotel. We have a complete list of all hauaea. partmenta and flata that ar for rent ntki. i . m . jiiw list van us even ire ot cnarsw as I . , V ,0.H3 l-.. i.l-.. i,,h fin. Omaha Van Btor.g. Co.. K 8. Ith St. r WrZXX2VhJn CENTRA 1 No aqual prtea or qunlltj; 1-room ho'ie: 4-room flat 220 N. Md. Quite a number aeenmpanled the le- lahed in onk snd white enamel: modern bating team to Hasting on the day of throuchout Phone Wehster 41!i3. " I the Hastlnga-Orand lsiand debate, which 1 1 wan K t fZ t-a t, A talanft Amnnf thMH oc modern ..unniuin w ...na win i l , i V" 'i Vt ' ' I were - Mrs. W illiam Kge and two son. A Hose In, 8-Room Flat Extra Choitio I'our large bed rooms, nice location, newly decorated, lloally something better. $.rn to A-l Iveferencea. 222,1 Capitol Ave. A. E Woodman. Board and Raoaaa. WAKTED an elderly lady to room nd hosrd one who neetln a good home and care. Private family. Best of refer j nee. Hanscom park district. IT. 5042. NICELY furnished room, with or with out board, for Z; nice neigh Dor nooa. "West Farnam district Harney 6. 308 CAPITOL AVE. Nice cool room. Walking dUtance; good board. Doug- la 7370. HOARD and room for man and wife, or two men; private ramiiy. wad. p-ast. WALKING DISTANCE. UOOD MEALS; meal 4. at iZM iiowaro rn. TWO lanro attractive rooma. with or without board, reasonable. 530 fc. 26th Ave. BOARD and room In private family for two young ladies or man and wlfa. Har ney .1311. LARGK front room with board for two; . . . . . . - r, CI . A A warning aiBianrc. .n, " Furnished room STRICTLY modern, large nloely fur nished front room, facing Turner park, lovely neighborhood; walking: distance. Harney S1NQLR and double furnished room, strictly modern. Nice cool rooma with plenty of shade; reasonapm. wn VERY desirable room for lummi't, pri vate, modem, 2BlT Harney. w ws ' 'jfM ST MART'S Ave., etrlctly modern, clean, cool room; private family; clone In. Red 2877. . - FOITR nloasant room, modern, second floor. ne block from 24th street car line. Phone Webster ZZ48. A NICE, clean, all modern aouth room tn i nriv.ii family anltablo for 1 young men 112 a month; breakfast If desired. 3514 . :Casa fit. MODERN, well furnished front room or mailer room, large lawn, private fam ily. Phone Harney safe. - 2708 FARNAM One floor. 4 nice modern rooms, cheap. ' THIS If W.IXlfl.. Omaha's NEWEST and BEST, strietlr modern, six block from business aiaincL, porch, garden. 2454 Harney. 24?3 CASSr-Nloe cool rooma, modern. walking J I stance. Very reasonable. 634 NO. 2TTH Cool front room, privaU family, reasonable. Red. 4.4J, r'rwtT. hcuiitifnl front rooma. Large porch, shale, fine for summer; meals if de- alred ; garage. 3 N. 22d. BKVEN rooms, all modern. Item la Park. Pkone Harney 2049. 1 NICE, laree. cool rooms, modern, n funiiture, nice neighborhood. Doug. 841 KICK cool room for ona or two ladle very private, modern; board if desired. jsice noignoornooq. jiarney mqi. TWO nice rooma. modern home, walking distance. Tyler 2178. S NICE, large rooms, close to Hanicom park; private family. Harney 44ZJ. TrIB Colonnade. 2474 Harney; choice cool rooms. Bummer rates; nreakraat ire 122 N. 23D 3 nicely furnished rooms, modern: housekeeping room also. VARNAU. 2551 Nice. new. strictly mod ern rooma; shower Laths. Bingl or double. .k.. ' w.,t. inmnwrd acres near Omaha. I The. cast for both Included Carl trailer C 4B' Omaha Bee. Kn.lnll Tnrt. Wright. Margarlte . .. I ftoner. Ethel Phenff. Ona bchaier. Ada FOR SALE or exchange fine soutn i (, (rmwood. Ruth McCold and Eunice ft I trnnt lot on innerWOOO Ave.. I'UII- llmwn Tl, ttrm aiia r.itr m dec, or will exchange 101 as in oj- lh state Home for Soldiers and Seilora. nicnt on comparatively new, mocn.ru, mcn to the delight ol elght-rooin house, erected on good lot In 1 tDe home. CllOlce location. ,-iuurr?. a t-'t. v , of the member of I'rrmiisl f ollege. Miss Bernlre Julian ha been elevled to a high school position at ivshler. A large number of students who are piearlni to leach next year are talcing the county examination tni wee. Arthur Mason " of the shorthand de partment has takrn a position wih the N ve-!clineiiier-r owicr company. rmy "real kstate xohth ride FOll RENT Contractor Clean Tin Sale Five rooms. 