Everybody Roads the Amfn happenings .7 lay. If folk don't read for store new every day. It's fr fault. Omaha Daily TTinv THE WEATHER Rain or Snow JLV VOL. XLIV-NO. 288. OMAHA, THURSDAY M0KN1N0, MAY 20, 1915-TWKLVK PA (IKS. On Trains end at otel Haw Ittili. So, SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Bee AUSTRIA AND ITALY ASK UNITED STATES TO ACTFOR THEII x SoTenunentt Bequest Uncle Sam to Take Charge of Interests in Case of Outbreak of Hostilities. INSTRUCTIONS SENT EMBASSIES Germany Will Ask Switzerland to Act for It in Case it Becomes Involved. PASSPORTS NOT YET DEMANDED ntLLKTIK. BERLIN (Via London), May 19. The Rome Correspondent of thei Berliner Tageblatt today sends a pessimistic dispatch from the Italian capital declaring1: "The short parliamentary Inter lude 1b ended. The street has won." Washington May 19. Both Austria and Italy have asked the Tnlted States to care for their diplo matic interests in Rome and Vienna, respectively, In the event of a sever ance of diplomatic relations. The Washington government has in structed Its embassies at the two capi tals to be In readiness to do so. It Is regarded here as assured that If Italy and Austria declare a state ot war, it will be extended also as bc Viween Italy and Germany and Tur 1 key. As yet there has been no re ' quest from Germany to have the United States act for it In Rome. Ger many Is reported to have asked Switzerland to take its interests. It is known that the American em bassies abroad have been instructed to employ such additional clerical help as may be necessary and to pre pare for the extra work. Anstrln Offers Concessions. ROME. May 18. ma Paris. May 19.) At the Austrian and German embassies tonight denial was made ot the reports that Prince von Buelow, the German ambassador, and Baron von Macchio, the Austrian ambassa dor, have demanded their passports, or that their departure Is Imminent. Foreign Minister Sonnlno Is re ported to have informed the council f ministers' at Its session this eve- Dlnfc'tllal Ttmn -tofdrthrnapterrK toriAl concessions have been received from Austria. Alliance Treaty besMaeei The green book containing dlplomatio ttocuments designed to show the attitude of Italy since the beginning of the war and the efforts made to reconclio the obligations of the triple . alliance with Italian national aspiration was "et up in one night by the typesetters employed by the Chamber of Deputies. Every precaution was taken to prevent the printers from oommunlcatlog .with rersons outside their office, and they were reminded that any betrayal of the secrets contained in the green book would make them punishable by several years imprisonment under the law recently en acted for the defense or tit state. The green book is said to show that if lialy fights It will bo because of neces sity, and that during the negotiations with Austria the representatives of the dunl monarchy apparently have failed to realise that Italy was firmly determined to enter the war if It were unable to oh-! tsln satisfactory territorial concessions him to the remote sections of the state diplomatic actions. ' land ha earned the friendships of many The documents indicate that Austria! of the famous western characters then failed from the first to understand that I residing in the territory. His narrative tne of Italy's chief purposes was to have of his experiences, related to Owen Wis it recognise the justice of the demands , ter, became the basis for the most famous inude by this country. For Italy it was 1 a question of maintaining its dignity be- lore the world and gaining It object at ny cost. Italy Prepares Green Book. Tho giecn book contains also tho note of My 4 In which Italy after summaris ing that Austria's conrite bad been con trary to the letter and spirit of the tripio alliance treaty, denounced that treaty. In nii,n.i.. .1 . , . . ' tho (ConUnued on Page Two-Column One.) The Weather Forecast till 7 n ni. ThuraHnv For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity .-Rain; not rou. h change in temperature. Teanpernivr lesterday, toaanarattr ira Reeera. 'n mh i Highest yesterday 44 70 78 i ! Ixweat yesterday u m fl g. Mean temperature .... 