Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday, May 18, 1915.
1TH the approach of June the atmosphere Is scintillating with en
gagements embryo and rngaf nirnts rulminatinit.
One of sreat Intprest Is mad? today by Mrs. Ida llanrhetf,
who announces the enKaneinent of hr daughter, MIfs Hope, to
Thomas Robert Rutledge.
' Mlas Hanrhett attended school at UrowneU Hall, where she took tiin
full course. After graduating from thrre she went Into settlement wori
In Chicago at the Kll Rates Pettletnrnt house. Later returning to Omaln,
'he took up newspaper work, becoming society' editor on the World-Herald,
then became club editor on The Hee, and nt present has charge of the
'society department of the Dally News, where she has been for the Inst twi
Mr. Rutledge attended the fnlverslty of Wisconsin and Is now con
nected with the engineering department of the Union Pacific.
The wedding will be celebrated Thursday, June 3.
City Council Put Protest of GeneTal
Harrin on File May Mean
a Lawiuit.
'Concordia Club Party.
Hn E. H. Westerned an1 Mm. J. n
Oranfrs entertalnefi the members nf t.-
,ConcrJI eltih In honor of Mrs. obrrst.
who la lAvlnc soon for an estn1el trio
through the south and cunt. Th room
were abloom with svrln- flowers nnd th
lionor prtiost received attnutlv- surprise
rlfta. Memliinwi n-re Olnter, N. K.
FyU. O. E. Flhr. Hnv Ahlmtt. Mnry
Burkett and Mt Minerva Klher were
ths tniests of the club. The memlwri
present were:
71. C. Balrd,
"W. V. Howard.
Irrlng Airr.
A. C. Orl'smsn.
Oenrce I'mshy.
Oporpe ;inl-r,
Clsrkr Pr.fMrv.
Hlen K Msrtln.
T. . I'm nam.
.TMc M1iliirl
Debutante Brids CIvb.
Mlaa Ptrlls. Thummel and Miss Helm
Clarke entertalnel the members of the i
Iebutant Bridge club thla afternoon at !
the Countrv club. Mlaa Marearet Daiim
nd Mrs. Walter Orlfflth were the sueata
cf the club. The intents present Included:
Mlaaea Hisses
Can fpaiildlng, Atleo .Tnqwlth,
Ann Ulfford. Harriet .Vets.
Ptella Thummel, Klcannr Mnrkay,
JOanehe lene. Janet Hall.
Frances Hoch- Helen Clarka.
atetler. I .u lie Uncon,
Mra. Walter ClrlfflHi.
Recent Affairs.
Mlaa Johanna Anderson entertained a
number of her pupils at a dinner party at
tho Fontenelle sundriy evening.
Mlaaea Hua Haworth, Mary rioederke
and Abbla Onl Weeden gave a shower
at the hum of Mlsa Haworth Saturday
afternon In honor of Mlaa Mildred Rose,
a bride-to-be. The nifta were preaented
in a yellow roae baaket and the decora
tions and refreshmrnta were carried out
attractively In yellow and wt.lte. About
twenty gueats were praaent.
Future Affairs.
Mr. and Mra. B. A. Simon will rcelv
"Wednesday afternoon and evening In
honor of the confirmation of their son.
Mr. and Mra. Barton Millard will en
tertain at dinner Wednesday evening,
complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Paul
The Oarden club will meet Wednesday
morning with Mra II. P. Whllmore.
Table d'Hote Dinner.
Invitations were Issued today by the
entertainment committee of the Omaha
Field club for the opening table d'hote
dinner, which will he lven Haturday
venlng. May 9. All reservations muat
be made by S o'clock p. m. May 28.
Entertains at Luncheon.
Mra. W. P. Horaford entertained at a
mall luncheon today tn honor of her
mother. Mra. John A. McBhane. The
table waa decorated with a large bowl
of sweetheart rosea.
Entertains at Cards.
Mra.. E. Marcus of Council niuffa en
tertained at a whlat party at her home
thla afternoon to honor Mlea Onldla
Alplrn. Seven tablea were placed for the
card game.