1714 Sahler, and t room just i ". On Monday will occur the graduating exercises of the academy with the de clamatory contest for the Patterson prize; the class day exercise of the senior class, the prea'dent's reception Klven by President and Mrs. OeoiKa Taft, and In the evening, a public re cital by the faculty of the conservatory Stores ain Offles-a. street, low rent. Conrad Young. randels Theater. Ioug. lull. 331 house lectrle llpht. Call after p. m., or ... F.r,h Mrs Noel, also several unday. is Burden. lof the students. Th team maa composed nr I of Herman Benlamln and Thomas Noel of Grand Island, and Clarence Kelso of BIG SACRIFICE. My two lot going at big sacrifice; good Friend. location. I'hone Web. 6964. I On Wednesday will be held the com. mencement exercises of the senior clas. Im-IIK rl1rlSMis hv tn.mii.r. ,f lh. rliial REAL ESTATK 8QUTII SlDB land by President Taft, the conferring of JUSI compieieo. anii.y .n I h aei-ved The metnhr. sf the rd Beig- r. Ouy lermon Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stairs Electric Light Free . The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office. Room 103. ment. laundry, pressed brick foundation. I Tuesday, June .. will be known as ,. . . , . T w.ii built byday labor. Come look ltl"H A . V . .... - 1 m r.f a nun friaa fin I " " m" r'i.' V,.. T.iAln, .".graduating class are Mr Ounn. ! -j . ' i.: fc.,ii T kAV.u..,. i.. man, Mr. P. Bliss Springer. M ni.whi. guaranteed furrice high- Carlson. Mr. Howard Finlev. Mr. 1 Pm.bl: .."""iT. ei,.. '.!! V.f.JL Benlamln and Mr. Howard Ege. WAXTEU TO BUT omo Coming Day." am! will be largely ever. Opened from 1 to $ p. m. today. I under the auspice of the Alumni. The Kcasouawe terms. icnapel exercises in tne morning win oe UERlvA MUFIU led by Dr. George Rutherland. There will Tale h"ye fverything M hand. Tyler 141. Red Tg8, flag Bee Bldg. I he a business meeting nd luncheon for UFh l.Ia, lurnlture bought and sold. J. I X BARGAIN mnl .? 17 wT - 1".. . C Reed, tar? Famam. Doug 14 I Hanacom Park, bungalow. I ..h uiorarv nmrram. and also alhletlo IN or near Bemia park district, 6 or -I room and enclosed sleeping porch, I events. At night the college dramatic. room bungalow or cottage. Price must nearly finished, oak finish flrat floor. club will present "A Rose OPlymouth be less than 3.1V; n00 esah, bal. M 1 pine and birch flnlah second floor and Town" In the college chapel. uioBiuu. iiaurraa i--rt. ir. I fireplace, nouse an conipieiw sun in i ...,rto .n,hn.i..m I,.. k.,- wlndowa and screcns and UghUng lx I stirred over two track meets held on the lures, for -y- .r .a home field recently. The first waa the Make an arpotntment with owner and I ,, .i. kich .... - i. .w. RKAL ESTATK I I builder to e It. Harney 7619. freshmen, the" Juniors taking second FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR SALE I DESIRABLE home for sale or rent, at I place. The highest numlier of Individual 113 So. 81t St. Address owner, It a. I poinia waa nmnca uy jionen tail, a v.. T.ii. i I tunlor: Ieslle Flynn. a freshman, waa REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS jecond. The second meet was one be- iwrwi vriiuni viiy iwiipbc ilu urtnn California. CALIFORNIA LANTJ. All counties: catalogue free. Write C M. Wooster Co.. Pheian Bldg., Saa Fran cisco. Kstacushed 30 years. Lfva Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. (Smith Co., 1-14 city Nat. hl l. t. Irwa HAVE TOTT A FARM iruR SALBT Write a good deacrlutioti of your land and send it to th B'.oux City, la.. Journal. "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-flvs words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days for ti; or SO words, sf- or 75 words K. LSirgesi circulation oi owi nws- paper, XiO.OvO rsadeis daily In four great ikiea. I, n mi mi 11 1 i r"r" been presented on th regular program's of the Literary aocletlea. At the Athenian on April 34 among other good things a debate as presented on the nuctkn. "Resolved That .Military Training StioulA Be Compulsory In All College." The af firmative was supported by Clarence Kelso and Arthur VSre, the negative by Frank Button and Kendall Taft. The Judge decided In f ivor of the negative. On May 1 one of th beat number waa n talk on the present war by It. Ego. alien bv the Use of a blackboard he described the posttlona of the contending armies. In the Amphlctyon at one t'f their recent meeting a program wn given on Hawaii, it hlitory. natural scenery, the Iper colony, the establish ment or th renunnc, etc. At another meeting Miss Md'old told the story of the. opera "Alda" and waa assisted by Mrs. j. C. W. Morrow, who played selec tion from