Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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I !!.".
Companion of Cost of Foodstuffs
ia Germany Now and Before
the War and Here.
Old Mara, god of war, ! the well
known pl o High Cost of J,lvlnir. who
hM keen Melting In our midst here In
th V. B. A. fop some little time now,-
While High Coat of Living has not yet
departed. It is evident from tha War
prices of foodstuffs in Osrmany thai Ms
blf brother U vlsltlntr thr. Inquiry at
Hayden Brothers reveals the fart that
fin the staples of life the prion In rjor
Imany today are from JO per cent to )
par cent higher than on the earn thing
, In Omaha.
Hera Is a lint of article as published
In The Baa recently, showing prices In
fJermany before the wr an at tha pres
ent time, and the prices In Omaha at
(he present time:
' Prices Compared.
cents For round
April, Before Omaha
1915. War. Today.
J'ork (average of 4 ruts) r. 17.1
Beef (average of 3 cuts). 31.
Mutton (av. cutm 30. K
Veal (average 3 cuts).. .10 8
Kggg (per doaen).
Dried beans ......
Dried lentlla
Dried peas
30. S
5 1
M .1
it 4
44 .
... .t
Itlce " I
f.tll0- 4.3
I'arrnta S.2 1 07 1.5
T.i.nina 4.X
Potatoes 9
Meat Prieea.
On tha meats It Is difficult to rive fig
ures because It Is not stated what cuts
of each animal were taken to get tha av
erage. However the average price of shoulders,
loins and snarerlbs of pork In Omaha
today la 12 cents a pound. The average
of round staak, shoulder steak Mid por
erhouse steak (beef) In Omaha today Is
19 cents a pound. The average Omaha
lrlc of veal steak, veal roast and veal
stewing meat Is 21 cent.
The prlcea of meat are, therefore, not
so much higher In Germany, It appears,
than they are In Omaha, while butter Is
SO per eent higher, lard 10) per cent
higher, flour coats two and a half time
ns much, macaroni twice as much, rloe
six times as much and green vegetables
ane quoted much higher than here.
Kenyon Would Keep
Feeder Stock Out of
Yards in Chicago
FORT DO DOE, la., May 2L-(Bpecial.)
No definite cause has been found for
the recent epidemic of foot and mouth
disease In cattle, according to Senator
W.-8. Kenyon, who returned home today
from Chicago, where he and Senator
'Gore conducted examination. He said
the senate committee did not deride
whether the germa came lit on South
American hidee or whether . they may
have been carried oil tha colthlng of stocK
men from that eontlnent.
Senator Kenyon declared the committee
probably will make some recommenda
tions to congress. He declared the stock
yards In Chicago to be a clearing house
for diseases of animals. He suggested
that some 'way be found to get "feeders".
from the ranges to the farms without
shipping them through the Chicago stock
yards. ,
Senators Kenyon and Oore visited South
fiend, In, and Nllea, Berrien .county.
Michigan, In their Investigations. Nlles
ia the place where the epidemic un
doubtedly began. The committee did not
get any totals of the amount of money
lost by stock raisers from the disease.
Senator Kenyon said that while some
complaint was heard of the way In which
the Agricultural department handled the
situation, that he thought the federal
government handled It well, considering
that the disease made its appearance In
the last few months for the first time In
thla country. But one case of tho disease
has been reported in a month, he said,
and this Indicates that the foot and
mouth disease has been stamped out.
Italy Places Large
Orders for Stores in
' the United States
NEW YORK. May a. Large orders
for military stores ami foodstuffs for
Italy were reported to be in tho market
here' today, dosnite the fact that for
months the Italian government has been
drawing supplies from the United States
in anticipation of hostilities.
Shipments of coal and wheat from this
country to Italy In the last few weeks
have been extensive, it Is said. Many
ship loads of horses for use in the Ital
ian army were reported to have been
made, and an order for 50 000 more horses
is understood to be awaiting acceptance
Many of the Italian reservists In this
city returned to Italy in the early stacoa
of the European war and a rush by
New York Italians to return and enlist
for the war Is not anticipated among
leading Italians.
