V2 THE BKEr OMAHA. TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1915. 53J, WEATHER TRIES TO ' REACH THE RECORD, Cropi of State. However. Are Sot! Injured by the Sudden Drop in j Temperature. j FREEZING IN THREE PLACES Although the cold vealher of tin last twenty-four hour broke no records, it came mighty near It. M 6 o'clock Monday morning ihc offi cial thermometer marked 41 denreea Mute rro. It caused Colonel Welsh of the csthr bureau to ,'rpralnlc ' t- :h!.- effect : "n ?H wr- Inn) (i.izlir -Mtiir on .'fy 1i Mini txti-ml'.il n fur r utli t '.':. It i Tiro tvc rnru in Nebraska I'm iarriera rrrlanted n"l hv the Fourth i f .rt'.y thy luiri 1.. m - t. tit'.k hopefully Ivlf .1 rop. Th n tnme the liot wind July JS rml thnt pi't th- fine! Mls i to thr orn f)r that y-nr. Thnt wind wn an ..l that I ri member going ho:iie on the ctr at noon we actually lia'l to turn our tuik to H It was like a Mart from a f.irnacf. The thermometer stood at in. 'Then In ls'J.". we had another complete crop fallnte, and In W we had the six teen to on-Issue. After those thte dread ful years we seem to hate emerged like th Kgyptlans Into the fat yearn, which have continued ever since." The official reporta from seventeen Ne tiraaka point show n freezing temiera t'lte at three, of them: Fairmmie, 31: Cul bertson. 2: and Harttngton 32. Light frosts are reported from as far south aa Topeka Kan. llh Iroat Over Slate. Morning reporta to the railroad offlcea Indicate that over Nebraska t"unday night froata were pretty general, though in few f lare? were Ihey severe enough to do much damage to fruit or growing cropa. Arcordlng to atatlon reporta. Itght froata extended aa fr aouth aa Tec urn an It, Hickman," Hastings and Clay Center and aa far eaat aa the Immediate Missouri valey. In the north western part of the atate and up In the aandhllla, tempera ture went below freealng, the roldeat reported being at Burwell. There the temperature dropped to ill degreea above aero. TruU farmer on the market yeater riay nearly al! renortod frost over the lowland area, both up and down the river from Omaha. It waa vllble en the vine and graaa even half an hour after sunrise. With moat of the market gar dener the opinion prevailed that no In Jury haa been done to fruit, though they expressed the opinion that tender vine had been sllf-htly nipped. Teacher Finds 33 Varieties of Birds at Pwiverview Park THity-threa varletlea of bird were oo rrrved within two hotira In Rlvervlew pirk Monday afternoon by member of the junior teacher' training claaa of the public aehoola. Ml Alice K. llltta of the drawing department accompanied the young women and compiled the notea made by the observer. One of tha party ohacrved twenty-elx varletlea. nird expert have aeen aa many aa lxty-flve. different claaae of blrda in thl park during one day. The blrda aeen yeaterday were chlcka (v, bluebird, crow, roblp, wood thruah, r.tblM. wren, brown thraaher, roae-br-.-natod groabeak, acarlet tantter, yellow-billed ruckoo. cowhlrd. Jaybird, tronae gtarkle, morning dove, Baltimore (Hole, orchard oriole, white-eyed vlreo, whita crowned aparrow, chipping apar row, phoebe, yellow warbler, flicker, red breaated woodpecker, goldfinch, downy woodpecker, brown creeper, klngflaher. Ivlaryland yellowthroat, cardinal, black and white creeeplng warbler, warbling lreo and aparrow. Automobile Burns Near the Field Club A ftre originating from aomo unknown cauaa completely deatroyed a large alx cylinder automobile near the Field club In Center etreet Sunday night. The car. wbloh waa owned by tha Francla-Cullia Automobile company, and originally coat ttjoo, waa a total loaa, the company hav. In no tnaurance upon It. In talking of the fire Mr. Franc la aald that getting the burned car to hla garage probably cauaed more comment than the fire itaelf. aa the wreck waa towed In by a Max well car, which coat but . . TWO BAPTIST SOCIETIES TO MEET HERE THIS WEEK Omaha will entertain both dlatrlrt meetings or the Ilaptlat Home and For elTu Mixtion aocletlea Thursday. Tha --at central dietrh t of the Foreign Mia- njcary aoclety, of which Mre. Edward Joanton in chairman, will meet at tha Young Women' Chrlatlan aaaocatlon aa- cmbly room at 10 o'clock In the Inortilnjr. At the afternoon aeaalon, Mla Uurcaa Whltkkei. a :nlaaiouaxy at Vlnucuiula India, fur aboui wventecn year, will ba th rpcaaer. The ni'-etliig of the Foreign Mieeionury o bty will be held at the Calvary HaPtlit fl urh Thuraday and Friday. Mire Ine t-hw of