TUB BKK: OMAliA, iSATL'RDAY, ALU' 2 1916. I MASOniG TEMPLE AT constriction of th building will be in to-data. Tha floor win be worked over, either for office or lodge room purposes. It is the Idea to make It one of the most attractive rental properties In the city. It is ilKured that an expenditure of not far fmm tri.Ov) will be required to make ths changes contemplated. Hiller Home Robbed of 51,000 in Jewelry While th family of Henry Hiller slept peacefully Thursday night. Ignorant of the presence of a burglar in their home at 3521 Farnam street, the quiet crook prowled through most of tha house, helping himself to 11,000 worth of Jewelry and some clothing. Th loss was not dl corereJ until the family awoke In the morning. They found that ihe burglar had gained entrance by raising a window. No clu waa left as to his Identity, but the police bellev he Is the same thief who worked In a similar way at several other resi dences this week, taking valuables and, escaping so quietly that nobody knew of his visit till morning. vited. To Keep OI4 llSlas. The old Masonto temple at Sixteenth street aad Capitol a-enue will he occu pied for lorlgs room piirpnee until the completion of the new temple. Then It will be completely overhauled snd put in first-rises condition for rental pur poee. New fronta will be put Into the -MMsa, Apartments, flats, houses and cottages ran be rented quickly and cheaply by a 13ce "For Itent" Art. By MZLUTICIA. Friday, May 21, 1915. store rooms and they will be made up- 14 KB rniflf of I art week a foursome, of oar well known society lads Owere deeply Immersed tn a& ususually interesting in of tardi In on of the food looking home on the hill. One of the lads, to b described as short, rosk cheeked, wear ing glasses, somewhat rotund of parson, bed not hlg usual luck with him and his continual 111 lock reached the spot where he had lost the last penny. Being game la the pursuit of lost laurels, not to say coins, he pat up hie coat. The cum waa offered, played for, and the coat was lost la the neit round his lock changed and the entire pot was his. Holding a par tlcular fondness for his cost the lad offered to buy back the garment. The boys refused, the coat was lost and lost It would hare to stay, The lad went home, costless, bat with all the money the crowd had held. However he Is still mourning the loss of al coat For Miis Stewart. Mrs. George Vaa Brunt and Mr. Charts Haanaa gave a beautifully ap pointed hincheon of twelve cover today at their home la Council Blurts, In honor of Mis Maria ttewart. Tha UN waa btcAratd with a hug wound of pale l!nk roar, awuteonla. and llllea of th all-)-. Ohio State Society Party. The Ohio Stats society will eatertaln ' in tha assembly roam of th court house , this evening. Mrs. Franklin Adler flhot ' well win oroide at the lunch howl and win be assisted br Mlfaea Orac and Ruth BUbeugn, Mtsa Mabel Marrow and ; Mra Kaley. Tha decorations will be ef Ktllerney roars and narrtssua About 109 a-neets are expected to attend. Celebrates Birthday. Mra. J. Relter entertained Tuesday even ing In honor of her dawrbter Elsie's eight nth birthday. Toe rooms war Seoor atd la areen ad whit aad th prises wr awarded to Mia Ebb. Weedlua and Mr. Jeeae I'.lack. The guests preaeat were: Mtswet ria Oliserrisn, Khwj Porr, Weilim. Mildred Andersen, "erre MIMe. Hilda Jorsnn, fhrlatlne Marieen, Mela Ant-raft, Ammlla Mtelke, Messrs T. K. fochran, .1 Kelter. F"r1 JoliniHtTi. frMirce Henatnan, Krank Selroe, harle ( ireener, August Hniwn, Albert Jnhnsrir, Ire4 Nelen. ecer Johnson. Smith, Sarpriie Party.. A surprise pcrty Miss Mabel Miller day. .'The evenln and music. Those1 MtMK Fannie Mitchell,, Ann Thompson. thel Vliler. I lnjr St ne . "oral TrKloff. U2lye Mariln, Meara Mbr MHVII, ' Wiwrfrtw-it, Jtay XN'llaon. I'eiil "ertaon. Henrne alller. t,hrl- Horneen, lurold Mfnun. William Mlllfr. Uurtl.) 