the opera. , Kearney State Normal. Mlsa Kara K Garrett gave a talk on the C.rall legends at tx meeting of the literature and art ,'epartment or th Woman' club on Tuesday afternoon. Ir. Richardson and Prof. Benson haw been out during the lat week conduct ing testa In educational measurements In schools of some of the cities of this section. President Dick left Thursday morn ing for Rcseland, Neh., to fill hi en gagement on Thursday evening. From there ha went to WllBonvllla to speak on Friday evening. The excellent meal served by th young women cf the domestic snlence de partment on Wednesday and Friday of every week, are very much appreci ated. Mrs. Dick had a her guests at luncheon on Wednesday, Mr. Iham, Mr. Piekens, Mr. Tarbell and Mrs. Scott, ' Superintendent A. O. Thomas was a visitor at the echoM on Monday morn big. He delivered an address at chapel fline and gave a brief outline of the work he Is planning for the schools of Nebraska. At the close of chapel an Informal reception waa held In order that the students and faculty might shake hands with the former president. On Tueeday morning w had with a delegation from the Grand Army of th Republic, headed by Colonel T. J. Majors, a member or ths Board of Education. The chattel period was civen over to th veterans and the exercises were placed Jn the hands of Colonel Majora. The na tional commander. General Palmer, when called upon by the colonel, gave a splen did talk to the young women on patriot- Island, which was won by Grand Island. Ism. Other responded to call from McDowell will give the rtdrea on com mencement day, June 9. Hummer session classes will be organised on June . Ir. IVhreckensast announces that the siihsi-rlptlon on Ilia f'uid of I1iy,iMi, for which he la now aorkinff, ha passed the t",".,f'0 mrk. Vnrk 'ollere, Tli Amphlctvon Liternvy society enter tained the I'hlinmathean Literary society at their annual partv Thursday night. Invitations hare been Issued to all graduate and former students that cn be located to the Alumni hn'uet, June 2. Charles W. Wrny will teach In the rnli,.i. ritirlnir the summer term. Mr. Boggert of the same department has be-Kvrav 'a at present engaged In edma- gun work with the -"ure llstch company, tlonal work in I'tah. Prof. A. Snftley delivered graduating Mr. C. J. Mohler. nn nlumnus of York sd.lresses at Wauneta, Bruno and I'nlon college.. c-d the devotional exercise ond dcrlng the last week; Trof. (VmraoM at gave a brief talk to the student st Petersburg Thursday evening and Cedar chapel Friday morning. Bnnl.ls rriday; Prof. Rav st Cedar pendent HnA Mr. M.Longhlln enter- rHiM iTioay; i roi tui.- ai "-" talned .h faculty of Hie college Mondav nlght at a o'clock dinner. Following the dinner several members responded to toasts. The following I the program for com mencement week, which begins Friday. May and end VVedntsdsv. June J. College of music recilnl FrldaV night literary societies' program Saturday night 1 accalaiiresic ciermoti Sunday mornlnx at the l'n tt ed Brethren church. Christum associations and anniversary addrrss Sun day afternoon, senior college- ply Mon day tilght, tlclcl dav Titcsdsv afternoon senior academy play Tuesday night commeiKt'inent Wednesday pinrnlnn nt to o'clock. Alumni haiviiict Wcdnecday night. ton Thursday evening, ' Rev. J. George Bntsle of the Baptist church visited chapel Friday morning and talked to the students on "Rlchra do hot consist In the things that a man hath, but in the breadth of thought which enriches bis appreciation." HI addrea wns heartily appreciated. Mlsa Mabel Nelson, former gradual of the nvielc de-i.r.t-imAoi oisvsil two numbers. ''The Barcarole." hy llofrman, nd "The But terfly," by levllc. The teachers' cls gave a demons! ra tion in chapel Wednesday morning, dis placing Its color, red and whMe. and furnishing aonie splendid entertainment. The opening speech mas delivered by llershel Jonea telling what the teachers' class stood for. Among those on the program were Mies Ada Fredrtekson In a plnnn number, and Frank Bank s a reder, The class song, an original com position. as very fetching In effect and was well rendered. Iloane College. Rev. .1. A. MeClung. ', of Benson, snd J. It. Hansen of Curtis, were. Dosne vis itors Thursday. Principal A. F. Wendlnnd, '11. of th Mlnden High school, has been elected superintendent of the Alma adioole. The Junior ciaas I arranging lit Inno vation this week hy Int reducing