Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE KRE: OMAHA. FIJI HAY, MAY 21. 1915.
Carinjf for Affair of More Countries
and Rationalities Than Any
Nation In History.
British Newspapers Severely Criti
ciie Secretary for War and One
Asks His Removal.
Germany Secures
war now raging will be quite as com
plete and striking as the huge collection
cf photographs bearing on every con
ceivable phase of the conflict that Is le
log made by the general stsff of the Ger
man army.
Already more than 30.0" reproductions
that range from soldiers In the trenches
to wounded men tn the hoepltsls have
leen gathered and filed away for present
or future reference. The collection I
constantly growing and require a staff
of men to keep them In order and super
vise. This pictorial record of the war Is the
finer tiers use the government Is ahle,
through the rules which It lays down for
all photographers who go to the front,
to secure a copy of every picture that Is
mada-by amateurs or professionals. The
(crneral staff, therefore, has been able to
ll k and choose for Its own gallery the
cream of everything pictorial that con
cerns the war and has acquired not only
accurate and Interesting representations,
hut photographs that In a great many
caees am artistic In the extreme.
Kaiser Charged with
John Smith's Murder
RAMROATE. England, May 50.A cor
oner's Jury today returned a verdict of
"willful murder" against Emperor Will
iam in the case 'of John Smith, who died
as the result of shock following injuries
sustained In the Zeppelin raid of Monday.
War Pictures for
Future History
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
Apartments, flats, houses and cottages
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Hea "For Rent" Ad.
UERUN, May 1. No history that ever
wilt be written about the great world
WASHINGTON, May 20. If Italy
were to enter tbe European conflict,
American ambassadors, minister and
eonsnla abroad would add to their
already numerous tasks the cus
tody of Italian Interests In Austria,
Germany and Turkey, as well as
Austrian Interests In Italy. 'Inas
much aa Italy baa been acting for
Russia In Turkey, the American em
bassy In Constantinople is expected
to take over Russian affaire. Switz
erland would handle German Inter
ests in Italy.
Never he iTike Before.
The. diplomatic and consular machinery
ft the United States government' la car
ina' for the affair of more countries and
nationalities than any one nation has tn
the hlatory of the world. An appropria
tion of $2,000,000 In congress was provMed
for the extra clerical help and in
spectors. Caring for the. diplomatic and
' consular Interests of a friendly nation
Is a courtesy, the expense of which Is
borne by the neutral country.
The extraordinary demands of this
work not only has necessitated Increases
In the staffs abroad, but has resulted In
the employment of a large special force
st the State department. As a rule. Im
portant communications pass through
Washington, but in many cases much
of the routine business Is accomplished
by direct telegraph and cable between the
governments concerns snd the Amort
can embassies and legations.
Nations If Hepre.em.
The United States now represents Aus-
trln. Germany, Turkey, Belgium, Serbia,
Great Britain. France, Russia and Japan,
all belligerents. In various quarters of
the globe. Bome neutral countries, also,
have asked the United States to look out
for their interests. Switzerland, which
, has no representation in China, today
asked the State department to Instruct
the American legation to care for 6wlss
affairs there.
Since the outbreak of the war, the
American government, also by request,
has taken charge of the diplomatic or
consular Interests of Swltserlond, Den
mark, Grece, Panama, Draill. Nicaragua
and Guatemala in some of the countries
and cities where they had no representa
tives. Pome of the belligerents are rep
resented In various places by Spain and
List mt Govern meats.
.Up to. date the United States, through
Us embassies, legations or consulates,
represents the Interests of foreign gov
ernments as follows:
Diplomatic: i
In Serbia German and Austrian. -In
Austria French, British and
Japanese. . ' '
In Russia Austrian and German.
In Germany French, British, Japa
nese and Herblan.
In France Austrian, German, Turk
ish. Guatemalan. Nice. ragman.
In Belgulm Austrian, German. Brlb-
ish, Serbian, Japanese, Danish,
Turkish. ... '
In Great Britain Austrian. Ger
man, Turkish. . -
In Japan Austrian and German,
' In Egypt German, Brasliian and
8Tn Turkey French,' Serbian, Brit
ish. Belgian and Swiss.
Consular: , '
In Austria Canadian, Russian, Ser
bian, Japanese and British.
In Germany Frenoh. British, Canad
ian and Panamanian.
In France and Possessions Turkish,
Austrian snd German. . .
