Omaha Daily - Wanta gwip some thin j for something else more useful to you? Use the Swappers column of The Dee. THE WEATHER Rain or Snow H VOL. XL1V--NO. 287. OMA11A. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY. 0, 1915 -TWELVE PAGES. On Trains end at Statel Mews Stands. e SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Th Bee GERMAN S0CALI8T JOURNAL PROTESTS LUSITANIA SINKING Vorwtertz, Whose Editor Once in iteicnstag-, Argmes Against Era ploying Extreme Methods of Reprisal. EXCESSES ARE REGRETTABLE They Will Not'Aid Any in Bringing Abont Defeat of Enemies of . Fatherland. ANGRY COMMENT 18 DEPLORED ,. j BERLIN Via London), May 18. In , an article In the Vorwaerts headed "A Warning Word to All Whom it Concerns," Eduard Bern stein, socialist and former member of the Reichstag, protests against reprisals which go beyond the con duct of warfare in the usual sense of the word: "The sinklnc of th LusttaniM. coming as a climax to former incidents of a similar nature, together with the badly advised comments on thosn Incidents In German newspapers resulted In excesses against (Jerrrmns In England and - the colonies, as well as In the United States," Herr Bernstein writes. I Eirmn Regrettable. "These excesses are regrettable because they are directed against persona not responsible for what haj been done. They are also regrettable from a political viewpoint, because they form another tin uiu ununiua tain wuii-n irftua lu nothing: else than multiplication of the ready deep wounds which the war causes, j . "Advocates of reprisals will find it extraordinarily difficult to point to a single case where wars between civilised' peoples have been won by such methods. , "The voices we hear from other coun tries which hitherto have been outside the war territory leave us In no doubt that In the measure In which one or the other side tmonn the bclllgerentt outdoes the other in reprisals that aide wins for itself the stronger opposition of thoae countries. ; Kffect of Reprisal". "Among the peoples against which re prisals are employed most strongly, how ever, their effect Is not deterrent, but In clines them to war to the uttermost." Herr Bernstein adds -that lack of moderation la . methods does not prove strength, and. that the nation which understands bow to set limits to the tendency to outdo the other in reprisals , proves Itself stranger than , the one which tries to exceed In reprisals. ' Liner Trarisylvania x Sees a Sutoaririq : . r Off Ireland Sunday LON'DON. May,' IS. The. Cunard Unerlfael that something was wrong, to feel ; Transylvania, whloh reached Glasgow j yesterday from New York, . encountered , a submarine on tne nortnweat coki ot Ireland about 6 o'clock Sunday after.ioon. aocordlng to Statements of '.passengers vho arrived here today. Passengers said a periscope and part of a conning tower appeared about 0 srds away and remained In sight sev eral minutes. . The ship steered a rtg-aag course until dangor was passed. Some pessengers declared the submarlno dis charged a torpedo and that they saw the trail of the projectile. Others disputed this. ... Tlie Transylvania had lifeboats . . . . leady all Saturday and few passengers J went t as bod the last night of the voyage. Brother of Villa ' Dies from Wounds El. PASO. Tex., May . Antonio Villa, a brother ; of General Francisco Villa, died late ' yesterday from wounds re ceived in a brawl at Chihuahua City, ac cording to ' 'advices,', received . today at Juares. Several others were killed and wounded. The ftgpt. arose,' it was anserted of ficially, when Villa, an officer In bis . brother's army, attempted to quiet some Intoxicated soldiers at the bull ring In the Chihauhua stats capital. The Incident was said to have no political significance. The Weather '- Teaaperataro at Omaha Yesterday. Hours. ' 6 a. m. . a. m.. . 7 a. ra.. t a. m.. a. ra. . 10 a. m.. U a. m.. 12 m. 1 p. m... t p. ra... 3 p. in... t p. m... S P. m.., p. ra.., 7 P. m.. Der 31 ,.87 ,.43 .44 .44 .bi .61 W 9 p. m.. Comparative tawt Record. 1SUL 1S14. 