I THE HEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 17, una. nononoDOnononoaonononononononoaooonoDononononononononononoaoooDonoaonooononononononononononononononononooononononononononoa 8 You must decide how often you shall "Try again" in advertising Real Estate, remembering e A . . t n tir a i e 1 li O that persistent advertising of really worth-while property has never tailed. Use liee Want Ads tor speedy results, g QiooononononoDonononononoooaoaonoaononoaonononononononononoaononononononononononononononoDononooononououonoi loaoaoaoaonoa 1 1 i I i ! WANT ADS j ' . . . - w,, n want ui receive ' inr "-. "- Incur proper clesslflcatlon must b Pre sented before o clock noon Cor e-enlnj edition and I JO J. m for mornln na Sunday edition Want ads received after itch hour will be under th heading, 'Too Late to Classify." CASH RATER Seven rnnsecutlv times. 1 eent WOTa w'h insertion. Thre times within en wk, I - . word each Insertion. On time, I cents a were. CHARGE RATES- -em eomacutir times, cents a una 'h Insertion. . - Three time wtthln on week, 10 eenu a line earn Insertion. One time, ti rente a line. Count et average word to a line. Minimum charge. cent. An advertisement Inserted to b "n tintll discontinued must b Stopped PF written order. All rlMms for errors must be " within fifteen days arte- the tlon of the advertisement. Ton ran ptac. your want ad In The Bee . Unclaimed Answers to the 'Sw-irr" Column."' Hundreds ef other answers hav. he-n railed for and delivered during the lest wetk. It Is reasonsble to suppose thai 11 of the people below hare made the Retired swaps, fherefor do not cn'! ror the balance of their answers, nee want .ads sure set results. si C. P. nr. C. 4.0 414 CU 044 X 47t hit 4 404 474 Kit f-'l M (IS tr. S 410 ' 47 A'.T Mt 41? 4- m K1 411 M4 4 '411 804 (IT.-. M 419 MS. ft; 47 414 U - IM 0 41 1 tA tvil (71 4 hi I Ri4 e r 4't M4 Mil 4 41 m son "0 ,41t f?T (no M 444 t 411 744 44T IJt IK 70S 4 ' m - 711 4.-4 44 tt 714 IV. M4 ttt 721 4H V TTT 441 40 634 717 we , as see sa ate see ast r. B.C. T !' 7 7S0 W 7.7 K 7FA 7f M 77S MK 70 M7 on n sot til m it n m W9 wj Ml Ml fTS M H34 M ftJ 3 K4t K rT IM7 S44 Wl . M TODAYS CXJMPLKTB MOV1K rilOOKAMS Exclusively In Th Bee. LANTERN slides for movies. Pend your copy to us. We can reproduce photo r will prepare your copy. We will oolor as directed. Bee Tboto Dept.. 10 Bea Bid. Oewa KLTTB NO. t. lilt VA RNAM. A Wireless Rescue, I-r. Vltarraph dama. Ham In the Harem. Kalem oomedy. A Nlnht In the Junitles, Hellf drama. PAKNAM. 1 IH3UOUA8. 1'srnam Theater "Dectal I Mutual ma. terpleoes a week. Thursday and Bunday our special day a KIPP T11KATSR, UTH AND HAJtNSI Horn of Paramount Picture ll'WAL. Their Hour, I-reel O. Seal. Mutter of Parentage. Power. HOpper rMtnpeon's Damhter, Jokercom1 PARK! tl N'JitTH I4TH BT. lood of th Children, 2-reot Bison. At II Is Own Terms. Big U. Taking Her Measures, Nestor oomedy. TAKI-OR. 140t DOUOLAH. Th Vole of the Taxi. 2-r. Kalem drama, They Loved Him Ho., Vltasraph comedy. The Hand ot Mahawee. hcllg drame. PRINCESS; 1317-1 Ik5i'OIAH. The Junxle Queen, I-r. animal feature (Ben Nllsonl. A fhot In the Dark, dra. At an Dleao Fair (Max Aher. com. rla. AIAMO. I4TH AND FORT. Truth About Dan Deeilng, 2-reel Big I'. Fix- or Nine, Hex drama. Knockout Wallop, sterling comedy. At.UiVll.lt lKi4 N. 24TH rT When tlie Klre Hell Hang. Bea. com. dr. The Hun'llnt. IVtnceea diama. IXH-lar Jim, MaJ. drama. CLIFTON Military Axe. and Buidelt. AH. li s Di:'klloa. Hell ellance drama. A fnMght ttend. KeyaUine comedy. Winning lMck. lirun dr. lIA.MOND. M" LAKE HT. At th Maruet Table. 1-reel Imp. 1.00.00. l.aemmle drama. Nothms Ever llnlens Right. Joker com. FRANKLIN. 24TH AND FRANKLIN. Between the Two of Them, 3-iol Vita ...... .4 . .,raf Li rirama He e s Traxellns Man. Kalctn comedy. FKOUC. MTU HPKAtlCB. And They f'atlefl mm itero. -rei uou. J mm of the Open, rowera nrama. Fare Please, Joker comedy; OrajidT'Thrater Beautiful." I binney. The Comeback. 2-ree. nocieiy frame TZJmTM TroTlUe "Keviton. -com HIPPODROME." 26TH A Nil CUMING J On the HikIi Bess. Z-r. dra. it '""'f'.f' Key. rom. In tue Mansion of Lonsll bm, dia. Hta PrehltoiicPast1jl-r. coni. IVY" lTil AND bl'KDWrTli" Five-Pound "Note. J-recl Imp. Ills Wtfe s Husband. Nestor comedy. Ufa's Furrow. Innile drama. l7YAL," ' 2 CALDWELL HT. Black Iloit No. 1. I-recl Special. Her Friend ti Milkman. Nestor comedy. The Wan I'epe. Imp drama. lAXiUiOPl MTU AND lrTHROP. Tl Stiow Burner t-reel Essanay. Vixed Flat, Luhln comedy. The Junxle St.w kxle. Sellg drama. PALACE. iM DAVENPORT ST. The Grind, t-reel Rex. Butler's Busted luwitarwe. Sterling com. HH-KUAN, MTU AND AME3. Th H I I nglneer. Kalem drain. Th Return of Richard Neei. reel E wtiny drama. AP.BOR. D AND ARBOR. A Night Out (Chaplin). S-r. Kaa. com. Th xd in Him. Uliin drama. Kaved From the Vampire Bio. Bur. Melo. JTpOlJiO. -4 LEAVENWORTH. Th King of Death, Lubtn drama. TU CtmJng of th Circuit. I-r. Vita. dra. Mra Murphy's Cooks, Sollg comedy. LuT-ThTa! 1710 BOUTH TENTH. The Stoning, I-reel Edison drams. Whose Husband? Vltagraph renwir- ' rrjirf rxmT. MTH AND VINTON. Runaway June. Etdeode No. 11. 