V!' TlIK T.KK: OMAHA. MONDAY. MAY 21. L a. ) 7 1 i , i X ft 4 DEAD AS AUTO OF DYMMITEEXPLODES Blast Fatally Injures Three More and Seriously Hurts Seven teen Others. Nebraska FIX UP BURGESS-NASH STORE MATERIAL FOR RESCUE JOB Mullen Ranchman Dies of His Wound SYRACUSE. X. Y.. May 23. Kour were killed, three fatally Injured and seventeen others seriously Injured here yesterday when an auto mobile load of dynamite, to l used to search for the body of a drowned boy, exploded. Several women are among the Injured. Windows were blown out of nearby factories and GRAND 1SLANH. Neh.. May So cial Tclrgrsm Ray Peoples, the Ion ranchman, who a-, cldentally himself In th rooming house of Mul shot Mr. Orao Pearson, died late Saturday night. The body Is In charge "f I'cnwr (Wddes. who ha not decided thin evening whether an Inquest wo'iW be held. I BURGLAR ROBS FRATERNITY MAN VISITING LINCOLN LINCOLN. Neb. .M.iy 2T. Special Tel egram, F.vcrett Burke or Mmnln. a former student of the I'nlverslty of No- shreds of bodies and clothing were braska. and a member of the una Thetn Fifty Thousand Dollars Spent in Installation of Mahogany Fixt tires on Ground Floor. MANY OTHER IMPROVEMENTS T'lf'v thousand dollar l being spent to Instill solid mahogany fixture all lAi-r the first floor of the Burgess-Nash st.vo ami to mshoanli'.e the walls and pillars. It will make It the handsomest and nmst costly store floor In the went, and no IwKo department .store in the east can surpass II. according to thnianagcnicnt. The nrranirement of the floor I also being changed. The main aisles will all run oast and meat. The whole plan la tho result of long study by expert, and all tin mahogany fixtures were biillt to fit exactly In the spaces assigned to them. Farh plci-e of furniture I built with great compactness so as U servo the greatest usefulness in the Iciier cos sil'le space. Much cf the now I'ut mtt.i e ' s oron in stalled ani the work Is going on i.iy ds v. I This Is but one of the man improe- menta of great magnitude which are ho Inn made at the Bulges? Nash ss.r.-s. The main entrance on Sixteenth rlncl will bo completely i hangi .1 nnd icbnnl on a different, stylo. In ronfm mil y with the Improved store. A maruuisc will ex tend from the rnttatno out out the sale walk. Man) Morr I luhts. The lighting svstcm will It imprccd by additional light, which will conic out from the pillars. The ceilings will be finished In a new and artistic manner. A cooled water svstcm Is being coin pleted. This extends over tho whole store. On each floor there are two drink Inn fountains. This s stent cost K'.tM. The atore is about to be materially en larged by an extension Into the lto d theater I ulldlng. Immediately adlolnlng J to the Wr.-t tt'ro'.i;1! t'"' seenly feci i title I . inn. h and ' in. hi. ; .111.1 lol.bv. ;l Hvir.i TI'.iM of Tl'otnas Tl.e wall is tvlna cut . and a larire room shout iiiaic . being handsomely i I rcl '.ient room. l.lht ..;- will te serc.l In this nist under the theater I whs on -o Die a. tors' olch . ailment will be n charge M Hie, the isnilv num. liber I oiprot rmrnh, Manv itlir improvements have been completed iti.n'lx. The t l.tioge In the h.ilcont on the ! 1 1 v t tier, which Is now n eoinpleto lest anil writing loom: the le at i anweinent of the stairways leading up to it. the phe i i u of a I". a in It p..!ol ft 'o slMtion .n Co in it f loot . hne tuct the lmmciliHic apptoal cf the public The re.t roo.n and the poM.I'fico arc ospc- ially poiuilar. More Invitations For Rabbi Wise fliveial otg. intentions of nmi' n are tryhiR to sei urc an mbiress by Itnbhl Fteplien Wise of N v Voik. when lie comes to huuh:l fo" bis peHCe lee tire at the lliaiiileis thenter the even In K of June h Aniiihc these Is the I'ntversilv of (iiuilui and the .Menoiah society. When Kabbi . esr nuo, he M'ok i Inb, to the lil.h at a bin salfrace I n I eo knnor of Mrs Msade llowi sjirlnR I .iiKh Hurts the Limns. lr