THK HKK: OMAHA. SATURDAY. MAj 22. VAX ROCKEFELLER AND i WALSHJN CLASH OoU Magnate Takes Vigorous Ex-i ITALIAN CAVALRY READY FOR WAR The picture shows a company of the far famed Italian horsemen at practice over difficult hazards at the recent maneuvers. The Man Who Knows Looks for Quality Clothes Not merely surface appearance, the part yon can see at a glance, but the covered tailoring, the real basis of good clothes, the part upon which shape retaining and real satisfaction depends. They always find it in Hart, Schaffner & Marx ception to Questions Asked by Commission Chairman. DEITIES PRESSURE ON COURTJ; WASHINGTON. May 21. Just be- j fore John D. Hock fHlor, Jr.. re- J fumed hi testimony today before thjj industrial relation rominf.Blon, the I i-oniniiMoner met in executive bom-i slon to ronller the "round rabbin"; went last night railing for more mod ! prate treatment of vitnop-n-H. Son ' of the commiflslonern did not conceal ) that they thought the ' rhalrntan'r. ! questioning of Mr. Itorkefeller ywj terday should have been modified. ! After the executive nenrlon, the! other commlflKlonera did not make public their letter to Chairman Walsh, which it wa understood thy would do, should their MUftgetion s;o unheeded. Chairman Walnh said he did not know what had happened In tha executive Reunion. 'The examination of Mi. Rockefeller," he "ha and will txj rond'irtori with due eonsiii.rstlon and tho lruu will he arrived at" Mr. Rorkrf,,r KHn today by rad. i a rrl'ared atatemmt which re lated to chairman WhIh:i questioning on tile view of the regularity of the ren-vk-tinn of Jolin It. Ijin n. a mine witrK era' offiw. Mr. Rockefeller spoke of xlnlster reflection in said Chairman Walah'a qu.stlona had been framed to n.aka It apiar that Mr. Knckf!l,r ron t5d there had twn wilful Umprrinf with the court. Hit statement follow: Haekefetler Heads IMateaaeat. John, l. Rockefeller. Jr.. resuming tha witneea auind today, read the followlnf rtatement: Blnce (ivlni my testimony yesterday I have read with eara the tenoa-rapher' transcript of the questions asked by the chairman of tha commission In reference to the Lwaon trial, and my view of car. tain hypothetical caeca and the couree 1 ould take ahould the facta aubsenuvntly prove to be aa presented. "A theae question , all relate to a . rlnilnal appeal at present , iNndln be fore tha court of thla country. 1 feel that my poeltlon cannot he too precisely stated, both aa respect Dm queatlona already aaked and queatlona of a similar nature which may he addreaaed and I therefore desire to give to thla commla alon by opinion on thane mattera In the form of a written atatement whlrh will be uneouorlcal nod admit of no misun derstanding or misinterpretation. "Aa already expreaeed my cplnlmi la thai Justice ahotild be administered aa to be above auspt'-fcrti and If In any ma terial particular the trial of Mr. Iwnn haa been wanting In tlNa respect, I for ona ahould dealre to ee the aupreme court of "Colorado, to which the appeal he been taken, fexrefullr consider vary Kround that may be urged and grant a new trial ahould any material ground be sustained. . Jta Attempt to laflaeare Coarta. "I have no mora right than hue any other citizen In thla country to attempt to Interfere wltft or Influence the court of justice, and queatlona which are so frumed aa to aeek to put me In the pual tlon of appearing to concede thai there have been wilful tampering with the court or of atattng what I am prepared to do to Influence the future count of Juatlc. either aa respect Mr. Lew ion or any other peraon, I cannot regard them aa other than improper queatlona and a direct reflection upon thoae who the charged with the administration of justice. To sinister reflection! of thla Kind I must decline to be a party even by InferetHf. "Were I either directly or Indirectly to attempt to Influence the Judiciary of Culorado ar-repect the pre Kent appeal In Mr. Uvwn't trial, i ahould lie gritty of the very procedure against which aitneaae before this commission have ao atrongly proteatod and whltji myelf havo not lea strongly