a "Tlser lay," to celebrate the iltbut of the col lege annual. Miss Oenevra Parker, principal fit Ihe department of expression, will spend th summer In Boulder, Colo., aa teacher of expression nd physical training In Ihe Boulder chautauo,ua. Th "Doan Trio" oomposed of Miss Buda Orth, violinist; Miss Grace Cochran, contralto, and Mies Haiti Thompson, pianist, gave a speslal program In the parlor or uaylord nan it cunuay arior. noon. At a business meeting of the Young Women' Christian association Thursday, Mian Alma Uroaahana waa elected presl dent of th association to take the place of Miss Trllia Gardner, who has re signed. Nebraska Wesley an I'atyeralty Th class In meteorology Is attempt ing to forecast ths weather each day, O. L. Kendall, '10, has been elected prin cipal of the I nlveralty Place High school. O. J, White, MS. ha been elected to the superlntendency of ths Wlsncr public Schools, Ths Nebraska Intercollegiate track and field meet will be held Friday afternoon, May IX, on Johnsons field. Only one week of regular c work remain, the week beginning May 31, be ing given over to semester eramlnatlnna June 6 Is baccalaureate Sunday. Bishop hadrvn State Norwial. Th seniors held Itirlr annual class ilcnlc on Saturday, May 14. at Dead lorsa crtvk. . Th new chair for the chapel hav aimed, and five doxen new eltalr for the library have been trdered. Mr. snd Mrs. Newlln of Harrison, spent the week end at -the dormitory visiting their daughters, Mlsaea Jeisle and Bessie. Mis Clara Wilson of the Ps.ratoga school. Lincoln, will direct Ihe kinder garten this summer. - assisted by Mlsa Beralo Frary. The nuplls and teacher of the Eighth grade wen- entertained last Monday even ing at a o clock dlnnr, nv Airs, wui Inin Chaulk, In honor of her son, Wllllsm. Accommodation for motv people t the dormitory for the summer term la be ing planned, especially for the eiUHp- ment of the dining room snd Kitchen. All the moms In the dormitory wer taken by May tt. Mlsa Fraaler and Mr. Rustln enter tained the member of the faculty snd a few other frlenda at the home of Mrs. Rustln last Saturday evening. A de lightful evening was spent at Somerset. sod delicious refreshments served. Notes From Omaha's Busy Suburbs Minnesota. 10, M OR 10 ACRES, good heavy SolT. In wau seiuea parx oi xoaa coumy, minn. I Floreaee. J. H. L. Williams is horn from Iowa on a short visit. Miss Kmma Meyers will summer with home folks near Beatrice. . Carl Petersen and Mian Mary Frank! were married In Omaha Wednesday. Miss Lake Klrkpattick will spend hot vacation with home folks at Button. Neb. The Rose Robekah lodge ef Florence TAKE YOUR CHOICE OP 3 HOME3 LIKE PICTURE, FOR 200 OR MORE CASH AND 13 S. OR. MORE MONTHLY. .. AH brand new, never been o&W- will attend the convention In Omaha Mon Six ep- day. Walter McCrarken of Blair was a gUest rood road. vcbooU and church; prict ftrlcUy modern and oak finished. )IM W fW i-'XJt SMsivi .waaasss-g T T I . . w . sr.. 11 tasi sxak. ?taSafd for 1 t toSSSt""" IS.rdsriUg3 furnace snd "plmb- t the Plat, home, west of town. Thur.- gpunih BBOit.. ling. Fine liuht fixtures and wmaow " . I0M Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. shades; decorated .throughout. Exoep- Mr. IT-ermWJS!! Mlasoart. ' I or milerinl uaed and built bv day labor. I Omaha. - VTTSSOTTiT HOME. I Prlca Xt 7TA tn 13 I-ocated In thl-eO I n , etwt Mrs. Rmlth of Pa4rne Mr nvLora f.rm Oreron County. ' rood lrfirarn narta itf the eJy. one west, one i ... ,..! ef U m nA X(ra. TI. W Ttsr- nouse, oams, rv m ui- 1 south ana ono norrn, tm sure a too mran I rlngton. II'.. v. n.inp, u a amnll I ... , ...11 . . U I. n .. I "" L "r"c'K ' as one wiii aureiy siui. your i uiu Kllxabeth Hatch of Mlddleton. O.. w nwnnr. Walnut I , ... . , . t r is ins iuni ui iter swcvi, w.ie. y. Houston. Mr. and Mrs. 1. 1 Hart of Dundee were guest of Mr. and Mrs, B. O. Fow ler Sunday. Donald Buttle of Illinois expect to make tlva f lrtT Nebraska ranch. F. J. Bchnorr. Broadway, Council Blufts. Owner. Walnut H9. Mesnava. CAN locate 60 homesteaders on 0 acres each. Nice smooth land, close to tim ber and water. Price of looaung. escn. MEDICAL ' " u 7i au-a. l-1 ic 3 bij rioiuiA c untu uontio. Bums or Illinois nt-ira i nus roLvPSi TLrT rt'Jfl" u' rnw I without SURGICAL OPERATION of his home with hlS'Uncle, Hugh Buttle. worth. Dillon, Mont. PAIN. NO DETENTION from BUBI. and family. Sescrasfca. NBS.s. . FAT wnen fUKtu. A wntun Mr. and Mrs. Mat Ps scale, who have U UAAA,. i ri. kivvii All vcrir nuihu. vCttlnu- mt Ulnec-da I "s- kv. m,. nrrfir t a nrwin Tt.rt ,un n vt- s vvt. turned home. v-iiWi, ' M.