42 66 63 76 l-reciptlatton 45 .13 1 i r Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature 44 ItefU'iency for the dsy 2a Total excess since March 1 ta Normal rreclrlLa.ttnn 14 Exoeaa for the day '.gi inch Hour. 11 vWri - P- m-! JVVvV 7 p.m.. 1 " ' S p. m.. V 'r,.t i - , , . . . - - t ' EnVj rt'ne iK.ru lent y for cor. tx-rlod, 1W4.. 1.17 Inches r.sceea for cor. period. 11S i inches Reports Freaa Stations at T P.' M. Station and State Temp. High- Rain- i" ot w earner. 7 d. iil mt fall. Cheyenne, cloudy M D6 Jienver, snowing 34 .tt les Moines, raining 4 44 North l'iatu. cloudy W w Omaha, raining 44 44. Hapid City, snowing D4 'J fhvrldan. cloudy 42 46 Mcus t ity, raining 42 aJoiuino, anowina SJ U4 L. A. WUUiH, tocal Forecaster LAST PICTURE OF,."" an arcied English Jng German subml FORMER WYOMING GOVERNOR IS DEAD Dr. Amos W. Barber Expires at Rochester, Minn., After Brilliant Career in the West. WIDELY KNOWN FOR HUMANITY CHEYENNE, Wyo. May 19. (Special Telegram.) Dr. Amos W. Barber, former governor of Wyom ing, died at Rochester, Minn., last night. The body will be brought to Cheyenne for burial. Dr. Amoi W. Barber was one of the best kpown physician of the Rocky Mountain region and an authority in certain department of hi profession whose discoveries, .particularly tn refer ence lo the aeatlon and combating- of rat tlesnake venom, were accepted and ap plied by the, profession generally. lie was perhaps best known, however, as the "war governor" of Wyoming because he was occupying the executive chair during the famous range war of ISM, known as "the cattlemen's invasion." Ills course of action In that crisis Is accepted as having prevented a bloody civil war be tween the large cuttle owners and the settlers on public lands In the central and northern portions of the state. Military Rnrneon First. He was born at Doylestown, Pa., April 28, 1S61. was educated in medicine and came to Wyoming (n 1X83, when 24 years of age, as chief surgeon of the military hospital at Fort Fetterman. He accom panied the General Crook expedition against the Arlxona Indiana, and later again was stationed at Fort Fetterman and at Fort Russell, near Cheyenne, He acquired a high reputation as a physi cian and surgeon among the isolated set tlers of the thinly populated territory rand came to be regarded an an authority on the treatment of rattlesnake bites, originating the system of treatment with . MnrnMmn rif i)nliilaalvnn.btok-ie4thi a brW period -came Into Kenerai tin. He also became an authority on gunshot wounds, his . practlco In the .turbulent west providing htm exceptional oppor tunity for development of knowledge of this branch of surgery. It was said of him among the settlers that he never re fused to respond to a call, no matter how srduous a Journey it entailed In a coun try without railroads and still menaced by hostile Indians and outlaws. On one occasion, it Is related, he rode fifty, miles to attend the little daughter of a frontier ranchman who had been bitten by a rattlesnake and that upon deciding that he could not successfully treat the child in her rude home, ho carried her in his arms the fifty miles back to the Fetterman hospital, where he effected a cure through implication of Ills newly discovered treatment for counteracting the effects of the Insidious venom. Traveled Entire Stat. In 1886 Dr. Barber resigned his commis sion in the army to accept the position of chief surgeon of the hospital of the Wyoming Live Stock association. During the ensuing few years his duties carried of western novels. "The Virginian." WJien Wyoming was admitted to stale (Continued on Page Five, Column One.) Plan to Work for A Greater Omaha 1.. ... uuiimmio snaniKu u ine mm. tlon. June 1. has pretty definitely out- -u.omi.ci uiiiuk era- ! deliver street speeches and speeches at j Improvement club meetings are to be en- Isagod. The committee is to appoint a I corps of captains, two for each ward in I the city. Thesi captains are to appoint lieutenants for each precinct. These men . Lre to wolk Ull. Rl u out the vote. T!esU''H 'hee. ll n.e . L ' J.JSi IS- i tall and wholesale establishments are to anJ the Fourteenth amendment of tho .'.'.' hv at least one lieutenant each to United States constitution, but it alleges ... 4 work among the employes of each plant that the election commissioner, himself, to see that they go to the polls and cast ha no power to hold the proposed elec- 41 : ,helr votes. The co-operation of the lm- ; tlon, the charge being that the law which ... 