THK OMAHA St'NDAY HY.V.: MAY 1, 101.. Winners in N. H. S. Debating League Nebraska Nebraska Suits that were made to sell at $18 and $20 specially featured at KLEIN WINS FIRST IN STATE DEBATE VBANK RESOURCES OH THE UPGRADE i 1 Secretary Royie Makes Report oil wonainons r,xiiung at vau April Twenty-Firit. THREE MILLION MORE DEPOSITS j I i rx f f : -fir . v - , . v .-.V -j V v i Blue Spring Orator Takes Prize in Competition Among All High Schools. LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL SECOND (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May 15- (Special.) Leonard W. Klein of the Blue Springs High school, won the state interscholastle championship in de bate, when he defeated the cream of Nebraska High schools at the dis trict debate held here this morning at the state university. Aaron S. Speler. representing the Lincoln High school was second and Donald O. Moore of Geneva was third. Eleven district champions were repre sented In the final debate, which were a part of the Fete day exercises for Nebraska high school at the state uni versity. The debate was held In Me morial hall before a small crowd. Miss Tub, representing Alliance, failed to ap pear. The question rebated was: "Resolved, That the United States Should Adopt Government Ownership and Operation of Railroads." Rutgers O. Van Brunt of Beatrice, Donald D. Elliott of West Point. Ralph BrooSs of Sargeant, Frank Faux of South Omaha, Frank Harring ton of O'Neill, Walter E. Christiansen of Oakland, Dal Lants of Kearney and Ray mond Wests of Trenton, were the other speakers. Prof. M. M. Fogg-, president of the de bating; league, who organised It, pre sided, and Dean W. O. Hastings, Prof. George N. Foster and Albert Watkins, were the Judges. Klein spoke on the negative end pre sented a most original argument, which won him first honors. He contended government ownership would tnorease the publto debt (20.000,000,000; would give the dominant party in politic absolute con trol over business and that pork barrel methods of legislation would follow. He contended regulation was the proper means of handling the railroad question and that prosecution of Illegal practice and placing a few mis-doers behind the bars, would bring about the desired re sults. There was a wide .difference of opinion over the success of government owner ship of European lines. The winner of the debate today gained the title to the champlonhlp of the en tire state. 110 schools having participated in preliminary debates. ' Small Fruit Crop Gives Promise of Having Fine Yield (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. May 15. (Special.) The re ports received at the office of the seo ' retary of the Nebraska State Horticul tural society, indicate that the fruit i trees In ths uncared for orchards that ! have survived the last few adverse sea ' sons and all the well cared for orchards have from fair to heavy bloom. In the extreme eastern part of , the . state or the Missouri river territory, the prospect for peaches is generally poor. Some orcbardlst report good prospects. Apples are good to excellent They had heavy bloom and should have set a good crop of fruit. Some damage was done by cold rains at blooming period to some of the varieties. . Plums generally are good, cherries fair to good, pears from poor to fair. Gen erally the pears had light bloom. Strawberries are good to excellent The Ktand of Blunts generally Is reported .n.i if weather conditions remain 'favorable a heavy crop should result Raspberries and blackberries are fair to good. Grapes generally are In excellent .shape. Other fruits are gooa. inn was no frost of any consequence In hls 4anltnrv. In northeastern Nebraska prospects for apples are reported good to very gooa. Plums, cherries and strawberries good. nther berries fair to good. Grapes fair to good. Frost reported from this section and some damage, but generally fruit throuch In good shape. in the central part of the state, peaches are In poor shape; apples good with gen t-rally heavy bloom; plums ana memo. are good; pears only rair yrui-v. .tr.wherriea sood to excellent; rospber .rM blackberries fair to good with some winter injury; grapes good. Frost was reported from this section and some damage was done on lowianas. Notes from Seward. SEWARD. Neb., May 16. (Speclal.) Thn Stat. Fish commission had 20.000 pike placed in the mill dam at Mllford this l, i rm numbers of catfish and crapples will be placed In the Blue river at the kame point E. U Godfrey and R. R- Spafford of the state farm have Just made a soil survey of fifty farms In K and F town- tbtps. . . . Decoration day will be observed here on Monday. May 31. Gf.orge Miles of Lincoln and Mrs. Myr tle Hart of Seward were married by Kev. Mr. Ludwlrk at S p. m. yesterday. Charles Gladevlah dug nine coyotes out of dn on his farm this week. J. M. Dickinson, a prominent dtisen of this place, has been very ill from par alysis of the throat. Mast Keep Slaughter lfowse Clean. LINCOLN. May l5.