Topeka. Kan., will add re u the Thursday evening aekn. IHstrlct aoc cut lea frvm eight atatea will he In at- Undoacv. ; Mr'. I.dv. ai-d Johnaon gave a tea tltia aite: no-.n In honor of IUe Vh!taker and .Miff rhaw. SUMMER BAND CONCERTS START DECORATION DAY . The summer ached ule of public band concert will be started in Hanecom park Sunday afternoon. May 30, which will be Memorial day. Commissioner Hummel Is preparing the ihrdtile, which will embrace all of the farka and Include concert on Sunday afternoon and Wedneaday evenings. bet Bid sir "prlasr Kevrr." A leiy liver and sluggish bowels will overcome any ambitious and energetlo man or woman and wake them feel all tired suit. dull. Stupid and lifeless Foley Cathartic Tablets relieve constipation, re rterc heajlhy bowel action and liven up your liver They are w holerom and thi.r. t.ighly cleansing; do not gripe or nause ate. Tbry banish that full, do, heavy feeling. J. L. Knight. Fort Worth, Texas. : "Vy disagreeable eymptoma were ntlrely removed by the thorough clesna Irg they gave my ystein." Sold every tare. .'.dvcrtl'envnt. BIG LINER TRANSYLVANIA that has just passed through and successfully voyaged from New York to a Scotland port. I . V : ' j '. . - w ..-!,-, ;,. ..,.. 4. . ' .. . :. 1 r : v ' . :, . , .-,-i ly " . fr -J' '- " ' ' ' - ' : ' v ; --;t -".JLJ 11 M- - . . WeaJ( .alj g f """T"""" " " "' ' "i'K'i ,iiTiiii,i , -ni-njii-i.! i i in ! '11 S I STEAMSHIP TAM&Y1VA leY Speculators Back Up on Hessian Fly and Bug Reports There in h r rowing opinion on the On aha Griln exchange that the Chicago speculators feel thnt they overplayed their handa laxt week when they flooded the country with reporta that Ho.lnn fllca and chined bugs had nbout de stroyed the small grain crop of O ' homa and Kanra and seriously lt .1 tlT-t of Nebrnska. These same a ( tJ)tors have wired the Omaha excimnse that they were tn'slnformed last arek and that alnre then they had ascertained that the report were irreatly maRiilfled. Omaha receipt were: Wheat. 51: corn, 71; oata, 23 car. The market wan steady to higher, wheat selling at tl.tWI.Wt, H to 1 rent up. Corn add at 71W7J rents, H cent higher than Saturday. Oata were ',4 cent up, aale being made at 47tf49'4 centa per bushel. DECATUR MEN GUARANTEE FULL BARGELINE CARGbES Teen(ur business men are making an organised effort to guarantee rargoes for the first three months for the steam liver barge that la noon to begin operation be tween Omaha and Decatur. The Commer cial club of Omaha haa received word !hat a Boostere" club wn formed at De catur last Wednesday evening and that a committee waa appointed to aee enough merchants and farmers to guarantee to Captain Ptevens that he will have a full cargo on every trip for three month. Weekly round trip are to be made. BAIL BOND RULE MAKES THE BONDSMEN HAPPY Themaa O'Connor, clerk of the police court, states that as the result of Com missioner Kugel'a new requirement of ball bonda Inatead of rash bonds for pri son arrested by the police, prac'.leally all of the men and women prlaonera who csually posted caah bonda are now giving tall bonda for their appearance in court. 1 Genius Succeeds Only in Rare Cases ' Itf v. .V. r;. Hess, phstor of tlw Flnren"o MclhodiM I'piicopal church, preached th bac.'alautente ecrti.on for the Florence ! 1 1 tail school RTatluntea at the l'r shy tci Inn 1 churc h Suiiflay veiling, taking n Mi subject, "r'and or Wishes. Backbone or Luik." Itevlewing the Uvea of Charl" fioodyear. harlc Dickens and James . Cartlild he Illustrated the ntnt that It was in doing well the think at h no with du(.ge detenv.lnntlon that brought success. "It Is not the sudden flashes of speed., the doing the exceptional thing at the critical moment that keep your look onuard. It. is not Kenltis that succeeds except In raro cusea, but it Is the steady, on waid plodding that w;:i not falter In the heat of the monotonous every duy hum drum of life." was the message he left with the graduates. The giaduating exercises will bo held at the Fontenelle building Thursday even ing. The graduating rlasa consists' of fourteen, seven boya and aeven girls. HOLD UP DUNDEE SEWER QUESTION UNTIL ELECTION The' city commlsslonera Intend to aaalt the outcome of the Greater Omaha elec tion before committing themselves on the proposition of permitting the vlllare of Dundee to connect with a storm water newer at Forty-eighth and Hamilton streets. II. Hume, clerk of the Dundee villa", e board. In a letter has requested