THK WLK: OMAHA. TI KSPAY. MAY IS, Nebraska PLAN CONTEST FORMARDMAN Adjutant General Hall Receive In Titation to Have Men Compete in National Met. SEVEN EXPERTS NOW MEMBERS I (Troni Stnft Correspondent.) W.NCOLN. Hiy 17. 8peclal.-Ad.tii-lant General Hall of the Nebraska Ki tlonal Guard ha received a letter from he National Aeroplane Club af Amor let nvitlng- him to send representatives f the National guard wh.- are Interested In the tise of aeroplanea for vare pur poses. to the national meeting, which fill be held In Chlbaso beginning July 1. an extending to October 12. ' It la pected that ml least ISO aero planes will be used In the contests which are to be given and about 1150.000 In prises will be awarded to winners. The it'lub urges that the general take tho Nebraska TWO NEW BANKS CHARTERED Emerald and Chaleo Each to Hare New State Banking Insti-. totion. PE5BER BAKK TN STATE FOLD RUSSIAN GENERAL STAFF EXPLAINS Ciar'i Tliird Army in Oalicia i Forced to Retreat from Position on San by Superior Numbers. Forty-Eighth Russ j Division Dispersed BRKLIN. Mir 17 -(Hy Wlreusa to Psytllle, N. J.l-Thf Overes News Agency tinlay gave out a tepoil, read ing: ; Unofficial reports from West Uall la I confirms previous statements that tho I Russians suffered very heavily during MINOR SUCCESSES ELSEWHERE;, empls to deny these looses. The Portv 1 eighth RmssUii division wss totally ills- rETROORAD. May 1. (U irrad. A Krsxl.m commander and his I'nited States wished them hn1lil he-J not only as Individuals, but aa members cause efficiency Is something mora tl-.n of a great union Of hearts that cnntl- organlantinn. "Efficiency runa Into every wall consid ered detail of personnel and tnethid. K.f . flrleney runs to the entent of llftktg the Idea of a service above every personal Interest. 8o that when 1 sposk'nty sup port of the secretary of the nary, 1 am merely speaking my support of what t know every true lover of tbe navy to desire and to rropose; for the navy of the fritted Statee la a body ' specially trusted with the- tdeal of Afnerlc. reatloa of Blaster. I like to Imagine In tny thoughts this tut a patriotic people Tooehes It I at aa )Mbl. "And so this sight In the river touches me merely aa a sVmbol of thst and It (julckens the pulse of every man wh realise these thlnss. to have anything to do with them. When a crisis occurs In Ihla country It Is aa If you put your hand on the pulse of a dynamo: It Is aa If the things which you were, In con nexion with were spiritually bred. Ton had nothing to do with them except. If you listen truly, to speak the thlnio that you hear. "These thlnss now brood over the river; this spirit now moves with tiie men who represent the nation In tin; navy; these things will move upon the waters In the msneuvers; no threst llflcl against any man. against any naflon. against any Interest; but lust a great solemn evidence that the force of Amer ica Is the force of niorM principle; thnt there Is not snvthlng else thst It e and that there Is not anything ele for which It will contend." , tendon. May ! 8terus-Tbe 11 Delayed t,v stuff were sutured by n bargsge ra. oi t Ideal. These quiet ships, lylnt In the Russian cpnrtl behlrd tlic Auslrinn front " AMERICA STANDS FOR HUMANITY IS Kloeckner. president: It. C. W. Jarms. vice president, and J. M. Dnlly. cashier. The Herman-American State bank of Chaleo hns ben given a .charter with capital of $10,000. William Blumer la tnatter up with Governor Morehead and j President. T. J. Shansban, vice president (that a eantlment be created through the newspapers so that subscriptions may be fFroii Pt-iff Correspondents LINCOLN. May IT.-if eclal.)-Two new ha n If si ha l-aa Kaan sm K W a. . Banking board and another ' application ,4ff- "Plaining the chang- in th approved.. The apiiicstion of the render Gallclao command from a successful State hank to chanve from a national advance to retreat. gave out the-fol-' bank, former'r running as th ftniltr ..j... - ; National, has been apvrovcd by the ' . 