THE BKlit OMAHA. TUESDAY, MAY IS, 191.. Sowing fly Girclo I7iih iich IVhisporing; Before the stork arrives there Is much to talk mbout The comfort of the expec-i tnnt mother 1 tho chief topic And thertj Is sere to be someone who bus Wfd or know of that splendid m ternal fceW 'H.JI.M Vend." It Is applied to the abdominal mn. ties, gently tubbed tn and has a svwt pro r.ounced effect ss m lubricant. It soothes tbi ristwnvfe of Wi lea, enables the Binaries to expand netnreUy. ilkrvea strain on tbe Ilea menu Md Uiua seta at Mae any undue strain) bit th sryane Invoked. And it does this with.' perfect safety. Expectant mothers thus (r? throegh tee ordeal with comparative fug and f 'Sltfuit. Knowing mothers who here used". "Mother's Friend" apeak tn glowing terma of lbs absence of morning sickne", absence oS train on tba ligament and freedom f roa many ether distresses. On 9 at tba tnort important symptoms trt U reneved bf "Mothers Friend' ia the M Imagination that so often disturbs repose Pais, arm though natural, maf so d I tor 4 the mind that endue apprehension will somei times follow. The r-nUe, soothing InfluencJ of "MoBier'a Friend" gives the mind aul 1 itt&ntlal aid to became conscious of strengt I and there f a real, physical sensibility i muscular vigor aa evidenced bf freedom frorjf undue strain. Ton can act "Mother's Friend" at any dru i stare or they will f lsdly get It for yon. Writ I today to Brad&eld Rerulator Co., 701 tamai Bldg Atlanta, .Oa for a, blrhly Instrurtiv ) bock of greet value to all expectant mothers, tt contains a valuable expectancy chart, rule; on diet and ia brimful of suggestions that tt women will acpnxtalc B a JvV elieir :ed You never tasted daintier, lighter, fl biscuit than those baked with Calumet They're always pood delicious, For Calumet In an res perfect baking;. RECEIVED RICHEST AWARDS I WaUihnrJ f.isaatakaa, Chicase, lUiaote. Paris Expoaltirm. FrMM, Mana, 1112. 1 hr mm t GO BRIEF CITY NEWS j Kave oot Prist It Now Beacon Press Xlsetrte reas Burgess-Oranden Co. "Today's Oosapleve Merle rorrajn' classified section today, and appears In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the various moving picture theaters offer. Joe Bedmaa la Molt "Joe'' Redman. p'oneer Omaha cltlsen, la sertoualy sick at his home, lffit Corby street. Chickens Are Swiped Thirty-six spring chickens were stolen Sunday night from the coop of O.. Bauroer. KOS North Twenty-ninth street. To Oleaji TiX Wall On orders of the city health department the artesian well In Kountie park has been cloeed. The well will be cleaned. Talks Oermaa to Vodge ton Koenlg. tn Omaha since U72. talked Oerman to Juflee Brttt In police cottrt and got bis discharge by promising not to become In toxicated any more. Warning to Health Com missioner Connell report that during the last few months milkmen be been growing derelict. lie haa sent ont letters warning some that If their milk avarn falls below the legal standard thta year he will revoke their licensee. Prove Their ICarrtage Carrying their marriage license, issued three years ago. an Indian named WUluun Johnson and his white wife. Edna, proved In polios court that they were legally man and wife. They were released after a hnarlng on the charge of fighting, when they promised to go and live on a farm near Winnebago. Garbage Question laid Over The city commissioners have laid orer for sixty more days a proposed garbaee eon- t-act between the ctty and the Omaha Feeding and Rendering company. These officials believe that In the Interim some definite garbage plans may be worked out. Prospective Greater Omaha will also affect the garbage situation. Drys to Have State Convention in the Fall at Lincoln A state convention of delegates from the various temperance organisations and other organizations interested tn prohibi tion, ia to be held In September, probably at I.monln Representatives of the active temperance organizations held a meeting some time ago and appointed a com mittee to secure 100 signatures to a call tor such a delegated convention. It is the plan to have every moral, social, business and civic organtzation tn the atate represented at such a convention, when a definite plan for the initiative fight for state-wide prohibition In 1S1 la to be outlined. The Initiative petitions are soon to be In circulation tn various parts of the state. Forty thousand sig natures are wanted to these petitions. WHEAT