Hells I'me-Tav- Money slops the coiiKb and prevents vour i old cetlinc worse. It's Kiiai anli ed. Unly IV. .Ml d r u t; 1st s- -Advertisement. wa in Oionlm t ?it the Pnllii.psesl h.ol teachers and Kivin In l'.!l..lt. at r .'' V. O.eell siihhi'i at the Htandci War AK.tltist War. Or Is ' .laiio Aihlaina has pro nounced this lecture the Krestest plea for peace made In her hcnrlim Tickets sre now on siile st Mrs. T. 1'.. Hi.tIv's mllllm rv slon, . fvith Ic ihlt nth street traded by no Halbt Wlsei will be, "The War Cureless Pharmacists to Hear Experts at Meeting The loin' cominlltee on ai movements for the annual nu 'lInK of the Nebraska State I'hai iiinceiillciil Hssnelnliun has de elded to make the Kontenelle hotel In sd- liiarteis for the loiiventlnn. The chief interlalninilit featine will he 11 I impiet and bsll at lie hotel on the nitfht of June 9. J. Irf'vdcn White ir Washington and l". W. Nltonly of I'enver will deliver lectures litirlnt: the convention. Tha t itter's sublet t will be 'Trartlosl riuirnuM y Manipulation." Ir Millener will itls make an address on "WlreloM Teh Kinidiy" nnd a demonstration. Its)? See Sirtiiriil lna. I, A Wltl '.NCi:. Kan., May K!. -1 ftpeelitl Telegram -Westport. Krnsns tlty, won the Kama Inters. ho'a.' i Ic trio k nnl. Keewaim neadeiny, Wisconsin, fourth: l.oonns Kc. waiin s only i ntry, broke the low Ic r.lle r.'i ord. thrown on telephone wires and scat tered for a distance of 150 feet. The dead are: FRANK ROSS of Btewerton, In charKe of the dynamite. .1AM ICS Hl'GMES. county mor&rue at tendant. VINCKXT GZKNLK1IW8. axed 14. TNIDEXTIFIKU BABT HOY. The baby was In tho arms of his sis ter, who was standing near the auto mobile at the time of the explosion and who la dying from her Injuries. About aeventy-flve sticks of dynamite wire In the automobile and several per sons were etandlnK near the car, which was blown to pieces. Morgue attendants and others were searching for the body of Donald W'll lex, aged 3, who waa drowned early In the week by falling Into a flume. The dynamite was to be u-d in ua effort to bring the child's body u. surface. The coroner has started a in.estigntion. IM fraternity, was lohted earl ythis morning of a gold wnteh and in money, while sleeping at the fraternity house at Seventeenth and K streets. Burke had been attending some function In Lincoln and was spending the night at tho fraternity house, lie was awak ened this morning, when a flash light was thrown on his faoe and he looked Into the muzzle, of a revolver. lie gave up his valuables, but the man escaped before assistance arrived. Three other burglaries were reported last night, supposed to have boon by the same man. Arrest of Officer Follows Kugel's Plan Commissioner Kugel of tho police de partment asserts that the arrest of Po liceman Fimple at a. m., in a Cuming Mreet driiK store is in im with his talk to his men during the annual police re view. "At that time T told the men that It is their duty to report all law violations within their knowlertuo. or observation, even If not on duty. Here was a case of h policeman off duty, but in uniform. His arrest was not an accident. We had knowledge that he had been at this place three times this week and there is In formation " that poker rnd craps wore played nt this drug store und that beer was served. We found brer In the Ice box." said Mr. Kugel. The commissioner siys he will en deavor to have the liquor license of this druggist revoked and expects that tho state bourd will take BO mo cognizance , of the matter and may revoke tho state license. "What faith could you place In a drtig gist who permits law violations to take place in his store?" asked Mr. Kugel. He added that he realizes the attendant difficulties of securing a con v lotion In a cas of this nature,, but he -maintains he is convinced the latv was violated, Vntr to Hv Reported. "Rven If Officer Fimple might have been Innocent of