100 1 ' board. Capita! stock of the bank will be 'V ,cm ,h ml M of Al'rl1 hrgn I .'. -t fornier'y. The director are ,c rt'arh of ,h 'f P' j John Forrert. N. 11. Nve O E. J i"''"u Oeimara from the wesie ! F. WenKe and rl-.arles O Krev front aiM 'heir romenfatlon l'. etori , The Kmersld Rtrte bank h's been a-.- ,,,lw' 1 'nlr or """p ,nu" 1 ' thorlscd to do bu.lness with a CH , !" o atop the developments of ou. , tholr letter. The letter waa written on stock of Iin.OPO. Officers are Rev. O. river, have no suggestion of hlilhter about J them no Intimation of aggression. They are commanded by men thoughtful of the duty of citizens aa well as the duty of officers men scqualnted with the tradi tions of the great service to Which they belong- men who know by touch with the WIT.SrifJ MFSS A li K 1 Pl,' of ,h United States what eort of VVXJJ.Jim iUUeJejn.UJJlpurpo(l,, they ought to entertain end (Continued from Tage One.) made to buy aeroplanes for the Ne- braaka National Guard. and E. A. T.ucke cashier. Bark From Kzeeletor gpHnsTS. Colonel and Mrs. Phil Ackerman 're turned yesterday from a to weeks' o- llowerer, the Nebraska National Guard Journ at Kxcclslor faring. ln account of Is already equipped with two aeroplanes the laborious duties of the offlc of hotel and has aeven men who are expert drlv- I commissioner, which hss I nips lied to a.'Vance In thv direction of Mes laborcs ' stationery of the national executive com- Ard t'fsok, in order to Insure ourselves j inittco of the Congressional t'nton for raltitle or endlr.a reserves to the Woirsn suffrage snd appealed to the threatened sectors1 or our front. , president for his "powerful aid to remove "However, the which the enemy t'e political dissMiltles of women." tl're.v against our front were so con-' The women went to the lobby snd what eort of discretion they ought to 1 exercise In order to use those engine Of force aa englnea to promote the Interests of humanity. "Per the Interacting and Inspiring thing about America Is that It ask noth :ng ti.r Itself ateept what II hs a right to aak for humanity itself.. We Want no J nation's property, we wish to question no nation's honor, we wish to gland selfishly In the wny of no nation: we (h-ant nothing that we cannot get by our own legitimate j enterprise and by tho Inspiration of our alderable that cur third army win unable i wlated. They told reporters It would be to check the pressure on the Cen;eniv:i -j i scless for the president to attempt to a-jrllta sector. , elude h :) "The result was desperate ami unm ir necessary well Hire a tug and go own example and atandlnk . for these torfupted fighting with Impetuous eo rt- ;out to ti e Mayflower to see him," one of 1 things; It Is not pretension on our part to ter' attacks which prevented the enemy, them said. My that we are privileged lo etand for r... h. l: (iar no. ront The enemv S I lien toe nreslricm lert the room whr ' ers of the machines, so that should the ; some extent the health of the commls- ! occupied In succession. action reduced to frontal stlacks oijthn luncheon was held the two women. the positions of the third army, which he National guard of this slate desire to ! 'loner hla physician advised hla retire- enter the contests, they are equopped to ; mem rrom the cares of office for a short Tho general also received this morn Inn a communication rrom v isconsin asking that the matter bo taken up with Governor Morehead so that permission can be given the Northwestern military academy of that state to send Its auto hovv through this tate. The UIVUIIC a J - - - I who iiad returned, stepped out of an anteroom, and. confronting him, exclaimed: Votes for w mien! Votes for women! a message for 41 Mast llstf Licenses Miss Anna Wholen. stenographer In the office of the etnte game wsrden this morning Issued a huriMn and fishing license to Colonel Gin Rutenbeek. state rame warden. A great many people had arrangement; which was alreauy near "Ctithusiasm of ouv troops enabled them to maintain perfect Order, cope i with th! difficult problems