In Belgium Turkish, British and
In Russia Austrian, Serbian, at
In Japan Austrian and German st
' Tokohoma, and German and twlaa
at Kobe and Nagasaki.
In China German at Harbin and
Tjainy, Mancburla and Kwantung
province. t
In Turkey British at Smyrna,
Beirut, Alexandretta, Aleppo Da
mascus, and British and Greek in
in Persia German at Tabrls.
in United Kingdom and Possessions
Turkish, German, Austrian, Swiss at
Bombay, Singapore, and Johannes
burg. t
Eeoruits Up to 40
And Down to 5 Feet,
2 Inphes Acceptable
TJICDOW, May .-An official an
ttoanoemant by the British war office in
connection Vlth the appeal by Lord
Xttcbener, secretary of war for men for
the army, states it has been decided that
recruits enlisting into the regular army
for the duration of the war shall be ac
cepted up to the age of 40 years and
that the minimum standard height for
uoh reernlts shall be five feet two Inches
for the Infantry. This decision applies
also to enlistments Into the territorial
Replying' to a demand from several
members that compulsory military serv
ice should be adopted, Harold J. Ten
nant, under secretary of state for war,
said In the House of Commons this even
ing that It would only be with reluctance
that the government would embark upon
sue a policy.
Best for Cwaatlpatlaa.
The best medicine for constipation Is
Dr. King's New lit Pills, mild and ef
fective and keep 'you well. Sc. All drug
. gists. Advertisement.
Culls from the Wire
Governor Walsh of Massachusetts des
ignated the last week In August for the
national conference of governors in Bos
ton. The TOOth anniversary of the granting
of the Magna Charts will be celebrated
by the New York constitutional conven
tion June IS at Albany.
Panama merchants have completed the
organisation of a Panama Chamber of
Commerce with the object of improving
business conditions in th. republic.
States squander resources lven them
by tie federal government, executives at
tending the western Kovernors' confer
ence were told by some of thslr number
at Seattle.
Conservation of the country's supply of
natural gaa was urged by almost every
speaker before the Natural Gas Men's
association in annual session at Cincin
nati. A jury was aw ured at Trinidad to try
"Robert Ubllcb, former president of the '
Trinidad union of the I'nited Mine
Workers of America, charged with the
murder ef Mack Powell, near Ludlow,
October, 1SU.
At the conclusion at Albany of public
hearings on aitroprialIon bills Governor
Whitman of New York announced his
Intention of signing the tlft.OSii.OiiO d)r-t
tas bill I' Vf & by the last leg-lalature. j
The tearlna had resulted la tsatatlve
l I ml as t tons totalling U,m.m.
LONDON, May 20. in a free dis
cussion by the newspapers of the
ministers' abilities, even Lord Kitch
ener has not escaped criticism. The
first public criticism of the work of
the secretary for war came from the
Times today, which said:
"Against such wise advice he
(Earl Kitchener) Insisted upon keep
ing in his own hands the control of
questions with which the war office
Is far too preoccupied to deal. He
could not raise Immense new armies
and direct the industrial organiza
tion as well."
Charges at Tines.
The Times asserts that offers by manu
facturers to make shells were coldly re
jected, and after months had been lost
they were implored to begin.
The rail Mall Gasetto goes further
and says: "Hercules Is not quite as
young as he was," and remarking that
'the call of the east has always attracted
Kitchener, nominates him for viceroy of
India; "or," It adds, "If he prefers to
stsy at home, we suggest that the old
offloc of commandor-ln-chlef be revived
for him,"
The paper continues: 'Events have
heaped on Ird IKtebener's shoulders a
burden that a super-Napoleon could not
Declaring that the country could never
l.e sufficiently grateful for what Kitch
ener has done In raising men, the Pall
Mall Gazette ' says: "The problem of
T'ovidlng war materials involves the
handling of the democracy, and no sol
dier can solve It."
Tory Proposes Lloyd George.
Having proposed David Lloyd George
for minister of munitions yesterday ' the
rail Mall Gazette today nominated him
for minister of war, if Lord Kitchener
retires. A few months ago Chancellor
Lloyd Geo r bo commanded the particular
animosity of all the conservative papers.