Sermo Club Entertained.
The Sermo club waa entertained at a 1
o'clock luncheon at the home of Mra.
George T. I.ln-lley today. Following the
luncheon a llteiary program waa given.
Stork Special.
A son waa born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Oraffta Sunday at their home In Marlon,
Ind. Mra. Qraffla waa formerly Mlaa
Kate Moores of Omaha.
Personal Mention.
Mra. H. lllnsrhmann and daughter,
Herralna. loft for Chicago thla morning,
to be gone four weeka. They were ar.
compacted by Mra F. Kraane of Fuller
ton. Neb., and her email daughter, l.uclle.
Mr. John W. Madden left Saturday
evening for Excelsior Hprtngs. Mo. Mr.
Madden will attend the reunion or the
western Tale men, which will be held In j
Kanaaa Ot Friday and Saturday of thla i
JZ .
I -
Over the objections and negative
vote of Mayor Hah I man the other
members of the city council voted to
place on file a communication ad
dressed by President Harris of the
Omaha Klectrlc Light and Power
company protesting against allege. 1
! unreasonableness of the new light
and power rate ordinance and threat
ening resistance by litigation If the
.city officials InsiHt upon enforcement
! of the reduced rates.
Th or'Unnm-e will lie In e'fe. 1 today,
accordlna to Hj own proval"rts.
"I think tho nrrlltianic la fair and am
will nit to t'ike n hanrr on It. It mav
he ner-raary to have n pliyalial valua
tion." teclnre l 'ommlsaloner Hutlcr.
' If the iate ar loo bis'', as tlie eiec-tti-
'laht peoi.le i i.iiin. and If they rnnnot
otir.i .1 per ceri on tluir aenf.ided valua
tion, then we are beaten nt the etart,
and It would tie child's play for ua to K'
to court," wna the atatement of the
mivor, who atood for coti8i.erin(r the let
ter aent by Genet al Marries and for a
rilarunrloii of the metier hefofe filming
the .ojnmiJiil.'Ht'.on on file.
As the matter now atand the nrdl-
mnco will he operative mi Weinesilay,
and It will he up to the ee. trie
company to grant the reclined rate or
seek aid of the i-oiirls.
''Ity Attorney Rice advlred the coun'll
that It luay lie nereinary to mal.c a
phyalcal valuation to drti-rmlne the re
aonnhleneaa of the new rates.
Women's Bootery to Be
On Myers-Dillon Site
An e.iusive ahoe store for women Is
to be located on the around floor of the
Rose K-alty building, whi.h will be
erected at the corner of Sixteenth and
Farnam a'reeta. The boot shop will be
opened by W. and H. H. Napier of
Knld. OKI. A five-year leaee has been
slened and the name of the hnp will he
Ne pier's Hootery.
S. W. Napier la In Oinala making the
ai-rnrisrementa for hla Oninha venture He
ami hie brother have leen In the ahoe
buaineaa for fifteen yeara and until re
cently have kwned two at'.res In F.nld.
fine w a sold a aliort time ago and
a relative will manage the other while
ihe ro!her wPI move to Omaha and
devote all of tlielt time to their eatah
llahnient in thla elty.
Ppeaklng of the contemplated store. !.
W. Napier declared: "We Intend to con
duct a atrlrtly excluaive shop for women.
While our values will run from S3 up, It
Is our intention to plae emphasis on the
mote exepisive footwear selling at IS up
wards. We believe we will atrlke a key
note ulth our new store, aa there Is at
present no exclusively women's shoe store
in Omaha and nowadays milady Is psy
Ing as mii'-h attentl m to her footwear aa
to her millinery. I need only point to the
quick changes In prevailing styles to
prove that contention."
Rine Says No Need
for a New Charter;
City to Lose by It
Commercial Club
to Boost Mergerj
Hummel Will Name
Woman Member of
Recreation Board
W. A. Foster, member of the. Board of
Kdutatii n and deputy aherlff; Dr. Zora
l. Clark, member of old social aervloe
board, and l'r. J. P. Connolly, active In
Improvement rluh matters, have been
confirmed by the city council as members
of the new recreatl'.-n board, which wilt
begin Its official life on June 15. A
woman, yet to be aclected. will be an
other member. t'nt!er the ordinance
Commissioner Hummel of the department
of parka and boulevards will be chairman
of thla Loard.
