THE HKK: OMAHA. TIT.snAY, MAY IS, 101... NORFOLK TAKES HOT ONE IN ELEVENTH Overthrow by Fairbury Catcher Pare Way for Run on Safe , Rap by Willii. SCORE TIED UNTIL THE FLAREUP BLOW OF HANFORD POT WHALES OYER Hii Single in Tenth Frame Oirei Tiein; and Winning Ron Over Balfeds. Invading Army is Marching on U. S. From Idle Canada BMEHRON. Manitoba, May 17.-Two hundred Austrian and Russian, the van guard of an army of unemployed esti mated at l.Onft, arrived hre tcnlght tn tlitr search fnr wirk. which they be- FIVE I "v a'vr" them across the bor fW In the fnltd Ftatcs. The little army ; , ..... ... ! much weakened by eiposure. many 17.-(Speclat j CHICAGO. May l,.-H.nford . single In Lf nJmh.r htvln)S Wn wlnwut tood tinea leavlna Vinnlprg three asys ego, RESULTS IS SIX TO XORFOIJC. Neb., May Telegram. ) It took eleven Innings for.'he tenth Inning gave Chicago the ttelnf Norfolk to win a Ictory from Falibury In nd winning run and a to 6 victory the ftrt of the series here this afternoon, 'over Baltimore todsy after Meyer s steal The score stood t and ( In the last of ,-f home had put the visitors ahead in the eleventh when Norfolk went to bat. ithir half. Shortstop ttoolan of the vlslt Manager Shane had been relieved on the jcrs was, benched tor arguing over a de mound by Bishop, who had two men 'c'plon. Pcare: '.l.H.E. out He suddenly walked R. Brown and I sltlmore e 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1-5 H the catcher overthrew to second. Brown Cnlreao lOCOtOOSO 1 14 1 taking the third bag on an attempted , naileries: Bender and Jackllteeh; Mc- steal Willis then brought him home, with ! 5''n'" "' Alison a safe hit. Falrbury had a two store led up to the sixth Inning, when a single, threo hagger and a home run gave Norfolk four tallies. Score. FAtR-BinT. NORFtM.X. A.B H O A 8 AR.H.O.A.B. HIMtand. HI I I onmderlck, 2tt ! I 1 Unb, b ... I t t 0f.. m t 1 t 1 1 onlT. lb.. 13 0 M!k.r. .. t i 0 K.Pwui, If. 4 1 1 rOampb.ll, rt I t J Th.i.lns, Ft. i I 1 SK.mpln. If.. I 1 Pr'on, M. 4 111 Tniw, lb. .. 1 It 5onbnr, lb.. t i 1 SR. Brown, rf 4 1 2 1 ", a... 4 1 It I Killlla, a I t 7 fluner, p... S 0 t OtHill p.. t a e Biihop, .... 0 OMil.t. .. t 1 w.nwrth, r t e ( Total a litu 1 t Brown I t Batted for MelkMe In ninth. Falrbury 1 100000100 0-X Norfolk 0 000041000 J Two-bsse hits: Paynton, TIIMpbrend. Imb. Three-base hit: Campbell. Home run: R. . Brown. Stolen baeeg: Lamb. Broderlck. iHiuble plays: , Thelslng to Conboy, ft. Brown to Melkr to Dvc. Bases on bells: Off Mellette. 1; off Shener, (; off Wallworth, 1. Hits: Off Dull, 4; off Mellette, 4; off Shaner. fi; off BlKhop, 1: off Wallworth, 1. Struck out: By Mellette. ; by Rhaner. ft; by Bishop, 1. Time:. 3:30. Umpire: flhueter. Shetoat for laaandera. GRAND IWJVND. Neb., May lT.-(Spe-clal Telegram.) The wlldness of Woods of Orand Inland, combined with the In ability of the local to find Skyock when bits were needed, made it a bad shutout. Finee's flna work at abort and Roben'a atlck work featured. Hoore: TOttK. ORAND !IANO. inn Am in u o i k M. tb I S 1 O eRsVir, lb... 4 S t I Murphy, rf.. 4 t 1 1 lttelk. h 4 t 1 Totten. ib..t Hyak. lb... I Wl, If... 4 1 I ev.nwy, ... 