41 j provement clubs has been assured. i created his office is special legislation Jj "Get out the vote in the morning." is which can never apply to any county ... U tne ogan that has been adopted for the other than Douglas, for the reason that ... 44 ; campaign. The co-operation from Dun- it includes no provision for a commla "' 43 nd 80,11,1 naha Is quite general. jsloner In any county which In tho future 41 i Tho O"1" Real Estate Exchange at : may reach a population equal to that of ...4.1. its meeting Wednesday endorsed the ' Douglas. 4a j Greater Omaha movement, and decided; A date for hoarlng prior to June 1 will , to co-operate with the committee that is worklnS- "P the campaign for a large tote. ITALY SOON IN MARKET FOR HORSES AND MULES ORAND ISLAND. Neb.. May l.-Bpe. rial Telesram.l Jnformat inn rulvMt kl ' " ' , DUrer nd en" ot .rnroenis nere ioHy mairaieci mat Italy v ill be a heavy buyer. Orders are said i to have ben received today for tested ' nd Inspected animals for such consign-I ment I ) In the meantime the recent reported e j ton law ' la unconstitutional ln the fol- , ,'aj iter of M.(w0 mules to be bought through- j lowing particulars: I 1 11 out the central west, assembled here and i "Violates section 15. article S of the Ne ;JJ coiialgned to Kuropean points. Is appar- traaka convtltutlon and the fourteenth jojently being filled as shipments are made amendment of the t'nlted States consti- st as soon as a carload or several car- jlofcd t on hand k- '.aV.VATP.T1 T.TIRTTANTA ati -y-s " ass " ease- ssasi V aakeasftShn dbdlSh Wo ;aan holding up the Lusitania to i I - ml V ; . Cushing Captain Says Airman Flew Over Ship in Effort to Wreck It PHIL.ADEI.FHIA, May !. Captain Lars Larsen Hcrland of the American oil tanker Cushing arrived here today with lii ship aud suiiiniited to his em ployers a ref-ort dealing with the at tack made on the Cushing on April I-S by a German aeroplane, which dropped three bombs, one of which struck the rati of th vessel. In this report the captain refers to the bomb dropping as a "dastardly act, a de liberate attempt to sink an unarmed ves sel and murder the members of the crew." A copy of this report will be forwarded to the Stole department at Washington. The German airman swept in narrow circles over the tanker, trying to get directly over the funnel, with the Idea, apparently, of diopp'ng a bomb down it and wrecking Its engine room. The crew, al first swarming on deck quickly beat a retreat to the forecastle, and no one was hurt by the explosion of the bomb which did strike the Cush ing. The attack occurred while the Cushing was about twenty-five m''es from A werp and eight miles from the North Hinder lightship, it was near 7 o'cIock In the evening, hut the sun had bare'y touched the horlson and there was ample llyht for the officers snd crew to seff 1?v?y -fcWiTV W a tT.-Tfirancf WTuT the pilot of the pilot of the biplane to see the words "Cushing, New York, United States of America," painted on each side of the vensel In large letters, and to note the Stars and Stripes at the masthead and the taf frail. ANNEXATION GOES INTO THE COURTS Selby Plaintiff in a Suit to Enjoin Holding of Election to Vote on Merger. DATE FOR HEARING NOT SET The threatened attack, by South Omaha and Dundee Interests on an nexation was Btarted late yesterday In d strict court. It took the farm of an injunction suit ' against the election commissioner, to 1 prevent the holding of the election called by Governor Morehead for June 1, at which the voters are to pass upon the annexation, as provided by the law passed by the last legislature. W. L. Selby of Dundee Is the os tensible plaintiff. The petition. however, was prepared and filed by Murphy & W.nters, South Omaha at torneys, assisted by Samuel Cotner. Advocates of annexation ansirtn1 iu icaiuj iuo oersona resDonaiDin for tne bringing of the suit A11ed unconstitutionality of tho an- !1"t,on 'n(I of ,h Uw P""4'4 ln ' trc"l", lno 0,,lc r election com- ml'"'loner. the basis of the suit. Violation of Constitution Not cnlr does the petition charge that ht annexation law violate, section 15. article Hi, of the Nebraska constitution be fixed by the court. The plaintiff asks a temporary, and, later, a permanent In junction forbidding the holding of the ! election, making