Bringing Up VHO TOLD vnn Trmnv -r-u at- RROPERTY Nethe "bOUNDf- J " v ' 1 -e t DOUBLE BILL ON THE CARD; TODAY Postponed Conflict . Yesterday Prompt! Pa Eourke to Declare a Bargain Mat Thii Afternoon. TJTW ATT nVTTf TITT WTQITDH ! RAla ALL UV.tR I at, YiLXliALn Rain and cold and wet ground and a; few. other minor details prevented . th onflict scheduled between Omaha .and Wlrhlta yenterday, ao Pa Rnurka haa d elded to aubmlt hla flmt harsaln of far- Ins of the year to the htifa provldlnir the grourh who handlea tha weather does not rep fit to horn In again, which la moat probable confriderlnt- the pmlr)uua ! prediction pni.ed out laat nlrht. The defl to Omaha. The Omaha and Lincoln weatlier man la aettln to be rather ; teama will probably ml about the ew naety' pereon around theaa parta to the ond or third weak In June at Lincoln, baae ball fan. A weather man with vac-with, tha Link to play a return en- arlea which Include not oftiy rain, but cold at the eame time anouid not be al lowed at laiire. Thnmu niodirett. aouthpaw alanter, and Bert Lareon, who ohuoka from thoiColllna rmht aide and la otherwise a normal ath-! ui,1w,,,rt,,y lete. will occupy tha peak for the j.,.nolf. Hourkea In tha two fraya. Marty KruK 1 Tooina figure on roppina; twice with then ter- I Una; youn men performtna;. Warea Jolaa Team. Manager Waraa bu Joined hla team and will manage the crew today. Monday, jxilvorlalna tha Rourkovlnlana In, th ninth frame. Mr. Charlea ran the aquad, while Ware held a council of war with, tils owners tn Wichita. Clyde had to hurnr hack for fear Charts would lead the i rew to another victory and thus Clyde might lose his Job as brad of th B. ,V, P. -rew. K ;' If the weather puts the blink on the ombata today, the' series will have, been a iine-game affair and tha foreigners' will romp en their way with a series of vlo tory to their credit, a feat unparalleled tn l he hlntory of Wichita. Tha tlire poaV loned games would be played when the Wolvea come this way again, thug mak ing several bargain mats for the July and August bugs. . Tesrlis la West. following Wichita will come Toprka, which la at present leading the loop, Tha eerie- with the Kawa ta awaited with feverish interest by the -Omaha bugs, who wish to sea Nuts Grover and hi itang and also listen hi ea soma of Jimmy Jai-knon's Justly celebrated' vocabulary- It was a day of peace all ever the Wcstrrn loop yesterday. Not only In Omaha, but in aU cities In tha league lain took a hand and made bombard ments ' impossible. Thus It can be seen lltr elites besides Omaha have weather men who should be recalled and th UciuocraUc administration called to ac count. Berlin Food Prices Nearly Double Since Beginning of War HKhLlN, Alay 16. The following list id- p rices now. as compared with those 'before tn outbreak of the' war haa been implied to the Associated Press by tit jwner of a big llcrlln boarding house: Cents l"er Pound Anrll litu i-r,,r- vk,- laveragM r 4 'uls)..S l!-f (average of t rut)... SI Mutton arr. I cuts) ft) Veal (.average S cuts) .3 Mutter 414 Lard .....30 Kicga tper dosen) not 1T.I IDS 17.1 S7I 1 1! ?. 6.4 6.1 6.4 Ml "A 1.1 vvt 1.3 ,7 f lour Msuceronl lrlJ bean u 14 17.1 17.1 4r.l , 76 17.1 43 1.2 4 1 u 1'rled Irntils .... l'ld (N4I ....... 'V.ifco Tea it ice ( 'titiege Carrots Turnl , Potatoes The total movement is Indicated beat l.y tsklns 1(0 to represent the average lfel of pi tees before the war. Vpon this liats the present level Is ISS.1 GREENLEE AND SHARPLEY ELECTED IN DENVER 1ENVF.H, May U.