VOXl HKNT Hnin aari 4 nttaars. FOTi RENT-s.GS.OO Dwelling, 414 So. 3Sth St. ; tiled vestibule, reception lmll, front find back parlors, dining room mid kitchen, 5 bed rooms. 3 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con dition. Location A-l. Heuj. S. Baker. Thones M3J, II317, GlobeVan&Storage Etores. moves, parks, ships; 8-hore van and S men. 11.26 per jr. ; storage 12 per mo. Satl-f,icton guar. D ft Ty. t&K 18TH AND UTHROV, i-room modern house, In good conilltion. Inquire Web terTW. FOR n E N'T 7-rooin house, all xtodern. 4W PnrkT fit. f FK the Central Furniture stores. FRKS TIFNTAI, I 1ST NKW, (strictly modern 7-rooni house. 1415 B. 0th. l'houo D. 4S70 tor par ticulars, SKVERAL g to 128. Tel. fvn, Wql -Jt'f. FOR KENT- Bancroft St., 5-room cottage; water, gas. large yard for gar den. Tyler 1173. JId1 JONKS. 5-r. modern. ti. Harney i-!. FOH RENT ' We have complete list of .ill lio'ja, apartment and flats that are for rent This list can be seen free o' charge at Omaha Van a Stnrniw Co.. r s. isth St. I . KPGfl P' tnB storK. V XVV-"V-i yxn Farnam. P W Gordon Van Co. til N. 11th 9t Tel. D. 294 or Web )M 6IX-HOOM. modern house, located at J710 Decatur St - will te vacant May J; 123 per month, Phone II. 6432. Maggard's &d": lsgi packing, shlppiag. Webster bt Douglas 1496, TTnncna Crelgh 80ns & Co.. Ilea Bldg. "UUBla In all parts of the city. stores h n (1 Offices. NEW modern storeroom, 603 North 18th street; low rent. Conrad Young, 321 Brandels Theater. Pong. 1571. MODERN office, opposite Loyal Hotel; low rent. CI, P. Stebhins. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stairs Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office, Room 103. WANTED TO BCT I WILL buy an 8-room new residence' In Bemls Park or Weat Kurnam diatrict. I will put in 12,500 casa and clear Im proved Irrigated farm actually worth fe.tiOO. Phone Walnut 3147. Ifaie h'.-ya everything M hand. Tyler 141s. OFFICE lurnltur bought and sold. t. C KeJ, 137 Farnam Pnug 14. WANTED Typewriter, Underwood No. 6; state price, M 438. Sell your real estate at auction. Write for terms and datea. DO WD AUCTION CO.. Famous Real Estate Auctioneers, 1116-W W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha. Red 3285. WANTED TO RENT FAMILY' of 2 wish - rooms in private home, outlying district. Phone D. 14)5. REAL ESTATK FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR BALE California. Live Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Smith Co., 913-14 City Nat, Bk. D. IMS. Live Oak Colonies Save 25 Per Cent By buying among Nebraska people; best of soil; improved and unimproved; 23 dally trains; free literature; prloea and terms on request. W. T. Smith Co., " Desk B. City National Bank Bldg. California. CALIFORNIA LAND. . All counties; catalog uo tree. Write C. M. Wooster Co., Phclan Bldg.. Ean Fran Cisco. Established 30 years. I'sssoa. lona. 40, SO OR 10 ACRlia, good heavy soli. In wall aettled part of Todd county, Minn.; grood roads, schools and churches; prlc 111 to M par acra; terms, 11 per acre cash, halauce l per acre a year until land la paid for, per cent interest , SCHWAB BROS.. HAVE YOU A FA KM ruR SALU? Write a so.kI description of youv land and send it to the Sioux City, la.. Journal, 'Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Jdedlum." Twenty-five words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning lor one moutn, giving sixteen ads on twelve dif relent uays tor Yl; or 60 words, ti; or 7t words. S6. Largest circulation of any Iowa uewe paper, &4.UM ruudeta daily in four great elates. Kaaaaa. Mbawaurt. OOOD South Missouri land on railroad. lu weil aettled loca.Uy. Hi per acre. Small or Ure farms on easy terms. Literature free. D. Merrlam, Ellis, Ben Ion. Kansas City. Kansas. ruralka. COUNTRY HOME NEAR OMAHA. 211,9(10 buys a highly unproved farm, consisting of about bl acres located pn ne of our boulevards out from the city, only a 40-minute's rldo. Uood water sys tem, amall amount of fruit, some alfulfa, tame hay, nice large beautiful shade trees ana all klnde of vhrubuery and about 10 acres of natural timber, making a beautiful park. Thla la an Ideal propo sition for handling thoroughbred stock of any kind. Living spi lug In pasture. C. R. COMBS. 116 Brandels Theater Kl.lg. Omaha. D. 3916. I I.IIUIV CI fcw ,. '.IU ,WI ."I. MV 1 " " t modern Improvements: Cedar county, t mles to town of 1,500, V, mile to small town. lTlce 1130 r acrej 120.000 caau; balance good terms. Anuria U 11- , son M. Light. Uti ndolnh. Neh. j FOH SALE Best larfe pody hUli-grada i medium-priced laud In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradiev. Wol bech. Neb. a North Dakota. FOR BALE Homested. North Dakota, ' close to It. H. t-tation; good bargain, : rash or trade. 770U Lshcal Ave., .ion City. lit MIseellaaciOBB. TO SELL LAND quickly and profitably, you must reach thus who are at tl: present tliue 1111.SI intnresteul in farm lands. The Iowa farmer ia today the best farm land 'rut, met in the t inted states. The Dea Muuie Capital with J4u.Ui0 dally readers can put your proposal. on squarely before a larger number of these live prcepects li so any otner Iowa news- taper. Our rirculuti. n Is guaranteed the irgeat in lowaV. Wt will insert a 30 word ad 10 days for only 12 ju (add 6c for each additional word). Our regular price Is lc per word per day. You save 6uc on tii.s offer. To sell your laud tomorrow, seiid your ad indsy to THE I'ES MOINES CAPITAL, 106 WALN UT ST. DES MOINES. I A. Sea Want Ada Produce Reeulta. