Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 9-A, Image 7

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    niK omaiia sindav may u.
res For Monday
summer styles, still more appar
es this store's standardization of
.ice oi
nit in 0
omi- Annual
very Suit in
a of the Year's
national Sales
ilored Suits
Lored Suits
ftl'herc you have looked at
aaSo tbe pricy was from $5'J ' t
Mil J A1 o i l e..X
jjw lunitv ine wuoi suns- ii
i dfr suits axe worth to $80. '. - ,1
efleno restrictions, every
toOnO lot or the other.
( Inw
a, f i - i .av v. a
Vi.n V W ?
of Summer Frocks
ox the Country, Field and Happy Hollow
ifternoon dresses dainty, summery and
sheer voiles, smart taffetas, etc. Priced
and $59.00
'lay Sale of Blouses
isaH(3s 0f new blouses for this wonderfully successful sale, which
to lalizo that this is no ordinary sale. You are offered the bene
iratGijand stronger than ever before. Our ability to buy for this
off t'r these wonderful values, which are the talk of the town.
v Handkerchief Linen, Coin I)ottel, Plain Tailored Aft J? A
' Models. Imported Voile Blouses Choice for VUdJ
Crepe de Cliine, (ieorgette Crcje, Shndow Laces and Flow
I.ered Chiffon Blouse,- Stunning new models. (D
V: Specially priced, choice for VUJ0
'' Net, Shadow, Filet Lace and Georgette Blouses Wonderful
I values, all new merchandise. Dressy models, 125 CC Hfl
styles to select from. Choice for VJUIJ
ouses Specially Priced
u- .-Worth to l..o, at C5c
Slightly Soiled Crepe ' Chine and Black and tfa MT
ream Shadow Lace Blouses nines to 4..0 vfi
Shantung and Pongee Weather Is Here
and we are well prepared showing thousands of yards of those popular and practical hot
weather silks in all the wanted weaves and weights, suitable for waists, dresses, Miits and
separate skirts, at greatly reduced prices in our new silk section.
"4 -Inch All-Silk Imported Shantung
did weight. A yard
3.1-ln. All-Silk Imported Shautung Vine fah- AQn
rip for dresses and waists. Worth 7fe. yd.. xil
S6-luch Extra Heavy Suiting Pongee
Worth $1.75. a yard
27-Inch All Silk Natural Jap Oood OQ
weight, launders beautifully. 50c qual.. yd. iC
S6-Inoh New Crystal Crepe Pongee Alt-silk suiting, something different from the ordinary
pongee. Ask to eee thin beautiful silk. Special, yard
All the new stripes, weaves and color combinations for shirts and waists are shown here
in crepes, Ilabutais, Japs, Ducks, etc., etc.
.11 and 36-Inch All-Silk Habutata All the newest shirting stripe combinations, splendid weight:
launders beautifully. Well worth $1.00 to $1.1' 5. a yard
32-Inch Shirting Silks Good ranRo of stripe
effects. Worth 50c. Special, a yard
57-Inch All-Silk Japs Oood range of evening
shades. Regular 60c kind. Special, yard..
Oar Bilk B.ctlon I th Larreat la ta Wee. Bo area Fall o Viatt This
Beautiful Departmeat. Prto Ar Always Lowrat Sara.
Now is the Time
to Buy Curtains
Our stock Is complete In every de
tail. Etamin CurtalnaTrlmmed E(
with antique luce: Ivory mjgl
ecru. Special, Monday, a pall
Marquitsette Curtains A f0
Trimmed wltli heavy laoe M MX
edges. Sale price, n pair.. '
Quaker Ijce Curtalna r of
new (atterns: mi be lined in any
room: they near aplen- fQ
dlly. Uperial, a pair, J
ta.eo, and
Duchesne Curtains We Import
the. Htindreds of patterns, earn
on selected with ft-reat Cl
care. Special Monday, a J) I .311
pair. M. and Y
Runaalow and Filet Net f
Endletm assortments to m- DOC
lect from, a yard, 6o and...
