THE OMAHA SUNDAY BI.K.- MAY J, 11M.J. 11 A EVERYBODY SAFTER REOS Sales Manager Rueschaw hat a Try ing Time as Dealers Maka Pleas for More Cars. FACTORY IS WORKING MGHT3 "Whm a dralrr says 'plesse' and othor nlie things to the rales munaurr of nn nutomoMIe company, there l .only una 'oncluflon to be drawn, anil that Is that that denier wants cars anJ wants them mighty bmlljr." .said. laushlnRly. ltobert Huenrhnw as ha showed a telegram Just received from the Alinncapolls distribu ter of Ken " Ties so. dear Mr. Fales Manager, won't you ship Mlnnrapolts six extra arloads of Reus, any model tteos. Just as Ion as they are Ueos, and soon, t'aakes Auto company.' "That's a sample of 125, average, tele crams 1 receive every day only they are not all so sweetly worded as that one. They run the gamut sll the way from nwetir words to pet phrases mostly swenr word or other language that might as well be, since their meaning Is clear. "Factory is running to capacity and beyond, for we have had an extra, night shift on for several weeks. So ea.h dealer Is getting his full quota, accord ing to his original allotment. But the i-ry li for more Just a few extra enr loads. ' And they never ro satisfied 'why Minneapolis got a trainload otil:' lust week. ' (iratlfylnnr, lint Tr-rlasv. '.'It is most rmtlfvlnir and at the samo time most trying to the poor sales man ager. It taxes his Ingenuity and his in tegrity to the limit to keep all deah-rs satisfied and to keep them feeling that each Is getting Just the same treatment as all others. Borne of them won't be lieve that and so quite a percentage of the telegrams are accusations of partial ity, while others are In the nature of bribes to sentiment. "We are gulng like a house afire though, and we hope to catch up soon. Material Is piled tip so high on the fac tdry doom that It broke through in two place last week. That material Is go ing through the machines Just as fast as possible, considering always quality. More machinery has been Installed, more men put to work and we are doing our level best to make enough Meos to go .round. i ', "Nice telegram that from Fawkes be lieve I wilt try to squeeie out three ex tra carloads for htm. That will ease Minneapolis up a bit even if it doesn't wholly satisfy Its hunger for Reos." Europeans Marvel at American Cars European are watching closely the per formance of American cars ia the great war, and upon the service they give de. pends the demand for the various Amerl ' can makes when the war Is over, accord . ing to Jules Gulndey, Detrolter distrib utor in France. ' "American rara have given extraordl narily good service, and have withstood the-" hard usage much better than - the smaller European cars," writes Mr. Uuinv dey from tfahtes, France, at which point he is stationed as a member of tho motor dlspatoh corps. T am "arising an" old model A Detrolter which has been In service every day since the war broke out under conditions which have been too much for .even the larger Frepch and English cars. "It Is an 111 wind that blows no one good, and the splendid record of several American makes of moderate price cars will mean a big business for them when the war la oven It is certain that people who wish to purchase tars will prefer American cars, and even If It were other wise it wfll be a long time before French manufacturers will be In shape to make and market cars. The prices of French cars and parta have advanced from 15 per cent to 20 per cent, which will prove a big factor also In favor of American cars." ' ' Bee Want Ads Produce Results.. Large Shipment of ; Hupmobiles is on i the Way to Omaha j W.'t Huffman has Just returned from; Detroit, where he has been "lobbying" for the last week, and as a result of his visit has secured an additional l"0 lncd"4 K Ilupmohilos for Immediate shipment, and 'the cars will arrive In Orriahn the early part of this week. His sue-ess Is quite remiirkable In view of the recent announcement of the factory that they had all tho orders they could possibly fill for the next two or three months, but Mr. Huffman's long association with the factory ami splendid selling record established with them was of such suffi cient Importance to warrant them mak ing him this extra concession. 1916 Davis iSix ' Makes Its Debut Gossip Along the Automobile Row W. T. Wilson of the W. T. Wilson Au tomobile company received his first ship ment of 1V14 Davis cars last week. In the shipment wss Included the famous psrlor car model which has the Individ ual front seats, the driver's seat being adjustable and the companion seat of tho swivel type which permits the occu pant to face in any direction. The space between these seats makes, them ns ac cessible from the tonneau as from the front doors. There has been considerable local interest shown In this car since Its construction embodies such standard units as the Continental motor, Warner transmission and fhcldon platform springs, end considering the prlco of $1,415 It will no doubt , command a generous portion of the local business during the present season. Mr. Wilson In an Inter view yesterday stated that It waa rot a question of how many he could sell, but rather how many he could