of the battle Mr. President, we have and Inflict enormous losses on the enemy. I you." rront le Rearrensted. I'On May It tho whole third army de ployed on the San, and In conformity with this fa-t e were ol)lle to make a re wondered whether the game warden was battery is compoaed of elgbt war auto- required to take out a license Ihe'same mobiles fully equipped ror war nirpus as any ot. er individual, but Mtsa Whalen and la making he trip tnrougn secrai saya that when It comes to this" propo- eoinpletl in. to rnaule the adlacent armies to unite their fronts. "Although we were obliged to fsll back In the Carpathians we . simultaneously western states In order to glvo the or- i It Ion the came waiden Is no better than Imade a deM.Mve offense in Eastern ua- I work. ; newspoterman. a banker or a burglar: Hcla. whereby we gauieo resuns ganlzatlon drill In overlivnfl Nebraska City Boy is Fatally Shot , ... ,a. I btate NEBRASKA ti t l. reo.. .mj .!..-.--- . Jn clal.) Two sons ox jonn nom ! - wero roonns !that they alt are In tli esanie t'ass aa far as a hunting license Is concerned and must pay the fee If they expect to shoot snipe or fish for suckers. Cement Cases Arsarl tlal to our left wing and Inflicted a vere. defeat on the Austrian on the Pnclster front of over 130 versts (about 100 miles). Within five days.-beglnnlng on the flth. residing south of the city with a rifle, while their rarenta were 'away from horn, and the gun was asel i dentally dlacV.argcd. The ball entered the back of the head of the youngest brother. !U years old. There la no hope for his re- doverv. , COURT HOUSE C0RERST0NE LAID AT CHAPPELL Oral argument waa made before that' captured In thla region about '. railway commission this doming I Pnaonera ana lorceu n.r the N.hru..P...i..i 'treat In disorder across the Prutli. cases, on which a hearing ws. had about j " M' " m,r lo"8 ranff l rrxemysi aispeiseti n iuihm on the wall. The theft of any .article belonging, to the Nat'onal Guard- la a aerlous offense, and If the thief, can bu traced General Hall will turn the. of fender over to the federal authorities. CHArPRM Neb.. May 17. (Speclal) ' The cornerstone of the new reuel county j court houso waa laid here Saturday by ,'the grand lodge Ancient. Free and Ac. icepted Masons of Nebraska. Thomas F. j Davis, grand master, rtMtng. assisted t Grand Curtodlan Robert & French and Grand Chaplin C. C. Wilson, also the local Masonic order and many Masons from surrounding Jurisdictions. Sidney. ' OshUoah. Paxton, North Platte. Lewcllen. 'ajjdge Pole and Jutcsburg. Colo. Judge Grimes of North Platte waa to be the grand orator of the day. but, owing to an 'Important engagement esuld not be pres 'ent. and Choj)lln Wtleon delivered a etrong loucnina oru"" v v what Masonry stands for. emphaatng te home.1 the church and the publH e-hoot ntem. Grand Master Oavla stated that thla was the eleventh cornerstone he s1 laid thla year. THREE-YEAR-OLD CHILD IS BURNED TO DEATH LTNPBAT, Neb., May 17. (SpeclaJ.)-A J-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mra. David noberts, living about, elpht miles southeast of here, waa burned to death this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts hsd. as usual, built a fire In the range and then gone to do the chores, leaving the two little girls In bed. While they were out the little girl got up and dressed, and In some way her clothing caught fire, for when thev returned to the house she was on the floor with the clothing burned off. She died In an hour. PLAN TO SH0W O'CONNOR ; HAD MUCHJM0NEY SALTED HASTINGS, Neb.. May 17. (Special Telegram.) In connection with the grand Jury Investigation of the John O'Connor case U id reported today evidence would be produced to show that O'Con nor has ll,0 cached near a western town when he came to HaBtlngs. This, It la stated, was the nucleus of his for tune, lnstesd of 2 cents, as supposed by his acquaintances. BaeealaaiM" ' Cbeltoa. 8 HELTON. Neb.. May 17.