iHE OMAHA SUNDAY lKE: MAY 23, 1013. 7 A 1 ! i PI Sunday, May 23, 1915- Complete Lin. of Ttctrolu and Ylctor Beoords 441 te Tin. BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY- Eiolnilf, A r ent a for Omaha Tor yanjone Chtcfcertns1 Wniion -Phone D. 137 Burgess-Nash Inaugurates a Special Remodeling Sale Monday An Underprice Movement That Affects Practically Every Department of This Big Service Store THE REASON! THERE is always a "cause and effect" for any im portant undertaking. The cause in this instance is our ever increasing desire to be of "The Greatest Service to the Greatest Number" to render a service that will help you as well as reflect credit on us to be in realitv "EVERYBODY'S STORE." In our effort to bring this Burgess-Nash Service up to the highest point of efficiency, tvo have studied it from every angle and it's that part which moans your comfort and convenience in shopping that wo have considered. Contracts were let months ago for a Complete New Set of Mahogany Fixtures for the Main Floor They are now being placed la position. This necessitate a general rearrangement of the main floor, as well aa many other aectlons throughout the store. An arrangement which, when completed, we trust will make our store bo pleasing, helpful and satisfactory a "hopping place that you need think of no other. That's the effect. In order that our store mar present a most pleasing appearance when the new fixtures are Installed, we have determined to clear away every odd lot, broken line and discontinued number of mer chandise immediately- that we may have new merchandise for the new fixtures. That's the reason for the unusual price reductions In force begin ning Monday. BUKGESS-NASII COMPANY. N. B. We respectfully ask your Indulgence during ,'he more or less unsettled condition of our store while installing the new fixtures Pretty New White Trimmed Hats That Were to $10.00, Monday $3.00 THERE is half a hundred or more charming new effects which go into this Remodeling Sale Monday the re sult of a special purchase. Just the very sort of hat you will want to wear with summery dresses. There Are No Two Alike Every one an individual and dis tinctive creation. A combination of ribbon, wings, etc., worked out in a pleasing way by deft fingers that know how. Very special Monday at $3.00. Bargees-Brash Co-eoond rlooa. Pure Thread Silk Hose for Women, 85c A: KE indeed unusual values; plain black, some have lisle tops, all silk with colored tips; full fashioned, regu lar made foot. The manufacturer calls them "seconds" on account of some irregularities, but you or anyone else will not notice them, they are bo slight. Usual $1.25 values, at 85c the pair, nrgess--eii co auu rioo. Importer's Surplus of Villeroy & Bock Dinnerware at Less Than i Import Cost THIS famous ware was made In Dresden, Germany, and was one of the best open stock patterns, but owing to the fact that European conditions make it impossible to replenish the line, the importer dis posed of the entire stock at less than half its coet. Pine white glazed body, with decorations of delft blue band, hair line and stippling on knobs and handles. Very desirable shapes. Three groups MQ After dinner coffees and teas, mayonnaise dishes, OC bread and butter plates, pie plates, double egg cups and saucers, sauce dishes, small sized platters, creamers, etc. Af 1 fi Tea. breakfast and dinner plates, soup plates, tea ill XUC cups and saucers, coffee cups and saucers, bouillon cups and saucers, large creamers, oatmeal dishes, medium sized plat ters,' vegetable dishes, cocoa pots, etc. ii 1 C Covered vegetable dishes, sauce boats, sugar bowls, al IOC large sized platters, cocoa pitchers, salad bowls, tea pots, large, sized milk pitchers, sanitary covered pitchers, etc. Bargees-Brash Co Tourth riser. Stearns & Foster SANITARY MATTRESSES Specially Priced for Clearaway Monday The Stearns & Foster mattress is recognized as the best at the regular price on the market today. Made of sanitary felt, the best grade of ticking and the highest grade of workmanship. Three special numbers $9.50 COMFORT MATTRESSES FOR $5.95. Stearns & Foster comfort mattresses, full 50-pound weight, roll edge, good selection of ticking designs. $12.50 "LUXURIOUS" MATTRESSES