CROP STILL Little Damage Has Been Done by Hessian Fly or Chinch. Bug- -Corn Planted in South Part SUBSOIL IS STILL QUITE MOIST JACKSONIAN CLUB TO START LECTURE COURSE The revived Jaoksonlan clnb, sinoe there ia no politics to engage In at the present moment, has derided to Institute serlee of lectures for the chib, one to. be held every Scturday night at the club's quarter In the City National bank building. The Trrtct of these talks Is to be given next Saturday night by W. IT. Oreen. Mr. Green is to talk on two sub jects. The first part of His talk la to be devoted to the uses of an audltortem un der municipal ownership, and the second part to the neeesaity of a new charter for Omaha. A week from nest Saturday night some speaker, not yet decided upon, la to be engaged to talk oh how to settle the patronage question In Nebraska -Another subject that is to be discussed later In the season is ''Should a Prohibition Plank Be Inserted In the Party Platforms Next Year In tba Stater" The Burlta Eton's crop and "oil re port for the week ending last Satur day indicates that throughout Ne braska1 small grain has maintained the excellent condition that l marked its growth during the entire spring. After securing data from all the sUtlons in Nebraska on tho system, the compilation shows that on each and every dlvlnion the con dition ! far ahead of the ten-year average for May IS. The average of condition on the several divisions as compared with th. i&st ten- year perod follows: On aha division, 10! per cent. Wyroore division, 104 per cent. Lincoln division. Ml per cent. McCook division. 109 per cent At a few points on the Wymore division ! and over In Kansas tn the vicinity of Con cordia It Is reported that lleralan ftr haa done some damage in Isolated spots. However, theas spots are not numerous snd do not cover a large area. Around Palls City, Humboldt. Beatrice and F11 lry the chinch bugs have appeared In a few field, but up to this time have not caused any serious damage. Prospects Never Better. Oats and other varieties pf small grain sre asserted to be In the best possible condition, with prospects never better. Corn planting In the southern part of the state Is practically finished and Is well along farther north. The first crop of alfalfa i being cut, is yielding well and owing to th dry weather Is being cured in perfect condi tion. The rainfall during last week was about the lightest ever known during; a corre sponding period. During the seven days ending last Saturday night on the entire system In Nebraska but thirteen stations reported precipitation. This precipitation was from a trace to one Inch, the heaviest fall and the only real shower being at Curtis In the extreme western part of the state. However, even with the lack of rain the soil is still moist, with the exception of the surface. At no place are crops reported to be suffering on account of a lack of moisture. Reports Crops Far Advanced. Ben B. Brookfleld of the Union Pacific legal department la home from a trip that took him over a large portion of the agri cultural area of southern and central Kansas and Oklahoma. Relative to crop conditions in those states, he satd:r "I have traveled- over Kansas and Oklahoma' a good deal In former years and at this season of the year I have never seen crops look as well aa at this time. "All through Oklahoma corn Is being cultivated, and In many fields It Is being gone through the second time. It ia about knee high. Farther north and In Kansas corn looks aa well, though, of course. It la not as tar advanced. - "la northern Kansas and southern Ne braska wheat Is In perfect condition, and most of the corn Is planted. In many fields the wheat heads are beginning- tp appear. "I stopped In many places In the wheat belt 'and talked with farmers, town peo ple and railroad employes and learned that most of the Hessian fly and chinch bug talk is being manufactured for a purpose." Five Fords, Each One Nearly New, Stolen Five Ford automobiles, all nearly new. were stolen laot night half an hour apart and from the same part of the city. Circumstances surrounding the thefts lead the polleo to believe that the thefts of last night were not committed by ordinary Joy-riders, who usually abandon the stolen machine on the folowlng day. Captain Dempsey thinks that the ma chlnea will be ahipped tn distant parts of the country and offered for sale The