au'h rermlsslon. w.hlch waa brought up a', a meeting of the city council of the whole. The communication waa laid ovor for thirty day, pending the consolidation election. This action waa taken at the suggestion of Mayor Dahlman. The Dundee sewer In question would be from fifteen to twenty-four inches In diameter. mmer ('omsJajlat Caired. Dr. King's New Ufe Pllla will rid th system Of 'fermenting foods and poisons. Keep stomich and liver healthy. c. All druggist. Advertisement. Announcement For the Benefit, of Bee Readers The constantly increasing demand for Bee want ads has made it necessary that we re produce a want ad blank in our classified page stating as explicitly as possible bur lowest cash rate for one, three and seven time inser tions. "We believe this will be an advantage to our readers and eliminate any unneces sary correspondence when desiring to insert small want ads. the submarine sea war zone ia.Zt..L-X S' Attack on Merger Bill for Greater Omaha is Brewing An attack on the Greater Omaha con solidation bill in the eourla la said to be brewing among the office holders, con tractor and other interested parties In South Omaha. The report ia that Attorney i. F. Wln lera of the South Omnha city law depart ment hns prepared papers to be tiled in the dlstrl.-t court within a day or two, the presumption being he will ask for an Injunction to restrain TCIectlon Commis sioner Morehead from holding the special election called for Tuesdny. June 1, on the ground that the merger bill Is legally uncoiiKtltutlnnal cr otherwise legallv de foitlve. The Houth Omaha city government haa cnlle.1 a special election of It" own for th! haine day to vole ttf.Ono of bonds wnl -h they hope to market and spend the proceeds before the consolidation would extend the authority of the city of Omaha over Sauth Omaha municipal af fairs. Whether an Injunction if issued would seek to nffect this election too is not Indicated. CHRISTIANITY MUST BE MORE SELF-SACRIFICING Rev. V. T. Kahse. state mlaMonary of the Lutheran church In Nebraska, spent Sunday in Omnha, preaching at the Grace i church in the afternoon and at Pt. Mark's in the evening. Bpeakln? at the latter church, he took a firm stand fo? i a more self-sacrificing Christianity. "Men must be diligent to succeed In any profession or business." he said. "No less muet they be diligent to auc ceed aa Christiana. Too many aeek to be' at eaae In Zlon." yet they pursue their bualncaa or profeaalnn with a seal that threatens to ruin their health. I know a family that was well to do and they gave $12 a year toward the support of their church, and came once a week and sat through the service. This same fam ily put up. a $2,000 monument to them selves In the cemetery. , And they thought themselves Christiana." Jay Laverty Brings Suit for Divorce Jy La-erty. Poulh Omaha M e tnrk ' dealer, ha brona;ht ault for divorce in i rtletrlct rotitt agalnxt Mrs. Mary K. Iav- , erty. alleslnc extreme rrtielty. convicting : of "other than physical violence." which he aj.ert. haa deatroyrd hi race ef j mind and rendered furlhei naaoclatlon a , huabnnd -nd wife impossible. Mr. and Mr. Laverty mere mairlen In Lincoln, j They hae lived In Pout a Cmaha fifteen ' J'eara MATTHES WANTS TO ENLIST IN NAVY AS A SUBMARINE 'T want to be s suhr.iatlne.' raid Ap plicant Ike J. Mitthe. a farmer, to lieutenant Tipton st the local Vnlted states marine ret ruitin stat'nn. "flli, a marine," sniil the eorpors.l. "No. a submarine." persisted Matthes The applicant too-d desirshie an; worth explnlnlna matters to. "Ton have ht-eu misinformed," argue! the recruiting; officer pleasnnt'.y. "A submarine l a boat which travels under wafer. If you enlist as a marine you will robin! y ree ot of submarines, bi-t you can't be one." "Then I can't be a s'inmxrine ?" "Nope," said the corporal. With a Inst wistful flinco at the xold fish In the globe on the lieutenant'a desk, the disappointed applicant left. Why Suffer With Impure Blood An Effective Remedy That Can Be Relied Upon. Tou can step Into almost any druff tore In the U. 8. and get a bottle of 8. P. H.. the famoua blood purifier. Ho there li no need to struggle or Buffer with any blood dlaorder. It doesn't make any difference how severe Is the outbreak. P. 8. 