-renver elected twa city commissioners and an election eotn- inlealoner yesterday by one of the light est votea polled tn municipal balloting In recent year. . Lewta . C. Greenlee, cliosaa commissioner of property, and Dr. William If. Siiarptey, commissioner af oc'sl welfare, will beoom municipal of ficer June 1. Henry 3. Telle was rhoeea etectioet commissioner, the voters approving a VoiKjesl for a se pa rats electluai oomntl sion . Four of the ten proposed charter amendment were approved and five pro posed bond Issue were defeated. Th amendment to gtv th city offklai au thority to great saloon Ucens was ap proved by approximately 1.7W. Proposal for single tax and a double platoon fire depart ructit were df sated. The Bee Wast Ada Are best Hueincs Llousters Father - HE MO IT VAiZ, U TOU SEE IT STAGE CRICKETMATCH HERE Omaha. Cricket Club Prepare! for Season and Two Teams Will Battle Decoration Day LINCOLN CLUB - HTOL8 DEFI Ths Omaha Cricket clu bha organised rr th a,on of , n4 ths first film 0f tn, year wM staged at Millar park on Decoration day. Two teams, one load by the president of the club and the other by tha captain of tlia Omaha team. .will combat. . c. ntiiw exoiiiiig rncxfli anouia vo pmyra Id Oninha thla year, aa Unroln and Bloux ! City have organised rluba and ara anx- Ioim to do battle with lh Omaha crew, Tha Lincoln club waa formed laat week, and alraxdy Captain Tyner haa laaued a ;tiuremnt her tn July . Tha Omaha men who play the rrlket tame are: Dmialaa Tancork Forehead McGuirn llonnaai- lAureiUMii Vauhn. RESISTLESS TEUTON . SWEEP CONTINUING " - ' (Continued from Tasa One.) r'olend, fifty-seven miles southeast of iRadom, ' , la th first section the German advauce l-s not developed beyond the stag of patrol and scouting parties. In th sec ond cectlon there are large opposing fore. Which are prevented from engag ing in hand-to-hand encounters by th wide sweep of th Baa, over which snarp artillery duels are occupying. The heavi est German forces evidently have bean tonoentrated la the third aectlon in an attempt t reach the, right bank of the fcan. Such a. move U considered extremely rasardeusr by, Russian rrUto long as the- Russiana .control, the. three moat Im portant fortification' and 'bridge across th Ban, at Frsemysl,' Jaroalau and 81 e nlawa,, enabling them to throw troop across th left bank for th purpose of cutting off advancing German. On th other aid of th Vlatola con siderable military activity la reported ta th district of Klein and Radom. Th German are making an effort to estab lish a connection between this movement nd the Oalloien advance. Merit a Official Btateateat. . BERLIN (Via London). May la-The following aaneuncament was mad today as th war offio: "Western theater 1 On the eastern bank of the canal, north of Tpre. fighting de veloped in our favor. South of Neuve 1 Chapell attack mad after a heavy pre paratory artillery fire waa repulsed. "On Letette Heights we took some nemy trenohos and two machine guns. French attack against th southern part of Neuvllie broke down under our ft re, wKa the heaviest loses for th, I enemy. In the forest of Xm Pre t re th French attempted to break through shortly be fore midnight, but were held back by ur artillery. "Kaslero theater: Further enemy force were brought up yesterday on the fthavlW Fraurburg Sector. North and south of th Nlemen the fighting continue. "Southeastern theater: Tb Russians yesterday attempted by counter attack to check eur troop, whloh pressed for ward aoroee the Haa, but all these at tacks failed with heavy