first car to be stolen was the prop erty of W. J. Sheoftan, 4811 Cass street; the next was the car belonging to George M. Miller, sua Walnut: the next was the property of Dr. J. C. Nystrom, the next was M Isslt's, Vtb California; and the last one belonged to W. K. Craig, 632 State Rank btuldlng. His Money Too Much Of a Single Color Changing pennies for stiver caused the arrest of Ben Rlack, a negro, yesterday, charged with the robbery of a saloon at Twenty-sixth and Q streets, South Omaha. The negro was arretted within twenty-four hours after the robbery and the police say be has ronfewied. The saloon was entered through a screen door Saturday night and about 13 In money taken. Part of it was In pennies, When Black tried to get a white man to exchange silver for the pennies Detective Andrew Leplnski was notified. The copper followed the clue and later Cap tain Carey arrested Black. DENTISTS OF STATE MEETING IN OMAHA Specialist! from Chicago Come Lecture on Subjects of Gen eral Interest to RECEPTION AT THE F0NTENELLE 1 The forty-eighth annual meeting of the Nebraska State Dental society opened at Fontenelle hotel Monday afternoon. Rev. Titus Lowe, pastor of the Flrest Methodist church, of fered prayer and Mayor Pahlnian de livered the address of welcome, to I which Ir. J. M. Prime of Oxford. :(Neb., responded. This wss followed by a business session. 1 The executive council met t I'inch at noon and received the report of the con stitution and by-laws committee. One of the big p,ucntlona to be decided at the convention la a change In the constitu tion providing for societies to be organ ised In every Bounty of the slate, in stead of In each of the lonsrenslonul dl trlcts as at prewnt. The executive coun cil will meet every day at noon lurlng the convention, which coritln-ic until and Including Thursday. HentUla Hrln Wives. I'pward of JM dentist, ft-om all over the state have arrived to attend the sessions, many of tboin bringing their wives. Tho president, tt. W. A. Mcllenry of Nelson, will deliver t!ie annual address t a. m., Tuesday. At 1" a. m. Dr. T.i 11. Fklnner of Chicago will lecture on pyorrhea and Prophylaxis." At It' o'clock Dr. M. H. Caller of Chlcaao will lecture on '"The Conservation of thei Alveolar Process with Special Reference! to Pyorrhea." The first of a serl"S of prngiesel-i-wi lectures by famous specialises will begin, at tho afternoon session Tuesday, In the' Crelghton Dental college. TRIAL OF JUAN PARRAL IS POSTPONED FOR WEEK; 1 11 1 Trial of Jean Parrel. Mexican, chargedj with the murvler of Detective Thomasl King, was postponed one week by DH trict Judge KnKllsh tn order that a largeit number of Jurora who will he avaflabM with the Incoming of a new panel may b available. WATER BOARD EMPLOYE HAS HEARING CONTINUED J. Goldberger, meter inspector and reader for the Water board and western general secretary of the Hungarian so ciety, was given a continued hearing tn polios court on the charge of impersonat ing an officer and threatening Mrs. Harry Fellman, 1S15 Davenport street. He pleaded not guilty and asserted he bad merely acted for a fellow counr-y-man who complained to him of Mrs. Fell man, the othor man's landlady. CITY ASKED TO PAY FOR LIGHTS NEAR FIELD CUI3 The city electrical department haa been requested to advise the city council re gardtng a lighting scheme to be Installed by residents of ths Field club district from Thlrty-aeoond to Thirty-sixth streets. Pad flo to Center streets. These residents want the ctty to pay for the current and maintenance, but there is some question whether the lighting fund will permit of this even If the commis sioners were disposed to favor the Field club district people to the extent re quested. . COPS WAIT FOR SUSPECT, THEN FIND HIM IN JAIL After waiting twenty-four hours at the State hotel for a hold-up suspect to corns to his room, so they could arrest him, police officers discovered that the man they were waiting for was serving a thirty-day sentence in the county -Jail. He was sent there Saturday for assaulting his wife, with whom he no longer lived. He gave the name of Emerson Rlchman. A mask, electric searchlight and gun were found in his room. Victims of re cent holdups have not identified him yet, but will attempt to do so today. Positive Relief For Constipation The progress of modern medical science Is. perhaps, no more force fully evident than In the almpllfylng