-Speclal.-Com-plalntt. entered by Food Inspector John V. Moore against Frank Kelyia of Au burn and Karl II. Klein of South Auburn for keeping ui wuiltary slaughter houses have bn finished, and both men were fined the usual amount for a first of fcne. according to a letter received at the office of the food commission this morning. Grttlac Blfl Beadr. LINCOLN. May 15. (Special.) Adjutant Gencal Hall returned last night from a trip to several towns where militia com panies are located for the purpose of pre paring rille ranges. These were arranged for at iear;-.r. Hl"e Hill. Holdrege and Hastings He U1 mako another trip next Week to other points on the same mUsion, Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a 'Bee "For Rent" Ad. i .yjAjridldGTtoore. SEEK HARYESTHELD WORK Southerner Makes Inquiry of Labor Commissioner to Find What Prospett Is. (From a Staff Correspondent.) . LINCOLN, May 15. (Speclal.)-A com munication sent to R. W. McGinn is of the Northwestern railroad was referred this morning to Labor Commissioner I M. Coffey. The letter is from a man In Mississippi who would like to bring 100 laborers to Nebraska for work in the har vest fields. Commissioner CofToy says It Is too early to make any estimate as to how many will be needed to assist in harvesting Nebraska's crop of small grain. Omaha Accidents. Reports ooverlng accidents which have been settled under the workmen' com pensation law reached the office of the labor commissioner this morning from Omaha. None of them Is for a large amount and most of them very small. One man. who says he Is a ohauffeur, reoelved damages of II for being bitten by a bug. Another received 16.23 for be ing hurt while lifting a box of caggabes. Another got a small amount for having had his hand out by a broken bottle and another hit his elbow against the corner of his work bench and reoeWed J7.00 for doctor bills and t fop X-ray examination. Work All Time In Wood River. A complaint came In this morning from Wood River, It being alleged that the merchants of that town had given notice that from now on .they would keep their stores open every evening until 8 o'clock and on Wednesday and Saturday nights would run to the limit which usually is 11 to 12 o'olock. The complainant de sired to kno wit there was any state law which governed the working hours of olorks in a store. Mr. Coffey will look the matter up and let the applicant for Information know. The late legislature lifted the law regarding the hour of fe male labor In towns of less than 6,w Inhabitants, so that women In a town the else of Wood River are not protectea by the female labor law. Boy is Pinioned Under Dead Horse ... . i BROKEN BOW, Neb., May K'-lHp-cial.) Claude Spencer, a l-year-old boy. living with his parents five miles South east of here, met with a dangerous ex perience while going after the mall, on horseback. Th horse he was jidlng stepped into a badger hole, threw tne boy over his head, then rolled on top of hi in and stayed there. Spencer was pinioned under the animal for naif an hout. Fin ally Leonard Hersh. a neighbor, heard screams and went to his assistance. He succeeded In. dragging the animal from off the boy's body and then made the discovery that the horse was dead from a broken neck. Spencer was somewhat bruised, but not badly hurt. Broken Bow will nave a Chautauqua this summer and the novel feature about the enterprise la that the ministers In town are baoking It and putting up their own money. No one else Is connected with it The Odd Fellows of this city are ad vertising for bids on the new building they propose to oonstruot. The building will be a two-story and a half affair and will consist of a fire proof theater and lodge room. It will oost about $1,000. Weeplag Water Boys Win Prise. WEEFING WATER. Neb.. May IB. (Special) Carl Tefft. 