FOR $8.75 Fifty-pound weight, finest white cotton felt filling, roll edge. $17.50 STEARNS & FOSTER MATTRESSES, $12.50 Fifty-pound weight, double stitched, roll edge, finest art tick covering. Burgaia-B'aah Oo. Third Floor. A Sale of Sewing Machines Listed at $35.00 to $40.00, Monday at $19.75 $19.75 . $19.75 $19.75 A MONEY-SAVING opportunity such as this, doesn't come your way very often. Monday morning we are going to place on sale another group of high-grade Sewing Machines, including bucu makes aa WHITE PARAGON NEW HOME SINGER THE FREE HOWE These are new machines, sample machines, and slightly used machines. They arp all droyvhead 6tyles, all in per fect condition, and aro complete with all attach mentsevery one fully guaranteed. TERMS: $2.00 DOWN AND $1.00 A WEEK. Free Lessons. No Mail or Phone Orders. Itwlsf W n-Kt"T Button Third floor. These $1.50 to $2 Fancy Silks in the Remodeling Sale at 88c AKEMAIIKABLE value and a remarkable rango of se lection. 42-inch silk popUn in all plain shade. 86-inch chiffon taffeta In all plain shades. 55- lcch striped chiffon taffeta, pretty colors. 42-inch all silk crepe de chine, plain shades. 4 2-inch brocaded crepe de chine. 5 6- inch heavy Japanese tub silks, white and black. 36 and 32-lnch wash silks, pretty colored and satin stripes 85- lnch black chiffon taffeta for skirts and suits. S 6-inch princess meesallnes in fifty different shade. 86- lnch natural pongee silk, heavy quality. S6-laoh embroidered white Japanese wash stlLa, 1 6 -Inch striped measaline, pretty shades. 85c to $1.25 FANCY SILKS AT 79c One large counter, Including foulards In neat designs, all colors, pretty plaids, fancy taffetas and figured meesallnea. in a wide selection of Dew designs and colorings. $1.50 TO $1.89 SILK OREPE DE CHINES, $1.29 You'll appreciate this very special value when you realise that the material is not the light weight quality, but a good heavy grade, 42 Inches wide, pure all silk, In black, cream, flesh, pink, lavender, old rose, nlle, gray, light blue, navy, .brown, tan. gold, yellow, pigeon blue, copen, reseda, etc. STRIPED TUB SILKS AT 59o 8 2. Inches wide, in a pretty selection of colors, very desirable for waists and men's shirts. 59c SILK POPLINS AT 39c 24-inch silk poplins In all plain shades, both light and dark effects. The usual 59c. Bnrgeea -Baeh Co. frtaln Bloor. Dainty Organdy and Voile Flouno ings Monday, at 98c the Yard 40-lnch embroidered organdy and voile flounclngs, 27-inch colored yolle flounclngs and embroidered net fVounclngs, 45-lnch allover laces Monday at yard DSe. FLOUNOINOS AT 59c YARD Including 36 and 40-lnch embroidered organdie and voile flounclngs. 45-inch colored embroidered voile allovera and 45-inch allover laces cream and white. - ' FLOUNCINOS AT 25c YARD 27-Inch batiste flounclngs, allovers, embroidered baby flounclngs. cor set cover embroidery, very fine quality. EDGES, INSERTIONS, ETC., 5o Just received, big line of French and German val laces, edges and In sertions to match, from one-half to two Inches wide, at yard 8c Burs e-Waaa Oo. Caln atoog. The Newest Notes in Exclusive Summer Attire Silk Frocks, $19.50, $25 and . $29.50 ?rnp .m,ete.wrcrp d chlne' wti Georgette crepe frocks (all silks that are not perishable); thin as lingerie, they're light weight enough for eomfort on hot summer days and Just brimming with style. Ideal for traveling delightful home drese equally smart and correct for dressy summer afternoon functions. All the new points of fashion are embodied. LINGERIE FROCKS, $6.95 TO $50.00 Plain, striped, figured and dotted voiles with sheer organdie collars Taiueur frocks for street or sport wear or the new Princess effects T&Vi&Ti&S tt4 pied DAINTY NET FROCKS, $15JC0 TO $39.50 iIi.h,5 or "o artfully combined with erls organ dies, bordered crepes, taffeta Turnings or enriched with Oriental and exquisite laces and priced but $15.00. $20.00. $23.00 to $B9.50 Barrs-Baaa Oo. eeoag Floor. $1 7.50 and $20 Room Size Velvet Rugs in the "Remodeling Sale" for $12 HERB'S a rug "special" that will interest every houso wife with a need of this sort: Lf119.".9?2. BOme "'. all new designs. In both tl?XZai MtVii "cU' mad0 tr heavy weave, the regular $17.60 and 120.00 lines, Monday at $12.00. regular 