no request for a tenv- ! porary restraining order. j tnnltni Ills Reason. ! Mr. Belby describes himself In tha pe tition aa a freeholder and taxpayer and assigns as his reason for attempting to . .... . .,, pirvmi inf cieuuun in IV will ituia Ulgl expense to bo charged against the treasury of Dundee. Tho holding of the election would cause him and other taxpayers irreparable injury, he declares to the court. The petition sets forth that the anneza- u,,on pmvioing mm no siaie snail aeny (Continued on Pugs Two, Column Five ) tha hierh aena Print a itinni a- J S MVW Sh VltV 0 give instructions as to escap- c S, When fhe airship was first noted by the lookout it was several thousand feet In the air and waa coming apparently from the coast of England. It began to- drop down as it approsched the ship and soon was only about EflO feet in the air. Everybody watched with Interest the k 1 1 1 fill wav In m M ih t i Inn, till,. nf the biplane handled his machine. An attack was not even considered as poe-; f rom llesaarabla. Is flinging back the. slblllty. for up to that time all thought Austro-Hungarian forces in Bukowina te flying machine was an English craft. ,nd 1 marching toward Central Gallcls, Suddenly the biplane swooped down un- with the object of Joining the principal til It was only 300 or 400 feet above lifj llusslan army. Cushing. A second later there was a j a telegram from galonikl say. the Ger- tremendous explodon and a wave of!,anl haVe lost forty-three officers snd water flooded the stern deck. The crew M .aiors fighting at the Dardanelles fA f- h. -., ,.ehm... rfiv.rf , fled for the near hatchways and dived down Just as a second bomb fell, mlased! tne port -lnerter by a root or so ana w sent another wave cascading over tho lower deck. The biplane swung up into the wind, hung motionless for a second or so, then came the third bomb, which Just graxed the starboard rail and shot into the sea. The airship hung around for a few minutes and then headed for the Dutch coast. . . When tho biplane dropped down so lose to the ship tt was seen that it was ffi'lUr 'wiijte nag1 wlth-K-biack'tnuaa in the center, the admitted pennant of the German air fleet Th Cushing at the time of the attack was bound for Rotterdam with 8,000 tons of crude oil, consigned to the government of Holland. RESISTLESS TEUTON SWEEP CONTINUING Allies Repulse Strong Russian Forces Holding Way North east of Jaroilau. 7,000 SLAVS MADE ' CAPTIVES " VIENNA (Via London), May 1. :05 p. m The following Aus trian official war statement was given out here tonight: "The Teutonlo allied troops who advanced to the east bank ot the San river (Gallcla) yesterday re pulsed across the LubaCXOWka river mtm. ,. .,,, . strong Russian forces which offered resistance northeast ot Jaroslau. Conn ter Attaeka Resinlsed. "We captured Sleniawa and forced a cross ng of the San, taking 7,000 prisoners and eight guns. Early morning counter attacks were re pulsed in stubborn fighting. "On the upper Dnelster river and in the district of Htry the fighting is proceeding. Our attacking columns stormed several Russian positions on the heights north of Sambor and captured places which had been defended obstinately by the enemy. "On the Pruth line there is nothing lm. portant to report. "In Russian Poland fighting Is proceed ing In tho hilly district of Rleloc." Flarhtlna; la I'ontlnnona. PETROGRAD, May 1. (Via London.) I'lghtlng Is proceeding continuously along MO-mile battle front In Oallcia from the mouth of the Ban river to Koloniea. The Russians are sending In troops as lapidly as possible to meet the ten German and twenty-four Austrian corps (about 1,300. COO men) said to be operating on this front Operations along the Ban may he con sidered as in three sections: The first from Prsemysl south to the Carpathian foothills; the second from Prsemysl north to the mouth of the WUloka; the third from the Wisloka to Bapdomlr in Russian Continued on Page Four. Column Two.) The farnouf Liberty Bell is scheduled to stop off in Omaha on its way to the San Francisco Exposition on July 9 recognition and ap preciation of the important position of pur city on the transcontinental highway. CHIEF OF ITALY STAFF ARRIVES NEARJWTIER Lieutenant Count Cardorna, Com mander of Victor Emmanuel's Armies, Now at Vioenta, Close to Border. FLAGS OF THE ALLIES CHEERED Enthusiastic Crowds Carry French and British Colors Through Milan Streets. BUELOWS BA00AGE IS ON WAY S BU.LKTIX. AMSTERDAM, May 19. (Via London.) The Cologne Gazette says it learns from Berne that the Aus trian and German consul generatu left Rome yeoterday with their staffs. FAIUt'. May !!. Lieutenant Oneral Count Cardorna, Italian chUsf of staff. has arrived with his staff at Vlrenza, near the Austrian frontier. r'rrtaht Traffip Stopped. OENKVA, Swltserlsnd. Msy !.