8-hulae, Mr. nM Mr. Olm X'r Miller. Misses Freda Keeee, fCdna Anrtereon. Mettle I-aux. Anna Keuer. Anna thinker, A. h-ltr. eona Berkneeyer, mat Halter. Messrs. Jesse rUntk, Harry Murrr Henry IUItr, (ul Jackson, tonry jHlelke, John Merman, William riochart. lunula Armstrong, Osale Wohlere, A I hart Jors-eKsen, William ileltor. waa irivea in honor of by her frleoda Sstur- t waa spent la tames present' wf: M Inane Katherlne Huter, Arnea Himleck, Alloe Sevens, Pmilah ta1rw)a, - K.ltsabeth Husby, lollt Davis. Messrs lails Hnker.' Frem-le urna. Hairy Mole. . , William 1e, John Kennert, William Manly, Tl'oroae fihort, Howard Honerts. Gueits of Debutant. Mice Harriet Huntington Btntth, the debutant daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. Arihur Crlttendea Smith, who has spent moat ef th winter tn th eaet, arrived home WeSnaay, Mlaa Smtth waa Sjo cempanied by Miaa lUlth Sloaa of New Tork City, who will be her aueat far several weeks. Bare raj other eaatorn young women will arrtv aest month to he Mlaa Smith'e aueata Entertain This Evening. Mr. and Mr. O. B. Knott will n(r tain Informally this even In at tbelr home in honor of Mra. Edward Eiurl hardt, who la taavlnc Wedneaday for California. The rooms will be decorated with basket of Richmond roaee aad th guests will Include: Messrs. and Me1mee R1ward Knslehantt, Irvine- M. Elson. Milton ctsi.ierson, Mla Kdna Koosa. Mraarc Uctirtt Richard Brvun. Luia Cutis. Hold Family Eeunion. Mrs. James O. Whttasy a4 Mra Charlea Carrother of Atlantic, la.; Mra J. . Annen and danshter. Maria, of Chicago; Mrs. Frank OUlespU of Oardea fty, Kan.; Mr. Charlea Murray of Tacoma," Wash., and Mrs. O. W. Noble of Onan hare been holding a reunion at Atlantic. la., their old home. Iaat night all cam t Oataha, and are being onurtatned by Mra G. W. NorHe and Mra. L M. Bchlndel of tkiuth Omaha. They Are Sending Mail by Freight in This Advanced Age 'A couple of loni of mall la renelveu at the Omaha poatofrtca every week by freight." auld roatniaaUr Wharton. "Whaddy mean, freight T' sa!4 th Ually Vlnllor. "Krrlnht. freightblg red oar-runs on whetle-on track." said the postmaster, who is champion middleweight kltltlcr of Douglas county. "Well." sad toe U V.. 'Wight is v preb'ly faster than some mall that I cor'.J mention. But. psrslflag aside, mlutrar.w ie all thte mail sent by freight r "Psreol poet atuff." said Mr. Wharton. ' Tou so tbey g-t m on th low parrel pest rates for first ana saound hhwl ManufsAturing r mercaaUto bouae at a Uletauc will ship a large cumber of pevkagas her by frelgttt. ail addressed and stamped with the proper auaibr of stamp fur posting at this office. Rr this aoeaas th eblppere not only side, step th comparatively nigh, loag-dta. taac parcel poet rata, hut also get de livery of their good out la the country wherever the rural ruta g. QUZST AT LT7NCHX05 AT council BLurrs. "dK ' k Mario Jlewaxh fCo Bluff j Wedding- Guest. Out-of-town guests for th Wler Alplm wadding will arrtv Munday Ing from t Paul and Minneapolla Tha guest Include Mr. and Mrs. A. Barr and (laughter. Jewel; Mrs. N. Elaenatadt and daughter, Dora; Mlaa Anna Boroweky. iMtoa Rosalie Bl umber. Msesrs. Albert Blumbarg, Louis Perlman. Abe Lvy and Charts Connors. ... To Honor Bride. Mlaa Margaret Cullen and her sister. Mrs. Thomas Hanely of lied Oak. la., gar a hrldg party this afternoon at th home ef Mlaa Chilian, hi honor of Mlaa Orac Langdoa and Mis Helea N or ris. Th rooms were abloom with meteor roses and eevn tables war plaed for th gant. . , . Informal Luncheon. OeeapHmentary to Mrs. Clinton Oray ef Columbus, Neb., Mrs.' J. 3. Sullivan en tertained very informally at luncheon to day at her home, Th luncheon was followed by bridge, aad lght guests war present ' Pleaiures Past. . Mlsg Violet Mtckelsen was entertained Wednesday evening In honor of her birthday anniversary. Covers were laid for twelve guests. Mr. and Mr. It. 8. Chernls of Council Bluffs entertained at dinner Thursday evening for Mlaa Oolflle Alplra and Mr. David P. rder, whose marriage will be celebrated Tuesday, Pink hearts war used tn th decorations and covers were placed for twelve guesta Pavtd P. Peder arrived Thursday morn ing to be the guest of Mr. and Mra. A. B. Alplra. Mrs. Hoafland Entertains. Mra William XV. lloagland entertained at a luncheon and kenaington this after noon at her horn oa North Forty-eighth eireet la honor of the Flower Mission OlrU. Cover were placed for twelve. lftwi of ths Wayfarers. Mr. and Mra B. H. Urikart are s pea cl ing a week at Bait Lk City. S i i Personal Mention. Mra U A. Kern, Ml D aire, CeuacU Bluffa has as her guest her aunt, Mrs. Samuel Kltrie of Cblrgo.. Later Mr. Kiln will visit her brother and wtfa Mr. and Mra. J. W. Hayes. 