i. 10 TFTE BEE: OMAIIA, .. MAY 1 ' 191 I n t I ii n .I i i xgagOl"flaitxS tQCTIIP''CTM8"S''B3-,8-31 exiTS?"'1 miUJ -C3-- w On the poorest day of the year for selling Real Estate, if there is such a day, a good advertiser can sell good property to advantage by using Bee Want Ads j i t WANT ADS .Want ad received at any time, but to fnrviro proper rleeelfVntlon murt b pre sented before II o'clock noon for evening edition nd T:20 p. m. for morning nd unday edition want d received after puch hour will be under the beading, "Too Late to Cla tfy." CASH RATES. . , fieven consecutive time, I cent a "worn eerh Insfrtlon. . Thrye time within one week, IVi cent a word each Insertion. On time. I cent a word. CHARGE RATES. RT?n consecutive time. cent a Im earn Inaertlon. ... . Three tlmee within on week, 10 cents a line each Inanition. . One time. 1! cent a Una. Ccunl six average word to a line. kflnlmarn charge, 20 cents. An advertisement Inserted to he riin until discontinued must be stopped by written order. , AH claims for en ore must be made 'within fifteen days ft-- the lat Inser Uon of tna advertisement. Too ran place your want ail In The Bee I y telephone. 1 TELEPHONE TTLKR 1008. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column.1 'Ttundreds of other answers have been called for and delivered during tha last 'wrek. Tt Is reasonable to suppose that all or the people Below nnv mw" j" rVelred swaps, therefore do not call for the balanoe of their answers. Bee want ads sure ret results. PC. i44 ,4)0 41 ' .41 41t 4 I4K . n t I 4St ,H ;4 44f 41 4.0 4V. : etl SC. BO. sc. 44 S4t K1 (M Mt XX M tm M 71 T1 (XII SMt AM 7 ins 711 T14 Tri 7J7 111 B.C. B.C. T ' - 74S rt TV) T 7 7i rs ws T4 W m rio tM til K1 Ml m on Ml Mt m v ut 141 4S Ml 44 I7 947 MR MB 11 M m0 K5 I .7 Ml C4 Ml M MS ; W7 Mt W4 B76 67 t 4 cio ti 61 fA 3t '.! r 4TJ ' 474 471 474 4" PO So EOS. M) Ml Ml tl m B HI M3 K4 eHU BIRTHS AID DEATH. Births (.art and Mabel Carlson. 3230 North Fifty-aeveiilh. girl;, Alvln H. and ' i.tnma A. Edewn. WM Houth Twenty ninth, boy; Kmll and Lottie Uember, HIS . Houth Fourth, boy: Reuben and Mar garet OroesJeHtx, M2 North Thirty-sixth, ft'rl; Oliver W. and Litsie U, Johnson, frQ South Thirty-fifth avenue, boy; Joel and K'Uda Lungrene, gli4 Woolworth, boy; W. A. and Ulllan Mulford, 4747 .North Fortieth, girl; Henry and Chris- , tlna Mtchka, W Olln avenue, girl; I. J. end Ines Ray, Mil Lake, boy; R, and Jllnnle Rloe, ES27 EJnimet, girl; Mervln and Helen Vernon, Ms North Twenty- flret. glrL Deaths Wayne Bee son, 4 months, KM FVans- Margie Johnson, 1 day, hospital; Carl F. Strong, H. 14X71 Wnrt: Mary F. Tubos. it, vt Ames avenue; Richard F. Wesfpate. , W4 Charley MtHRIAUB LICENSIC, .! Th . '"IJowIng persons hay been licensed to wed; Name and Residence. ' Age John Good, Omaha ....,....., M Minnie Kyksr, Omaha. Jens Rorensen, Jr., Beneon. 10 Hedwlg Petersen. Omaha. ...... ........ U Maurice B. Orlffin, Omaha a Ruth Helen Hunstker, Omaha... 31 John B. Thompson, Hopkins, Jo.. Margaret Covey. Stuart. I e.... ( Vlole Rlbeck. OmahSk. Anna Herbollch, Omaha a t TODAY'S OOWPLKTB MOVIH PROCJRAMS Ecclualyeiy in Tb Be. IUNTERM glide far movies. Send your . copy to us. Ws caa re prod ace photo r will nrepar your oopy. ' Vi will oolor M directed. Bee Photo pt 191 Be Bid. Derwa Tows KLfTB NO J. . ISIS FARNAM. Harst-4ellg No. IT.' '1'hu TerriUe One. S-reel Lubln drama. tinmnnn ifimt rwnimaxi. KAilNAM, DOUOLA8. fc'ernam Theater Special i Mutual mas terpieces a week. Thursday and Sunday our special days, HiVp 'IliKATfcll, ILTH AND UARMMT Uern of Paramount Ptoturag, XDRALv Their Hour, t-reel O. SeaL Mailer of Parentage, powers. EM'l'l'er trtmpeon s Iauhtr, Joker com. PARK. 6li NORTH lTU bi. lltxxl of the Children, t-reel Bison. At His Own Terms. Big U. Iskltig Her Moaeures. Nestor comedy. PARIXJR. l(a IOl-aLAS. Thi Closing of the Circuit, -r. Vita. com. ..lust a Look at Jake. Lubln comedy. The Conversion of Smiling Tom, Sel. dra. ipIaxcE&d, iM-irToualA Eleventh rtanter The Hla4k Hon Mrs. tery. When Cupid Crossed. Nest. com. ' l.iet Animated Weekly. War Views, ALAMO, &1TH AND FORT. -s sKing ii er .Measure. esu Comedy. Tieaeun of Anatole. S-reel. Imp. A Matter of 1'aientage. Powers Drama. aThAMBKA. ' UU N. UTU BT. IVg-Oon It. Roy. Comedv. Tiie Mutuent of Sacrifice- Tlian. Drama. 1JITGN. MUhary Ave. and Burdette, 8.'Krty's Bret. Bruncbo C Ii. M ''! Jewei. Thanhouser drama. Only a Tramp, liehanoe drama. DIAJi a XHE.VTER. 1410 LAKE feT. Animale, Week! Veekly. n' Revenge. L.-Ko. comedy. hUKll 1'lKMi IICVNICLIN. S4TH AND FiXAN KLIN. Mr. Jarr Take a Night Off. Vita. com. The Third (Vpimandmwnt. t-r. Kalem dra. IKoUC. S4TH AND SPKAGUCT Iove That Lasts, Power drama. Runaway June, h lJleoda, la t part. Pour Pi.llfy. U-Ko. comedy. Grand. 