1!J mil Highest yesterday 63 78 go ixweai yaaieraay eat yesterday M 58 ra m .2 .8 & S Mean i'reclpitaUon Temperature and preclDitatlon dnr. tures from the normal: Normal temperature 44 Deficiency for the day .".. it i oiai excess since March 1 lot 1 Normal preoipliAtion 15 men Wflcieney for the day 16 inch 1 Total rainfall since March 1....IM Inches tleriolency since Man h 1 t ot Inches Ieflclncr for cor. period, 1914.. t.14 Inches txcess for cor. period, 1913 1. 10 Inches. .Reports From Stations at T P. M. ! Station and State of weather. Temp. High- Rain 1p.m. eat. fail. eneyenne, snow Tiavenport. cloudy Xenver, snow lander, rain North Platte, rain Omaha, cloudy . Pueblo, rain Itapld City, cloudy Salt Lake City, cloudy. fcfenta r", rain Mieridan. cloudy Sioux "lty. cloudy ...hit ...a ...14 ...38 ...50 ...40 ...44 ...64 ...42 ... 61 .60 M M U , ,7u 40 .2 ii .60 4 IS si .un 64 .7-J .'J .08 4' .0; .xl .00 o .e ValcuUne. cloudy .M) U A. WiXSH. Local Ferecaater. BRITONS SHOW THEIR elong the streets of London r I i - f t , ' ; 1 I ) ; MERCURY HOVERS AT FREEZING MARK Freesing Temperatures ' at Many Points, Sleet Storm at North Platte, Snow at Cheyenne. FROST ON THE LOW GROUND Tuesday morning there were a number of freezing temperatures in Nebraska. At Oak dale It was 32, at Hartlngton it was 30, and at Valen tine it. was 28. Out at North Tlatte a violent slet storm was raging. At Chey enne a snow 6trm was making things look like bleak December in stead of merry May. ' "It's been a long time since I've seen snow predicted here In May,' aald Colonel Welsh as he sat in bis office and worked over his map. The'; genial colonel' looked like some general whoso armies have, been . put, to route and who sits trying to work oifa campaign that will still wrest - victory from defeat. ' V , In fact old winter seemed again to I Jt n.!ht,tht va,c'Btflow,"rt i Nebraska. And the colonel seemed to that perhaps he bad pushed the wrong lover ancj nado the weather machine sltp a cog- Not Flgor in Snow. "I'm not talking about snow for Omaha,' he said- "I'm not figuring on I . D.. Jlll . . , "" v"; , . u"u.u' n unuaiam inai wo non i snow wnat we may get. Anyway. I won't believe It's going to snow until I see the snow.' From the. environs of Omaha' came various reports of frost. One man living north of Florence said the frost was so heavy there In the low places- that It looked like snow.' - v "Temperatures out in the country and In low places are frequently 8 or degrees lower than we get on our 'official ther mometer located here on the federal beUdlnt,'. Ill fet above the ground," said Colonel Welah. "Naturally our ther mometer is Influenced by all the warm air arising from the buildings and chim-! neys of the city." Colonel Wolsh pointed . an accusing (Continued on Page Three, Column Four.) Ferris in Personal Appeal for Frank to Georgia Governor LANSING. Mich.,' May JA-Ooverpor Ferris of Michigan yesterday made a personal appeal to Governor. Slaton of Georgia for the commutation of the sen tence of Leo M. Frank, whose fight to escape the death penalty Imposed upon him after his conviction of the murder of Mary Phegan, a ' factory girl, has at tracted patlon-wide interest. - In a letter to the Georgia governor, Mr. Ferris based his argument on the fact that he is opposed to capital punishment By commuting' the sentence, Governor Ferris wrote. -'Governor , Slaton could make amends for any .mistake which either the ; Jury, or . the . courts might have made and at the aame time give i ukii w inn ruu;i oi r rana met na oe J given a chance ultimately, to prove bis I Innocence. i . ' I NASHVILLE, Tenn.. May 18.-The Ten- i nesaee state passed a resolutlorft&st night 49 i requesting the , governor, of Georgia to commute to life imprisonment the death sentence of Leo M. Frank. T TT ' i ' TT i i j Boy Hit m Head by - Pitched Ball'Dead CHICAGO, May la Walter Jannuech. IS years old, died today of concussion of the brain caused by a pitched ball, which struck the youth In the head Sunday ,ih,. . . t;.. a suburb. A coroner's Jury exonerated the pitcher. TO PETITION FOR WRIT IN CASH REGISTER CASEi WArrHINOTON. May 18. The Depart ment of Justice today filed la the supreme court a petition for a writ of certiorari to t.rim rtiA criminal .ntl.t.n . . i . I... ...a v.,w ... . , u w v k n kjii.i thr officers of the National Caah Kegls itertiomiany of iJsyton, O., before that trlyunal. ANIMOSITY Armed guard