-.iv.uinw. ana , m.vlor wrt, b. been ., rarnsm his. i rr vi"'.r V. "rn.w i... ' 1 .1? WTT T.Tlu CVt CTniTTV-lM I Bicia. " w,iu an '! Mtvwm.1. again this weK. Twnlv-elht veara tn Omaha. (ImiIii.i. I Mlsa Viola Merer left Friday for Rut of' Bellevue Hospital Medical col lege, I ton, where she wlU spend the summer New York City. N. Y. with home folks. Has Just put on the market .about K arMANO Really helps get rid of that I Mls Kllxabeth Oleave of Chicago Is acres of bottom and secona Doiiom D(,in in the hack, touch of rheumatism. I the guest or her granaparsnts, ftir. ana Farm and Alfalfa Land, adjoining th I nervousness, tired iiivin -.n . A I Mr. J. L. Huston. Town of OOAIJuALA. NEBRAJiKA. brings back that lost appetite, purifies I Mr. and Mr. Plats snd family are ogeiiaia is tne V?i,iyT" Vf . 1 1 " m?0J ana bunas up th entire sys. I guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Christen- v.uunijr, win im ua waih mm.-m vi whivm i lam. dusi ev-im iwaitiiri vo in nneiia 1 sen of Blair today. t acuw lumrinu. home of his aunt, Mr. William Bull. . Mr. P. Lynn of th west, formerl) an old realdent of Benson, waa a guesi of Mrs. Charles Anderson during the last week. Rev. A. J. MeClung left lest week for a few weeks' vacation. On his return h will preach the high school baooalaurest sermon- A son was born to Mr. and Mr. James Convey on Frldsy and a daughter wa born on last Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. C Ik Carlson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Reed of Adah. Ksn.. and Mrs. Thorpe and daughter, Berenice, of Des Moines, la., are guests at the L W, Longaer home. Miss Hedwlv Peterson ef Omaha and Mr. Jen fbrenaon of Benson, and Miss Agnes J en son of Omaha and Carl Nel son of Benson were married during the last wK, The funeral aervioea of John Read, who died Tuesday, were held at the residence Thursday morning, burial services being held at St. Bernard's church. Interment was In Holy Sepulchre cemetery, , i'nlon meeting will bo held today at 8 o'clock at the Methodist church. In be- nair of tne Sunday nvwotingg, Dr. I). K. Jenkins being the speaker. Rear. O. D. Bsltzly mill speak st the English Lu theran at the same time. COMPANY LAND DEPARTMENT. Faratshed Hoaaeltecwtas; Rooms. TWO new, modem, nicely furnished rooms. Ideal for couple. 215 N. 28th Ave. Ilarney 8787. COZY 4-room home; also two rooms furnished or unfurnished: large porch, awning. lawn,.nhade. Inquire 91s So. 40th St., Leavenworth car; respectable, low rent location. Llgkt lfoaaelceeplasr Rooma. COOL rooms, with alcove, kitchenette furnished. Ogden Hotel Co., Council Bluff, la. WILL SUBDIVIDE. PRICES: . $80.00 to 170.00 Per Acx., TERMS OF SALE: ONE-TENTH CASII-1",,1" payments with Interest at per cent. ror runner iniorraauon, address or call upon. J. A. GRIFFITH, LAND COMMISSIONER, parr-rvo., m.g. rnr, west uiwriy, la. f- ,l Mr. I Rr.nneman of Conwa-y i loi uuA cubed. 1 Spring. Kan., ar g-uesu or Mr. and ars. ur. a,, ti. larry curea nuea natuia ant i ri Rrenneman. I". ,nn "1",. rr'iiU ""h1 The senior els, gave a, theater party " ' n iiw I t ih nrvif Tom, tv. it wu Atisjoemnecl money paw until cured, writ for book ri Vl X vir. f V MnUn. on reotal disease with testlmonlala DR. by Mr- and Mrs. J. F. McLan. C. n. Carlson left the first of the week on reotal disease with testimonials. DR. i b. il i Ajin i . u cee oiag. FARNAM. 2s"ii Two nice liousekeepinr rooms; electricity, gas range. S. JiiTH ST., Llsht housekeeping i-ooms, strictly modem; also Bleeping rooms. Harney 87S7. N. "TH. Z14 Cool, airy rooms for light housekeeping, single or en suite. Doug Iss tHt.J. lloases aad Cottasea. North. . EIX-ROOM, modem house, located at tno Decatur bt; will be vacant May 1; (23 per month. Phon 11 4ax. HTH AND LATHROP. S-room modem Uoue, in good condition. Inquire Web ster TA. FOR RENT 7-roora house, all Taodern. PCS Parker Bt. FOR RE3NT Eight-room, strictly modern house, 3aS Charlea St.; suitable tor two fa mil lc. Call Webster 31. SMd CA6, large rooms, practically new, modern, nno yara. x. ;IC.7 Chicago, S rooma, modern, 30. :Ti4 St Mary'a Arve., rooms, t30 Others. Ringwalt. Brandela Thea. Bldg. HOME IN BEMI3 PARK FOR RENT. T rooms, modern, hot water heat. 8519 Hawthorne Ave., S3o. BENSON & MTKRS CO.. 524 