4 4 .i THK BKK: OMAHA. Fl.'IDAV. WW Jl. I'M.'). Bringing Up mut TICKS' I 1HC iUT THAT ' x nc uvt onE ' I r 1 TlN)Etj I TINK TH3 IS THE SECOND INVENTED TACKS WOOF! I T INK; PJKES AN' sqmET'IN (f I DWNTX HAt fcftAMI BALL GAME ONCE MORE CALLED OFF Donble-Header Carded Between Omaha and Wichita Postponed on Account of Wet Grounds. TOPEXA PLAYS HERE TODAY The bargain bill bo faithfully prom ised the fans by Pa Rourfce for yes terday was called off because the well known weather prognostlcator did not see fit to turn on the sun and thus make the ball yard a decent place to play In. The grounds were far too wet, and also it was too cold for athlete and fan alike, so the very first double fray of the season was postponed. - Now three games will have to be played In double-headers when Wares' crew comes this way again. ' Today Topeka will open u four name scries with Pa's man. The Kaw- Hie gent are at present trading the loop, tiut Marty Knit haa a proa-nun all laid out which will upset the Topekaa from their chosen spot. With the aid of the weather man Wichita won the entire aeries from Omaha and the Rourke boaa tntenda to have his revenge en the other Kansas gang. Either Bert Larson or Tom I Mod Rett will oblige for the lady burs. I as today ia one of the bl-weeUy ladles' matinee. ' ' Mkekespa to Or car. Home shakeupg are' soon to occur In the Oruaha' lineup. The local pitching ataff munt be chansod for the better if Omaha la to win any pennant or even make a fifth t for It, Everdon and Cloaman are not showing- the atuff they ahould and are hanging on the ragged edge. Both of theae hurlers will probably be released If Ilourke ran procure aome good twirling material. Ralph W411la la also Inclined to be erratic and may draw a blue envelope If mora pitching talent Is added to tha club. The Infield and the catching department la rtrat class, but Thomaaon seems to have loat hla apeed In center. Tommy has bee a In Omaha several years now and a change of climate will undoubtedly do him good. Tommy wanted to change taet (all and If he can mtke a trnds or gat another outfielder Rourke will probably give tha popular little center gardener a ha nee to shirt hla residence. Fereytfce la At bit toes. Several old acquaintances will be found on the Topeka nine. Including Bert Wrover. who pitched a no-run, no-hlt onibat for Omaha l-mt year: Roaring Kill Kappa, the famous comedian, and othera. Alao Cy Forsythe. the tango kid, ho works In tight for Omaha, Juat came from Kawvllle and haa visions of n.aklng a down or so hlta against his old matea during the conflict. The gamea will all start at 3 o'clock. The lineups: OMAHA Kchltehner Hreen Krug Wlialen .. Hmith Thomaaon I'oreythe , K reger . . Ksfora .... I jt raon . . . Morlgelt . I'loamin liverdon .. Willis .... TOPRKA. Rapps ...Lettlmore .Roche Talllon Tralnor Jackson Mayer . ..To'-inenian Monroe First.... . .. .ei'ond. ... Thlni. .. ......exhort.... If ... Center.... Right.... Catch.... Catch ... Pitch... Pitch ... , Pitch ... litch Pitch.... .... Whitman Urover ..Dashner 1 ..Kcxhrmn Ciunn HtiUMTr'.RM WIX I TIIK .NINTH Hlta tr Sawyer mm Taaavehlll Wis llarllag Dsrl froaa Bears. I'KS MOl.N'rM. Ia.. May 30-Hlts by riamer and Taiinehlll In the ninth Inning t-Ktay won i I to I pitchers battle for rs Moines from Pitcher Cant well, an Indianapolis discard with Denver. Score: v DKa MOlNKd. V AH. R. If. O. .A. K. O. I 0 11 X f 3 o 4 - i A. 0 o i 0 7 I Uhn. if Hunter, cf Jones, lb. '., Hills. II. Hswver, 2ti . t S . 