-Vla Paris.) Several servants, having In charge heavy (luggage (tearing the moniv gram of Prince von lluelow, Oermsn snv I hassador at Rome, arrived at Chlssso, siterlnnd. yesterday. Freight trafflo b't'rn ltaly W"' Germany by way of j Hwltserland has been stopped, Cheering crowds carried Prltlsh and j French flags through the streets of I Milan yesterday. New Haas Army Appears. t A ..In.r.n. TKut..n.l. -. . that a strona new nua.'.n irmv. m,lt.s during the last six dsys. In the vicinity of Constantinople trains have been stopped, owing to shortage of coal. No roou supplies are reaching the city ana ,1.1 i. inri in Rate Cracks Confer On New Division of Rail Wear and Tear (From a staff Cui i-esnondent t J WASHINGTON. Alay lk-(8uaVJralM..1,r" snd enothtbor aaahet Jrlilha! gram.)-V. O. Powell of Lincoln, rate expert of tho Neiiraika Kail road commis- slon, arrived in the city this morning to attend a conference of oommtisionars front the west, who will present to the Interstate Commerce commission their views on division of expenses between freight and passenger coat. Tha Interstate commission will on July 1 1 require the railroads to re adjust their charges on the twi principal sources of revenue and the .commission will depenl largely upon the showing as to the relatlvo wear1 and tear on rolling stock and trackage of two classes ot trafflo. Mr. Powell is also deeply interested in me so-canea western n.wa case, wnicn was argued oeiore tne interstate worn- ferce commission today. The commis- slon acquiesced ln certain rates fixed jby the railroads from Iowa Into Ne- ibjaska and Kansas upon a distance basis. But tho Rock Island asked for a re-hearing, claiming that tho Nebraska rates were confiscatory. Judge J. H. Henderson of Des Moines, who atso ar rived this morning, appears for the state of Iowa. The whole question resolves Itself Into whether the shippers from Iowa shall be reo-ulr"1 to pay greater rates to Ne- ,braaka and Kansas than they now do and :Mr powel, m tQ M that 0maha shippers ara not compelled to pay in- creased rates Into Interior Nebraska and i Kansas points. ; The Day's War New I 1I.I.IKI AUM I H I'KllVIV ti i.ll. their position on the (ialllpoll e nlasaln. Their yroarrsa Is alow, however, and the Tnrka are offer la effective resistance. OX THIS HK1TKHN KHOXT n loll of tho last fortnight. Bad weather Is laterefrlngr with salutary opedn. tlons. DKFRAT OP RlSSIANfl In Gallcla has reached serious proportions. British correspondents nt Petro nra,d, who heretofore have been willing to roneede little to Ans. trlans and tieranaas, admit that retreat alone; SOO-aalle line, and In one rase It Is sold the sltnatlon on Its face seems something" like a I At STRIA IS HKPOHTKD to have of. irreo rnrinrr territorial areata In the hope of keeplnsj Italy oat of the wnr. Kvery preparation for hostilities has been made, the Ger man and Anstrton ambassadors nro ready to leave Homo and the Italian railroads have been placed adrr military control (HIH1S IN BRITISH ministry ap parently hne been decided, al- hongh the nnlonlat lenders will aerk formal sanction of their fol. lowers at n party meeting- before definite action Is taken, ft 4s as snmed In Lssaaa that sweeping changes will bo made In forming tho coalition srovernment. DISPATCH FROM MYTILtCNB aays fresh troops have been landed by Dardanelles, near the entrance to the straits. BRITISH STEAMER DIMt'RER, of 3,600 tons, baa been torpedoed In the Knallah channel. Its crew waa saved. POLICY UNCHANGED BY CABINET MOYE New Ministry to Be Formed, with Prosecution of War as the Sole Object NOTHING IS ARRANGED AS YET LONDON. May 19. Premier j Asquith announced In the House of Commons today that steps were In contemplation which Involved a re construction of the government upon a broader personal and political basis. "Nothing has been definitely ar ranged as yet," the prem.er said, "but In order to avoid A.uy possible misapprehension, I wish to make clear here and now three things. Poller M Same. 