.... jul' i,.: via wiaiiA HI I . Ml i.i 1 I 1 I s l i OUTDOOR ''SEASON ARRIVES Lonj-Looked for Time for the Open. - Air Season it Now at Hand at All Clubs. bXtuedat IS THE DAY SET a-rlal f'alradar. rtNTAY Mlaara Mollln Corby nd lt A1lpr. dancing party In lmnor of Mlaa Ooldlo Alplrn ami Mr. Lxivtd rder. MONHAV Monday Bridge rlub. Mra. Walter Roberta, linatras'. OriKtnal Mon day nndir club. Mm. Joih llarkfr. hoaiaaa; Mlaa Allca Mackenzie, evening pariv lor M1M Alberta Walter. Tl"n8PAr-Ve1dlin of Mlaa Holn Nor rls ant Mr. William Schopp; Rummy Huh. Mra. W. A. fmltt hotsea; wad ding of Mlaa Guldle Alplrn an1 Mr. IHiUil Mir; Went Famam rlrole of tha, vialtlnr Vii'we aaacx-latlon. pli'nlr ; Bt Klmwood park: Vr. II. O. Pnwrll j dlnnrr for Mlaa Maunne innmm aim Mr. K. Lvnne Kllsnra; Mr. and Mra. '. Vincent. dlnnr; Mra. fharl Van Al stlrm and Mrl Charlra H. Malllnaon. hrldxe rartv t home of Mra. an Al- AVKIlNEf-nAT-Mr. and Mra ",Vh lters. dinner for Mlaa E)laatth J'lrk- na and Mr. Krnnrth PaWenn: W . : r'ub Mr. John ivmrvster. noalaa: Sardon club meeting at the horn of Mr H H. Whltm"r; Mra. 1nnle Nash. ' children s party; Circle Franralac at th Kcntenel'e. .... . , Tit r8DAY-W adding of Miss "' Lyon and Mr. FMwoo I Prat; ": rooking Hub. Mrs. CharlesKountS". ' hnate.e: Mra. R A. rvt enter Jalny for Mlas Lehnhoff and Mum Henrietta rntOAT Formal opening of h fv" - rU Country lub; Orerhe Bridge nrv at Fontenelle. katPKDAY Form' opanln " Muntrv Happy Hollow and Omnba " Field c'.ub. Tha formal opening of tha Country club and tha brides with tha aifi given in Ihrlr honor, la all society has to consider for tha coming week. Tha eluh members sr to have a fY and buar time of It Baturdey night. With alt hrr clubs opening tha same nerlng tha members, who belong t all. ara a little perplexed and some en joying a li'tle tussle with tha mrmhora of thlr famllla" ' h,r 'ntmu filw.di ai to which to natronlxa. o many hava dld'd to ba praent for a wlilli at aarh. The IU( for reaarvatlona for tha Coun try lub bpanlnit la rrowln dally. IJ . alda the two ara dlnnar partlaa to ba lv.n by Mm Ban OaUaaher and Mr and Mra. Howard PaldrlB. rervatlona havo bern inada by Mr. and Mra. Harry Poorly for fourtaan fimaU: Mr. and Mra. Harry C'lmiina. ai: Mr. and Mri. Jama ' Ixva Taxtoij, -lht: Mr. and Mra. Danlrl ' Baum. 'jr.. aUht: Mr. and Mra. A. T. Ir. tn; Mr. and Mra. Moahlor Col pcLrr, alx: Mr. T- W. Hart of Oounrll !?luf.'. tan: Mr. and Mra. Qeonra H. hlly. tan; Mr. and Mra. Oforga in-ln. alx; Mr -Ufred Bh. fo'ir; Mr. and Mra. J fc. atotit. 'tan: Mra. Herman Kcrtintta. U; Mr. and Mra. M. C. Peter. talvt; Mr r.arl Oannatt, twelve. Tlia mrmbera cf tha Tueaday Kvanlng Erido clui and their huabanda wUl dine toarther at one table. .' Happy Hollow elub haa aant out n ' ticca of tha formal dub opening neat ('Saturday, when there will ba a tabla . d bote dinner and dance, the dinner aerved at T o'clock, and reaervaUona to X be made not Utrr than Tueeday. May . ( with the notice of the openlna ra re V rlvrd alao annoiinnementa ef a apeclal mualcal program on the evening of .Tuea day. June IS, following the regular aeml weelely table d hota dinner. Mlaa Haaol t sit -tor " ai,t.rana: " Mr.