1 0 , 4 . 4 0 .' I . 4 1 Hartford, ss. Tunneolli, ib 4 0 Oraham. c k Mogildge, p. S 0 DENVER. A H. R II. 0 0 V 4 O V 9 U. 1 flM-UI tf I Ml, rf. Dell, rf At-aten. Mitchell. If.... kelleher. as.., Kislier. lb Maihews. lb.. .-iianr, c . SLiitwell. p... Totals 4 XI 1 7 it IT Two eut when winning run scored Ienver ..l e 0 0 0 0 Ol I Moinee 0 1 0 0 S S 0 0 1-1 Two-base hit: Tannehlll. Bacrlfloe hlta: Dell, Miu hall, tipalir, Hunter. Struck out: by Movrids. 4: by Cantwell, C Rase on halls: Off Mosridge, I; off Cantwell, u Hit by pltchad bail: Ry Cantwell. Hahn. Wild pitch: Mogrulge, trouble play: KaU lebor ty Ms thews to rlaher. 1-eft on bases'. Da Mutnes. ; Ixenver. S. Time: I i. I'mpire; Myvrs taalkrra Asaerla tleai. Cornall. I; Michigan, t- tllanUt. 2; little Ho. k. M. Mot. lie. 4: Memt.bU. 1 Ksw Orleans. 1, Chattanooga. S I ten I n i l nsr a) aaa'jvillc, J: Birmingham. 7. Father Beatrice Wins In Shutout Game With Towne's Men i , .o.-iBpe, ui I BKATR1CK. Neb.. Mi Telegram.) Beanies won the onenlnn game In thla clly today, dofeatlng Nor folk, 5 to 0. The dar was cold and rain threatened, but a large crowd of eager fana was out to m the local team In action. Manager Tillman was presented with a new bat ttnd boukuet of flowers at the opening of the game. Hunter, back stop for Beatrice, featured with three clean hits. The score: NOprlJC. IIKATKKK Ail. II ..I. A. K AH H O A K HrsOrlrk, lb I 1 1 "Kllltnan. !h 4 It 1 t S ! liy. aa I Malkar, .. 4 I mi.h.ll, rf 4 Kempas, If.. T.iwn. lb 4 II Krowa. rf 4 mm, e 4 lark. 4 B. Ilmwn... 1 S 0 t IHrannon. 9b. 4 I 4 0 8; SOS lllla. . If. . .. 4 1 3 0 ll i t S N.ff ef 4 S t S 0 SOS SljorkhaJt, rf 4 0 l O ll It fniit. lb 4 0 4 1 o I 0K..r1.m. as . 4 1 I 1 0 ! 41 ohuatar 4 3 3 0 4 0 0 1 0 I a I AAdama, i 040 . j 7 17 11 0 Total! Totals II I H i I Hatted for Ulllis tn ninth. Norfolk 0 0 A A ft 0 0 0 0-0 Ueatrioa 0 11 I 0 4 0 0 0 u Two-base, hits: Clark, Hunter, Rrannon, Towns. Hacriflce lilt: Naff, Hnster, Adams, I)yn. (Stolen base: Huster. IIhscs on halls: Off Adams, : off t'lark, S. Mtruck out: Ry Adams, 6; by t'lark, 6. Double play: Flllman to Kortem to Hockewlti. Passed ball: Olllla. Tlm: !:M. Umpire: Mulr. Stars to Autograph Base Balls Given to Men in the Trenches CmCAGO, .May Ift-Tha moat famous ball players of the American league will be asked to autograph some of the baaa balls whloh President Johnaon will for ward among other paraphernalia to the Canadian soldiers In France who want to while away tha Intormlawlon between battles In plying the American national game. Preeldent Johnaon aald today he would ask the playera to' contribute signed base balls to the collection of material he will provide, which will In clude, In the flrat consignment, five groaa of balls, fifty bate, six masks