Omaha Nut. Bank Bldg. Tel. D. 74. oath- FOR RENT-$65.CO Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St; tiled vestibule, reception LalL front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooma, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con dition. Location A-l. Beni 6, Baker.' Phones D482, H317, Kansas City Woman Hurt in Auto Wreck An accident that la causing the au thorltles considerable trouble In dlsooy- Lntoveky of Benson and Miss Lillian to attend the general assembly of the Presbyterian church, held at New York Mis Julia KrlsL . principal of the Florence schools, left for her home In IJnoolD, where she will spend her vaca tion. Mrs. R. Fitch of Herman. Neb., 're turned to her home Punday after a short visit with her parent. Mr. and Mra J. Q. Bxenneman. Mrs. Mary Ijetovsky and Miss F.dna . Bell last Faturday evening. A lunch in Monday by Mra. J. K. I'ulber and a Inner Monday evening by Mr, and Mrs. V P. Goodman. Mr H, II. Johnson ef Jsmeivil e, W! is expected todsy to visit her son, W, ', Johnson, and Mrs. Johnson. Dr. II. R. lisniers attended the masting of th fttat Medical association at Halting during part of th week. Maater Jam Hamilton, lr., entertained few boys and girl friends st his home Saturday afternoon, his seventh birthday, Mr. and Mr. If. W. Bivln and. A m llifnlar Tu.kU.A k... . . A - ""rin , vstyvi'iiiiios ua. wj" unn in Ottawa, Kan., for a visit with relative. Mr. F. W. Carmlcha! entertained In formally at dinner Monday In honor of the birthday anniversary of Mr. Csr michscl. Cover wer laid for twelve. Mr. ' H. B. Carrltran entertained In formally at a kenslngton Monday for Mr. B. II. Kemper, who leaves soon to make her home in Chicago. MV. and Mrs. II. W. Plerpont enter tained at brtdga Tuesday evening In honor of Mr. Joseph McKsil of Chllitcnthe, O., and Mrs. Kufus postman uf New York. Ml Georgia Pattarson en'tertained at dinner Informally last Sunday at her home In the Angelua apartment In honor of Mis Kilo. May Patterson, who leaves oon ror Wyoming. Weil-Known Men To Talk in Schools The following member of th local post of the Oram! Army ef the Republic have been chosen to apeak at the public schools of Omaha, Friday, Th grand army men who will apeak and th school at which thy will speak are as follows: Centrsl High school, C. Ti. Adam. High HChool of Commeroe, Judge Ls Estelle. Hancroft. John IT. Rerger. Heals, R. H. Randal. t'ass. Oeorae Oarttrk. Cantellar, Judge I,e Kslell. Central, O. It. Rathburn. Central Tark. J. M. Whltted. Clifton Hill. C. A. Allen. Columbian, W. H. Oreen. Comenlu. W, B. Behr. Druid Hill. P. N. Robertson. I Dupont. I'erry Miller. Fdward Rosewater, Charlea Haffke. Farnam, E. W. Simeral. Fort. Iw Pin ley. Franklin. KL W. Johnson. Howard Kennedy J. H. Be,rgr. Kellom, John O. Willi.' latk. R. P. Tulen. IJticoln, J. R. WrighU, long, I, f, Gordon. Ijorhp,J. H. Butter.' Mason, rt. M. Haverly. ,. .. Miller Park, Iw PUtey. Monmouth Park, W. H. Stephen. Pacific. O. F. Waller. I'ark. Jonathon Edward Haunders, Joseph Malllsoa. Fhermsn, D. H. ftlaughar. Trtn. R. H. Randal. Vinton. R. M. Rladon. Walnut Hill, J. H. Berry. Webster, J. B. Bruner. Wlmlsor. Jonathon Idlwarfla. Central Psrk Annex, Augustus Lockuer. Ht. Peter's. N. J. Feenan. . Try This fee !V-mrlila. NeuraJgU is a pain In th nerves. Ploan's Liniment penetrates and soothes the aching nerves. Get a bottle bow. AU d ruggtsta Ad varOaeroent, The Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Booster. . erlng all facts occurred early Friday I night on the West Center street road. resulting tn Injuries to Mrs. David UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Cohe" .f 'f, "If bu 'iopp.iDS at s-,,-. rn . 1 1 lie ariioa iiuici. jnn. v.unt?ii is now OMAHA, NEBRASKA. at the Wise Memorial hospital, suffering from three fractured ribs, several bad cuts and internal Injuries. She refused to tell how the aocldent occurred. Dr. Frederick Wearne Is attending her. With Mrs. Cohen at the time of the COUNTRY HOME NEAR OMAHa SU.000 buys a hlnhly tinoroved firm. !?.'iL'.U!" bo.ut.i1' Vr," 'o10" accident was another woman and two only a 40-n.lnute'a ride. Oood water sy men' Mr- Cohen U at the Carlton hotel tent, small amount of fruit, some alfalfa, (but refused to talk of hi wife's injuries wm. n.r. ns large oeauurui snaos tree and all kinds of shrubbery and about 10 acre of natural timber, making a beautiful Dark. This ia an IcieaJ nrono. Itlon for