Commissioner Hummel stated he found
It no easy task to Ret desirable persona to
serve on this board which paya no salary.
The board will have charge of the
recreational activities of the city, which
will Include the playground featurea of
the parks and the municipal athletic field
at Thtrty-aocund street and Pewey
Tho recreation fund rot aside the first
of tho year by the ouncll waa $J),000.
Al the weekly meeting of the excutlve
onimlttee of the Commercial rltih in-
light ustlnn was up for discussion snd It
waa the unanimous sentiment that It De
recommended to the Hub that all mem
hcra get out and boost for the proposi
tion and aee that a full vole Is gotten
i ...
lout on election nay.
I Frank Hughes waa elected a delegate
!to the annual meeting of the I'pner River
Trwreltna: Mcn'a t: perlen.-e. I Improvement association, held at lu
"1n the summer of ISM I hnd a very.btni'ie, .. June 9.
severe attack of cholera morbus. Two I Robert If. Manley waa elected ! dele
phyaliians we-ked over tn from 4 a. m. 'fcale to Hie lUver Terminal conference,
to p. m. without giving me any relief held at St. Ixuia late in May. At the
and then told me they )ld not expect me : r.ieetlng he will also represent the state
to live; that I had he telegraph for my an a member of the executive committee
family. Inatead of doing ao. 1 gave thelof the River and Harbora association,
hotel porter K cc-nta and told him to buy I
me a bottle of Chamherlaln'a Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and
In oonnectlon with a proposal that a
charter commi salon be selected to draw
tin another home rule charter. City At
torney Rlne offers the following: Informa- I .
tlon: i
"Our .'onstltutlon provldee that when a
j home) rule charter has been adopted It
I ahall supersede the existing charter and
jail amendments. Thla would deprive ua
i of any right now posaesned under exist
ing charters to regulate the service of
corporations. There Is no crying need
of a new charter In any event. i
"I see that some of the people who are j
apparently disgruntled with the result of ',
the late election are now loudly olamor-
Ing for a charter convention. I wonder
if these people know that they are play
ing Into the bands of the corporations,
or, perhaps, some of them Ao know
and are 'using the same tacttca that were
uaed In the last city campaign. If their
designs should be successful the city
might aa well abandon Its fight for seven
fares for a quarter with tbe atreet rail
way company.
"If a new charter should be adopted,
thla right to regulate the atreet railway
j company would be rfone and we would
have to look to the state railway oom
. minion entirely for relief."
i Mr. Rine further contends that several
I supreme courts have held that a city
In no event under a home-rule charter
can regulate the rates of public utllltlea
made under a constitutional provision,
such as ours, or grant to Itself such
ti Li) ti
A New Shipment of
Crepe de Chine
Ju whitp and the most delicate shades of flesh jut
received. This lot is comprised of Gowns, Enve
lope Chemise, Combinations, Skirts nnd Under
bodices, trimmed with inserts of organdie, em
broidery and dainty patterns of Val. Laces, with
Chiffon Rosebuds and ribbon rosettes. We carry
a beautiful line of Underbodices for large women,
sizes 46 and 48.
Envelop and Combination Hultw. About twenty dif
ferent styles to select from, made of good quality
lingerie cloth and nainsook, trimmed with organdie
and batiste embroider) ; also the new designs in la
ces, specially priced at $1.00
One lot of llralere nrt
Drawer. Made of. all
trrer embroidery, some
lace and embroidery
trimmed 376
An odd lot of
$1.25; special.
One lot of good long
gowns, made with lace or
embroidery trimmed yokes,
some kimono styles; spe
cially priced at 690
Drawers, some worth to
pair G9
take no aubatitutu. I took a double do
trcordlng to the directions and went to
sleep after the aeoond dose. At f o'clock
the next morning t waa called by my
order and took a train for my neat stop
ping point, a well man but feeling rather
shaky from the severity of the attack,"
writes H. W. Ireland, IoulsvHle, Ky.
Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement
Peter Jensen of rVatrlce, prominent In
many Nebraska activities and heavily In
terested In Canadian Investments, la In
Omaha visiting his aon-ln-law. C. 3.
ciaassen of the Peters Trust company.
Mr. Jensen Is keeping tn clnae touch with
the war. having many friends on both
sides. He haa Just received a poet card
from one of his Canadian associates, who
! la In the trenches, which reads: "We are
right up at the front now and we are
having a rather warm time. The der
ma na know where we are from and they
call over, 'How'a Vancouver" "
Henry Prima, lodging house clerk at
70s North Hxtcenth street, haa been
released by the police He waa held
on suspicion that he shot Irene Hnumaa,
h. was .found wounded and with a
rote heslde her, apparently Indicating
that she had tried to cuiumii auiclde.
At first she told deteitlves that "a
friend" had ahot her, whereupon Pruaa
was arraated and accuHcd of writing
the note aa a "blind. ' Iter, however,
she slated that she had fired the re
volver herself, to Pruss waa released
and the case la recoriotl as an attempted
suicide. The woman will probably re
cover, according to a report from f-'t.
Joseph hospital. The bullet passed
through the fleshy part of her chest.
tr. A. Rosa Hill, president of the I" Di
versity of Mlaaotirl, haa been selected to
Mr. and Mra J.
'deliver the address
Merrill leave this even- Jclaaa of the Central
to the graduating
High school at the
bur for Evanarlllo. Ind., to vlalt their commencement exerclaea, which will he
on. Rabbi Max J. Merrltt and Mra
Werrttt. They will be accompanied by
their aon, Joaeph Merrltt. and mill be
gooe two weeka
Mra Frederick wing of Chicago haa ar
rived to be the (nest of her parents. Mr.
aal Mra. H. O. Moortwad fer several
held at the lirandela theater June V.
AmoBf the Yuriton.
Mra. J. tVhHT and Mrs. P. Solomon.
test New Turk City, are prodlnc the i
w nfc ta Ornate tbe carets of Mr. and !
Msa. T. & lladra- Mra hVhlff end Mra i
fcwn aro mile te CVllfomia j
Bridge Party Today.
Mra. 31 A. MdVrroott entertain- at 1
ttrklae Sua afternoon at her hone. The '.
mftaJr waa Informal and three tablea of
guaren were preaeoL
Xm vl Orrt of the Bee Hire.
MXa. nd w Rrwewatnr left this mom-
kaar Sar Kanaaa City, -facets gbe wilt be
C -t at tar brother far a week or
MUaa aa tmm r-tnrr1 last evening
fcwa m thwa wf" rutlt ha Chicago,
EtrSrcnsl Tlx. Tsdsj.
Ml X. B. Xaft yave aa tofonnal tea
cuts aftse auarn far women of tho Qraoe
KfcOrtt bantk a Uiat they might meet
Mi Isii i w MjOut. a mtaalnnary front
tiuUa. attu mdU add oa a dial riot mla
Unwtg tw rtws Tknradar.
th iaC-ilmfte..
TSUm ortli E. T"rrKaa-.w ffka rleO
errtnmarnmd U. tv'torstan.
High Class
Traveling Goods
at First Cost
Iton't Voar Cold CSet Waree.
Bell a line-Tar-Honey will oure your
cough nnd give you reatful sleep. Oood
for children. Only 25. All druggists.
Parental control of a baby aon whom
l.e had never seen waa taken from Harry
H. Await by the district court when It
swarded a decree of divorce to Mrs. C-
nllla E. Await.
The baby, who la named Russell, waa
born several month after Await disap
peared July t, 1914. Mra. Await waa un
able to find her husband and scored
service In her divorce suit by publication.
Custody of Russell was given her toy the
Mr. snd Mra Await were married No
vember 23. 1MJ. at Waterloo, la., and
lived together In Omaha until Joly i.
lvU, aroording to the plaint IfTe pet'llon
Tho decree waa granted on grounds '
nonaupport and desertion.