tosses to tb enemy. A division composed or Hano verian and Oldenburg troop have during th laat two days made T.60S prisoners In tha fighting at the crossing of the Sao. They also took four cannon and twenty eight machine guns. ' between the Pillcs and I'pper Vis tula and southeast of Presemyst fighting ouatlnues." POLICEWOMEN FORM NATIONAL ORGANIZATION BALTIMOE, Md.. May 11-Th final session of ths conference ef Ctiarltlee and Coirectloa were held today. During the forenoon there were six section meet ings at which many aspect of social service) were discussed. An organisation et police women who attended the conference has been effected Mr. Alice Dubbtn Well of Los An galea Ca., was chosen president. The ofijert of the organisation are: "To gathsr Information a to the pro gress ef policewomen's work and furnish authentic Oat In response to tnqulrte frosn Individual aet eomrounltle wish ing tu establish thts work. w maintain suva a suMiaara e caar- I eetar and ernclencjr as will attract la the work th highest type of women. T advance a loyal member of the police department. Its general arnica Ul th Mwnmunit. .r-w.i a,..,. . .. . noa crime preveatlon and plot active Hutler; Heck to tluggtiis to MtlUr; KI1U- aieasura for women add children with- fr to bancroft. Base on errors: tit. out In aaywls interfering with the work ou, Bases on balls: Off Chalinera. 1 " j ' ... 1 is truck out: rly Urtn.r. s. Iiy ('hal es estaMlahed in sny K,IUe OeparlmenL" rw.rt- I mplies Uvron snd lr1r THE BKK: OMAITA. THURSDAY, fAY 20, Copyright. 115. International News Service. TT .HO-MOR no one' Ele ever do- v' KNOVt REAL ESTATE- HAE-ORKt J"UVtL JACK COOMBS WINS , HIS THIRDSTRAIOHT 8cores Second Successive Shutout When He Blanks Cincinnati Rediegs. RESULT IS TWO TO NOTHING BROOKLYN, May 19. Jack Coomba won hla third straight victory and scored Me second succeNslve ahutout of tha sea- mi, g wmi, unimau miilihhmi, to 0. Coomb hald tha vtaltora to flvo rlta, the neareat they rams to arorlnf being In the fifth when Btenrel nipped (lark at the plate en Heraor alnirle to right. Brooklyn hit Ames for runs In the fourth and sixth, four hits netting one tun in the fourt'- and Myers sending home from first in the sixth on a long double. Hcore: CI NCI XV ATI. BROOK LTM. A H.n.A.K AB.H.O A a Iearh. of.... 4 1 1 S KfHin as.. 4 4 t Koriog, m . I 1 1 olxuhert, lb. 1 1 glllli.r, ir..4't t Monpl. rf..4 I 1 1 (Imh, 2b. I ewheai. It.. . 4 1 4 I Ortfmh. rf.l I I sruuhsw, lb. 4 1 lie , V'K lniti. h4 Mrr. rf ...l life MOIIVII1, D( III S O-hillll, W.. I III 14 1 SMIIIor, e.... I T I A, S K'oomb., ... 1 SIS Teuli W I 14 14 1 Totals U 17 I 1 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 O-l tlrooklyn 0 1100 2 Twe-hase hits: Mvers. Coombs. Three- haM hit: Killlfer. Stolen be nee: Clarke, wheat. Kamed runs: Itrooklyn, it. toubie plays: Groh to Itersoa to Moll- wits. Clarke to llersng. lft on bases: Cincinnati, : Brooklyn, S. First bas on errors: t'lnrinnati, 1; Brooklyn, 1. Uasea nn bslls: Off Ames, 1; off Coomba, i. Htnick out: Be Amea, S; by -Coomba, i. Umpires: Qulgley and Eason. Glaats Defeat Caha. NRW YORK. May 1.-New Tork made It two out of three from Chleagn today. wuinuii nil oecuiing 'game 01 me series hv a score of 6 to ). The visitors hit tttroud. a Nsw Yeik youngster, hard. In the ninth Inning Marquard went into the box and retired two Chicago batsmen wtth the bsses full. The Ulanta drove Vaughn, the veteran left-hander, into re tirement In six innings. Murray hit ting and a great one-handed catch by th sum player were tb features. Hoore: CH1CA0O. VKVT TORK. AH H O. A E AB.ll.O A E. Phelss. Ik,. I t narns. If.... 4 S S ( yh.r. as. ., I IS SOrant, lb. .. 