handling thoroughbred slock of any aina. uvum spring in paetur. C. R. COMBS. Tli Brandels Theater Hldg. Omaha. D. S911 Broderaon were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. tStanloy Letovaky. Monday evening a number of the younger people of Florence will give the Jack ana Jin wedding-- ar tne rTsnes hall, under th auspice of th Chris tian church The cast will Include over fifty of the smaller folk. Mr. and Mr. W. E. Rosier and Hareoll Rogers left Saturday morning for Call- rornia. going ny way or Kansas City, Where they will visit relatives before go ing on tn Los Angeles, where they will visit relative and take In the exposition. RETAIL GROCERS TO HAVE OPEN MEETING THURSDAY Th Omaha Retail Orooers' association FOR SALB 19 seres In Perkins county. Iwlll have an open meeting at the Swedish wSS , l- urvny. owner, lrcn- aualtorhlm, May K at I p. m. The prin clpal object of this meeting will be to ltMiusMss. m ,nA aaaiatanoa to puh the ar 111 T T T A Mil Irangements being made for ths Nebraska i- 0 1 1 sl lwJTXlN U Retailers' ohautaiKiua, which will be held quickly and profitably, ybu must reach I at Carter Lake" club, the flret week In uio wnc are at uie present uin must I August The Iowa farmer U CX.- th. fce.t r.rm r,0,n. manager of thia outing, will land lroapect in th United btatea Th be present and give all of the- details Des Moines Capital with 240.(M dally and benefits of the chautauqus. i"r"'" : rr.' ';"''"? ""llr Th. Orncenr- sisnetsllcn of C.i.nc.l pwuni a utrarr nuiuuer or inss. nv. i - ' - prospects than any other Iowa nw-1 Bluff is Invited to be present. There l'11:. w"on.,'.".lruI,ult?1 b! I will be several speakers, and refresh. ad 10 days for only SJ.60 (add So for each ma will bo served. additional worai. our regular price Is le per word per day. You save Sue oa Uil offer. To sell your land tomorrow, suad your ad today to THE DL MOINES CAPITAL. KM WALNUT bT- DEW MOIN g. I A. 3 HIGH SCHOOL YEAR BOOK TO BE OUT IN TWO WEEKS tUCAIi E8TATB LOANS I HAVE a 11.000 second mortaaza tin. first mortgage is also H.OuOj on no acre land In tiarfirid Co., Neb., running for SI1 yeara yet; a-1ll trade for grocery store. Addrea 2l Burt 81., Omaha. WE ARE ajwa la fund to make good term and citv loana PKTERK TRUST CO, 1CU Farnam Et Tli senior year book of the Has of 1615 of Central High school will be out In two WM-k. Miss Kherman, the editor. and Robert Odell. the business msnager, have hcen working on It for the last month. It will be an etuhty-page publi cation The boo 1 clncliculed l j Captain Ctrlt- slnr'.r. Beaios. Mra J. A. Johnson of Oakland. Cat. is visiting at the Remainder home. Mrs. James Walsh leaves soon for the coast, where shs will spend the glimmer. Miss Edna Kllllan spent a few days of the last week at the hums of her parent. Mr. D. B. Smith of PlstUmouth. Neb.. spent last Tuesday at ths C. Btiaer home. Mr. E. R. Hmlaor waa called Monday to bteriinr. Kan., by the serious Illness of her father. H. J. McGuIre of Los Anreles. Cel.. la visiting at the borne of his alster, Mra. H. O. Armstrong. Mr. and Mr. C. P. Mi:Phcrnn of Bast Bryan street havo gone to Carroll, la., to visit relative. Miss Lillian Rtlger is recovering- from her operation at the hospital and expect to be home la a few day. The high school graduating class will have a class party la the school sudl- torlum next Friday evening. - Mr. and Mr. A. Van Antwerp have returned to their home In Lodi, Neb., after a month's stay here. Mrs. Kstherine Bawtelln and daughter. Mary, have returned from an extended visit In Korea, with Iter sister. The Anthony league will meet st the home of Mrs. C& T. Llndiey next Friday evening for Important business. Mr. and Mra. IS. M. Jarobheyger Were railed to Omaha last Tuenday by th death of Mr. Jaoobbergef aunt. Misea Winnie and Lulu Murphy of Broken Row. Neb., ar guests of Miss Vera Marshall for a few days. Mrs. J. M. Railey wss hostess for the China club and Mra. A. Stafford for ths lienson kenslngton on last Tuesday. Dr. Glenn Itlias has returned to frtchuv ir. Neb., alter a low ujs' tisll at th West Ambler. Mrs. C. Punn of Denver was the week end guest of Mrs. C. J. Roberts. . Ths Ladles' Aid society will hold an all-day Meeting at the church Tbursdsy, May 27. Mr. and Mrs. Wilms m.k.i their guests on Monday Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jones of Benson. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Poison of Chicago have been the week-end guest of their cousin. Mrs. John Fulmsr. Rev. U. G. Brown. D. D.. has been holding special servloes at the church here every night this week, i Miss Ada Osnts left Friday for Mars land, Neb., to spend two months with her twin sister. Mra Warren Rydsr. Lars Jensen, wboea home In East Am bler wa reoently destroyed by a gasoline explosion, ba his new home almost ooni- Viccicu. . Th Royal Neighbors, auxiliary of Rock Springs camp, Modern Wood mon of America, gave a Dutch social and enter tainment in costume on Friday night. Mra Earl Stevens entertained the local West Hide Women's Christian Temper ance union at hr home on Thursday afternoon. Refreshments were served. Miss Wlnnlfred Perkins, teacher at Pru Normal school, arrived Monday to attend the funeral of her grandmother, Mr. 13. Hickman, and 1 th gueat of her cousin, Miss Hattle Carbury. ' Mr. Oscar Grant and Mis Violet Oil more, frotn near Him wood park, wer married at Papilllon on Saturday. They were accompanied by th bride's brother, J. Oil more, and wife. They are at home on West Leavenworth street. Daade. Mra Fred Vlllntt. Ir .nl.rt.lnl h- Omaha Peru club yeaterday. Mis Alberta Walter of Chicago ta the gueat of Miss Adah Klopp. Mrs. Radcllffe of MlnMunlli I. h. guem or nor sister, Mra Ai V. Btepu. Mrs. Joseph McKell of Chilllcoth. O., is the guest of Mrs. Howard B. hiulth. Mrs. L. B. Hsll of Denver Is the nat . -I .. .r . . ... . . T "r sisior. airs. u. w. w li:KrIiam. Mrs. R. C. Peters rtlumM th. rirai or me wee rrom a trip to Momphia, Arnn. Mr. and Mr. V. fl. Pnnwm. of Omaha nave movea into ine nouaa at 4J cum. lug street. Mr. and Mra. J. VI. flsarr. kiv. m.vul Into their new home at 212 North Fifty. miro avenue. J. W. Hamilton returned ftstnraw from a flv week' sojourn st Hot Bpnng, Arx. Mr. Mary Thomas of DougUs. Wyo., Is visiting at the horn of her brother. srana jsison. Mr. and Mrs. Carl "teln and son of uncoin sre ins guests of Mr. snd Mrs. w. w. Johnston. Mrs. W. p. MrCliHey of Chei-okai la I tb guest of Mrs. F. R. Straight and Mra D. K. MoCulley. A son waa born Tiyudar tn n mnti Mia. Hubert Hoi II star at Ulrchkttoll, the utnrum emiui noma. ' Mrs. Henry B. Lemere and Master Harry Itmere, Jr., cam home from BtrcnsDoii wdnedsy. Mrav Clyde EMmundaon and eblldretl of Gaietmrg. III., are the gveots of Mr. and : si ra u. u. lTinxucurr. Mrs. D. U. Lynds has srtved from L Angnlea to vbst. bar aisLer. Mra W. if. Pindnll. and Mr. inndall. Among the affaire given during the wek for Mra A. J. Turkle of PUtsburrh. Pa-, wvre a dioner by Mr. and Mra u. RETIRED CITY FIREMAN HAD PILES 20 YEARS; AKOZ MADE HIM WELL John W. Reilly, Former Intpctor of Lngtnes, ban ' r rancisco Fire Dept. Ham Word of Prsue for Remedy John W. Reilly, ef Ninety-fourth and Hillside streets, Klinhurst. Cat., retired member of the San Francisco Firs De partment, says that to all the years he was In ths department h never found a remedy that relieved his piles as Akos did. Mr. Reilly. one of ths oldest retired men, waa with Engine No. 1 from 1I6T to 1171, and ths last serenteea yssrs of active ssrvlce was Inspector of engines. Before the firs he resided at 17U Oak street, San Francisco. He-says: "I had bleeding piles for twenty yesrs, somstlitiss so bad I waa nearly driven frantic Trying all kinds of remedies and spending lets of money for different treatments did not do me much good. and I wa beginning to think that I would always havs them. After hearing so much about Akos fron many flrsmen I decided to glv It a trial. I got relief right away from the external treatment and the mineral water taken Internally lias done much to get at the cause. My general health has Improved wonder fully and I fsel like a young man again It certainly gives much pleasure to rec ommend such a wonderful remedy as Akos, and I hope that my friends will be benefited by reading this letter. I know that If they only use Akoa they will say th aame as I." Akos is just as affaotlve lu cases of rbsumatlsm, stomach, kidney and bled- f. -mm - ' : , . . 11 v- ,, I V ' f . . ,. u ', JOataT IT. SEXXZiT, der, ulcers, ecsema and other skin dis ease.' Akos Is sold In Omaha at Sher man at MoConneU'a four stores and other leading druggists whore further Information may be had regarding thW advertisement. DRINK V, witlh't H The Cup that Cheers Every Home 50c, 60c, 70c and $ 1 .00 pa pound YOun CKOcrir has it , H. i. Iluctkos oou lcw M blooaio Il0trlIrtora,