1 $3.25 AXMINSTER RUGS FOR $2.95 A splendid line for selection, else $6x63 Inches. Axmlnster m. usually $$.25, sale price Monday $3.95. ' Axmm,M,r BorrMsJrsah Co. Thiri moos. An Extraordinary Demonstration and Sale of "Mina Taylor" Wash Dresses At $1.00, $1.50 and $2.95 THIS occasion will bo one of unusual interest to every woman who has need or desire for attractivo 6ummor wash dresses. The "Mlna Taylor" wash dresses are the product of one of the most efficient manufacturing organizations in the country. Made under strictly sanitary conditions by contented workers and are In every way superior. Scores of Neat and Becoming Models Offered Dresses for porch, street and house wear. Every one absolutely guaranteed fast color. Kvery one guaranteed to fit accurately. Every one styled up to the moment Every one designed right and made right. Every one cut liberally full, not skimped. Every one cut from scientifically prepared patterns. Kvery one carefully and painstakingly made. Every one rigorously Inspected. Every one guaranteed to give full measure of satis fying service. Special Features of the "Mina Taylor" Wash Dresses Waist Beams Cannot Rip All vralat seams In Mae Taylor ' vutidriKMiirt flnlahed on a n.w ma chine that turn. Id the dsoa of th. cloth, and then nvi tha ."am with an overcaat lock atltoh that rannot rip. Taped ct..M in the Skirt The skirt seams In all Klti Tavist waah dresses are fully taped. This adds much to the appearance, sturdlneaa and itrtloi of tha gaiy ment. Extra Fuliuets la the Hklrt The skirts In Mn TaylOV waah draaaaa are cut with an extra full sweep. This aw.np Is scientifically Increased in proportion to the stae of the garment. I oo ;. I No Any Piecing ta Part There is ne piecing ra any part of Ma Tay lor wash dresses. They are out from full width cloth, and fit perfectly. NOTION SPECIALS Broom covers, each 10c Powder puffs, all siies, each 10c. Jewel cases (chamois), each 10c Children's fancy and plain, hair clasps at 8c and 10c. Pearl buttons, first quality. 2 dosea on card, 7c Elastic sanitary belts at 13 He Banttary aprons, each 15. Sanitary napkins, dozen 85c 500-yard spool basting cotton, 8c Dustless dusters, each 10c. P. F. C. crochet cotton (meroerlied), all sites, full yardage, ball 10c Wooden coat hangers, 8 for 5c. Children's leather and knitted knee caps, pair 20c Bath mats at 25c. Cable cord, all slses. black tnd white, yard lc Bhoe trees, pair Sc. Middy cords, all colors, each 5c. Burgeas-Waeh Oo. trtli Tloo. SILK KIMONAS That Were $5.00 for $2.98 A LIMITED quantity made em plre style of a good quality silk In plain or floral design. Re markable values for the Remodeling ale. Sarf-ees-Vaaa Oo. Beooad gloer. Special Clearaway of SAMPLE BEDS in the Remodeling Sale For Monday Rare Valuoo THtLf?hW biJit?rBJd IE. SS'aiEtf n5'nuf,ctured- T perfWt In condition, except fl.60 IRON BED FOR 91.05. Bungalow height bed, with one-inch post, five Inch square crossbar and five -ineh fillers, was $6.50. now $4.93. " ' . f 17JSO ENAMEL BED FOR 12.50 wnite enamel bed with two-inch square post. Inch crossbar and five -lnch square fillers, brass knobs on the bead and foot end posts. 13.50 VKRNI8 MARTIN BED FOB $7.50 Full size bed. two-Inch continuous post, Vernls tin finish, seven -lnch fillers, was 113.60, f7.no. $88.00 BRAA8 BED FOR (28.50 Satin finish brass bed. 1 -Inch square poet, five 4-inch fillers and one-Inch crossbar, waa $38.00. now $28.50. 1V4-wlth Mar-now post, tne very low prices for Monday. $5.50 WU1TK ENAMEL BED FOR $8.05 wtiite enamel bed, with one-inch crossbar and five -lnch fillers, regularly $5.60, now $3.05. $18.50 ENAMEL BED FOR 87.50 White enamel bed with two-Inch continuous seven H-lnch fillers, was 113.60. now 7JW. $10.50 URAHfi BED FOR $6.50. Brass bed with two-Inch post, satin finish, five -lnch fillers, was $10.50, now $6.50. $22.00 BRASS BED FOR $16.50 Batin finish brass bed with two-Inch, post, one-Inch crossbar, eight one-Inch fillers, waa $23.00. now $16.50. $45.00 BRASS BED FOR $80.00 Brass bed, two-Inch square post, IH-inch crossbar and seven one-Inch. fillers, waa $45.00, now $30.00. arreesWaah Co. Third noor. Big Remodeling Sale Specials in WASH GOODS AND DOMESTIC SECTION in the Basement For Monday fceores-of unusual