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Continued Reports of Crop Damages in Southwest Send Wheat Price Up Half to a Cent. CORN AND OATS ARE UP A HALF OMAHA. May 17. 1915. . Wheat lower and oata advance Vulc higher. W heat au snccs st lc higuer . .Mitimip,) imp iiHiiiiiKe reports from all oer th soutnwest sends wheat higher. . ash corn eol.i 4 a ic higher. Seventy one cars were repotted In and there waa liood demand for this cereal. Mte were quoted unchanged to Sc higher. t up interior la releasing Its grip on the surplus In the country eievatore aa well as im the farina, and tho best Judges of conditions in the wheat market aiianc the opinion that receipts at primary niar K ta will not only continue liberal, hut that they are likely to Increase unless they arc restricted by unfavorable cro; reports. ilie average wheat man haa made up his mind that the many unfavorable crop rt-poris, csperlady those 01 a senatlonal character, must not tie swahowed with out aonio allowances. Clearances were; Wheat and flo;tr, equal to l,I.13,0iO bushels; coin. lil.wO bushels; oats, 50.0. bushel. Liverpool Spot: Wheat, unchanged; corn. td lower. Primary wheat receipts were 1,071.000 bushel and ahipments 839.01 u bushels, iina.n.-t receipts of bJO.OW bushels and si.lpments of 9-Ji.O.O husheia lust year. I rlniary corn receipts were 6M..1 bush els and shipments W.'AO buahe.s, against receipts of 414.000 bushels and shipments of 4"..m0 bustiels last year. Primary oats rece.pts were S-'O.OOO buth- RKAL ESTATK MMNJ W K ARE always In funds to make good farm and city loans PETKRS TRUST CO.. 1622 Farnam St. FARM LOANS. S'pKB CENT. TOI.ANU A TRUMBULL. 448 Bea Bldg. ll'O TO lio.ouu maot ororoptly. K. l7 Wend. Wead Bid . V th and Farnam Bt CITi' and farm loans, ft. t, 4 par cant. J. H. Dumnnt Co.. 4I State Bank. W'ANTKU City loar.s and warrants. W. Farnar Hmlth ft Co., lfjo Farnam St gb us first for farm loans In eost.m Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omiiha. tie. CITY LOANS. C. Q. Caribarf. "' SKUSil Brandels Theater Bldg. UMAIU homes. F.ast Nebraska farm. CVKKICFK REAL ESTATK CO.. HI Omaha National, phone Iwunlas ffll CITY property. Large loeois a specialty. II. II f 1- n.'D I . . - . T A 1 . i v . ri. i uimns, piaie Liana IllOK HONEY on hand for city and farm loana H. W. Binder. City National Band Bldg. REAL K8TATK WANTED LIST real estate and rentals with DON EL80N R. E. CO., 301 Cm. Nat l Bank. REAL ESTATF NORTH SIDE h ROOMS, all modern. In the north part of the city; $2.8oO. Terms: cash and J25 monthly. Walnut 14.10. FOR sale by owners, two residence lots, centrally located, m 2Hh. Doug. (334. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE. The following properties, reasonable rstes, easy terms, warranty deed: 1 Lot 3, block 6, Boyd'a addition. 2 Briggs' Place, lot . block 10. S-Cltv of Omaha, lot S, block 182H. 4 Clarendon addition, lot 20, block t. 5 Pnrmcnter Place, lot 8. 6 Poppleton Park, lot 8, block 2. 7 Albright's Choice, South Omaha, lot 20 block 82. 8 Jetters addition. South Omaha, lot S. block 2. Government lot 9 In 12-15-. 10- Bub lot 2 In gov. lot 3, In 24-U-t. 11 House and lot, SOT 49th St. D. C. JOHN, Owner. Phone Walnut 2668. Ona man ean operata tha faSlH'13( efficiently and quickly. Powerful force delivery pushes tha hay forward on tha load. Tha asi&VUy builds neat, square ended loada higher than with other loaders. The fastwv( loads cUan hay free from ma nure and other ground refuse. Does not knock heads off cloveror grind alfalfa to bits, but catches all scattering bay and passes over the rubbish. Has simple action and does not get out of order easily. Iatheligntest drmftloader we know of. Substantially built to give real service. agRBaiigxi mm omm mm makes light, loose, straight windrows. Jill I t leaxn raelf-adjuatfng to any surface Sandwich Mfg. Co., Box WANT THE OMAHA BEE, Enclosed find $ advertisement for quoted below: NAME AND ADDRESS COUNT A3 PART OF AD. Give name and address on ad If possible, aa beat results are obtained this way; If, for any reason, you do not wish your name to appear In tha ad, we will ad hey number cara of Bee. ANSWERS FORWARDED TO VOL WITHOUT EXTRA COHT. RATES One Insertion, in Daily or Sunday, 2 Cents a Word. Three Insertions, V2 Cents a Word. Seven Insertions. 1 Cent a Word CASH OR STAMPS MUST ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS els and shipments 1.O4T000 bushels, ayalnat receipts of T.VMK bushels and shipments of 71, o) bushels last year. CARLOT RIX'EIPTS Wh.at. Corn. Oats. Chicago n GJ M Minneapolis ft .. .. 1 'ninth X? Omaha M 71 1 Kansas CIO lau SI 23 Winnipeg 14 i hi sales were reported today Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, 1 car, li.4s-. No. hard winter. I H i cai-a, ll.11. No. 4 hard winter, 3 cats, 1 4.1, 1 ear. $1 4'l; 1-3 car tintistyi, il... No. 3 spring, 1 car, (1.43. Rye: fo. 1. I car, l.i. iNO. 3. 2 cars, M.vitt; I1 cats, il.07. No. 4, 1 iar. ti.vi. v urn. No. i w hile, 1 car. "I-ic. No. white. 1 car, T2c . .No. i ycilow, i cars, "Jo. No. 3 yellow. 