The coalition - plan stills meets with
considerable opposition from the liberals
and several speeches were made against
it at a meeting of the liberals tonight
(May 19). but Premier Asqulth'a justifica
tion of It is said to have made a strong
The first notice that tho liberal party
may finally support conscription was
given in the House of Commons toplght
by Harold J. Tennant, under secretary
for war, who, answering a question put
to him by liberal members, said that the
government would embark on compulsory
service reluctantly, but It might become
Diocesan Council -Stands
by Wilson
LINCOLN, Neb., May 20-Th. diocesan
council of the Protectant Episcopal
church of Nebraska in session here, this
evening adopted the . following resolu
tion, which - was ordered sent to Presi
dent Wilson: .
-"The Episcopal church In the diocese
of Nebraska tn council assembled sends
greetings. We appreciate and endorse
your manly aland for peace, neutrality
and the Integrity of, your country."
Miss Marjorie McBrlde, IS. 4007 North
Twenty-ninth street, was found dead by
her mother last night at her home, the
young 'woman having inhaled gas and
Ukert poison besides.
Miss McBrlde was chief operator for
the Nebraska Telephone company at the
Webster street station. Several months
ego she suffered a nervous breakdown,
rollowlng a vacation, she returned to
work ' last week and ' appeared in her
tirnal spirits. Mat night her mother left
her at home whll. she went to visit at a
neighbor's and when she returned found
the girl dead. No note was left to Indi
es U any motive for the act
a mortgage oji an old house that
mv nave been made to pav off
a bad debt with no assurance
that the owner will be able to
pay It back
Or a purchase mnnsv mortgage
on a new home, built to order for
the owner who knows he can
meet the payments?
Home Builders does not make
loans therefore never has mort
gages on old buildings.
Horns Builders
Guinnteid I-
Share are seenrsd by mortgagee
on new homes the safest secur
ity known.
Our booklet the "New Way"
gives full information.
American Security Company
Fiscal Agents
Cor. 17th and Douglas, Omaha,
Ground Fluor.
$3.50 A MOUTH
Free Stool, Hcarf ud Insur
ance. Hperlal inducements If
yo'J wish to purchase later.
piaxo cx.
J 3 11-1 3 Fariuuu Htreet
Doug. 1628.
fly Gloves
PJ Two-Clasp, black only, rjd
PQ seconds of th o0e pU
LR kind, a pair ktj
Lace Curtains
1,000 Traveling: Men's mt
Sample Up to 2 yards 1 So
long. Values to 60c, each .
Curtain Remnants
All th. Remnants of Curtain
Goods Scrims, Etamine
and other drapery goods.
10c i
values to 26o, yard.
Fine Lace Curtains
una immense u o t O f
Worth to $1.60 pair. lf
flneHal eaoh JJ
Embroidery Edges
and Insertions Cambric and
Swiss, up to 6 inches wide.
Worth to It He; will re-
duce for special sale Frl
day. to
Laces, Embroideries
Remnants and Sample Pieces
Up to one-yard long, m
Worth 10c. Special, each
Silk Samples
Importers' and Salesmen's Sam
plea of High-Class Silks, includ
ing Crepes, Satin Meteors, Char
meuse, Poplin," Taffetas, Fou
lards, etc.. etc., In aa
lengths up to 1 yards. lp
Worth to $1. Remnant.
Importers' Samples
of silk, satins, taffetas, messa
lines, foulards, etc. Plain and
fancy, hundreds of different col
ors and designs to select p
from. Worth to, 60c. I S
Specially priced, each-.."
High Class Silks
samples. One lot of odda and
ends to cldse out quickly, s
worth 26c. v Special, each j(
remnant, Friday
Night Gowns ,
Wpmen'e Cut long and full,
lace-edge sleeves and neck, rib
bon run neck. Also long White
Muslin Petticoats with embroid
ery bottoms. At this an
price you save Just about TC
half. Choice sW
Men's Union Suits
Men's Conde Mesh and Lisle
Union Suits Just received an
other big lot Short and long
sleeves, regular and three-quarter
lengths. $1.00 and f r
and $1.26 values. Spe- nMf
clal, suit VaW
Shirts and Drawers
65 Dozen Men's Balbriggan and
.Fancy Mesh Shirts and Draw
. era Values to 60c. Sale r p
price, a garment, 23c jC
Athletic Union Suits
75 Do sen Men's Athletic Union
Suits Made of good quality
nainsook and ribbed cot- mm g
ton. Valuea to 75c. Spe- SI I fa
cial Friday, a trait
Negligee Shirts
One Big Lot of Men'a Negligee
and Ooir Shirts All neat pat
terns. Sites 14 to 18. f f
Regular 76c values,
each w
Wash Waists
Over 2,000 White and Colored
Wash WaisU for Women All
good, practical styles high
necks, low necks, short and long
sleeves. Many fine white and
colored materials. Docens of
styles. Slightly soiled and mass
ed ,- but perfect otherwise In
every way. Made to sell at 39c
and up to 69c. Tailor- ft
ed and lingerie waists. X a) C
Bungalow -Aprons ,
Ages 2 to 12 years. Solid colors,
also light and dark flgared pat
tern. Made with belts a
and pocket. ; several I U
styles Aaf
Gingham Aprons
Various kinds of Women's Ging
ham Aprons, with and without
bibs and straps; also small round
light and dark Percale
Aprons. 19c and 36c I f
y Top Bags TJa
Erf Made of moire silk. Lq
LJA Regular f 8c valaea. LJu
ra Specially priced fvJ
Money Will Do Double Duty
in our Basement Friday. There has been
a general gingering up among the various
departments and each is offering bargains
unusually tempting to the economical.