condemned, and 1 hope that the chairman of the rommiMlon will not expect from me repliea to any uueetkint which Imply that I believe "there have been guilty of unlawful or Improper acta In the administration of Juatlce or that I entertain a position au perlor to that of any other rltlaen of the rapobllo either before the 'law or to warda tta admlnlatratlon." When Mr. Rockefeller conoluded. Chair man Walah, aald: "If then are any queatlona I ask that you think ahould not be anawered. you ahould etate tho fact and the commla alon wlU oonaidor what ahould be done. 1 suppose your blah regard for law cx tende to all offlcera charged with ad mlnlatratlon of the law". "Tea," aald Mr. Rockefeller. "Ted haven't a contempt for offl-era of tho law who do not your bidding?" "I don't undertake to direct the of flcera of the law." '1o you undertake to 'coerce officer of tha lawf .... "We don't undertake to get officer of the law la any poaltlon. That la entirely proper. Bewere Writea mt eraer. Chairman Walsh then read a Utter wrtttea to Mr. KocheleUrr by U M. Ho war, former atprintendrnt ? tl executive department Of the Colorado Fuel and Iroo cvniDeov on November la, 1U. which tnoluded the folio ln- ToU will be Interested to know that have bwen able to cure the co-opera ttoa of all the beukere ef tbe city, oho have bad tbrae or four InUrvte. wittt our lltUe ooaboy govemoi, agroelng te beck the elate and land It all the funda neoeaeery to maintain the mllltla and af ford ample protection ao that our miner could return to work or alve piotertlon to men. who am anklotia lu come up here from Texas. New atetlco and kanaaa. to getler with aume from aiate tartber eaeC Baeldee the banker, the fiatnher of Commerce, the Heal Ketate -. lianas together elth a great litany of the best businraa men. have bveti '.irgiiw the gov ernor to take lis lu drive Ibvee vk taua agtiatora out i( live etet. Another niigtity power It been rounded up In bebaif of tl operator by gatrMtrtng to telttr of fourteen of the editor of tit muet Important aewpap.'re In Oenver, ruleo, Trtiuda. Wals-nburg, Coiuradu Mprinae end other of the larger placee la tne etate Bull tha govtrnor bobnoba with Hayes, laoson. Ijfnnsn and the rest of tha tng. or eithor refusrs or bega for more tuna to bring ll strike lo an end. or j I v . - h 1 . vv-im.v.v .11 VI titl ing la outsider la take the place of ho hate left the state end those r ' In tiiese murderous assaults m o we retusa to taut ba k und-r auy Ir niniHtance. X et m era n,il ln a little headway. 1 ner piotktly never be been euch pressure Lroit te beer upon any gov erivjr ef tlita elate by the strongest men In It aa baa teen brought to bear uputi ovrnor Ammotia. We have published eialajjirnta of tt.e earnina of th mln re, tsluub tUe eilatora Oieputed, Mid the G3 it it a ' II J "iffili "i7 I i'i'"awif issiiiT Jn7f7i?TTi nV"'7i'iTi'ii iT iRtr7!' il'i ?l'ii'M'''itf IBIIsaH T"T"-"Bai'S? governor expreaaea great doubt aa to ita accuracy. Commissioner Walah' alao called Mr. Rockefeller! attention to another letter written to him by Rowere on recf mber t. 191. In which the latter eald: , If the governor had acted on September tX aai he bee been forced lo act during the lent few week this atrlke never would have existed ten daya. We need evry poealble weapon to drive him to action, but h waa glove In hand with the labor lenders, and la today, but the big, men of affaire have helped the operators In whipping the agltatora. Including the governor. These followers are cursing him without regard for com mon decency, so everybody la giving hint more or leaa taffy to keep him from backsliding. Th enclosed 1 a sample of the resolutions being sent to hlin. be side any number of personal letter. "Po theae letter ahow your pollcyr akea Chairman Walah. "trid.I write thoae lottera7" demanded Mr, Rockefeller. "No, but you received them." i'd the chairman. ' "Hut I did not write them, ao they can scarcely Ve ! I to ahow mr nolle." r lurned Mr. Rockefeller. ' ' Wanted Utfleera to Do ety. "I propose to rail your attention to alx lettera written by you. In which you aay