1 1,9 KriMHC-de. broncho. Fatty and .label at the World s Fslr, Kcyptone. FVolUTE. T71-VINTON. The Girl On the Trestle, Kalem drama. The Return of Maurice Innelly. t-r. V lti. dra. He Couldn't Explain. I Alb. com. otJ. 1X4 BOUTH 13TII. Man and His Money, Rex drama 1 s New Hlsscr. Imp comedy 1 i , Jc. IJJ VINTxN. ! m 'iirl of th Attic. ! r. Iemmle dra. i:i lrih Hoer t-nl Gold Beal. M.ii of the :.li.ts, f'i a 1 1 iiK. sJTa N I LEAVEN WuK T If! 1i Hullrn City. . ilisvu. ! jv . l Hain'rufll. 1 ;f. fcaved lu kiviicu. ( rve'i Ir sJ TODAY'S OOMrLKTK MOVIE rBOOFlAMS Exclusively la The Be. nth. VKNKZIA. U31 HO. UTH ST Fewr reels of Motnal -sa, W-tt. MONROE. 26S6 "RfAM. The Silver Cup. Lttbln. Crane Wilbur. Mr. Jsrrs Msgnetlo Friend. Vita. com. Coneplrarjr at the Chateau. I-r.. Bayne. (MM. urvoA-j KkK MAIN 8T. Werren Kerrigan In "The Stool PIon," two sets. Wild wood, imp oram. Eddie's Awful Predicament. Nsstor com. 4'aaacil fileffe- tri.tTtB NO - 646 BROADWAY. The Third Commandment. (Tom Moore.) t-rwel Kalem drama. Pty Anwni the Fairies, Lubln com. NICHOLAS. M7 BROADWAT. Th Siren's Reign. 8-reel Kalem drams. The Tove Whip, Vltarraph comedy. ROPER. 677 BROADWAY. Orlm Messenger, t-r. Big U. Artlet and the Vengeful One. Vlotor. Two lies rt and a Ship. Nestor Comedy. ( Oi m nm . BEHflE MTH AND N A Pillar of name. I-r. Vita. dr. The Un dertaker's V mie com. An Arlsona Woo ing. Sol, dr. By the Sea, Chaplin, com. MA01C. 24TII AND O The Torrent. 1-reel Gold Heal. Uollowlng Father's Footsteps, Nes'or onmedy. Vaedevllle. ORPHEfM. !ITH AND M. Mutual Weekly. The l.lsht in me win dow, drama. Me hel and rauy view ing the World's Kalr, 2-reel drama. .USlfOUMCEMENTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS He Comfortable Yourself and Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons bv locating in The Bee Building Superintendent's Office, Room 103. Special Summer Membership in the Young Men's Christian Association Now $5.50. Investlsate T.M.C.A. out's park, summer. 0 MAMA PIIIOW CO., lKr7 Cumins. Douclaa 1447. Renovates feathers aad mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattreeoea and down covers. TOUPEF.S FOR MEN Hair gods dept J. L. Brandels Hons. Omsh. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICR 'PHONK WEBKTKR Mis. Oeneral Office, 13th and Manderson Bts. WE rent, reixtlr, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. Nehraeka Cycle Co., "Michel's.' Uth and Harney. louglas 113. wedding rlncs at Brodegaard'a. Wedding announcements. Dcug. Ptg. Co. KNOX WEED kill th Dandelions. AUTOMOBILES t-PASSKNUER car. excellent condition. one-ttum in original price, western Auto Tor Co., (Otb and Harney. 1'bon Douglas w. NEW Ford auto delivery bodlea ot all styles, open or closed, always on hand. Our prices will sav you money. Hee Johnaon-Danforth Co.. 1&S9-31-13 No. 16th. IsiJCole Ji.Tli 141 S Cadillac ... .W-A mi Pullman Wlb Ittll Bulck .'7& A. A. Ahlman. 0M Famam. Tel. D. C EtAaSKR, expert radiator and lam repair. T. 70. kj)1 LsaveawovtBj. Al'TO Clearing House, t r itewn, buvs eea sens use car. rhona iHiuslaa Ulo. Overton's for leaky radiator. tOc, dealeraT Wsnt an auto. C J. Canon. McCacue bldg. Induiitrlal Garage Co.. 2tHh Harney His. NEBRASKA tulck Service Statlun. lull Famam St. Phone Dougiaa 721. ' MtyetM. H A RLETf-DA V 1 DBON MOTORCTCT.KS. Barsalna In used machines. Victor Roos, "Th Motorcycl Man." "704 Leavenworth. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR BALE Bakery la good little town. Writ. Y 614. Bee. CONCESSION at Krug park for sale. Restaurant, soft drinks, cigar, candy and box ball alleys. Inquire on ground afternoons; Park opena May US. CLEANING, pressing and tailor shop. Best location, cheap rent; living room over shop. Only two shop In town of 3.(i Itihahltanta. No large towns near. ! Writ. Walton th. Tailor. Superior. Neb.. WHY RENT? Will sell l0-err farms In Red Rrver velley (Minn.), erect build ings, aupply cows and hugs on payment of 10, and 40 year In which to pny balance. This offer not good after June 10. W. U. Templeton, 6o Be Bldg., Omaha. HAVE It-room modern house, suitable for two families, to exchange for auto and vacant lota to the value of I2.UU. What hav you? W. O. Templeton, tot lice Hiog. SIGNS, anow care. Clark A o. urn THEATERS Buy, leae or seu your th aier, machine and supplte tkreuak Tht-atsr Exrhiutg Co., 14U6 Faraam Bt. 1'ouKlas lirl. PtTll BALkV-Cheap, to--llr barber shop, in good shao. Cm other In Ne- braeka town of l.Juo. Addreaa Y 621, Be. HOTEL FURNITURE AND LEASE FOR BALE. For uuavoldablo reasona I will aall at a bargain my furniture and three-year