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Tefft of this place. has just received a prise of fc In cash for an essay written on the subject . of International Peace." The essay con test was one held by the Church Peace Union of New York City, an organisation founded by Andrew Carnegie. Mr. Tefft was one out of fifty school people under 15 years of sue who won $20 prizes and was the only one in Nebraska who won. (From a taff Correspondent I i ! LINCOLN, May U.-l8peoll.-ite. 1 sdurce have Increased since February . 1 in the slat banks of Nebraska M.T47. ;!. 45. according to the report of Secre tory fto.vse of the State Banking board for the 7tt state banks as shown at the close of business April 11. IMF.. Loans ' and discounts have Increased $2.ttn.3M12, deposits, $S.017,OM .SO. The amount due frqm banks and bankers has increased with cash, li!4.16 .16. Banks have increased In number during the last year thirty-five; resources have Increased. $1S,S7,?7.S0; loans and dis counts. I7.7W.1CT.W; deposits. HLfW6.fc-a.0S; cash and due from banks. t&,9, 299.30. while bills payable and rediscounts have decreased H75.4H4 47. The statement is as follows: ' nVSOVRCES. 1xsn and discount t K.GS.fcso.ta Overdrafts tMl.hK.04 limits, securities. Judgments, claims, otc 1.21S..27 Due from na tional and state bsnks IJUM.776.3a Cash 5,27.160.t- W.SM.S27.M blinking house, furniture and fixtures J.nss,TTa .40 Other real estate.. MM70.0G Current expenses. taxes and Interest raid 1,lilf, Other assvte ... fil.iK4.i4 . iTotal M3s.Wl.KB.4S LIABILITIES. Capital stock pall In lt.4fs.ioo 00 Surplus fund 4 .ir.3il.t4 fpdivWed .profits 3,oa.r.iio.9 Dividends un- paid t ia.6S0.ST Individual ' de-- ' posit subject to check 40.S4t.79Ml ' Time- certifi cates of de posit S,4r30.26 Demand oertl cates of de- ' . posit . 42.54MM.7S bus to banks.... S.JW2.3l5.4 108.S28.floO.7l Notes and Mils rediscounted. 1K2.141.H BlUS payable R9S.496 S4 Other liabilities J0.2W.H5 Depositors' guaranty fund.... 944.172.87 Total.. ...M2.S1 4.833. 4S GOTHENBURG BOY DRAGGED TO DEATH UNDER DISC OfrTHENBl'RO, Neb., . May 15. (Spe cial.) Howard, son ot Mr. and Mrs. 8am Ostergard. who live north of here, fell im front of a disc and received injuries from which he died later. Tne ooy was .vu.Mn a fntir-norsa team irom in wiiiiiiuuu.e . dlso when the horses became mgmeneo. and ran. He was at one side, but in at tempting to hold the horses his foot eaught in the angle of the brace rod and held fas. His folks formerly lived tn Omaha and they removed to this place about five years ago. Nebraska School Notes. FALLS CITT, Neb.. May 16. (Special.) At a session of the meeting oi m school board held on Friday night Pror. Chester Beaver of the Broken Bow (Neb.) school was chosen to take the place of Prof. R. B. Carey, who has accepted a like position In the Fairoury teo.i school. MUs Helen Hanes of Springfield. 111., It the new domestlo science teacher. Miss Ethel Rough of Nehawka, Neb., will have charge of the commercial department. music and penmanship will be under the direction of Miss Helen Mattison of De troit, Mich., and English and physiology under Miss Elsie Lewis of the ealem (Neb.) school. LINDSAY, Neb., May 15. (Special) Prof. E. I Black of Otoe county, but at the present time In Peru, has been elected aa principal of the public schools for the ensuing year, the present professor, Mr. Martin, having decided to quit teaching. The commencement exercise of the pub lic schools will be held oft May 27. when a clans of five will graduate, consisting of Beulah Vrsal, Nettle Carlson. Helen Busselman, Ruhy Carlson and Laverna Thomazin. Superintendent Waterhouse cf Fremont will deliver the address. STELLA. Neb., May 15. (Special.) W. L. Best has been elected superintendent of the school at Liberty, In Gage county, st $105 a month. Mr. Best came to the Stella school two years ago. his super- Intendency beginning when tne twemn grade was added. FARADA. Neb., May 13. (Special.) Barada commencement exercises were held Thursday night The major part of the evening was spent In the rendition of a play called "A Mock- Commence ment" by the high school pupils. County Superintendent Weber made a short talk on "Nebraska's Schools" and then deliv ered diplomas to Elmer Perclval. Pa mara Prosaer and Wanda Wileman. Prltehard Denied Pardon. LINCOLN. May 15. 