U ' i- j.- ... :; ,n ;. ..IJ
Fine Cotton Vests
Women.' "Cumfy-Out" -style.
12VrC quality, p
Cotton Union Suits
Women's Umbrella knee style,
full taped. Regular and m mm
extra slses. Regular 25c Iff
values, a suit
Cotton Vests
Women's "Cumfy-Cut" and
square necks. Pants to match
in umbrella knee nl
style. Worth to lie. I f
Special, a garment Zm-
BoyV Union Suits
Mesh, high neck and short
sleeves; knee length. Ages 8 to
14 years. 25c quality. a
Special Friday, a I iP
suit ial
Tennis Shoes
and Oxfords for Men, Qlrls and
Boys Black oanvaa, A-l
rubber soles. .All sizes. ajy
Pumps and Oxfords
500 Pair 'Women's Satin, pat
ent leather and dull leather.
All sises. Worth to Aa gg
$3.00. Special Frl- X I KK
day, pair YI,UW
Moleskin Work Shoes
Genuine None better for rough
wear; soft and pll- k f T
Dress Low Shoes
Men'a Tan calf and black gun
metal; button and bluchef lace.
AU sises. Worth tf a4 gwm
$4 Specially Jl JJ5
priced, pair Y w
Kewpie Pumps
for big girls Sises 3i to 7.
Patent leather with fawn or
gray tops; broad toes, low heels
and ankle strap, aa ifl
lrBi.;..A. $2e48
Barefoot Sandals
for Children Soft, tan willow
calf; protected toes. gg
All sises. A HtSr
pair JJ
Juliet House Slippers
for Women -R u b b e r gg
heels. Soft leather. All MXf
sises. Friday, a pair. ...SJX
White & Bltck Oxfords
Shoes and Pumps for Women
and Children A bargain table
piled with odda and a mm
ends. Your choice Frl- I f
day, pair
Corset Covers
Many different styles, lane and
embroidery trimmed, m jm
Regular 26c values, I S p
In the Basement
Fast Colored Wash Edglng-O-
All coiora. Yard -
J. tt P. Coats' Usst Chain Brand
Machine Thread Regular Icoj.
grade. Spool "a
largn Pisces of Blaatio 2iC
nasUoBlack and White. f
Yard i 1C
Notloat Boxes 1 .00 worth. JQg
Wooden Coat Hangars C-
On Pig Lot of Bias Tapes, Rink
Barks and Finishing firalds c
Worth to Q, to clos out. bolt -ffafety
Pins All rises.
Card c
Meroarlsad Crochet Cotton) 1
All coiora ttpool JC
Hair NetaWMh and without
lastio. Eaob 1C
Bast Twtllad Taps-4 ysjrds tnf
bolt, for 1C
Oas Big Lot ef Scissors andt s
Shears-Pair UC
Cloth Dress Skirts
Women's and Misses' Over 800
in the lot, good practical styles,
mad. of fin. All-Wool Serges,
Diagonals. Fancy Mixture,
Checks. Plaids, Fine Voiles, Etc.
Net this season's styles, but all
lood styles for many
occasions. Valors up
to $r0, at....
Children's Dresses
and Rompers Ages 2 to 6
years. All good waah materials
in many different styles. n
Regular 26o, 29c end 89e 1 Xf
values, each u
Women's and
Misses1 Silk and
Cloth Dresses
that were made to sell np to $12.00.