and alx catchers protectors, with sis seta of new uniforms to go later. The American league thla afternoon sent the following telegram to Mayor T. Ia Church of Tornonto: "An appeal haa bean made to me to provide a big assortment of base ball paraphernalia for use of the Canadian soldiers In France. The American club playera will cheerfully make the con tribution. Finally Instruct mo aa to whom I shall send thla shipment If It Is wanted." Auto Elimination Trials Postponed INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. May -Raii today cauaed a postponement of the first i elimination trials for the MO-mlle auto mobile race to be held here May 28. Forty cars are entered, and aa the number of starters hes been limited to thirty-three, seven cars will t eliminated. Karh car to be permitted to start will have to make an average speed of eighty miles an hour, and the thirty-three allowing tha beet tlnui above that average will make the atart In the race. Three trial Will be slv, n ,arli ilrivai. At th, . r.ur way offioua it was said the trials would start tomorrow, weather permitting. STANFORD AND CALIFORNIA SNAP ATHLETIC RELATIONS SAN FRANCESCO, May -The mi verslty of California and Inland Stan ford, Jr., unlversMy snapped athletic re lations today, and Rugby foot ball, played nowhere els among American major col lesea. thereby went Into the discard. Rupture between tha schools waa caused by Callfornia'a Insistence that freshmen be not plaved In varsity com petitions. GRINNELL FOOT BALL COACH BEGINS SPRING TRAINING C.RINNELU la.. May iW-Kpeclal.l- Coarh McAlinon. engaged a short time ago to take charge of the Urlnnell foot ball squad, arrived yesterday to begin spring training. He had a squad of fotty men out In suits and gave them a thor ough workout He Intends to stay in (irinnell until commencement In order to train tha men tn the rudiments of the game, and thua save several weeks of valuable time next fall. l oatt l.eaaue. At Lo Ahgelea: t il K. Portland i S 1 Venice 4 S 1 Batteries: Iish. Coveleskle and Flaher; Henley and Ppeneer. At Oakland: R HB. Txs Anlea I S 0 Oakland I i Batteries: Burns andRrook a; Pruttt, Boyd sol Kuba. WlllUsaa College Wlaa. BOSTON May The New England Intercollegiate tennis championship, Soth In singles and diMibles. waa won for Wil liams collage today In the final rounds oe tha Long wood courts. Copyright. 11.".. International Newa Service. HUMBLE REDLEGS SWAT ALEXANDER Cincinnati Batter Hit lireat rnuiy Hurler Hard and Quakers Lose. DALE PITCHES FOR VICTORS I rillLAI l'lilA. May Ufc -Cincinnati hit Alexander today und Philadelphia n dnfeated, 6 to !i. Roth of the home team a tallies were made on home-run drive by Becker and Cravath In the fourth inning. With the exception of thia inning Dale wns very effective. Boonr: Cincinnati rmi.Anri.rJiu. All II O A K. AH H O A B Uirh. rf.... 12 3 0 ftflHiirroft. M. S 4 e llrrarac m...t I t II iH!.k-. 3h....fl 0 0 a o ; l n S 1 0 Sj 1 1 1 4 n ! W Kllimr, Ifl t t Ollvrn. Jt....S I X ". 16..... 