'First, any changes will not affect the position of the prime minister or ot the forelen secretary; second, there will b no rhange of any kind in the policy of the country as regards the continued pmsei-iitlon of the war with all possible energy ami by means of every available resource, and. third and last, and of ireat Importance to the honorable friends behind me, and, I have no doubt, to the opposition. Is this: Any reconstruction of the cabinet that may he made will be for the purposes of the war alone and Is not taken In any quarter or for any reason as Indicating anything In the nature of a surrender or a compromise on the pert of any terson or body of j persons of their several political Ideals. 'This la as far as I can go. Nothing definite yet hss taken place, but If any arrangement la made the house will have the fullest opportunity of expressing Its views." Greeted with f'herrlnc. The reference of the premier to the prosecution of the war was greeted with '"" n! Promised cheering." ! . J?" P" T"inl'te' w" ""owed by ' IT nUrew Bon" ''r t the opposi 1.., tT,fc ,t , L.h.,, " I? n'l,rJr lo on mi. ",d" nd that at U,rVt "?h.T,? T fn",rtBrt,on ,ln fhJ Tsole Ideaf tJ . . " ot fi"' JI V! Z.l . S Li , mai ol fhlng the war successfully and we leave out ot our minds absolutely all considerations political and otherwise. : bevonit that "Of course, tf such an arrangement should take place, it la obvious our con victions on other subjects will remain unchanged, and will be settled when the war Is over." Labor Part? A crept a. I ine laoor party decided at a meeting 1 nis afternoon to accept Premier A qulth's Invitation to be represented In the now coalition sTOrFntMriintL A ft Kite Henderson will Join tha cabinet. William , appointed to minor posts. 1 In th Course of an address In the Gull! Hu ta"J' Andrew Bonar I-w said 000- i , c'?m eablnet ooalllion. ) "u-n " comoination would be useless an prnP11 Wore than useless, exoent . " mn to a combination to tho na- miiun organisea rrom top to bot tom for the purpose of ending this war." Low Temperatures Delay Growth of Corn and Spring Wheat WASHINGTON, May Unusually com weather has hindered rapid growth j of spring wheat and corn In tho heavy producing rtglcns during tha last week j but tho weather was very favorable, , " more important yielding sections I ot the winter wheat belt, tho weather bureu announced today in Its national weamer and crop bulletin. Cotton had the most favorable week of tha season. Winter wheat has been damaged by the Hessian fly or chinch pugs in Kansas, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana, but tho extent Is still uncertain, although Indica tions point to a considerable loss In Kan sas and western Missouri. Oats, hay and grass made satisfactory progress and the outlook for fruit eon- tlnuo. favorable except In tKo mora northern dlstrlrts, where tha savers cold has joubtlrss caused considerable dam age. Truck crops ln .tha south have 'greatly Improved. Allies Silence Fort at Narrows of Dardanelles LONDON, May 1.A message from Mytlleun, forwarded from Athena to tha Exchange Telegraph company, says the allies have silenced the Turkish fortlflra. tlons at Kiiid Hahr. on the European side of the Dardanelles, at the end of the narrows nearest Constantinople. The fall of Nagara, on the Aslatlo side, across from Kali Pahr, is said to be Imminent. The Turks are sending reinforcements to their positions along the Oulf of Hmy?na. Allege Fraud in Army Hat Contract NEW YORK, Hay lO.-The United Hat ers of North America In convention hero, have paaaed resolution demanding an Investigation by the War department or by congress Into government contracts In the manufacture of hats for the Vnlted Btates army. The resolutions charged that th gi veniment waa being defrauded and that while the government paid only 11.10 for the army hat It should cost 11. B to manufacture It, according to specific,- tlons. Snowstorm Unabated Out at Ellsworth ELLSWORTH, Neb., May W.