-(Speclal.) Baccalaureate services were held Sunday ; evening In the Methodist church by the ; pastor. Rev. E. E. Carter. The com-! Boaia Kro la na4 ( t. mencement exercises will be held Tuee- j FREMONT. Neb. Msy 17.-neclsD-day evening In tho opera house, when The mercury In the aovemment ther the address will be made by Paul S. I mometer dropped to ?3 above rero here Dietrlok of Lincoln. The class this year 1 fl,'"dav nlsht and tender vegetables mere consists ot three boys and six girl: Mac 1 ,r'J"r,1 b' tn "ht frost. The soil Is two weeks afro and which argument had been put over unt'l today. I.arktn Would Re-Kenter Case. J. A. Lark in of Ponder made applica tion befor the supreme court today for reinstatement aa attorney 'in the ciee of the state against Jesse Cochran, accused of the murder of J. F. Jump In Thurs ton county. Larkln had been denied the right to appear for the state In the case against Cochran for the reason (hat he waa Interested In the divorce proceed ings of the Coehrsna. The application was In the nature of a mandamus to compel Judge Graves of that district to reinstate him in the cue. . A former judge had barred him from the case, but Judge Graves had reinstated him and later barred him. Mike Harrington 'ap pears for Larkln, while Howard Sexton represents the state. They got no further In their appeal. Tour sei ret service men seised them quickly and took them away. The presi dent smiled. Test of Address. v The full text of the president's address was as follows: "Mr. Mayor, Mr. Secretary, Admiral Fletcher and tWitlemen of the Fleet: Ti ls Is not an occasion upon which It aecmj to me that it would be wlae for me to make mnry remarks, but I would de- I rrivo myself of a great gratification If I j d'd not expresa my pleasure at being here, my gratitude for the splendid re ception which has been accorded me aa the representative of the nation and my profound Interest In the navy of the V'nlled Stntes. "This is an Interest w)th which 1 was apparently born, for It began when I wen n youngster and has ripened with my knowledge f the affairs and policies of tho I'nited States. 1 think It Is a enemy approschlng from the west. Inflict ing heavy losses. On the other sectors of tho Pan end tho eastern slopes of Hie CArpathlana no activities are reported lctory on nneisier. people of the I'nited States that they "The Austrian army defeated on the may p,,.,,,,, thc,r FOWer appropriately In Dnelster on.tne Hin coma noi mw , . erflri,.nt n8vy Hnd th.r Interest la natural, instructive judgment . of the its poaltlon on the left bank of the Pruth except in the region ot Kolomea with the assistance Of relnforcepienta brought by train! bringing In the last reserves com posed of aenpers, detachments still In course of forttmtlon and the last available units. ' . "Oh the same dsy our troops carried Nadit-orna. after a, great struggle. On the preceding evening our cavalry, which forced a bridge In one dttaek., occupied Snlatyn. W are continuing an encrgetl? pursuit. . "In the region of Shavll (Courland) the fighting Is developing favorably. We rc- Sometime between Saturday noon wiJ MVfi" , t,ck 7gt of Bh" Monday morning someone . entered thai" m-'"" attacked a strong col- office of Adjut.nt General Hall and tool: " '"m" v ?h lk' " "I1 : , . ., attacked a strong column of the enemy a revolver hanging In the sample ca.o,"" . ot orodl. which was endeavoring to envelop Shavll from the Farm Balldlaa; Near Avoca Barn, AVOCA, Neb.. May 17. tSpeclaD-The buildings on tho T. H. Strauh farm south east of tovn. consisting of the house, barn and Implement shed, burned to the ground Sunday afternoon. The farm was occupied byT. K. I'obbs. who lost all his household .roods. Th fire originated In the barn and tho wind, blowing a ter rific gate, carried the flamea to the house. The building carried Insurance, but there were no Insurance on the household goods. north. Mb threw It back. pnrtlj". I believe because that navy Somehow I expected to express their character not within our own borders, where thnt character Is understood, but