4 I 2 0 Mfrker, f...S 1 wnrnin. n . s u u m ravam. n.. m i j V KnlnlH. Mil I S 4 ftl'uakert. lb.. 1 11 Miillvlli. lb 4 0 12 0 HNIol.olf, 3b.. 3 1 l.liiHiln. p 4 t 7 1 AWalmr. rf... 0 1 Hal, s t t o 2 011 Klllirer. I n - Alanlr. p I 1 i e o Total! 83 llX7 1t Totals St 4 r St t Cincinnati 1 1 0 0 O 1 0 I O b Philadelphia 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 02 Two-lmso hits: I.enii, Kersog. Three base lilt: l.ciuii. Home runs; Recker, 'ruvth Htolen baaes: Dooln. (Iroh, Von Kolnlts. Raaea on balls: off Dale, 3: off Aleximder. 1. Htmck out: By Dale, 6; by Alexander, 5. I'mplren: Rig ler and Hart. Cuba Defeat Brmes. IMIHTON, May DD Chicago defeated Rostiin today, by a score of I to 2. Hushes Blruca out eleven Ctilcago ba-ta-men, but hla fine twirling was undone when the Cuba scored three runs In the seventh on Zimmerman's double, a pass, a Hingis, and Williams and Mugee'k mulf of Knlseley'a long fly. Hcore: OH I OA no. BOSTON. AH H O A V AB.n.O.A E Chelan, Is.. 4 t Cltipat'k. If I 0 1 Klahor. .. 4 14 lKn. lb 4 111 Hrhull. If.. 4 1 1 0 leather, If... 4 I Zlinrman. lb 4 S 4 I 0Mao, rf... 4 I 4 Hler. lb.... I 11 4 Hrhmldt. lb. I I 1 I I Wllllama. rft 1 I ( SKmllh. lb.... 1 t t 1 S lirMnahan. el 4 1 1 vMaranvil, as 4 1 I t 4 Ar. h.r. c .l I I txlowrlr. c ... I 1 13 4 Knlaelay, rt. 4 I 0 4 Oltuahaa, p .. I 4 S 4 Pierre, p. ... I 4 I JoVLarr; ..1 4 4 0 4 Totals 30 I 17 11 S Totsis 34 inns , Hatted for Urcsnahun In seventh. Chicago 0 1 0 0 0 0 t 0 04 Boston 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 03 Two-base hits: Kgan, Flaher. Zimmer man W. Hmlth. Three-base hit: Will lama. Htolen base: McDarry. iBaaea on halls: Off Hughes, 1; off Pierce. 4. eUruck out: Ry Hughes, 11; by Pierce, 4. Um pires: Byron and Orth. Pirates Take Opeaer. NBW YORK, May JO. littsburgh took the first game of the series from New York today, S to 2. Perritt waa knocked out of the box in the second Inning. Schiipp, who succeeded him, waa wild. Adama waa steady throughout. Meyers xpllt a finger In the firth and retired. Kcore: PITTSSit'lKlM. NEW YORK. AH H O A AS H O A R. t'ar.r. If.... 4 14 SRurns, It.... 4 4 t 4 e Johimoo. lb 4 111 s VPorla. Zh....4 1 1 S S llalrd. cf....4 114 4I,baft. 3b.. I 4 4 1 II llinrlima. rf 4 I 1 4 oridrhar. a. 4 I I 4 I Wasner, as., 14 14 lHotxrtan. rf 4 I I 4 4 Vl. b 4 11 OHralnanl. lb 4 114 S 4 Oorlwr. lb... I III OMorara, e.... I 4144 tlltaoa, . O... I 4 1 4 OXmlth. C....I 4 111 Ailama, s 4 1 4 4 OMurrar rf.. 4 1 1 S 4 rarrltL, p...4 S 4 4 1 Total! 31 4 17 11 Itlrhspp, p... I 14 10 Oraal 1 S 4 4 I Hlllar. p.... 4 4 4 4 4 Markle .... t S 4 S 4 Totals 14 r 11 J liatted for Mc.'iupp in seventh. Hatted fur Rltter In ninth. Pittsburgh 1 2 0 0 X 0 0 1 0 New York 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 041 Two-base hits: Hlnchman, 8c hupp, Doyle. (Stolen bases: Johnson. Oerher, Carey (2). Rases on balla: Off Perritt. I; off Rchupp ; off Rltter. 1; off Adams. 