3 cars, ISc; 3 tai, No. mixed, 2 cars, 71o; 1 car, I'c; 4 ears, 7Kv No. 3 nnxel, y cars. 71c; 1 ears, lO'ic IV) ears. ioc. Sample, 1 car (I'llnli, 'o Bts; No. 3 white. car. 4we. No. ( white. 2 ra's, 414c; 3 car, 4w. Sample. I bulKheaii, 4,c. Omaha Cash Prlo-s W heat: No. 2 Tur key, ti.fetjMtfVt; No. 3 Turkey, $1.4:1 1.41'H. No. 2 l.ard. I1.4tfil.4i": No. 3 harti, 3l47SUl.4; Ne. 4 hunt, $1 44 Vu 1.474: No. 3 spring. $1.411il.4. No. i durum. I1.4lvtrl.f0; No. 3 durum, II lWit 1.4; NO. I wnite. i2vtj724o; No. 3 white. 71?'72c; No. 4 white, 7hu71Stc; No. 6 white. TO-Vlr: No. white, 7i7le; No. 1 vellow, 72fl73o; No. 3 yellow, 7:'4U' "1c; No. 4 yellow, 72fl'72v; No. 6 yellow, 714i72V; No. yeliow, 71Vfi72c; No. 2 mixed. 71(ir7lWc; No. 3 mixed. 701i71o: No. 4 mixed. JlTf7hc-. No. ft mixed. filiMt'WV; No. mixed fcflBHc Oets: No. 3 white, ScurrO'ic: standard, 49Hjf'V; No. 3 while. 4fVu4Htc: N- white. 4fKu4!'.v Bailey: Malting: fie: No. 1 feed. .:i!c. Rye: No. !. ll.OTiifll.OS; No. S. Il.074tl.071. CHU Af.O R1N A JiD PROVISIONS Feat area of the Tradlaej and Closlae; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, May 17 Crop damages that ma amount to ltwoiu.uoo nusneis rsuiiea today In a swift advance of the price of i wheat. Although somewhat unsettled at the close, tho market finished a to So 'above Saturday night's level. Other ata Iples, too. showed gaJns corn V to He; iosts, mjCU" to He, and provisions, 6c to l.Vv Reports of insect Injury to growing wheat, especially in Missouri, were said to be the worst for many years. Advices from Kanaa, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio all Indicated that the harvest prospect of 19!i, had been seriously lowered and there was much talk that the total harm might be represented by a cut of fully MO.OOO.UKI bi'shels from the yield suggested by the government figures of month ago. Jumps in value, which began almost aa soon as the session was fairly under way, showed the greatest vigor In the last three-quarters or the final hour. Big export clearance and a derldod falling off In the domestic visible supply total tended to add to bullish sentiment regarding wheat. In consequence some of the largest houses In the trade were active buyers at around the topmost prices, chiefly the July option. Chicago handlers sold a little cask wheat for export by wav of Montreal. Corn turned upgrade when the fact he came evident that a bulge was In order for wheat. Previously tho bears had the advantage, owing to the favorable weather both In the United States and In Argentina. Afterward some attention v as given to predictions of frost In tho domestic belt Oate merely reflected the str. ngth of other cereals. Shorts cov ered. Provisions hardened with grain. A break In the price of hogs was not a tufflcient offset. Futures ranged as follows Artlclel Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.. Sat'y. Wheat I I May. 1 61 H 1 M ISIS IN 1 61 July. 1 27i W 1 27 1 314 1 2744 Corn. May. 78H 1 7JH "7 w, July. 76' T7 764 T7S Wa Oate. May. 61 624 BIS 2 61 H July. 61 U 60 61 "4 60H July. 17 97H 1 08 17 90 W 02Vi 17 W &nt IS 26 13 18 20 18 tSVs 18 17',, July. 0 R 67H 6 Am Sept 85 1 82V4 82H 90 I33H Ribs. July. 10 HO 10 60 10 SO 10 66 10 To Sept 10 V7H 10 30 10 82H 10 80 10 76 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, tl. 63(6-1.65; No. I hard, tl.64Hifirt.6C. Corn: The &8tftra( To Load Your Equipped with flexible sprocket and chain power head. Never kinks.stretch es, nor winds. Built strongly of steel. Does not pinch out cogs. Goes over rocks and other obstacles without dan ger of break-downs or delays. Bars can not spring and strike frame. Only rake made having this desirable feature. Has flexible raking teeth. Write to day for our free catalog which fully de scribes this remarkable rake. Address 317 Council Bluffs. Iowa JX XX Hay Vj v-.'.yc.y.,,... r'W'jJjr Y " im mi IL ta ;,','-' l'r ' ' AD ORDER BLANK Omaha. Neb. in payment for publishing the following days in THE OMAHA BEE as per rate COPY No, t yellow, 7'7i77r: No. ( white. 7sv 4 'ate: No. white. 2 ':.:.,.: alnndatd. r.3L,in4c. Uvv Nominal. Unvlev: T.I'iV Se ds: Timothy. $ .t i M, rimer, V 127! Provisions: Ijii nominal. Hiba. $!7"Jtno. poik. iw.To. BUTT Kit Higher, crramerv 2o",,.iv. ! EiHlS Steady , receipts. 3.7u4 rases, nt I mark, cases Included. l7niliWc: ordinary 'fimts. fl74e; firsts, lsi.tr l.'. c. l"OTATOES Hlsher; receipts. b2 cars. Michigan and Wisconsin, rl, afitc, Michigan and Wlseon.ln. whlto. 40n47o. 1)ULTUY Alive, steadv; fowls. lc. HEW TURK liRNKHtL MARKET Qaotatlons of the Day on Varlons rmraotl(le. NFW YORK. Mav 17. KI.OUU Steay ; sp'ing patents. I7.in;7 9"; winter straights. ni(i7.1ft; winter patent.. 7.jv,f7... WHEAT Spot, strong. No. 2 red, fl.ftl. land No. 2 herd. II V. c. I. f track ; No. 1 northern llitlnth fl .'.IV. en. I N'o 1 north. lern, Manitoba, 31.S.I. e. i. f. Buffalo. . Fu tures, firm; Mav, $1 69. CORN Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow, tc. nroinnt ahinnicnt. OATS Sr. t. steady; standard, MS4j9c; No. J white. 57Vut.Sc; lam-y clipped white, . 6l"-.iiinc. HAY-.Tusv: N.V 1. $1.1V1.17H; No. 2. 21.07Mfl.10: Nr S. $1.00; shipping, frwi-flr.e. HOi'S Quiet state common to choice. !l14 crop. ltVille; I aelflc coast, 1914 crop. ltr.ii.ic: p.i is crop, 'x .oc. HIDE 4 ltill; llogota. Sic; CVntral Anie.lea. Ic. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts. Sic; t seconds. Jo.tMr , PltOVIBNS rork. steady; meas, 1.73 Iffli1; ramltv, l.'l.O'Wi-JJ.oP; short clear, i 1.fvrffl r. Beef. peaily; mess, 21S.ff 19i, ramllv, i!.ii'fiTJW.wi. lro, sieaoy; middle west, t!i (tonin.70. TALLOW-Steady; city. Pa: special. Sc; country. i's'iia'kC IlfTTER Firmer; receipts. r.4:v" tubs; creamery, extras. t?2 seoie). 'JTHc; creiim ery, (higher rrorlng), W12V'; firsts, 2i'j I7o: seconds, 24'Vil 2RHr. HC. OS Wetk; receipts, W.t'H cases; fresh eat her .tl .extras KttffWSc; storage jpneked, extra rirsts. ziy,irr; nrsts. lifilV: regular packed, extra firsts. 2Ku 2c: firsts, 2ufl21c; state, Pennsylvania tand tiearb.' hennery, whites, fine to fam v, 334rilc; nearby hennery, browns, 1 12 u 2;to. CHERPK Firm; receipts, 2.!9B poxes; state, whole milk, fresh, specials, 17Hc; same, average fancv, ITHo. POITLTRY Dressed, unwttled ; western fi-osen roasting chickens, 17W21tc; fresh fowls. Iced, lW17'iic; frozen turkeys. 13tf 21c. Iive, strong: western chickens, broilers, ft31Vie; fowls. lHc; turkeys, 13;. Mlnnenpnlla (Iritis Market, MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. May 12 WHEAT May, ri.M'i: July. 21.47. asked: No. l hard, 21.6; No. 1 northern, tl T.i'J.WV, No. 3 northern. l.47i 1.6?'4. RVF 1.14m.l7. HR AN in 60. CORN No. 8 vellow. Tlu.WTOe. OATS No. 3 white. r0'4fiWic. - St. I.oala Grain Market. ST. LOCIS, Mav n.-WIIICAT-No. 2 hard, II.RKM.V1: Nn 2 red. $1 S); Mrty, fl 48: July, $1.321 28; Pepternber. II Ill's. CORN No. 2 mixed, 74c; No. 2 white, 76c; No. I yellow, 76ic: No. 3, 76c; May, 7K,e; July, 764f75V4o; September, 75M,tf TbSc OATS-No. i white,. KMJWc; No. 2 mixed. 49Wi80c. Liverpool (irala Market. LIVERPOOL, May 17. WHEAT Spot No. 2 Manitoba, 13a lid; No. 2 northern spring, 13o 6d ; No. 2 nara winter, us 9d. CORN .''pot. American mixed, new, 8s 4Hd; In I'lsta mixed, 8s lHd. FI.Ol'R Winter patents, 60s. HOPS In London (Pacific coast), 4 16s. 4 of fe Market. NEW YORK, May 17. CXFFEE The market for futures waa very quiet today, but early declines on reports of an easier spot situation and freer offerings from Brasil were followed by allies, and the maket was evidently sensitive to com paratively amall order, in the absence of general btiolneas. The opening waa at a decline of Hi 4 points and the market closed net unchanged to 4 points higher. Sales, 10.509 bags; May, 6.87c; June, B.OTc; July, 0.71c; August, 6.76c; September, .79c; October, .82o; November, .85c; Decem ber. .89c; January, .94c; February. -9c; March, 7.04c; April. 7.10c. Rio was B0 rels lower; Santos nominal. Rio exchange on London 8-3!d lower. Metal Market. NEW YORK, May J7. The Metal' eg. change quoted lead quiet at M.17HdM.SiH. Spelter, not "quoted. London prices: Lead, 20 7s 6d; spel ter, i.f.2. Conner nulet: electrolytic. 2I9.00: cast ing, 18.505t 19 75. Tin quiet; five-ton lots I offered at I39.nhr40.oo, Iron quiet: No 1 I northern. 114 KHjflS.OO: No. I I112R'8I4.7R; No. 1 southern. 314 wxon.ou; rno. z su mi At London: Spot copper. 77 16s: fu tures, 78 15s; epot tin, 13 16s; futures, 13 16. . Cotton Market NEW YORK. May 17. COTTON Spot quiet; middling uplands. 9 (Sc. Salea, 8,600 bale. . . j Cotton futures opened steady; May, S.9fic; July, 9.32c; October, 9.6Sc; December, 9.92c; January. 9.2o. Cotton futures closed eteady; May, 9 20c; July, 9.43c; October, J.81c; Decem ber, 10.03c:, January, lO.O.'MrC. LIVERP60L. May 17. COTTON Spot, steady; good middling. I.59d; middling, 6.23d; low middling. 4.79d; sales, 6.000 bales. Haajar Market. NEW YORK. May 17. Hl'OAR Raw, steady; centrifugal, 4.9r; molasses, 4.120. Refined, firm; cut loaf, S.90r: crnshed, fl.KOc; mould A, -.46c; cubes. 6.603; XXXX powdered. 6.15c; powdered, 6.10c; fine granulated, 6c; diamond A, 6c; confec tioners' A. 5.90c: No. 1. 6.73c. Futures were steadier early today on the better demand for granulated. Prloee at noon were unchanged to 6 points higher. London Rtoek Market. LONDON. May 17. American eecurttles) on the stock market opened a shade over parity and maintained the Improvement on a moderate amount of bualnesa. Tho closing was steady. SILVER Bar, 2ii per ounce, MONEY IVilH per cent DISCOUNT RATES Short bills, M 2 per cunt; three months, 2 13-lftJiC;, per cent TUB ODD LOT REVIEW, wrlltra oipwUlly for tbs small InrMtor. tails In plala Engllah of New York Hlirk Rxehiulsa oppurtunltlea, I a year. Sand tor sample uoples. T4 Dtosd war. Nw York tttr. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET! Cattle 0fffTing Liberal with Prices ! Good Bi- Ron of Hoe-s t Ten Cents Lower. ALSO HEAVY RUN OF SHEEP SOUTH OMAHA. May 17, 1915 Receipts were: Cattle. L'H Sheep. l.Mimattt Monday f...ti ll.i 5."0 Same day last week..., 4.9"0 7.rs 6.;M3 Same day 2 wka ak'o... .ixi N 4 0.': Same day 3 nka ago... 9.PO " 4 4 14 Same day 4 wks ago... 6ls s""; 1I.7HT Same, duy la.t year ... 2,1IN 6,M X"3 The fo. low lug table shows the rei-elpte of cattle, hogs and sheep nt the So nh Omaha ve stock market for the year to date, as compared with lust year: lii; 1914. Inc. lvc. Cattle .fcn.Wt Sv.rt Kin Hosa ,.l,?M.iol l.M.,14.1 Sheep S,41il ifcl,!7 4.'J7 The following table shows tho average price tor nous st the South Omaha live slock market for tho last few das, .1th comparisons: late. 1H5. ;i9U.1?13 .I12.I91I ,1I0. 