leaae In a au-room modern, brick hotel, doing a good business; loratsd In a county seat town la central Nbrak of about , population; must be sold at one; will give possession June 1C Add a. Y 621. Bee. V FOR SALE or exchange, flrt-lae " reelaurant. good county Beat town, northeast Nebraska; prtee, fcjA. Act quickly. Jim W ray. Sioux City. V FOR BALE Only hotel, good town " northeast Nebraska; house alwaya full; ;.i for bulidliiK. lot and furnltur. Jlitt Wray. Slotix City. TvT'OR BALK Only variety store; good Iowa town. 1 own; fine location: good business, rent fcM, prlo. 61,uA. Jun Wray. Bloux City. TO GET In er out o bualnesa call ea OANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg Dou sr. 77. WILL sell my half Inters t la a cleaning and dveinK bunlnrss which Is niaklna I good money. Reason, moving to my farm. i A reel opportunity to ouy gooa gomg . bustnrs duantown. Address AM, he. MAMiOIJN-Good as new and never used. Want a kodak or what hav you? Add ss H. C. SS. lie P. HA I. estate Business tss place supplied or V. V. Kuiest, cni.hv Isndled; all stai.a. WANT E l io-room hotel; for dear im proved farm worth t vC Will take or give dl'ftrroc. iio vs. Omaha BUSINESS CHANCES Very Desirable PpacB for Printing Office Light, water and Janitor service free. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office, Room 103. Reomlaa" Hoaees for tale. 11 ROOMS, well furnished: always rented; for quirk sale. Csli r.t zi'li t irntm. EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Pay School. Nlfht School, complete bualnesa course, comoleta shorthand or stenoiype course, complete telegraphy course, civil service branches and Kin llnh. Btudenta admitted at any ta. Write, phone or call for 1915 retalusu. HOrVF.H COL.I.EOB It B. BOTL.R8, PreiildenL Tel. D. 1MIS. Boyles Bide. Omaha. Nib. FOR HA LIC At reduction, one scholar -ahip at Omaha's beet bunlneea collere. Address K. Westover, Kavld City, Neb. i on eaJe the following scholarships at a first cl-isa Omaha Business College: One unlimited comhinallon busiaees and shorthand course. One unlimited business course. One vnilmlted stenofraphlo course. One three months' business or stenfl- Smphlo rcuree. WU1 be sold at a d'scouat at the office of the Omaha Be FURS STORED Absolute Ouarantee Against MOTHS. FIRa BCROLAR3. KEFEKKNCfcd: ANY BANK. (J. K. SlIUKEliT, Call for Goods. Telephone Douglas 401 S. 15th St. :47 and W Will FOR SALE Fwraltere, Mowaehold i.eods, Kt. DFSKS bubt and sold. i. C. Rood. ULlJivo im Farnam St. D. 414a. LB1AVINO city. $400 upright mahogany piano. 1200 Edison cabinet phonograph, 115 gas range. Roberts, 14 California Apia.. 17th and California. SACRIFICE Urocery refrigerator. holJs iD Iba. ; gas stoves, Iceboxes, all slaes; household goods. 17 N. 4th. Kl'KNlTl'RE BARtlAIN'S B0 bails at l each; tablos, kitchen atul china cab inets, M Ice boxes, 3H gun stoves. X dress ers. 1M! N. Z4th St. Webeter 17. M WIRT Ht., book cae, : aide board. $, chairs, tables, etc.; no dealers. Web ster WI2 Nat'l Sale Auction Co.. 1SV7 W. O. W. Lie Stock (Utlia Mtrtkaata. MARTIN HROii si K. Kxonan BUlm Horse aad Vehleles. HIP ttv stock to South Omaha. mileage and shiinkag. Tour ooaslga men I rocstv prompt and c4U-ful alleo tlon. A PAIR of dapple grays, inare and geld ing, weigning s,ia. Lady owner, xct Dodge, cor. 24th. trr.0 BUYS good big team of work horses. 4tri and county tine, Bouin umana. Mftlieat lastrsiBaeMU. Slightly used high grade piano. P. 1017. Poaltry, Rasa a a .gpie. STEREOTTPK metric mak th beet and cheapest lining for. poultry nouswa. They are lTxU Inches, stronger and mors durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76e a hundred at Th Be offlo. Small wheat. 100 lb. 12 25. Wagner. Ml N. J4. THOROUGH BRED White Leghorn hens for sal. A. H Baker, Bennon, Neb. R. K. D. No. 7. Tel. Benson 747 W. Typewriter. B.EMT an Oliver Typewriter I mo. for H. uuver Typewriter Agency, iwo f amam. TYPEWRITERS eold. rntel. repaireU. Contra! Typewriter Etc. 10B Farnam. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter, 1st Farnam. D. uU. Mtacellaaeeae. OMAHA China Bhop. White china for decorating for sale at M Brsndeis Bldx. FOR aALE New and setond-hand carom and packet billiard table and bowling allcya and accasorles; bar future of all kinds; easy payments. Th Brunswick Ba i ke-Col lender Co.. 4i7-4ut 8. 13th Bt. LUMBER txi and sheeting, tools, sshovels, picks, lack screwa. window glasa; I carpenter benches, II each; I kitchen eabineta, II each; 10 match ma chines, 60c each; I rug, $2; 1 lawn mower, fi.&o. I gaa arcs, II each. J. C. IS1L Phone Harney 24.1 70t ft. Slat Ave. Id-hand machinery. H. Gross. 11 snd Paul. WK bought 66 Dea Molnea bar flxtur, front bars, back bars, mirrors, Nat cash registers, cigar and wall osjm. eto. For sale Ilk we bought them CHEAP. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414 Bo, uin hi. BUTTERMILK in wagonloada at Fairmont Creamery. he FOR SALE House to be moved. 14ug N. Uth St.; Inqulr 14U. HELP WANTED f'RM.ALB Clerteal aad Offle. STENOGRAPHERS, LEAVE TOUR NAME. Business-Men's Reference Assn. Ul30 Woodmen of World. CAN PLACE SEVERAL STENt GRAPHr:RS. GOOD PLACT:, AUTOMOHII.KS )40 OFFICE CLERK and ASST. BKPR. 46 TYPIST HIGH SCHOOL GRAD ATE, M CASHIER AND OFFICE GIRL M Business Men's Ref. Ass'n Woodmen of the World . Vol Nil lady for office detail work and general office assistant to manager ot large meroaulil concern. Do not an swer unless you hav had ample experi ence and can handle correspondence and details accurately. Olve complete Infor mation in your application a to experi ence, how lotig and where you hav been employed, references, salary expected, to. Information confidential; position open May Mlh. Address in long haud, NO FILING FEtC. BEST COMMERCIAL PttBiTIONS. ROGERS REF. Co. 6J4-I State Bank. .t.if aa4 traae. APPRENTICE girl, dressmaking; no wages. ApHy Monday, 9-11. Moi Casa Bt. WANTEX list Ay). a good dressmaker. 7ul S. APPRENTICE girl Idreasmaktng; no wagea Apply Monday, 9-U. i4 aas St. Ilwaaefceeper mmm Dwtetlc. WANTEIe-Exeiiencd girl for general housework; no washing. Mr M. B. Newman, - Howard bt. WANTED An experienced glti for gen eral housework. I In family. Red SUM WANTED Girl for general housework, good watee for right person. Harney 74 115 No JMh Bt NEAT, young. uiored. to assiet with housework; on who can go hem nlKhts. H. ANTKle- Youug girl to assist -with housework and children. Harney eMS. L'r.uuLTi'VT f'&EZZi? white sirl for geneial prefer one who ran go home nights. Apply 2114 Pinkney Bt. COM P. housemaid Walnut X HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory aad Trades. WANTBI Competent girl to sssist with housework and hiiby; good wages and Itood home to right party; forelicn girl .referred. Harney anw. AN experlenceil alrl for general houae- wom; no waenina; references requirea. Cell 41 Ml Cass Ht. Phone Walnut ixx WANTKD A woman for housework. 2T3 Reward St. Webster 179. floasekeeper aad Horace tics. WANTED White girl for general house work; no cooking. Walnut 22i. WANTEI" An ep. white nurse girl; mlddle-sged women preferred. 42 N. 3Mh tt. WANTED A girl for general housework. Apply II. K. Hheffer. 19f S. Mth WANTED 'omctent cook. Hjrieyll4S. W A NTE i Ifjc rierlenced child's nure. Mrr Ait riulcu, 4il P. 41t. ItHrney WANTED A women to do housework on farm In family of 4 adult". James T. Moore, Armstrong, Iowa. GIRl. for general housework; care two children; no washing. Call Harney 33je. WANTED Experienced gtrl willing to go to Dea Molnee, la.; good wages. Wrlt to 2XfT Kingman blvd., Dea Molnea. WANTED A white ulrl for general housework and to arslet in the care cf children; no weaning or Ironing. Phone Harney 3X.p9. Mlseellaaeoiaa. TOCNO women coming lo rmiaha a atrangsrs era Invited to vlalt the Toung Women's Chrltlan nso'lntlon building st St. Msry's Ave. and 11th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise asslnted. look for our traveler's guide k: i nlua stat-oa HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Olflee TRAVELING aalwan.an. experienced road man; hardware specialty; splen did proposition flOO Traveling salesmnu. expciicnced man to call on druugUts, doctors, etc. A-l position .1100 ' iteuiii cicrx, nrigttt, ciean-cui young i man, epUndld opening $ to Stenographer, experienced, bright, brains and ability will be well paid for I 0 Stenographer, some experience, clean cut, ambitious young man I 50 WESTERN REF. BOND ASSN. 761! Uinaha National Bank llldg. rtTBNO, 176. Htcno. $. Watts Ref. Co.. K.W-MM2 Brsnd. Theater. sgUAKK PEGS IN HOCAHK HOLES. We find a position that fits you. CO-OPERATIVB KKF. CO., 1QI5-H CITY NATIONAL B A.N ft. BLtG. H1GH-GRAD1" commercial po-ltlons. WEST. REFKRH3NCE A BOND A'SSN. 761 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Aajcats, galesaiien aad Solicitor. WANTED Agents to travel, sell and demonstrate. The B-Z Auto Tire Pumpa, In Nebraska. S. H. Booker. Call Room 221 Hotel Harley. EXCELLENT proposition for two good men in Nebraska. Call or writ. Mutuai Benefit, Health and Accident Association 42126 City Nat l "ink Bldg. . COMPETENT RETAIL FCRN1TURE SALESMAN, EXPERIENCED 1 N CASH AND TIME BUSINESS. AD DRESS M 448. BEE. ; SALESMEN WANTED Four high-grade salesmen wanted tor iNeoraaaa icrn-tory;- only men who hav shown results In the past considered; send references with first letter; all references treated confidentially. Address O. V. McBeth, H07H Main St.. Newton. Kanaas. SALESMEN to sell auto oils, harvester olla. etc. to farmers, aood commissions. paid twice a month; goods guaranteed. A is, umana xee. Vmmtarw mm A tradea. Drug ator snaps; jobs. Knelst, Be Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition 4lT, on account of big trad. Wage for t and 10 cent