2. Double plays: Flotcher to liralnard (21. Hits: Off IVrrltt, four In one arid one-third Innings: off achupp, four In five and two-thtrda Innings; off Rltter. one In two Innings. Hit: By pitched ball: Ry Perritt Carey. Htruck out: Ry INrHtt, 1; bv Bcbupp, 2: hv Rltter, 1: by Adams, 1. Cmplres. Qulgley and Eson. ltoggers Los te Cards. BROOKLYN. May JO An error of judgment by Hchults In tha flrat Inning today gave HI. Ixiuls enough runs to win from Brooklyn. The final score waa S to 1. With two out and Dolan on sec ond, J. Millar hit to the third baseman, who had an easy throw to first to re tire the aiue. lnatead, be tried fur Itolau, who was aaie at third on a close de cision. Hyatt then ahot a long double to right, scoring both men. troubles by Mtengel and W heat acored Brooklyn a only run. Score: t. I in. nnooKTvnf. AH II O AK AB H.O.AC sweeter. If . 4 4 1 4 SO start, as. . 4 1 4 3 4 ll'k. Ih 4 0 1 4 41aubort, Ib. 4 I 14 4 4 Iwlan. rf ... I 4 I I SHtaaol rf.,4 I I 1 4 J Millar. Ik. I 1 I I Owkaat. If . . 4 1 14 Hvatl. Ik ... 4 111 0.-thw. lb 4 4 I 1 1 WlUoa. f .. 4 1 t 4 Mra. if .. 4 S 1 1 S Hiillar. aa .. 4 4 1 I !t.huMi. Ik. I I 4 1 S fnyder, C....I 114 4-1 Millar. ..4 4 I 4 Hallae. p.. .4 t 1 4 0O.ll. p e 4 7 Hamaial ...1 4 4 4 4 Totala.. . MI17 14S Totals 34 I'll 11 I Batted for Dell In ninth. Beck declared out for Interfering. flt. Louis 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Brooklyn. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Two-base hlta: Hyatt. Stengel. Wheat. Ptolen bases. IVUan. O. Miller. 8'hulta. Ikuble play. Hallee to J. Miller to Hyatt. Iiaaa nn Kalla- I If f W a 11 u. AM I ... 1 1 I ritruca. out: Ry Bailee, 7; by Dell. 6.' L'mptiea: Klein and Uiialle. Stalllaaa Ulvea Leelare. CAMHRIIH1E. Mass.. May t0.-leorge T. mailings, manager of the WorU s Champion Boston Nationals, gave the Harvard bavse ball aqual Intaructlona In "Itia4de base ball.' lie la said to have consented to act aa a sort of advisory coach to the team. Praam Beats MtrMaae. PHILADELPHIA. May J) -The Uni versity of IVnnsylvanla defeated thu t'nlvrrnitv of Mic higan at tennla here to day, six mattiiea lo none., t our matches In singlea and two in doubles were I'ayed Standing of Teams WfT. LKAOt'E. NAT. LFlAOtTF,. WLIVt. W.L.P'1. Topeka ....15 7 .tn Phlla 17 11 .T7 Des Molncs.lt 10 .61: Chicago ..-.17 1-' Omaha 12 10 .54i.i Boston 14 .M9 Icnver 10 10 .kVani littMhlirgtl .IS In .rt Ht Joseph.. 11 10 .M4I Brooklyn . . .14 10 .4- Lincoln .... 10 .471' Pt. Louis. ...15 17 .4W Moiix Cltv.,10 16 .3nl Cincinnati ..VI l .444 Wichita . . . 6 14 .SO, New York... 11 1 .407 AMF.R. LKAOrU. STATU LKAOUB. W.LPct.l W.UlTt. New York. .17 .S .41 Kearney .... H 1 .7W Detroit IS 11 .M3I Beatrice ....4 2 Ml Chicago ....IS v. .!: Falrbury ...3 2 . 600 Ronton 12 10 ,S Norfolk .... S .tiO) Wanh'ton .11 14 .4l York 2 2 fion Cleveland . .12 18 .42Sr. Island... 3 2 .f Ht. Louis... 10 tt ,a.3 Viastinga ...1 Phlla 19 .331iColumbua ..1 4 .200 FED. LEAOL'K. I AMER. LEAGUE. W.LPtt.i W.L.Pct Pittsburgh l12.4lNew York. .14 .040 Newsrk ....IS 12 .uj Detroit U 11 .63 Chicago ...17 18 .5671 Chicago ....1 12 .13 Brooklyn ..16. 1J Ml Boston 13 10 .M5 Kan. City.. 16 l;t .fM Washington 13 14 .4fii M. lxuis...,13 14 .4.l 'Cleveland ..12 11 .4 Baltimore. .12 18 .4o0 St. Louis. ...10 19 ..145 Buffnli S 21 Phlla 10 .321 Yesterday's Reanlts. WE8TER1N LEAGUE. Toieka-Kloujt City, wet grourula. Wlchlta-Omaha, wet grounds. Uncoln-Kt. Joseph, wet grounds Denver, 1; lies Moines, i NATIONAL LEAGUIS. t. Louis, 6; Rrooklyn, 1. Chicago, 4; Boston, 2. Pltsburgih, ; New York, 2. Cincinnati, fi; Philadelphia. 