escorts German naval officers to prevent molestation on the way to testify in prize court. LUSITANIA SUNK -BY ITS m CARGO Germans Take, Position that Ship Wonld Have Remained Afloat , but for Internal Explosion. NO FURTHER WORD AS TO REPLY BERLIN, May 18 (via London). The official text of the American note to Germany was published here today. ' ' " It was said at the foreign office that it would be some days before the answer of the imperial govern ment was ready. ; This because the note, raises many points and . con sultation between several depart ments of the government will be preparing a reply. ' PARIS. May 18. (4:40 i n'.) Germany's reply to the American note on theslnking of th Lusitaaia wlfl be sent Thursday, according" to the JUatin's Amsterdam ' corresfcon- dent, who says ha la informed it will Justify the attack on the steamer on the ground that the submarine com- mander has affirmed In Ms report that -only, one torpedo .was. fired, which , convinces him that the second explosion ' was due to the fact! that the ship carried much munitions of war." ' ' . ' ' ' ' :' . The report is said to state that the tor pedo was fired 'In Muchia-wsy. that the Luaitanla would not have sunk If It bad not had explosives aboard. The Matin's correspondent ' says It Is reported in Amsterdam that Germany will throw the responsibility for the dis aster on England and on the American authorities who permitted . passengers to embark on a ship carrying explosives. It is believed in Holland, he asserts, that Germany will decline to modify Its meth ods of submarine warfare. ..V . V, . V . WASHINGTON. Mar 1. Ambassador Gerard has transmitted no Indication from tbs German foreign office as to when e reply to the American note may be exyeoted. Secretary Bryan aald to day nothing of any Importance had been received from the ambassador, and that x"?nt f"ce"'' National Oommand the State department" was without ad- r-tn-Chlef Palmer, appearing before a vices ae to wben the reply would be sent. I Srreat audience. Upon the pletorm wit As to the United States seeking a safe ! huw naey leader sof the Grand conduct for - Dr. Dernbard Dernberg when be leaves. the; country. Secretary Bryan said:. We have no official knowledge if 'Dr.' Dernberg," and refused . to discuss the question further., View of Berlin Paper. .. ,TIIE I1AGUB, Netherlands (Vla'.Lon don), -May IS. Berlin . newspapers as a rule refrain from comment upon . the American note to Germany. The Tag's Zeltung, however, discussed the note In a half .column article. It says: ,' "The United States makes a brusque demand that Germany abandon submarine war against Great Britain. The United States disregards . with complete' disdain the German war sons declaration ' com munication to Washington on February 4 and later In the course of the exchange of notes, disapproves as 'surprising Irreg ularity the .German embassy's warning in the press, and permits Itself to Impute to the German government as an excuse the probability , that Oerman submarine commanders acted contrary to orders. ' "Whoever reads this " notice without prejudice can scarcely escape the Impres sion ' that the British ambassador at Washington was not far 'away whea 'It was framed. One could equally, as well Imagine Its contents to be a apeeoh by Premier Aequtta In the Houae of ' Com mons." Count von Beventlow, the naval, critic declares that the German war sons dec laration followed the British declaration against which America failed to protest. "The present note so far as concerns , 17 elusions and untrue statemenU Its torpedoed steamers, makes English con- own," he writes. "Germany knew what It was doing when It made Its decision and had considered all' possible consequence. "Germany must and will go Its way and leave It te the United States to eaooee other ocean paths than those - through the war sone If American cttlsene have a desire to visit Europe In these times, and American war materials are prolong ing tbs bloody war." The Vosslche Zeltung merely remarks Incidentally that the authorized transla tion of the American note 'shows "thn name sharp form" ss tko cision received from the Haras ajeucy. YETERAHS 0FG.A.R. SHOW THEIR LOYALTY State Encampment at Minden Re . veals Them