4 S S H. If . 4 11( ttlbert. lb.. I 1 1 2imraan, lb 4 I i 4 K1.trhr. S S Kir, lb.... I I II II ltbriu, ril I I I I Wliliraa, efl 8 4 OHrmiaeid. lb S ' Arrher. ....4 1 I 0 0 Meyer. S....I 1 T S KnlMler. rt. S 1 f 1 SMvirrmr. et.. S S S Vsuiks, t 1 I OXumul, .... 1 MrUrrr .. iMamusra. S , t uiu, p. ... vssse rMMha . Touts M t IT 1 ' Totala.....a) is S4 11 Watted fr Vaughn In'aeventh. Hatted for Adams in ninth. Chicago 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 New York ........0 0 0 t I 0 Two-base hits: Zimmerman, Archer. Three-has hit: Hnler. Home run: Slur-, ray, Htolen bases: Koberlson 3), Grant. Krned runs: Chicago, 1; New York, 5. ltouble play: Meyera to Lobert. Haaes on balls: Off Vaughn, S: off Adams, 1; off Htroud. S. Hits: Off Vaughn, In atx Innings: off Adams, none In two Innings; orf htroud. 1 In eight and one-third In nings: off Mariuar4, none In two-thirds Inning. Btru k nut: Hy Stroud, 4; by Vaughn, S. Vmpirea: Klein and Rmalle. Brave Held Raalesa. BOSTON, May 1.-Mamaux held the llrsves without a run today. whlU Pitts burgh scored seven times off the delivery of llassn in flvs innings. Crutcher. who took Itagan'a place In the Uoeton box. mu no( aiii'w ml in iuur tu nings. rX ore : - riTTRBl'ROll BOTON. AS. H O. A E A8.U.O A K. rarer. H....4 1 1 eMuras. rf... 1 1 1 t 1 JotiaMon. Ik 6 111 etJisr. rf.. e Hslra. ef....t It Ks. Ib 4 111 Htaahas. rt t S 1 Si uaulljr. If. 1 S 1 0 S inn. as.. 4 1 4 4 MaM, ct...4 4 Vlu. lb I S 1 4 rldt. lb. lilts Oerber. lb... I 1 1 1 OHmlUl. lb.... 4 0 11 Olbaia. S....4 S SHersavll. SI 4 I I t Maswu. ..4 4 1 S-l, c....l 0 6 Whallag. .. 1 1 Totals MM 11 IUas. 1 s Ya(ckar, .. I S S Ullberl .... 1 TsUls 4t 1 Batted for Ragan In fifth. Wacuer out, hit by batted ball. Pittsburgh t 0 0 4 0 0 0-7 Boston 0 0 0 0 0-4) Two-baa hits: Pchmldt, Maranvllle Ctt, Carey. Three-base hit: Htnchmait. Klolen base. Carey. Imuble plays: Viix to Wagner to Johnaton. Monn to fichinldl to Smltll, Wagner to Johoston Bases on balls: Off Hagan. I; o(f Crutcher. 1; off Mamaux. 4. HIU: OfC Ragan. 10 In five tuning: off Crutcher. none ta four Innings. Struck out: Bv Ksgen. 4; by Crutcher, 1; by Mamaux, (. l:iuplrs: rllgler and Ilart. Grlaer Defeata Pblla. PlinJt DELPHI A. May IS Griner per- fornwd the remarkable feat In today's Jams, In which Ht. Leula put out I'hlla eiphla, I to 0, of pitching to only twenty- seven belsmea in nine innings, tinner was touched up for onlv two singles and he did not gtve a pasa. while he waa given perfect aupport by hla teammatea. Chalmers also gave a aplandld eahiblilon of mining, but he wa given poor aup port. score: ST. UM'lg. ntlLAUeiHlA. ABbl.O.AX AMHO.AR. HuiglM. Sb. 4 S t etteareuft. as I I 4 bM, IS .... 4 t S SMmrM, av... 1 I s fK.i.a. 4 eio-. is.... S S I Miller, lb.4 I 11 SHerker. If... S 1 ls. rt ... i It K-nvaik, rt , I t 1 I WIUos. e... S lit 4lMiirt, lb.. S M I tt.iUr. as.. 4 IIS sNi.hort, la.. I I darter. 4 4 I swiw. ef... I s Ortaar, p.... 4 t eklllitar, ... S to I 1 ; beiaie, a. i 1 Teula.,.,46 SSI U.j ..... Tetats Sf IK u I Batted for Chalmers In U ninth. Rt. I .outs 1 1 i 4 Philadelphia 0 Two-base hits" Beck. Long. Miller. Ulen base: Wlson (2. kevrned run rH. I4ul. Z. louble plays: Knyder to 1 ..... J ,ri T WITH FEK TEN Standing of Teams WEST. .LEAGUE. NAT. LJflAOirE. f w.urii.i Topeka ....16 7.r2Phila. ... tes Molnea..lS 10 .66, hlcago Omaha -....12 10 .ii4..i Boston . 