wroug-lolng himself,. It v.as his' duty to have reportod this case tc his superiors," Mr. Kugel main tained. , The surveillance of policemen 1 to be nit of the features of the new efficiency system, jphlch Mr. Kugel and other com mission's asserted they intended to start with their new administration. A reused Mrs. DlimlHed, Although Officer C. V. Fimple and the other men arrested while playing cards in the drug store at 1624 Cuming street Friday night, were dismissed in police court Saturday, without any complaints being filed against them. Police Com missioner A. C. Kugel is said to have declared his Intention of filing charges against Fimple with Hio city commission. Fimple asserts that the men arrested were Just playing pitch and were not gambling or drinking br. I FATHER CWIKLINSKI DIES NEAR TECUMSEH TtXTMSEKlt. Neb., Mav 2T.. (Pveda-I Telegram.l-Rev. Charles Cwtkllnskl, rec tor of St. Mary's Catholic cmircn hi St. Mary, this rounty, died today. ite had been in failing health for tnreo years, and bad taken trips to the south for relief, but to no avail. Father Cwiklinskl was born in Poland, Januarv 2K 177. and came to the Tutted States in his youth, settling for a time nt Buffalo. N. Y. Fifteen years ago. he came west and entered the diocese of Lincoln, being stationed nt St. Mary The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at ft. Mary, and will be at tended bv many priests. The sermon In Knglish will be by Bishop Tihen of Lincoln, and in the Polish language, by Father John Crdezinski of Kansas Ltty, Btiiial will be at St. Mary. GRAND ISLAND MAN ENLISTS IN THE NAVY BAI.TIMORTC, Md.. May B.-(Spec1a1 Trlegram.1 Stanley C. Taft. Grand Island. Neb., enlisted In the navy here last week. . , NEW HURLER, RIDGEWAY, IS EXPECTED HERE TODAY Jack Ri.lgeway, Ta Ronrke's new hiuier, is expected to arrive in Omaha today from his home In Philadelphia. Pa Is anxiously awaiting Ridgeway as It in thought the former Kaw athlete will prove a mighty valuable addition to the Omaha team. Bank Clearings Bank clearings In the t'nited States for 1 e week ending May 30, as report. si to I'.rndslreet's Journal. New Yark, aggre gate mTuKl.inn, against .I.GI. ittl.oid Inst week and .t 2-T.1 is.issi in this week last year. Canadian clearings aggregate tiv.Yona, us HKainst i:it.7;,000 last week and h.7.!t!.0ii in this week last t ear. Follow ing are the reMirns for this week and lasi, with ix-rcentuges of change from this week last year: Three Gsitr County Heaths. RttATRICK. Neb., May 23.-1 Special.'! -William Daub, jr., an old resident of Plymouth and a carpenter by trade, was killed in the railroad yards at lramie, Wvo.. a few days ago. t,io Morris Sutherland, aged IS rears, and only son of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Sutherland of this city, died at the family noma Friday morning. He. had been an invalid for a number of years. Word has been received here announc ing the death of James W. Allen, formerly w pioneer of this city, which occurred at M. home nt Ismsurt. N. D.. aged 96 years. Riiimr Roys Ar Found. FAL.L8 CITY, Neb.. May . (Special.) Lionel Ward and his brother, Harlan, who ran away from their home at Shu bert last Monday, were located at Ax- tell, Kan., and returned to Falls City Saturday, Sheriff Ratekln going to that place after them. They were given hearing before the county Judge, and It was found that the younger boy, 9 years old, waa Influenced by his brother, and waa not Intending to do wrong. He was sent to his parents, while Lionel, 15 years of age, was found to be Incorrigible and waa assigned to the State Industrial school at Kearney. Marriage Licenses In Richardson. FALLS CITY, Neb., May 23.-Rpeelal.) Marriage licenses were Issued In Rich ardson county this week to Lloyd Sils bce and Miss Anna Bliss, both of Falls City; Floyd LeRoy Brown and Miss Kl vert Fern McJDowell. both of Salem; Seth R Richmond of Fremont and Miss Flora Van of Falls City. A couple from Se dalta, M., applied for a marriage li cense, which was refused because they were first cousins. Cities. Amount Inc. Dac. :..