'Theater BeeuUf ul," It A Btnncy. Robert Edson In A Man's Prerogative, 6-rrel. Mutual Maslerptxe. HIl'itil'itoME. 2t TH AND CT'MING. 1 m. Oiri Who Might llav lean. l-r. K. B, 1 1,9 Law hu-caliera.' Kclbutw drama. h. Ixtdrtyl Beauty c,HM-.y. , IV VTH tSflairWTH A NDB U RDBT TBt The i:uLkilden Treaaure. 'i-r. Mary Fuller, VMar iiU-rk Box No. t-reel special. Ti H, fuee, JWtir Hrnedy. Unu Th k a Ti.il , cALLWeLU Nu. x. 3-reel li t IT. i urea, I'leie, JAer comedy. Went 1, a ChspTiina, i-rj Nestor com. u ith ftTiiT iTiTAN iTlxmTiiTiK 'I ,,e i,m i,n. Krwansy com. (Chaplin) etivnrtli. Vlf ii li 'lisma. Tn'. 1 et of Hmriiiy, K,.rph drama. F. , TTa i tTFla f 2h74 X:a VfcM'oTi T. l 'i.i. r ir r. 1'tit -t t'.ai;le jlo' ntxin. 2-reel Bison. i. Nu.nl ..r. Ix diaina. TODAY'S OOMTXETE MOVIE PROGRAMS Exclusively in The Dee. ona. Sl'BrRRAN. TH AND AMES. The Voice From the Tail, t-r. Kal. dra. Ha cotildn t Explain. Lubln oomedy. Andy of the Royal Mounted. Kee. W. dra. olk. AIRDOMK, 171 VINTON. Out of the Ruins. Edison drama. A t.lly of Bohemia, Vltagraph comedy. ARBOR, 12 P AND ARBOR, A Wireless Rescue. J-r. Vltagraph lrama. The Tale of a Hat. Kalem comedy. The Western Way, Kuanay W. drama. ATOLLO. TH AND LEAVRN WORTH. The Olrl on the Trestle. Kalem drama. The I"rlnce of Peaoa, t-reel Lubln drama. rne Taming of Itlta. Vltagraph comedy. Columbia, nio koTith ioth. The Olrl Engineer, Kalem drama. Mr. Carlson of Arlsona, 2-r. IMn drama. Mrs. Murphy's Cooks, Hells; comedy. "OM PORT, 24TH AND VINTON. The Disillusionment of June, t-r, Drama. The Job and the Jewels. Rel. Relnformatlon of Peter end Paul. Than FAVORITE. J71 VINTON. The Mister's Mode), t-reet Thanhouser. Bobby's Bandit. Majestic. Ambrose's Uttle Hatchet. Keystone com. CUM, 12SS SOUTH liTH. Poke and Jabs, Sterling comedy. What a Itllnd Man Saw, l-r. Laemmte dra. Iove'a Reflection, Imp. LYRIC, 1U VINTON, Tha Olrl Who Had a Soul, e-ieel Victor. Day at Ban Diego Fair, Joker comedy. PAHTIM1C. 2ja LEAVENWORTH. Who PavsT series No. 1, each series com plete in Itself. 4 other reels. Get in on story No. 1. VEMEziA. ui ho. una Four reals of Matual ptoturaa, MONROE THEATER, 8 FARNAM. Cliioago Tribune's Belgian War Pictures, 4 reels of aotual scenea, taken on bat tlefields. esiewau PENSON, tm MAIN STREET. War of the Wild, t-part Bison. Roses and Thorns, Big U. drama. Runaway Auto, Joker comedy. t'oaaell Uletle ELITE NO. I, 647 BROADWAY. A Race for a Crossing, Kalem drama. The Cipher Key, t-reel Lubln drama. Moonshines, Mlna comedy. NICHOLAS. M7 BROADWAY. Hearst-Hellg No. 87. Mr. Jarr's Magnetlo Friend, Vltagraph com. Ths Conspiracy at the, Chateau, -rel Eesenay drama. ROPEn, Ml BROADWAY. Grim Messenger, t-T. Big U. Artist and the Vengeful One, Victor. Two Hearts and a Bhip, Neetor Comedy. Boat in mm BE8SB. I4TII AND N. The Box Car Trap, Kalem drama. A Child of the North, l-r. Vltagraph dra, Peroleal's Awakening, Lubin comedy. MAGIC, MTU AND O. Williamson's Submarine Pictures. Nothing Bver Happens Right, Joker, Vaaaevllle. ORPHEUM. MTH AND M. Coma Baxk. 1-reel drama.. Hose Leaves. Echoes of the Skies. Comedy. AN.TOUNCEMKVT3 Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Bo Comfortable Yourself and Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent's Office, Room 103. Investigate T.M C.A. out'g park, summer. KNOXW&UD kills th Dandelions. AUTOMOBILES NHW. Ford auto delivery bottle of all ' styiea onan or closed, alwaya on hand. Our prices will sav you money. Me Johnaon-Danforth Co., 162-ai-U No. lta. lKUCole t iu Cadlllao ,...t0 Ulil Pullman 47 1811 Iiulck is.i A. A. Anlruan. XH Farnam. Tel. D. C ELSAaSKR, expert radiator and Urn repairs. 1 w. nm, roi mTsiwui, AUTO Clearing House, tj Csreiam, buy aad ell used cara Plum louglaa Ula. Overton for leaky radiator, ttic, dealer. Want an auto. C J. Canan. MoCague bldg. Industrial Garage Co.. th Harney Sts. ONE l.&u0-lb. Continental truck, nearly new, eieotrio ugnts ana starter, stake body, 40-H. p.j top windshield. Price s.). Must d sold quick. Uet demonstration. Bertachy Garage. 1010 Harney. NEBRASKA fcutck Servlo Station. U14 rainam Ht. t'tion imugias Ti. 1 100 REWARD for any magneto w can't repair. Culls repd. Baysdorfer, H N IK I K1VE-PASSENGER, 1 seven-passenger automobile for sal rtahL or will trad either or both for wlty property. cau it. 4u or u. 4i. BUSINESS CHAXCES Very Desirable ' Space for Printing Office Light, water and janitor terries free. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent' Office, Room 103. FOR SALE Bakery in good Utile town. Writ, Y tit. Bee. WHY RKNTT Will sen leu-acre farm In Bed River valley (Minn.), erect build ings, supply cows ana hogs on payment of IjO0. and 40 years In which to pay talaiue. This offer not good after June lo. W. O. Tempicton, Out Bee Bldg., Omaha. SIGN, am, r,tm '''lark . Hn. t. hotel hkn iturk and leais FOR SALE. For unavoidable reasons 1 will sell at a bargain my furniture and three-year lease In a au-room modem. brt:k hotel, doing a good business; located in a county seat town in central Nebraska of about I. ouD population; must be sold at once; will gnve possession Jun lat Address Y IB. Bes. HAVE lV-room modern house, suitable fur two families, lo exchange for auto and vacant iota to the value of tti") What have youT W. O. Templeton. ut Bee Bldg. f H KATKKA Buy, lease ox eU yeur the ale. machine and sum ilea through Theater ?.c henge 10 . 1 4 ft, l l'tlm ill. li'UHIll lV. dHOt's'.HItM AND MEAT. Faxnain St, etioui tni 4. x-year lease salrs, 11. v ter nioivth; first time of trirmi. CoufiM lioiiri y. ire l ie-in. i-lrsis, no. ttons snd peri'.di. als. ); rent -. living i .! ii gv ir i I. M KAToN. 11"! W. O. W. Bldg. !(!,?. TO LET In or out of i)i.inris Cell on GAKGIC3TAD. 4 Bea. tt Am. Da. 31 : BUSINESS CHANCKS RHAL estate Ruslness plare supplied or handled; all states. ir. V. Kniest. Omaha. VALUABLE coal mine, north Mlnsourl. Only mine In county. I'heso: cash or ll.O") down and good clear property. J. A. Tonne, Milan, Mo." WANTKI Partner In a money-msking proposition; rmall capital. Inquire L. t'hrln, 114 North loth Ft. WANTED To rent room In good coun try town for pocket bllllsrds. B 4R2, Bee. Rook la Hoasea fop Bala. 11 ROOMS, well furnished: always rented. lor quick sale. ieJ. can at zzu srnam. MANDOLIN Good as new and never used. Want a kodak or what have jrout Address 8. C. W. Bee. EDUCATIONAL Boy les College. DT School. Night School, complete business course, complete shorthand or stenotypa course, complote tel-igraphy course, civil service branches and Kng llsh. Students admitted at any time. Write, pbona or rail for 1011 catalogs BOTLES COLLKGH1. H. B. BOTLES. President Tel. P. IMS Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. FOR sale the following scholarship Jt a first class Omaha Business College: On unlimited combination bustaess tnd shorthand course. On unlimited business eeurse. Ons unlimited stenographs course. On three month' buainea er stana- grephin ccurn. Will be sold at a diacnuat at the offlo f th Omaha Bee pon RAXA Faraltare, lleaeehold Coeds. Ete. DFSKS "outht and gold. J. C. Red, 4V.UOi.xt3 VJIf! rarnam St. D. 414s. LEAVING city. 1400 upright mahogany piano. 15)0 Edison cabinet phonograph. Hi gas range. Roberts, 14 CalUornla Apts., 17th and California. SACRIFICE Grocery refrigerator, hold (wo Ins.; gas stoves, Iceboxes, all lsi household goods. 17( N. K4th. FURNITURE BARGAINS 60 beos at $1 . each; tables, kitchen and china .cab inets, 54 Ice boxes, 38 gss stoves, 25 dfc ere. N. Zth St. Webstsr 1W7. Lire) Stool Cossaitaeloai Merekaata. MARTIN BROt. A CO.. Bxenanc Bldg. Horse a ad Vehicles. TAKEN UP BY POUNDMASTER. One (1) black horse, brand "C" on right forenhoulder, weight about 800 lbs., about 13 years old. Owner, by paying chargea, ran get tho horse. If not. will be sold Thursday. May 30, 1916, to highest bidder for caah at city pound, 6th and Webster Sts., at 10 p. m. AH. WAGGONER, t ny ronniyiiMur, & BVYH l.WVIb. mse-muTa, gnoa worker, ssa uern son hi. Telephone South South Omaha. SHIP itv stock to Souta Omaha. Sav mlleag and shrinkage. Tour consign ment rectlvs prompt and careful attaa tlon. A PAIR of dapple grays, mar and geld- In, wefahlna HO uu. Lady owner.1 37 iooge, cor. inn. Masleal IsilrasMsu, Slightly used high grade Piano. P. WIT. Psaltry, Km til aautaew. 8TERBX3TTPB matrloa mak th beet and cheapest llntng for poultry house. Thsy are 17x21 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt snd practically fireproof. 7oe a hundred at Th Be of fie. Small wheat 100 lb. 2 26. Wagner, IMl N. 1. THOHOUGHBRF.D Whit 4-eghorn hen tor sale. A. H Baker, Benson, Neb. R. F. D. No. T. Tel. Beneon 747 W. Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exo. tXB Farnam. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terros. Butt Typewriter. 1MB Farnam. P. 4031. atlecellaaeowe. FOR BALK New and second-hand earoa and locket billiard table and Bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixture of all kinds; easy payments. Th Brunswick- Ba.ke-Colvender Co.. 407 -40 8. 1Mb St. LUMBER Zx and sheeting. tools, sshovsls, picks, jack screw, window glass; i carpenter benches, 11 each; I kitchen cabinets, tl each: 10 match ma chines, &0o each; 1 rug, tl; 1 lawn mower, 11.60; i gas arcs, tl each. J. C. ltjlL Fhone Harney Ui. 70S S. Wet Ave. tfl-hand machinery. H. Groa. tl and Paul. WE bought 66 De Molnea bar fixtures, front bars, back bars, mirrors, Nat cash registers, cigar and wall case, ete. For sale like we bought them CHEAP, Omaha Flxlur and Supply Co., 414 So. 12th 8t NEW and Xd-band motors, dynamo. magnetos, etc.. and maohanlcal repairs. L Bron Elect rlo Works. Ut-M 8. 