4 1 Ralnta, e... 4 114 erVoby. e.... 4 1 11 1 S riM. M....4 111 Bm. If... a tlS Pleree. rf... 4 1 0 0O1r. tb.... t 1 Flli, lb.... 4 OIpk. rt I 0 ft 0 Woodt, 0 OMrOratb. rf. i t Skjock. a.... I 11 lWnrxU, 1 4 0 S Mnnr. I 1 I oll H I Xi 4 1 York 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0-8 Grand Island ....0 0000000 o 0 York, 1. Two-base hit: Murphy, Roben (i), Vamey. ffeerlfice hits: Rice, Halne. Flsw. Bases -on .balls: Off Woods, Grand Island, : off Woods. York, 2. Ptrork out: By Woods, Grand Island, t; by Manser, 6; by Kky ork, 9. Hit by pitched ball: By Woods, Grand Island. 2: by Skyock. 1. Wild Rltch: Woods. Grand Island. Umpire: luyr. HattKlns Has Better f York. . COMTMBUS. Neb.. May 17.-(Rpeell Telegram.) Beatrice took the lead In . . J 1. . AWa I 1 .11. uiifv a(ii nrjb iiib x m n iirtm uiiwn Wit the flnsl Inning, 4 to 1. Score: BEATRICE. OWA'MDl'S. AB.H.O.A B. AB.R.O.A K. rillmaa, IK 4 1 1 OPratt, rt.... I Ills . RrariDo, Sj, I I 1 1 0Rl. tb. .... 4 1 1 I Blurt, rf.... I 1 1 OBrterrt. of... 4 1 1 t Nff, ef 4 I O.Schmidt, lb. I 11 1 Ixx-khart, If. t 1 1 thinuar, It.. 4 111 Hwkwlti, lb I U t SScha'mbw, il I T I I r.(n.. c.r... I s 1 IHtrwr, lb.. 3 I 4 Kartcm. a.. I s 1 JaUmr. t I I I Husdttf. 1 0 I rrk, .1 Sill Ttya Trim Coeeya. KANSAS CITY. May 17. One Inning of good hitting anl haw running gsve Brooklyn a 7 to J victory in a protested game with Kansas City today. The pro test eaine In the second Inning when Johnsoa hit Into a double plsy. Matiaar Movail declared that Orover had tonciied i the hitter's bat with his glove. Score: I R.H.B. Brooklyn ....1 OIA04000 7 UI Kcnaas City. J 101 0 0001 2H I Bstterles: Beaton and I.snd; Johnson. rackard, Cullop and Brown, Teuton Allies Are Continuing Pursuit Of .Fleeing Russians VIENNA, May 17.-Via Ivndon.)-Th following statement was Issued today at the army headquarters: In Russian Poland ' the allied forces continue their pursuit of the Russians. The district south of the Lower Plllca has been cleared of the enemy. In the mountain region from Klelc to' the Upper Kamlenka we advanced along the Vistula to tho heights north of Kllmonbow. "In the region ef Rudnik and Przemysl (OaJIcIa), Psslan reap guards were re pelled from the west of the river bank, losing many prisoners. "Our armies continue to advance from the wooded Carpathians. A strong Rus sian rear guard Waa dispersed yesterday In the region of Maglera Height. We took seven guns aiid eleven machine guns and captured more than 1,000 prisoners. "In the forenoon our troops entered Bambor. enthusiastically cheered try the populace. "In southeastern Gslicia fresh Russian attacks wore repulsed. North of Kolo mea we captured a Russian point of sup port. "Farther down the Truth to the fron tier, quiet prevailed." Leaders of the band declare they will present themselves to the l"nlle1 Stotcs Immigration officials tomorrow for entry. Both the Canadian and United States of ficials say they will oppose any attempt by the unemployed to cross the line, and trouble Is feared. Owing to a luck of employment In Can ada, It Is etated by leaders of the men that between J.WO and 4,'W more of their ountrymen will stsrt for the United Ststes within a few days. Apartments, flats, honaes