1 1 n . IA S ti n-u.l,lH- W.L.. fCt .17 10 .630 1 12 .671 .14 12 WW .14 14 .Rno 8t. Joaenh .lt to IMttshursh .14 1& 4l Lincoln .... 10 .474 t. Louis... .14 17 .462 Bloux City.. 10 14 .M6 New York. .11 16 .423 Wichita ... 14 .SOvi Cincinnati ..11 15 .407 FED. LEAOUE. I AMEH. LEAGUE. ... t VV.UPctl W.L Pct Pittsburgh IS IS New York.. 14 .MA Newark ....IS 12 Detroit 1 11 .633 Chlcsgo ...JT IS ,67 Chicago ....! 12 .613 gronll;n IS .661! Boston 1J 10 ,SB5 Kan. Clty..W IS .6. Waahlngton 11 14 .46S ct. Ixuls..l2 14 ijf lu,..i.n4 .... ...10 1 .34$ ... 9 IS .331 ASRN. HTATK Kearney Norfolk Hcatrice " j ... n ?i :74ij iihll lwTi!?i AM' W.UPct. S 1 .7.'H)I Indian, r.lla id tt .... J 2 .(WW Milwaukee' .10 13 '.653 ... 8 S .Hlxiulvllle ..M 14 .Ms r aJrbiir . -9 S i si I. ill ir. ia in I j Clevelen,! 1 w u "oluinbu. 'i Inneapole 11 IS ,4fJI .oiumbua ..lg .) columbua ..10 JO ,U1 Yesterday's Resells. WESTKmN LEAGUE. No games; rain. Ro..- AMERICAN LEAGUE. Boaton, S; Cleveland. 6. Nf-Xorli. 1: Detroit, 1. Whir.hJn,.n- O'"". cold, riiiladelphin, 7: Chicago. 9 Chl. fALONAI' -KAQlTK. Chicago. 1: New York. 6. EIv.,i!"i,L Si. Philadelphia, 0. PltUhurgh. 7; Boston, 0. Cincinnati. : Hrooklyn. t.-Paul, 0- Minneapolis, 4. vi 8TATB Lljuiua. o Wl'ii rain. cold. NkiltRAfiKA STATE LEAGUE. AH game postponed rain. ''' . v- :-r.i wTh?frTV!,i,,Topk "ou City. i , 7" ""'r'. liouls at Brook. l?T-r.Cj,,'" at Boston. Pittsburgh at NTl-lf ' Cincinnati at PhlladcbJa . -,r j-iiiiaueipnia at De troit. Waahlngton at Cleveland New"J f,rB't.lmO' -CVltts- 6L luls. -nicago. Hurralo at Stato League-Norfolk at Beatrice. BROWNELL GIRLS IN ATHLETIC MEET Students of Brownell Hall Mark Up Some Records, Scoring High in ' Various' Contests LETTERS FOR TR" WINNERS Helena Chase, equalled the record of state university girl la th running high Jump at th Brownell hall Indoor ath letlo meet on Wednesday. Her record wa four feet. Th affair wa planned for an outdoor field meet, but th weather necessitated the change. Elisabeth Rlngwalt won th letters. "B. II. for the highest number of Individual polnta and the day students won their hitters on the lare-a h.11 ... - ...... . . , nant. by making sixteen points, a op posed to the boarding student' thirteen point. " '. - . . . ' The first event In the meet wa a spir ited base ball game of five Innings, which the dsv students i. Miss Winifred Smith, won frwn the boarders, by piling up a score of 17 to 7. Miss Helen Reynolds .' captain of th boarders' team. Elisabeth lUngwalt and Myrtle Brown tied for second place In the running high Jump, won by Helen Chase. Ruth Kindred of Meadow Grave nn th standing broad Jump, at six feet te.i inches. Martha Leavltt won second place and Helena Chase third ilace in this event. Boarders Via Relay. The boarder captured the relsv and the obstacle races and the dav stud-nt. the volley ball contest The shot put honors wars e. nun by Elisabeth Rlngwalt at twentv-ona fee ten inches; second place being won by uerothy Hewitt and third place by Elisa beth Williams. Helena Chaae won acc.nd nlaro wlih. alx polnta and Ruth Kindred third with five points, for the greatest number of Individual point. Elisabeth Rlngwalfa Individual score wa seven points. Helena Chase, winner of the running high Jump, la captain of the volley ball team. Iter sister, MM Carmelite Chase, waa also interested in athletics and held the city tennis championship. , Miss Dietrich, Mis Emma Lovejoy and Ml Julia Qleaaon. of tha faculty, were the Judges. Mis Dorothy Rlngwalt is the physical director at ths ball. A small audience of parent and friend witnessed the events from the imnulum tags, who during the bese ball game. were frequently nit by stray balls, which they good-naturedly rescued and threw back to the player. There were Bo ap peal from the decisions of the umpire. Mis Dorothy Rlngwalt. . Sealhera iieaelstles. Atlanta. 