12th. o iTELP WANTED FKMALK t lerteak and Olflee. STENOGRAPHER tftg HTf.NOGltAPHEJt. AUTOMOBILES.. .o0 FILE CLERK, EXPERIENCED US BOOKKEEPER $40 BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE A88N. 131V-S0 Woodmen of World Bldg. TOIINO ladv for nffloa detail work and ' general office assistant to manager of large mercantile concern. Do not an swer unless you have had ample experi ence and can handle correspondence and details accurately. Olve complete Infor mation in your application as to experi ence, how long and where you bav been employed, references, salary exueoted, etc. Information confidential; position open May 24th. Address In long hand. P. 4S7, Be. STENOGRAPHER tiS STENO. AND CASHIER c OFFICE- CI-ERK M THE CANO AUENCY. QUO REM BLDO. BOOKKEEPER, INS ft STENO. AND BKKPR U WATTS REF. CO., 838-40-41 Brand. Thea. NO Fll I NO Kfa.tC. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. ROOER8 REF. CO.. o-! State Bank. APPRENTICE gill dressmaking; no wages. Apply Monday, t-li. vl Cas Kt Ileaaekeeera aad Doaaeallp. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; no washing. Mra M. B. Newman. 3620 Howard St. WANT E D O III for general housework, ood wages for rlaht neraon. llarnre If A 115 No S5th Ft. NEAT, youug, colored, to assist with housework; on who can go home night. H. tll COMPETENT whit girt for general housework: prefer one who can tn home nights. Apply 2Us Plnkncy St COM P. housemaid Walnut X47 WANTKI- Young girl to assist la housework. 11. bit. .WANTED A middle-ae woman for houvework. Call til So. 10th St WANTEl An experienced stri for gen era! housework. In family Red Si WANTED Young girl to assist with housework and children. Harney COMPETENT Blrl for aeneral house work; keep a second girl. Mrs. J. A. Sunder In nd. H arney tC7. WANTED Olrl for Keneral beueework family of J: no warhina. 4203 Dodge 84- V mIi u WHlTti girl fur general housework. iMH N. UlU St. Tl. Well. 43.. WANTKI)-l4oi fi'keeper for small fam il . ieuiui-y wvt s incliKied wages .i Ih r nv.nli. Call ieiMi:t li4T. I w A NT i.I -- A airl to atat with general hoi.sework. H lfi. l&S S. :11st Ht. WANTED An exiierien. ed while girl fur xrral hr.iprv.ork. GMd wti:,. waiilng. Appls, i r eSd. H. auu. HELP WAXTKD FEMALK Hoaeekeepers and Domestle. WANTkiD A white girl for general housework; references rejulr(i; I In fsmlly: good wages. .Mrs. Oeorge Baker, Jr., 3f fjifayette Ave Wal. 24T (KX)V rook. 2H9 S. Sad H. 147 V ANTK1 Olrl for irpnerai housework. XV Davenport. H. 2W. NEAT appearing white Klrl for general housework; small. new apartment; three In ftmily; fcod home end good wages offered. ITione Harney 45. or "all WS S. 4?d St. NITRfiK. expert masseur, wants position, country preferred. Mrs. B. Rinnman, W0 N. tv. St.. . A GIRL for general housework In a fam ily of two: good wages. 2W1 Bristol St. M tecellaweowe. TOCNO women coming to Omaha as strangers sre Invited to visit tha Touns Women's Christian association building at St Mary's Ave. and Uth SC. where they will be directed to suitable- boarding CI ace or otherwise assisted. Look for our reveler's gutd a Unlua station. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Offtee BANK CASHIER, IS.noO INVESTMENT. Fl'RNITUHB SALFiSMAN, ONB WITH INSTALLMENT KXPERiENCki; GOOD ftALART. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-14 City National SAIESMAN. OROCHRJE8 $iO0 OFFIOIS MGR., INVESTMENT 10J OFFICE CDf.RK CASHIER (With BOARD) 80 THE- CANO AGENCY. WW BEB Hl,ol. Railroad Office Clerk MIDWEST BONDING. CO.. U Be Bklg. .106 Salesman in oils ... 90 Salesman In paints 100 Baleaman In drugs M Salesman, city, auto caning, salary and commission. Salesman, groceries 86 Apply MIDWEST BONDING! CO., alt Be Bldg. &ALE&MAN. CITY, SALARY AND COM. SALESMAN, FURNITURE, SALARY 4 CXlMMlSfllON. 8TBNO., STENO., 160-STENO., fiO. WATTS REF. CO., 8W-40-43 Brand. The. MULTIGRAPH operator, experienced; bright young man for wholesale house, splenlld etiuico for advancement, must be strong and willing; give age, rfer naes, salary, etc Address, F IfcO, Bee. HIGH-GRADB commercial positions. WbT. REFERENCE A BOND A'BSN. TO Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Agents, Salesmen aad Solicllera. LA KG EH T firm of It kind In America (with looal office); offers exceptional opportunity as resident salesman and manager tor line of specialties. Well established business with wonderful pos sibilities for new trade. Th article manufactured are necessary attributes In all wall managed hotel, factories. In stitutions, school, clubs, eto. Appli cant must be high class salesman, ax perlenoed and am to approach all classes of business men and heads of institution To insur attention, state details of past experience, age and other particulars which will afford an oppor tunity tor gauging your sales value. Salary 1126 per month, commission and expenses. Address T-cZS, Bee. EXCELLENT' proposition for two good men In Nebraska. Call or write. Mutual Benefit, Health and Accident Association 42t- City Nafr-ank Bldg. SALESMEN WANTED Four hlgb-grad salesmen wanted for Nebraska terri tory: only men who bav shown result in th past considered; send references with first letter; alt reference treated confidentially. Add reus G. V. McBeLh, 607 V Main St.. Newton, Kansas. 