- Bdwln - Clarke, ' 'RUwt. and Mra. Walter Sliver, planiet, '' vni o-iv tha Bvoaram. " . The Boymour Lahe club will l.old the formal opening Friday evrnlng. while the Certrr Iake club la to have two opening dlnnnr-dancia, the flrt one on Raturdav avrnln. which la to be conald red opening day, but the formal opening will take place Monday, May 1. when thera will be given a program of water aport. On Tait far Commencements. Mra. a. W. Mcgbth paa gene eaat for tie graduation of her daughter. Mary, from the euhool at Bralrcliff Manor. They ara avnar-tad home abrtut June 4. Mra. f'harlaa flffutt laavaa Monday for New Tork, where the will atUnd the K-raduatlon exerclaea at Mlaa Bponoe nkwl Thursday. After thU. Mra. Offutt and her daughter, Virginia, will go to Fhllade Iphla, the latur ta a nouee pan at th home ef Mr. and Mrs. J. EL Ileum. and Mra. Offutt to vUH CapUln and Mra Charlaa C. Allen, who are a tit toned In Philadelphia. Later Mra. Offut and Mlaa Virdnla will arc to Annapolia (or June wetk aad then to New Haven for com mencement week and, tha Yala prom. 1. of ore returning Mra. Offutt wilt vialt ' Mra. Mary Sherwood - Lamhartaoa at routhport. Conn. . Omah Eatertaini Yititort. Mra. Clyde Edmundaon and ehtldrea of Oaleeburw arrtved Wadneaday to aprnd a month with Mr. and Mra O, T Tunnlcllffe. Mr. II. II. Johnaon ef Jameavllle. Wla. nrrl today to vl.lt ter aon. Mr. V. T. Johnaon. and Mra Johnaon. Mra. 1. C Lvona of Loa Angelee nr- live Friday te vialt hrr elater, Mra. W. II. Pindell. and Mr. flndell. Mr. and Mri. Carl Btaln and aon of ; Uncolu are the guaeta of Mr. and Mra. i W. M'. Johnaton. I Mra L. B. Hall of Denver la the gueet 1 of her eUter. Mra. O. W. Wtckeraham. Mlaa Alberta Walter of Clilcago ar rived Thuraday to vialt Mlaa Adah Klopp. ' Mlaa Walter and Mlaa Klopp were frlenda at colleae. air Jilh MrKrll of Chllllcothe, O. ' la th gat of her alaler, Mr. Maward O hnlt. and niece. Mr. Henry W. Pler- : Lout. Mia HeUn Daum, who ba been In : AUantlo City tor aoro time paat, la bow . here with her iter. Mr. J. W. Ray 1 hold, for th ummer. i Mr. Roger Keherily of Cbteaga. a former ' Yale men and roomronUi of Mr. Elmer n.dlck at cvllece, ia atopplng at tha Fonleoall. jJtae lUrnet RobhU a. a graduate of th U'idetiwted College '.it Mucto of Ht. Ixula, la tatting her autar, Mra. J. W. Robert .li. Several ao.'ia.1 function will be ivea for bar- Mr. Clinton Gray at Columbue, Nvb, arrived Thureday and will he a gVfiJt at . the home of Judge and Mr. J. J. Sullivan ' tor a week. Future Social Eyenti. Mra. C. Vincent will entertain at dinner Tueaday evening ta ponor of Mr. and Mr. R. C. Jordaa. who are leaving eoo. to reatd In California. Mr. and Mra. H. M. Bamatt will en wrtaln niday evening at Lake Maaawa, whn member of the fipanlah R1U circle ill be the honor guana. M Alu-e MacKaoda enUrtaina In ' formally at her hoata Motiday eveniiuf for Mlaa Albert WalU-r of Chlceo. ' cf Mlaa Adah Klpj'p. Tbe a ond merling of tlte t'in 1 Krwl, ra.vily orsaniaed here by Mine. 'Joliifoid r-inltb, will te h I'l HER ENGAGEMENT TO WED JUST ANNOUNCED. V r - r t e-.. , ) " ' ' . 5 ' Jessie Tf.PJlerson Wedneaday at th Fontenello et clock. Mra. Charle II. Van Alatlne and Mra. Charle H. Malllaon will give a large bridge luncheon Tueaday afternoon at the home of Mr. Van Alatlne. TweJv tablea of playera will be entcrt ilncd. One of the aortal event of th com ing week will be the annual Creche bridge Party Friday afternoon at the ontenolla. Everybody . goe to thla harlty affair, which I alwny well planned and carried out The prliea donated thla year are particularly at tractive. . Mr. John T. tiuwart and Mr. Wild- man of Council Illuff have laaued card for a dance on Thureday, June 3, In honor of Mia Marie Rtewart and