1: Little Rock. 1 New Orleans. T: Memphla, 6. Mobile, : Chalianooiia. I. lilrmtnVbam. 1; Nashville. 1915. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus IT COVT ME TVENTT DOLLARS TO HAVE A mr LOQK AT IT - PER COODNC1 1 t A . . OMSt WHO CHARCEOTOO THAT ? COBB'S STEALS AID TIGERS BEAT YANKS Georgian Purloins Second and Third and Later Adds Two More to His Record. FINAL RESULT THREE TO ONE DETROIT, Mich., May l.-Cobb' dar ing on th base helped Detroit defeat New York, I to L todSy. Hla edngie In th third Inning sent Coveleskle horn with th run that tied th score. Th fleet Georgian stole second and third, but Pecktnpaugh fine stop of Veach'a bounder over second stopped th rally. In th eighth Cobb walked, stole second, advanced on a wild pitch and cam bom on Young' single. Tyrus had four stolen base to hi credit. Soore: NEW TORK. DETROIT, AB.H.O A B AU.H.O.A-K HaM. tb... 4 14 1 tnh. as..... 4 S I 4 S I Parkins, ss 4 I 4 SVHI. Sb S 1 msn,- s s I VCebb. ef 1 1 1 q S Pise, lb..... 4 T lCrawfor. rf S S rVKk. rl S 1 OVaacb. If.... I S H.rtwll. If. 4 I 10 OKarana'. lb, 4 1 6 i Booae. tb... I ail vun th 1 1 a a Nuaaaukr. (S 1 1 IStanan. a.. 4 IS 4 ll K.atmg. 0 1 oCoTeleak. S 1 1 I CI4w.ll, ..! 1 w v . v Agists n ivu Totals..'...! IN I I Batted for Plpp in ninth. Detroit 0 l'O 0 0 S t New York 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 01 t Two-base hit: Coveleskle (2). Stolon baaea:' Malsel, Cook, Cobb (4), Crawford, Veach, Young, Earned rune: Off Cove Icikle. 1; off Keating, 1; off Caldwell. 1. first base on error: Detroit. 1. Rases on bails: Off Coveleskle, S: off Keating, 1 wi i vatuwrii, . iiita: jtx jeaiing, a in three Innings: off Caldwell, t in five Innings. Htruck ouf : By Coveleskle, 1 ,v neeiing, x: oy uaiaweii, s. umpire: Nellln and Dineen. y jf c . . . - ladlaas Beat Reel Sax CLEVELAND, May 1& -Cleveland evened tip the series with Boston, win ning. Mo 1. The locals knocked Foster from the box. -but Ruth held them safe. 1 Uagerman wa. -a mystery until too ninth when three hits and two passes; netted twn runs .Jam .Taokam, mtl. hl'l debut as a first baseman and did well. Third Baseman Wambagaiuia of Cleve land and Catcher Thomas of Boston re tired because of injuries. Bcore: CLKVKIANO. BOSTON. AB.H.O.AB. AB.H.O. AC. lialbeu. ef.. 4 1 I SHooper, rf , I I I I t Taroar, lb.. 4 SSI Wasnar, 2b., 410 Chasroas, as 4 S I I 0 Speaker, ct. 4 S Jackaoa, lb.. 4 I I I IUli, If g I I I Oraaar, It... S 11 1 CHol-llual. lb 4 t Smith. rf....4 I I I 0 Scott, a 4 S S WaUMaaa. Ib 1 MrNallr. lb. S 1 Berber, tb.. 111 SJaarrls, lb., t 1 ft O'Nalll. ... SITS STbooiaa, ... S 4 t llsaarsua, a I 1 ICarrlsaa. s. 1-1 Koeter. .... 1 S S Total.....! 14 ST 11 IRaih. . 1 Heartka . 1 Woo 0 Ualser .... Totals.... .11 St S Batted for McNally In seventh. , Ran for Carrlgan In ninth. Batted for Ruth in ninth. Cleveland 1 0 S 1 Boston 0000S0S-4 Earned rune: Cleveland. 