8ALEBMKN to sell auto oils, harvester oils. ate., to farmer, good commissions. psid twine a month; goods guaranteed. A omana Be. Bay BOY with wheel, $3S per month. Apply uu w ooamen ot worm. ACTIVE LAD WITH WHEEL. CO OPERATIVE REFERENCE! CO., 10U 14 CITY NATION AU Factory and trades. CARPET CUTTER AND LATER. Wanted man to cut and lay carpets; must be thoroughly experienced. Apply Superintendent's Office. Balcony. BURGEK8-NASH CO, Drug store snaps; joba Knelst. Bee Bldg. ' Tri-City Barber College. Tuition i6, oa account of big trade. Wag for t and 10 cent work. Electric massage taught Hydraullo chairs. Catalog free. 1124 Douglas et. Omaha. Moler Barber College Largest barber college west of Chicago. Special summer rates now In effeot Catalogue mailed free. 110 8. 14th Bt, Omaha. YOU MUST 'flUNK W give you expert auto training, tarn a real salary, big money for our trained men. Come right now and get our froo oouts In Elea. Ltg. 4V Start' systems: tree catalogue. Araer. Auto Cbllece. X4 Farnam St. Omaha. WANTED High class auto repair man. Write or phone R. u. ArbuthnoU O'Neill, Neb. WANTED A carriage trimmer, black- aniiui and painter. Address B. w. Keeler, Stuart, la. WANTEX) lxperleneed bosom preas operator. Kimball laundry, 1611 Jaokson. WANTED at once, good blacksmith good waga. steady lob. Hollanback A Bruns, rltorllng, Neb. , GOOD Vulcanlser and tire man. tli. Ap ply Midweat Bonding Co., CI Bee Bldg. "t tace i la new sw. WANTED Name of men, II or over, wishing government lobs. 44 month. No poll necessary. Address Y 40. Bee. GET WISE A thorough, practical automobile edu cation at minimum coat Ask fur cata logue "C" and explanation ef our gl result method. NEbRAbKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 1411-17 Dodge Street Omaha, Neb. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted. :i month: null unnecessary. Write Inunedl- ately for full partciulara Franklin Insti tute. xept. r.'i u . Kocneater. n. x WANT 131) 1 000 men to eat hana and egg, loc Coffee John. 14th and Capitol WANT RD Good deutiat, reglatered in Nebraska; must be refined and strictly tem,perate. Address. E 4t4, Bee. 8ITUATIOB WANTED WANTED Evening work, or Saturday etternoon. by a young man. Can op erate typewriter. Tel. I. WW. W ANTE1 Kvenlug and Saturday atur noon work in an amusement park, young man. of good education. Beat of r'?rm-rs Tel. I. MA. WOMAN winl day work. Telephone Iiouirlaa 4fM TRUSTWORTHY young man of ability deSTrea position as casmer or clerical work; is college graduate aad good pen man: will ous.der out-of-towa lob; very anxious to go to work and wants perma ix nl work. Pbon Douglas Wil. or ad u4 L-Jfc. B. SITI ATIONS WANTED THE Servant Girl rroblero Solved. Th B-e will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you got th desired rrsulta This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs Bring ad t Th Be office or telephone Tyler iuno. YOUNG man wants work, reetauranC hotel, as boll toy or porter, or will work for private family; wants to go to work. Addrr. P 44, Bee. PERFECT washing, expert Ironing. Lac curtslns our specialty. Web. 42SJ. COMPETENT woman, a, deeire posi tion as stenographer or general offlo woman; experience In Import dry goods, manufacturing, railroad, banking, civil service; highest reference from alt em ployers. Ixttle M. Xatsler, 234 S. 7th St., Council Bluffs. YOUNG man, thoroughly experlenoad a Ford driver, wishes light work outside; reference a to driving ability. Address S 400. Bee. MIDDLE aged man wouM like a posi tion as Janitor or night watchman, handy with tools and painting, ready to go to work at any time; will go out of town. Address A 4!1, Bee. THE man who knows how lr the man who gets the work snd money. Elec tric, hydraulic and steam elevator op peratlng. Steam stationary or traction and automobile repair work. License and reference if desired. Address C-4M, Bee. ELDERLY lady desires place with re spectable family as housekeeper; refer ences If required 2764 Grant, or call Web. sus. LADY desires position to oar for chil dren. Red LADY wants a good piac as house keeper; references If required. J784 Grant Web. S136. LOST A WD FOUND OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST REIT RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lost aom article would de well to call up the office of th Omaha mt Council Bluff Street Railway eom- Kny to ascertain whether they left It la e street care. Many article each day ar turned la and ths company I anxious to restore U em tn the rightful owaer. Call Io.g. 44. AS man who took suit box off Harney car at 33d and Parker Is.known by con ductor, he will avoid trouble, by returning same to S207 Charles. LOST A brindle and whit Boston bull dog. Wal. 1619. Liberal reward. LOST From 8349 Harney, yellow and ftray female Angora cat Reward, lone Harney 7451 LOST One gray 4-year-old horse, weight about 800. Phone wal. mi Banr Broth ers, 60th and Grover. Reward. LOST titolen, Monday night, a tan bull dog around Willis and Bherman xves. : tag on collar. No. 1814, Liberal reward. Jesoen. 