19TH AMDOUGLAS Secure Site Jnit West of Fontenelle Hotel on Douglas Street from Brandeis Interests. TO RETAIN THE OLD BUILDING The new Maeonlo temple, a five to eU-etory, fireproof and modern build ing, costing $260,000. will be erected at Nlnteenth and Douglas streets, Immediately west of the Hotel Fon tenelle. Construction will begin during August or September, and will proceed as rapidly as possible, the purpose being to have the struc ture finished and ready for occu pancy early next spring. Boeabt frets Braedeta. Th loratinn for the new Masonic tern Pis was decided upon Thursday night at a meeting of representative of the four teen Maaonie bodies that will join In the construction of ths building and Its sub sequent occupancy. Numerous locations had been considered, but the strong points of the one decided upon out- weighed all ethers with th members of the committee. Th property on which th new M aealc building will be erected waa owned by th Brandeis Interests, and the nego tiations war carried on through Ilarrr Tnkey. Th price paid for tha ground. 110 feet on Douglas and 113 feet en Nina teenth etreet. waa tlSi.Ono, which real et. tat men consider very cheap, consider ing tha location and tha surroundings. Batista k Modern. Th bulldln, will be the most modem that It Is pcssthle to contrut. The first floor wfll be cut Intj storerooms and all other floor will he for lodge room pur pose. Th style of architecture will not be determined upon until a committee eonalstlng of M. M. TVobertaon. Jama A. Howard and I PttlnirUI retuma from th east Accompanied by Architect Print, the members of this 'committee, witnln the next day or two will start on a tour of eastern oltle. seeking Idesa on the construction of Masonlt buildings. Th Masonic commute will visit Chi cago, Cincinnati. Buffalo, Washington, Baltimore. Boston and other places. After Inspecting th building visited, they will Instruct their architect to Incorporate Into the plan of tha proposed building all th newest and best idea gathered on tha trie Preparing of the plana will begin as soon a ths committee returns from tha east, and after completion, bids on the Dt Have Bpr lea Cah. Take fr. King's New Uteoveg aad you wo t catch cold. It kills th t4 genua, keeps yoa well sac. An drug gist Advertisement. COTTAGE BURNS WHILE OWNER GOES FISHING vou rfotin Martin, a baonaior. was cejoyir.g a fine fishing trip asar Council Bluffs, bis frame eottaga at Ml North Tnlrty-tniid street caught fir frca ua destroyed. Aa th house was not oc cupied and th fir broe out lata Thurs day night. t waa not discovered Immedi ately ami had gained much headway be fore th first epartmsnt arrived. High CIosm Traveling Goods at First Cost II iu HI m Sji rl I ! 1 ! i ! r UN 1S" , You Pay fi o Middle man hrofit We still have a let of high elaj travelkiia goods that we bought before we elerted to make ur own. aad will sell them et et to oloe theni out. Wi make a very fine ltue of wardrobe trunka urselvea, whlrli we eoll dlrevt to you. Uur 00 ward robe trunke are equal to any Its St trunks oa the market. You aate ItSSS by coining here. -fcvary Cvrntsh trunk auaraateed. lfrcd Cornish i Co. vtaetaren ef Maxweev. aV ale aad TraveUaar Oseda. ISIO i haot it. If ha it. it' in ttyU Madam Here's Important Sale News! Choice of Any Woman's Suit in Stock $15 Suits for --$7.50 $20 Suits for --$10.00 $25 Suits for - -$12.50 $30 Suits for --$15.00 -9 3 $35 Suits for --$17.50 $40 Suits for--$20.00 $45 Suits for --$22.50 $50 Suits for --$25.00 For SATURDAY Your Choice of ANY HAT In Our Stock Milans Panama Lace Hats The greatest millinery sensa tion of the vear. Absolutely every hat in our immense stock is included in the sale at this price. Former prices ranre to $25.00. Nothing withheld from the sale. PRICE This is our great semi-annual event. Every one is familiar with the high class line of women's suits we