as One Man Backing '- the Government. .' NATIONAL COMMANDER TALKS MINDfeN, ' Neb., May 18. (Spe cial Telegram) Veterans' of the Grand Army of the Republic, as-, sembled here for the state encamp ment today, were . discussing witb great interest the note that Presi dent Wilson sent o Germany 1 and were unanimous in upholding the hands of the executive . in this crisis. Congressman Sloan voiced the senti ment of the great majority of the vet erans whea be spoke. of it: as e-"!iplo-Dtatlo Incident of major dignity which is now .transpiring between our country ajid a great friendly power", and hoped for a peaeeful onteows creditable te the coun try. ' ' ' !;'' ' '.... ' The veterans applauded heartily the sentiment en ' lhr' expnaaslnil ot very speaker during the days ae'sslona was along similar line i ' Cotter aa nut Sloae's Speeeh. Cold weather had little effect in drmp cnlr.g the ardor of the old eajdjera. The patriot lo institute in ' the- new city au dltorlunj' was'largely attended this after noon' and -the musical features,' especially the appearance of the Minden band, were ell-cheered.' " ' ' , In the course of' Congressman Blcan'e speech at Minden, be said ae follows: A 'present, lesson of patriotiNm may be taught and learned by ua all In our con sideration and conduct toward the dlu lomatto Incident of major dignity, which la now transpiring between our country and a great, friendly power. I trust It may not grow Into a national crisis or precipitate, a diplomatic rupture between the governments. lt us aid the pres ident, whom the American people called to authority, and thoso whom he has se lected, t o ad visa him by that circum spect 'conduct which will at once show our devoted loyalty to our country, its dignity and mapoualble leadership, and at the same time encourage a peaceful outcome, creditable to our own country . i.. we,, for 'mora than a . century, , have aeemea our ' friend. . Talk by Cnlenel Palmer. f Tonight there was a' general reonptlon at the Auditorium to the national 'and Army In the state,' with Department Commander Durand. ' Commander Palmer reawakened In the j comrades the ardor of the army ' days. and in view of the impending vontroversy with Germany bespoke of ell a tempered hearing of the case and a strong stand for the Ideals of the American republic Representatives of the women's-organisations affiliated with the ' Gand Army of the' Be nubile were In attendance and held meetings, at. different .times during the day.' Among those here', are , Mrs. Rosalie B.f Condon. Pawnee City; 'Mrs, Addle E. Hough, and Mrs. Carrie' A. Peters.' R. G. Strother, department commander of the Sons of Veterans, was one of the guests. ' '..''.' ' .. Minden was lavishly decorated, for the reunion and national colors . were dis played everywhere. ' . , ' ' . "SfOPX pre Omaha if just now enter tainino; the annual conven tion of Nebraska dentists. Omaha dentists stand high in their professional rank and Omaha also has a dental college, as part of Creighton university, that stands high. GROCERY and meat. ' Feraanr" St.. about IJ.S00. rent MS, S-year leaaa. 8le U.sOO per month. First time offered. CONFECTIONERY. Ice cream cigara. notions, and produce, ft6(. Rent Living room in rear. ' ' further Information aboat thaee opportuaitiea, ae the Want Ad SMti'it of Ta Bee today. I A H lAV KITCHENER URGES USE OF GASES; ASKS FOR 300,000 MORE i Field Marshal Tells Commons Brit ish Should Retaliate with Foison Fumes in War fare. . TROOPS MUST BE PROTECTED Secretary Sure Country in Few Months Will Be in Shape Re garding Munitions. GOOD NEWS FROM GAIXIPOU LONDON. May 18. Secretary Tor War Kttchener stated in the House of Lords that the British and French governments felt that the allied troops must be adequately protected against poisonous gases by this em ployment of similar methods. These would remove the enormous and un justifiable advances , which must otherwise exist. "The Germans," said Lord Kitchener, 'have persisted In the use of these asphyxiating Rases whenever the wind favored or other opportunity occurred, and his majesty's government no less than the French government feel that our troops must be adequately protected by the employment of similar methods so as to