1419 Sherwood Ave. PERSONAL YOU NO women coming to Omaha as stranger ar invited to visit th Young Women' Christian aasotv .tlon building at 17th St and St Mary' Ave., where they will be directed to sultabl boarding piao v otnerwls assisted. . Look tor our trav alers' aid at th Union station. INFORMATION WANTED-A to ad dress of J. N. Brtggs. formerly of Oak land and Chadron, Neb. Believed to be running store In N. w . Nebr. To his ad vantage to be located at once. Address Y-613. Bee. THE Salvation Army industrial boas so licits your olC nlotulng, furniture, mags tines. W collect W distribute, phone Douglas tin and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our nw hams, U10-Ult-U14 Dodg St. PET STOCK FOR SALE Beautiful two-year-old St Bernard dog. Mrs. John Westover, 1221 Rose St. Lincoln, Neb. SWAPPERS' COLUMN AUTO Stanley steamer, 6-paasenger, tire and paint good; will swap for motorcy cle, iot, diamonds or what have worth fJOO. Address H. C. l'lOO, Bee. Omsha. Neb. AUTO A 4-passenger International, high wheel, solid tire auto, used little; would make a delivery or light truck; want a runubout or touring car Address 8. C 9W. Bee. BASIS BURNER No. Radiant Home base burner, good condition except fire pot; will sell for t4 or trade for almost anything. Address 8. C. 101 d. Bee. BUtilNESS CHANCE I have interest in a fine Omaha business paving $100 per. month. I have other business and must sell my interest; t400 cash, or will trade for auto or anything reasonable. Give phone number. Addrena S. C. lolt. uee. BUILDING and Contractor' course com plete, with lesson and six technical books; cost 130; for anything I can us. Address S. C. 1003. Be. AUTOMOBILE Foi other automobile bargain see the "Automobile" uiaasKi- Callou. EDISON MIMEOORAPH, used very little, a tie machine. Want kodak or what have you 7 Address S. C. 8c7, Bee. DIAMONDS Three diamond set in ladle' ring worth. Ho. What have you to offer T Chlckens.rtypewrlter or electrio fans, or what have you? S. C. 1007, Bee. ELECTRIC VACUUM Edleon phono graph or blk to trade for used 2S by 2-lm-h tire; give phone No. Address S. C, lt-21. Bee. ENGINE 4-H. P. combination gasoline engine and air compressor, cylinder 4Vix ik, air capacity, 20 cu. ft. per mln. Suit able for power and air supply, for gar age or shop. Cost 3T0. Had 2 years' In termittent use. In excellent condition. In terested in trade on light weight road ster or touring car. Will put In a little money according to condition of car. Address 8 C. iOH. Bee. ENUINE Practically new. 4-H. P., single cyL, engine for Indian motorcycle, com plete, with carbureter. Bosch magneto, free clutnh pulley and muffler. Paint and plating in fine condition, rrice sji.ou. alight take your old engln in on trade, uook for great scientific article as or will trade for omeUilng I can use.JB oreventiv and cure for thla detectable Address B 1012. Bee. 'disease, but simple remedies are th best. GARDEN HOSE Brand new oo-foot gar- iwe have a simple remedy that hss cured den hose, nover been used; paid t4 for I thousands of esses, that you can prepare it. What bav you of equal value for at a very little coat that will protect trade or will give discount lor cash. Ad- yiur hogs from this deplorable disease. dres S. C. 1010. Bee. i For full Information address Maltstlo GOOD bunlness property, lessed for a year, priu t2.6it: will adept good roadster as part payment O. A. Kull, Oakland. Neb. HAVE two sewing machines. Trade or sell one or both of them. Address S. C. Iftfl. Bee. e HIOH grade hard oak wood refrigerator. capacity f0 pounds, only used short time, and four-burner Eclipse gss rang. What hev you 7 Adilrees a. C, loin. Bee. H-INTEREST in established office build ing, paying from lluO to tuiO par ino for quick sale, 2750 cash; other business at hand, will consider a trade, lot or used car. Address 8. C. 1008. Bee, MIMEOGRAPH and talking machine. typewriter accounting system, comput ing acale; will trade for groceries, meats, or what have you7 Address 8. C. logs. Bee. MOVINd PICTURE MACHINE A new Edison moving picture machine, will trade for a good Ford car and pay cash difference. Box , Oakland. NVb. RF.r'KIOER ATOK. 40 Ibe. capacity, for electric fan; also for cash. Address -C. 1017. Bee; VACI.'UM WAsllEHS Vacuum Wasn ers for gord kodak, or what have you f Address S. U. H. Me. FOR BXCTlANOE Six aimoet new In side doors, a 'good as new. Including double folding door; with track and ball bearing rolleia. will trade fur ohicken or sell cheap for cash. Addles 8. C. luu. cr Bee 6-PASd. Overland, apiendid - condition: would exchange for runabout or small car. Address 8. C Be. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service will please the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Tit) Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract offlo, Ki So. 17th St Pbon D. 4s7. REED ABSTRACT CO.. eldest abstract office in Nebraska, lot Brandela Tbea. Jessen & Morrell 101-t Stat Pk. Bldg. D. 129. . ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A. Address 49 Ramire IlUlg. Phone Douglas 7406. AMATEUR FINISHING. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 414 Be Bldg. Dept. D. ARCHITECTS. Everett S. Dodds, (111 Paxton Blk. D. . AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-H W. 0. W. R. S28S. Nsfl Sale Auction Co., 1ST W. O. W. BAKERIES. Z. H. REEDER, 1504 N. Wth. Web. S297. BEDDING. MAHA PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cuming. Douglas t4rt7. Renovate feather and mattresses of all kind a make 0 feather mattresses and down oovera. BLUE PRINTING. HORNBY BLUB PRINT CO,, 308 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BRASS FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 17 th and Martha Sts. CARPENTER AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, 2S S. Bd. Douglas K CHIROPRACTORS. Carrie J. Burford, 6 Pax. Blk. Red,458T. CIVIL ENGINEERS. M. J. I. ACT. 6H BEE BLDG . DOUG. 47U. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO.'S Western representative of VELVET TLB COMPOSITION flooring. INVESTI GATE, gll-lt City Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1671. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MPS." of lodge regalia and eoatume. Theo. Ueben & Son, 1614 Howard. D. 4116. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classlo. D. 1X71. Try Mackle's first lilt Harny. Pont, 644. DOWN TOWN RESTAURANTS. Douglas lunch, dsy and night 171 Pong. DRESSMAKING. Terry' Dresrnmk'g college, 10th 4b Farnam. MISS 6TURDY7"t41 CASS. RED TSJfc SUITS and gown In homes,' Wsinnt 1287. DKTECTIVBA. INVESTIGATIONS carrie 1 out in any nai-t of United States. Canada or Mexico. 09 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1371 Walnut 1630. JAMES ALLAN, tli Nv1U Block. - Etrl denon secured in all oases. Tyier 11M. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 931 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. . Dr. Flckes. 7t4 City Nat. Bank. Tafe Dental Room, 1617 Pougiae, P. gM. DRUGS. DRITOS at cut price: freight paid on tlO orders; catalogue free. Sherman 4k Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. KI.KC TRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. lit W. 15th. Term. ELECTROLYSIS. TXloa Allender, 624 Be Bldg. Red 8065. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. a wtftW, rTN I J . .4 anwriiiwat ksaja ploatlnVi eoVered' buttons, ail alxea and styles; hemstitching, plcot edgtng. laeai PleaUng Co., 800 Pougla Block. D. 19S6. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down: cloaks, suits and dreeses sacrificed. 304 N. lth St. . EVERYTHING FOR MEN. TOUPEES FOR MEN Hair good dept J. L. Brandeis A Sons, Omaha. FLORISTS BATH'S, florist. 1804 Farnam St P. 200O. L. HENDERSON. 1B19 Farnam. D. 125. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass n. HESS SWOBOPA. 141S Farnam St. A. PONAGHUE. 122 Harney. Pcug. lOOt FURS STORED. Absolut Guarantee Against MOTHS, FIR EL BUROLAR9. REFERENCES: ANY BANK, O. E. S1IUKEHT, - Call for Oooda. 401 B. 16th Ht Telenhon Pougla 447 and We Will HAT CLEANING. Panama cleaned. D. Elsel. 1124 City Nat HOG REMEDIES. ATTENTION. FARMERS Don't let hog cholera get a foothold on vour prem i . ,hi. mAmnn I'hi, nature at man is te Supply t o., oil w. wasningion et., '-nam-palgn. Ill- ICE. Lakeside Ice Co.' FOR ICE 'PHONE WEBSTER fl General Office. Uth and Manderson Bta JEWELERS. LUCKY wedding ring at Brodegaard'a ' LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. DURK1N Thom" Douglas toll. 24i Cuming St FOR EXCHANGE O a almost new eieo trio fan. used 2 weeks, will exchange for chickens or sell cheep for cath. This la a fin fan costing 2J& new. Address S. C. 1001. car Be. STENOTYPE I have a practically new Uenotype; will sell or trede. What have you 7 Address t. ('. li'U. Bee. SERVICES 2 draftsmen, mechanical and arthltectural. will trade their services durlu tnelr spare time for like service of other tradeaniaa or anything of value. Address 8. C. 10IS. Bee TTPEWRITEll swap. Standard make, practically new. used 4 months: what have youf Adores S. C 1vj6, Bee. TYPEWRITER Will trde Remington visible No. HI for Smith Premier No. M. Wbsier ltll. MASSEUSES. 