and eottsges can be rentedqulckly and cheaply by Bee "For Root" SOLDIERS OF ITALY AND AUSTRIA FIGHT Rome Reported io Hare 1,700,000 Men Mobilized and Equipped for Wr. SALANDRA CABINET WILL STAY -- GENEVA (Via Paris). May J7. A tti,rm from Lugano, a Swiss city near tho Italian border, says that Ily now has 1,700,000 soldier motvillied and equipped. . It also la said that the Austrian government has roaflscated the property ot the Rothschilds, as well as that of various English, French and Russian families. Fighting between Austrian and Italian soldiers on the frontier Is reported. fataee Stack ttojoletasr. ROME (Via raria), May 17. Of- TcU-...:.M 17 1 Tott.....t. I 7 14 Beatrice 1 0 0, 0 O 1 1 0 .14 Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Stolen . bases: Egan. , Kartert, , Neff, Plack . (21, Prannon. y ftacrlfloe Jiles: Pratt, Tork. tsecrtftce rfli:' York 2: Two-base hlU: Black, Neff (Y. Ramsev. Double plars: Lockhart to Rncketrlta. partem to Filiman to iiockewlts, By Husirlns. 10 on balls: Off Hugglns, S; off Tork "Wild pitch: Tork. umpire: Monroe. by Yprk, a. Passed teU: Ptruck Pases 1. Devtla Gets a Job. Arthur Devltn, the old Olant fswrtte,' has signed with the Montreal 'Interna tional league club. He will . play first base. HERE COMES ATROCITY. .' STORY ON SCENE AGAIN LONp0f. May IT. Reuter s Fetrograd correspondent sends the following official note, lesued at the Russian capital Bun day i ' . ' "Prtnee Kuraklne, the special Red Cross envoy at the front, telegraphs that after the German artillery had bombarded the station where eur wounded were tying. . German cavalry finished off the wounded i with their carbine butta, and after spray ing petrol and beniolne about, aet fire to the station, which was burned down with the men mslde." Frank Hearing Set for Last May Day ATLANTA. 3. May 17. The Georgia prison commission today set Monday, Mai 31, aa the date for beginning a hear Irjf on Leo M. Frank's petition asking that his death sentence for the murder of- Mary Phagan bo commuted to life Imprisonment. ', Oar "Jitney" Otter Tale and Be. Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, enclose with So to Foley A Co., Chicago, in.. writing you name and address clearly. Tou will received In return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pains In sides and back, rheumatism, baok ' ache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome suid thoroughly cleansing cathartic Btout people enjoy them. Hold everywhere. Advertisement. , I JO - ." i- Cortland il A dance at this smart model and you'll be captivated by its tit- jj trance." It's new. It's becominif. I lt'a cfMnfortabie. 11 2 You'll like it II tor 2S 10. f. IB! CO., Msssr. TROT, R. T. ' Fee toy Mlewins W r FOR MEN 503-510 SO. 16th AMU I Thos. Kilpatnck & Co. IN7 Douglas Street ' a- RfrWEAR 1 . T 1 'LJU Of Cclffi UNDt Come, put on a Suit it s a pleasure to don light weight Springtcx. Springtexla cool,elatic, spring -needU ribbed underwear. So. ideally comfortable, youH for get you have it on. In Union Suits with closed crotch and separate gar ments. At your dealer $1 up. ( Otlts iCa'ttlog Ce, ts lers, Utica, N. T. : WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS; M. E. Smith & Company ' Byrne & Ilammer Dry Goods Co. flclal announcement was made here j this afternoon that Kins. Vktor Kmmanuol had declined to accept the reslanatloa of Premier Salandra.l The Salandra cabinet Is to be re tained without Chan. Although It waa made known unof ficially last night that Hlgnor Palandra would remain at the head of the govern ment, this announcement was received to day with great demonstrations of re joicing and manifestations In favor of war. Reaaea for Delay. The delay In making the official an nouncement la said to have been due to the efforts to bring abotit closer re operation among the various Parliamen tary section The Tribune says there la a possibility that Premier 8a land ra will enlarge his cabinet by Including Signer Bettolo and 6lgnor Panlano, former minister of agri culture. It Is asserted that former Premier Olo lltti will make a public statement to the effect that he believed It possible to ob tain from Austria concessions sufficient to, avert war, but that once war it In evltable he will support the cabinet Foreign Minister Pennlno received Psron Karl von Macchlo, temporary Austrian ambassador at Rome, it la reported that Psion Macrhlo asked Slsnior Snnnlnn whether his retention of office might be lntArrretd aa meaning that Italy had decided upon war. Most Ttavoits Leave. The Austrian consulate having notified the few Austrian subjects In Rome to be rendy lo leave on a moment's notice, most of them derided to depart today. Whn the soldiers at the barracks at Castro Pretoria learned that Premier Bal andra was to remain In power they be gan an enthuslsstlc demonstrstton In fsvor of war. The excitement at Milan sulisided on receipt of news of Premier Pslandra'e retention. The general strike there assed off without serious Inci dent, although there wss a demon ration in favor ot war In part ef a crowd esti mated O,0Ort. Similar demonstrations oc curred at Florence, Naples, Messina, Bo logna, Palermo and Catania. " The demonstration at Bologna devel oped Into a free fight between the fac tions 'for and against war. Prior to the announcement that Premier Falandra would return to power, the king requested Senator Boaelll, dean of the Italian Parliament, to form a new cab inet, but he refused. t.oasr Ceafereao Meld. The king had a lengthy conference wfth Lieutenant Oeneral Count Cadorna, chief ef staff, who afterward proceeded to the war office and discussed the situation with General Zuppell, the minister ef war. V The Austrian ambsss.idor. Baron Von Macrhto. conferred at the Villa Malta with I'rlnee Von Buclow, the Germs ambaesaJor, for two hours. Gooben Is Reported Again Damaged by The Russian Fleet PETROOItAD tVIa Iondon), May 17 The following statement waa Issued to day at the wer office: 'The Goeben. which fired VO shells at the Russian fleet while It was bombard ing the Bosphorua, without scoring a single hit. wss Itself obliged to return to -the Golden Horn, with a hole in Its hull, stopped up with collision mats. "A portion of Its main deck was torn away and a funnel was damaged. Many of Its crew were killed or wounded." The warship referred to In the fore going Is