outside our borders, where It Is hoped we mar occaalonally touch others with some slight vision of what America atanda for. Confidence la Daniels. "But before I speak of the navy of the I'nited tftatos I want to take advantage of the flrt t ubllc opportunity I have had to speak of tho secretary of the navy, to exprcsr my confidence and my admira tion and to aay that he has my tin quali fied support, for-1 have counselled with Mm In Intimute fnshlon. I know how sin cerely ho h-.s It at heart that everything that the navy does and handles should be done and handled as the people of the hat every nation would wish to stand for. and svcaklng for those things which all humanity must desire. ' " Rlsrhte Ylnalcated ay Hload. "When I think of the flag Which those ships carry, the only touch or color about them, the only thing that moves as If It had a settled spirit In It, In Inelr solid structure, it seems to me that 1 see al ternate strips of parchment tpon which are written the right of liberty and Jus tice and strips of blood spilled to vlndl- j eate those rlghta, and then. Hi the cor- I ner, a prediction of the blue 'serene Into ' which every nation may slm walrh j stands for theae great thing. ! "The mission of America If the only , thing that a sailor should think about: he has nothing to do with the formula, j tion of ita policies; he Is to support Its policy whatever It Is-but he Is to support I the policy In the spirit of Itself, and th i strength of our pollov Is that we, who, for the time being administer the af fairs of this nation. Jo not originate Its' aplrlt-we attempt to embody It; we at tempt to realise It In action: We are' dominated by It, we do not- dictate It. Peaple ever Frti"et. ' "And so with every man '.In arms! who serves the nation. He stands and i waits to do the things which' the nation desires. America sometimes seems, par- haps, to forget Its program, or rather I will say, that sometimes those who represent It seem to forget the program. But the people never forgtt them. It la as startling as. It Is touching to we how, whenever . you ' touch a principle. 6u touch the hearts of the 'people of the United States. They listen . to .your de bates of policy; they determine which party they prefer to power, they choose and prefer as ordinary men: but their real affection, their real frce, their real lrresUstlhle momentum la .for the Ideals which men embody. , ' , "I never go on the streets of a great city without feeling that Somehow (I do not confer elsewhere than Oil the atreets with the great spirit af the, people) they are going shout thclf business, attend ing to the things which. concern them, and yet carrying a treasure" At their heart all the while, ready to be stirred, 55 (mall Fir la Fremont. FRF.MONT, Neb., May 17. Special.) Fire starling froman unknown cause threatened to destroy the buildings occu pied by the J. 'M. Chrislensen hsrness shop and the shoe repair shop of Winter ft sons on Main street Sunday evening. Mr. Christeusen's loss la placed at W.W: dan age to the Winter shoe shon, $1,001. The loss to both firms is covered by in- CHILD KILLED AND OTHERS INJURED IN AUTO UPSET j BEATRICE. Neb.. May 17. -(Special ' Telegram.) The Infant child of Mr. snd ' Mrs. John Jellnek of Swan ton. Neb., was killed and Mr. and Mrs. Jallnek and two ' children and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. JlRkra more or lens seriously Injured hut night 1 when their touring car overturned a few miles south of Swantnn. Mr. Jallnek. who was driving the car, was thrown through the wind shield and severely cut. ! Mrs. Jlskra sustained a broken arm and the 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mra. Jail- , nek also had an arm broken. The car das badly smashed. Vssss Draper Bossd Over. BEATRICE, Neb.. May 17,-( special Telegram.) Oscar Draper, charged with stealing sixteen esses of eggs from SWIfl A . Co.'a plant here, waa bound over to the district court today, in de fault of 11,000 bond. Draper was re manded to the county