-, oi' IM.LW.OiOi Ffl.bn.rtlO! 7l.2IS.iiOi 1.1 i.1.3ti,m0 43.41 47,i;i4.0i M,4"l,lH 11.4 New Yolk $1,RCX,(i'M.ViO 3.: t I11CUKO I I llliailelpllia Boston Ht. Ijiuis Kansas City Pittsburgh San l-'ranclsco Baltimore Minneapolis I'etrolt Cincinnati (lev eland 1 os Angeles v.-w Means OMAHA Milwaukee Atlanta d.oinsvile Sen I tie Bui la lo M. Paul Portland, Ore Denver Houston Biclimond Indianapolis pi ovi'leriee Fort Worth w a-.hini:ton. D. C! Memphis I St Joseph j Coliiuibiisj 1 Nashville Ihanv ."It Iike City Toledo I lies Moines I Hartford I 1 ui nt rt I Rochester I Savannah 1 Norfolk 1 Suoksne I Wichita !...... I 2 t 1 ..I IK. 7 17. li a. si... 21.4 . 4.7'. 19 . 13.6 . I MS. 6.6 SI 4 1.1.3 31.f.i.0nil IH. S.M.anOI 2",.L'7.-..ipiI 27.7t;,(iii 1f."JS.fi0 la s-kYOoi, i:i,IX'.l 14 Wi: " U.iiLT.UM. ir..l.;ii II. Wti.iirti' .))? laml 13..'.:i.Oii 8.fVi (Mi. B.2Mnol 7.1X7.0il 9.477 (Oil .7V4 (Mil 7, "1N (Ml S .".'( (Mtl R. : (mii 5 iiM SM'l.llll ".fit. UKI f,.k,.(M, (i.Tr.'iiai. S Sl".iT D.Kjn I 57 11.,'hi.hii 14 Short Agricultural Course. IMPRRIAU Neb., May 23. (Special.) A short course In agriculture for tho boys and girls of the community Is being offered this week by Miss Hulda Peter son, state leader in charge of Boys' and Girls' clubs; I T. Skinner, Miss Mary Rokahr and J. G. McMillan, extension specialists of the college of agriculture. The course was planned by the county superintendent of schools. Congressman Rrsrla In Demand. FALLS CITY. Neb.. May ZS. -(Special. ) Congressman Reavls la In demand as an orator. He makes an address before tho nurses graduating from the Stato hospital at Lincoln, May 2T. He will make memorial addresses at Elmwood May 2), and at Lincoln May 31. Call for Straw berry rirkera. STELLA. Neb., May 23. (Special ) Brownsville, on the Missouri river, twenty miles from Stella, has sent out a call for IM strawberry pickers to be 1J-4 ready May ffi. The strawberry pickers ih r.iu 1 1 vol f- lu 9 u, uay. 8.4 'ii.i .1 5 9 I 15.5 8.(1 e.arc'.iMil 3.4iln.fnr . 4 W.X (i'. 4 M".rti J 7t i.io . 3 K',? SO'. ).:-,.noji Two Men Are Hurt In Peculiar Ways Two men were seriously hurt last night In two separate accidents, but each un der peculiar circumstances. W. S. Parrott. 217 South Fifteenth street, was standing at Thirteenth and Castellar waiting for a street car, which was approaching, and in attempting to Iboaid it, he was thrown to the navo- 13 '... ment. breaking his leg. He U now in St. josrpn s nospuai. W. J. Scriven. 170S California, fell out of a second-story window of his home, breaking his arm. H .51. SI 2 4 14.'. .1 12 Macon I !WI OnV i sj'i Oakland " W(MV Seranton ' S.43S.fMl' .7'... . Peoria ' 2 r. ii .m iy. ew 1'" en 1 37-W 03 S:oux IVv ' '.'. hi MI ... . 'V) V ' I! . i : ' " 1 . ei'Hease .... ". .! ' ( :! .' .-kSMiiMie. Fla .. ,(i 1 r t 'r-ingl am - '.' 'I . . 21 ft I 'li olll '' ' ei.ioni ' ' a . . . . Recommends 4 haniberlala'a 4 olle, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemed r. "I never dentate to recoinniend Cham beiialn's Colli, (liolera ajid Iuarrhoea Remedy. " wrltts So Willhiun. ii.erchniit. J.-ssc. Tei n. "I s II m ire of it t iuu o,' any .tl.ei '.renaiatiou of l.ke . t. 1 !ui .' ii. . n il ,nysl;' 1 , . 1 f..ii:el .1 wa... in n re telief then ai'Vinin,' i Iso I I , a v -i" it t ri. ! I r li e va me p. . i .-. " t i r. i I 'lie . I y W here - Ai, el t inllli 111. Announcing The fACMil SEX A twelve-cylinder car which; by a rapidity of pick-up, a range of high-gear activity, an ease of hill-climbing, a sureness of sus tained speed and a nicety of control never before combined in any motor car recasts every motor car standard and anti quates all previous ideas of motor car sufficiency. Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. 3 I i i k t ft r ! ! i