-The snow storm that began yesterday has continued unabated with a depth now of one foot on tho ground and no sign of abatement. The snow is wet and heavy, causing considerable Inconvenience to stock. The storm la the longest In dur ation known here for the month of May, DEFEAT OF RUSS CAUSES GLOOM IN GREAT BRITAIN Official Dispatches from Petrograd Admit Retirement Along the River San is Still Un der Way. SOME GAINS FURTHER EAST Rain and Thick Mists Cause Practi cal Suspension of Operations in the West CABINET CHANGE IS INEVITABLE LONDON, May 19. England, dis tracted by the political upheaval which Is expected to end 1n a coali tion government, finds little time to interest Itself In war news, but never theless the Russian situation Is cauf Ins; a feeling of pessimism. The official Russian announce ments do not wholly confirm the pes simistic special dispatches from Pc trograd, but they admit that the Russian retirement along the river 8an Is still under way. At the same time they claim' that the Russlano have been able to resume the offen sive on the left bank of the Vistula, a movement which may result. It Is explained, In outflanking the Ger mans attacking PrsemysL Not raaplete. The Austrian rout In east Oallcia la not yet complete, aocordlng to London's Information, but tho Impression la grow ing here that the defeat of the Teutonic allies In thla section has been severe enough to prevent the complete success of tho wholesale offensive movement which they Initiated along the eastern front. Military experts In London today are characterising the retreat of the Rus sian Third army as a masterly feat which must have cost the victors dearly. , Offensive a Really Defensive. The Russian offensive la east GalloU stands out today as In reality a defen sive movement made necessary by the fact that the Austrians constituted a serious menaro to tho left flank of the Russian armies in Oallota. In France and Belgium bad weather again is Impeding operations, continuous rain and thick mtsu making Vigorous ac Uon impossible. Tha British north of La Bassee, and tha Arras, has held their ronent a.in. K.,t th'' beau., ali 4- saav fr. warn. Italy seems no nearer War today than It did yesterday, but perststaint reports reaching London that tha Teutonlo amnassadors In Roma have bean handed their passports and will leave tni.v Saveral of the London morning news papers make definite announcement of the resignation of Baron Fisher, first sea lord. The different party organs agree that the formation of a coalition govern ment is Inevitable. RnsaUns Lot Al Grown Gained. As tho result ot tho latest Oermaa tac tics, aaya a dispatch to the Mail front Potrograd. all that bad been ac complished by tha Russians tn the Car pathians has been undone , and months have been added to the duration of the "If the German plana had succeeded completely, If General Linalngen'a army had been aa fortunate as UenaraJ Von Mackenaen's, if tha Austrian in Buko wina had been triumphant. If tha Baitlo Invasion had resulted in tha capture of Riga, the blow would have been terrlflo. Fortunately, as mattars now stand, the enemy has not accomplished anything really decisive. The general Idea of tha Oermaa Affan. "lr was to advance upon Lemberr from three directions. Von Mackenaen was to attaog rrom the west, breaking through i the Russian front: Unslngenwas to foroa iTukhalk. nasa and nv,.-' 1T,!. Btry valley; Archduke Eugene in Boko- - w at aa g laanW wtn waa to turn tha Russian left. Ap parently Oeneral von Mackenaen atone waa successful n attacks, Ltaalngen be ing held back, while the archduke's array vas soundly beaten. The leading Russian military authority suggests that the Germans Intend to fol-' low up their success with an advanoa oa Warsaw, but for this they will need more (.Continued on Pago Two. Column Tw.) THE WANT-AD WAY rXXlCY. AH ruava to' OOfMI 4POr)d T pwfMwT Little Jack Horner sat In the r 1 1 T 4 r neMMiMTJ life "HnfJnannhBiaaSnnWnessBSjJSB Reading the Want Ad pagei An ad ha epied, ha read with pride, "Bay Wanted" Just his age. New, tha tale they tail is eaoeadlnf Ijr swsll. Of tho riehas ha mads, ah, my! Hia money is such, if he wanted ta muoh, . He aauld always eat Chrietraae pi. Many a man now In a res pons ibis position first got his start through The Omaha Bee ll-lp Wanted ads. -If you want work or a chance to better your preaent position, read the Help Wanletl ats- each day. t'n the other hand. If you are an employer and In need of Intelli gent help, telephone Tyler 1000. PUT IT IN THB OMAHA BKi