8. will overcome It. ' Thla famoua remedy gets Into your I blood at once; it works with a will, tt : just simply annihilates disease germs, ; It drives them out, eonverta them Into ' a harmless aubatanre for quick elim ination. Oet a bottle today and you will quickly reallre that S. S. S. la just as essential to blood health as are the meats, fats, grains and sugars of our dally food. And If youra la a stubborn case, write at once to tho Medical Ad viser. The Swift Specific Co., 112 Swift Bldg., Atlanta. Oa. He will put you right. This department has been of incalculable service to a host of men and women. It has enabled them to understand their true condition, to take . rare of themaelves in the right way, to so uae 8. 8. 8. in conjunction with health helps aa to obtain th desired reaults without mlstakea. Do not accept any of the horde of substitutes so often displayed for those who are easily misled. 8. 8. 8. has been tha standard for half a century and la un questionably the safest medietas yoij can use, Tuesday Sales Olfer fmm in f a n 1 1 i i is I W. ! Our Semi Annual Piano Sale Now On. l . I II PA, 1 u .' 1 BBS BP JU.ar LEU If Tuesday, Bargain Day in Cloak Dept. Pretty Silk Dresses $10.00 to $12.00 values, qq A splendid assortment of nobby new styles in plain and fancy silks nnd satins, all colors, all sizes, for women and misses great bargain at $5.00 New Check Silk Skirts $6.00 and $7.00 values, to Q at pu0 In the season's newest styles. Big shipment just received. 175 Handsome New Tailored Suits Made to sell ' jT at $23.fH) and $20.75, choice. ...plO Clever new designs in poplins, gabardines, serges, cheek suitings, all wanted colors and in all sizes, extraordinary bargains Tuesday. TUESDAY MORNING SPECIALS House Dresses Made to sell at $1 and $1.25, all sizes, at 59? Bungalow Apron3 Regular 50c val ues; on sale Tues day at 29? Trimmed Panamas A remarkable purchase of Outing Pan amas, trimmed with novelty Boman stripe bands, enables us to place on sale this most desirable lot up to $4.00 ; Tuesday at one price Mam other choice values. Qaality Goods and a Saiing of 25 Per Cnt to 50 Per Cen'. Hay den's Make the Prices for the People Our aim haa always been to fight, all trust combinations or asaocla tlons to hold up the high cost of living. 1( lbs. best Granulated Sugar.. $1.00 Make your own bread, it pavs. 48 Ih. sack best high grade Diamond H Flour nothing finer for bread. pies or rakes sack ....91.85 10 bars Lenox, Laundry Queen, Beat 'Em All or Diamond C 8oap....&c 7 lba. beat bulk Laundry Starch. o S lba beat mixed Chick Feed 86e t lba. beat Whit, or Yellow Corn meal 17o 10 lba pure New York Buckwheat Flour SSo cans Oil or Mustard Bardlnes . .SSo The beat domestic Macaroni. Vermi celli or Spaghetti, pkg .7Ho Tall can Alaksa Salmon for loo 4 lba. fancy Jaran Rice. 10c quality. for SSo E. C Corn Flakes, pkg So MacLaren'a Pen nut Butter, lb. llt Large bottles Worcester Fauce. Pure it THV MAVnPW'Q FTOCY .IT ?4T5 m a- l A tile. S B.4&4 S X T - BE A SWAPPER Make swaps for profit. Look into the "Swappers' Column" Extraordinary Savings Summer Furniture at Most Pleasing Low Prices. -f . -i I fr. Here's Your Opportunity MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S Genuine Palm Beach $ Suits, All This Week With Every Purchase of a Man's or Young Man's Spring Suit at $10.00 to $35.03. If you lo not need a Spring Suit bring in some friend who does; in that way you can both be satis fied. Those suits are made of genu ine "Mulford" Palm Beach cloth, re-shrunken, the one fabric that will stand tubbing satisfactorily. .10 Spring Suit and Palm Beach $11 1 5 Spring Suit and Palm Beach $15 $20 Spring Suit and Palm Beach $21 $25 Spring Suit and Palm Beach $26 All our suits absolutely guaran teed. Sizes to fit all shapes of men. Alterations Made Free. $1.25 and $1.50 Ki monos In pretty crepes, in all col ors; on sale. .69 of values $1.79 Tomato Cataup. Flckles (assorted kinds) or frepared Muatard, bot tle u,e Advo Jell for Dessert once used al ways used. The Jell that whips . Pkg. at 74a 1 doz. boxes Safety Matches for..4 4 can Pet or Carnation Mllk....SM 4 cans Wax, String, Ureen or Llm-t Beans 95o 4 cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 85o 3 rana Early June Peas or Solid Packed Tomatoes for SSo Choice Basket Fired or Sun Dried Japan. Kngllah Breakfast or Gun. Rowder Tea, lb. special 89e e best Tea Slftlngs, lb. . ... . .ltUo- Golden Santos Coffee. ' lh. ...... .aoei Oar BMond Carload of Extra Taney JMaaapplas Vow oa Bale. We advise our customers to put up your Plneapplea this week. Tuesday: 80 else, each , loo DO alxe, per ilozen 91.10 34 size, each 13Uo ?4 alae. per doxen :1.4o Per case, any alze 93.7S - W BaW B PIT PAT S6xasj5J