that you back up these action by Mr. Howers." ' The lettera mean.' returned Mr. IWk cf filer; that there waa disorder Id Colo rado. Naturally every cltlxon would use every Influence to get the public officer lo do their, duty." if declared emphat ically that It wna absolutely necessary for him to "back up" tho men placed In charge of the coal properties. . Several tlmea he objected to form and nature of the chairman' questional When Mr. tVabin agreed that Mr. Rockefeller could atuiwer queatlona aa he wished, the tense situation appeared to be relieved. Knows .Nothtwit of False Wrlakli. The chairman aeked for a telegram from ITeslilout Wellxun of the coal com pany to Mr. Rockefeller- regarding the price of coal during the atrlke. "Wasn't It a fact." aaked Chlraman Walah, "that the price of coal waa raised during the atrlke and that It waa prohibitive lo the joorT" "I didn't know what the prloo of coal was and bad knowledge only of our own coal, not about that of other produce ra." "1I1 you know that Attorney Oeaeral Karrer of Colorado went to the governor and asked him for the uao of the mllltla to Install strike breaker In your mine?" "I knew nothing of It," aald Rockefel ler. "Did your company cheat th coal miner In weight T" "Never to my knowledge. "lld th companle with which you combined cheat their menf" "We never combined with eny other companies." said Mr. Rockefeller. He added that the Colorado companle merely Joined together to act in tbe strike. "Tour father paid .0OO for aending out alleged fact for the coal operator of Colorado?" "Yea, but It waa understood the money was to be peld back by the operator." Mr. Walsh read a letter by Mr. 'Bower. Raying "one or two of the competitive companies were cheating their mlneia throuiih false weight." Mr. Rockefeller aald he knew nothing of that. Mr. Walah aaked if Rockefeller did not think h. a a director of the company, rhould take ate'ia to have "criminal t a loon keepers' ousted from the mining camp. Mr. Rockefeller returned that state official ahould enforce the lawa. Ksset Little at Meaaaere. Mr. Walsh read several letter written by Mr. Rockefeller promising lupport to th company offlcera Mr. Walsh asked If Mr. Rockefeller was acquainted with the detail of th iiUdlow "inaasacre" and gave a grui hit description of It. Mr. Rockefeller aald he bad no knowledge of the detail. "On the same day a th I.udloa- ina aacre," Walah asserted, "dd you not learn that there waa a little boy killed?" "1 braid a boy waa shot." aald Rocke feller. Walsh then called attention to a- com pany taUtiieiit that th women of Ijud -low were smothered and then read a poet card addreaaed lo him by a Mr. and Mra. Hnyder at Trinidad, aaylng: "We wish to Inform you thai here la one of th tittle victim of Ludlow, not smothered, but waa shot through th head while rareaslng his little slater." "On the bark of this card I a photo graph of the little buy, Frank Snyder," id Walsh. "Po you wish to aee It?" Val!i handed th card to a messenger. Who offered It te Rockefeller. "You have described It thoroughly," aid Rockefeller. He glaaoed at tbe card a it waa passed to th stenographer. Walah read from lettere and report to ahow that Troop A, a veluuleer organisa tion, waa formed of superintendents, cler- Icel force and mine guard of the coal companle. "Ho you know that thla troop fired Into the tent of the women and children at Ludlow nnd that they looted the dead and art fire to the tent of the people T' aaked Walsh. " do not " "I regard any Inatanc where private individuals have to atipplement regular authorities to protect life and property a mot deplorable." Mr. Rockefeller de clared In answering a eerie of queatlona. "Our officer had to uae mean at hand to supplement th efficiency of the tate. I deplore tke necessity for putting mine guard Into the field n "A th men of troop A were paid by the Colorado fuel and Iron company, do you not feel a moral responsibility for the Ludlow maaaacre?" aaked Mr. Walsh. ."I would have felt much greater re sponsibility," Rockefeller replied, "If of ficer of the company had not made