carry. Absolutely every garment in stock is included in this great sale. All materials, colors ana sizes all the late styles. Every Wool or Silk Suit goes at just half price. We Cannot Allow Approvals, C. O. D's or Exchanges During This Sale New Separate Skirts, SQk or Wool, WortS to $6.50 $4,75 Summer Wash Dresses, Linens and Voiles, Special Saturday, $4.95 Women's Spring Coats Worth to $17.50 $8.75 NEW LINEN DRESSES JSO tc DOUGLAS We have added 125 new coats to this lot for Satur, day's sale. Every new style represented in serges, gab ardines, poplins, tweeds and checks. All the new colors and all sizes. NEW PALM BEACH SUITS New Silk Dresses, Crepe da Chine or Poplin, Worth to $16.50, $9.95 Dainty New Waists, Silk, Organdie, Voile, Worth to $2.75. . $1.93 New Lingerie Waists, Twen ty Different Styles, Worth to $1.75, 98c mm 7 earn and lewarfly Digest! And then you will know SOME of the MONEY-SAVING Oppor tunities at KILPATRICK'S on Saturday - Father's Day receives first mention. Poor old Dad fre quently romea out at the short end of the horn la the usual ad of a Dry Goods 8 to re. Time waa, Indeed, when Pop waa wont to remark, "This Is no place for ne This is a thin,' of the past at least in this str of jours. Kverr day, and particu larly on Haturdar. you will find a row of men lined up at our furnishing section. Saturday a Special in Khirta, not for father only. -4ny Man Who Wears Shirts ean get In on this offer. Now, listen. Kaca year Just a little after our new shirts have been displayed, we gather the bulk of our shirts together and for one day HAVU A b FECIAL KALiC. riatarday Is the day. Hplendid popular patterns In oar reliable $1.50 quality, bearing our label and guaranteed, 81.15 earh. nartera (Parts ehape), aa a flyer Bat unlay, 10 the pair. Hosiery Sale at 10 A. M. HOSIERY waa originally applied as a aam to many articles of women's under wear. Htorklngs Is the better word for our purpose now. Htorklng has been de fined aa a soft, rloae-rutlng garment for the leg. We are to bate A Stocking Sale Saturday We might amplify the definition by ex- rilalntng three are 6ilk Htorklngs pure, astrous silk, things of beauty and ele gance. In addition to being a covering. A very fortunate purvhaiie regular dollar grade at a peculiarly fitting time, when demand la greatest, enable ua to offer on Hat unlay this purchase at G9 Instead of f I.OO per pair. May not last all day depends oa tha demand. Ooni In black, white aad colors. The early bird Union Suit Sale Wa woald a tale unfold, which never falls to make friends. Perhaps our uiot active ar41er Is a leading garment with plain tight knee or lace trimmed. Mere meatioa of price la all that Is necessary 50e Per suit, knocked now; may not have all slsee later. The Month of Roses Approaches The call of the old swimming hole Is In tha air and Johnnie Is counting the days till school doses. The sweet graduate Is planning her toggery for what seems to her the most Important milestone on life's highway. lAter she'll think of another for Is not June the month of weddings? PKOP1.E ARE llCYIXa C1IIXA more and more for gifts. We have such a choice collection of unique articles lu both porce lahi and glassware, you have niNsed some thing if you haven't seen It. There's ad vantage in early choice. WK PACK. VB HOLD TIU, WANTED. WE SEND WHERE WAXTEI). And the beauty of china and glassware for gifts or glftlinga In her lady, ship ran make additions or replacements at any time. Shown in basement sales, room. Other Basement Attractions for Saturday Standard Ginghams, 6 Met Standard Percale, HHo 82-Inch Amoskeag. 