Ktamina and Marquisette No store
In the west shows such tm- JQ
mense lines as we do. A JvC
yard, 85o and
Imported Cretonne Covered Plllons
W have Just received
dozen move. Your choice 4HC
for w
Extra Special
150 Bamboo Porch Shades f tf
ft. w Ide. 7 f t. ins. fcin. l II II
As Ion ss they last, each. . ,
Bamboo Porch Shades 1 f
8 feet wlda, blUJ
each ,
In Our Basement White Goods
"Non-Krush" la lu great demand at the preeent time where a
light fabric la required. "Non-Kruah" colored linen has a new.
soft, silky surface: eltmiuatea crushing and creasing. Nam
stamped on the selvage of every yard. Bold here exrhi
aively. White and all leading ahades, 36-tn. wide. A
yd 69c
Palm Heach Suiting For men's,
women's and chlldren'a outing
suits. 60 in. wide.
A yard
Imported White Poplin Me
dium heavy, 27 Inches wide.
Regular 30c. values,
a yard
White Fluked tOtamine, Corded Voile, Crepe, l.eno Stripes, Heed
Voile, Satin Stripe, Flaxon, Etc. S6 and 4 0 inches wide, i q
'.'5c and 30c valuea, yard 17C
Imperial I.ongclotb, 'Tolnter Brand" Soft finish,
snow white; no filling. 36-ln. wide, 12-yard botta.
Rug Specials for Monday Selling
Rap,' Hugs Cool and sanitary just the thing for
summer wejir. All colors:
.Size 1x7 feet $4.50
Sixe :J.t6 feet ; $2.25
Size :?0x60 inches $1.75
Size 24x48 inches $1.50
Let Us Fit Your Corset
Why not look your best ? Many women are younger in appearance today than they were
10 or 15 years ago, all because of the corset. When properly fitted to an K. & (J. corset made
for you it gives an up-to-date body poise and a feeling that you are as correctly corseted as
any woman, no matter what price you pay. -
Remember, the finest dress or tailored suit may be complete failures if your waist line
is too high or low, if there are heavy ridges across your shoulders or in your skirt, if your
abdomen is not correctly supported.
We study figure imperfections and correct them. Our corsetieres fit you to the R. & O.
corset which is best for you, so you need make no mental apology for your appearance.
Come in at your earliest convenience and see what a change is possible. You need
not buy unless you are perfectly satisfied. We guarantee all fittings.
R. & 0. Corsets for the Averago Figure--A model that must be seen and worn
to fully appreciate its beauty and comfort; made of handsome brocade, me
dium high bust, tapeing at waist, long extension skirt, wide unboned section
over hip, giving the utmost freedom of body; elastic section in back at bot
tom which adjusts to the figure properly when standing or sitting,
and distributes superfluous flesh evenly. Sizes up to 30
R. & O. Front Laced Corset Medium bust with
long; skirt over hip and back, ventilated back, with
wide band of elastic at bottom of skirt, making
the corset fit closely and giving absolute com
fort; shield under lacing in
Topleaa Corsets Are very much In demand In
spite of the fact that corsets are coming higher in
the bust right along. We have two popular mod
els here particularly adapted for mi sees and girls,
lightly boned with free hip aectlon. ti0 AA
Specially priced at $1. 60 and P.UU
A variety of other models from 91.0O t0 $5.00
Madam Ise'bell's Demonstration
in Our Toilet Goods Section
Ideas on the Art of lroniotiii(
We carry a complete assort
ment of the Famous Madam Ise'
bell's preparations and the dem
onstrator will give free any infor
mation as to the proper item and
its use.
Madam Ise'bell's Skin Food alda
nature by feeding the waste tis
sues. Special 50c
sle box
Madam Ue bell's Turkish Bam
Oil is a substitute for soap and
water. It liberates all obstruc
tion from the pores, leaving the
skin like velvet. Qr
60c siite OOC
Madam Ise'bell'a Face Powder la
chemically pure and keeps the
skin smooth as satin. All OO.
shades. Box OOC
Madam Ibe'bell'a Natural Dry
Rouge gives a natural tint to pale
cheecka and lips. 50c
size box
Latest Victor Victrola
XI. Sold Here for
Commiiiiontrt to Make Improve
ments Under Nw Law Joit Put
Into Effect.
City Commissioners Hummel, Ku
gel and Jsrdlna and City Engineer
Townsend made an Inspection trip In
several localities where parlnK and
sewer Improvements seem urgent.