remove the enormous and un justifiable disadvantage whloh must exist for them If we take no steps to meet on his own ground the enemy who Is responsible for the Introduction of this pernicious practice." , Waats' SOO.ftOO Mere. Lord Kitchener said he wanted tftl,0nA more recruits to form now armies. He exptesed his confidence that In the very near future the country would be In a satisfactory position with regard to the supply of ammunition. The news from the Galllpoll peninsula. In . other - words the Dardanelles, was thoroughly satlsfaotory. Earl Kitchener declared. Earl Kitchener gave , a general review of the situation In the war sones before the House of Lords adjourned for the wWt anntlde holidays, ftpeaklng of the German attack on- the allied front near Tprea, 13srl Kitchener snld: "In this attack the "enemy employed vast qusntities of poisonous gases and our soldiers and our French allies . were utterly unprepared tot this diauollnai method of attack, which!' undoubtedly had been carefully prepared.', " Bart. Kitchener at this point announced the Aetermlnatloe of the elites to resort to' similar methods Of warfare. The secretary spoke et the gallantry ot the Canadian dlvlstoA, whloh defended Its position tenaciously notwithstanding the polsdrtoui-' ftinieib'- '".V r ; '. ... ', ' Referring Hdrhe offensive movements new. jn prctrfcre In La paseoe and the Arras region, Bar! Kitchener said: ' 'The ' attauka delivered by our forces at rtrtt were not attended with tho same ' Immediate success, owing ' to the . elaborate erronKetnente vmfcde By the uermans w eereno Ttseir'unee arter the experience at Neuve ., Chapetle, but " on the night of May Is. by renewed effort. the British forces drove bak the enemy en a front of approximately two miles for e 'loonslderable distance, and I captured from t00 to . W prisoners. This action also Is proceeding , and we hope : that In conformity with the French operations It will achieve Important results. "The of fenslve operations," the secretary for war continued, "against the trenches ot the enemy, have demanded enormous f expenditures Ir. ammunition." . . Referring to the delay in production of ammunition. Earl Kltuhcner remarked: "I sm confident that tn the near future we . shall be tn a satisfactory position In regard to the supply of these shells. ' "In these recent offensive operation, he continued, '"our losses and those of the France have been heavy; but the task our armies' have accompllsthed has neces sitated great 'sacrifices sind tbe spirit and morale of our troops have never been higher thee at the present moment-" Position . of Rnasiapa ' - The war secretary bad this to say con cerning the ' position' of the . Russians: "The Russians now hold a strong Una from the eastern Carpathians to Prese mysl, which forms a pivot of their lines, and thanon alonr the fUn tA the Vltnl ( la Bukowlna the Russians have made a ; counter : of fenslve and driven the Aus- trlans back from the Dnelster' to . the Pruth. The German losses In killed and wounded . In these operations have been enormous, . and many thousand ' un wounded prisoners have fallen Into tho bands of ths Russians." Turning to . the Dardanelles, Earl Kitchener said the progress of the elites was necessarily slow, since the country was moat dlfloulL . "But the Turks sre .,.,,n. tnrA retire frm sltlons of great strength," he continued. "and, though the. enemy' Is being con stantly reinforced, the news from ibis front Is thoroughly satisfactory." Operational la Bonth - A frlcn. Earl ' Kitchener then referred to the South African campaign and the occu j pntlon by Union of South African forces ' symbolically enacted their physical, men- I . . .'4.1 mnA anlrltilnl unlnn (Continued on Page Two. Column Four ) South America Press Baoks United States RIO JANKIRO, Brazil. May JA Com menting on the-American rote to Ger many the local papers tn editorial articles express ths view that this communication makes It Incumbent on Germany either to make Itself hated In North America or cease its "piratical and ' Infamous acts.'' In defending Its Interests the papers say the United State Is defending the Interests ot all America." ' Wilson and Party . Sail for Capital NEW YORK, iUy 1.