FORT DO DOE. la.. May 21. (Special.)
"I expect to meet between SP.OOO and
1)0.000 people on my speaking trips through
low thla summer," declared Senator W.
S. Kenyon here today.
The senator has almost as many
speeches as he would make in a cam
paign. High school commencements,
(Memorial day celebrations. Fourth et
July observations and meetings of com
mercial organizations have made calls
upon blm.
He will give throe Memorial addresses
this spring. He will speak at Creston
May 29. at Cherokee May a and at
Madrid May 31- On June he addresses
the state encampment of the Grand Army
of the Republic at Sioux City.,
Join the Y. M. C. A. on the special
summer membership plan. Then use
It. 6. 10.
From Our Near Neighbors
Mrs. ft. O. Mllahurr of Linraln vt.ii.!
friends here Tuesday.
K. P. Wrlaht of Omaha vlaltaH hi.
brother. T. J. Wright over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William S'cM.rtl
their eon John In Benson lat Hunday.
Mm. Fisnk Comte spent the fore part
of the week with her mother In rails
Reve. Titus lOWe nf Omaha tin on
sddne on India at the Methodist church
Thin dsy evening.
The baccalaureate aernion m'lil h tA.
Ilverd at the opra house next 8undr
evening by Rev. B. I. Urlnnell.
Mr. and Mrs. ClfU and Mr an.t Mr
Irfivell motored to I'eru 8undav to visit
their eons, who are In school ihere.
Howard Freeman, who left here a few
years ago, wss callina on friend lust
Saturday. He baa been residing In Mississippi.
Ouy Finn, while In tha floM la.t M..n
day had a partial paralytlo stroke, which
urnumoeu ma arm and rendered him un
conscious for a chert time. He Is improving.
Commencement exercises will take nlace
next Friday evening. The following la
the clans to graduate: Ixura Htacy, Her
nice F.lwell, Alice Hogarth, Julia Smith
and Rlliott Weiutt.
tV surprise partv was given Miss Ana-
etatla Melle at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Morrison Monday evening. Miss
Xlella Is the teacher of the nubile school
in thnt neighborhood.
Mrs. Hassle Cleveland la visiting friends
In Fullerton. Neb.
The Ladies' Aid society met Wednesday
afternoon at the home et Mrs. M. M.
Senior Christian Bndeavorera gave a
atrial at the home of Dr. W. 11. Bets
Friday nl:ht.
Miss Murv Cook of Nebraska City vis
ited Mrs. P. W. Kvana Mondsy and
Tuesday of this week.
The Hellevue rmbllo school closed on
Thursday Friday the punlla united with
other schools in a plcnlo at Hanscotn
park, Omaha.
I'aul Qitackennush. a graduate of Helle
vue college In 1014. who has been In his
fathers law office in fort is no. ure., an
winter. Is In Bellevue, visiting friends for
a few days.
Dr. and Mrs. ftteDhati Phelos returned
Friday from Denver, where they were
bv tha critical illness et Mrs
Coatee of Waterloo will take plnce- In
Mr. and Mrs Schneider of F.wlng r
visiting the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs
Wert Deerson.
Mrs. I'ttemian of niair. Neb. w
hero Monday visiting het niece, Mrs. t
C. Moiling, snd family. )
Mrs. Minnie Wltte and dauihter, llena.
motored down from Bennington Monday I
and visited at the Charles Wltte home. I
Mrs Calvert was visited Hum! ay by j
her dans liter. Mrs. Oeorge ttlghy and
ratnlly and Mr. Ilarte and family of
Joe guinn and fnmlly moved this week
to Waterlixs Arthur Ieeron and family
will occupy the place vacated by the
(Julnn family.
The H. It. Unldwln family moved Mon
day to their new home in Omaha. Charles
leerson Monday took possession of tho
home vacated by the Baldwin family.