They will recommend to the council
the paving or repaying of these
streets: Hamilton, Fortieth to Forty
third and Military avenue: Military
Opposition Crops Oat to Some of the
Appointments Which Dahlmsa
May Make.
A can vans of the city hall appoin
tive situation indicates that next
Tuesday's tneeilng of thi city council
will not be ss roseate as the flower
gardens at llanscotn park. There Is
an unmistakable upposilon to thn re
appointment of Fred Anheuser as
city prosecutor, aud when the mayor
was told "f this feellns. lie answered
avenue, Hamilton to Forty-fifth and by ,Bing that ho would not bs die
Grant and a continuation to the rlty tid to by the commissioners In the
limits. This work would come j ,,mIl(.r f his appolnunenM. Ho In
wlthln the operations of a new law j oil petty called attention to the fact
which empowers the council to Im- that certain men were now In cer-
prove all "leading thoroughfares" I tain positions and that If the eom-
missloners did not see fit to confirm
his appointments thoe men might
remain there by reason of new ap
point nients not being made.
from the city to Its limits, without
;the usual procedure of petitions and
' other formalities.
Tin cnmmt.a4nn.i will .Inn r m
1 nn(t that a s.w.r a .nonitrit thruli
I Miller ixirk st co.f or annt nve, in
'olii.r lowor from Thtrty-.lth to Koriy
! third trat. alone at a-i
' mated cost of ffn eno. snd a sew.r from
1 Fortjr-Mtvn to "arty-sviitti atrt l
'twf.n Jon, and leaven nth trt, to
jt.k. th. )l.i. of tli. prnt opsn cr.ek
t.Vmalderattun of Ireorov i.g tli. ourinr..
of th FYirt Omaha and tntr .treat
roads will h tak.n M vithln a few
Ed Brown Greeted
by Friends in His
Annual Surprise
' 0r Mid over ssaln Ed. J. Brows, 1M
j North Thirty-tlrst la sent on a
long errand when Ilia seasons roll around
t th. ttiii. for h ulrtlulsy. tch and
.v.rjr time li. torn wllllnsly and In-
tio.iiitly on that .irand planned by his
. wir, only to come homo and find a sitr-
) piis birthday party waiting for htm.
Kiidsy niaht, wfat did Mrs. Brown do
; hut Mind him to Cunrr m tiffs for
, sometbliis or other that she Juat wurt
liaxe and could not pos.lhly get In
nettirnine In du. time h. found txactly
.iaia olit frlenili In th. hous. wattng for
lil, nwA iim hnnl1At all ftnf.Sfl bafofa)
lilm. In thn douse when h sot homa
wore Frank Hradwll. A. F. Wliltnior.
I.yl. Abbott, J. P. Weaver. Jllds. Willis
Sesrs. r. W. Hutchllisnn, Chsrlcs Barn
of fourcll Bluffs snd Frd. J. Schliorr
of louncil Ttluffs. For years th. sama
eight men hava c.lehratad Brown'a Wrth
day by a surpris. party In thle wsy. This
year the circle waa broken, hecausa A. II.
t'omatork, long a membar of th elghl, a rw w.eks as'- His place In th
c lirlc waa filled by l.y.le Abbott -:The
gu.sia prcsentad Mr. Brown with a
lars lunch hasksl for use In the auto
mobile and Mrs. Brown with a larg.
bono. lit. L
Musik Weeps as the
Judge Pronounces
May Rr a M.ldOT.r,
In th run of Frosrtr Anh.uo.r.
for Instsni. th mayor makee this sp-
pointnieni and th council confirms. fnir
rounollmen could appoint .omabody l.
but lhat would be an affront which
not a iii'obahllttv, lonimlssloneis dwlar.
Fallur to confirm Anh.uaer. should Ih.
mayor r.aiiooinl him. and refusal of the
m.ynr in nam. anybody l. would ie
siilt in II. prrn.nt pronilor r.mainlnit
as a "avJdot .r." Influence. hnwvef, Is bioiifl.t to hear to Induce th
mayor lo iism. nn on. .!, F.dwsrd
Minion belns lb iivmi forJ man for
th plara. But th mayor r.arnl. any
atiemt't f tli. to llc
tae what lie shall 1 nl he pnKe liin
mind on Hum maltrr witiinut niincina
Say Vrrlla I'rvmiil l.