6; Boston. X Two-bas hits: O'Neill, Chapman. Speaker. Hoblltsell. Three-base hits:' Jackaoa CI), Smith, fttolen base: Hob lltsell. Hits: Off Foster. in four snd two-thirds innings: off Ruth. 1 in three and one-third Innings. Baaea on ball a. Off Uagerman, ; off Ruth, L Struck out: By JIagerman, 6; by Ruth, a First baa on error: Boston. J. Umpire: Evans. ChleaeTOs Tries Macks. CHICAGO, May IS. Th wUdneas of the Philadelphia pltohera paved tho way for a to 7 victory for Chicago today In the final game of the series. After giv ing hla eighth base on balls In the eighth, Wvckoff was succeeded by Pen nock, who allowed three more. This, coupled with opportune hitting, Includ- ing a sure mint ty fi. Collins and .double by Pchalk, gave the locale the game. Score: rillLADelJ'HTA. OIUCAOO. 1 AB.H O.A B. AB ; I Marstir. rf .l 1 4 imtlMk. ef... I 0 111. WMdrlng. II... 4 14 SRoti), 1S.....S IIS I Otnink. lb.. 4 SI ISColllaa. Ib 4 1 4 ; Schaog, ..... I til -ouml.r, If. 4 I i llola. Tb... I SIS SIColiiu. rf. 1 t 1 i Waieb, cf... til sw-Mver. a, i 1 I I I Ft. rry, aa.... 4 I S S (Brtf. Ib.... 4 1)1 l ; bortlck, lb.. 41 OHrbalk. .....4 t 4 1 ! WMkeft. S..4 If SCIcetle. ,., I rasouoa, .. l lMotaa . 0 , ....... I l Total. M 10 14 1. S-Hamwltt ... I Sf, r f I . Totals n "sir it's! Batted for Clcotte In third. i Hatted for Bens In fifth. Philadelphia 0 2 10 10 10 0-7 Chioage OlOtOOS-- Two-base hits: Old ring, Lalole, Schalk. Three-base hit: Roth. Htolen bases: i Lajote. Schang. Earned runs: Off CI- , rotte. I: off ftcott. 1; off Bens. 2; off Wyckoff, ; off Pennock. 3. I kin bin play. Htrunk to Barry to ttrunk. Bases on bs'ls: Off Clcotte, 1: off Wvckoff. ; off Ppnl 9- Af PannrM.r I I T i ( ftt I Uotte, 4 In three Innings; eff Bens. S In I to innings: orr Mcott. I In four Innings; i off Wyckoff. 6 In seven Innings: off Pen- neck, S In on Inning. Struck nut: Bj : By ck. 1 wvcaorr. s: iy pcott. s; fcv r Umpire: Chill and Connolly. Hank O'Day Will Umpire for Feds CHICAGO, May 1 -Henry O'Day. vet eran Umpire and manager In the National league, ha concluded negotiation for Joining th Federal league staff of um pires. It seoaan known today. President GUsaor ef the reoeral or ganisation said he had reached term with O'Day on all proposal wjth th xosptioa ef ealary, which h expects to speedily settle. Oilmor haa had several com plaint against two or his present umpire and it la said that th men ta question may be released. O'Day managed the Chicago club of tha Natlsaal leagu last asn. zgf DIVER! NEWARKS CRUSH THE REBS Mosely Unhittable in Finohei and Yisitort Defeat Pittsburgh, Seven to Three. HEARNE TOUCHED IN SEVENTH PrTTSBUROH. May tS.-The Newark Federal defeated Pittsburgh here today, 7 to S. Moseley for the visitors waa tin htttabl In th pitches, while Hearne wa touched for fir hits in tha third, which netted three run and was again hit hard tn the seventh, when he gave way to Ba rarer, who stopped tha scoring. Soore: R.H.E. Newark SttO-7 10 Pittsburgh ...0 $01-471 Batteries: Moseley and Rariden; Hearne, Barger and O'Connor. , I College Baee Ball. Vlllanova College, 2; Untversty of Penn sylvania, S. Dartmouth. 1: Princeton, 5. Navy, B; Cfathollc Unlversltv. 4. Harvard, t: Holy Cross, 1. (Ten Innings). Brown. S; Yale, 7. Michigan, 2; Cornell. . Bates, 6; Colby, 6. (Eleven Innings). Army, 4: 8t. John' College, 0. Maine, : Bowdotn. 3. Bee Want Ads Vrodne Results. Eoosevelt' Lawyer Opens Argument in Barnes' Libel Suit SYRACUSE, N. T.. May .