Over 1,000 dresses in this lot dosena of
styles, many new spring styles, others are
all good, practical modala. Made of fine
Silk poplin, messallne, fancy foulards,
crepe meteor, striped serge and various,
other fine silks, all-wool French mate
rials. All sizes and colors, as well as
plenty of black. The greatest lot of fine
silk and cotton dresses ever offered for
so little money, lust when
you want them. Choice,
Women's, Misses'
and Juniors' Suits
AH of our own suits, together wlth a lot
of others from recent purchases; 289
splendid, up-to-the-minute suits made of
fine materials, such aa silk suita, poplin
suits, covert cloth, shepherd checks, fine
serge suits, etc. Regular $10.00, $12.60
and $18.00 values. Every suit Is a cor
rect style for spring 1816. Dosena of
pretty styles In all the new colors, aa well
as staple ahadea. The great part of these
suits are all silk lined. Fine f g r
workmanship and materials. n MX
Choice for ,.pUea0
Boys' Suits With
Two Pair Pants
$4.00 Values
Norfolk styles, aa illustrated, made
spienaia durable cassimerea in neat pat
u lira, v
terns, rants ruiiy lined and
every seam taped. Specially
A Great Sale of
Boys' Waists '
Blouse Waists florae are slightly soiled.
A large assortment of light and dark
stripe patterns; also plain while and
black sateen. Ages 6 to 11 .
years. Positively worth to 60c. 1 Mf
Sale price, each.. XUm
Boys' Pants
Bargains for Friday Only
Knickerbockers Special lot of splendid
wearing tweeds in neat ahadea, many are
fully lined. Ages 4 to 17 years. Worth
75c and up to $1.00 Specially
for Friday only, a
Boys' Wash Suits
One large table full of 7 Bo and $1.00
wash suits All the new styles In- s m
eluded, plenty of plain white A Si
snlts. 8pecial Friday, choice
Our Basement
Men's Clothing
Is now offering the best suit for the price
that w. have presented in years
Men's Suits at $7.50
Exceptional Values
Blue serges, fancy worsteds, oassimeres
and cheviots, mad. rfp In a splendid va
riety of new novelties. In th. very latest
color combinations and patterns;
tailored and serge lined. All
sixes. Regular $12 and $16
values, choice for
u-tl war e. A
Man's Trousers Pure all-wool worsteds,
in plain blues and fancy mix
tures. Regular price $2.49;
sal. price, a pair
Work Pants
Best Work
Pants In America
2S0 Man'. Suits
All sises.
Special ..........
7M.Xraeh, 4c
Special Lot of Bleached
Crash Soft finish and
absorbent. Ppeclal. yard.
(10 Tarda Limit)
89c Spreads. 59c
Regulation aise In tbe crochet
kinds all pretty and da s.A
slrable patterns. Bpe- hU
daily priced, eaoh.
25c Padding, 18c
One Oaae of Heavy, ' Double
needed Padding 84 Inches
wide. The kind to pro- m 0
tect your table. Special 1 Ks
Friday, a yard IOC
Towels, Face Cloths
One Lot of Gotten Towels
Hemmed ends. Special aise for
dentists' and barbers' use. - -Also
waah cloths In mill 1 f
seconds. 8pectal, each
$1.00 Cloths 69c
One Lot of Table Clothe
Slightly soiled from display.
(No seconds). Made of fine
quality mercerised rf
darn ask. all pretty pat- riMi
terns, each: VaC
25c Towels. 19c
Linen Hook Towels Ham
stitched or hemmed m f
anda, with crest for I Mf
monograms, Friday, each.
(One Doaen Limit)
Seamless Hosiery
Men's, Women's and Chlldren'a
Black and fancy colors. Will
be sold at half regular
price. Worth to 12Hc hf
per pair ....
Seamless Hosiery
Men's, Women's and Children's
Black and tan, me
dium and light weight
Worth 16c. Special pair.
Silk Boot Hosiery
Women's fiber Black only. Full
seamless, double heels mm
and toea. Worth 26a IS
Special Friday, pair AUlm
Cotton Hand'chiefs
Narrow and wide hems, extra
site, plain and Initials. Wom
en's colored and white "initial
handkerchiefs, laoe and embroid
ery edged, some all pore Irish
linen. Worth to mm or mm
Justrite Corsets
Made of fancy material, prettily
trimmed. A new model for
slender and medium figures.
Free htp section, two hooka be
low front steel; four heavy gar
uct ear
ters attached. Sises
1 to 24. Regular
$1.60 valuea. Special.