-The Mayflower with President Wilson and his party aboard, with the exception of Secretary Tumulty, saider for Washington st 1:3) ' elock. The Day ' War News F.IK Hlitl VKTuKV to Ha.o- wlss, the Anatrlasi rrowalaad on the eaatern extremity of the Res ales front. Aeeordla to this tsleairal Ike Bnaslana hate awret threes Ho Von lee, tafclne ttnrk nark af the territory ivtitrti they held earlier tn the war aatlt they were driven oat hy the Anatrlnaa. HI SSIAK All flU'irK ronoedea a farther retreat la Raanlnn lolnnd between the ritira end Vlatnla r I vera, on part of the lonjr front ever which they have hern com pelled hr the Anatro-Uermaa 1 armies to fall baeh. TIRKISH (JRXr.Rtl. STAFF at the Dnrdanellea reporta that the nlllea en Satnrder mnde aererat attacks e the Tnrklah. right wine. It la aald they were repnlaed with the Inaa of l,EOO men. The RrttUh nellra telearapha that the allien have now advanced abont fire mllea np the Oalllpnll penlnaaln. AMSTKRDAM DISrATCII to n Fnrla reply to the American note will be dlapatehed on Thnradny end that It la experted In Holland that fire man? will defend the alnklag of the I.aaltnnla and decline to mod ify Its method of enhmnrlnn war fare. DEC'ISIO O ITALY'S POLICY eon. eernlns the war apparently hna been postponed nntll after Parlia ment oieeta on Thnradny. PLOT TO ASSASSlATR the anltan of Tnrkey, Field -Marshal Yon Der Ciolta, Field Marshal Von Knndera keen dlsrovered In Conatantloople. CABINET OF ITALY ' ASKS FULL POWER Parliament at Its Session Thursday Will Be Requested to Vote Hin- istry Plenary Authority. WAR PREPARATIONS CONTINUE Bt-LLKTIW.V AMSTERDAM, May 18. (Via London.) A dispatch to the Tele- graaf.lrom Berlin says tbe mpree slon received by a majority ot the persons who beard the speech of Dr. von Bethmsnn-Hollweff, the German chancellor, at the opening of the Reichstag today, was that war with Italy was Inevitable, ' SCLLUTt.V ROME, May 18. (Via Parls.)e- Dispatches front Trieste confirm pre vious feports that a revolutionary movement Is tn progress there. The town Is 'tn a state of siege. The pres ence of the military, however, has failed to prevent attempts at popular uprisings and demonstrations of hos tility to Emperor Francis Joseph. ..ROME. May 17. (Via Paris, May 18.) The Italian Parliament will be asked Thursday to vote only on a bill containing a single clause conferring plenary powers on the government, according to the Olor- J nale d'ltalla. Final action regard ing war Is not expected until after that time unless Austria makes the first move, which is considered un likely In view of the palflo speeches made In the Hungarian' Diet. Alarmist rumors of all kinds are being circulated tn Rome,' and the situation Is so tense there ere many who believe them alL One report today was that Prince Von Buolow, the Germei ambas sador, already had toft the city secretly Speetnl Trains tor Diplomats. It was unfounded, although a special train la kept In readiness to carry hlra to St. Gothard If a break oomes, as he Is understood to have expressed a wish te return to Berlin by wsy pt Switzerland. Another special stands with steam up ready to speed for the Austrian frontier by, way of Verona and Brenner, with (Continued on Page Two Column One.) Unique Mystical Wedding Ceremony at Berkeley, Cal, BERKELEY, Cel., May 18,-Heru-y B. ' I 1- V. - ...t,l..4..-.l J i. - . I m'nt of th University of California, and Mine Madeline Breckenrldge of Toledo, 1 O., were united In marriage yesterday In j a unique mystical ceremony. j They knelt together before an open I fireplace in the presence of fifteen j guests. Face to face, with lips almost touching, they repeated a service of words, and with earth, water and fire , The pair held two separate urns ot earth, and si terns ting with their right snd left hands, dropped th earth Into a third urn, signifying the physical union To symbolise the union of minds, each held a flask of water and together they poured th water Into third flask. The spiritual union was accomplished by the , lighting of two randies, typifying the ' fires of the home. The flaming wax sticks were held together until the melted wax welded them Into one. . After these esoteric rltesv the orthodox marriage service was performed by Judge William H. Wast. Chagas Recovering From Bullet Hurts USBON (Via Paris), May lS.