-Joha M. Bower. . chief . counsel for Theodore Roosevelt, today summed up in th su preme court her th case of th defense In William Barnea' suit for libel. He as sailed the truth of many of the state ments made upon the witness Stand by tb plaintiff and. presented arguments to the Jury designed to show that hi client waa justified In saying tha thing he did about the former chairman ef th repub lican state committee. The lawyer contended that th suit waa not brought with th purpose) to secure pecuniary damage, but in reality wa a "gam to lower the defendant befor th peopel of tb United States." ' Counsel for Mr. Bern were to sum up th case ef th plaintiff this after noon. Justice Andrews, presiding, ruled that tb Jury would not be allowed te consider th aUegetlou that the article upon which th autt la baaed wa privileged because th plaintiff wa In publlo life and a political campaign waa la p regress at th time of IU publication. 21 .... UNDRZaVAR The improved spring-needlo knit fabric of light weight Springtex Underwear means perfect freetiom, cool, easy fit and ideal comfort. Remember to buy Sprintffexand you'll forget you have it on. At your dealer $1 up. ties SalMta 0 ataaer. Vtlas, I. Y. Wholesale Distributors: Hcttlcton She We) are like the word cf an honorable mas ALWAYS GOOD Exclusive Agency. r.i. s. atkissoh 814 Bomth 15th Btreet . nosxxwOlf. Ksw. 1 Y . e M. K. J vjf Bmith NjivV Oom- T pr- . f- ' Bryao ' J , t at 11am- il r mer - r ' i iry OT COLLY I OOOCHT IT BY THE FOOT NOW I'LL HAVE TO tELL- IT &T THE Q.UART ! Clears Skin Steps HI Bleed Trcublcj Goes Right Down to When the Germs Start From. ' Th action of S. 8. 8., th famous Moot purifier, la notable in the skin. It I but natural that blood Impurities should eek aa outlet Water, gas. oil and nearly all tha actlv product of nature, eek the surface. It seems to b a cos mic law. Even our thought will un dertake to find expression. And so what, ever we take Int our system wilt even tually come out changed in form, con verted often Into some other substance hut constituting always either waatf or that which has served its useful pur pose an must bs eliminated. And the kin I th principal avenu for cap of certain acldg or poisons, tf th skin and blood b healthy, the waste past oft a vapor or perspiration. But Im pure blood loada th akin with ecsema. pimples, acne, rheumatism, rash, fevei blister, blood rising and ether erup tions. And B. 8. 8. ha been found the very best, safsst and most effectlvg remedy to purify the blood and thu re store th akin to clear' and attractive health. Get a bottle today of any drug, gist, but mphetlc. Do not allow any on to hand vou a aubstltute. . Wrapped around th bottl la an interesting clr, eular that tells you how to obtain skill, fill advice free on arty ubJot oeseera leg th" blood. ' - - " ' - - & a a la prepared only by Th Swift Ppsciflc Co., Ill Swift Bids.. Atlanta, Ga. Look for this name on th package, Fashion's favorite for Spring and Summer Ide Vtfvzr ta . IBl CO., ra, TtOf , C T. fe Sale ss 4ke fansailag Seaai PBSY SOsl SIO SO. 16th. AND Thas. Kilpatrick & Co. Iter Douglas Street I Palm Beach Suits J - - Se a - - A1.I- ' 1 ' f atb are all the rage this summer." I e I I I I I I When Orr Cleaned end Pressed by us they look better than when new, beceuee we are more careful In the press ing than the manufacturers are. Have them cleaned rlht It only costs a dollar., The Pantorium j 'Good Cleaner and Dyers. 1 515-17 Jooee 8t Dong. 963. Tea, w pay oarrrlsLg- charge 1 way all mWLwwV ee- I fers. Writ fe oomplets grlo 1 -14. B I out rOOAT Wright & Ditaoa'i Official LAWN TENNIS GUIDE Davis Cup Matches Banking of Players. Cham pionships and Open Tourna ments throughout ths United Mates, aooount ef Davis Cup Matchee. fhotographs ef the Champion. Kulee of the Oame and Dates for th PRICE BY MAIL. 25 CENTS. -Fer 81 by all Dealer of Ataletlo Ooeda. WRIGHT & DITS0N, HN.U BaU St, Ohieag.