FrontLaced Corsets
Not all sises, but a good g
assortment. $2.06 and Mfr
$8.00 corsets, at
W.B.-R&G Corsets
Made of batiste;
guaranteed rust
Soaps and House
hold Needs
Penptida of Hydrosen. poundQ
IHamond "C" Boap 10 b-20c
sari WMt. Soap 10 bare.
WblBoras and Nasthe. 8f,29c
SMnuU Tsam Boinas-a-pouadto.
packs a IC
Wlaard Floor Polish 11.00 ,QC
Household Ammtrils Larss f
bottle T..C
fsjjndJEnd. of Kansr ToUoIq
rgm Naptha p-- harsiijgj,
IjetT or Wool Sop-i bara.g
Girls' Wash Dresses
Ages 2 to $ and 6 to 14 years.
Many different styles, all new.
up-to-date dresses made of fine
gingham, percale, chain bray, etc.
Oliver Twist, Suspender mm
Styles. Bailor Effects.
etc. Choice In this sale.
House Dresses
Women's and Misses' Over
1,000 to select from. Many dif
ferent styles, made of good
striped and checked ginghams,
plain chambray, good m a
percales, etc. 73c, $1 A!
and $1.26 values, eaah...
7 Brooms g
fcrl Four-row at itching. Vrj
lU Special, each - Kj
Silk Finished Poplins
In a full range of the leading
domestic shades. Highly
mercerised, permanent fin- Ufa
Ish. Regular 16o value, W.V
Juvenile Suitings
3 2 -Inch, leading stripes and
check absolutely fast colore.
Lengths to 20 yards, p.1
Regular ltfto value, a Itc
yard '
Scotch Ginghams
33-inch, beautiful atripea, plaids
and c berks, as well as plain
shades absolutely fast gj
colors. 16c values, a Xla
yard V2
' Wash Goods
Several Thousand Tarda Mill
Remnants, glnchajns. aepnyrs,
percales, ttssnes. batiste, ni
dimttles, etc, worth to tt
12Ho, Friday, yard 2
Egyptian Tissue
Genuine Lorraine, every yard
stamped. Beautiful, sheer, light
weignt ratine; excellent coiora.
a a, vvitH sj.
neat stnpea and
checks. 19c value,
a yard
Filet Tissue
Beautiful floral nrlntlnn in all
the leading shades. This sea
son's choicest fabric.
Lengths up to 16 yards.
Special, yard .,
Dress Prints
Fins quality dress prints, call
coes, etc Fall standard shirting
styles, all the wanted stripes,
dots and figures, lengths
gthS S).
to 10 yards, Friday,
yard, only ....
Dress Percale
Mnch, light and dark grounds.
Mill lengths up to 10 yarda,
Neat dots and stripes. mm
SVse and 12 Ho quality. S
Friday, a yard
Mill Remnants
28 and 40-tnch Beautiful Printed
Seed Voiles, Rice Cloths, Tis
sue. Plain Silk Ratines, etc-
A beautiful assortment of
printings. Valuea to 20c, Hi
yard ...JC
Apron Gingham
Best Grade All . the wanted
blue and white checks and
broken effects. Fall s
pieces to select from. 6o Af f
value, Friday, yard ;2,k
Bleached -Sheets
?2i60-lnch Made from good
quality 4-4 cotton, soft flntshj 3
Inch hems," ready for gg
nse Special Friday,
Bleached Slips
42 and 45i8S-tnch Made from
good grade bleached muslin.
extra sort finish; 8-lnch
hems. Sale price Fri
day, each
Bleached Muslin
80-lnch Best grade, soft finish.
absolutely no dressing;
beautiful bleach. Regu
u' 72C
lar 10o value, yard.
Underwe r Cambric
36-lncn Pearl bleach, soft fin
ish; Ideal weight for i
summer lingerie white Kgw
skirts. 12 Talus. yard..v2
Unbleached Muslin
36-lncn Soft flnfsh, easily
bleached snd laundered. m
6c valu off th holt Ait
Friday, yard T2
X splendid variety at tanoso
ally low prloas. Boms ef these
ars slightly soiled.
Vestaea Embroidered phie
collars In Bwtos and lacs, abort
back collars with
velvet bands.
BCll si4haei
Women's and Children's Fancy
saws caw as sv saut
. polka m f
rth to lir
colored and white, polka
dot borders, worth
So. Special Friday.
qV brellas P
pU For men and woman, rja
rjj Regular $liM values. Mrs
DA Friday, each PCj