an effort to protect life and property." . k Aaked If he though It waa. right' for guards to loot the homes, of people, Mr. Rockefeller replied- f ' "Certainty not. whoever they were."1' ,' "Mr. I Rower In a letter recommend Lealle Weekly." an Id Chairman Walah. "I ahow you a copy of Leslie' Weekly, with a full page Ptandard Oil company advertisement on the back cover, I there any ' connection between 'theae two thing?" "I resent the Imputation." aald Mr. Rockefeller. "There la absolutely no connection at all." Qaestloaa A boat Ivy Lee. Walsh queatloned Rockefeller about his employment of Ivy Lee, publicity agent He called attention to Lee's recommenda tion that "we cannot bo too careful In the Use of term," "I believe that aound philosophy." aald Rockefeller. ' "Isn't that plea for mendacity?" aaked the chairman, "or a plea for the uae of half truth which amount to mendacity " "If I had thought ao," returned . Mr. Rockefeller, "I would not have touched Mr."? Leo or anyone who held uch Ideal with' a ten-foot pole." Replying to question based on state ments sent out by Lee,' Mr. Rockefeller declared emphatically that he never 4 ' thought of or referred to the American people "with contempt." The Bee Rooster. Want Ad Are Best Buainea ml mil J fi i lii i If f.Ul.ll 1JIJ1 -J I 7 ;Lfn li - Men I si - The Store of the Town. Browning. King & Company Spring Suits Special Values Shown Saturday m9 2pv There's snap and go to the styles; the fabrics are pure wool or silk and wool; the tailoring is of the very highest quality, and every suit is folly guaranteed. The Varsity Fifty-Five Model with its many variations is a style that immediately catches the fancy of all the young fellows and many of the older ones, also. Every weave and coloring that is most desirable. New Glen Urquhart plaids, new checks and stripes. Saturday, the last day of our OFi-EiliNG OJ!4 PALM BEACH SUITS with every pur chase of a Spring Suit at the before unheardof price Any $10.00 Spring; Suit and a Palm Beach Suit Any 116.00 8prlng Suit and a Palm Beach Suit Any $20.00 Spring Suit and a Palm Beach Suit Any $26.00 Spring Suit and a Palm Beach Suit Neoeaaary Alteration on Both Suita Free. ..1 Jt W A $l ll.OO 16.00 Sl.OO 26.00 The Very Best Uf A wT1l7 1VT OOAC All Our Suits ' Clothing SrUFL 1 JLJJLdLv MJBJU. Guaranteed We want to impress you with our Clothing Values without a waste of words or money in advertising. Will'you look at our Suits?. Will you try one on? If you'll go so far the Glothes will do the rest. Compare Our 15 SralL With any other at $20 Geo. T. Wllaon, Mgr. Browning, King & Company ii NOTHING is so suggestive of Coca Cola's own pure deliciousriesa at tbe picture cf a beautiful, tweet, wholesome, wotnarJy woman. Denand the fanuiM fey fuQ naate nirhnsmee eacoura auseUtution. Thb Coca-Cola Co. Atlanta, oa, .IK acccrvcB ar taae ranMai araicT Ma M A . Nil. setOMC MtMU ?H ir(tytsl& iaauwaerr Mex ; 6A.U. 10 1101a . v ' 8tLoul,K0,lU7 18,15 H&r&AO BrosOaa&a(febr ' ' . Ooodi purohnttd froa Barsadla lollttrlok'atooktltl'vlft.tkliagi) i ... r Sly talker DOG,'; The above telegram is self-explanatory. Our buyers, ever-watchful for the best inter ests of this store, and our customers, were among the first and largest purchasers at this -great million dollar sale. The stocks are exceedingly broad and comprehensive and will be placed on sale beginning Monday, May 24th, at pricings which will offer our custo- ; mers saving opportunities on summer needs seldom equaled and never surpassed. WATCH SUNDAY PAPERS FOR PARTICULARS AND PRICES. Have You a BUSINESS ef of Any Kind? Do You ADVERTISE That Business? If you do not you are not conducting it in a money-making way. One of the best ways to get new business is by using the Want Ad col umns of The Bee. Trying vto make money out of your business without advertising is like trying to reap the harvest of the fields without a harvesting machine. If you have anything to sell, no matter what it may be, and you want speedy results, use Bee Want Ads. ex? mitW'aals rr'.'.'Trrrr.'T rrm. re ensWSaertrajkeaMWJsve'ejUBj ( . m i 3 a 3 3 a