2. AMERICAN LKAQCE Philadelphia-Detroit, rain. Washington-Cleveland, cold. New York. 4; 8L Louis, 2. Boaton-Chtcago, wet gioundn. FEDERAL LEAGUE. Baltimore-Pitts burgh, rain. Brooklyn-Chicago, rain. Buffalo. U:. Kt. Louts, 11. American association games posttoued, rain. NEBRASKA STATE LEAGUE. Norfolk, 0; Beatrice, a. No other games scheduled. Uaaaee Twey. Western Ieague Denver at Kt. Jo.iili, Lincoln at Dee Moines, Topeka at Omaha, Wlohlta at Mloux City. . American League St. LouU at Brook lyn, Chicago at Boston. Pittsburgh at New York. Cincinnati at Philadelphia. National Leajrue Philadelphia at De troit, Washington at Cleveland. Now York at 81. Louts. Boston at Chicago. Federal league Baltimore at Pitta burgh, Brooklyn at Chicago, Newark at Ht. Louis, Buffalo at Kansas City. State League Norfolk at Reatrice, Kearney at York, Grand Island at Hast ings, Columbus at Falrbury. Track Meet Carded for This Saturday is Postponed Week Bad weather and the aoft condition of Oreighton field has prompted the man agement of the Omaha Athletic Federa tion, to postpone the big Invitation track meet scheduled for Sa turds y until May 2. As a result the entry lints will re main open until next Tuesday so that those athletes who wished to take part and failed to get their blajtka in will have ample time to do so. Stromboli is First in Metropolitan Stake NEW YORK, March SO. The Metropol itan handicap at one mile run at Bel moot park today was won by Stromboli, Sharpshooter was second and Flying Fairy third. Time, 1:SS 4-5. The meeting Is to continue until June). Part of the proceeds will be devoted to the Red Cross, White Cross and Blue Cross societies. The entries were: August Belmont's Rockvlew, 14, and Stromboli, US pounds; E. B. Cassatt'a Flying Fairy, HR; the Marronea stable's Charleston; O. A. Thompson's Slumber II, 107; 8. lu Par. sen's Sharpshooter, 10S: R. T. Wilson's Tartar. 10J; J. W. Measerveys Addle, 100; J. R. Maddan'a Sam McMeekln, SS. "DOC" ROLLER HAS BAD FALL FROM ZBYSZK0 MONTREAU May k Waldeck j ' Zhysiko, the Polish wrestler, threw lr. j I Roller here tonight so hard that the doc- , tor's knee was wrenched and he was not j ' able to continue the contest after the one fall, which was won by Zbysxko la fifty minutes with a toe hold. Fast and Wee Mix. BEIJ.E FOURCHB. a D.. May . (Special The State Firemen's asaocla Hon this year has decided that a base ball game shall be staged between teams composed of tha firemen living east and wast of the Missouri liver. Mayor Hit-key of thla city will pitch the flrat ball to President Rang of tha state association. Ralph Root of the W. B. Nott company of Minneapolis will umpire. Sea Pltrhsrs Bark. The Memphis club last week returned Pitchers Buckles and Robins to the Chi cago American rlub and the latter at once placed Buckles with Troy aad Rob Ins with Fort Wsyae. . 1 Foist Jadlth Wlaa. PHILADELPHIA. May -The Point Judith polo team defeated the Philadel phia Country ilub at Bala today, to i' goals. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus YANKS SLAUGHTER ST. LOUIS BROWNS New York Make Seven Hits Off Three Twirler. and Pile Up Another Victory. FINAL RESULT IS FOUR TO THREE ST. LOUIS, Mo., May 20. New York made aeven hits off three pitchers today and defeated fH. Louis, 4 to 2. Store: NEW YOftK. HT. IiliS. AB.H.O A E. AB.H.O.A B. Malnal. 8b. .. 3 0 3 4 OKhottoa. If., a I AAA J perkinpa', aa 4 1 12 OAuntln. Ib...0 4 9 0 Hlrti. cf 4 1 4 e AWalah, 3h. . . I 0 1 1 4 ! Plpp.. lb..... 4 14 0 lll'ratt. 2b.... f. 12 14 rmk, rf 4 0 0 0 Of. Walker ill M ! Ilartiell. 11.. 4 3 3 0 0 lMm, rf 4 1 1 0 0 FKjna, .4104 OSavarald, c. J 1 11 Nunamakr, M I T I Olarr. lb... I 1 18 I 4 Warhop, p. . 4 1 1 4(.avan. as... 4 1 3 6 0 Wellmnn, p. 1 4 0 1 0 3T 10 SR. Walktr.. 110 0 0 rerrrman, p. 4 0 o 0 0 Howard ... 1 1 n o 0 .lam. p.... 4 0 0 A i Kaulfman .1 4 4 0 0 Total 34 Total! 34 I 37 14 2 Ratteri for Wellman In fourth. Batted for Ferryman In sixth. Batted for Janita In ninth . Now York 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 04 St. Louis 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 i2 Two-base hits: High. Pratt. Warhop, Howard. Stolen banes: Malnul (2), High. Baaee on balls: Off Perrv mun. X: off James, 1; off Warhop. a Hlta: Off Well- man, in rour innings; off Ferryman, 3 In two Inr.tngn.; off Jamea, none In three Inninga. Struck out: Rv Wellman 5 k Ferryman. 2: by Warhop. 7. Umpires: Connolly and Chill. Italians Turn Their ' Phonographs on Foes ROME. May aWVia Parls.-Ortaln residents of Roma have discovered a new method of conveying their sentiments to the official representatives of Austria and Germany. The German and Austrian I consulates are altuated near each other in j Gregoryiana street. Residents of the .nearby houses have placed phonographs in their windows, the horn pointed to ward the consulate. All day long these phonographs clamorously grind out Ital ian national aire. - atsgBBstaSVSBB--- . wfT m- :,! 1 I i . 4 ' ""11-iiiiii in ii i ii i 1 1 i!0-l'-"tv ' III jf mention the arrival there of Indians from Ohir. They 1 M t m I : 1 Im'- "'TO . 1 1 are represented as well disposed and carrying with them I ! fff 'Jll ''''r many halit ' dV'liWd lifC'" t. ' mm i say IV. Henry Rohlff Company, FOUR PITCHERS IN DUEL Groom and HeTbert Let in Eleven Runs. While Ford and Bedient Allow One BLUES DEFEAT TERRIERS ST. LOUIS. May 20. Buffalo slugged Groom and Herbert for seventeen hits which netted them eleven runs, while Ford and Bedient gave St. I,ouia six scattered hits which produced only one tun here today. Score: R.H.E. Buffalo 1 0 0 2 4 1 0 3 0-11 17 1 M. Louis 1 000000001 63 Ratterles: Ford. Bedient and Blair; Groom, Herbert and Hartley. Two Legislatures Make Plea for Frank CHARLESTON. W. Va.. May i.-The state senate late today adopted a Joint resolution petitioning the governor of Georgia to commute the death sentence to life Imprisonment in the case of Leo M. Frank, convicted of killing Mary Phagan. HARRI-nURC. ra.. May 20.