W. jt. Eddy went to Fremont Monday.
Miss Joanna Drown of Fremont motored
to Valley ftaturday.
Miss Marouette of Fremont was tho
guest of Miss Orpha Oalnes Saturday
Mrs. A). Harrier was called to Iowa by
tha sudden death of her mother, who had
gone there for a short visit Friday.
MPS. MAdi JnhHMN II.. A k.
of the weeK from spending a few davs j
wim stane in Lincoln.
Mrs. Oiurles Bice returned Thursday
Iroin California, where she was tailed hy
the Illness and death of her brother,
(.'hallos Miller.
Mrs. N. W. Oalnes came down from
Fremont to aartet In the cantata Thuis
duly evening.
Hon. and Mrs. Vf. '1. Whltmore returned
tide week from KxceUli.r Springs. Mr.
Whltmore Is ftelfng much better.
Mrs. Jack Deethick and Miss Irene
Prown rave a shower party Psturday
nlght for the members of the Kensington
club at the home of Mrs. IVctblck.
The class of the Vallev
schools will give a party for the senior
clasa at the horn of Loither Johnson
oaiuraay evening,
at the
were laid for twenty-nine. Meade
ftrey, junior, waa toast mistress.
The superintendent and teachers of the
primary department of the Methodist
Kptaropel Sunday school gave a plcnlo
junior-senior banquet was given
Re'cl hotel Friday evening. Covers
Phelps; brother Mr Horatio M. MlUer. fo7th. mem asfthS mrtw.ZTt
Mr. Miller IS nOW OUt Of danger. ,th. home of Mra WVanlf Ul -a K.l.lrrtnv
Mrs. C. B. naskervtlls and Infant 'afternoon. Over ftrtv utile naonln r.ri
daughter, Barbara, are making a two oriin attendance.
HuJ. Zt!:; wKk MotnTutll Mr- Mr" r- C- Kennedy. Mr. and
Vllles Sister. Mrs. W. B. MOColUiell CI Mr. K. M. Hutt and Mra Inarain ..n.
Council Bluffs.
The village board net last Friday even
ing for an ad.lourned session. C. Ij.
Phelps, the newly elected village clerk,
and Wilbur Sharer, the new treasurer,
took their of ficea. -
Miss Anna Blchsrdson, aged 21 years,
died In the Bouth Omaha hospital of
hemorrhage after an lllnesa or nine
mnntha. Hhe waa trurted from tha family
residence on the Fort Crook boulevard,
north of Bellevue, Thursday.
.1, -i I
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jao were Omaha
visitors on Tuesday.
L. C. Coleman was a visitor at Albion
the fore port of the week,
Wavran ManOrernr WSS UD from the
university over Sunday, ylsltlna' the heme
Bdward Shafer was down to Calhoun
on Tuesday, looking after his farm near
The Woman'a club hold its final meet
ing for the season at the Mrs. tdward.
Latta home.
The Modern Woodmen and Royal
Neighbors camps held a, Joint meeting
on Monday evening.
. Judge F. .N. Morgan of Baesatt, Neb.,
waa In Tekamah a short time last we W,
visiting hla daughter, Mrs. Fred Tttua.
The little son of Mrs. Phllby died Wed
nesday. Hie funeral took place . Friday
afternoon from the Presbyterian, church.
Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Coryoll of Norfolk
were calling on Tekamah friends on.
Monday. They had been spending Sunday
with their daughter, Mra. Frank Curley
or Blair.
W. M. White was down from uyona
this week and purchased ft lot Just north
h. r A. Farlev home. Mr. White
and wife expect to move bauk to Tekamah
as soon as they ran duiiu a noun on me
property purofaaeed.
A runaway oocured in Tekamah last
a.,,,i. m which Oeorga Hcarlett waa
severely Injured when ho Jumped from
the wagon ana ivan uuuer was aiau
aavaralu injured when the wagon col
lided with another wagon and threw hlml
wm r'harlea Peterson and little son.
from West Palm Beach, Fie., arrived In
Tekamah Thursday. Hhe will spend tha
summer with hsr parent. Mr. and Mrs.