11909. May 8 1 8 31 i id; 6 til. 7 Ml 6 74 7 4..I 6 631 t 63; 6 -M 6 6I May May May May Mav May May May Mav May Mav May M .i v May May May May 8 19 S 1i sol 9 l! 8 4I 9 001 1 7 II 7 24 4I T 01 : 7 0 I 7 oo 6 4 SB 7 2ftx 8 17 8 261 7 1"S 7 14ii 8 31, 8 Sli s it 8 14 7 44! 5 Otii 271 9 1A 7 491 7 s .1. 8 28 I 10 8 7 p 6 6 97 99 6 97 7 6UI 6 6 9 18 24 7 24V 7 V 7 32 8 24 1 ivi. 9 2"1 8 1G 7 46 6 81 2i 8 19' 8 18,1 8 l 9 14 8 li. I t K'. , 231 7 l 9 SOI 7 04 I' ;!i 7 I 7 11 I HO 9 3i 9 ;w 7 oo 7 411 6 97! 7 iv. 7 M fi 9iil ' 6 Vt I 7 t"i 5 9ti 7 ! 6 89! 8 ::' 8 3i I 8J4 ; 8 24' 8 29 7 4K 8 2.1, 8 ill I S 29I Sunday. Receipts and deposition of live stock at the I'nion Stock Yards. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. n yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS. I'atttA Una Kb.ii.n ll'aea C M. & St. P 7 7 1 i'rt 15 1 .1 :a i s f:i i 'i i f. i a 1 HIS 23 18 Missouri Pacific .... 1 1 Hlon Pacific 3.. C. N. W.. eaat... 11 C A N. W., west... 7.i C, St. P., M. O.. 17 C. B. & Q.. east... I iC, H. ft IJ., wet... 94 C, U. I. & P.. east. .. iC. K. I. P.. west. 14 Chicago O. W 9 Total receipts ,.2t'4 DISPOSITION. Cattle, Ho gs. si leep. Morris & Co Swift & Co Cudahy Packing Armour ft Co... 278 17 7f 7N7 628 1.1 6 1.IS8 .1.2't7 .l.id3 .1,176 2 .. 24 Co.. Morrell Lincoln Packing Co So Omaha Packing Co. Cudahy, Fcrt Worth.... Henton, Vansant A L... Hill ft Son F. H. U wls J. . Root it Co J H. Bulla L F. llusa Kellogg Werthelmer Degcn... Jl. F. Hamilton Sullivan llroa Hothschold Mo. t Kansas Calf Co. Christie HIkrIiis Huffman ttoth Mryera :ts r.4 26 7.i 111 141 srro 4H 47 8 31 61 110 13 9 .12 11 mi Tanner Rros 61 John Harvey 112 Other buyers 349 811 TotAls 6,9tW 11.222 4.295 CATTLE The week opens out with a very respectable run. of about 6,500 head, or several hundred more than were here last Monday. As a rule, the quality of the offerings was very good, this being particularly noticeable In the cane of the weighty cattle. Early report from out side markets were conflicting, but In addition to the usual good demand from local packers there was active competi tion from shippers and desirable light and handy weight beeves found a ready sale at steady to strong prices. On the heavy eattle, trade waa slow from the start, although bida were generally about on a par with the close of last week. The light cattle all sold In good season, but It was a alow, although pearly a eteady. deal all morning on the medium and heavy grades. No great change waa noticeable In the market for cows and heifers as compared with the close of laat week. Huppllea were of very moderate proportions and there waa a good general demand for anything at all useful In this line. Heifers and light cows, aa usual, were favored by all classes of buyers, while rough and heavy kinds wero a trll'a slow. Veal calvea were in active demand and stronger, the best veulers selling as high aa 110.75. Outlets fur bulls, slegs, etc., was fully as good as last week and for the moat part prices wero In about the same notches. Trade In stock cattle end feed steers was very alow and the trend of valuea lower on practically all crnilea. Huppllea were not very extensive, but the coun try demand waa alack on account of the preaa of farm work and undertone to t.'io trade weak throughout. Quotations on cuttle: Good to choice yearlings, 8.2Vi8.76; good to choice corn fed beeves, 8.1iVit8.60; fair to good corn fed beevea, 7.8.'ilj8 15; common to fair corn fed beevea, 7.2&ir7.86; good to choice heifers, Ii'.jMi0; good to choice rows, I6.80iig7.60; fair to good cows, lu.7VnC.80; common to fnlr cows, I3.7G5.76; good to choice Blockers and feeders, 7.5oe7.7G; fair to good stockers and feeders, 7.0Oi 7.50; common to fair stockers and feed ers. I6.00ti7.00; stork heifers, V.'iU1 25; stork rows, I5.501t7.00: stork calves, t u'ip 8.60; veal calves, t.ooe,rl0.75; fat bulls, stsga, etc.. 5.2:u7.0u; stock bulls, Ij.ou 7 00. Representative sales: 1IKEF STEERS. No. II 11 to it 49 4 U At. Pr. No. A. ..114 ..121,(1 .. 7V .. 4TO ..1114 . .lOHO . . JS7T ..1011 Pr. I ID I It I tn l n I 30 i as I 40 I it .. lit 1 a . . 4T 7 60 . .l'jeo T 16 . . 4 T 0 ,. ft.a 7 s .. 7 7 90 ,.10i 0 7 . . ll7 7 I.. 17 tl ( 11 11 ta 19 7 40., It. .1171 106 STEERS AND HEIFERS.. 14.. M... 14.. 8.. 14.. .. li.. , 7r. 7 T I. I M tii.i I 00 14 ..in1 j i ati .. k j, I t,s (1 I 10 to COW H. 4 50 4 i 1 I to II ... 996 .. .lil ... 7M nit Itl'.i . I"4T .lOlif s t.n ( 7 li 783 6 JU IlKIKKKS. I 16 1 , II , 11 , 741 .M 111 . V T fcfl . tut 7 SO .110 I 00 y 4 no 41. 2. 1. d ant 4 I; ( U) I 46 HULLS. i... i... i... i... ..KM I 00 1..., ..liiO 46 1..., ..1V l 1.... 1740 7 On 141 7 10 14U0 7 a ..not 1 70 CALVES. 4t 4 W 1 320 IM 4(16 7 40 t IM) ID 14 4i'l t la STOCKKKS AND FEEDERS 64 46 2. t. II. 31. K6 7 3 40 tUI 7 10 1 44 T 16 II 4.U 7 34 41 47 1 0 Hi MIS Supplies a Monday, being 411 7 40 fc,7 46 1,17 7 6 were very 111mm al for larger thsn for moat days laat week. About W, cars, or ll.uuO head, were lecelved. aa against 7. COS head last week, and 6.