the Turkish cruiser Pultun Sellm, formerly the German cruiser Goeben. ' It was turned over to the Turks with the German cruiser Brestau, last fall. The Sultan Sellm has been engaged in sev eral battles with the Russian fleet and on half a doren occasions were reporte.1 to have been damaged by shells or mines. maha Give uffactuirers Cam You Direct Seirviee We have our money invested in Omaha: we give employment to thousands of Omaha people. Our interests lie in giving Omaha people the best we've got. - A KEEP THIS LIST FOR FUTURE REFERENCE BAG MANUFACTURERS BIKTS-OKAJLa. Bid CO., 11th and Jack soa ats Douglas 1100. BOILER MAKERS zmn-wixAMm.coTrirr CO ta and Xtokery, Douglas 1040, BOTTLERS OXCAJtA BOTT-ZY0 CO., 010 Be. 11U at Douglas UOO. -otra1- bbby BOTixnrcr oo., loo Webster MU, Douglas 7MB. BOXES PACKING OK-BtA SOX CO Bast Osaa-a. W te ster 413. BHt- SS-OI-TYO CO,, (Omaha flare ft Oomag-ated Box Co.), lath . and eayeasrortfe. Douglas 113. ; BREWERS ' : ' ' TOSS BllWISO OOn ' 1010 Bhermaa Ave, Vtebster gal. K-ts luvno oo., tVk and Xtoavsn- werth, Douglas 149a, . r KMVa BWTTO. CO, Krug arraiti and Boulsvwrd, Tyler 480. - J-TTXS HbBWOO CO., 89tU aa4 Y t Rts. (aewth 0). . ' ! -, i . wxu.oiv' BrmnroB Bmawnroi co 94 aad Xiokory Bts, Doaglas ISO. - , BRICK MANUFACTURERS ' " m tt-zo ruxnm bbxo oo ims W. O. W. Mldgn So5 oo. BUTCItERS iwd PACKERS' TOOLS' CM. tmn ft oo, mo Capttot Ave. ' ' DeogU SIO. C13IENT BLOCK MAXUFACTURER8 ' OMaXA OOsTOBBTB WTOWM CO., W. W. Oor. Sttta Avo, and lev. Web- Btet aa. . , j CONFECTIONERY 1 ' " ' D. 9. Own OO. 001-11 Douglas Booglaa 833. i YOXBsx.a - Dixsmro con iia.i 'ones B Douglas . . COUCHES AND MATTRESSES ' . o. Dotrr cov xaoi aneboUs su Douglas isoa COFFEE, TEA AND SPICES , ; , rAJuera-o-aov co, m . ntk u Douglas gaaa. OBKHAV-AiaEKZOAJr - COTTfTB OO. ' 1117-10 Dodge S) Douglas T10. , CRACKER MANUFACTURERS jTxjr Biscrrrr co oapttoi ath im e 13k- BUk. Douglas SIM. CREAMERY COMPANIES VAZBCOBfY OBAMBSY OO. Itth aug JoM Sts Douglas 1401. watiiu o . oaiuaaT OO. ioit Xowaru BV , Douglas 1400. COMMISSION, PRODUCE, ETC vrBCsa-ATrar ft bow, zjto. Bowers Ot. Douglas 434. laoo-ii DISTILLERS XX KB ft CO. WZZ.-OW BrBXYOS SIS. TX-Z.-XY, 881-a Koward Bt. Doug- ELECTRIC COMPANIES OVTABtA SZ.BOTSZO Z.ZOXY ft VOWU CO. V. 9, Blug. Douglas IMS. . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND LIGHTING FIXTURES Brmoxaa-amAB-DZB Oo. ion mew. rl Bt. Tries M ENGRAVERS ELECTROTY PERS BAKES BBOB. BBOBATTWO CO. 18U Howard St., Douglas 63S. EViTCLOPE MA N UF A CTU RERS . BUBKXZT XBTTB-OFB CO. 417 Be. lata Bt. Douglas ai. FIXTURES oicaka fiatwbb b Btrm.T oo. 414-l-ia Be. lata B4. Douglas 8704. FliOUR MILIiS ' tTVDZXB MXT.IW CO. 11 BSer-aa Ave. Webster as, FURNACES BTAVDABD FUBBACB ft BTTTTXT CO., 411-ia Bo. lot- felt., Douglas SO7. ' (Bssbtt aU east and Wets mil steel rurnaoss.i Suppose that you purchased a fur nace, a saddle, a mattress or building material from an Omaha manufacturer! You would have a quick, direct serv ice. It would enable you to replace parts or rectify errors instantly with out inconveniences or delays. But that is not the only reason why it is to your advantage to buy Omaha made goods. , We make just as good or