-Tho Pennsylvania legislature tonight adopted a concurrent resolution requesting the governor of Georgia to commute the death sentence of Leo M. Frank, con victed of murder, "that he may be given the opportunity to vindicate himself." STONE SPEAKS ON POWER OF CHINA TO LIVE OWN LIFE ST. IXT!I:?V May 20.-Unlted States Sen ator W."J. Stone, in an address at a ban quet to a party of Chinese trade commis sioners touring the country, said: "China needs enly to become conscious of its stupendous strength and power to enable it to shake off every grip of un just restraint, to divest Itself of every encumbering entanglement and to assert and uphold tts Independence with Its own hands. "The American people would encour age and aid the people of China in what ever way possible to build their new gov ernment on a solid foundation.". Seventy five years ago when Ohio was an Indian country, Lcmp's was established the oldest brewery in America with a national patronage. Three quarters of a century of brewing experience, enables Lemp to give this generation the beer of perfect flavor In hieh quality and sheer goodness the flavor of Falataft defies description. saris a feed. Bread and beer are aiae el She aaaas malarial!, cereals steal sad oaiaT SraTX Diatribator, 2567-69 L45avenworth St., Omaha llabm TelpK4xve: Doujjr 876 HUNTLEY LEADS IN SHOOT Omaha Crack Heads Field of Ama teurs in Second Day Event at Annual State Tourney. CHAMPIONSHIP EVENT TODAY NORTH PLATTE. Neb., May 20. tSpe clal ' Telegram.) Sam Huntley, the Omaha Oun club crack, led the field in the JnO-target sweepstakes event, the second-day program In the annual state tournament here today. Huntley broke 188 out of 200 targets shot. O'Brien, . a professional, broke 189, but Huntley wan the high amateur. Ed Vemer of Adams snd Kovcn were tied for second with 184 breaks. The rhoot for the state championship will be held tomorrow. Den Umlerman Batchcllor Holeworth . Maxwell .. Bovee Helzer Benden .... Carter Verne r .... ardy Nelaon .... Bowman .. Wo! bach ... "Werts Gross Dixon ibhsusea ... e Thorp GuIlaUy .... Armogast .. J. Werti Newman .. Howett Strausberg Redlck O'Brien ..! Huntley 15 Severs ITS Wells 171 Van Cott 171 Spelts ICTDworak , 1H1 Bohr , .."...nOLohr lWDuBrava i...., 174Klattery ....... lfti Seaney lMKnox 170Stegman ...... I'M 'Kenneth .... 164 Gates IM Rudat 1S1 Bray U Cavanaughe . 17TOutsmar 173 Frltsch 188 Graves ........ .... l0Hifford .... 188 Howe .... 160 D. B. Thorp.. .... 166 Waggoner .... 156 Morehouse ... .... If Gammon .... 189 f..I. .... lMSRummelhart t ... 1K1 ... IV, .. jT .. it ,.. 170 ,.. 149 .. V ,.. 141 ,.. PH ... 111 ... lf .. 1 ....1.V ....li ....17.1 ....181 ....IhT. .,..17 ...,14o ....174 ....140 ....148 ....ltvi ...K ....1E7 ....IK .,..14 ....17S U. S. SUBMARINES PLAY AT WAR; TWO DISABLED WASHINGTON. May 20,-Two of . the submarines engaged, 'ia the Atlantic fleet's war game off the coast were dis abled tonight and' were taken In tow for Newport. R. I., to be repaired. Reports to' the Nsvy department an nounced that the broke its crank shaft and the K-l developed engine trou ble. Just where the submarine flotilla was operating wis not announced. S6e cavcr rsWits-r . of the tmrr'3 art ll Hi v;