of many of the old time remedies of past generations. - For Instance, tho harsh cathartics and violent purga tives used by our forefathers to re lieve constipation are now known to be not only unnecessary but really harmful. Constipation ran be more effectively relieved without the dis comfort and pain these old-ttms remedies occasion. A combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, sold in drug stores under the name of Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin Is most effec tive, yet mild and pleasant. It Is ab solutely tree from opiates and nar cotics and equally aa desirable a remedy for the tiniest babe as for rugged manhood. . A free trial bot tle can be obtained by writing: to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 461 Washington St., sionuceuo, urn. COMPLAINS OF BAD HOLE AT . . THIRTIETH AND CUMING Charles Unltt appeared before the city commissioners to complain against un sanitary and unsightly conditions In a low place south of Cuming street and west of Thirtieth street. He said he has been endeavoring for nine months to have this nuisance abated. The commissioners acted upon the sug gestion that Superintendent Kugel of tha department of police and sanitation make another "try" at this matter. v Stagnant water and an accumulation of rubbish are some of the features com plained of. A WOMAN'S HAIR AND THE STORY IT TELLS If you always insist on it you will have no cause for regret. LAW SWOOPS DOWN- ON BIG BOTTLE THROWING MATCH De law come too late," explained K- iw. Williams, a negro arrested for fight 'irg. He told the police judge that be fore offUsrs Interfered in a bottle threw jlnr match between himself, Tom Green I wood and Clara Tolson. one of the bottles 'I listed" him in the forehead. The trouble I occurred at 223 North Thirteenth street. following an argument concerning 60 cents. Judge Brttt fined eaeh II and costs "for the patrol ride and medical attention." COUNCIL REFUSES TO CHANGE LOCATIONS FOR LICENSES In executive meeting the city commis sioners decided to reject liquor lloenses at MIS North Twenty-fourth street and 281fi Cuming street, requested by Walter TiUndqulst and George Relf, respectively, these applicants now being at 1823 Leav enworth street and 80S South Tenth street. Ths commissioners received protects of SOD signers against granting the license at MIS North Twenty-fourth street. For mal action on these applications will be taken Tuesday morning. Tbe Beer wltti Snap to rf ejMtstMO Brewtas CeU Crosse. WU-ttAA LURCH tt VAN SAN0T Wholesale Distributors J 11 S. 17th St- Oroebe. Nebr. PHORCSS Doutlas 2155 2nd ft 1679 IEBI3S JUDGE BRITT LEARNS HOW "FREEZEQUT" IS PLAYED While playing free re -out poker for a set-up of cigars at a pool hall run by Jack Fltcgerald at 2421 Leavenworth streeyt, five patrons of the place and the proprietor were arrested by Officers Wil liams, Holden and Barta. Polios Judge Brttt evidenced Interest In the nature of the game and said that although no money changed hands. It was a specie of gambling. He fined Fttagerald SB and costs snd fined each of the Inmates SI snd costs. MORLSCIl'S The Original MALTED MILK voer may got "HORIIOK'S Submlltittm, J NO WATCHMAN AT CROSSING : AT 40TH AND LEAVENWORTH After considering the matter since Jan uary 28, the city council haa decided that w.irhmin la not necaasary at the 1 rllrAjirf cmaain at KortieLh and Lmvah worth streets, the opinion being that the signal light and gong are SMftlcWnt to protect life and property. The Bee Want Ada Are Beet Bostoess Boosters. REQUEST FOR SPUR TRACK UP ALLEY PLACED ON FILE The city council placed on file a request from the Burlington to extend a spar track slong sn alley between Jackson and Howard streeta, from Ninth to Fifteenth. streets. Various protests were recurved against this proposed extension. KEEP LOOKING YOUNG It's Easy If You Know Dr. Edwarda Olive Tablets. Somebody has Slid that a woman's teeth are milestones indicating her age. but a far more Important feature Indi cative of years la the hair. Many a wo man haa kept her youthful acfiearance long1 past middle Ufe because of proper care of the hair, and In this case the first considerations are absolute, clean liness and a choice of the right sham poo. It la not advisable to use a cleaner made for all purposes, but rather al ways use a preparation niade for sham pooing only. You can enjoy the best that Is known