AGift She
Can Use Every
Day in the Year
Is a piece of Sterling
Silverware from tho
cnorinoug stock of
Each year .people are giv
ing the more useful articles
to the June Bride because
they have learned from
their own experience that
the gifts of durability such
as RilTprwnH hre the ones
meet cherished fey the recln
lantt We aa-e all tbe sewer
denies i in BterUae, Shef
field fth4 plated Wgr ha 4
at prices nr reaseBablei
Let it be" enf tteaeare e
shew ihm t ten,
H IB MMMkM t Wsm
i Summer Rugs
Special Prices for Wed
nesday Axmlnster rugs, good
quality, oriental, floral
and conventional designs
9x12 size, regular $22.50
value, Wednesday
t 818.75
RxlOH size, regular $20
value, Wednesday
t S1G.75
linoleum. Inlaid tile nnd
wood patterns
Llnoi?um. t ft. wide,
a ROtt siuare yard.
Linoleum, 6 ft. wide,
at 60 square yard.
Linoleum, 12 ft. wide,
at 65t square yard.
Lace Curtain Sale
Extra Special Bar
gains in the Base
ment Wednesday.
2500 fine laoc cur
tains, white- and ecru,
cable net, filet net,
Quaker cur ta ins,
loom weave curtains
and bungalow cur
tains, single curtains
and pairs. Values to
$2.50 a pair, your
choice Wednesday, at
each 49?
The Light Six
As It Will Be
7-Pasaenger PhMten
3-Panf er RoadaUf
Only 3 More Hudsons
Per Dealer This Spring
All the Hudions in dealers' hands, plus the next two months' output
will supply an average of only about three cars per dealer. We believe
that many men who want Hudsons this spring will find it out too Iate
You Pay No Middle
man Profit
We atlll have a lot of hhjli
class traveliua sonde that we
bought hefore we started to snake
our om n, and alll aell them at
roet to cl thm out. W make
a err fine Una of wardrobe
trunka ouraelrea, which we ell
airw:l to lou. Our lf..0e waid
reb U-unka are equal te any
! trunks on Ute markai. Tea
ear trr comma her.
Kv er-r Carols Irene a traaiaaa.
Alfred Qtrcbh & Co.
Iaat siirtng, thousands were delayed
In renin their Hudson Light Six. All
ttummer prompt delivery was Impos
sible. We were alwaya weeka behind.
This spring we have new attractions.
The Light Six Is the vogue. And more
than 12,000 Light Hudaona are tun
ning, each creating new desire for this
car. So, despite our big winter output.
It can hardly be possible to make
prompt dellverlea long.
That la true of First Choice cars of
Very clasa. There la never enough tu
the spring.
Hudson Comes First
We announce, thla because Hudson
muat come first with you, if you want
a high-grade Ught Six.
Hudson atand s out as the class car.
it shows the results of our years of re
finement. It has proved Itself on mil
lions o miles of road. Everywhere
there are users over 11,000 in all to
voneh that the car la perfect.
It Is the only Ught Six designed by
Howard K. Coffin. It Is tbe lightest of
all the T-paasragw Kites. It is the niotsl
retoad. I. frofcorJ-c Hudson standards,
l-a lurarr, rtcuh and equipment It
ma tr.h' th rotllesi rars.
Yon see In tbe Hudson the Light Six
perfected. Tou see a four-year result,
with every part and detail In a finished
state. Ton will not be content with any
second choic.
This Is a New Type
Bear that la mind. The Light tUx
involves new materials, a new-type mo
tor, new daalgna for every part The
changes upset old standards. So a car
of this typ must provw Itself free from
The IAgM Btx, beyond question. Is
the standard furore type. No man
would consider going back to heavy,
(lnmsy cam. Bat it Is wise In this type
to get a wvdMrled oar.
The Hudson Light Six baa been run
tiy owners at least 30 million kUm.
And all that experience has not obcot
ered a single fan It or weakness.
Ton are certain to prefer It.