'RATTT'J!'"! mass , alcohol ru. Laura AAlO W ilson, lt Farnam. room . Douglas 751. ,Open evening and BundST- MASSAGE, im Dodga Mra Steele. MTSS STAPLES, mass., elea. bath. IX. , 713. Open eve., 9 p. m.; Sundays, 10 to X BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Don. , B.Brugman, mass., J03 Karbaoh Blk, R. 1727 Clara Lee, bath and mansaga. DCuglas 875V. M. HALLERON. Baths. tO NevUl Blk., -V MUa X. mudlavla mass. R. 124, Kevill Blk, MISS JACOBS. Mas.. R Ki. NevfUe Blk. SCIENTIFIC MARS EUR. Room tl Douglas Blk.. Wth and Dodge. ; MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. s OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargain. WE rent moving picture machine. Star Theatrical Exchange, 640 Paocton block. MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DAVTDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machine. Victor Rooa, ; Th Motorcycle Man." 170t Leavenworth. NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. ARTISTIC tree trimming: eoientlfte wwr gery and treatment of diseases of ' tree. Call Dongla SOS and our Mr. John- i on will make a personal examination i free. L M. Johnson Co., Chatham hotel. OFFICES. OFFICES When making your new plan. see us iot oriice snace. xne oeet loeaw tlon and easiest feond. i THE BEE tiUILDINO, "The Building That Is Alwaya New," vrace. , Room lot. f OCULISTS. 1 .as see fitted, pay a you can. Pre. McCarty. 11U W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHTTSICIANS. Dr. Peteieon, OTIS Brandela Bldg. D. XML JOSFFHTNB ARM3TRONQ. lSBBldg. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HXTOH MTMANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. 87!!L PATENT DEVELOPMENT. tine Co., m R 11th St I TENTS. I ton Blk. Tel. Red TVoS AMERICAN Machine PATENTS, D. O. BarneU. Paxton Tt A. BroTge. 638 Brandets Theater Bldg. PRINTING. WATKRS-BARNHART Pig. Co., ouailty printing, -rei. uoug. zuu. us a. ibim m. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOTJO. 1754. j POTJOLAg Printing Co. Tet Pougla t44 j SAFE AND TIHB !07K EXPERTS. O A VL'O Opened, repaired. eomb i f f rl, changed. F. B. Pavene ; aJA-a. A-rfkJ port, i40 Podge. D. 1821. ; HOB REPAIRING. . FRIEDMAN PROS., shoe repair, til S. 14. Harley Shoe Rep'r Col, t004 Fara'm. R.t440 SEWING MACHINES. TYTB rent repair, eeil needles and part for all sewing machine. "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney. Doug. 10S2. SIGNS AND BHOWCARDS. g. M. CLARK de BON. Ill S. 1TH ST. . STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 1W 8. 10. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co. Doug. VSL STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safe, scale, showcases, shelv lng. etc. We buy. sell. Omaha Flxuird ana wuppiy co., m-ib-ii b. utn. Doug, tn TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, JOT S. 11th. P. r.'i. TAILORS. CHAS. C. LANPERYOII. 10 N. 16th Rt TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINO Ar 8TEINLE. ISO Farnam St TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver Typewriter t mo. for M. onver i ypewriier Agency, uua r arsuun. TYPEWRITERS, all make, for sale or rent. Butts Typewriter Exchange, 1S05 Farnam. RENT a "Remington," not Just a trp writer, low rent. Call Douglas 12M. WALL PAPER CLEANING. PAPER cleaning, tl per room. Work guaranteed. George Kyle, Red 1t6. WEDDING STATIONERY. WE show only th correct and prevail ing style in invitations, visiting cards, stationery, etc. IUVIN A. MEDLAR CO.. Printers, 416 S. 14th ht. Tel. Doug. 12S1 Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WELUlaG. BROKEN castings repaired. Try us. Om. vseldtn Works. 172t Cuming. D. ti.lt. WHITE CHINA. OMAHA China Shop.- White china for decorating fcr aale at tfi4 Brandeis Bldg. WINES AND L1HUORB. ALEX JETES. 2TH-J 8. 12th St. Wine, liquor, cigar Plate dinner. 11 to 2, 10c Glob liquor house. 424 N. Itth; California win. 11.26 per gal. Writ for price list H,RYpHrV-'5 "QJ'OR HOUSE, lath and Capitol Av. Ten-tent lunoh. BUT your family liouor at Klein Liquor House, 622 N. loth. Douglas IM. SWAPPEUS' CLUMJf SIGNS. shownrii- Claik it Son. t. 117. WELL estsbllshed cleaning business, I days' receipt, JTa. Equipment for doing ment for doing ranlng Good ty. Will swap UOOO on. Ad ii work excerii actual rlranlng Good iw ,uii, epifnuiu uppununuv tor aomemini; can oorrow Press B. C. I'M. Bee. WILL trade our almoel new hijili grade player piano with ao rolls, for good small automobile, or would consider diamond as part payment. Thla player will please you. S. C. loot. Bee FOR RENT A arl aeats aad Flats. 4 ROO&'.S. new Flo-Les. 20th and Car. Itol Ave Light and coot. tm. t'STEKS TRUST CO. P. tOt, . I Xi