Mr. Donald McFerren at "The Uablee." It I to be lawn dance, a dnnclng platform to be erected for It under tha tree, and many Omaha young people art Included among thoee Invited, Recent Affairi. Mil Mildred Street entertained the fortnightly mwellng of the "Nothing H De dal" club Friday evening. Th member preaont were; ' MUan Mteeea Joeaphlne HarrlngtonMartha Leavltt, orothy Twiford. Kay Kmory, :ilxabeth Wellman. Kutherlne Hodgba. Marnuertie Hiloy. Vera Maxwell, Mildred Mroet. Meear. Meaara l lorry Mogge. Raymond rltig, IAwrenre Peacock, Walter Qulnn, Ward Campbell, Vincent I We. Walter Lake. George Cooper. l.uke KngleKey, Thursday afternoon Mr. Joaeph McKell of Chtllicotli waa tha gucat of honor at a bridge party, of two tablea given by Mra laaao Congdon. Tha other gue wera: . . : , Meadamea Meadamaa J. lluller, Frunk Colpetxer. C. W. Martin. Ioward II. Smith. Georpe K. Iarker, It u. joriit.n. ami' McKvnna. Mr. Herman Kountao gave a luncheon at her homo Thuraday In honor of Mia lanacotn and Ml Franco of New York. Cover were laid fori Mlaeeir Mlaaea Kram-e. Huneeom, Mna'larnea Me,lame John I. Kennedy, O, M. llltct-eock. John C. Onwtn. Men uaiiKauur, K. II. I'avl, John Methane, B. r. FeiMC J. J. llrown. Jerome Magte Yiiiton Leare for Home. Mra. Schuyler C rummer and her daugh ter. MJa UlUa Crummer. who hava been th gueat of Mr. B. F. Crummer for two weak, .will return Tuedy to Kanaa City. Mr. Albert Brown and hie nephew, Mr. Albert Fletcher, who hav been visiting Mr. and Mr. .WlUon Low for a week, left Saturday evening for Boston. Mtu Hanicom and Mia Frano. who WINNER OF THE HIGH JUMP AT EROWNEIX HALL. . Vai un ii VX Q I ; ' POPULAR GIRL WHO WAS BRIDE OF THE WEEK. Iflr3.A.F.KitgoTjn have been th gueata of Mr. and Mr. John Lk Kennody for two week, leave Monday for a trip to California, return ing to Nw Tork by way of Canada. Excelsior Spring Newi. Mr. Thoma Uentleman and Mr. Robert Gentleman are. at Excelalor Spring. Mr. and Mr. Will Burn ahlpped their car home from Excelalor Spring on ao- oount of the bad road and returned by train Saturday. Recent arrival from Omaha at th Elm hotej In Excelalor Spring are. Mr. and Mr. M. CI. Colpetier. Meiar. Meanra. Tan H, Butler. John W. Madden, J. H. lUhm. J. A. ("avera. C. H. Fulton. J. L. l-axton. Mr. Frank Barrett. Entertain! at a Kensington.. Mra T. O. Cox entertained the mem bera of th Kenalngtoa club of Veata chapter of tha Eaatern Ctar at bar noma In Fort Omaha Thuraday. Mualo aad rod tatlon by Ml Henrietta FohlU and dancing by little Mlaa Cecelia Hauiflalra were enjoyed In the afternoon. About eventy gueata were entertained. Aelw Ing the hots were: Meedam- Meadamea . Ollcnrlet. J. W. Wataon. M. Oarrtaon, M. T. Oregg. Will McDonald. N. H. Conant. Mary Wearne. A. A. Foa tor, C. L. MUghary, Mlaa M. Kendrtok. Newi of the Wayfarers. Mra John C. French ha gone east to visit her daughter, Mr. Oliver Car penter, In Brooklyn, N. T.. and an route topped In Louisville, Ky., to pend a few day with her on and hi wit. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert French. Mrs. Helen Abbott of New Tork ar rived Thuraday evening on her way eaat from California and remained over until last evening, tha (vest of Mra J. M. Metcalf. Mr. Margaret Pratt Olsaen. recently arrived In Nw York from Bweden, u visiting her niece In California befora romlng to Omaha to visit her nephew, Mr. Wgyland Mage, and Mra. Magaa at 'Summer Hill farm. Mr. and Mra C N. Diet are vtalUnT at Estes Park, Colo., th grueat of Mr. Enoe MlUs. Tby wUl go through tha Orand canyon and visit California be fore returning horn. Visiting Nurses Entertained. A large number of member of too vari ous auxllarle of the visiting Nuraesr sodatlon war entertained Friday af ternoon at th bom of Mr. Robert Doherty. At thla meeting- a large bos of clothing for the relief of tha refugee waa tilled. Arch Deacon Melee apoko of the train paaalng dally through Lavuaanne, gwltserland. crowded with drstltuta refuge a. some of th children wrapped only In aewapapera All of the clothing ill be sect to the horn of Mr. W. R. Adam. S3M Burt tret. not latr than next Saturday. Mra Adams request that any one who la Interested In thla work will kindly send their help to her horn aa soon aa poaibl. Boyd Theater Party. Mia Edna Jacob entertained at a theater party at th Boyd Thursday, when those present were: Mlaaea Miesee Lotta burdlck. Edna Jacobs. Anna David. Ida Bemered. Charlotte Sper, iJolIy mlth. lUleo tirlehoii. Anna, tirtenois. Luncheon and Theater Party. Th Mlaaea Marguerite and Ethel Pratt enurtajned for their elater, Mra A. H. Ellsworth of Mitchell. 8. D at a lunch eon Saturday at the Hotel Loyal, fol lowed by a Boyd theater party, Thoee present were: Mredamea Mesdames A. H. l.ll.worth. r H Weeks. J. H. Hutchison, W. R. Pratt. Mlaaea Mlaaea Fmma laiaworth, Marurtte Pratt. Otrtrude tllsworth. Helen W'eaks. Ethel Pratt. O-Atka Club Meets. The O-Atka club waa entertained Thureday at tha bom of Mlaa Mary Hayes. A miniature Maypole was th centerpiece for the luncheon table. Tbe preaent were: Misers Matf I ChlUon. Hulday tilleon. Uda heia. Carrie Hanson, Mary llim. Murtrl Hutlin. Luna C'urll. Mtaaee Mildred Hansen. Rom Hurth, Katharine Lawless, Rose bheeaa. Marie Melsac, Klhel Hhwla. Return from Washington. Mr. I'liailes I.. iSaundcrs ha returned 1 t&&Ufi Immm ,r A. , . : 3 1 L-..,. 1 1 ST. LOUIS GIRL HERE GUEST OF MRS. PIERpON. i i r1 1 .f Ta mttM4 aragtatM from Waahlngton, D. C, accompanied by hi mother, Mr. Alvln Baundera, who ha been In Wahlngton, with her daugh ter, Mra Rusted Harriaon, for om week. Mr. Baundera Is stopping with Mr. and Mr. Milton Barlow until th weathe permit of opening her summer home on Wait Dodge treet. Mr. Har rison la at preaent at Norfolk, Va.. vis iting her daughter, Mr. Harry William, but may coma to Omaha later In th summer. To Attend Family Reunion. Mr. and Mr. E. J. Corniih of w Tork arrived today to be the gueata of Mr. J. M. Metcalf. They are on their way to California and th last week In June they plan' to be In Portland. Or., for a family reunion at th homo of Mr. Cornish' lter, Mr. Hertech. Mra Metcalf and Judge Corniih and hi fam ily of Llnooln will be there to complete the family gathering, after which Mr. and Mra. Cornish return to San Fran cisco to take boat for New Tork by wai of the Panama canal. At Seymour Lake Club. Tha first membership dinner of the season will be held at the club on Tuea day evening. Among those who .will respond to toasts are Messrs. J. B, White, George Francis, George Macdonald. It. M. Lord, H. C. Forater, X Dean Ringer, W. B, Cheek and 9. E Bedner. Special mnslo ha been arranged for th evening and Vloa President T. L. Comb will pre side. On of tha moat anjoyajsl pro eason erervis at th club waa that of aa outing day given ? tn ladl of the house com mlttaa pastarday, afternoon. There was golf with prises for th man, and put ting eontaata and bridge and whist gatnea for tha ladlea On hundred