-U4 a yeur ago. Shippers luado few bids early at sharply lower prices, but got nothing at that time, and later refused to get 111, so that the trade waa entirely In the packer"' hands. Killers took advantage of the heuvy local run and bearish advices from Chicago to force prices downward, and after a little pre liminary dickering the offerings slatted to move at about lOo lower figures, Huy ers, having no shipping competition, were able to iim a good deal of discrimination in making their selections, and as a result heavies, which were alow all last week, were In very poor request, and were the last to sell, the preference being given to the light snd butcher offerings, which usually go to shippers. Long before the close things began to weaken off and bids soon dropped to a 1 lower level There was only one buyer left st this time, and as he didn't seem to care whether he bought anything, and in sumo cases refused to even make bids, most of the sellers left the yards, leaving twenty-five or thirty loads still unnld. Hulk of tha sales waa made at li 3Vjf 7.40. and the top landed at 7.4. The spread was thu narrowest fur some time wing to the abseuce of any shipping demand No. A. .471 .all HO Pr No. "I... T... ;6 .. Aw. Ph. . r'.s 240 . .r..t mi 4 Ft 7 40 1 40 t U'i It" 1 36 7 16 1!0 1 7', in 0 7 f! 'I JU I 4a BHLE1' Reoeipis wire larger than for any rtiiy last week, and In number of cars "T" I he In i nest for a Monday since four . wrek ao. As a result of thn broadened mppiv, Imvi r were l ii. 1 1 tl l to go alnvit ttmllng in n Flower manner, and from the f;t Indn -ated tint tbev would try to inakr their purchases lower. The trade moved nlong In very leisurely Mshlon, Put finnllv opt ned out at about steady pili t . one of the first ssles made being Hint of some wooled lamba at 111 40. Two l'vils reached thla figure and one bunch wn rushed at 411 The market remained dull throughout am! noon found several loada still tin sold 1'ilees remained steady, howrver. and some traders were Inclined to think that pnrt of the shorn lambs at least were strong.-r. Several bunches of rllp- i'trs remind 9.6.i and some landed at !.''. nulnlde a few shorn ewis that brought IT.r.'i there wss nothing hers In tho ag-d sheep line. Total receipts for the oav were estimated at twenty cars, or 6.0 10 head, being rUghtly smaller thsn the number of head rriiorted laat week, but luiser than two weeks ago and a year ago. Uuotatl ma on shoe1, and lambs: HkM, lo7:iill Ml; lend s, hervy I anb tin "j.-.f lii.i. Inmln, horn, f:' Hi ilo.nn; yearlln. light, $ ..4i9.76; yesrllngs. heavy. $9 a -r 9.f,; wethers, pood to choice, IK. 7fi 9 .'.'i ; wethers, tali to good, t 2f'u.7j; ewes, good to enoiee, n. t iu, ewes, ralr to I'oo'l. r.7v.ir... No. 72 cull ew es , cull lambs 9i'i shorn Ismbs 2m fed Ismbs , 29 fed lambs 40 shorn lamba 114 native spring lambs 90 shorn ewes 2: cull shorn ewes Hii clipped lambs , Av. . 91 . ?l . SO . 79 . 8 . 71 . 63 . 11. . 90 . 74 IT 4 7R 7 11 01 M .4. RtJK.T ( IIICAlit) I.IVK ITOt K ,, ... , log w i'f k, ftnee Cattle Firm, Weak. j Commerce commission, ordering a sever- CHICAtJO, Mav 17. C ATTL15 Receipts n of direct relations between the rsll 18,14".! head; market, firm; native beef 'roads and lake carrlera. provoked some steers, liLyOfl.i,'.; western steers, 9 lotf adverse comment, but no doubt was felt 7. 90; cows and heifers, H ?r.tm.7D calves 'that steamboat traffic between Buffalt. 'i..vvfi!i 00. land Chicago would be continued. The lit HJS Receipts. 3,0iMi head; msrket, (commission today made new rulings on weak; 57i lOo lower: hulk of sales, I7.7iir various commodity rates, mainly along 7.x: light, 17 5rtj7.90; raised, 17 hotP?. ; the Pacific coast. heavy, l7.30fl-7.90; rough, 7."iji7.44; pigs, i Time money ruled at last week'a hleh-14.7r-.Tj 7;tT est quotations, despite the favorable bank Slli:KP AND LAM US Receipts, 10.000 head; market weak; sheep, I7.7ViiS.s6; 7. 76 fr 1000. a . lambs. at. Lonla Live Steele Market. ST. LOP1S. Mav 17. CATTLR Re oelpts. 3. Ml head: market higher: native beef steers, 17.50 9 00; yearling steers and heifers, s.siiiv ), cows BH.flOiiti.iu; stock ers sond feeders, ltl.JVu.00; southern steers, .".8Ri4t.a6; cowa and heifers, ft 00 lifi'U; native calves, W.lHi. 7fc. HOGS Receipts, 8.800 head; market tetidv; pigs and Hahts, l 2f"ji7.0; mixed end butchers. I7.70ttf7.ifi; good heavy, 17.70 It! 7.WV SIIF.FP AND LAMPS-Recelpta. 1.900 head: market steady: clipped muttons. K&0iff7 Rti; clipped lambs, 8S.30i 88; ctipr-ed venrlliiKS, t8.OMT9.10; spring lambs, lio.ouu 12.00. Kansas City Live lloek Market. KANSAS CITY, May 17. -PATTLE Re ceipts K.RoO head; market higher; prime fed steers. 9.MKir9.25; dressed beef steers. I7.904i.40; western steers, I7.6K68.60; stock ers and feeders M.7T.W.4tl; bulla, r.0t9 7.?5: calves. it.5ia 10.50. hogs Receipts, s.ioo head: market steadv; bulk of sales. 17 W3"7.eO: heavy, I7.o0j".r; packers and butchers, I7.60tf1.85; light. 7.f,ntj7.B.; pigs, azhtJ'(.oo. SHEKP AND LA Mb. Receipts, mono head; market higher; lambs, !WU.50; yearlings. M OOOj io.OO; wethers, i7.0oj 00; ewes, H.&0i8.75. along 4'lty Live Sloek Market. SIOUX CITY. May 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,001 head: market steady to luu higher; native steers, 8tl.75f!.40; butchers, 3.504j,7.ln; cows and heifers, l&.20(8,9.7j calvea, I7.0W10.00; bulla, stags, eta, 86.26 17.26 HtlflS Receipts. 3,000 head: market So lower; heavy. I7.3frifi7.45; mixed. l7.19W.8o; light, 7 bulk of salea, 7.ai4r7.86. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt a, 500 head; market steady; lamba. I7.004js.l6. Nt. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSKP1I. Mav 17. CATTLR Re ceipts, 1.500 head; market strong; steers, I7.ooi.61: cows and heifers, l4.HKQa.to; calves. M OOiy 50. HOrtS-Recelpta, 4,M head; market for shippers higher, packers alow; top, 27.60; bulk ot sales. l7.47Vt,f1 .90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 4.200 head; market higher than Thursday lamba. JIO.IUO Bank Clearings Rank clearings In the TTnlted IMalee for the week ending May 13, aa reported to Pmdstreet's Journal, New York, aggre gate 3.iil2,W.0O0, against 4, 200,322.000 last week and I2.99K.49I.IHI0 In this week last year. Canadian' clearings aggregate IH4, 747,000, as against U0,122.Oi0 Inst week and HM,9iV!.0n0 In this week last year. Follow ing are the returns for this week, with percentages of change from thla week last year: Cities. Amount Ine. Dee. New York Chicago Philadelphia Huston St. lxiuls Kansaa City Pittehurgh Snn Francisco..... Paltlmore Minneapolla ...v.. Detroit Clnclnnnatl Cleveland Ijos Angeles New Orleans OMAHA Milwaukee Atlanta IxjulHvllle Seattle , Buffalo St. Paul Portland. Ore Denver Houston Richmond Indlanapolla Providence Fort Worth Wsshtngton. D. C. Memphis St. Joseph Columbus Nswhvlllo Albany Salt Iike City.... Toledo lies Moines Ilsrtford Iniloth Rochester Savannah Norfolk Spokane Wichita Macon Oakland Scranton Peoria New Haven..!..!. Sioux City Orand Rapids ,1R2.61K,OoO 34. t' 3I6.470.miiM 2 k' irl,lM,0iiO 4.7 im.92H,nnol 16 77.631,001)1 1.2 74,W5,Oii 44.6 47.221.OiO 11.1 47,23,0i) 2.0 32.ht4,tsi 6.9 21.4tia.0ll0 1.7 28.62),OiiO S.6 2r.H97,OiiO .8 32.767,000 8J.2 22,9X3.000 S.S KK'J.O'in 1.7 J"l,,ii0 24.3 lt).S42,Oi) 4 13,O72,0n) .8 15.231,0110 20.0 11,539,000 S.l 12.1H8.0O0 (.4 1S.K,4XJ 17.7 ...... I0,12ti,t0 11.0 lO.iKiO.OflO 10.4 7.SH6.0U0 11.1 ,(, 20.6 , 8,l04,non j.t 8.5.'W,OHO 2.8 8.291,000 12.0 8.K99.0UO 10.0 6.474,0110 IS. 8 7.172.000 10 6 .740,(KI 7.91 6.669.000 4.1 6.1M.tMOI 24.41 ,6W,.0OO 18.01 , 6.7I8.HOO .KU.... B,Kr1.0s3l . 6.4M,mo 17.21 3 4.17.OiOl 8.8 4, 0K,no0 1.4' 3,rV47,0t .4 3.6H8.0UO 7. 2,rVu,ioU 13 1 8.611.0IO 17.8 2,4't9,0nO 28.4 2,St.00 7.0 3.426.0110 , l.&w.flno 23.1 4.2'W.flooi 16.7 8,610,000 2 7 8.732.000 1 1 8,077,000 .7 llW.Ono1 10 j 2.6IH,000 S.l 5. !M,WA ll.t 3.3.'il.0K) 6 8 2,k.j.t4ai 6.7 2.112.000, 13 I 18'i2,0ii0l 34.0 , 2,2S6.) 1.7 l.OM.fKiOi 21.0 2.01S.0O0! 11.4 2.lf0.f 81.2 431.0O0I 19.7: Syracuse .... Jacksonville, Fla.. Birmingham ... Austin Springfield, Ml Worcester Chattanooga .. Oklahoma ..... I iny ton Little Rock Tacoma Lincoln Fremont "Laat week. Loral Securities. Quotation! turnliha4 br Burrn, Briakar a it Omaha Natloaal Bauk bullolng. Orr.atia: Os., atorka 1114. Askag. Olr Sitlou: bank. Omaha. . . leara m i'O-. it4 ralrmant Cnastarr. T pal Ureal Waatars Hu(ar pM .. 91 ..lot ..ieouj " M ..1S1 at ft 101 lull ioi 101 WH IT 94 lliOraulli- I raaa brick oosisaa.. Mullns Plow ptd - MouBtala gtatas Tal Omaha A a. Blutfa Kt. ay to . . Dinahs Oo. Blutfa Hr. 4V B. (ltd. Paters Mill p'n , 4 par oat..i t utus Stock Tda., Omaha 44 I paika Urate t-ommoa gallt (V . f4 Tri Clty Itr. 4 LC, 4 .101 . ie Bonoa Atsaailns Got era. la. lilt MVi Alsia. Nab. Wa'arvorka la. 1124 . 91 Brunlns. Nab . Walarworkt ma. 1M4 M i . Cam Threading Mrh. 4a. 1414 . M (olusibua. Nab., Else. Is. ltM li fiuaOaa Haa It, C., la. IIU Uucold. Nab 4a. Wt IN H.ntral Traatsar 4 par seat sstsa.. M Ooiaha Hawar 4,a. INS IOH4 Omaha Wat.r it. 1141 1)1 Omaha A Co. Blulfs St. Rr la. 1S.1 Hs4 p.nii.lriila R. H 44. 1MI 14 Swilt A Co. Is. 1144 o4 Hul.btisal A booa. la. 1114 10a 10 IS 10 M IS 101 J1 iH M 114 The Bee Boosters. Want Ads Are Best Business NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Left Entirely to Devices, of Pro fessional Element, Others Re maining Cautions. I VIGOROUS RISE AT 0UTSE1 NEW TORK. May 17.-The undertone and general aspens of today's very dull and uninteresting stock msrket was sr. ceiled as an Indication that the complex International situation still Is In process cf mental digestion and that no very definite movement Is probable pend'ng the receipt of Oermany's reply to the Wash ington note. Bankers and others In .ilah places maintained their policy of ron sctvatlam and the market was left ipilte entirely to the devices of the professional eh ment. 1 rices rose vigorously st the onlsc!. re 'r'l''il f rai tlonally soon after, advanced and fell again, but were firm st the enn. v nr siocks msnnestea more vnsn men usual variable tendencies, gaining to 7 point inter olnts In toe first hour, but decllnim on slight offerings. In the second, third and fourth .to r of the session trading fell away to rid c tiiotis proimrtlons. with prartirnl'v no dense In the final hour. The rl.iHinj was dull to the point of stagnation. Total sale of stocks amounted to 'rO.flot II 40 shares. II S' . Aside from advices to the effect th tt 9 A5 the Liisllanln disaster has temo irsrpv II HO -checked new business In finished steel. 