get. Harry T. Dunn Joins Overland Company Harry T. Dunn, president of the Fisk Rubber company since Us inception, has acquired an Interest and has become vice president and a director of the Willys Overland company of Toledo, O., and in the future will devote the major portion of his time to that organization. . It was under Mr. Dunn's 'leadership tbut the Fisk Rubber company attained Its present- prominence and prestige In the tlre .Industry. ' This -connection culminates a long-time personal friendship that has existed be tween Mr. Willys and Mr. Dunn. The rajjld growth, of the Willys-Overland company and th plana which Mr. Willya has formulated for Its future de velopment' brought about the present ar rangement The personnel of the Fisk Rubber com pany and the Willys-Overland company will remain unchanged. ' t . - ' ' PIERCE-ARROW TO MAKE , , NOTHING BUT SIXES A great many rumors have been afloat regarding what the ".Plerce-ArrowTHofor Car company Is making; or going to make. These rumors have brought from the company a reiteration or their pre viously announced policy for the calendar year of 1915, and an addlt'onal state ment, which should have the effect of stilling all rumors predicting radical changes in FierceArrow cars. The company s complete statement is as follows: " 'Series Three' Fierce-Arrow models will be continued, as previously an nounced, throughout the calendar year of 1911 "If by the end of' that period, our en gineers havo been able to perfect any re finements, we will Incorporate them In, a new series of six cylinder models. ' "When we have found and developed something really better than our present 'altf.'- our friends shall Ihave the benefit of thut. development." It is a rather unusual condition for an automobile, concern to have two cus tomers Xor every car In stock, but that was the case at the Huffman salesroom during the week, but all orders were cared for, although it was necessary to csll upon some of the branch houses te nmk,. quick trips to Omaha with Hup mobiles. Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock the Lincoln branch was communicated with over the telephone to bring jp a model K Hupp, and at 6.1;. the car ar rived and a waiting customer climbed in and went on to his destination In Iowa without even putting In a drop ot water or any gasoline, as the engine was quiet and cool as If it had only been driven around the block. This car was taken by J. R. Teriwllllger of Defiance, la. Pome indication of the amount of busi ness being done at the Chandler factory is furnished by the report of the Western Union Telegraph company on number ot wires sent over the private Chandler line. According to this report the volume of telegrams over the Chandler private wires during the last two weeks exceeded thet of any other organisation In the city of Cleveland. Tho Traynor Autcvrtohlle company de livered during the last week a Cole eight touring car to N. P. wanson, a roadster wf tho same type to W. O. Preston and a four cylinder touring car to John Hal pine. The Oakland Motor Car company hss Just announced a new four cylinder car to sell for tl.M. Three styles of bodies are offered including a speedster, roadster and touring car. C. J. Corkhlll of the local Ifaynea branch is anxiously awaiting the arrival of the first )'!') Haynes car w filch left the factory Thursday. Sales Manager Hood of the Priggn Detrolter company has been spending the last few dnys with the Fred (J, "uffma company Who handle the Detrolter In this territory- "Three years ago," says President F. A. 6elberllng of the Goodyear Tire and Rub ber Co.. "bankers wore wondering where the people of the United States would get the money to pay for the 150,000 automo biles then manufactured. There are now 1,600,600 machines in use and next year the number will pass the 2.000,000 mark. This great expansion of the automobile business will require millions ot addi tional tires." During the fifth International 600-milo sweepstakes race May 29 a "thousand" dollar Interstate will act as official pho tographers car for Coburn Brothers ot Indlanalolls. who will register the thrills of this big classic on the "movje film.'' The car will be furnished by George M. Kanouse of the Kanouse Automobile company, Indiana distributers of the In terstate. ing one of the Muscat smvessea Uial ever has been announced In automobile circles. DeaWrs everywhere arc MMidluv In orders for the six-'cyllmlcr "nr. In fact, they are coming tn such Inrtrn num bers that to tho ontsldrr it would perm almost like a myth. Malereyelo Mote. The first two-dav end.rance run of the Waterloo ilit. .Motor- el.- club will l.o held on May 30 and ".1. The com Be. will Ipmbalily be a fc mile i Irciiit, and at i le-int flflv entil'S are expected for the ' vo". I Oi. k ( Hil. n and ' luid" llaker of ; tli I. ' . liiv- stalled on a mo tor. M In i.lVe to the Han Francis ex i P' sit Ion. I Tlio openim; of National Motorcyeln ! week i 'lv 2;; will b observed In Mil ' wiiukei- If . t-.'i- of I ;o MMnaukoe Mo. I torcyc'.o rlub to OkMiehee lake, i li-. -'ii.l.- m .t-.i'i yci. rue will be 'M:i:rl a: Madison. Wis., on .May ;. I On .Mav '.!. at Toledo. O.. the Interstate Haclns association will bold the first of Its series of motorcvclo meets. ' Tl. Ari't..l.l ...!