-Joao Chagas is recovering from the bullet wounds in the head. Tt Is said that the bullets djd not penetrate the bone, lie still hopes to ssaume the premiership In which for tbe lime being be has been replaced by Jose Cattro. ' COALITION MAY ROLE-ENGLAND; NEW SEA LORD Reported Balfour of Unionist Party, Will Take Race of Churchill as Chief of the Ad miralty. ALLIES MAKE GAINS IN WEST Successes in Vicinity of I Basses Offset hy Losses of Russians in Eastern Arena. CZAR NICHOLAS GOES TO FRONT LONDON, May 18. Persistent rumors were In circulation In the lobby of the House of Commons to night that a coalition government was about to be formed. Unionist leaders held a conference with Premier Asquitb this afternoon and It Is stated that the question ot a coalition was settled. ftpTernment In qnnndary. All during the day there were re ports that the government bad sud denly found Itself confronted with problems of momentous Importance. Announcements of 'the cancellation of the cabinet council which had been summoned to meet at noon; of the postponement of Chancellor Lloyd George's projected tour of the country to stimulate the output , pt munitions ot wSr and of approach ing visits of Mr. Cnurcblll and other ministers to Mr. Asqulth all served to give color to these reports. Official Information is still lack-, ing, however. According to these reports, ths allocation of officers has not been, finally determined. It Is rumored, that A. J. Balfour, former premier,, will succeed Winston Spencer Churchill as first lord of the ad mlralty, the latter taking some) other. LONDON, May 18. What seems like a cabinet crisis suddenly has been sprung on Great Britain. There has arisen what appears to be a rupJ ture between the civil head ot the ad mlralty, Winston 8pencer Churchill and the lords ot the admiralty,' but) particularly Lord Fisher, who mayl leave the fleet. As a result the pom sibllfty sf material changes in the cabinet Is being discussed. , For ths moment the situation holds the pol'.U leal field. All kinds of rumors arts current, but the ministers are not let tlcg theeal facts out of the govern ment offices; they are being secrete In Downing Street. . . Allies Gala 'and Lawn. The success of tho offensive of the al lies around La Basse Is, In th opinion, of British observers, balanced by that Russian reverses In the eastern arena of, the war, a reverse which the latest of ficii '' communication ' from Petrograd, fully confirms, but, which It Is argued; In London may show a different aspect when the Russlsn counter stroke In eastern Gal Ida and Bukowlna Is fought out In southern Folsnd the Russians oon fees to having been forced to retreat to a new Un between the PlUca. river and the upper Vistula. Consequently theU whole plan of campaign may have beeti profoundly altered by the Irresistible ed vance of the Ger mania allies. The Russians have been compelled M abandon their movement In the westertji pssses of the Carpathians, bat they apt pear still to bold Uasok paea, the maioj gateway te Hungary. The campaign so success fully laanchedl In the last few days In the northern Pe-rt) of France, if It . can be pushed home must have a most serious effect on the German lines. In the belief of British military criticisms. With tbe possible; advent of Italian forces on tbs Austrian rear, the argument la being advanced that there must be soon a relaxation, oi tbe German and Austrian pressure on ths Russian front , French Official Report. PARIS, May lS.-Th French War office" (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.)) THE WAUT-AD WAY ''Could yeu be true te eye of blue. If yeu looked into eyes of brown V You could if you owned A horn of your own. And msrrisd and settled dawn. j Te find the Beautiful Lsdy You'll have to a it slons. But the little Went Ads i Th' '"dr."". th. ook and the hme) Many a young married couple has found a homu by reading The . Omaha Bee Classif iet 8uiit of the , bent bargains In Heal Kutate are ad vertised ''i du.v. And the "lltip Vtanlt-il" oiuuwis make it eaey to , find good laundrexaea and cooks, j Telephone Tyler 1000. PIT IT IN Tilii OMAHA, BEE. 1 Art sVWjj