Jail. Draper, who j rur snce. The damage to the buildings Is , Is 1 years old, recently fell heir to covered by Insurance. Contractor Iajarea,' FREMONT. Neb., Mar 17. (Spectal.) U. W. Whitfield, a prominent contractor, suffered the dislocation of an ankle when he collided with an automobile driven by Miss Lois McO.ean on crowded business street. Mr. Whitfield waa o.ulte badly shaken up. -but his Injurlea are not con sidered serious. Mr. Whitfield was riding i bicycle when the accident happened. M.OflO through the death of a relative at Wichita, Kan. Hla allowance has been WO monthly. - ... Eans, Franklin Slattery, Helen Houts. Edna Kilchler, Rdlth March. vWilliam Mullen, 1-ola Walker, Walter Wiest and Ijiura Woolever. Nebraska a K 11 lea I. rta. BLAIR, Nob.. May 17. (SpcclaL)-Oliver Hud'llcson of this city has received word that his eldest son. Glen Huddleson. had been killed by an electric wire at Minnow Kearney Oatpla Reda. KEARNEY, TS'eb ' May 17.-tSpecial Tcl earam. Th. first of the series with Hast ings todsy Was taken by Kearney." Klontt pltch.-d a beautiful panic, while jltn--l II for Hastings was a ttifle wild. Error were frequent on the Hastings field, while steady fleldliift was s fe-iture for the Buffaloes. Catcher Campbell of Karne- ruatalned a broken finger on the tlirowim hund in the lust Inning by a ftul lip. The day was cold, and as a re sult the ntt'ndance was einsi'. Hcorc: HAfrriNlW. KKARNF.T ABU O A IT AB.H O.A.S Wn. lb.. 4 1 I ll.tlmfth. :.t. a I t A. Moors, d. 1 t M ejonir.,1, lb.. S 110 I a Iinirasi lb.. 4 I srri(. If... MM'iM. U.. 0 t I lCimpMll. c r.ichrts'a. el I 1 I jbi becoming dry and farmers are looking for ob5 lb .list tm. '..'. rnin. Most of the corn Is planted and !' smith, rf.. 4 a oPk, ... n olsture It needed to sprout the kermis. ! : J J 'p.V. TolsU 15 StU I Total! II t IT t I ilastinrs o n t i i Of Tkrawa Thmasrh AVIn4shietl. MNDSAV. Neb.. Msy 17.-(Speelal.)-Tony HuMeman. ahile returning from Humphrey yesterday, r:n his mschln Into a hsd hole n the rosd. throwing hlrtj forward and through the windshield. H I I i i t 4 0 i 0 o s a e 4 t 0 i I t I S 11111 4 J I e s 0 0 0 tm u-i. -w. hM h..i i-n .orkir,.! acaped will- th flngeta of hla hand cut. for the lavt two yeara for an electric -""" iinea a nroKen axie I Kear.iey 0 3 ; t Q 0 0 1 . Two-hase hits: Watson . Shaw. CiOlea bases: Obst. Pouble nlsys: Wst- I to R. Moore i rii'nin: Drumm unss- j s'.stea. Wild pitch: flitschell Struck out: i Hv OltB" hell.- 6; by Klcnr. Haes on ! balls: Orf (Iltscbell. I: off ICIonti. I. : I'nnied run: Hastings, I. Time: 1:3.1 I mi lre: Vools. power conpany. tie was a yeara old ana .- ( De- Molars Trim brra. was bom in this rountv. where the family i "Wfin wmb nnd i Meek. .... . v.,, . itis- hla lived" for mnnv years. Mr. Huddieson i HASTINGS, Neb.. May 17. (Special.) -j-f Koostls r si from lie, Moin:. de'.''Jied leaves for Wisconsin this mornlnt; and j A ma" K'lvn the name of F E. Albm-y jt Merchants' Orsys here todsy in an will bring Uio tody home for burisl. i'v ooiameo worn or jewelry st txhimtion game, r: u- i. inomos. novi, tne i . ii. .-soms store, giving therefor a '"J.'"t j i ' V i , ,.hi,i, ...h t n ... .. I Moines snd Crabb and Oardner Ik 1.1 the' aorthleas et.ecU s gned A. L. Burton. The ',, ror Atlantic It was s om.--.Mded. fraud was dlsiovered when the check ai'air. ti.e Boosters getting n ;o'ai of; was rejected et the bsnk. .eighteen hits off the local twlrle, snd j ,th locals landing aafely only twi.-c, Tne score: I. H E. fee Moines. 2 a x A A 1 0 2 I-.'JIh I I &, n tk a ii it .1 a it i - i e - VALLEY UDER CONTROL f -mpircar' Martln and Harmony. ; Fr t ear Blair. BIJUT.. Veb. May 17. (Special.) Frost ws re.(-rtoJ from several localities this mornlnt,' In and aiouiul Hlalr. At several places on t'.ic bottom land north of here thin ice waa formed on water troughs. SITUATION IN YAQUI I WASHINGTON. Mav lladsay dalbera tu t,aaie. y 17.-Ponsul Hos- I t tvi-.o t ? v--u u-.. .