J. K Hancock. In the fall Mr. Peteraoit
expects to come up and aoeompany her to
her southern home.
A roots.
F. W. Ruhge snd wife were Omaha
visitors Wednesday.
Avoca schools woll close next Thursday
with an all-day plcnlo.
Mrs. William Thlele was vUttlng rela
tives at Berlin this week.
C. E. Tefft was here from Weeping
Water Tuesday on business.
Fred Behmeler and wife are the happy
parents of a boy. born Thursday.
John Neumelster was attending to buel
ness at Nebraska City Thursday.
John True and family were here from
Cedar Creek this first of the week.
Mrs. Charles Woodson and son of Coun
cil Bluffs la here visiting her parents.
Mrs. Kaamyth of Canada Is spending
the week with friends west oi town.
tertalned the teachers of the Valley
ecnocis and the other memoere ol the
Boarq of Education and their wives st
the home of Mr. and Mrs. l:ults Monday
A very suocessful Mav festival was
given In the Methodist Kplscopal church
tinder the auspices of the official board
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdnv even
ings, earner J. Burkett and lie v. M.
Comble emlth of Kansas City each gave
a lecture and a sacred cantata, "The Ten
Virgins." was rendered by a chorus of
tblrty-flv voices.
Dog Poisoners Are
Active in West End
Dog poisoners have renewed their ac
tivities In the neighborhood of Twenty
sixth street and Woolworth avenue, where
a valuable fox terrier dog was killed Fri
day afternoon.
Children of the neighborhood assert
they overheard a woman threatening to
poison various dogs and the sutliorltlcs
sre working on this clew.
If the clew proves - to be correct a
complaint will be filed in police court.
Police Judges . In the . past have' dealt
severely with persona eonrlcted of dor
Face Eruptions Have
Deep Significance
Often They Indicate
purities Deep in the
( Mfi 1
The results shown by R fl. 8. la clearing
the skin reveal how aearchlagly and sow
deeply this famous blood purifier attacks
tloed troubles. Facial eruptions ara more
tkftaa significant of Impaired nutrition result
ing from faulty elimination of body wastes.
Most people realise this to be true. And
yet it is a difficult matter to convince such
people they should avoid those harmful draga
such as mercury, Iodide of potash, srsenle
and so on. R. 8. B. gives Just as good effect
without the destructive results, because It Is
more asarchlns. It soes deenlv Into tha elr-
Mrs. K. O. ftpencer and son of Talmage ; culstlon wherever the blood flows, but It does
were visiting relatives nere mis wee. ; not remsia to cleg the system. And Its effect
Chris Dreamer and family were here ' Is complete and thorough as Indicated by
wood tha latter part of the blood tests. One of the strange thlntrs todar
week. i I tbat ao msoy people are wedded te tbe
Miss K
r tr har
Thursday . Batur th4t rated one of the moat potent
Miss Audrey Maple, who Is attending P"n oTi lor tn. complete ellmlnaUon ,
school at Bethany, spent Sunday with " "A00 "obiea.
her narenta here ! you go there ere people who
her parent here. Georra know thU 10 true fron their owi expert.
iJUZitT omihi Visitor tot " ' "r1' " Iter. U
Campbell and 0,nh "r , ... ingredient In 8. B. 8. as essemlsl to 1
hsturday and Bunday. n,lItB u h. bloo4 ,mpur- g th BourUh. (
B. C. Marquardt and wife motored I to , ing ,Pn,ent. of tn, .in,, sugars and salts i
Havelock Sunday for a vUlt with their ot OOP , foo)J Get a settle of H. a. a.
daughter, who la teaching school there. to(h of , dru)r(tilt but M,,t upoB g. g
Henrv and Adolph Mogensen were at 8., sccept no substitute. And If your case Is
a 1
SataFflay 'Mother Bay of
' Trcmcidloiiis Vatae Giving
lh-ry tabic in thia Btorn ia fairly tffminfr with extraordinary qtiality morchandise t
araaxiriK low priow. Ilundrpds of smart, handsome, suits that fire lradinjr the. style hero
and New York, at a (treat sacrifice. New models fresh from the hands of America's
orraoflt snd finest desipnfrs of hand-tailored garments.