Th fositiou of coroorstion eounsrl h
settled down to Aostntsnl t'lty Allom.
l4inibeil and II: B. Fleharly. Soma of
the rnniinlssliiners have conferred on tht
matter and they are frank to ssy that
th.y hellev Mr. Imb.rrs srvls dur
iag th Isst three years merits his f.romo
tlon. It la slsted thst If Mr. Flrhsny
should b appointed by th mayor tt will
be for timely political ressons. Th com
missioners who ' are outspoken for rtvll
servlca In the city hall ssy they will he
for Mr. I-ambert for corporation counsel.
From a purely political standpoint, Mr.
Flehsrty sppeais to be running strona
for th position. One of tha msvnrs
close sdvlser soet so fsr ss to say thst
the mayor will nsm Mr. Flehsrty, but
(he mayor himself will not commit him
self st this 11m. v
. i
Marr for la.
The commissioners are not ied on
th resppolntment of John Grant l'tit
for Insoertor of wrlchts and measure,
although tli mayor Is said to b for
Mr. Fesx for another trm.
Regarding appointments. Commissioner
Hunimei msd. this statement In connec
tion alth his vwn dvpaituient: "1 will
not rusks suy lilgli-pric.d appolnimenti
(his year. I am doing most of th actual
supervising myself. 1 snlli-'ipat that .
will have t meet a Woulh umaha situa
tion, as th psrk fund of that city Is !u
pleted and - our funds need careful
watching to make both ends aieet.'
Sentence of Death Youth Peeved When
Uncle Sam Eef uses
to Take His Nickel
J-uil Musik wpt whn he ws'Sn-
temd by District, Judge English to pay I
th death penalty September 15 ioi thai
Inurder of his wife. Mrs. Anns Musik.
i According to evidence Introduced In his
It rial he laualiad after h cut his wife's
lilroat March I in Ihslr home In Pouth
Omaha. ,
Judga Kugllali first oirruiJ a motion
I fur a n.w tiisl wlilrli had bern (lied by I
Musik s attorneys. This will be suoeslod uepcS.tr1 inqulrad Mis oule Orsn.
the supreme court. i,n" icrK.
Uo ss you plesa." Musik said wh.n j rn, o stsrt with." ssi.l U-
esUe.l If he had anything . lo say why",,ns
"I wish to open sn inoiini here," aslrl
a well dressed j oims man. stepolng ii
lo thn window of tha tonal savings de
partment in th poslnfilc.
"Vrs, sir, how much Hd you wluli t-
stnlenc should not b pronounced upon
i M1 Ursnt did not fslnl. neither dl.l
Tesrs wer streaming down h, ' she call ti.e police, hlie simply espUtni.t
nouiiy to in. wuuid-ne depositor thst
accounts cutild not he darted 'or Icih
then 10 cents.
Was the apparently roiperous man
sittlsfled. snd did he so forth, iletr-
mlna.l I a '., I, m n,l t'A until I.A Sa.1
death ' penalty In Omaha sine. Nebraska ... ., , , , ,
. "' . , . , wi.. .i i accilmulstert another nli kle and then r--
"""mu' " " . " " turn and eiitrn.t the entire d m to th-
Hangman s rope, in iir.i was junnnyi
fac and his lip waa tiulv.rlng.
Ills t-yesr-old dsugliter testified- in the
trial: "Papa killed mamma and laughed
end ran out doors."
Musik is the second sentenced to th.
ssf keeping of the t lilted flutM gov-
! M'tllAAnl ? -
the supreme court and who later ple.ded Tru,h Mnpf, to the f.,
guilty and took a life sentence to thej,hll h m no,
I enltentl.ry. i inglM(j iia r,,,i the vouns woinun a
The state has not yet bought sn elec-, ,,.,,, on . dutocrstlc iiovernment's i-
1 1 ic i nsir.
penally such
Should Musik psy the desth i lrlrinstion to step on the poor. do.