8e 75c Sheets, 59; 25c Crepes (colored) for 13 Vt. And more than 57 other va rieties unadvertised. Main Floor A most attractive collection of TiHsues, Voiles, Poplins, tYepee, Waisting. Linens, etc. And so that you will especially re member the Main Floor, we quote TWO EXTREMELY good bargains at this sec tion: A silk warp walstlng In stripes would be excellent at 25c, par excellence, Saturday, at 15 yatd. NOVELTIES FROM OVERSEAS foreign fabric which were marked to sell at $2.00 to ffl.OO per yard, aad many of which have been sold at these prices, half price Saturday from Sl.OO to ga.OO per yard. Five Teasers From the Linen Section No. 1 All Linen Breakfast t'loih, St. 39 instead of a.M. No. a i 8 4 Daiuaak Cloth, SI OS in stead of gJ.OO. No. 3 Madeira Napkins, 84 03 In stead of No, 4 Embroidered Swisses, 59t a yard instead of 75c. No. 5 Marseilles Bed Spread, $3 95 Instead of gS.OO. " '1 barge. Cheater, charges on, Stanley, on,' were the last words of Marmion' ao wrote the author of the Waverly Novels. On Sunday we will publish a few last words from our Wool lres Hoods sec tion. We charge you to look for them. Petticoat Sale In Petticoat section. Saturday, all day. Taffeta or messallne elastic fitted tops, with the new circular flounce. Most col ors, many shades; and there are a few Jerseys In the lot; $2.50 to $3.00 should be the prices one day only, 31-98 each. A Better Grade Petticoat Mescalines and taffetas, elastic fitted tops and the circular flounce, $3.50 to $1.50 the value Saturday price, $2 95 each. Remnants Cut Almost lu Half A lot of Crepes and Taffetas for Saturday. From ltt yards up. Ie Chines, Me teors and Pussy Willow Taffetas. Were 2.0O and $2.25. Saturday, $1.10 yard. Quantity limited. Long, short or medium; silk, cotton, kid, lamb or suede Gloves of all Grades For ordinary, for graduation, for re ception, for wedding three lots, under priced for Saturday. Women's Suits IN THE READY-TO-WEAR SECTION WOMEN'S Sl'ITS. Here's a pretty how. de-do. May 22 pushed ahead to August 1. Saturday we will do what la usually not done until August 1. We have gone all through our suit stock, pulled out a suit here and another there, making altogether a liberal portion of the entire stock Che regular Kilputrtck grade, made and fin ished by eiert tailors. Some of them were $.17.50; some were even $40.00. On Saturday, $10 00 regular dog days Clearance hale l'rlce. Haven't you been willing for Juat this chance? Waists and Blouses Of Voiles! Of lingerie! Of Silks! Of Georgette! In riotous profusion, arrayed In lota, calmly awaiting attack. Five 1)1 v talons don't pass them lightly 08c, 91JS9, $1.UM, $2.50, $3.MH. In the Hattery Children's hats up to 12 years. Col ored, and they are trimmed (most of them) ( they were up to $5.00, for $1 OS These at 10 In the morning. Palm Beach Suits - "It's an 111 wind that blows nobody good." Once more this time-worn state ment Is proven true. American manu facturer have produced a sait made from Mohair bearing all the earmarks and touch of English Alpaca. Practical, because 'twill shed the dust; looks well, because 'twon't show the dust; durable, because It's strong and well made; keeps shape, because the cloth has body; looks well, because It's clean and lustrous. And a seller from SellersvlUe perhaps tha most popular suit gotten out In ten years. Don't you be caught napping, waiting for the first warm day. Too rapid a seller for you to take a chance like that. Priced $10 00. $12 50. nd $15 00 Ooats. also; they are 88-50- The Junior Section will show a Palm Beach Suit at $10 00 and it's every whit aa good value and popular a those In the Senior section. OVER IN THIS ROOM on Saturday we will stress Coat a and Suits. Practical light wool fabrics, or, If you pre frr silks, some moires. From a 8-year-older up to a young woman children's and Junior sizes for all. Sold as high as' $13.00; on Saturday, $3 08 Junior Suits President Wilson wont object to oiur grouping them Group One Sold up to $20.00. at 810.00 Group Two Sold up to $25.00. at $15.00 cn. AS I SAT AT MY DESK, pushing the pencil Cobb Said Candy The cooler weather crowded the Candy Counter, and there'll be a bigger crowd Satarday. THREE SPECIALS for Fath ers' day, and Saturday sure la Men's day at our Candy Section. FIRST High grade cream caramels, maple Brazil nut, marshmallows, onyx (thst's a new one), pecan, vanilla, cocoa nut, Manhattan, cream center a pound bos for 30 ? and It looks like twice that. OPERA PECAN ROLL Rich center of opera cream rolled In sweet Texas pecans "There's richness" and only 4Q tie pound. " Rut the Alpha and Omega are the choc olates GO Saturday; worth SOe. Few things add more to the delights of a Sunday at home. haowa cause sad waa more thaa half