7-Tafstgr rtus-tsui er 8-Fsseager
HtMuAxtrr, 11 MO, f . a b, Detroit,
Anotber Hndson feature is the
matchless Hudson sexvloe. Let us tell
you how mnch it means.
2563-67 Farnam St., Guy L Smith.
11 ; '
row a
Perala John K I'rtrrson.
Olanaaa l.lsie Mia I'd.
CoaaoU Bluff a. William Itoper.
rarracat. . . .
rlaa. . . .
atalTsra. . . .
Med Oak.. . ..
Mn. TU...
eie dnaot-.
Mvt .....
W A I'hiunMV.
The Farrscut Automobile Co.
liootti Implement Cu.
haa. F. Putnam.
, Kalyera A Kay ton.
, rtiy Aiimiiiohile Co.
.t'harles Mnriaon.
. J R. StU kler.
, Foot- fann
.... Vaahe i lirite.
.. sretl Fohtenaarra).
tv U llret.
V. l. Aiinrawi Autn Ck
.... Vetar hnwn iKneaara Craa.
V.. fcitHl.
1: it.. lMtinaaia.
ill tea 'DjmUwu.
Central l)y I'. K. 1111.
Creiahtoa J. C. Maiulria
rails Oltv ..KeiUoii Wiue.
Oeaoa flams don.
Oread Xelaaa. ,.Mr. E. A. Branilea.
Xilaoola . lord Aulo Cu. '
Mew Ceetle . . C'irry iiroa.
. Mrwman Ornve Auto Co.
. Jay Hlllna:aworth.
. Wherry Broa.
..Platte Center Auto Co.. laa
. P. T. Rmrker.
. V. E. Bly.
, Iloualaa Groteluaaehea
. . T. t'rawford.
..F. J olUra
.Mr. w r lutnechlajrer.
. The Fiateher Auto Ue.
. W. F. Veaeh.
. .-rx V ra-a,
. tte. Il si warn i
OlMM-ee A
Vewaee City. .
riatte Center.
rUruaoaU. .
t. real
Boett-s Bluff .
e aator .
Too una eh . . . .
Exclusive Advantages
IN grace of litre and de
tail, perfection of iit
and general discretion of
tyle. Fry'a hoes offer
the exclusive advantages
usually found only in ex
pensive custom made
The difference is merely
a matter of cost. Our
Summer Mode's are ex
pensive in appearance
only, for moderate prices
are one of the attractions
of this store.
"I positively hated to wash !
my hair until I got Lee's Liquid
Shampoo." An Omaha Lady.
Most every one has a dread of the ordinary shampoo;
of tbe time consumed and labor involved; of the stiff,
arbitrary condition of the hair afterward; of the un
pleasant feeling of soap left in the balr; the fear of
hurting the hair or of taking cold; the difficulty of ob
taining soft water, etc.
All of these troubles are overcome by use of Lee'a
Liquid Shampoo. A few ounces of soft water is best
for the "lather-up" but even that is not essential. A
man can take a shampoo while taking a bath and quicker
than he can shave. A woman ran shampoo in five
minutes, hair dry in ftfteen to thirty. The hair goes
rieht back to its old training. There Is no soap, grease.
dirt, or dandruff left behind. There is no unpleasant after-effect or odor.
No danger of hurting the hair or of taking cold.
3 sties, 4 ox. 25 eta. 12 oz. 50 eta. 32 oz. $1.01
At druggists or delivered prepsid. Booklet free.
GEO. H. LEE CO., Laboratories Omaha, Nebr.
It'e lot of fan to -play Daddy,
long-leg and -walk -with slUts.
wiQ give
to the ten boys that Irrirvg us the
most pirttir? of the stilts before 4
P. M., Sotoreiny, .MaA- 2d.
This prcturo xrt tho trtllts -will be in Thu
Bvery day this week.
Out them all out and sok your Irrerrda
to save the phJtures in their paoor for you
too. Seehow many pictures you can get
and bring them to The Bee Office, Satur
day. May 2 2d.
Tbe Stilts will be given Free to the boys
or girls that aend ua the moat pictures be
fore 4 P. M., Saturday. May fid.