-. .wl ft- lit vVA emtio!! of Anierlcnn Motorcycle Is'allnnil convention t tHnrsiivntn la t'le Travel ers. t.eorae of Viuicom er. H. C'.. Is ridinK his motorcycle to New Voi k Cltv. A new motorcycle club with a charter membership of rifts has liecn formed at letr.i't. Mich. From Wiishlngton. !'., to Tidsa. (ikl. That Is tl.c trip being undertaken by Mrs. J. J'"Ttlldebrsnd end her daughter. Kb v. They hnv-e already eovrred about orie-lmlf of the ditan'o. About elulitr rnrrhhus ' In line for the simiinl plcnb- of th" Providence i It. 1.1 Motorcycle rlnl. A'mmt Imlf of the riders carried sidecar faasenrrcrs. Another inotorc cllst wlio Is making a tranm ontlnenl nl trip to the Panama es pi sltton la lister U. Stryker of Kllr.a beth. N. J. Frederick W. Cordes and Miss MnrJorle V. I'linneM, who were recently married, ore spcnitloE their honecmoon on a mo torcycle trip tluoimh the cmhI. Saxon Firm Breaks ' "AIT Sales Records The close of the month of April marked the finish of the biggest month so far as shipments were concerned that the Baxon Motor company ever has had. This month showed an Increase of 300 per cent orer the same period of last year. Coincident with the announcement ot this record It is made known that the pioduction for the month of May-will be still larger than April, the schedule oat put calling for at least 3,000 cars. This unprecedented output la duo te the flood of orders that have come Into the bit Detroit factory ot the Saxon com pany. On one day 259 orders for earliest possible delivery were received. ' Judging from the demand In all parta of the country the six-cylinder Saxon, first marketed several weeks ago, is pror- 1 Js I . Another Reason Why You Should Use A TIKES Most for Your Money in Service as Well as Most for Your Money in Tires ' Here in. Omaha today is an example of manufacturer's policy carried straight through to the consumer. In the Akron Factory the Firestone Company is sparing no pains to make Firestone Tires of utmost value to the motorist. . . In Omaha we are backing that definite quality of manufacture by just as definite quality of service. You ffet the benefit. Your turchase of a. Firefitnne " - w D . w Vfc'lS V only the best the tire makers know of material and workmanship, but a 1 1 a. 1 1 ...... w ufcsi neip our repair experts can give you. Our repair car and men are at your service day, night or Sunday, and no charge. within 15 miles of Omaha. Telephone Douglas 3646 from wherever you are when you need tire repairs. Ef ficient help will be rushed to you immediately. NOYES AUTOMOBILE CO. 2066-68 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. -If r ! A v rr. i Vi' m m : l i s rowjfieitm&A XSmm3lh mmkmmm ri ! i ite : fev W ' irV'V 1 B itei l: i ' V ! V J PI : nil i 5 I tira . 'ti 1 1 ii 'i m 1 1 1 i in . v -x. wtt i i. hi r n i'.w r i t i i" ,a v m m w w m w r " : ; m i in i r V4nl 1 1 :.if!,?NJ i j in; i i i I Wm SmMmtmmmrm i iiiisiii IpI j SL ' V. '1' '. ' lih) .1 I. W MM M.I I'll M l MI'I'.'" I.I II 'lill'l tl i 1 4 . ill I lit, IH I I i I : ' ' 1 1. ; II in . 1 . ,' Jr "gs-V ! i I II i:i'! : '!!, i :i ! -:, , lSi , ! i ii :fi ' i 'I ll'l: h " i M,- .:M,ir!lr r ii , ;;;;! i!1 ! nil ;i !'! lHI!l lill!l!"l:1 II Don't yoa think that of all the new 1915 Models yon havo seen the Reos Four and Six are by far the most beautiful the most distinctive in design the most graceful in contour and altogether the most impressive and pleasing. Of course you know a Reo by sight it's a part of motoring education to be able to distinguish the more famous makes of cars by sight? All automobiles look alike only to the inexperienced and the unobserving.' So, if you don't know a Reo by sight you should avail yourself of the first opportunity to study and familiarize yourself with the points of desigm as well as of construction and finish of the two latest Reos. tYqu will soon ;learn to recognize the Rco frcDit-:; v thradiatdr witli ihe curve at front ; ; and the famous Kep. name; plate. ; i . .. . I I . I I - Note at the same time . ; : how the sloping lines of the bonnet v ; ' blend into the car&fuHy moulded cowl and the' latter in turn into the toxe stream-lin o body. Once these jhaye been fixed in your mind; , you will recognize every Reo as it glides . : silently, smoothiy, swiftly past you. You'll be surprised ito find how mtmy Reos there are on tfiie rtuds hereabout. And the more Reos "yon see the more will you learn to admire them the more will you covet a Reo. Both are Great Big Beautiful Cars the Six just a little bigger than the Four when you see them standing side by sideT And when you are studying the lines and the curves that make Reos beautiful and distinctive take advantage of the occasion, to test also the riding qualities and the engineering excellence that make Reos famous? Need we repeat the warning ' that if you want a Reo of either Model your order must be in our hands at once else we may hav to disappoint you. Demand is tremendous Reo year, this. KKJP ,JUa- - ml 1 105O E. DOTY Inc. $1385 . S. 2027-2029 Farnam Street Telephone Douglas 8551 ssvw sHaaaBaniaBMJHSBaBBSBaaBHaan