;h a purchas mould. be inada trodden working rlastev and Inbnrl
Tor thirty years I.lsterin has re
ceived general recognition as the best
antiseptic for the family medicine cab
inet. Aa a dally wash for the preser
vation of tbe teeth, Listerine occupies
.ev. firat place. Once usea, it Decomes a
matters of per-
IPi.",iTi:t lifelong necessity In
Jet It (SO- Size
Ik.ttle, c)
l'J-.."'---JH; I
''. ! --T!!a IB- ji ' f '
m j ..-iiaw r
Annual Breakfast
of Business Girls
Wednesday at 7
l men. It ought to take i nlcl.le, he Haiti,
jy.s. It ought to tskn a rsnns'.
Mies Grant I s tictf'il yomu Monwiu
! and she allowed the incipient ItorkefVI
! ler tu have the argument all to Mm!f.
I And, as he couldn't tlianse the l.
! he depsrled. taking hh nickle with him.
I .
coal mmm uln itn
The snnual breakfast of the Business
Girls' club will be given next Wednesday
from 7 to a. m. In th dining rooms of 1
the Young Women's t'hrlstlsn assorts-, Keeking work ss cosl miners In Omaha.
,0n it'larcii.c ami Kugene Waiters of Hart-
Of couisa. th buslnesa alila sat brook-1 furu. cams to the conulualon that
fast MG time, annually, but this Is th " "ate Oty 1 not much of a minins
snnual breakfast, whxn they all "get up
J XasaasIaC
Victor Victrola XI
has all of the latert
and bpst features or'
t lie higher priwri
'ictor-Victrolas, including:
Automatic Stop,
Tilting Motor
Improved Tone
Shelves for
Holding rec
ord albumt.
Our assortment la fully
complete. Monday will be
a good time to select the
case that will match your furniture
Our Record Service Nearest
Easy Term If Desired.
before break fs.t ' and 'get down before
breakfast" to th "Y" snd pay IS cents,
it I .specie.) thst fully 000 will partsk.
of th "dejuner." Miaa Kva Norton,
chairman of th conference commit!,
is In chars of th affair and tha pro
reed will b used to hlp send delrg.t.s
to the !,ki Geneva conference.
Miss Stella Wilcox, vice pr.aident of
th club will have charge of the wait
i.eeea and Mlas AusuMa Mow en will b
In charg of decoration
"Men ar quit welcome." aaid Miaa
Sunder. "In fat, they ate urged to com.
W expect quit a number of th sterner
sex to b there. It Is ell to hav thorns
I among th roses, snd. beatdes, every
J qusrter helps."
I isn, there you are, men Hut don't
com before 7, for th coffee and eats
won't be ready till that hour.
center. They were wstchlna Omh s
extensive railroad trsffit siouikI the
depot hn arrested by inillfc officers.
t whom thev explained thst this cly
seems busy snd prosperous, sllhough not
slung the Hue of their oc-upation.
Tea young brothers were advised by
Judge Hritt in llhe court that Colorado
snd Wyoming offered better opportunity
for miner", hut thst Nebrasks would he
glad to wive them farm work. If they
wanted it. They wer dismissed when
they promised to stop lusting sround town
snd try lo work their wsy west.
Judge Jemes I). Elliott, who presided
In the locsl division of ths federal com t
during th persons! Injury suit of At
torney John A. Moors against th Vnion
Pacific railway, in which th plaintiff
sued for II to. 000 and was awarded !M,7M.
will hear argument on a motion for a
new trial Saturday, Mav 3. In ths court
of his home division. Blous Falls, 8. D.
Suit was filed sgalnst the Chicago.
Burlington V Qulncy Railroad company
in federal court for violation nf th
"tw.iity-elght-hour law" on two counts.
Shipment of two oars of she.p from
Bertiioud, Colo , to Soutii Omaha, a trip
consuming fifty-two hours, with only on.
unlosdlng for sister, feed and rt and
this In a pen where there was six to
eighteen Inches of aster and mud. Is al
leged In th. petition on ths first eunt.
Shipment of 1.100 lamb from Black Hol
loi. .Colo . to South Omaha under simi
lar violstiun of th isw requltln i
Ictding. feeding- snd watering at let
one. In twenty-tcht hour is altered t
th second roust. A floe of li is nsks.:
on sacb couut.