7 2 seneisl news was Inaction. Ieadets l i 4 75 commercial ines, expressed a molerat 9 ft degree of optimism regarding conditions tin the west and southwest, hsslng their ! views largely on the crop outlook. I II! grain tonnage was below the correspond ,1ns period of laat year. i.,, wk . decision of the Interatate 'statement. Foreign exchange was weaker On light deallnga, francs and llrtcs being ieseclally unsteady. ' Ponds were strong, but featureless To- tal salea. par value, aggregated I1.KW.000. - i ''''ted States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of salea and teaming quotations on slocks were aa follows: gala. High: Lew. Cltwe. Alaska Ool M II 100 17 M ! 1.4O0 44 41 1S 10.7O MH M US 1.400 US4 tuts lots 800 106 M6 14 119 rts .n ll4 11 11 1,70 10 1,400 72 7t 7t l.mo its s7 n i0 11 16 16 ItOO ltta 164 1M 1.10 M M n TO 4 4t 414 US 1,700 M M I7S V l.o , n 41 40 M 14 n 3 7 too MS 1 ) 1.14 11 14 4 400 161 160 160 900 117 117 114 i.mo .41 SIS It 1.40 17 14 17 104 l.SO 10 70 1,21) 19 11 l't n I. OOS 11 M 24 40 140 14 1(4 Ill .a 70 4s 64 "0 94 tl 900 11 11 l 1 00 14 US 19 ' Ill 1,90 MS S 6 100 14 14 14 7'l 16 16 9 42 41' M H14, 1.100 106 14 104 10 90S MS MS 14 90 107 10T 10 4.90 107 11 tl U 144 141 iV, 1,10 17 16 74 - ,10 . ITS 1S 200 H 11 ..." I!H 17,10 1M 4H !' Mli l.ioo i r.; us 00 pi im iota, II, 100 14 4S 14 i.rn 1 1 1 1.40 r 4 f4V, M.oo m 1; 11 M0 41 41 41 Av.alfamste (apr .... Asarlnaa iMat Butsar ... Anwrtiwa Can An arlcan 8. It Ao.arlraa R. pM.... Am. Sussr Haflnlng Airarlras Tal. m Tsl...... Amarlcaa Totaees AneoonOa Mlalag Atrklasa llalllmora a Ohio Itroeklra Rapid Tranatt,, Oallforsla pstrelmat .... t analan Ps-iria CVntral Lasttwr m.aaRa a UBie....... Itiloaca O. W Chlraao. M. 4 St. T Ct toas N. W rhino Cap par Colorado Fual St Iraa.... Oetofwdo A 44otkaea..... Peavar 4 Hlo Orsaate.,., niatlllars' Saoatillas .... Brts ttaearal Btaetrh) ......... Otaat Nortaarm yf4 Oreat No. Ore fa !uihalm Biplorstlee.. nimoia 4'enirai Intarboroush Met. gfs.,., letarnstlnnai iiarraater Kansas Cltr Boudaani... Lehlsh Valley LoulaTlllo NaakTlll.. Meitnaa PMrolsem Miami Ceppsr Mlaaetiri, K. T Mlaaoarl Paelrls Netlonal Blaeult National Lewd Nevada Cop par Now York (antral N. T., N. H. 4b It Narfolk Waatsra Northara Pacins faalfta Mall Paallla Tal. a Tel...... INHmarlTaala Rar Coe. Ooypar Baadlng Kapubllo Iroa 4 Stssl... Rock la) and Co Roell lalaad f. p(d Bt u a s. r. h pM... Hoot bare Parlfla gout hoes Railway Toosassas Coppar Taiaa t'orapanr , t'slos Psoitis Pnliia Parlfla pfd tnlted atatas Htesl tl. 44. Slael st Utah ooppar Wabaah p(4 Waalaes Voloa WaatlDshonaa Blsetrts .. Mnntsna Power Toul ssiaa far the day, too. oo tiara. New York Money Market. NF1W YORK. Mey 17.-MBRCANT1LE PAPFR-IHTlH per cent. PTERUNU RXCHANOE-Kasr: slatv- day bills. I4?V0: for cables. I4.7DS9: for demand. 14.7930. si LVER Bar, 50c; Mexican dollars. Sfc. BONDS Oovemtnent. steady: railroad strong. TIM E LOANS-Flrmer: alxtr days. S per cent: ninety days, 3 per cent; six months, JH'tl1. per c4-nt. CALL MON Ex" Steady : high. " nrr cent; low, 1 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; last loan. I per cent; closing bid. lr. per oent; offered at I per cent. Closing quotations on bonds today were sa follows: . U S. rat. as. rag... IT N. T. C. g. mi.. 794. a eousea st h. y. iu. intw tJ. B. la. rag 100V."?. T. fltats 4ue ..107 So seusoe ww.K. T.. N M. A H. 0. 8. 4a. rag P o. as 10S do soupoa no jfo. Paalna 4a IIU Psasata la eopaa..luo as s, A as. Haialtar 4s....PX0. g. U rat. 4a Ms a. 1. m . ov. ran. t. m t. sa ss Atahlaoa sea. aa.... s4,pssa. soa. 4s.... Ital. Oh la 4a..., It So eaa. 4S4s.... S4 ..! .. 44 m. IIS .. 17 ..100 .. N t'hta. Uhla 4Sk.. W4tHaa4lns aaa. 4a ouslri 4s. isvts. U 1 I. r. r. o ev. la IU Mo. Pao. av. 4a.. P. Ss S. ret. 4 do raf. 4a n 4 H. O. ret. 6s. 47 V. 4oir.li Krla sn. 4s al4n. Kallwar la.... MS nsa. uaetrta la-.ianunloa Paeins 4e.... Sta Ot. No. 1st 4i-... U 4o T. 4a 1014 III. Oo. rat. 4a.... SS V. m. Rsbhar la.... 101 u K. C So. raf. la... 94 V. 8. Sum I la liV l s N, UBl. 4a.... Tl "Wabaah tat la II So. pao. ct. Is.... 49 Wast. Vslsa 4Sa....tOl4 HII. Bask ClemrtBaTe. OMAHA. Mar 17.-(Penk clearings for Omaha today were 13.2)8,89281 and for the corresponding day last year 12.78J. 694.93, All German Papers Regret the Loss of American 'Lives BERLIN. May 17. (By Wireless to Bayvllle.) Tha Overseas agency today gave out the following: The whole of the German press, par ticularly the Cologne Qasette, the Frank fort Oaaetta and the Berlin Tageblatt, deeply re grot the the loea ot American live caused by the sinking of the Lual- tania. The Tages Zeltunf and ether newepa- pera atate that the responsibility rests with the British government, which at tempting to starve the peaceful civilian population of a big country, forced Oer many, ia self-defense, to declare British raters a war sone; with ship owners. who allowed passengers to embark on an armed steamer carrying war material and neglecting German warnings against entering the war sone; and finally, with the Engtlsh preaa. which ridiculed Am bassador Von Bernstorffs warnings, calling them a gigantic bluff and tneieby preventing passenger from cancelling their paasage. "Heartfelt sympathy la expressed by the German press and puhllo for the victims of the catastrophe and their relative." SemtB Oaaakaae Wis. The South Omaha Merchants of the Ameitran league defeated the Weet Leav enworth Merchants in a fast game bv the score of 7 to 3. The featurea of tl e game were the batting of Hainm and the pitching of "Frostie," who struck out nine and allowed but four lilts