work. Electric massage taught. Hydraulla chairs. Catalog tree. 1124 Douglas Bt , Omaha. Moler Barber College Largest barber college west of Chicago. Special summer rates now in affect. Catalogue mailed free. 110 S. Uth (St., Omaha. , YOU MUST THINK W give you expert auto training, earn a real salary, big money for our trained men. Come right now and get our free course In E4ec, Ltg. A Btart'g systems; free catalogue. Amer. Auto College, 9(4 r arnam Bt.. omana. WANTED An experienced automobile repair machinist. State salary expected and amount of machine shop practice had In first liter. If unnbld to make good don't answer. Belsner Garage, Hebron, Neb. ; PANTSMAKER, first-class only; prices 13 up: steady lob for right man. J. it Spotte, Hastings, Neb. WANTED High clssa auto repair man. Write or phone R. 1 Arbuthnot, O'Neill, Neb. M taeella vm. WANTED Names of ' men. IS or over, wishing government Jobs. I6 month. No pull aecetsory. Add res Y 460. Bee. GET WISE A thorough, practical automobll d- e.tn I minimum t AIk f.tr ..... Issue "C" and axDianattoa of our act- rvaulta method. NLI HACKA AUiUMuniLB st nuvu 1411-17 Iodge Street, omsba. Neb. RAILWAY mail clerks wanted. $; month; pull unnecessary. Writs immedi ately for full partclulai Franklin Insti tute. Dept. til D . Rochester. N. Y. BE DETECTIVES; earn 1160 to i0 per month, travel over the world; write. Fidelity Secret Service. Wheellus. W.Va. WANTBle-LOHO men to eat ham and egga, 16c. Coffee John, Uth and Capitol. SITUATIONS WANTED WOMAN want iNU4laa 4f3.t day work. Telephone I WANT to go to work, will consider anything In or out of city, readv to go to work anytime. Address K 4M, Bee. TRUSTWORTHY young man of ability deairea position aa cashier or clerical work; is college graduate and good pen man; will consider out-of-town job; very anxious to go to work and wants perma nent work. Phon Dougiaa H61. or ad- dre.a L-302, Bee. HOUSEK EEPF.R desires position in or out of city. Tel. H. 74t4. EXPERIENCED young man wanta ateady work with private family; honest and oier; willing to work at snythlng. Ash Granerl. 1214 Capitol Av. Tel. D-Mrt. THE Servant Girl l-roblera Solveo. Th Be will run a Servant Girl W anted A4 FutR until you get th desired suite Tlila appilea lo resident, of Omaha. Bouth Omaha and Council Hlurra Hrlng ad Ik The lice office or telatibun Tyler tout. WANTED Work on farm, by two men. Adtlrce., I, 4-, I'-ce. PERFECT washing, expert ironing. Lac curtains our specialty. Web. 4i. LOST AND POUND LOBT l-idlea' open-faced watch and chain in the neighborhood of 41st Ave. and Cass fete, initials on back "A. I. M.;" reward. 4JM N. 41st Tel. W'slnut lt. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS BTItEkT RAILWAY COMPANT. Iwrson having lost sonv artlcl. would 4 wall to call up the office of the Omaha Ik Council Bluffs Street Rallwsy corn paay lu ascerta.'a whether they left It is ins atreet car. Many articles eac day ar turned la gad th company anxious to rwstor Uem tn tka ruUU'el wwr. Call Du. 4A NURSERY SEEDS AND TLANTS. ARTISTIC tree trimming; scientific sur gery and treatment of diseases of tret; a Call Douglas fc02 and our Mr. John son will make a personal examination free. I. M. Johnson Co., Chatham hotel. PERSONAL TOUNO women coming to umaha as strangers are Invited to vlalt the Young Women's Chrlstlsn associ .tlon building at 17th Bt and BL Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav eler' aid et the Crlon nation. INFORMATION WANTED As to ad dress of J. N. P.rlgKS, formerly of Osk land and Chadron, Neh. Believed to be running store In N. W. Nebr. To his ad vantage to be located at once. Address Y-613. Bee. THE Falvatton Army industrial bom so licits your olo clothing, furniture, maga tines, we collect. We distribute. Phono Douglas 41 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new bom. U10-U13-U14 Dodse St PET STOCK FOR SALE Beautiful two-year-old St. Bernard dog. Mrs. John Westover, 1221 Rose t., Lincoln, Neb. WEDDING STATIONERY.. WE show only the correct end prevail ing stylus in Invitations, vIMUng cards, stationery, etc. IIIVIN A. MEDLAR CO.. Printers. 416 8. 14th St. Tel. Doug. 1262. SWAPPERS' COLUMN AUTO Stanley steamer, 6-paesenger. tires and paint goo.V will swap for motorcy cle, tot. diamonds or what have worth 3oO. Addrees 8. r. V). Bee, Omaha, Neb. DSflS wheel, solid tire auto, used little; would make a delivery or light truck; went h runubout or touring tar Address 8. C. V.'J, Bee. BA?E BURNER No. ti Radiant Home base burner, good condition except fir pot; win veil for 14 or trade for almost i anything. Address K C. 101, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE-! have V4 Interest in a fine Omaha bualnesa paving IKK) per month. 