- . . i the i tetter, st Hermoslllo. reported today '.hat 'the windstorm -sterday llnrt av wo;i . s'lev ap- itioni Haute Creek by 17 to . l-'iur ;io'iim tilde- iflntml innswere knocked. West brook (or l.ln.l i t o' lo. getting one in ih 1st suH Jgefc Wilson , the stcond. Ztna.lll to n v I-. I F.eaenic Marrtaaea Will Insure to this country a healthier and more Intelligent "family of future1' and many a woman. ob1ouly the slt'istlor lit Tao,'il unfit for marrlagr. haa had her health peered now to be en'lrel restored by tho timely use of Lydia E. ' snd that C. C. Wilson, n Pnlkham s egctahte compoino. tne ass among the Ane Ions k1ld In the fifth, bringing In two sen r nnl of most successful remedy for female Ills Indian uprising 'ast week. Admiral 'him and Uoerlng for iiattle Creel; tot the world has ever known. Enormous Howsrd. command-r of the Pacific flee J'JI t'rt"i,nth' j?' o a a 1 quantities of roots snd herbs are used who started from Ssn Dleso abpard the ' ...'.!!"'.! S 3 3 -1T annually In making, this good old-raali- cruiser Colorsdo for ri'i-mas. reported Batteries: Battle Crt-ek. Ooerlng I'll loned remedy and no woman who auffeis todsy thst on Information that the situs- rlch, and Doerlng; Lindsay, Lfe and Ag- from female ilia should oe .hope until tion had cleared, he had Urned back and iD'' he has tried it. Advertisement. ss returning to San Diego. I Rent room quirk with a Bee Want Ad. "You Don't Look Right, Jones" Errors of living, among which coffee-drinking is one of the most common, has stirred the New York Health IVpartment to prepare a booklet of suggestions for indoor workers, and among other wise bits of ad vice tlii booklet says: . V "Bracers are harmful. This applies to the use of tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages." Sound advice 1 j All over America, for years, coffee drinkers, in door and out, prompted by their own feelings and en lightened by science, have gotten rid of coffee troubles by changing to TUM tho pure food-drink. Post uin, made of choicest wheat and a small, por-' tion of wholesome molasses, tastes much like the finest Java, yet contains no caffeine (the harmful drug in coffee) nor any other harmful element. F'oatum comes in two forms: rosiuiii -rel the original form- 10c and 25c packages. -niuat be well boiled, Instant IVwiuni the aoluable form la prepared in the cup. A teabuoonrul in a cup of hot water makes a delicious drink Instantly. 30c and 60c tina. iioth kinds are equally delicious, and the cost per eup ia about the rime. i . "There's a Reason" for Postum Id by Grocers everywhere. Rats Don't Eat Safe Home Matches Rate don't aat Safe Horns Matches. They can't be made to eat tbem, That's been proved. Safe Home Matchea are made f Ingredients which, although aopoieoaoue, are obnoxious to rodents. Safe Home Match-. light easily, but not too eastl) They are safe aafe and aure. Sticks ar-extraloog eztrastrong. They cost no mora than other brsnds of matchea. Sc. Alt grocers. Ask for them by name. 3EAUTBFY YOUR 1HICU3 THIS SPRING & SUMMER BY BUYINO A FEW NEW PIECES OT LiiiliGirfs m& irafts V k ... ' FBOtrcuQflaoir WHICH WE DELIVER TO YOUR HOEIE AT FAC TORY LIST PRICE. Ms OUR RUG VALUES BE SPEAK TRUE ECONOMY 9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs Q &ft at, each vOiiJV 9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs k f attach P laC.OU $16.00 See our complete line of Wilton and Body Brus sels Rugs. - Quality High Prices Low (lot One Day Dot Every Day Dare FiyJLExlBTyC 24th and L Gts., Gouth Omaha BUSY BEE BOYS It's lots of fun to play Daddy-long-legs and walk with stilts. Wc will give TEN PAIRS FREE to the ten boyg that bring us the most pictures of the stilts before 4 P. M., Saturday, May 22d. Thla picture of the atllta will ba in Tha Bee arery Aij this week. Cut them all out and ask your friends to save the pictures in their paper for you too. Bee bow many pictures you can get and bring- them to The Bee Office, Satur day May 22d. The atilU will be given Free to tha bor.i or girla that send ua tha most picture be fore 4 P. M., Saturday. May 12d. i ;