for about three cents a shampoo by getting a package of Cantb rox from your druggist. Dissolve a tea spoonful In a cup of hot water and your shampoo Is ready. After Its use the hair dries rapidly with uniform color. Dandruff, excess oil and dirt are dis solved and entirely disappear. Your hair will be so fluffy that it will look much heavier than It la. Its luster and softness will also delight you. while the stimulated scalp gain the health which assures hair growth. Advertisement. Various Forms Of Headache "It Is necessary In order to treat head aebes properly to understand tbe cauiim wbloh orodiice the affection'1 sava Dr. J. W. Kay of Blockton, Ala. Continuing, be says: Physicians cannot even begin the treat ment ol a disease without knowing what ceases givs rise to It, and we must remem ber that headache Is to be treated according to ths same rule. We must not only be par ticular to alve a remedy Intended to coun teract the cause which produces the bead ache, but we must also give a remedy to relieve cue pain until the cause of the trouble has been removed. To answer this purpose Antl-aemnle Tablets will be found a most convenient and satisfactory remedy. One tableteveryonetoUireahoursgtvesoomfort and rvt in the most e vereoases of beadachs. neuralKla and particularly the headauhes of women." When we have a patient subject to regular attacks of sick heaUache, we sboald eeuvlon blin to keep bis bowels regular, tor which nothing Is better tfaao "Actulds". and when be teels the Inatt sign of an ouoomina attack, bs should take two A-K. Tablets, buob patients should always be iuslruoted to oarry a few Antl-kamnia Tablets, so as to have them ready tor instant use. These tablets are prompt in action, and eao be depended on to prodnoe relief In a very few minutes. Ask tor A-K Tablets. Anti-kamnla Tablets oan be obtained at all 0rogalsis The secret of keeping young is to feel j young to do this you must watch your ' liver and bowsle there's no need of having a sallow complexion Oark rings under your eyss pimples a bilious look tn your face dull eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell yoa ninety per cent of sickness comas from Inactive bowels and llvsr. Dr. Kdwerds, a well-known physician In Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed with ollvs oil to act 011 the liver and bowels, which hs gave to bis patients for years. Dr. Knward' Oliva Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, ure senile In their action, yet alwaya affective. They bring about that exuberance, of spirit, that natuial buoyancy which should be enjoyed by everyone, by ton ing ut the liver and clearing the sys tern of Impurities. Teu will know Dr. leftwards Olive Tablets by thair olive color. lOo and tkr per box. All drucsist. Tbs Olive Tablet OMupaiiy.C'olunUKiSrO. 11 Engravings Electrotypes Stereotypes Designers Retouchers Photographers All Under One Roof ; V t , UG3 is not only the Perfect Gum in the Perfect Package, Absolutely clean and wholesome the product of scientific manufacture wax wrap ped and scaled air-tight. Not only that, but on each 5c package the outer band is a valuable Premium Coupon. NMx These Coupons come with both WRIGLEY'S -snniXJD new Double Strength Pepper mint flavored gum and with WRIGLEY'G e2E32 the Mint Leaf flavored brand. These SAME COUPONS now come with so many high grade products that you can collect them very rapidly. Substantial premiums are offered for as low as 5 coupons and from that up. Articles for men, women children and the home. Birthday and Holiday gifts. Wearing apparel furniture a thousand useful, ornamental pleasure-giving things. The Spear men shown here have a few of them. Writ for yoar tt copy of ihm nswett Jlngla book for young and old WniCLY8 Meihmr Gowatv the old familiar rtiymes written and Illustrated aa the WHIG LEY SPEARMEN think they ought to btl ' Address l Wmu tVWnswy sftv Cav 1209 arcjsf BUg. Chtoagm M 17113 Pay Von f To Stsvo I on YQURKWMEVI iwxm jjlBlr-n " w...,,.. ,- CcodThen Learned from TfeartoYear BorttlsdNcsW avf 'vC 1 1 r t 'iu41 . Ill fl 1 J w by hs taste wO in your home, at taurantorcafe. JOHN XX M X X i: XS'' llLAIK, Managvr Omaha Hran r.iO-24 LaatVDMviitrth HI. I'ltone CAJII4 Ft'KTH, lttrtbutor, 'Ifl feouth intli Kt. lhUKlas 4044 f00 I Cxt drink it M res- sent home today. Peerless Deer please yoa whether your dub, or in your favorite Order a caaa CUND BREWING. 1