1 have other business and must sell my interest; I4"0 cash, or will trade for auto or anything reasonable. Give phone number. Address 8. C. 1016, Bee. BUILDING and Contractore' course com plete, with lessons and six technical books, cost 1130; for anything I can use. Address H. C. 1003. Bee. AUTOMOBILES Fol other automobile bargains se th "AutoinoDll" classifi cation. EDISON .MIMEOGRAPH, used very little, a Jiti machine. Want kodak or what have you 7 Addresa 8. C. ml. Bee. DIAMONDS Three diamonds set In ladles' ring worth. 146. What have you to offer? Cnickcns.'typewrlter or electric fans, or what have you? 8. C. 1007, Bee. ENGINE 4-H. P. combination gasoline engine and air compressor, cylinder 4Vx 4H. air capacity, 30 cu. ft. per min. Suit able for power and air aupply, for gar age or shop. Cost !20. Had 2 years' In termittent use. In excellent condition. In terested In trade on light weight road ster or touring car. Will put in a little money according to condition of car. Address 8. C. 1014. Bee. ENGINE PTBctlt ally new. 4-H. P., single cyl., enKln for Indian motorcycle, com plete, with carbureter. Bosch magneto, free clutch pulley and muffler. Paint and plating In fine condition. Price 137.60. Alight take your old engine In on trade, or will trade for something I can use. Address B 1012. Bee. GARDEN HOSB Brand new 60-foot gar den hose, never been used; paid $6 for It. What have you of equal value for trade, or will give discount for cash. Ad drees 8. C 1010, Bee. HAVE two-hoi ga burner. What have you? Address, B. C. W6, Bee. H-INTEREST in established office build ing, paying from J 100 to 1160 per mo., for quick sale, 1760 cash; other business at hand, will consider a trade, lot or used car. Address S. C. 1006. Bee. MIMEOGRAPH and talking machine, typewriter accounting aystem, comput ing scale; will trade for groceries, meets, or wrist have you? Address S. C. 1094. Bee. REFRIGERATOR. 0 lbs. capacity, for electric fsn; also for cafh. Address S. C. 1017. Bee. i RECENTLY came into possession of ' beautiful White Steamer auto. Eight passenger car good as new. What have you? Address, 8. C. M. Be. VACUUM WArHEHS 26 Vacuum Wash ers for good kodak, or what have you? Address S. C. Bee. FOR EXCHANGE Six almost new In side doors, as good as new, Including double folding doors, with track and ball bearing rollers, will trsde for chickens or sell cheap for cash. Address 8. C. 10"?. rare Bee. FOR EXCHANGE One almoat new elec tric fan, used i weeks, will exchsnge for chickens or sell chesp for caf-h. This Is a fine fan costing 126 new. Address S. C. 1001. care Bee. 8TENOTYPE I have a practically new atenotype; will aell or trade. What have you? Address 8. C. 101 . Bee. SIGNS, sho warns Clark A Son. D. 117a. SERVICES I draftsmen, mechanical and i architectural, will trade their servlcea during- their spar time for like service of other tradesman or anything of value. Addre.a 8 C 1015. Bee. i TYPEWRITER ReruiiiKton visible No I 10, to exchange for Bmlth-Prmer No, W. Webster 1411. TYPEWRITER swap. Ktsndsrd rnaks. practically new, used 4 months; what hsve you? Address S. C. law. Bee. JEWELRY-Iust retired from Jewelry business, have 9W0 worth of solid guld Jewelry, rings, etc. Will swsp for Ford car. or what have you? Address S. C. 1011. Bee. 6-PA8S. Overland; splendid condition; would exchange for runabout or small car. Address S. C. 1006, Bee WELL establlahnd cleaning business. 3 days' receipt 76. Equipment for doing all work except actual cleaning Good location, splendid opportunity. Will amrap for aomethlng ran borrow $2,000. on. Ad dreaa 8. C. 1004. Bee. WANTED To exchange new $1,000 atock of groceries and queenswar for a mest market of equal value in a country town. Address 8 C. 970, Bee WILL trade our almost new hixh grade player piano, wltn 40 rolls, for good small automobile. or would consider diamond as part wrnwijt ThU player will pleaae you. S. C. 1006, Bee FOR KENT Aartssats and Flat. 8T. GEORGE 6-room apartment, redeco- rated throughout. lis r. nit av... mfy lect West Farnarn dlatrict. Phon Web. ter 1(74 THiuslaa 11M 706 Omsha Nat. fik. Bldg TWO six-room, modern, steamh.ated flat Can b rented aeparateiy or tu- f ether' t) summer, ia winter. Conrad ounC Brsndeis Theater. Doug. 1571. CALIFORNIA, Su21 W rooms, modern, clean. $ CENTRA I -Ns qual a price or quality; 1-roosa bous: 4-rauw flat 22. N. fcid. nFiwT modern 6. 6 and 7-roou cottager Apply at 1124 Miami St . COOL FOR SUMMER Choice t room apartment, with fin, large, screened porch, oak finish, lars living room, large bed room. Jandy kitchen and bath, in Nathan apartnicnta on Sherman Ave; also fine 4-rooin apart ment, screened porch, 1 9 same building; 6-room rents for $-2 60. 4-roors, $;f7 V. winter and summer. Beat vslue In city. Phone us for lnmecllon. Donilas IOCS. 8C,TT A lUU, COMPANY. 6-ROOM heated apartment. The Mason, Mat aad Mason Sta Reduoad rent. Con rad Young. 