better goods than others in our lines elsewhere and we sell them just as cheap, and in most cases cheaper. It means a saving in money, time nnd less experimenting to deaf with Omaha manufacturers. '..,... - " Honest comparison and reasonable preference will soon convince you that it pays to buy Omaha-made goods. KEEP THIS LIST FOR FUTURE REFERENCE FTR GOODS ' arATxowAx, rvs in TAjnrxarci co. isaa bo. lata, at. ryimt w, GAS COMPANIES OWABTA CO. ISO Xewet , Deuglag . ICE DEALERS wofHi joa ft ooxjo btoao- co. laao C ltge Bt.. Douglas OMSKA XOB - OOT.D STTOWAfiB CO. Moltarae !. lata ai Dougs arts. Dewgteg 46a. ICR MACHINES Binm rem xacvty oo. im aa Blokolaa Bts. Douglas 1M1, LAUNDRIES -ojraAj8tx. AinrTT oa. iro yu- tou B, Douglas B MO. mraiu xkxnrDWT co. im7xo-ii laoksea , DousOae) 01S, rosxTAv s-trirDBjT, aaos-u rwm H. Kasmejr IIU LEAD WORKS IT' Omaha'sCup of Goffee Omaha consumes somewhere in the neighborhood of 200,000 caps of coffee morning, noon and night. Estimating 40 cups to the pound, this is about 5,475,000 pounds a year. , Yet the combined output of Omaha coffee manu facturers is much less than the consumption of Omaha alone. They tell us that only about 1-5 of their output is bought by Omaha people. If all Omaha would take to drinking Omahalmade coffee, there would be a great commercial revival. GERMAN-AMERICAN COFFEE CO., 1117-19 Dodge St "BIRd BRAND" Coffees and and Teas. , "F0NTENELLE" Fine Coffee. PARMER-OLSON CO., ) 112 So. Uth St ; "GOLD BOND" Coffees and Teas. "DIAMOND BLEND" and "TARGET" Coffees. toiT Boata uasui Douglas 13 LODGE SUPPLIES Mdm wxrmt CO. llll Vacaaaa BV, Dsnglssl 410O. MACARONI . anmrarro msrvrkJOTvr.TW& oo. I4ta s4 Jae a fets. tyla 1896. MONUMENTS J. T. BX.OO-K ft CO. irOO OajaUsT ouUi 07s, OllA &. rrOKOTaH OEb CO., 04 Bslvg lag. Douglas aaa. PACKIN3 HOUSE PRODUCTS wrrv AWB COBDPAXT. BowUt Osaa-a. Bouta HitO. AKVOVI ft CO. Boat- 0- a, BouU 1740. MIRRORS -od ART GLASS WINDOWS ' rnzxa o-abs d vanrr oo. nt aaA atowracd, Douglas Tl. PLANING MILL savxsu - iiutt orrBsnnvT CO., OroaaA Ylees Bee Blag, eag les au. PRINTERS BOOK AND JOB obu-za fwsoto oo. ra a- ra. asm, Douglas aes. oomirr ft Mokbbxib. 1407 Xtnef Bt. Douglas a4 SADDLERY t. X. BCAB-T OO. IB-XT -oat- 13t Bt. Douglas aet. STARCH MANUFACTURERS ' DimaJro- frramcx oo. seoo otac Bt. Douglas 17 SERUM MANUFACTURERS : , O. K. BBATTK CO. 8t35 Bt. Bout- Omaaa, BouiA 4S, - tITIU BBKTTM OO. Bouts 0b, Bout- eaa. OMAHA BBBtTsf OO. 401 M Bt. Boats Omaaa. Bouta taes. Bia-zir ibit BtrmT oo. t t ' eaaA ge Bids. Bout- Oma a. Be. taeu, TANKS, CULVERTS, GRAIN BINS, AND OIL DRUMS mramABXA - zowa vrnt, tutk CO. 1401 Bpvnee Bt. Weaste Sia. TENTS AND AWNINGS BCOTT-OVtAKA TBHT AJTD AWBTVO CO. Ilka aA Basasy ats. Doug, CRAVATS, BELTS, PURSES, POCKET BOOKS and SUSPENDERS sbtxtx, rocBrwoos tkto. co. tsn Boat a iota Bt. Dougus wai. TIN CANS AND SHEET METAL OOBDOsT AWXBB CO. Bth mmt, Dooge Bts. Dus-Us ass. WOOD WORKS . OMAKA WOOD WOBsTZsTCI CO. 1501 kuror B, Douglas Sse WHOLESAIJS GROCERIES VAZTOV ft OAXAOXXB, TOl-11 South lOta Bt. Douglas as WINDOW SHADE MANUFACTURERS MZD-WBBT - SXADB TACTOBT. 0014 Kti aUltoa St.. Walaat aitl. Omaha maNufagturers Deserve FtoRGWAQt i - r t r II ! 1 II