and aev enty-flv reservations wer mad for th cabaret dinner at o'clock, and th oven Ing wu devoted to dancing. The room were prettily decorated with wild flow ers. Mr. E. A. Rose. Mrs. T. L. Combs, Mrs. John Douglas, Mra H. M. Ander son, Mra. C B. Parson. Mrs. Ortn Mr riU wer In charge of arrangement. Seymour Lake Country club will be formally opened on Friday evening with a splendid dinner-dance. Among those who are cnturtalnlng are: Dr. and Mra William Berry, who will have six guests Henry Nypaard, four: James Corr, fours C. H. Marling, fourtaan; L. Howard, fourj Allen If. Dudley, four; E Bucking. ham, ten, d C. Bhrnw, two: H. O, Wtndhelna. ten. Attend Tale Banquet. Mr. Wlllard IX Hoeford and Mr. John T. Stewart, Id, went to Kanaa City Thuraday evening to attend th Tsl banquet at th Baltimore hotel Friday ovonlng They wer joined by Mr. John Madden, who wont down from Excelsior Springs. Mr. Stewart and Mr. Hosford return homo today and r. Madden will ba homo Monday. Celebrates Birthday. Mia Nalll Fay entertained In honor of her thirteenth birthday at her home. Friday evening. Those preaent were: Misses Misaee rthel Allen. Maude Aasraaa, Ethel Lewis, Nellie Fay, lren Fay, Maater Jeaae Ataman, Will Howseen, Thelma Black. Cell Dodge. L.uiu Mo win. Alarle Thompson, Masters Harold M evens, Harold Fischer, Charle Fay, Pleasures Past Mra C IL Aull antertalned informally at dinner Friday evening for Mr. and Mra. A. K. Gault aad for Mr. aad Mra F. R. Straight Aden Family Reunion. The sixth reunion of tha Aden family wlU be held at the horn of Mra. M. IL Sturgeon today. Thla Is an annual event In th family. Automobile will TJo pro vided for tha gueata to view tha beauti ful park and residence of Omaha. Mra William Kaufroaan of Columbus, Kea daughter of Mrs. Bturgaoa, will assist. Those attending are! Messrs and Meadamea . H. Aden, Ureeham: University Place: Louts Aden. John Aden, Rising City; University rcaoe; V. Dev. H. A. Aden, Ore ham: Mum Tspka AOen of university nao. Wedding Announcement. Th marrlag of Miss Fannlo Knaetar, daughter of Mr. and Mra Louis Kneeter, to Mr. Harry Roaltsky of Bt. Joseph will be celebrated thla siurnoon at tha horn of th brid' parents. Th Rev. j. r. Fleischer will officiate. There will b no (attendants. Th brid will wear whit marqutsatta crepe ever princes lac with labrata trimming of seed pearls. 6ha will carry shower bouquet of UUea of th valley. Her go-away suit will be of buuk chif fon broadcloth. Following a western trip, th young people wUl be at home at SQS North Eighteenth etreet after July L Th wedding of MUs Murrel Boyer, daughter of Mr. and Mra. w. C. Boyer of Council Bluffs, to Mr. John Vitamva will take place Wedneaday, June 1 Thurtda nlrht of last erk the Onion - v-- ,., .... , j ' ? laaMMaMMaw elub nave a nilw-lleneou shower at lha homo of Mr. and Mra. F. A. Kennody for Mi Boyer Thoao preaent were: Mr and Mrs. James P. ln-rmody snd daughter Minnie, Mr. and Mm. Itert Cox and iln.y.