14s Brand! TlMUr, D. VX- Ready Reference Directory The followirjg firms offer will please the most critical: ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A... Address 433 RamTe Ulda. Phone Douglns 7408. ANATEIR HMSIIIXO. FH.Mfl develoi-ed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 414 Bee Bidg lept. D. ARtlllTF.CTS. Everett B. Dodda. 2 Paxton Blk. D. 2941. A I CTIOKICKHS. Dowd Auction Co . 1115-1S W. O. W. R. 59V BAKERIES. 7.. H. T1EEDER, 1W N. lWh. Wfb. W7. BLl E PHINTI.Nti. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO., S02 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BRASS FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Bts. CHIROPRACTORS. Carrie .1. Burford, 20 Px. Blk. Red 457. lOX HKTK t OXSTRI C TION CO.'S Western representative of VELVETILE COMPOSITION flooring. INVESTI GATE. 811-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg., Tel. D. 172. CARPKftTKRs AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, 821 S. ?2d. Douglas :. CHINA PAI.MT1NU. Ruth Irf-tchford, decorating, firing. H. 4M2. CIVIL E.IUISKEHS. M. T. I.ACY. MX BEE BLDG . DOUG. 4715. COSTUMES AND LOUVB SUPPLIES. MF1. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. Meben & Son, 1514 Howard. D. 4115. DANC'INU ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 1871. Try Mnckie's first. 1816 Harney. Doug. 5444. DRESSMAKING. Terry I iressmak'g college, 20th V Farnam. MISS BTURDY. I41S CASS. RED 7320. SUITS and gown la koines. Walnut 2267. SETGCTIVK8, INVESTIGATIONS carrie 1 out In any part of United States. Canada or Mexico. u Paxton Blk. Dong. 1372. Walnut 1630. JAMES ALLAN, 112 Neville Block. Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyier 1106. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes, 724 aty Nat. Bank. Tafe Dental Rooms. 1517 Dougla D. 21S6. DBl'lil. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on HO orders; catalogues free. Sherman A Me Conncll Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. . Uloa A I lender, (24 Be Bldg. Tted 8055. Continental Nov. Co.. 11 N. 15th.' Terms. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating', covered buttons, ail sixes and stvles; hemstitching, plcot edcing. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. D. 1906. NEW TORK aample store. Must vacate, buildins coming down; cloaks, suits and dresses sacrificed. 20 N. 16th St. LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. mTTTTTlM Thomas. Douglas 2511. MASSEUSES. . MISS STAPLES, mass., elec. hath. D. 712. Open eve., 9 p. m.; Sundays, 10 to 2. MASSAGE, 1721 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. P A rTTCland mass., alcohol rub. Laura "'Wilson. If 1802 Farnam, room 2. uougja 1751. Open evenings and Sunday. BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doug Clara Lee, bath and massage. Douglas 1751. B.Brugman, mnss.,203 Karback Blk. R. 2727 M. HALLERON, Baths. 128 Neville Blk. Miss X. mudlavSa maaa. R. 224, Neville Blk. MIS8 JACOBS. Mass.. R V. Neville Blk. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUR. Room 21 Dougla Blk., 16th and Dodge, FOR BENT Apart rats aad Flat. BEAUTIFUL 6-room flat, 1806 Emmet. Kounlse Place, strictly mod., .choice location, large yard, 127.60. Se thla at r.nce. HASTINGS A HETDEN. 1614 Harnov St. i-R., 6UH N. 21st, mod. ex. ht., nicely decorated, close In. 1.60, HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. 7-K., 8122 Csss, elegant cond., modern, good location, $.6. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. 6-ROOM heated apartment. The Chula Vista, 30th and Poppleton Ave. Vacant June 1. Conrad Young. 3I Brandels thea ter. Douglas ti71. FIVE-ROOM St. Loula flat. Bemis Park. Rtaeonablc. Phone Walnut I5W. SEVEN-ROOM. 3122 Cass; elegant com- dttlon. modern, good locatym. wai. SEVEN-KOOM modern apartment, near postofflce, very low rent. G. P. Steb bini. THREE rooms and bath and toilet; close to car line. $l2.i0. T. SULLIVAN. 215 Brandels Thester. Famished AtMirtaeats. MOST desirable four-room apartment In the rltv for the mice: aood location. walking distance, attractive furniture for sale at a saennce; leaving city. rnun. Ioug. 4277. 1! IOUGLAS ST., rooms $3 60 up COOL rooms, $2 week, Og den t Hotel, : council sturrs. 6o B 2kTll.St., nice cool room: home; for gentlemen: private DOUGLAS. 2124 Monatnour, beautifully furnished, cool, outside rooms, shower bsths. plenty of hot water. Board If de sired. Board and 8 SINGLE rooms, south snd west ex posure, with board: for gentlemen only. 2 Wis hl saarv v., - i.. .. Dcuglaa 6M0. Fnrslsnd n.)as DODGE ST.. 1707 Clean, modern room a $2 up. K08 Farnam Nk modern rooms reasonable. . very ll.at.kersls Room.. NO 24TH 4X-Three large steam-heated unfurnished rooms: modern conven iences: d tar bed house; spacious lawn four dollar. Adult FARNAM. 2x. two nke houi rooms, electricity, gaa rang t keeping quality and expert service that FEATHERS MADE OVER. Psnnmas cleaned. D. Elsele, 11 City Nat. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 1SP4 rarnam St, D. 3000. L. HENDERSON, IMS Farnam. D. 12M. Memt-er Florist Telegraph Del. Ass n. HESS 4 SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. A. DONAGHCE, 122 Harney. Doug. 10n. MOTION PICTURES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motloa picture machine and film bargain. WE rent moving picture machines. Star Theatrical Exchange, 640 Paxton block. OKFICKS, OFFICES When making your new plans. see us for office spec. Th bt looxw tlon and easiest found. .e.l THE BEE I'UILDINO, "The Building Tnat i aiwms New. Office. Room 10S. OC I'LISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay ss you can. Drs. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Peterson, COS Brandels Bldg. D. 2114. JOSUPHINE ARMSTRONG. SIR Bee Bid. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH M'MANUS. 417 K 40th. H 7". PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 S. 11th St PATENTS. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. Sturges, 634 Br ridels Thester Pldt:. t' PRINTING. WATER8-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality ' printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 524 S. ISth St. CENTRAL PBINT1NO CO. DOUO. 3754. DOVGI-AS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. PLUMES RENOVATED. PLUMES A HATS made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kruger, 429 Paxton. D. IC!I. SAFE AND TIMES LOCK HtFKRTS, SAFES Ctrn. repaired, comh. changed. F. E. Davn- J port, 1406 Dodge. D. 1W1. I SHOE REPAIRING. J FRIEDMAN PROS., shoo repair. Ml S. 14. Harley Shoe Rap'r Co.. 2004 Fa mm. R.2440 SIGNS AND SHOWCARDS. F. CLARK A HON, US 8 16TH ST. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Bhret Metal Company. 110 S. 10. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co. Doug. 4S32. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scale, showcases, shelv ing:, etc. We buy. sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-U S. 12th. Dong. 2724. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 20T S. 11th. D. 121. TAILORS. CHA8. C. LANDERTOTj, V N. 15th St TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELING A BTEINLE, ISfd Farnam SL TYPEWRITERS, RENT an Oliver Typewriter I mo. for $4. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnam. j TYPEWRITERS, atl make, for sal orj rent- Butts Typewriter exenange, is: Farnam. RENT a "Remington." not Just a type. WELDIStit, BROKEN casting repair d. Try on. Cmaha Wldlng Works, 1711 Cuming. Douglas 623S. FOR RENT Fwraianed Hsss.kt.slag TWO new. modern, nlcey xurnuitiea rooms. Ideal lor coo pie. iui . in av. Harney 577 ; Llaht Howsekeeplaar Use ass. COOL room, with slcovs. kltchanett furnlsnea. ugaen notei -., vouavu Bluffs, la. .1 lloases aad Cottages. ALL !. U pee month pp. HT Pax tots. 620 R. UTH St- 8-room house, modern. ri3 50. Webster 6371. MODERN 6-room cottage. $26 par maj tfi Pratt. Omaha Realty Co.. Red 6A FIDELITY FRKK RENTAL. SERVICE! Phone Dougla 288 for complete list of all vacant houses and apartments, also for atorage, moving, packing, sniping. WFST FARNAM DISTRICT. 7-ROOM modern house. IPS g 86th St. 6-ROOM house, fully modern. Hanarom Park, $3u per month. Harney 6fc4. 6 ROOMS and bath, with hall tor ice box; new; modern; plumbing complete; full lot. 60x12 ft., with plenty of fruit: ftrt-iaas location; one block from street car. Tel. Web. 46. 15TH AND LATHROP, 8-room modern house. In good condition. Inquire Web terjrw. LARGE modern brick residence, 8b01 Capitol Ave., $40. Telephone H. 564. MEDICAL AKMANO Reslly helps get rid of that pain in the back, touch of rheumatism, nervousness, tired, sluggish fr:in and brings back that lost appetite, purifies the blood and buildi up the entire sys tem. Just send a oktcard to the Sheila barger Co.. Mfg. l hr . Weat Liberty, la. PILES, FISTIT-V CITtED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures pile, fistula and other rectal dlseaaea without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for boo. I; on rectal diseases with testimonials. DK E. R. TAHMI. nee nmg. ATTENTION. FARMERS Don't let hoa cholera get a foothold on vour prem ises this sesson. Ths nsture of man is to look for some great scientific article a a preventive and cure for this detestable disease, but rlmi'le remedies ar th best. We have a simple remedy that ha cured thouaanda of tiute.. that you can prepare st a very liltlu cost that will protect yiur hogs Iroiu mis aep.orabl disease. For full information addreaa Mal.ati r uppiy t o., ui w. VNaabingtoa St. Cham paign. IU, WINES AND LIQUORS. jf ALEX. JFTTES. 301-1 8. 13th St. Wines, .f I liquors, cigars Plat dinners, 11 1 , 10c; Glob liquor house, 424 N. lth; California, f wine, Sl.B per gal. Writ for pric list. ) HENRY FOLIXICK LIQUOR HOUSE.. 16th and Capitol Av. Ten-cent lunch- j , , l BTTT your family Ibiuorg at Klelna, Uqiior House. 622 N. It.th. Douglas 1U; i