The Fifth Avenue Tailors
Baits frora ertsry weave snd the, choicest patterns. Suit in
one, two or three-button models; patch or let-in pockets; quarter,
half or full lined; a big portion of these are silk lined. Remarka
ble Tftlnes, made to sell at 22.50 and $2ft.00, but our spot cash
purahaae. places them before you Saturday at
Bis 32 to 43. Note Wlndo.
The Favorite Blue Serge
Onr Fadeless Bine Serges have stood the
test with us for many years. Eaeh suit, at
whaterer price you pay, is absolutely guaran
teed to hold its color. Here you will find more
blue suits, better suits and a wider variety of
ooTreot styles and models to select from than
you 11 find anywhere else In town
Greatly Reduced
JAm who prefer ths two-piece styles of un
derwear wfll do well to get in on this special
1 no and sl.25 MedHcott garments, in blue.
galmon and natural, .,jl5
$L0O Qualities ia Sane Oolora. -Off
Our Hat Man
Is loud in bis praise of the straw
styles he selected for the season's
wear. He suggests you ehoose the
Hat now, regardless of the weather,
while all the sises sore intact snd
styles complete.
for Plain and NoWty Straws.
$3.50, $5.00.' $6.00, $7.50
to $12.00
for Panamas, Bangkoks, Bea Grass
and Lesffhorns.
SUk and Palm Beavcb. Hats, 50 TJp
Hoorayl Hooray!
Free sSf Free
Commeneinf tcrflay,
ws will giro away Free
with every Boys' Suit
from $5.00 Up this com
plete Baseball Outfit
regulation ball, heavy
foadded catcher's or first
base mitt, hardwood wag
on tongue bat, and fine
mask. '
Don't miss this splendid
chance to get tho added
opportunity we offer you,
as you know our values
are always decidedly the
Sest to be found. Every
style, fabrio and work-
Amanship a! ways as repre-
Stf tA& fcyjented.
Boys' Salts at $2.85 and $3.85
All broken lines of Boys' Suits, worth up
to $6X0, divided into two lots and
specially priced at.
$2.85 and 83.85
. i
aS3 Sg
I r." a VlST.air'V'jY "ffT i i
f I 1 le aVll X. I
'X -vmi si
i x a itr i ,r
Another Sensational Offer
Several hundred all-wool suita for young
men and older men, mostly broken lines, from
our own great stock of stylish tailored gar
ments that sold from $10 to $15.
Snappy patterns and models and qualities:
without question, the best your-money could
buy. Are sow specially priced for Saturday's
From Tbe House of Kuppcnheimcr
In nppenheimcr's' fine garments you
find a striking example of extra quality,
service and satisfaction. They are good
from inside out to outside in. Each ot the
twohrs models carried by ns in sixes for every
build of men is the highest typo of art and
alio ring. They are truly peeries values at
$17.50 to $40.00
V ihS It V I KJ
Heavy Silk Shirts
Extra heavy silk, with erxtrafadt)
Bom an B&tin stripes. A gu !ckr $5.00
quality, now being rm
offered at , jjrjj.tfj
Madras Shirts
$2j00 fins Madras
Shirts, in variety
of patterns, that
seQ at tpJXk Spe
cisl, at a$jL45
Soft and laun
dered cuff styles.
ZZadras tad Par.
sals, in neit
tripes, soft cuff
or starched, $1.25
snd $1-50 values,
at Q5f
120 Dozen
A remarlLSble chaaen to
get your summer supply
of Fine Silk SoxBlue,
Black, Tan, Gray, White
and Champagne. 4 A.