-htPM Inlet and Gra'e. and son Hubert: Mr. and Mm. Georre W. KIrod, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hover snd oatiKlitei Mnrrel, Mr. Oeorac W. Sancha and mm Georga. Jr.: Mr. John Vitamva. ttola. Marcaret and Allen Kennedy. Wedding Flans. Announi mi nt ia nialn of the aiipruai'h InK mr,..,'p of Mya Margaret Falilion ,of NorUi llentl and Mr. Ray i'ounley of 'Omaha, tha reremnny ti take plare June 15. Mlea I'alllion la a graduate of Mount t. Mary's academy and la an ac complished mtiaklan and teacher. The wedding of Mlaa Irene B atrl'c O'Nell an1 Mr. LeRoy MarMonaKle will be relebrnted Tueaday morning Juno l. at Kacred Heart church. The ceremony will be performed by Rev. Father Judce I In the tireaence of a few frlenda. Mlse j Myrtle Sroufe will lie the maid of honor . and Mr. Thomas perran heat man. The J wedding will he followed by a weddlne; i hreakfast at the home of the bride's father. J. K. OKell. After a ahort wed ding trip the young couple will reside in Omaha. The wvddlng of Mis Maurlnc Lehn- off and Mr. Evert Lynne. Kllgore will be celebrated Wednesday evening, Jun at the North Side Christian church at o'clock, p. m. Mlas Helen Davis of Newton. Ia., will be the maid of honor, and tho brides maids wilt be Miss Gayle Thompson and Mlaa Mad. line Meti. Miss Janet Lehn hoff and Mm Frances Miller of Newton, cousins of the bride, will be tho flower girls, and Misses Louise Thomp son. Virginia Powell and Audrey and Iris Kllgore. th latter niece of th groom. will stretch th ribbons. The groom will be atttended by Mr. Earl Josselm of Cheyenne aa best man. The ushers will he Messrs. Alvln Forrey and Mr. Carl Cain. Mlaa JoMptune Craig, Mr. charle Cook and Misa Jessie Cady will hav charge of th music Griffin-Hunziker Wedding. Miss Kuth Hunslnker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunslnker. and Mr. Maurlc B. Ortffin were married In St. Phllomena'a church, Tuesday. Th brid waa gowned In whit crepe meteor, mad with court train and trimmed with seed pearl and duchess laoe. Her veil was worn In the Juliet cap style and hung to tho end of her train and he carried a shower bouquet of bride's rosea and lllllea of the valley. Her maid of honor, Miss Marlon McCaf frey, wore a frock of pink Georgette crepe, with overdress of white plaited tulle and bat to match. She carried an armful of pink sweet pea. Th bridesmaid. Miss Esther Zang, cousin of the bride, and Mis May Grif fin, sister of the groom, wer gowned alike, In pink taffeta, with hats to natch. PRIZE CONTEST We Serve a 75c Table d'Hote Dinner Every Sunday. As this dinner is, ef course, for th public we would Ilk every person interested to submit a sampl menu of a 7 to dinner they personally would like, and the menu chosen from those sub mitted will b served the follow ing Sunday. It should be borne In mind that tho dinner will b served for 7So per person and cost will b on of th deciding factor, Th prise will be a - $6 Book of Meal Tickets and on will he awarded each week to tho person whoa menu la chosen. Menua received un to midnight Thursday each week will be counted in the contest for the following Sunday dinner. Those recetv ea after Thursday will be considered, in tne next week's contest. The name of the winner will b published each Sunday with th menu to b served that day. GANSOrfS CAFE 1508-10 Howard Street Special Announcement Owing to the hplendid Bucocsg of our DEMON STRATION and FREE INSTRUCTION in the making of everything from DENNISON'S CREPE AND TIS SUE PAPER at the Burgess-Nash Company We have arranged for Misa Burns to etay another Week. Miss Bums, is bar free Instructions, will particularly featur tha fascinating art of making erep rope baskets and rop weav ing, tabla decorations. Jack Horner plea, else trie and candle shades, mats, doilies, in fact everything that can ba produced from this useful material. Bring your party requirements to Miss Burns and she will show you how to make your dinners and luncheons ft unique