values that point KNICKERBOCKER NAINSOOK 10 YARDS, $1.10 Finest Knickerbocker nainsook, 40 Inches wide, bolt of 10 yards, muslin department, $1.10 bolt AMOSKKAO CHAM UR AY AND ZEPHYRS, Oc. 32 inches, Amoskeag fancy checked, plaid and plain chambray, also Red Seal zephyrs in endless variety of neat atrlpes and checks, at Oc yard. PALM BEACH SUITINGS, 25c So much in demand, new lot Just received, gingham department, Monday 25e yard. 25c MERCERIZED BOISETTE AT 10c In blue, tan, cream, linen and sand shades, worth regularly 25c, sale price lOe yard. INDIAN HEAD PILLOW TUBING, i2Me Remnants In desirable lengths, most durable tubing, nale prloe 12',c yard. Bargeea-Wash the way to true economy. UTICA BED SHEETS AT 50c Blse 6490-lnch I'tlca sheets, the household favorite, on aale at 50o each. 15c FANCY FIGURED CRETONNES. 5r curtain scrims, values up to 16o yard, sale price And 5c yard. $3.50 COTTON FILLED MATTRESSES AT $3.08. 11 cotton filled, full slxe art tick covered mattresses, rolled edge, $5.60 values, Monday only $3.08 each. BLEACHED MUSLIN MONDAY AT 5e Soft finished bleached muslin, various good grades, well known brands, fall yard wide, on sale at 5c yard. DRESS CALICOES, MONDAY AT 8c Light and dark colorings, standard grade, fast colors, sale price 8c yard. Co lasameat. BargassJgask Ca." geooaa Floor, Odd Pattern Cloths at a Sav ing of One-Third and More THESB pattern cloths are Irish damask of excellent quality the prlcea quoted are less than cost of Importation today the reason la this, they are discontinued patterns, no napkins to match-end slightly soiled from counter display. 2-yard pattern cloths, were $3.00 to $3. IS, for $1.05. 2ft-yard pattern cloths, were $4.60 to $5.00, for $2.05. $4.75 TO $5.25 PATTERN CLOTHS FOR $355 lUxIH-yard pattern cloths, mostly all round designs, beautiful borders. $5.50 TO $0.50 PATTERN CLOTHS FOR $3.95 Sttx2V-yard pattern cloths, an exceptionally good quality. $7.50 TO $3.50 PATTERN CLOTHS FOR $4.95 thi yards wide, 8 yards long, extra heavy quality, six beautiful deal gas. $4.50 TO $5.00 PATTERN CLOTHS FOR $2.95 8-yard, damask pattern cloths In square or circular designs. . $2.25 LINEN NAPKINS FOR $1.50 1 0-inch beautiful napkins, strictly all linen. $2.75 TO $3.50 LINEN NAPKINS FOR $2.00 20 and Sl-lnch napkins, a large assortment of beautiful designs. $4.00 TO $4.50 DINNER NAPKINS FOR $2.95 12 and 34-lnch dinner napkins, full bleached and silver bleached, Borgeas-iraak Oo. MaJa Tloo, AnotherLot of Imported Japanese Bas kets Offered Monday Way Underprice IT'S another big lot like that which caused no much buying activity a week or two ago. The offering Includes Work BafJcttt Tray Batkett Watts BatUtt Sandwioh liashtt F$m BasJcett Wall Flower JardinUr Baskets Fruit Baskets Baskets, Eta. Two groups Baskets worth to $U.00, Monday 50 Baskets worth to $3.60, Monday $1.00'. nrfe.Waah Oo. Baaam.ot, This Coupon is Worth 30c to ' Y ou at Burgess-Nash Monday, Tomorrow . it si ''WEAR EVER" COUPON Wfi Burgaaa-Naah Company will ae- i cept t'ila coupon and lAo In nav- mant fur one "Waar Ever" Stew raa, whlrh aella retrularly at 4c, provided you vr.aent thla couoon In peraon at our atom on or be- 'or. June 3. 1DI6 mrlllna tharannlt. your name and addrnaa and Lu.la ofu Burchaaa Only 1 can Bold to a euatnmar. V Name Address M. City Pot AXtranirac oooxiirn uteh sn, oo.. O. B. t-ti. Hew XeaalagtOB. Fa,' SOfiGESS Tv IT TTTT lTVEITYDOIJYJb CTORE" vvJHV JJIIVII IV-iA II v i II XSXaU. 11.11. -J. f I II Other Specials in Aluminumware $2.00 PERCOLATORS AT $1.00 Nine-cup heavy aluminum percolators, aluminum Inset, glass top. guaranteed, special, $1.00. $1.15 WEAR EVER BERLIN SAU0E PAN AT 59o Three-quart genuine Wear Ever Berlin sauce pans with covers, $1.18 values, at 5tc $2.00 RICE BOILER FOR $1.00 Two-quart heavy aluminum rice boiler, made of heavy aluminum stock snd well worth $1.00. apodal. mi.OO. $1.75 HEAVY ALUMINUM SKILLETS AT 98c No. heavy aluminum skillets with wooden handles, regular $1.75 values. VHc, $1.00 ALUMINUM BAKING DISHES AT 49c Large slie aluminum baking dlith with white enamel Inset, $1.00 values, at 4(h-. $2.50 Coffee Percolators and Plate at $1.49 uooa size, rouna snsped corree percolators' with plate, t I Bajrrees-Haah Co. BaaamamV. I