8pecial.)-The ap plication for pardon made by Julius Prltehard. sentenced to the penitentiary for assault on a 7-year-old girl tn Oago county, was denied by the pardon board unanimously. Strong protests were made by the Judge who tried htm, by the county attorney and by a large number of people. It was shown that Prltohard had served two previous terms In Kansas and Missouri penitentiaries. SESSION LAWS TO BE READY , . BY THE FIRST OF JULY r- (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May 15. (Special.) Setre- tary- of , State Pool denlres to correct a statement published In some state papers that the, 1915 session laws would be ready by June 1. .It la possible that a few .may, be ready by June IB. but there Is no assurance, of that, according to the secretary.' The contract calls for de Uvery by July l,.and they will be ready at ithat time, but It will be Impossible to get them by the time given out yester day.' : j . ,v. ,-.,' Apartments, flats, houses and cottages car) be rented quickly and cheaply by a Be "For Rent" Ad. , DR., nRADBCTtY IN NEW OFFICES There it More Energy, Force, Persistence, Accomplishment ; and Success Hinging 'on. good teeth than any one thing that gives, your 'body the spark of life. GET iHItS .SPAnK BURNING Kindle it with a free examination, tomorrow. Let me advlse the necessities tor your teeth. Then have them taken care of. Ovet t6 years of experience with quality and service without the pain for your money. . Painless Extraction. and. Filling!, SOc up. Teeth without plateg that look and work like your own, guaranteed 10 years. We give Shoppers' Mileage. Railroad for 50 miles allowed. "" ' Send tor Ft ee Booklet. DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST 20 Yes in Omaha.- 021-22 Woodmen of the World Bldg. . Phone D. 17RO 14th and Farnam, Omaha. ; Hours I 8 to Ot Bnndays, 10 to 12. Notes from Table Hock. TABLE ROCK. Neb., May 15. (Spe cial.) Considerable complaint Is heard in this vicinity of the ravages of the Hessian fir. but how great the damage is likely to be can uol at present be ac curately estimated. A few are prepar ing to plow up their fields, but many think the damage lias been greatly overestimated. News has reached here of the death of John huss, sr., st the home of his son, John Hhuss, Jr. at Winchester, Idaho. For many years the Hhuss family resided a few miles south of here In the edge of the South Fork precinct. He wss in his Tvth year and his wife had been dead about two years. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ixre. who live J at DuBois. south of here, recently tele- j bn.trd their fifty-fifth wedding anniver wiry. Mr. and Mrs. tnve I'ved at Ii;ola and vicinity for sixty nr. j Mr. Clinton Ii. Knowles of this county and Mis Mary wltmer of Lincoln were nerrled on Tuesday at the residence of the bride's parents In the capitsl city, Rev H. H. Harmon offlc atlng. They will make their home In Lincoln. Palm Beach Suits Made-to-Your-Order These are genuine Palm Boach Suits artistically tailored. All styles and a large assortment of fabrics to choose from.' Perfect fit guaranteed. $10-is 12.50-$ 15 Order now as hot weather is here to Btay. , . Tailor Beck 1512 Dodge Street If Vang ja jjiim, " 1 .'. 1 Choose any $35, $30 or $25 Hand Tailored Suit in the house- slsMMtMskll ' tar if. -r.niuwAKD m m P"'"" s" n rt Ky-jM "V ti Sin j . I uuu & sons co. BBwHVXVsVeSnspBaTvMlBlBswBaMSBiBen CD J LAXT5T 5 HARNEY BO1 SMMv1M. . if"! in wsa m 1 1 - Gas Ranges A B NEW IDEA llave one of IheBe gas ranges installed in your kitchen nnd. end all the drudgery of keeping a stove clean. It in all enameled and is the most satisfactory range made. Cabinet lUnges . . $26.50 Hold on rayinents If Deslird. OVENS 1;"lu $1.60 value t ;. . .,81.10 $2.00 value at ...81.5a $2.60 value, at .'...81.84' LAWN MOWERS Look over our line of Lawn Mowers and we" are sure to please you .with prices. 14-in. Omnha mower 52.65 Hustler ball bearing mower with . four, knives, price only, ........ $4.95 GARDEN HOSE Non-Kinic'able Electric hose, at, per foot 20 A first class "V-t-inch guaran teed hose at only, ft, lZd ; ; OAS PLATE Regular $2.00 stove, on sale Monday for $1.42 ,i ' '"21"' ? " REFRIOERATOR SALE All our Peerless White Enameled liefrigeraors on sale at a 20 discount from regular retail cash prices. Note the saving in, prices be low: $16.50 Refrigerator $13.20 $25.50 Refrigerator $20.40 iCO.00 Refrigerator $24.00 $33.25 Refrigerator $26.60 LAWN SPRINKLERS 65c Ring, only 65c Elgin, only .. i ... 60c Nozzle, only , 40 SZZl 32e KS. Rhcumatlam Can Be Why suffer when the new treatment will positively cure Rheumatism In ten days. Stop suffering and avoid ierlous complication! which may bother you for.Ute. Call or write for testlmonlalt and full partloulara. DR. W. W. BOWGER .14 Bm DnUdln..' '., : Oufaa, KrtrMk (I Duffy 's A tasting Deiief it" . . SWEET SINGERS ONLY $3.50 lo you know that you 'can buy a swsst slnj-lnt" Cansxy at this low pries? w hiv. Just received a nsw shlpmsnt of tsaportsA Harts Koutela Oeserlss, rh bird ruars.ntecd to b s, nooi inrr unil sold undrr our rlttsn susrante on flvs dys' nr.proral Mossy rsdd If aot saMsfsotory. Vou a 111 cm a srrat desi of rns nirnt oul of ons of thrs i lu.prful llttlr i ilur. Uuth Inside aml outsld ths hoiiss all Var round and you don't rsallcs hois' much plsssurs you are missing by not havlna a food slnsln isnao. I'ome In early this wask and make your loilon fnn ci oii i ffil iwt Ion of sat alncrs fll worth ti to l&. trcciAx. low raica rata wk ojtlt, at as ao Max Geisler Bird Co. istT raavAJC tmn IN I . ' i mm ft! MB. FRED F. ZINK. Her husband relieved af stomach trouble of 12 year standing, Mrs. Zink wrote us over two years ago as follows: any nusoarid surfarod with stomach troubla for over 11 ara, during which tlmo h doctored ' with throe doctors who rare him no relief. He kopt (row. us wonw, nau to Da very careful as to wna.t n ate, aa thlnrs always soured on his stonuuih, but thank God, after tak In three bottlea of Duffy's Pura Malt Whiskey ha waa entirely cured. lie yf , I takes -It -as a tonlo and wa woul.l ''V ' 'a I neT6r w'thit It. l now looks :Ar .; i , V I pounds, i c ". .1 iiJ. i ' I hls-lily recotnmand It to any ona afniota wun aiumarn trouble." Mrs. Fred V Zlnk. sthe now writes ttet Daffy a Is keep. tf tem botH la haaJtki "t am alad to say that my husband and I are atlll ualng Puffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. He Is as healthy as can be, and says that Duffy's Im a fleah builder remedy that can be guaranteed to make an thin person stout. It Is certainly Increasing my weight fine." (Signed Mrs. Fred F. Zlnk, 2128 ttaratoga Street. New Orleans, La. Duffy's Pure PJialt Whiskey Is an absolutely pure tonic stimulant which should be In every home. It Is made from sound grain thoroughly malted. Inoludlng barley, the most expensive grown. Repeated refining, or distillations, are resorted to In order .that Injurious by-products may be removed. This leaves only the sound wholesome soul of the gralu which gives to Duffy's ths heaJlliful benefit so necessary for medli'aJ use. That's why It rw-lps Improve the appxtlte and digestion, aids In making new rloh Mood, assists In rebuilding wornout tissues and feeding starved nervea. It's a medicine for all mankind which has stood the test for generation, and today men and women evr whore know from a tual espertence that Uiey can always "Got Duffy's and Kcop Well" Hold In BKAI.KD BOTTI.K8 ONLT. Beware of lmltatlona. fa U flTP Oat Dnffr'a from roar local dTWaTglst. rrjeer et I H flUII. dealer S1.00 per bottle. If he caauot snvply write a, we will teli yon where so ret ti. Meal, oal booUet free. The Duffy Mult Whiskey To.. !Uhesier, N. T. -L.J r .r-iJ.T.L- M WESfiEW i TWENTIETH I CENTURY j I FARMER I V m as ft sat ror tne mimouii I I Valley 110,000 Copie. Weekly J IThe manufacturer, job- I I I I I Twentieth Century Farmsr I Bee THAg-, Omaha, Keb( TnAT PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS A BEE WANT AD mi Der or dealer wno is en deavoring to sell goods to I the farmer trade of the I ir? . tr .ii ... m. miBsoun vaiiey win una his sales will come easier and in greater volume when his advertising copy is appearing regularly in Twentieth Century Farmer. Here is the reason Twentieth 0 e ntur y Farmer covers Oma h&'i trade territory more thoroughly than any other agricol ' tnr&l publication. It not only reaches these farm homes, but it carries a vital weekly message that has become as neces sary a part of the regular routine of these homes as any other one thing. Smpl Cej aueef Jtaxew ess Km