success. DENNISON MANTJPAOTURINCr COMPANY At Burgess-Nash Company. An invisible aid to beauty 3MEH HAIRNET 5c lUf luai iaauiuustujct Ul, wear Carmen, the Quality Hair Net. Wi ataxy aas ta Ciiwis far sewr antsaane i swuaae kaar WILL SPEND SUMMER WITH HER SISTER. r" ' ' ' " ' . e ..... They carried sweet peas. Little Miss Esther Jsne Hanlon carried the ring In a basket of flowers. The groom was attended by Mr. Ceorge Roache. The ushers were Meaara. John Fitxpatrlrk and George Me-Shane. The church was beautifully decorated with pink and white bloaooms, and white satin bows marked the pews. After the wedding ceremony breakfast was served to the wedding party and relatives In the breakfart room at the Fontenelle. Th young couple lejt for th east that evening, to be gone until Jun 1. The (Continued on Page Three, Column Two.) Films Develped FREE When Purchased From fa All Others, Developed, 10c. Pilnta 8c to 5c Toat Cards Be 24-Hour Service. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Photo Craft Shop "Film Bpeciallsta." 416 BEE BUILDING Mail Orders Filled Promptly. Winning Menu for 75c Dinner, which will be served Sunday, May 23, from 12 to- 8:30 p.m. Spring Vegetable Soup Saratoga iFlakes Radishes Young Onions Baked Lake Superior Trout, Parsley Sauce Choice of Boast Sprlne- Chicken, Giblet Dressing Roast 191J Sprlne Lamb, Fresh Mint Hauce Roast Prima Rib of Beef Natural Oravy New potatoes in Cream New Asparagus Vlnagrette Combination Salad French Dressing Fresh Strawberry Sunda and Cake Coffe Submitted by CaroUae Carpal. Set of Baylies Bros.' Salt Dept. Music wui-matw appearance A style for every coif. lure a shade for any hair. Ak your dsaUr for tb Carmen Booklet" Latest Styles in liairarcaaiag K rre. Sty! Carmen Net Is S Inches with knotted aad. Look for (A Carmen mnmlopm 5c t-xh at YO hi l. n a 1 If u 3B LIFETIME GIFTS for the June Bride Our large stock offers an almost endleas variety of suitable and appropriate gifts for the June bride, such ns n stPTime dilver. Sterling Flat Ware Leather Goods, Diamond Jewelry and many other distinctive and useful articles. Come in tomorrow and let us aid you in making your selection . tS5fCb. , TMSiiev eJTl7rrw' xIeweixrs ISA SOU LAS OeAA High Class Traveling Goods at First Cost You Pay No Middle man Profit W still have a lot of high class traveling- goods . that we bought before we started to make our own, and will sell them at cost to closs them out. We make a very fine line of wardrobe trunks ourselves, whlrh we sell direct to you. Our $45.00 ward robe trunks are equal to any f 65.00 trunks on the market. You save 120.00 by coming here. Every Cornish trunk guaranteed. Alfred Cornish & Co. IgaanfaettLrsra of alamesr, ale and Traveling Croode. 1S10 rsmam Street. Omaha. GOOD PURE COFFEE is invigorating and healthful for almost everyone. You may be very sure of se curing the highest grade coffee obtain able when your grocer delivers Fontenelle Brand It's a rare blend of superior merit Try a pound today. IS '"H nrif f A HOTEL LOYAL wilt terv a special DINNER ON SUNDAY at 12 to 3 F. M. sfgtoyf. Jt AT $1.00 PER PLATE 7Me May Be Reserved Real Jitney Service u ior ona-nair tha rssular taxi faj-. Quick Bervlc la what bullda our buslneaa. Try ua once. Vou'll be a bnoeter too. Uniform States i Court eo as Bervlc. DOl'GLAH 4K11 OMAKA MOTOB BUI UIT Window Shades Gleaned WWiast Shade Factory Ws,n(sc'.ursrs ssd Cleaner ' J Fsrnani Doug. !22l t ( ii I : ( a i J m u 1 i 1- I .- I 7 i J