Regular value 35c.. .At is
Boys and Children's Wash Suits,
95c up Fast Colors
Boys jfuniiihintfi Tho most com pi eta and
up-to-date selection in lists, Caps, Shirts,
Blouses, tfoderwear, Night Gowns, eiiv
4G up
ft o-
r i
i K
0 fek.
i a fMb su ssisiuv icifpiv re wevyeu 19 idc
rnm IChi., of Berlin was visit-' aotloo that mercury Is the one antidote. It
sister. Mrs. K. C. Nutxman, here There la la 8. B. 8. a product ef
nature that Is rated ene of the most potent
are at WebaCrr (Itr Hebkeal.
WBB8TER CITV. Is , May 21. Spe
rial Telecrum .) The t'ash fc l.enhard
store la this city was robbed or several
thousand dollars worth of clothing-,
travellne bara, Jewulry and umbrt-Has
last night. The thieve, made good their
escape. The robbery s the isrgest that
Baa occurred here In years.
Sets the T. M. C. A. on the pedal
aumtnar membership plaa. Then use
U 3Mi
Omaha Wednesday making prvpaiations
to have their parents com from Denmark.
A class of eighteen were confirmed at
the German Methodist church last Bun
day. Tha senior class play "Hoodoo" will be
held Friday and Saturday nights of next
Mrs. I,. A. Thompson has been visiting
this week with relatives near Council
The junior-senior high school banquet
was held Friday evening at the Karpy
hotel. A four-courso dinner was served.
William, the 1-year-old son of Mr. snd
Mrs. Barnard Donnelly, died last fstur
day from comi'llr stlons due to a severe
attack of measles.
Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Welch left Tuesday
for an extended trip west. They will
stop at Iwnver, Halt Uko Oty and oth.r
points ef interest and will attend both
expositions In California.
The regular meeting of the Women s
Christian Temperance union was held
Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. O.
H. Magaret. It waa a mothers' meeting,
with Mra. A. F. Empey as leader.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Otte were Omaha
visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. Theodore Denker entertained the
Ladles' Kensington Thursday.
Miaa Rlla Hansen visited at tincoln
two days with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. rate.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert teerson r. ntr.
taming friends from Ewlng. Neb., this
week. i
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wlnterburn enter,
talned friends for tha former's birthday
Miss Nettle Malek lave a roisoeUtvnaous
shower for Mlas Stalls, Morrison Wed
nesday. Miss Malek'a marriage to t.
peculiar or of long stsndlng, write to the
Medical Adviser, The Swift Specific Co- 101
fiwlft Bldg, Atlanta, Ga.
Window Shades Cleaned
MCaan f acturers aad Cleaaera.
1318 firun St. Bo a las aaas
1C0 efficiency that's
wnhfit r)n iflrnf tfihm van
mw J . . j w
p place an order for engraved
I) plates. We pat snap in
our uork, ire have work
men that we can rely upon.
i smi I i sasti sisii i nun tsaMiaaj wrwwMawvaaanfsatw s suiinswrmayvaiaa smi m mi mfli&TmMTWrrTkJIMWlJmMmm9kMi
",'' -r tr' -
Finding "The One Person
in a Whole Cityfull!
ONE person will buy your property; ONE person will rent
your house or apartment; ONE person will give you employment.
How long would it require to find that "one person" without
help? Could it be accomplished at all?
The classified advertisements in The Bee help you to find the
ONE PERSON you seek because that one person, in most in
stances, expects to get in touch with you through the classified
advertising columns of The Bee. Self-interest makes your classi
fied advertisement IMPORTANT to this one person.
Your "ad" will be read by the wrong people, of course by many
of them. But, with a little persistence on your part, it will come to
the notice, unfailingly, of the one person to whom and for whom it
was written.
That's the SERVICE The Bee classified columns offer to you.
'fsjr star
I 3
3 4